사피엔스 125강

  • Опубликовано: 25 сен 2024
  • [친해영tv]
    125강(p. 125) 1/4
    However, an imagined order cannot be sustained by violence alone./ It requires some true believers as well./ Prince Talleyrand, who began his chameleon-like career under Louis XVI, later served the revolutionary and Napoleonic regimes, and switched loyalties in time to end his days working for the restored monarchy, summed up decades of governmental experience by saying that ‘You can do many things with bayonets, but it is rather uncomfortable to sit on them.'
    bay·o·net [béiǝnit, -nèt, bèiǝnét] n. 대검; 총검
    125강(p. 125) 2/4
    A single priest often does the work of a hundred soldiers far more cheaply and effectively.
    priest [priːst] n. 성직자; (감독 교회의) 목사; 〖가톨릭〗 사제
    far more 더 많은
    far more serious 훨씬 더 심각한
    125강(p. 125) 3/4
    Moreover, no matter how efficient bayonets are, somebody must wield them./ Why should the soldiers, jailors, judges and police maintain an imagined order in which they do not believe?/ Of all human collective activities, the one most difficult to organise is violence.
    no matter how 아무리 ...한들, 어떻게 하더라도
    wield [wiːld] vt. (칼 따위를) 휘두르다; (도구 따위를) 쓰다, 사용하다
    125강(p. 125) 4/4
    To say that a social order is maintained by military force immediately raises the question: what maintains the military order?/ It is impossible to organise an army solely by coercion./ At least some of the commanders and soldiers must truly believe in something, be it God, honour, motherland, manhood or money.
    co·er·cion [kouə́ːrʃən] n. 강제; 위압; 압제 정치.
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