These are the scenes that make you really appreciate The Wire's choice not to have background music. The organic sounds of happiness from the overworked folks at the end was better than any musical score
Season 3 had a lot of cathartic moments. This, Stringer's shooting, Avon's arrest and others gave you that feel-good ending, even knowing that a new storm was brewing...
In a way, The Wire is like two shows rolled into one. The show that focuses on the Barksdales, and the show that focuses on Marlo's crew. Season 3 is like a crossover between these two shows.
How did stringer get caught on the wire only thing he and shamrock spoke about was the two hitters you ask for they good with it. What string replied not on the phone and they said got em. Thats all they need to arrest him and how much time he wouldve gotten?
@@positivevibesandmorelife7307 Presumably they have more evidence connecting Shamrock with the actual crime. If the crime is already convictable, then all they need to show is that Stringer ordered it
More so the cop from season 1, also it was a good symbolic analogy for policing, if your not on the street talking to people and being apart of the neighborhood then you’re just occupying territory as Colvin said
Stringer: "You drive the guns to the water. You look around, you ain't see anybody - you throw the guns in the water!" Sham: 😔 Stringer: "Is you taking NOTES on a criminal fuckin' conspiracy!?" Sham:😒 Stringer: "Not on the phone!" Sham:😐 *Sham in the police interrogation room after the Barksdale wiretap bust* 🎤🦜
The entire point of the "Achmed" quip is to demonstrate that. The drug war has been ongoing for some time, but terrorism cases get priority and if you want to speed up your case, you just need to say you suspect a terror connection. Do you need to substantiate it? Not necessarily, you can just come up with stuff, like the possibility of the guy being muslim or whatever, even if it ain't true, like Stringer wasn'T Achmed.
They did that shit in my hood about four years ago... Everybody who didn't get indicted (regular ppl) got a letter in the mail letting them know they were apart of a wire tap
"Shut the door." - Lt. Daniels 1:22 I thought that was Stringer's line? Just goes to show how in depth this show is at time's that they would use that line just before his arrest.
You want to see in 3:30 Stringer says, "One mark shy of the mark". That is actually the first conversation that the Baltimore police ever heard involving Little Melvin Williams (who plays the Deacon). Little Melvin setup the phone and phone and pager system in real life that Avon's crew used. It took Baltimore police 7 or 8 months to figure out what they were doing and when they finally did, the first conversation that was heard was, "We're one mark shy of the mark", and Little Melvin said, "See me." In Depth!
Who should it be about? A dirty drug dealer in his eyes? He knows the bodies under Stringer's floorboards. He didn't care about Stringer's life outside of putting him behind bars.
Them two hitters you asked about, they good with it. How would that hold up in court as evidence of anything. A lawyer would say my client Mr. Bell was putting together a softball team to enter in the city tournament. He inquired about two guys that were standout baseball players in high school. This was a man trying to help his community.
You're evaluating this scene in a vacuum. Russell Bell is a known kingpin and has been at the scene of Avon's first arrest. The entire case they built against him provides a context and a reason as to why he should be in jail. The only issue is that they don't have direct evidence of him being involved in the drug scene. However, after the phone call where they say "two hitters" and he says "not on the phone", it incriminates him with a conspiracy. This point was explained in the first season of The Wire when Prez stated that simply them saying names over the phone is none-pertinent. Lester follows up by stating it all matters, because of conspiracy cases. The show demonstrates that getting direct evidence for anything above street level dealing is virtually impossible without cutting corners and playing a bit dirty -- this is showcased in this very video.
I actually think it was just that the Baltimore pd didn't have the equipment necessary. And the fbi wasn't spending any resources on drug investigations
I dunno seems real flimsy to be some final key piece of evidence. He didn’t really say anything. I’ve never really understood this scene but I never watched the full episode. He just said not on the phone. Might be a little sketchy but hardly seems like it’s some key missing piece they’ve been waiting ages dor
@@morganzimmerglass9925 Lester talks about this in a previous episode when Prezbo says they didnt get any useful info after one of Avon's guys (forgot who) reminds another not to use names over the phone. He basically points out why all the pieces matter here: They rarely ever use phones, when they do they speak in code, and when one of them says a name they are reminded not to use names over the phone. None of this gives any INFORMATION but it all wraps up a case with a nice little bow by showing evidence of criminal conspiracy. Basically they have all of this evidence that Stringer is a kingpin. However, they have no evidence that ties it all together. By not only responding to coded speak about a literal murder but also doing so while reminding not to discuss these things over the phone, it directly implicates stringer as connected at the helm of one big conspiracy charge and ties him in as leader of the criminal conspiracy. That's why they really try to drill home that all the pieces matter. By itself and without any context this conversation could be be explained away by any competent attorney as completely innocent. However, when it is played as just one part to a massive chain of different evidence all connecting everything together, it helps show that stringer is (pun intended) pulling the strings behind the scenes.
For some reason, the piano playing in the background at 2:00 reminds me of the “Make the Music With Your Mouth, Biz” scene on The Boondocks. You have to see the scene to know what I’m talking about. It’s hilarious. 🤣🤣
@tejadahada They already had a wire running and a warrant, but at that time it was only for the lower and mid level dealers. The warrant and wire taps they had running on the mid level dealers eventually led them to Stringer's # when he was contacted by one of the mid level dealers. So basically they were able to use the information they obtained from the wire taps they had previously running and had warrants for in order to get a warrant and tap on Bell's phone
@@daviddavidson9923 explain. Marlo was at least gonna get a conspiracy charge but Levy used his knowledge that the wire wouldn’t stick as leverage to plea him out. The case never went to court.
something crazy is that stringer's death and Avon's arrest resulted in a lot more deaths. avon had marlo trapped. he was about to go kill him. but when they arrested avon, marlo was able to stay in business and continue his wholesale killings in the streets.
All the shit in the news about the NSA recording people's phone calls is old news to true Wire fans. Like I always said, The Wire was way ahead of its time!
Fun fact: Although it seems like McNulty's actor shook Daniels's hand for real, that part was actually filmed separately using a stunt double hidden by a closeup, so fortunately McNulty's actor never had to actually come in close contact with a black person
During the port case in Season 2, Frank Sobotka agreed to cooperate and was subsequently murdered by the Greeks. Why? Because there was a leak from the FBI because Fitzhugh was keeping them in the know about the port case. Fitzhugh incorrectly thought that Koutris could help. Koutris, an FBI higher up, was actually working with the Greeks and told them when Frank agreed to cooperate. Fitzhugh realizes that Koutris was the leak when he finds out that Koutris has been working in Washington in counterterrorism and not in San Diego like he originally thought. So in a way, Fitzhugh kind of messed up the port case by telling the FBI what they were doing and he comes clean to Daniels about it. So in Season 3, Daniels tells Fitzhugh that he owes him for that.
@@socallawrence No real way to prove it. It’s suspected that The Greek supplies the FBI and Koutris with terrorism tips or something so they turn a blind eye to him
Yea but the burden is on the state who is the hitters wat are they for wat crime would stick to me it’s a joke they was so excited if a case was that easy they would have got marlo for holding court with every drug dealer on the west side they really didn’t get stringer on shit an I hate stringer but that was weak as hell
You're Right Correct, the most they could do is do him absolutely dirty and throw a conspiracy charge at him and even that needs some evidence although those charges have been known to still get cats convicted for major time without concrete evidence and just possible theories strung together
Unfortunately, this is a scene that I don't understand. It is difficult to hear what they are saying over the phone. Other than that, it seems as the guy talking to Stringer refers to some "hitters" that Stringer allegedly have. Stringer says "not on the phone". The conversation between them is bad optics but I can't see how it might even remotedly risk Stringer landing in prison. He hasn't said anything incriminating. there is no supporting evidence of Stringer having and "hitters" and "hitters", although known street slang for professional assassins, could still mean something else. What exactly was it that happened that made the cops so joyful?
I was a little confused or underwhelmed by that too. I'm not a lawyer so I can't say for certain, but I think the issue is that they can usually build these cases with hard evidence up to the level just below the top guys. So for instance if they have ironclad evidence on Shamrock and then they have a telephone conversation between Shamrock and Stringer referencing the things they have proved about Shamrock, that implicates Stringer in a criminal conspiracy, which is itself a fairly serious crime. Take that analysis for what it's worth, but I think that's what's going on here.
They were talking about a re-up on the call too - with everything else they had probable cause for a criminal conspiracy. Maybe they get a conviction maybe not, but it gave them probably cause along with everything else.
Poot was Malik Carr, comes up once or twice. Dunno if we get Shamrock's name, maybe in court. I heard we never find out Wallace's actual name- Wallace was his surname, which maybe represents his disposability.
According to wikipedia, Shamrock is Shaun McGinty, which I guess explains his Irish themed nickname, although it is unclear whether he actually has any Irish in him (doubtful). I couldn't find Wallace's real name, or whether it is a given name or surname or nickname. Apparantly he is just a one-named man who doesn't need anything else, like Prince or Cher lol.
i love that all the computers had realistic, bare-bones graphics. other series would have made up their own sleek looking graphics, and added random "computer sounds" those would have aged really bad and looked really cringe today
That was the highpoint of everyone on the show - right after, Stringer dies. Avon pinched. Omar dies, with string death, the unit loses their key witness and case and disintegrate, aka what a downer lol
It wouldn’t. No bodies, no names of the alleged hit men , all he said was not over the phone. If he said something like tell bill and mike to whack jimmy jones tommorow at the disco, that would be evidence
why wouldnt stringer just immediately hang up on the guy after he mentioned the two hitters. That would give him plausible deniability rather than "not on the phone" basically admitting to a conspiracy.
Still not an admittance. I can talk to you over the phone and say "Hey you know all of that heroin that you have in your house". If your reply is "not on the phone", there is no jury who could convict you on that. And what hitters? Who are they? How many? What are their names and identities? Have they killed anyone and if so who? Were they planning to kill anyone and if so who? Where is the supporting evidence for any of this? Even testimony affirming all of this would not be enough to convict him. I can testify in court for being one of your hired assassins and that would be a lie, regardless of whether I had killed before. And what would the prosecutor say if Stringer claims that he thought that the other guy was referring to "heavy hitters" referring to some basketball players that he was in contact with? No, Stringer's lawyer Levy would destroy a case only based on this. Finally, Stringer might have had Shamrock killed for making incriminating statements on the phone and then there would be no witness who could elaborate about the content of his conversation with Stringer.
Imagine spending all that time and effort to stop one drug dealer, and then another one just immediately takes his place. War on drugs lol smh.. at least they grt paid to do it
He’s anxious. But Phalen and his big mouth really caused a shit storm for McNulty. Not to mention Phalen being helpful only when it didn’t affect his career. He was helpful - MCU doesn’t even exist at all if not for him noticing McNulty at the D’Angelo Barksdale trial - but he still wasn’t always there when McNulty needed him.
[Spoiler] In season 2 the Greek had a mole in the FBI who informed him that Sobotka was snitching, so the Greek was able to kill Sobotka before he could testify.
Gosh, I missed something the first time I watched the show back in 2009 or so. It's the conversation between McNulty and that FBI dude. "Stringer Bell's given name." "Russell." "For now, Ahmed." The Wire never ceases to astonish with its messages and complexity.
Heh. McNulty had a *lot* of problems, did a lot of things wrong. But in certain kinds of guts, he wasn’t lacking. Judge Phelen is sulking in the way of powerful men who don’t like to be reminded of their own transgressions-with a thinly veiled threat (‘for your own sake let it go’), and McNulty’s expression and disregard for making chitchat with the judge at that point still conveys his contempt.
90% of the ppl in the comments never watched The Wire Just these clips Then they wanna know how Stringer was caught soo easily Lol Watch the show now the You tube clips
Can someone who really knows their shit explain to me why Stringer continued to operate in drug dealing? He was likely a multi millionaire, had legit businesses & was smart enough to recognize that the police were actively investigating him. Not sure what he was waiting for in terms of going legit.
Plus he grew up in the Game. Every single person he ever knew was either dealing or muscling, he simply may not have thought it through that being involved with the Game does not correlate well with staying free.
andrew7taylor His whole story arc dealt with trying to go legit though. Once Avon got out of jail and started a gang war, it would have made sense if Stringer simply walked away altogether.
He talked about going legit, he may even thought about going legit, but because he grew up in the Game, that was his natural habitat, and developing was an away game for him. You remember when Clay Davis rainmade him, how did he react? He tried to have Slim Charles hit him. What people do and what they say is rarely the same, and no one was a bigger hypocrite on the show than Stringer.
andrew7taylor That's a good point. Like most wire fans he was my favorite character until I rewatched different parts and realized how foolish and shady his character truly was. Prop Joe was the only kingpin capable of making it in the civilized world. Hell, even Avon was better tempered than Stringer.
It takes at least a 30 seconds to make a call from switching a chip from another stringer bell makes a call with in ten seconds from changing the chip I'm just saying lol lol
These are the scenes that make you really appreciate The Wire's choice not to have background music. The organic sounds of happiness from the overworked folks at the end was better than any musical score
This comment needs mote recognition
Imagine if some happy jazz swing music just started playing as soon as they started slapping hands.
Season 3 had a lot of cathartic moments. This, Stringer's shooting, Avon's arrest and others gave you that feel-good ending, even knowing that a new storm was brewing...
In a way, The Wire is like two shows rolled into one. The show that focuses on the Barksdales, and the show that focuses on Marlo's crew. Season 3 is like a crossover between these two shows.
@@kevinkibble8342 More shows than that. The world continually grew -- gangs/cops, ports/unions, politics, schools, press.
Daniels getting promoted too
Only on The wire videos we can read fancy word like cathartic!!!
Omar: Hold my honey nut cheerios.
mouzone: hold my magazines
Hold my Harper's magazine. And the Nation.
@@gdicommando4456 And my library card.
@@gdicommando4456well well well if it isnt a cnc fan on the wire. welcome back commander
"I caught him...and he doesn't even fucking know it."
How did stringer get caught on the wire only thing he and shamrock spoke about was the two hitters you ask for they good with it. What string replied not on the phone and they said got em. Thats all they need to arrest him and how much time he wouldve gotten?
@@positivevibesandmorelife7307 Presumably they have more evidence connecting Shamrock with the actual crime. If the crime is already convictable, then all they need to show is that Stringer ordered it
@@positivevibesandmorelife7307 Lol
Stop watching the clips and watch the entire series
Then You'll understand
@@wayne9077 I did I just didn't understand but I get it now stringer found two people that was cool with taking out Clay Davis
"Whats Stringer's given name? - Russel."
"For now? Ahmed"
Yup. Welcome to my world...
"Excuse me sir, you have been chosen for a random bag search please step aside."
@@ahmad312 I understand.
Remember seeing this scene for the first time. Amazing stuff.
McNulty took the judge's advice. He went back to being a patrolman where he was able to be happy for a short period of time.
More so the cop from season 1, also it was a good symbolic analogy for policing, if your not on the street talking to people and being apart of the neighborhood then you’re just occupying territory as Colvin said
Stringer: "You drive the guns to the water. You look around, you ain't see anybody - you throw the guns in the water!"
Sham: 😔
Stringer: "Is you taking NOTES on a criminal fuckin' conspiracy!?"
Stringer: "Not on the phone!"
*Sham in the police interrogation room after the Barksdale wiretap bust* 🎤🦜
This is funny 😅
Shamrock: Underboss of the century
Imagine how easy it would be for them to get surveillance approved now.
For "Achmed"? Yep, that'd still work.
The entire point of the "Achmed" quip is to demonstrate that. The drug war has been ongoing for some time, but terrorism cases get priority and if you want to speed up your case, you just need to say you suspect a terror connection. Do you need to substantiate it? Not necessarily, you can just come up with stuff, like the possibility of the guy being muslim or whatever, even if it ain't true, like Stringer wasn'T Achmed.
For Akmed I think it'd be like 50x easier today lol
They did that shit in my hood about four years ago... Everybody who didn't get indicted (regular ppl) got a letter in the mail letting them know they were apart of a wire tap
"Shut the door." - Lt. Daniels 1:22
I thought that was Stringer's line? Just goes to show how in depth this show is at time's that they would use that line just before his arrest.
You want to see in 3:30 Stringer says, "One mark shy of the mark". That is actually the first conversation that the Baltimore police ever heard involving Little Melvin Williams (who plays the Deacon). Little Melvin setup the phone and phone and pager system in real life that Avon's crew used. It took Baltimore police 7 or 8 months to figure out what they were doing and when they finally did, the first conversation that was heard was, "We're one mark shy of the mark", and Little Melvin said, "See me." In Depth!
damn, good catch!
Stringers line was "lock that door".
South Park reference
I like how later when Stringer's laying on the ground McNulty still finds a way to make it about himself lol.
"I had him, and he didn't even know it"
Chairman Meow he didn’t care about stringer. He cared about the win and it sucks for mcnulty that his opponent never knew he lost
@@DrizzFizzlebeatz i think he would've been satisfied with just Stringer knowing he got caught before he died.
GABRIELA ACEVEDO yea that’s what I was trying to get at.
Poppy Kneegrow yea I didn’t word that right. English is not my first language
Who should it be about? A dirty drug dealer in his eyes? He knows the bodies under Stringer's floorboards. He didn't care about Stringer's life outside of putting him behind bars.
I just realized the "2 hittas" shamrock is talking about is probably for Clay Davis since Avon and Slim wasn't going for it
must've found some day of the jackal type motherfuckers then
Aaaaand he's gone.
You have evidence on stinger that's fantastic news we can arrest him, sentence him to life aaaaand he's gone
Stringer: close the door on that phone
Avon: what
Stringer: what
Omar: what
great clip, thanks. I haven't watched that season in years but I was moved with their joy like it was yesterday.
They don’t even realize they would have been saving Clay Davis life.
Them two hitters you asked about, they good with it. How would that hold up in court as evidence of anything. A lawyer would say my client Mr. Bell was putting together a softball team to enter in the city tournament. He inquired about two guys that were standout baseball players in high school. This was a man trying to help his community.
Except he abruptly hangs up insisting not to talk about “softball” over a phone.
You're evaluating this scene in a vacuum. Russell Bell is a known kingpin and has been at the scene of Avon's first arrest. The entire case they built against him provides a context and a reason as to why he should be in jail. The only issue is that they don't have direct evidence of him being involved in the drug scene.
However, after the phone call where they say "two hitters" and he says "not on the phone", it incriminates him with a conspiracy. This point was explained in the first season of The Wire when Prez stated that simply them saying names over the phone is none-pertinent. Lester follows up by stating it all matters, because of conspiracy cases.
The show demonstrates that getting direct evidence for anything above street level dealing is virtually impossible without cutting corners and playing a bit dirty -- this is showcased in this very video.
@@location-cognizantmissile9743 Great post!
Mark Selorio Not a crime
@@location-cognizantmissile9743 Also, they're celebrating as they finally have grounds for the arrest. A conviction is something totally different.
Yet, Avon beat them all to the mark.
Yep. Stringer kicked up a lot of dust and his head was wanted!!!! Avon was quicker...
Good thing because he would have given up Avon to save his neck
@@marcuslosgreat4225 He already had given up Avon to save his paycheck. They gave each other up at the exact same time.
Hahaha. I finally got it. They classified Stringer as a terrorist, that' how they got the wire fast tracked.!!!!
Cocker007 You’re as sharp as a cue ball
@@smartyjonez5470 Yeah. Takes one to know one
I actually think it was just that the Baltimore pd didn't have the equipment necessary. And the fbi wasn't spending any resources on drug investigations
Took ya long enough
Lmao he for sure got fired asf!
4:02 "I guess this is pertinent"
All the pieces matter.
The last 2 Star Wars movie don't have the level of joy as when they realize they caught Stringer.
The celebration at the end of this vid needed an immediate cut to the scene with everyone sadly and silently surrounding his body.
Stringer will forever be a legend
Was the the hit gon be on Clay Davis...thee Clay Davis..downtown Clay Davis???😂😂
So I guess his death didn't really matter, he would have been rotting in prison anyway
Damn, didn't know Daniels ever smiled!
Oh man,here's a scene for you:видео.html
Like cutting butter with hot knife
McNulty wearing his wedding ring. This was when he thought he could still patch things up with his ex, right?
Good eye
Also on his right hand.
avon barksdale: hold my crown
Fantastic clip well put together. What a show
Well it's in compliance with other evidence the state would be providing as well. This is more like the final nail in the coffin so to speak.
I dunno seems real flimsy to be some final key piece of evidence. He didn’t really say anything. I’ve never really understood this scene but I never watched the full episode. He just said not on the phone. Might be a little sketchy but hardly seems like it’s some key missing piece they’ve been waiting ages dor
@@morganzimmerglass9925 Lester talks about this in a previous episode when Prezbo says they didnt get any useful info after one of Avon's guys (forgot who) reminds another not to use names over the phone. He basically points out why all the pieces matter here: They rarely ever use phones, when they do they speak in code, and when one of them says a name they are reminded not to use names over the phone. None of this gives any INFORMATION but it all wraps up a case with a nice little bow by showing evidence of criminal conspiracy. Basically they have all of this evidence that Stringer is a kingpin. However, they have no evidence that ties it all together. By not only responding to coded speak about a literal murder but also doing so while reminding not to discuss these things over the phone, it directly implicates stringer as connected at the helm of one big conspiracy charge and ties him in as leader of the criminal conspiracy. That's why they really try to drill home that all the pieces matter. By itself and without any context this conversation could be be explained away by any competent attorney as completely innocent. However, when it is played as just one part to a massive chain of different evidence all connecting everything together, it helps show that stringer is (pun intended) pulling the strings behind the scenes.
@@llamaryder1 still extremely weak case.
Seeing Stringer in jail would have been an interesting juxtaposition considering Avon's comfort there.
Avon only did 2 days anyway
@@llamaryder1 3 days in the end, cause he went back when he was caught about to go after Marlo and his peeps.
For some reason, the piano playing in the background at 2:00 reminds me of the “Make the Music With Your Mouth, Biz” scene on The Boondocks. You have to see the scene to know what I’m talking about. It’s hilarious. 🤣🤣
@tejadahada They already had a wire running and a warrant, but at that time it was only for the lower and mid level dealers. The warrant and wire taps they had running on the mid level dealers eventually led them to Stringer's # when he was contacted by one of the mid level dealers.
So basically they were able to use the information they obtained from the wire taps they had previously running and had warrants for in order to get a warrant and tap on Bell's phone
The way they obtained an expedited wiretap would risk tainting the entire case.
And that's exactly what happened and why Marlo walked
@@hjhggr no that's not what happened. You need to re-watch that season
@@daviddavidson9923 explain. Marlo was at least gonna get a conspiracy charge but Levy used his knowledge that the wire wouldn’t stick as leverage to plea him out. The case never went to court.
@@hjhggr the wiretap they used was illegal. All the evidence that had against Marlo would have been thrown out because fruit of the poison tree
@@daviddavidson9923 right. I know this. Not sure what you are disagreeing about???
Tell that to the police force that had been chasing his ass down for 2 years.
something crazy is that stringer's death and Avon's arrest resulted in a lot more deaths. avon had marlo trapped. he was about to go kill him. but when they arrested avon, marlo was able to stay in business and continue his wholesale killings in the streets.
They went thru a lot to get Stringer sheesh
''WE GOT EM'' love that shit.
All the shit in the news about the NSA recording people's phone calls is old news to true Wire fans. Like I always said, The Wire was way ahead of its time!
Wiretaps have been around since RICO and longer. The Wire wasn't ahead of it's time in terms of wiretaps lol.
I mean really, 8 years ago!🤣🤣🤣
Like I said, nothing new to WIRE fans!!!
3:17 Beethoven's 9th.
Yankee Doodle
That would of been hard to convict him on not on the phone
At least they had that moment :)
Fun fact: Although it seems like McNulty's actor shook Daniels's hand for real, that part was actually filmed separately using a stunt double hidden by a closeup, so fortunately McNulty's actor never had to actually come in close contact with a black person
‘I caught him on the wire he just don’t know it’
Daniels sounds like he drinks like 5 pots of coffee a day
And reads. News papers
Wound a little tight
What did Daniels mean about that port case ?
During the port case in Season 2, Frank Sobotka agreed to cooperate and was subsequently murdered by the Greeks. Why? Because there was a leak from the FBI because Fitzhugh was keeping them in the know about the port case. Fitzhugh incorrectly thought that Koutris could help. Koutris, an FBI higher up, was actually working with the Greeks and told them when Frank agreed to cooperate. Fitzhugh realizes that Koutris was the leak when he finds out that Koutris has been working in Washington in counterterrorism and not in San Diego like he originally thought. So in a way, Fitzhugh kind of messed up the port case by telling the FBI what they were doing and he comes clean to Daniels about it. So in Season 3, Daniels tells Fitzhugh that he owes him for that.
Wafflesaurus So how did Koutris not get into trouble ??
@@socallawrence No real way to prove it. It’s suspected that The Greek supplies the FBI and Koutris with terrorism tips or something so they turn a blind eye to him
Natural po'lice.
stringer bell's given name, for now , ahmed-- did you catch that?
Daniels looks like Chappelle when smile
At the end of the day, Daniel's was made at McNulty because he was piping Perlman before him
I always thought that! He probably couldn’t satisfy her like McNulty did 😂😂😂
Like dey accomplished something😂😂😂
man daniels is really one of my favorite characters
Beautiful scene and a great insight into how things work. This is how the FBI managed to get rid of most of the mafioso during the late 20th century.
Seems like some weak evidence, Stringer coulda beat that
Easily. Say they were talking about putting together a softball team and he needed some good batters.
@@Youre_Right then he would've had to put a real softball team together out of thin air, which likely wouldn't happen. nice theory though
Yea but the burden is on the state who is the hitters wat are they for wat crime would stick to me it’s a joke they was so excited if a case was that easy they would have got marlo for holding court with every drug dealer on the west side they really didn’t get stringer on shit an I hate stringer but that was weak as hell
Tyree j No he wouldn’t have. Just say it didn’t work out. All the cops heard was them 2 hitters, they good with that. Hardly incriminating
You're Right Correct, the most they could do is do him absolutely dirty and throw a conspiracy charge at him and even that needs some evidence although those charges have been known to still get cats convicted for major time without concrete evidence and just possible theories strung together
What does the dude on the phone say to stringer at the beginning of this clip?? Fatman with the parlay? What does it mean
Meeting with Prop Joe - their connect for the good product
Unfortunately, this is a scene that I don't understand. It is difficult to hear what they are saying over the phone. Other than that, it seems as the guy talking to Stringer refers to some "hitters" that Stringer allegedly have. Stringer says "not on the phone".
The conversation between them is bad optics but I can't see how it might even remotedly risk Stringer landing in prison. He hasn't said anything incriminating. there is no supporting evidence of Stringer having and "hitters" and "hitters", although known street slang for professional assassins, could still mean something else.
What exactly was it that happened that made the cops so joyful?
I was a little confused or underwhelmed by that too. I'm not a lawyer so I can't say for certain, but I think the issue is that they can usually build these cases with hard evidence up to the level just below the top guys. So for instance if they have ironclad evidence on Shamrock and then they have a telephone conversation between Shamrock and Stringer referencing the things they have proved about Shamrock, that implicates Stringer in a criminal conspiracy, which is itself a fairly serious crime.
Take that analysis for what it's worth, but I think that's what's going on here.
@@mjxw you may be right. Even though I can't see it hold up in court.
They were talking about a re-up on the call too - with everything else they had probable cause for a criminal conspiracy. Maybe they get a conviction maybe not, but it gave them probably cause along with everything else.
Did anyone notice the smile on Lester's face when he's calling Daniels and says 'McNulty is knocking Pearlman'?
noono19 he says "calling Pearlman"
Poot was Malik Carr, comes up once or twice. Dunno if we get Shamrock's name, maybe in court. I heard we never find out Wallace's actual name- Wallace was his surname, which maybe represents his disposability.
Shamrock is Sean MacGinty, his name appears on the wall of the police detail
Now you can by everything to counter this, at the store.
So the hitters were for Clay Davis right? I wonder who would agree to it? Sapper and Gerard?
Lots.. for enough $ and with no smarts
According to wikipedia, Shamrock is Shaun McGinty, which I guess explains his Irish themed nickname, although it is unclear whether he actually has any Irish in him (doubtful). I couldn't find Wallace's real name, or whether it is a given name or surname or nickname. Apparantly he is just a one-named man who doesn't need anything else, like Prince or Cher lol.
Or Elaine
Out here Bird just Bird
i love that all the computers had realistic, bare-bones graphics. other series would have made up their own sleek looking graphics, and added random "computer sounds" those would have aged really bad and looked really cringe today
Nah, he wasn't meant to go for it at all, that shit still traces back to Stringer and thus the whole organisation even if he hires other shooters.
That was the highpoint of everyone on the show - right after, Stringer dies. Avon pinched. Omar dies, with string death, the unit loses their key witness and case and disintegrate, aka what a downer lol
how does this get him arrested. still no bodies?
It wouldn’t. No bodies, no names of the alleged hit men , all he said was not over the phone. If he said something like tell bill and mike to whack jimmy jones tommorow at the disco, that would be evidence
McNulty chooses to call pearlman, making lester call Daniels. Detail
politics and romance, romance and politics…
0:50 Bodie's voice
Man I never even knew half the character's real names. Like whats Shamrock, or Poot?
Shaun "Shamrock" McGinty and Malik "Poot" Carr for anyone who is wonderin.
Wow! Just now noticed that Stringer was gonna get two hit men to take out Clay Davis
why wouldnt stringer just immediately hang up on the guy after he mentioned the two hitters. That would give him plausible deniability rather than "not on the phone" basically admitting to a conspiracy.
Still not an admittance. I can talk to you over the phone and say "Hey you know all of that heroin that you have in your house". If your reply is "not on the phone", there is no jury who could convict you on that.
And what hitters? Who are they? How many? What are their names and identities? Have they killed anyone and if so who? Were they planning to kill anyone and if so who? Where is the supporting evidence for any of this? Even testimony affirming all of this would not be enough to convict him. I can testify in court for being one of your hired assassins and that would be a lie, regardless of whether I had killed before.
And what would the prosecutor say if Stringer claims that he thought that the other guy was referring to "heavy hitters" referring to some basketball players that he was in contact with?
No, Stringer's lawyer Levy would destroy a case only based on this.
Finally, Stringer might have had Shamrock killed for making incriminating statements on the phone and then there would be no witness who could elaborate about the content of his conversation with Stringer.
@@thabomuso6254 having Shamrock killed definitely wouldn't look suspicious
@@5wheels178 being suspicious isn't enough to get you get you convicted.
Stringer "Ahmed Muhammad Ali Pasha" Bell
This is the moment when Russel "Stringer" Bell became Ahmed
"Toys R me."
Gonna have to send Delta Force to get Ahmed Bell
Im gonna cut butter with a hot knife now 😀
3:08 T1 speed 😂
The way i see it stringer woulda gave up Avon anyway
Ahmed Bell yea that name doesn't sound weird at all lol
I guess this is pertinent..
Then comes Omar....
Its pronounced affiant.
Ah, thought so
And then Stringer was gone..... for real
Imagine spending all that time and effort to stop one drug dealer, and then another one just immediately takes his place. War on drugs lol smh.. at least they grt paid to do it
shut da duua
Poor achmed
them two what?
4 years later lol
@@iRuckizits the beauty of the wire
McNulty acting like a 6-year old with Phelan
why is mcnulty mad at him
He’s anxious. But Phalen and his big mouth really caused a shit storm for McNulty. Not to mention Phalen being helpful only when it didn’t affect his career. He was helpful - MCU doesn’t even exist at all if not for him noticing McNulty at the D’Angelo Barksdale trial - but he still wasn’t always there when McNulty needed him.
Why does fits owe him?
[Spoiler] In season 2 the Greek had a mole in the FBI who informed him that Sobotka was snitching, so the Greek was able to kill Sobotka before he could testify.
@@MinecraftServer4all oh yea i totally forgot. Damn & here I thought I was filled on on everything. Time to re watch it for the 9th time 😂😂
Gosh, I missed something the first time I watched the show back in 2009 or so.
It's the conversation between McNulty and that FBI dude.
"Stringer Bell's given name."
"For now, Ahmed."
The Wire never ceases to astonish with its messages and complexity.
Heh. McNulty had a *lot* of problems, did a lot of things wrong. But in certain kinds of guts, he wasn’t lacking. Judge Phelen is sulking in the way of powerful men who don’t like to be reminded of their own transgressions-with a thinly veiled threat (‘for your own sake let it go’), and McNulty’s expression and disregard for making chitchat with the judge at that point still conveys his contempt.
Totally agree Sean P. They would have needed more than that to catch Bell
I Guess this is pearnit
What incriminating words did he say? 2 hittas could be anything
90% of the ppl in the comments never watched The Wire
Just these clips
Then they wanna know how Stringer was caught soo easily
Watch the show now the You tube clips
Can someone who really knows their shit explain to me why Stringer continued to operate in drug dealing? He was likely a multi millionaire, had legit businesses & was smart enough to recognize that the police were actively investigating him. Not sure what he was waiting for in terms of going legit.
$$$ - the more you get, the more you want.
Plus he grew up in the Game. Every single person he ever knew was either dealing or muscling, he simply may not have thought it through that being involved with the Game does not correlate well with staying free.
andrew7taylor His whole story arc dealt with trying to go legit though. Once Avon got out of jail and started a gang war, it would have made sense if Stringer simply walked away altogether.
He talked about going legit, he may even thought about going legit, but because he grew up in the Game, that was his natural habitat, and developing was an away game for him. You remember when Clay Davis rainmade him, how did he react? He tried to have Slim Charles hit him. What people do and what they say is rarely the same, and no one was a bigger hypocrite on the show than Stringer.
andrew7taylor That's a good point. Like most wire fans he was my favorite character until I rewatched different parts and realized how foolish and shady his character truly was. Prop Joe was the only kingpin capable of making it in the civilized world. Hell, even Avon was better tempered than Stringer.
I had him, Bunk. He wunky wunked me.
who the fuck was i chasing?
It takes at least a 30 seconds to make a call from switching a chip from another stringer bell makes a call with in ten seconds from changing the chip I'm just saying lol lol