09-23(星期四) 常年期第二十五週 若翰從死者中復活了。(路加 9:7) John had been raised from the dead. (Luke 9:7) My ever-present Lord, You call to me, inviting me to change as I listen to Your holy Word. I thank You for these constant promptings of grace and commit myself to remain open to all that You ask of me. I choose You, my Lord. And as I turn to You, I pray that I will have the courage I need to respond wholeheartedly to Your call. Amen. 🙏
感謝天主!🙏 今天是慶祝聖碧岳-庇特司鐸的紀念日。讓我們虔敬地參與程神父奉獻的至聖奧跡。聖人透過聖神的帶領成為聖方濟各會士。他藉著祈禱與聖母和耶穌相遇並願意受五傷之痛為世人贖罪。聖人懷有聆聽告解的神恩,讓很多人得到治癒,生命有極大的改變。祈求聖神指引我們去尋找耶穌,讓祂領導我們、改造我們、聖化我們。亞孟!🙏
主 我信賴祢🙏
Thanks Fr Francis!
主佑 程神父 主教 司鐸
神職人員 弟兄姐妹
平安 安康!U
讚美天主 感谢程神父領我進入聖碧岳-庇特來司鐸紀会日弥撒感恩祭
主 我的天主♥️
聖碧岳 庇特來司鐸 为我等祈
Thanks, Father
㊗️程神父 家人安康 主恩常伴🙏♥️
Thanks Fr Francis 🙏 glory be to the Lord 🙏
09-23(星期四) 常年期第二十五週
若翰從死者中復活了。(路加 9:7)
John had been raised from the dead. (Luke 9:7)
My ever-present Lord, You call to me, inviting me to change as I listen to Your holy Word. I thank You for these constant promptings of grace and commit myself to remain open to all that You ask of me. I choose You, my Lord. And as I turn to You, I pray that I will have the courage I need to respond wholeheartedly to Your call. Amen. 🙏
Thank you Fr Francis. May God bless you always with His love, peace, joy.....
Thank you for our good shepherd 's inspiration and God be with you! Amen.