I lost my brother in 2017 by a heart attack. 5-6 hrs after he met me he was gone. Before his death, I never took death seriously. I always thought all of us would grow old together and die of old age. Subhaanallah, my view on death changed after he passed away. His funeral was for maghrib meaning its already night and I couldn't sleep that night. I kept thinking its his first night in the grave, all alone and dark and the feeling I had at the moment I cant describe. Few days ago, I was watching a video on something (cant remember about which) and it occured to me that he will have met the 2 angels, he is the first to meet them from us and I was loss for words. Can you imagine meeting the 2 angels? Subhaanallah! I am trying to be a better person than I was before, praying all my prayers but still behind on reciting quran and daily azkaars. I make dua for him to Allah because I dont know how he is there and it pains me a lot not knowing. May Allah (swa) grant us more Iman in our hearts and make our hearts greedy for the aakhirah than this dunya. Aameen.
Well, you still have to get the religion right, first. You believe you already got it, but so do all others from all religions. But you are better than them, because your God is bigger than their God. Therefore, maybe you won't get to meet those angels, after all...
@@Dev_dom6996 My point is that people worship religion, and they pretend to be worshiping God. And for that, they think it's ok to insult other people's beliefs, saying they're absurd, as if their own aren't.
Lost my father last month. I pray that he is amongst the good people since he left behind a wonderful life of service to his faith and loved ones.. allahummaghfirli waliwaalidayya.
Lets share rewards 1. Subhanallah 2. Alhumdulillah 3. La ilaha illaAllah 4. Allahu Akbar 5. Astagfirullah watub ilaihi 6. Subhanallahi wabi hamdihi Subhanallahi Azeem 7. SubhanAllah wa biHamdihi Its only going to take a few seconds! Please recite!❤
To enter Jannah you need to put Allah swt Frist and don't follow desires/lust, fear Allah swt, ask for forgiveness, be a loving, caring, kind, helping others, kindness, do things for others people, teach Quran for free, have a good heart!... Not a narcissist or hypocrite!. Hellfire isn't a joke and noone is promised Jannah!!! PLEASE do tahajjad at night time and ask Allah swt to guide jinns and humans to Islam and save us from Hellfire ameen ameen ameen PLEASE
@@Hell...FireIsReal according to my readings of Alquran, everyone IS promised jannah, but it changes when a person do bad deeds and didn't pray for forgiveness from allah, also what is going on with your name brother/sister?, i respect whatever your religion is but your name straight out disrespecting.
Lost my father 4 yrs ago.. there's 1 night I just missed him so bad, pray for him. When I went to sleep, I dreamt meeting my father. I asked how did he found me, he said he just follow the light and it lead to me. May Allah bless his soul.. forgive his sin.. may we meet again in Jannah. Nothing else I could do to let him know that I miss him so much. Just Dua. It will reach him. insyaAllah.
Please don’t stop praying for him anytime you miss him or put a reminder on your phone to remind you to pray for him . God bless you and make us better people
Thank you, I see from your name you are a Christian, I want you to know that we as Muslims respect you and your religion, Islam teaches us to treat others as our brothers and sisters too with respect to your religion. Thank you for commenting here, appreciate it.
: “Allah says, “I treat My servant as he hopes that I would treat him. I am with him whenever he remembers Me: if he thinks of Me, I think of him; if he mentions Me in company, I mention him in an even better company. If he draws near to Me a hand’s span, I draw near to him an arm’s length; and if he draws near to Me an arm’s length, I draw closer by a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
Please make a prayer for my elder sis who is just 32 but she is in a very critical condition right now ( brain hemorrhage) , pray that she get well soon as she is in ICU , Ya Allah have mercy upon my sister 💔
@@iheartsonkang not just you ,but I believe anyone who lost someone very dear to them might experience this feeling because of the kind of depression and overthinking they go through thinking about how their loved ones are now and where they are ,if they are happy or not I have not been that serious about death until I lost my furry bud . I can't stop thinking about him and I am so anxious about death
@@bigmoneygrip6561 I’ll be honest with you because a day will come where our own mothers will run away from us out of fear of allah. So seeing your loved should be last thing in your mind because focus on saving your self from the hell fire first.
Walahi after listening to the dawa I smiled and said to myself. "My mother is getting light from Allah due to the supplication I do for her in every FAIDA PRAYER" WOW that amazing! Y'allah continue to bless my mother more light in her grave. Y'allah forgive my mother, have mercy upon her, grant her into your Paradise Y'allah 🙏 and continue to bless her more light Y'allah. And I swear to you Allah. I will do my maximum best to make Dua for my Mom every single day of my life.
I lost my father,my sister and now my lovely mum on November 7th 2022 May Allah granted them jannatul firdaus and all the muslims soul that passes away.
6 ways to earn deeds after death: 1) Give a copy of the Qur’an to someone. Each time one reads from it you gain. 2) Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time a sick person uses it you gain. 3) Participate in building a masjid. 4) Place a watercooler in a public space. 5) Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or an animal sits in it’s shade or eat from it. 6) And the easiest of all, share this message with people!
Until the day i meet death i will always make duaa and good deeds on the Name of may deceased mother. She died last month, on the last ten days of Ramadan, fajr time. May Allah, the creator of the Heavens and Earth let us all be among the happiest souls with theire faces full of noor, Allahumma Amin Ya Rabbi, Ya Kareem.
All the people who are depressed or suffering financially or crying over heart break by someone or regretting the past any other difficulty ,keep watching this. Death is the destroyer of pleasures.
Read some science... In the grave there is only decomposition of the deceased. And animals like dogs, wolfs having high sense of smell could smell the rotting meat beneath the ground that's why we usually see such animals around graveyards.
This is comedy and a total lie from the pits of hell. Don't be deceived. Read your bible KJV and serve Jesus Christ . He is the only way truth and the life and no man come to the father but by him. Go by what Jesus said, he said if his spirit is in you he'll raise you from the dead at the time of his rapture/coming. If you die before the rapture found in 1 Thessalonians 4 you will still be taken up by God. Only if you have the submitted to Jesus Christ and his ways you will have eternal life. When you don't you will go to hell along with Satan and his demons and never return. He baptized in Jesus name and filled with his holy ghost. Acts 2:38
Please i beg everyone who is reading this. Pray for my decesed mother. Sche passed away 6 years ago and im still anxious how shes doing as she died by suicide... So please help me to enlighten her grave. Thanks.
The scriptures says there is no repentance in the grave. No prayer for her will help. She has her chance while alive. Don't believe this lying post. Read the bible and go to church.
Luke 16 - Lord Jesus Christ - 19. There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: 20. And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, 21. And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. 22. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; 23. And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. 25. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. 26. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. 27. Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: 28. For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. 29. Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. 30. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. 31. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
He doesn't forget your sins ,if you were a bad human being and don't matter how many prayers your soul goes in a small fish and big fish eats you cycle is repeated over and over until your time is up then it goes through other living things and when All sins are balanced you get another chance and become a human depending on your deeds as life form before bad born poor stay poor kind of thing hell and heaven are what you live in this life
@@pinxtownington4645 such lies cannot brain wash the educated religion of Islam. Unlike you, we don’t need bloodshed for forgiveness for Allah is most merciful “O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it.” Narrated by the Prophet Muhammad in Tirmidhi, Ahmad O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Quran: 39:53
I'm raised Catholic,I believe we get visits from the loved ones that have passed from this life to next life. I miss them. They are in our hearts ,and memories. I believe we get visits from them at times. I feel my family members are watching over us. My dad ,is present at times ,just cannot see him. Same with other spirit's.
@@noufalbinzainudheen5633 Similiar to you, except I was awake. My Mom passed away. I frequent the parks to walk/exercise. One day, a few weeks to a month after she left, I was walking on a park. I got to a quiet area. In my mind, I heard her say with alot of persuasion, "Seeee I'm with you but just in a different foooorrrrrmmmmm." Then I started walking moreso to a rhythm, like I was trying to walk the same pace as the person beside me. For me its like my Mom is gone but not gone at the same time, I think this has played a role in my not being depressed.
Subhanallah I didn’t know half of this. I thought we only stay in our graves alone. Alhamdulilah for learning something new every day. May Allah protect all the mumineen from punishment of the grave.
It baffles me how less we know and how much we need to read. We have so much less important going on in our lives that we lose our focus. May Allah Guide us all. Ameen.
When soul leaves only vessel remains just like a glass of water once it's empty it's nothing so either you are six feet under ground or burnt or left for birds of pray don't matter the rest is just make believe
To enter Jannah you need to put Allah swt Frist and don't follow desires/lust, fear Allah swt, ask for forgiveness, be a loving, caring, kind, helping others, kindness, do things for others people, teach Quran for free, have a good heart!... Not a narcissist or hypocrite!. Hellfire isn't a joke and noone is promised Jannah!!! PLEASE do tahajjad at night time and ask Allah swt to guide jinns and humans to Islam and save us from Hellfire ameen ameen ameen PLEASE
May Allah swt grant my father Jannat-ul-firdous. Aameen. I can't stop thinking how my father is all alone in the grave. May Allah forgive us all.aameen
Aameen *Benefical message to anyone whose parents or closed one passed away* 🥀 The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) once said as reported in Tirmidhi, 1376: “When a person dies, all his deeds come to an end except three: sadaqah jaariyah (ongoing charity, e.g. a waqf or endowment), beneficial knowledge (which he has left behind), *or a righteous child who will pray for him.”,* The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) also said: *A man’s status will be raised in Paradise and he will ask, ‘How did I get here?’ He will be told, ‘By your Son’s Dua'a (Children's prayers) for forgiveness for you.”* There are certain others things we can do as well for example *Doing Sadaqah or charity on their behalf* *The best form is Sadaqah Jariyah is giving water* The Prophet (SAW) said: *“The best charity is giving water to drink"* so giving water is a great charitable act that brings us closer to Allah (SWT). There are many ways to give Sadaqah on behalf of parents like donating a copy of Qur’an, building a water well, donating affordable amount for building masajid 🕌, paying fees for Madrasa children's services, Medical bills etc Donating water to masajid or to the poor whenever possible and if applicable giving water to birds and animals regularly with good intentions A man told the Prophet (saw) that his mother died a sudden death and did not have a chance to leave a legacy in her will, and that were she able to speak, she would want to donate to charity. He then asked if the reward of charity on behalf of his deceased mother would reach her, to which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied, “Yes.” [Muslim] In a report cited by Imam al-Bukhari in his famous work al-Adab al-Mufrad, we read, “A man approached the Prophet asking, “Is there anything I must do in terms of kindness towards my parents after their death?” The Prophet replied, “Yes, there are four things for you to do: Praying and asking forgiveness of Allah on their behalf, fulfilling their promises, respecting their friends, and fostering their ties of kinship….” So let's make sure to do a lot of Dua'a for our parents and the whole Muslim Ummah in general May Allah SWT forgive, bless and unite us all in Jannatul Firdous امين يارب العالمين 🌸 Spread this message with everyone and we'll get reward everyone someone practices these even after we leave this world 🗺
I'm a Christian. I love to learn from every culture. Islam, Hinduism, buddhism etc. Its beautiful as long as we don't become extremists. We all can learn from each other. I remember when the twin towers collapsed in NYC, I was walking from Manhattan and it didn't matter what religion we were we all cried together, helped each other and that is the true meaning of loving our neighbors.
Plzzzz listen to true SUNNI muslim ...not fake ones... there r many lies .. among the big lies..is wearing scarf by women, there s not barely a single verse in holy quran forcing them to wear it or hide hair ??!! Mind blowing is n it???
@@Asiyah2000 whoever was behind the attack doesn't represent a whole Nation. I'm Hispanic where I come from there are many gang members and they kill with such cruelty that its hard to believe they're humans but that doesn't represent my whole culture. Christians, Muslims, Jewish, Hindus, Buddhists etc. They all have known evil within their own. Let's extract the best of each. Let's not condemn every one for the cruelty of some.
You may believe it's your grandma and your grandpa, but it's a deception by the devil's angels/spirits masquerading as them, to get you to believe they are watching over you, they are not, when we die our earthly activity here ceases for all of us!!!
I'v seen this video many many times but it was never important to me until when someone who was very close to me, my father, pased away, that was the time I love I love watching and listening to this video. May Allah forgive all of us and guide us to the straight path and also forgive all those Muslims who have passed away in the righteous way
As a teenager as from my 19 to 2o's I think I always wondered especially in my dreams what is the after life & is it infinite? I would always wake up in a scared fright mostly because I didn't know the answers and I was still young back than and it was too much to process at that age. I am 39 now and this finally answered all my questions all these years. Praise Allah Ameen🤲🏾
Brother to God our holy, pure and righteous and Almighty, I only want to give the true and true destiny of a person when he dies, first, when a person dies there is something God has appointed in the Spiritual World to take care of to a person who is dying and someone is following this soul, and they will come to the Place where the deceased soul will be asked what its name, age, abode is for its accuracy, then it will be ascertained in the mirror of life what is the behavior of its being. what he has lived on earth, and what is the result of the investigation into the one assigned to the Spiritual World will bring him to the place corresponding to his resulting behavior. If a person is proven to have done too much evil in his past life he can be punished to be born again on Earth as an animal, which can be a pig, horse, dog, cow, bird or goose, and they can repeatedly born as animals up to seven or twelve times depending on the amount of sin he has committed in his previous life, and when he has completed the punishment again will be examined by the one assigned to the Spiritual World if he can be born again. as a man according to his manners still made. And if the person who has died is proven in the Spiritual World to be a good person he or she will be taken to a place where those who are there are just waiting for a family position on earth to be born again in accordance with the role he or she played in his or her previous life. and if it is prepared it can be reborn in just three days, other punishments for the soul that has committed sins for example interfering too much with the bribed life of man that he should no longer know it can be reborn it can be blind or idiots, and other souls who have been proven to have killed in their previous life on earth the punishment if the killer and the murdered go to the Spiritual World they can change lives when they are born again on Earth, and the other punishment to the soul in the Spiritual World for example if the person who died owed too much money and he died it and we did not it will be given justice in the Spiritual World if the person to whom He owes a large sum of money also dies then in the Spiritual World their rebirth will be prepared and it can be punished as a father when they are reborn in the Earth they will exchange of humanity, the one who owes a large amount of money will be its Father, and so as his son grows up his son will become lazy and no matter how much money his Father will be his son only consumes and when the it is time that his debt of his past life to the soul that became his son has been paid off that it will suddenly change and come to mind and begin to do good for his Father. They did not realize why it was so but the reason for the change of the son was because the amount of money owed to him of his past life, they had already paid by his father in their past life when they were still on earth. These are just a few of the revelations of our returned God Almighty God, He is already letting us know how righteous God is that it means that all wrongdoing has an inherent punishment that God will inevitably give justice at the coming of the soul. of man in the Spiritual World ..... I want to convey to you that the one and only Almighty God has come again and He has brought the revelation of the fullness of His rule so that He can finally bring to an end all so I also invite you to listen to His WORD so that you may know the fullness of God's rule because He is already revealing all the truths that each of us should know so that you can immediately go to His built House, Throne or Kingdom on RUclips "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD." these are the WORDS of God taken from the Book that He performed here on earth when He came "THE WORD APPEARS IN THE FLESH" this is the fulfillment of the prophecy in the book of Revelation.
My late father invented a product that is beneficial to many customers. Me and my mother revived his business and work hard in marketing it and alhamdulillah many people are very happy with it. May this be a beneficial knowledge from him increasing his noor in the barzakh.
Rab’banagh fir’li wali-waaliday’ya walil mu'mineena yaw’ma yaqoo’mul hisaab. Rabbir ham’huma kamaa rabba yaa’nee saghee’raa. 14:41 Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents, and (all) the believers on the Day when the reckoning will be established. 17:24 My Lord! Have mercy on them both as they did care for me when I was young.
Brother to God our holy, pure and righteous and Almighty, I only want to give the true and true destiny of a person when he dies, first, when a person dies there is something God has appointed in the Spiritual World to take care of to a person who is dying and someone is following this soul, and they will come to the Place where the deceased soul will be asked what its name, age, abode is for its accuracy, then it will be ascertained in the mirror of life what is the behavior of its being. what he has lived on earth, and what is the result of the investigation into the one assigned to the Spiritual World will bring him to the place corresponding to his resulting behavior. If a person is proven to have done too much evil in his past life he can be punished to be born again on Earth as an animal, which can be a pig, horse, dog, cow, bird or goose, and they can repeatedly born as animals up to seven or twelve times depending on the amount of sin he has committed in his previous life, and when he has completed the punishment again will be examined by the one assigned to the Spiritual World if he can be born again. as a man according to his manners still made. And if the person who has died is proven in the Spiritual World to be a good person he or she will be taken to a place where those who are there are just waiting for a family position on earth to be born again in accordance with the role he or she played in his or her previous life. and if it is prepared it can be reborn in just three days, other punishments for the soul that has committed sins for example interfering too much with the bribed life of man that he should no longer know it can be reborn it can be blind or idiots, and other souls who have been proven to have killed in their previous life on earth the punishment if the killer and the murdered go to the Spiritual World they can change lives when they are born again on Earth, and the other punishment to the soul in the Spiritual World for example if the person who died owed too much money and he died it and we did not it will be given justice in the Spiritual World if the person to whom He owes a large sum of money also dies then in the Spiritual World their rebirth will be prepared and it can be punished as a father when they are reborn in the Earth they will exchange of humanity, the one who owes a large amount of money will be its Father, and so as his son grows up his son will become lazy and no matter how much money his Father will be his son only consumes and when the it is time that his debt of his past life to the soul that became his son has been paid off that it will suddenly change and come to mind and begin to do good for his Father. They did not realize why it was so but the reason for the change of the son was because the amount of money owed to him of his past life, they had already paid by his father in their past life when they were still on earth. These are just a few of the revelations of our returned God Almighty God, He is already letting us know how righteous God is that it means that all wrongdoing has an inherent punishment that God will inevitably give justice at the coming of the soul. of man in the Spiritual World ..... I want to convey to you that the one and only Almighty God has come again and He has brought the revelation of the fullness of His rule so that He can finally bring to an end all so I also invite you to listen to His WORD so that you may know the fullness of God's rule because He is already revealing all the truths that each of us should know so that you can immediately go to His built House, Throne or Kingdom on RUclips "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD." these are the WORDS of God taken from the Book that He performed here on earth when He came "THE WORD APPEARS IN THE FLESH" this is the fulfillment of the prophecy in the book of Revelation.
Makes me feel a bit better Me and my brother are the only people from 10 grandchildren that light a candle for our Grandparents. We also light candles for our Grandmothers sister and our Mom and Dad.
I'm Nazal Ameen from India and I'm 14 years old. I have a question that I never got answer to. Why do Allah take away the people I need in Life ?My dad was literally the back bone of my life and I lost him 😖I'm watching this video because my dad passed away and want to know what he's going through. I made a promise to him that I'll make him proud 4 months before his death. My whole life goal was to make him happy, to make sure my dad has been blessed with a great child. but then on 20th July, I lost him. I can't type anymore because I'm already in tears😔.May Allah Forgive For Every He Have Done, Aameen😭
Is Jannah not better than this world? We know how difficult this life is! Dont we? There are so many problems, crime etc Your father is in a beautiful peaceful place Pray for him I lost my mother 8 years ago My father 1.5 years ago, my cat 1.5 months ago and my sister who was very close to me just 19 days ago I know all of them are reunited and are in a much better place. We should always pray for them and give charity on their behalf. May ALLAH PAK make it easy for You for this pain indeed is very hard and difficult to bear but we must not lose our faith and in Jannah there is no sadness or grief but only joy love laughter and peace
I may not clearly understand the pain you go through but I once lost my dad at an early age. I miss him too because I was the lost loved. I know how it feels sometime, however, that not how life should be, you should not cry for the dad anymore instead put your trust in God, for us as christians we don't cry alot or worry alot concerning our loved ones because we know that we are going to meet them on the day Jesus Christ shall appear on the clouds of heaven to take us to heaven. And at that time our beloved dead people will be resurrected with immortal bodies never to die again, and we shall be with them always for eternity. So be strong just put your trust believe in God and also in Christ Jesus for whatever he promised. He will fulfil. Our God is not a liar. He knows the agony you go through but he wants you to be strong, prepare for that time by accepting Jesus Christ in your life and he will be your closest friend and he will show you the way to life everlasting, he will wipe away all tears, comfort you like your father, give you all you need like your dad. But if you don't allow him in your life then you will still remains sorrowful and sad. Choose for yourself.
We are from Allah and we have to return to Him. This is inevitable. I lost my father a year ago and I know how painful it is. I cant stop crying whenever I think abt him. I console myself saying.. everything in this World will perish.Allah says that He will test each one of us with the loss of life , health , wealth..... So even we hv to go back to Allah when its time. May Allah make it easy for u .
you know it is the most meaningful topic in youtube vid. everybody crying when dying and borned. i have lost many people closed to me - family, friends.
Aameen *Benefical message to anyone whose parents or closed one passed away* 🥀 The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) once said as reported in Tirmidhi, 1376: “When a person dies, all his deeds come to an end except three: sadaqah jaariyah (ongoing charity, e.g. a waqf or endowment), beneficial knowledge (which he has left behind), *or a righteous child who will pray for him.”,* The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) also said: *A man’s status will be raised in Paradise and he will ask, ‘How did I get here?’ He will be told, ‘By your Son’s Dua'a (Children's prayers) for forgiveness for you.”* There are certain others things we can do as well for example *Doing Sadaqah or charity on their behalf* *The best form is Sadaqah Jariyah is giving water* The Prophet (SAW) said: *“The best charity is giving water to drink"* so giving water is a great charitable act that brings us closer to Allah (SWT). There are many ways to give Sadaqah on behalf of parents like donating a copy of Qur’an, building a water well, donating affordable amount for building masajid 🕌, paying fees for Madrasa children's services, Medical bills etc Donating water to masajid or to the poor whenever possible and if applicable giving water to birds and animals regularly with good intentions A man told the Prophet (saw) that his mother died a sudden death and did not have a chance to leave a legacy in her will, and that were she able to speak, she would want to donate to charity. He then asked if the reward of charity on behalf of his deceased mother would reach her, to which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied, “Yes.” [Muslim] In a report cited by Imam al-Bukhari in his famous work al-Adab al-Mufrad, we read, “A man approached the Prophet asking, “Is there anything I must do in terms of kindness towards my parents after their death?” The Prophet replied, “Yes, there are four things for you to do: Praying and asking forgiveness of Allah on their behalf, fulfilling their promises, respecting their friends, and fostering their ties of kinship….” So let's make sure to do a lot of Dua'a for our parents and the whole Muslim Ummah in general May Allah SWT forgive, bless and unite us all in Jannatul Firdous امين يارب العالمين 🌸 Spread this message with everyone and we'll get reward everyone someone practices these even after we leave this world 🗺
Ecclesiastes 9:5,10 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten. Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going
Of course brother after death we remain in an unconscious state. Thanks the lord for his precious teachings. Some religions preach that there is a place for souls to meet which is completely false thus opening the door of spiritism or witchcraft. We know that all deads will come to life on the hearing of the voice of Jesus Christ. The believers firstly for the kingdom of the lord then the wicked for eternal death. Jesus is the only way to eternal life
@@MillerJW100 You said it yourself bro that its a parable. If you look at all verses in the Bible relating to the dead or the ressurection you will get the whole picture of the state of the dead.
Me too, I know what state of mind your in. My wife left me a couple a weeks ago with everything my 10 month old and I just found out she’s pregnant again. I know what state of mind your in brother 😢.
I was married for the first time for 10 months and my husband left me. Imagine what I feel, no children and I prayed to Allah give me children with my ex husband. He made me a kaffir , he made me throw the quran in the bin, I attempted suicide twice but it failed. I pray now still ya Allah return my husband even after divorcing me because I cant imagine myself marrying another man. The pain doesnt go away. He does not fear Allah
My mother passed away last week, may Allah grant her jannah and widen her grave and furnish her grave with furnishings from jannah may Allah make her strong when answering, may Allah make me pious and benefit her in her grave, may Allah multiply all her deeds immensely may he reunite us in jannah al Firdaus… AMEEN
Let's recite once again and on the day of Judgment remember my name that I reminded you of Shahada today! Ash-hadu Al-laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo Wa-Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadan ‘Abduhoo Wa Rasooluhu. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, the One alone, without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
Ameen yarabi, my beloved mother passed 1st March this year, on jumma (Friday), May Allah make it easy for then, all we can do is pray and may Allah grant us sabr Ameen❤️🤲🏾 stay strong for them
For what it's worth, I've had a near death experience when I was 8 years old and I remember quite well I couldn't see my hands or feet or ANY of my body whatsoever, but I do remember seeing an OUTLINE by lightning form the most beautiful source of energy! Some say Allah, Some say Jehovah and Some say the Creator of All Mankind, I would love to have that experience again because he helped me to realize (feeling I was the size of an ant COMPARED TO HIM) he is, was and WILL ALWAYS BE BIGGER THAN MY PROBLEMS!!! Remember don't live in fear, God wants you too love him because fear brings on sin and hatred, because a lot of us fear what we don't understand!!! Stop trying to understand, be real with who you really are
This is the right time you should know purpose of you life and find the truth ,remember no matter what there is only 2 probability teuth or false so find the truth,hope you get your answers and what exp you had
O Allah, forgive my parents and elevate their station among those who are guided. Send them along the path of those who came before, and forgive us and them, O Lord of the worlds. Enlarge for them their graves and shed light upon them in it. Amen.
If i die i just want to see my dad in spirit... I just finished crying again.. I have been crying for 4years i don't know when i will get over.. Anytime i remember seeing him in that ⚰️ casket i cry out so loud even though i know know that I will pass through that too. Oh God I just want to be in heaven please help me.. Death is too painful
I feel your pain, my life hasn’t been the same since my dad passed away 3 years ago. People say that it gets easier, but I haven’t experienced that yet. Sending you a virtual hug 🤗
Stop, those behaviours and repent. God your creator hates such abominable things of consulting the spirits of the Dead. Repent today and turn to God, through Jesus Christ and you will nolonger be a slave to those familiar Spirits.
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الَّذِي لَا يَضُرُّ مَعَ اسْمِهِ شَيْءٌ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَا فِي السَّمَاءِ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ Ya Allah forgive us for all our major and minor sins in the past-present and future. Reunite us all with our families and friends in Jannah without accountability.
My very close uncle passed away yesterday, and it is my first time a close relative passed away. He was a very nice person and was not even that old but yesterday he fell down, was rushed to the hospital, but died of cardiac arrest😔 Please pray 🙏 for him as his test in this world has completed I pray for all of his sins to be removed.
Brother to God our holy, pure and righteous and Almighty, I only want to give the true and true destiny of a person when he dies, first, when a person dies there is something God has appointed in the Spiritual World to take care of to a person who is dying and someone is following this soul, and they will come to the Place where the deceased soul will be asked what its name, age, abode is for its accuracy, then it will be ascertained in the mirror of life what is the behavior of its being. what he has lived on earth, and what is the result of the investigation into the one assigned to the Spiritual World will bring him to the place corresponding to his resulting behavior. If a person is proven to have done too much evil in his past life he can be punished to be born again on Earth as an animal, which can be a pig, horse, dog, cow, bird or goose, and they can repeatedly born as animals up to seven or twelve times depending on the amount of sin he has committed in his previous life, and when he has completed the punishment again will be examined by the one assigned to the Spiritual World if he can be born again. as a man according to his manners still made. And if the person who has died is proven in the Spiritual World to be a good person he or she will be taken to a place where those who are there are just waiting for a family position on earth to be born again in accordance with the role he or she played in his or her previous life. and if it is prepared it can be reborn in just three days, other punishments for the soul that has committed sins for example interfering too much with the bribed life of man that he should no longer know it can be reborn it can be blind or idiots, and other souls who have been proven to have killed in their previous life on earth the punishment if the killer and the murdered go to the Spiritual World they can change lives when they are born again on Earth, and the other punishment to the soul in the Spiritual World for example if the person who died owed too much money and he died it and we did not it will be given justice in the Spiritual World if the person to whom He owes a large sum of money also dies then in the Spiritual World their rebirth will be prepared and it can be punished as a father when they are reborn in the Earth they will exchange of humanity, the one who owes a large amount of money will be its Father, and so as his son grows up his son will become lazy and no matter how much money his Father will be his son only consumes and when the it is time that his debt of his past life to the soul that became his son has been paid off that it will suddenly change and come to mind and begin to do good for his Father. They did not realize why it was so but the reason for the change of the son was because the amount of money owed to him of his past life, they had already paid by his father in their past life when they were still on earth. These are just a few of the revelations of our returned God Almighty God, He is already letting us know how righteous God is that it means that all wrongdoing has an inherent punishment that God will inevitably give justice at the coming of the soul. of man in the Spiritual World ..... I want to convey to you that the one and only Almighty God has come again and He has brought the revelation of the fullness of His rule so that He can finally bring to an end all so I also invite you to listen to His WORD so that you may know the fullness of God's rule because He is already revealing all the truths that each of us should know so that you can immediately go to His built House, Throne or Kingdom on RUclips "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD." this is the fulfillment of (Revelation 3: 7-12-) -------- and these are the WORDS of God taken from the Book that He did here on earth when He came "THE WORD APPEARS IN THE FLESH "this is the fulfillment of the prophecy in the book of Revelation. (Revelation 12: 5)
@@nayon9379 ur point of view is so human maam what microscopic animal do they have soul or not what about bacteria living in body do they have soul plz answer i am curious
May Allah SWT bless you and your family *Benefical message to anyone whose parents or closed one passed away* 🥀 The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) once said as reported in Tirmidhi, 1376: “When a person dies, all his deeds come to an end except three: sadaqah jaariyah (ongoing charity, e.g. a waqf or endowment), beneficial knowledge (which he has left behind), *or a righteous child who will pray for him.”,* The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) also said: *A man’s status will be raised in Paradise and he will ask, ‘How did I get here?’ He will be told, ‘By your Son’s Dua'a (Children's prayers) for forgiveness for you.”* There are certain others things we can do as well for example *Doing Sadaqah or charity on their behalf* *The best form is Sadaqah Jariyah is giving water* The Prophet (SAW) said: *“The best charity is giving water to drink"* so giving water is a great charitable act that brings us closer to Allah (SWT). There are many ways to give Sadaqah on behalf of parents like donating a copy of Qur’an, building a water well, donating affordable amount for building masajid 🕌, paying fees for Madrasa children's services, Medical bills etc Donating water to masajid or to the poor whenever possible and if applicable giving water to birds and animals regularly with good intentions A man told the Prophet (saw) that his mother died a sudden death and did not have a chance to leave a legacy in her will, and that were she able to speak, she would want to donate to charity. He then asked if the reward of charity on behalf of his deceased mother would reach her, to which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied, “Yes.” [Muslim] In a report cited by Imam al-Bukhari in his famous work al-Adab al-Mufrad, we read, “A man approached the Prophet asking, “Is there anything I must do in terms of kindness towards my parents after their death?” The Prophet replied, “Yes, there are four things for you to do: Praying and asking forgiveness of Allah on their behalf, fulfilling their promises, respecting their friends, and fostering their ties of kinship….” So let's make sure to do a lot of Dua'a for our parents and the whole Muslim Ummah in general May Allah SWT forgive, bless and unite us all in Jannatul Firdous امين يارب العالمين 🌸 Spread this message with everyone and we'll get reward everyone someone practices these even after we leave this world 🗺
Ive been to barzak world.. its so identical to our world.. exept the place there is so clean and well painted.. the atmosphere there look like early morning like 6am.. the people there wear nice suits and it look like 1930s... When i look up i see the cloud formation thats very beautiful... The angels are tall humanoid and faceless they are glowing with lights all over their body.. i also saw the souls of forgotten they are black hooded figure.. the angel said to me they are the souls of the people thats already forgotten. The angel said to me that we need to always remember oour love ones and friends that already pass on. We should always pray for them so that they will not be a forgotten souls. Coz they can no longer transform to their human form..
I feel like even though I'm physically here, I don't feel spiritually here. Lately I've felt like I will go to sleep and not wake up. I'm aware of everything when I'm awake and it feels like my spirit is looking through my own eyes . No I don't do drugs or drink and I'm not a mentally ill nutjob
Same I don’t feel anything since 2017 like I exist but idk what’s going on! When I do something it doesn’t make me happy or sad and when I go to different places I don’t feel anything or miss anyone
Brother to God our holy, pure and righteous and Almighty, I only want to give the true and true destiny of a person when he dies, first, when a person dies there is something God has appointed in the Spiritual World to take care of to a person who is dying and someone is following this soul, and they will come to the Place where the deceased soul will be asked what its name, age, abode is for its accuracy, then it will be ascertained in the mirror of life what is the behavior of its being. what he has lived on earth, and what is the result of the investigation into the one assigned to the Spiritual World will bring him to the place corresponding to his resulting behavior. If a person is proven to have done too much evil in his past life he can be punished to be born again on Earth as an animal, which can be a pig, horse, dog, cow, bird or goose, and they can repeatedly born as animals up to seven or twelve times depending on the amount of sin he has committed in his previous life, and when he has completed the punishment again will be examined by the one assigned to the Spiritual World if he can be born again. as a man according to his manners still made. And if the person who has died is proven in the Spiritual World to be a good person he or she will be taken to a place where those who are there are just waiting for a family position on earth to be born again in accordance with the role he or she played in his or her previous life. and if it is prepared it can be reborn in just three days, other punishments for the soul that has committed sins for example interfering too much with the bribed life of man that he should no longer know it can be reborn it can be blind or idiots, and other souls who have been proven to have killed in their previous life on earth the punishment if the killer and the murdered go to the Spiritual World they can change lives when they are born again on Earth, and the other punishment to the soul in the Spiritual World for example if the person who died owed too much money and he died it and we did not it will be given justice in the Spiritual World if the person to whom He owes a large sum of money also dies then in the Spiritual World their rebirth will be prepared and it can be punished as a father when they are reborn in the Earth they will exchange of humanity, the one who owes a large amount of money will be its Father, and so as his son grows up his son will become lazy and no matter how much money his Father will be his son only consumes and when the it is time that his debt of his past life to the soul that became his son has been paid off that it will suddenly change and come to mind and begin to do good for his Father. They did not realize why it was so but the reason for the change of the son was because the amount of money owed to him of his past life, they had already paid by his father in their past life when they were still on earth. These are just a few of the revelations of our returned God Almighty God, He is already letting us know how righteous God is that it means that all wrongdoing has an inherent punishment that God will inevitably give justice at the coming of the soul. of man in the Spiritual World ..... I want to convey to you that the one and only Almighty God has come again and He has brought the revelation of the fullness of His rule so that He can finally bring to an end all so I also invite you to listen to His WORD so that you may know the fullness of God's rule because He is already revealing all the truths that each of us should know so that you can immediately go to His built House, Throne or Kingdom on RUclips "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD." these are the WORDS of God taken from the Book that He performed here on earth when He came "THE WORD APPEARS IN THE FLESH" this is the fulfillment of the prophecy in the book of Revelation.
@FascinationFantasy_ LOL Jesus the Son that came to earth and died for us, God the father, and God's Spirit which lives those who are saved. They are all 1 God just different persons.
Same recently lost my mother I'm always thinking about her soul , her life in akhirah 😔 May Allah grant my mother highest rank in jannatul Firdouse 🤲🏻😭 Ameen
My Younger brother died of chronic kidney disease last Sunday. I am very depressed because i love him so much. He was 22 years old and was diseased since he was born.. He got many infections and other issue and couldn't live a life full of enjoyment or satisfaction. I know he was pious and would enter Jannah Inn Shaa Allah. I just wanted to know what is he doing right now.. I miss him so muxh but i am keeping sabr so that my parents dont get more hurt😭
You don't need to know what he's doing now because he's simply in the grave waiting fo the resurrection, all his records were closed on the day he died and is awaiting for resurrection. There's nothing going. Just relax and prepare your life for eternal life or if not for eternal death. But if you accept Jesus Christ in your life from now on, keep God's commandments including the Sabbath and walk in his footsteps, you have assurance to be in heaven when Jesus comes back the second time.
I experience a little bit of death that feel you alone and and find another things that you can see and your dead grandma etc.but suddenly god will infront of you to back you in this world because your mission is undone..and i feel my soul is back in my body
I had a dream one day; I was at my house and a friend who had passed away 16 yrs ago visited me. He said he asked God if he can come and visit me and he was given permission to do so. He said there were many of them who were given permission to visit their loved ones. I was obviously happy to see him. As I was talking to him, I saw myself out of my body... I'm in my early 40s but I saw myself in my late 70s ... after we were done talking and he said it was time for him to go back and he vanished right in front of me. I still wonder what that dream meant.
Omg! I had the same dream with my father too He came to visit me and after we finish taking He said daughter I have to go back they are waiting for me, I ask who is waiting for you and he said them, soundly I saw a huge light and my father despair
So u don't remember what you were discussing? Any way, stop believing those illusions of the dead friends and relatives, they are not the ones but evil spirits that manipulate themselves into images of our beloved dead , something very abominable before God, because God forbids any kind of discussion or consultations or communication with the dead. So whenever they appear before you, don't believe them. The dead have no relationship with the living . That Satan approaching you. To believe that we don't die. But continue to live.
My father died when i was 7 yesrs old, i was crying a lot, and that night after he buried? I dreams him that he is settling in his fevorite swing and i came to him and asked, oh father you are here? And i was crying that time because he said? He is gonna leave, 😭😭😭, ya ALLAH ARHAM ABE AMEEN
Lost my oldest brother in 2013. I wasn't sure of an afterlife until his death... He had a beautiful spirit. We didnt realize how pure he was until he was gone😢.... Afterwards I had a problem leaving him in the grave.... It brothered me more than I can express... However, after time I began having dreams about Tony..... In the dreams I knew he was dead, I remember feeling scared in knowing he was gone. But he was happy, there were several people with him in the dreams but i couldn't see their faces ( all their faces were blurry ) ( strange ).... Tony had this Huge house with tall stairs, maybe 50 steps or more..... I can't remember what he was saying to me during the dream after i had awoken but it was something that seemed important during the dream..... After 6yrs, 11months and 4 days later my 2nd brother passed away.... The pain of loss is unexplainable.... But after Caleb passed alot of time went by b4 I had any dreams.... Finally when he came to me, Tony was with him. However it was like Caleb was controlling the dream and Tony was on the outer rim of the circle and conversation... It was like i could feel something was wrong.... I've tried explaining my dreams of Caleb to our parents, I've had a problem with understanding why n what it all meant.... Im going to look further into what is spoken in this video... I've never heard of this.... Thank you for sharing 🤍
This is comedy and a total lie from the pits of hell. Don't be deceived. Read your bible KJV and serve Jesus Christ . He is the only way truth and the life and no man come to the father but by him. Go by what Jesus said, he said if his spirit is in you he'll raise you from the dead at the time of his rapture/coming. If you die before the rapture found in 1 Thessalonians 4 you will still be taken up by God. Only if you have the submitted to Jesus Christ and his ways you will have eternal life. When you don't you will go to hell along with Satan and his demons and never return. He baptized in Jesus name and filled with his holy ghost. Acts 2:38
Is it my soul or my brain seeing things when I sleep? How come I dream of events im currently pursuing? To me the body is the hardware, consciousness is software, they work together, when the brain dies the software cant be read and it also dies,
My uncle passed away yesterday please uncle take a good care of you we miss you so much I hope I was you to the place where you are and my mother always told me that I must pray everyday and yes I pray but when I pray I can see you uncle happy new year ❤️❤️🙏🙏😭😭
Brother to God our holy, pure and righteous and Almighty, I only want to give the true and true destiny of a person when he dies, first, when a person dies there is something God has appointed in the Spiritual World to take care of to a person who is dying and someone is following this soul, and they will come to the Place where the deceased soul will be asked what its name, age, abode is for its accuracy, then it will be ascertained in the mirror of life what is the behavior of its being. what he has lived on earth, and what is the result of the investigation into the one assigned to the Spiritual World will bring him to the place corresponding to his resulting behavior. If a person is proven to have done too much evil in his past life he can be punished to be born again on Earth as an animal, which can be a pig, horse, dog, cow, bird or goose, and they can repeatedly born as animals up to seven or twelve times depending on the amount of sin he has committed in his previous life, and when he has completed the punishment again will be examined by the one assigned to the Spiritual World if he can be born again. as a man according to his manners still made. And if the person who has died is proven in the Spiritual World to be a good person he or she will be taken to a place where those who are there are just waiting for a family position on earth to be born again in accordance with the role he or she played in his or her previous life. and if it is prepared it can be reborn in just three days, other punishments for the soul that has committed sins for example interfering too much with the bribed life of man that he should no longer know it can be reborn it can be blind or idiots, and other souls who have been proven to have killed in their previous life on earth the punishment if the killer and the murdered go to the Spiritual World they can change lives when they are born again on Earth, and the other punishment to the soul in the Spiritual World for example if the person who died owed too much money and he died it and we did not it will be given justice in the Spiritual World if the person to whom He owes a large sum of money also dies then in the Spiritual World their rebirth will be prepared and it can be punished as a father when they are reborn in the Earth they will exchange of humanity, the one who owes a large amount of money will be its Father, and so as his son grows up his son will become lazy and no matter how much money his Father will be his son only consumes and when the it is time that his debt of his past life to the soul that became his son has been paid off that it will suddenly change and come to mind and begin to do good for his Father. They did not realize why it was so but the reason for the change of the son was because the amount of money owed to him of his past life, they had already paid by his father in their past life when they were still on earth. These are just a few of the revelations of our returned God Almighty God, He is already letting us know how righteous God is that it means that all wrongdoing has an inherent punishment that God will inevitably give justice at the coming of the soul. of man in the Spiritual World ..... I want to convey to you that the one and only Almighty God has come again and He has brought the revelation of the fullness of His rule so that He can finally bring to an end all so I also invite you to listen to His WORD so that you may know the fullness of God's rule because He is already revealing all the truths that each of us should know so that you can immediately go to His built House, Throne or Kingdom on RUclips "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD." these are the WORDS of God taken from the Book that He performed here on earth when He came "THE WORD APPEARS IN THE FLESH" this is the fulfillment of the prophecy in the book of Revelation.
I really want to go to Allah ! Please Allah free me from this World soon so that i can come to YOU Asap 💞 Ya Allah Ana Hibbuki ♥️💟 I'm gonna prepare my "Kafan" right away & wait until i come to YOU Allah! 💕
We aren’t allowed to ask for death miss, please don’t say like this you never know whether Allah is happy with us or not. Always pray to Allah that whenever we leaves this world we have imaan and we are on right path...
@@IMMI378 Don't be harsh on her she just knows that one day we'll all die . No one can run away from it its natural . And if it's her wish to see him than there is also nothing wrong about it
Whoever says SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi (Glory be to Allah and Praise Him) a hundred times during the day, his sins are wiped away, even if they are like the foam of the sea [Sahih al-Bukhari; #7:168, Sahih Muslim; #4:2071] 2 - whoever says SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi, Subhan-Allahi 'l-`adheem (Glory be to Allah, and Praise, Glory be to Allah, the Supreme) Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Two words are light on the tongue, weigh heavily in the balance, they are loved by the Most Merciful One " [Sahih al-Bukhari; #7:67, Sahih Muslim, #4:2071] 6
I lost my brother in 2017 by a heart attack. 5-6 hrs after he met me he was gone. Before his death, I never took death seriously. I always thought all of us would grow old together and die of old age. Subhaanallah, my view on death changed after he passed away. His funeral was for maghrib meaning its already night and I couldn't sleep that night. I kept thinking its his first night in the grave, all alone and dark and the feeling I had at the moment I cant describe. Few days ago, I was watching a video on something (cant remember about which) and it occured to me that he will have met the 2 angels, he is the first to meet them from us and I was loss for words. Can you imagine meeting the 2 angels? Subhaanallah! I am trying to be a better person than I was before, praying all my prayers but still behind on reciting quran and daily azkaars. I make dua for him to Allah because I dont know how he is there and it pains me a lot not knowing. May Allah (swa) grant us more Iman in our hearts and make our hearts greedy for the aakhirah than this dunya. Aameen.
Well, you still have to get the religion right, first. You believe you already got it, but so do all others from all religions. But you are better than them, because your God is bigger than their God. Therefore, maybe you won't get to meet those angels, after all...
@@antoniorocha3967 What is your point?
@@Dev_dom6996 My point is that people worship religion, and they pretend to be worshiping God. And for that, they think it's ok to insult other people's beliefs, saying they're absurd, as if their own aren't.
Allah will Grant your Brother Jannah. Ameen 😢😭😢
@@antoniorocha3967 why would someone worship relegion when they know whos their true creator and not worship false gods?
Lost my father last month. I pray that he is amongst the good people since he left behind a wonderful life of service to his faith and loved ones.. allahummaghfirli waliwaalidayya.
Ameen I just lost my father as well.
I also lost my father last April 28. He was a good man, always helping people.
I was wondering why my husband family bury there family close by each other
Allah Jannat may Allah Muqaam ata kre Ameen.
i will tell u were your father is
he is at hell
Lets share rewards
1. Subhanallah
2. Alhumdulillah
3. La ilaha illaAllah
4. Allahu Akbar
5. Astagfirullah watub ilaihi
6. Subhanallahi wabi hamdihi Subhanallahi Azeem
7. SubhanAllah wa biHamdihi
Its only going to take a few seconds! Please recite!❤
To enter Jannah you need to put Allah swt Frist and don't follow desires/lust, fear Allah swt, ask for forgiveness, be a loving, caring, kind, helping others, kindness, do things for others people, teach Quran for free, have a good heart!... Not a narcissist or hypocrite!.
Hellfire isn't a joke and noone is promised Jannah!!! PLEASE do tahajjad at night time and ask Allah swt to guide jinns and humans to Islam and save us from Hellfire ameen ameen ameen PLEASE
Jasakallah kheir Sister
Jazakallahu khairun
Inspiring video! MashAllah. I hope my videos can inspire others to learn more as well, inshaAllah
@@Hell...FireIsReal according to my readings of Alquran, everyone IS promised jannah, but it changes when a person do bad deeds and didn't pray for forgiveness from allah, also what is going on with your name brother/sister?, i respect whatever your religion is but your name straight out disrespecting.
Lost my father 4 yrs ago.. there's 1 night I just missed him so bad, pray for him. When I went to sleep, I dreamt meeting my father. I asked how did he found me, he said he just follow the light and it lead to me. May Allah bless his soul.. forgive his sin.. may we meet again in Jannah. Nothing else I could do to let him know that I miss him so much. Just Dua. It will reach him. insyaAllah.
Please don’t stop praying for him anytime you miss him or put a reminder on your phone to remind you to pray for him . God bless you and make us better people
I also lost my father 4 years ago, ameen
May Allah grant him highest place of Jannat ul firdous
Pray for my son too
my condolences go out to all who have lost loved ones.
Thank you, I see from your name you are a Christian, I want you to know that we as Muslims respect you and your religion, Islam teaches us to treat others as our brothers and sisters too with respect to your religion. Thank you for commenting here, appreciate it.
Thank you
@@shelbyedits5053 and who are al-lat, al'uzza and manat?
They must be important since muhammd prostrated to them right?
thank you my son pass june 1 2022
Worst to be in hell with ur love one search and read the Quran ask ur creator for guidance
May Allah continue to forgive us and may He grant us jannah !! Ameen 🤲🏾😭
Ameen ya Rabb
Ameen summa Ameen
Ameen ❤
“Allah says, “I treat My servant as he hopes that I would treat him. I am with him whenever he remembers Me:
if he thinks of Me, I think of him; if he mentions Me in company, I mention him in an even better company. If he draws near to Me a hand’s span, I draw near to him an arm’s length; and if he draws near to Me an arm’s length, I draw closer by a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
Slavery ❤
Brought me to tears, and I don't cry very often. May Allah forgive our parents and allow us to be in Allah's favor.
I left Islam and became atheist
@KhanKhan-xl1rf lol and I care why? Enjoy the endless blaze
Well you can still comeback to the right track. Our lord Allah is gufoor raheem. He will forgive you inshallah@@KhanKhan-xl1rf
@@KhanKhan-xl1rf why? personal reason? its impossible to logically leave islam
@berb-v2p just common sense. The concept of god and religion doesn't make any sense
Please make a prayer for my elder sis who is just 32 but she is in a very critical condition right now ( brain hemorrhage) , pray that she get well soon as she is in ICU , Ya Allah have mercy upon my sister 💔
I'm late for this sorry for this
Btw how's your sister now?
May Allah cure her inshallah
Is she still sick? I have a remedy for her
I hope your sister is doing well my dear sister.
Life goes on even after you die physically. In reality you never die.
I just wonder, will we see our loved one that have passed before us. I sure hope so.
@@iheartsonkang not just you ,but I believe anyone who lost someone very dear to them might experience this feeling because of the kind of depression and overthinking they go through thinking about how their loved ones are now and where they are ,if they are happy or not
I have not been that serious about death until I lost my furry bud .
I can't stop thinking about him and I am so anxious about death
@@bigmoneygrip6561 I’ll be honest with you because a day will come where our own mothers will run away from us out of fear of allah.
So seeing your loved should be last thing in your mind because focus on saving your self from the hell fire first.
@@zak123 obviously Muslim???
@@iheartsonkang lol, i just scared what caused of my death..
Walahi after listening to the dawa I smiled and said to myself. "My mother is getting light from Allah due to the supplication I do for her in every FAIDA PRAYER" WOW that amazing! Y'allah continue to bless my mother more light in her grave. Y'allah forgive my mother, have mercy upon her, grant her into your Paradise Y'allah 🙏 and continue to bless her more light Y'allah. And I swear to you Allah. I will do my maximum best to make Dua for my Mom every single day of my life.
I lost my father,my sister and now my lovely mum on November 7th 2022 May Allah granted them jannatul firdaus and all the muslims soul that passes away.
My condolences ❤
I lost my dad Nov 7 2021
6 ways to earn deeds after death:
1) Give a copy of the Qur’an to someone. Each time one reads from it you gain.
2) Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time a sick person uses it you gain.
3) Participate in building a masjid.
4) Place a watercooler in a public space.
5) Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or an animal sits in it’s shade or eat from it.
6) And the easiest of all, share this message with people!
Lets share rewards
1. Subhanallah
2. Alhumdulillah
3. La ilaha illaAllah
4. Allahu Akbar
5. Astagfirullah watub ilaihi
6. Subhanallahi wabi hamdihi Subhanallahi Azeem
7. SubhanAllah wa biHamdihi
Until the day i meet death i will always make duaa and good deeds on the Name of may deceased mother. She died last month, on the last ten days of Ramadan, fajr time. May Allah, the creator of the Heavens and Earth let us all be among the happiest souls with theire faces full of noor, Allahumma Amin Ya Rabbi, Ya Kareem.
May ya Allah forgive all of our sins, accept all of our dua's and make the hereafter a better place for all of us.. . AMEEN
All the people who are depressed or suffering financially or crying over heart break by someone or regretting the past any other difficulty ,keep watching this.
Death is the destroyer of pleasures.
This is beautiful I consider my self a Christian But this is so beautiful I will keep listening to this videos
Read Quran
@@mohammedanwarali9171 Read Bible also
@@cherikkuamarak4053 😌😌 read and Thora too 😌😌 I hope you will find the truth
Read some science... In the grave there is only decomposition of the deceased. And animals like dogs, wolfs having high sense of smell could smell the rotting meat beneath the ground that's why we usually see such animals around graveyards.
@@mohammedanwarali9171 read Arabic scriptures don't believe in false translation
I was born a Christian, but not really a practicing one. Thank you for educating me on this life after death topic, It’s certainly an eye opener.
This is comedy and a total lie from the pits of hell. Don't be deceived. Read your bible KJV and serve Jesus Christ . He is the only way truth and the life and no man come to the father but by him. Go by what Jesus said, he said if his spirit is in you he'll raise you from the dead at the time of his rapture/coming. If you die before the rapture found in 1 Thessalonians 4 you will still be taken up by God. Only if you have the submitted to Jesus Christ and his ways you will have eternal life. When you don't you will go to hell along with Satan and his demons and never return. He baptized in Jesus name and filled with his holy ghost. Acts 2:38
This is false Wena
To be absent from the body is to be present with the lord
Damn boii..
Noone knows that for sure noone all hearsay
did someone die and came back and told you that ? I'm not trying to be funny, I'm just curious to how you know that with certainty
@@rupertwizard3032 plenty have check out the channel Beyond Death.
To be absent from the body is to be absent from existence.
Please i beg everyone who is reading this. Pray for my decesed mother. Sche passed away 6 years ago and im still anxious how shes doing as she died by suicide... So please help me to enlighten her grave. Thanks.
@@nayon9379 bro im muslim and we dont belive in reincarnation
Make sure you make lots of dua for her and give charity on her behalf. Was she depressed? May Allah grant her and all muslims Janah fardus. Amiin
May Allah (swt) forgive her and have mercy on her soul. Ameen.
The scriptures says there is no repentance in the grave. No prayer for her will help. She has her chance while alive. Don't believe this lying post. Read the bible and go to church.
@@saidesmithson But im muslim. I dont believe in christianity.
Subhanallah, may Allah forgive us our sins and let us be part of the goods souls in the barzak world when we also die oneday
@Munir Mumin, Aameen !
Amin thumma aameen 🤲🤲🤲
Ameen 🤲🏼
Luke 16 - Lord Jesus Christ -
19. There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:
20. And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
21. And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
22. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
23. And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
25. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
26. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
27. Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
28. For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
29. Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
30. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
31. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
Oh Allah, forgive all of our past, present, and future sins, Ameen.
sorry for the notification
but I invite you to listen the Holy Quran with English explanation
and Inshallah you will learn something
He doesn't forget your sins ,if you were a bad human being and don't matter how many prayers your soul goes in a small fish and big fish eats you cycle is repeated over and over until your time is up then it goes through other living things and when All sins are balanced you get another chance and become a human depending on your deeds as life form before bad born poor stay poor kind of thing hell and heaven are what you live in this life
@@pinxtownington4645 such lies cannot brain wash the educated religion of Islam. Unlike you, we don’t need bloodshed for forgiveness for Allah is most merciful
“O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it.”
Narrated by the Prophet Muhammad in Tirmidhi, Ahmad
O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Quran: 39:53
My nephew got murdered a year ago, he had just became a Muslim he was 18 years old. I miss him so much. Please do dua for him ❤
May Allah have mercy on him and all of the Muslims that died on Tawheed
@AllPraisebetoAllah60 thank you 🙏
What is Tawheed?
@@1Luv87 it means monotheism or the belief in One God
May Almighty Allah grant him highest place in jannah 🤲
@@manzoordar4290 thank you
I'm raised Catholic,I believe we get visits from the loved ones that have passed from this life to next life. I miss them. They are in our hearts ,and memories. I believe we get visits from them at times. I feel my family members are watching over us. My dad ,is present at times ,just cannot see him. Same with other spirit's.
Do you research into Islam
@@heisenberg9739 pfft? It’s all the same. Written by men who want to control men. Fear fear fear. Boring
@@daytonabeachUSA cool
Yes, that's truth. I seen my father in dream and he said to me don't fear i am here with you.
Similiar to you, except I was awake.
My Mom passed away. I frequent the parks to walk/exercise. One day, a few weeks to a month after she left, I was walking on a park. I got to a quiet area. In my mind, I heard her say with alot of persuasion, "Seeee I'm with you but just in a different foooorrrrrmmmmm."
Then I started walking moreso to a rhythm, like I was trying to walk the same pace as the person beside me.
For me its like my Mom is gone but not gone at the same time, I think this has played a role in my not being depressed.
Subhanallah I didn’t know half of this. I thought we only stay in our graves alone. Alhamdulilah for learning something new every day. May Allah protect all the mumineen from punishment of the grave.
There is alot more ...i advise to read a book about it with authentic hadeaths
@@jshssh8930 👍
It baffles me how less we know and how much we need to read. We have so much less important going on in our lives that we lose our focus.
May Allah Guide us all. Ameen.
When soul leaves only vessel remains just like a glass of water once it's empty it's nothing so either you are six feet under ground or burnt or left for birds of pray don't matter the rest is just make believe
Inna lillahi wa Inna ilahyi raji'un
Remember this life is temporary but Jannah is for ever.
La ilaha illah ALLAH Muhammad rasul ALLAH
To enter Jannah you need to put Allah swt Frist and don't follow desires/lust, fear Allah swt, ask for forgiveness, be a loving, caring, kind, helping others, kindness, do things for others people, teach Quran for free, have a good heart!... Not a narcissist or hypocrite!.
Hellfire isn't a joke and noone is promised Jannah!!! PLEASE do tahajjad at night time and ask Allah swt to guide jinns and humans to Islam and save us from Hellfire ameen ameen ameen PLEASE
May Allah swt grant my father Jannat-ul-firdous. Aameen. I can't stop thinking how my father is all alone in the grave. May Allah forgive us all.aameen
*Benefical message to anyone whose parents or closed one passed away* 🥀
The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) once said as reported in Tirmidhi, 1376:
“When a person dies, all his deeds come to an end except three: sadaqah jaariyah (ongoing charity, e.g. a waqf or endowment), beneficial knowledge (which he has left behind), *or a righteous child who will pray for him.”,*
The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) also said:
*A man’s status will be raised in Paradise and he will ask, ‘How did I get here?’ He will be told, ‘By your Son’s Dua'a (Children's prayers) for forgiveness for you.”*
There are certain others things we can do as well for example *Doing Sadaqah or charity on their behalf*
*The best form is Sadaqah Jariyah is giving water*
The Prophet (SAW) said: *“The best charity is giving water to drink"* so giving water is a great charitable act that brings us closer to Allah (SWT).
There are many ways to give Sadaqah on behalf of parents like donating a copy of Qur’an, building a water well, donating affordable amount for building masajid 🕌, paying fees for Madrasa children's services, Medical bills etc
Donating water to masajid or to the poor whenever possible and if applicable giving water to birds and animals regularly with good intentions
A man told the Prophet (saw) that his mother died a sudden death and did not have a chance to leave a legacy in her will, and that were she able to speak, she would want to donate to charity.
He then asked if the reward of charity on behalf of his deceased mother would reach her, to which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied, “Yes.” [Muslim]
In a report cited by Imam al-Bukhari in his famous work al-Adab al-Mufrad, we read, “A man approached the Prophet asking, “Is there anything I must do in terms of kindness towards my parents after their death?” The Prophet replied, “Yes, there are four things for you to do: Praying and asking forgiveness of Allah on their behalf, fulfilling their promises, respecting their friends, and fostering their ties of kinship….”
So let's make sure to do a lot of Dua'a for our parents and the whole Muslim Ummah in general
May Allah SWT forgive, bless and unite us all in Jannatul Firdous
امين يارب العالمين 🌸
Spread this message with everyone and we'll get reward everyone someone practices these even after we leave this world 🗺
May Allah grant us all the highest place in paradise. Amen! 4:40
My Grandfather ( Ammi's Dad )
Passed away 10 days ago
Dua for him for peace in khabar ,
May he will rewarded jannah
I'm a Christian. I love to learn from every culture. Islam, Hinduism, buddhism etc. Its beautiful as long as we don't become extremists. We all can learn from each other. I remember when the twin towers collapsed in NYC, I was walking from Manhattan and it didn't matter what religion we were we all cried together, helped each other and that is the true meaning of loving our neighbors.
Its Islam not Quran my brother.
Plzzzz listen to true SUNNI muslim ...not fake ones... there r many lies .. among the big lies..is wearing scarf by women, there s not barely a single verse in holy quran forcing them to wear it or hide hair ??!! Mind blowing is n it???
@@nayon9379 interesing
@@Godislove2066 who do you think was behind the twin tower attack??🤔
@@Asiyah2000 whoever was behind the attack doesn't represent a whole Nation. I'm Hispanic where I come from there are many gang members and they kill with such cruelty that its hard to believe they're humans but that doesn't represent my whole culture. Christians, Muslims, Jewish, Hindus, Buddhists etc. They all have known evil within their own. Let's extract the best of each. Let's not condemn every one for the cruelty of some.
My grandma has been dead for 7 years. I still see and talk to her. Same with my grandpa. I can’t see him but I hear him speaking to me.
You may believe it's your grandma and your grandpa, but it's a deception by the devil's angels/spirits masquerading as them, to get you to believe they are watching over you, they are not, when we die our earthly activity here ceases for all of us!!!
Really how did you do that
Déjame tu Instagram ,quiero ser tu amigo
Its the shaytan jinn
Please pray for my mom , she is passed away in a unexpected way ! Still I feel like I’m in a dream
May Allah bless her highest rank in jannat ul firdous ameen
May allah place her in the highest rank in heaven 🤍
I'v seen this video many many times but it was never important to me until when someone who was very close to me, my father, pased away, that was the time I love I love watching and listening to this video. May Allah forgive all of us and guide us to the straight path and also forgive all those Muslims who have passed away in the righteous way
As a teenager as from my 19 to 2o's I think I always wondered especially in my dreams what is the after life & is it infinite? I would always wake up in a scared fright mostly because I didn't know the answers and I was still young back than and it was too much to process at that age. I am 39 now and this finally answered all my questions all these years. Praise Allah Ameen🤲🏾
اللهم ارزقنا حسن الخاتمة ياكريم يا نور السماوات والأرض
May Allah SWA forgive us all our sins known and unknown and raise us among the righteous people on the day of Qiyammah
Brother to God our holy, pure and righteous and Almighty, I only want to give the true and true destiny of a person when he dies, first, when a person dies there is something God has appointed in the Spiritual World to take care of to a person who is dying and someone is following this soul, and they will come to the Place where the deceased soul will be asked what its name, age, abode is for its accuracy, then it will be ascertained in the mirror of life what is the behavior of its being. what he has lived on earth, and what is the result of the investigation into the one assigned to the Spiritual World will bring him to the place corresponding to his resulting behavior. If a person is proven to have done too much evil in his past life he can be punished to be born again on Earth as an animal, which can be a pig, horse, dog, cow, bird or goose, and they can repeatedly born as animals up to seven or twelve times depending on the amount of sin he has committed in his previous life, and when he has completed the punishment again will be examined by the one assigned to the Spiritual World if he can be born again. as a man according to his manners still made. And if the person who has died is proven in the Spiritual World to be a good person he or she will be taken to a place where those who are there are just waiting for a family position on earth to be born again in accordance with the role he or she played in his or her previous life. and if it is prepared it can be reborn in just three days, other punishments for the soul that has committed sins for example interfering too much with the bribed life of man that he should no longer know it can be reborn it can be blind or idiots, and other souls who have been proven to have killed in their previous life on earth the punishment if the killer and the murdered go to the Spiritual World they can change lives when they are born again on Earth, and the other punishment to the soul in the Spiritual World for example if the person who died owed too much money and he died it and we did not it will be given justice in the Spiritual World if the person to whom He owes a large sum of money also dies then in the Spiritual World their rebirth will be prepared and it can be punished as a father when they are reborn in the Earth they will exchange of humanity, the one who owes a large amount of money will be its Father, and so as his son grows up his son will become lazy and no matter how much money his Father will be his son only consumes and when the it is time that his debt of his past life to the soul that became his son has been paid off that it will suddenly change and come to mind and begin to do good for his Father. They did not realize why it was so but the reason for the change of the son was because the amount of money owed to him of his past life, they had already paid by his father in their past life when they were still on earth. These are just a few of the revelations of our returned God Almighty God, He is already letting us know how righteous God is that it means that all wrongdoing has an inherent punishment that God will inevitably give justice at the coming of the soul. of man in the Spiritual World ..... I want to convey to you that the one and only Almighty God has come again and He has brought the revelation of the fullness of His rule so that He can finally bring to an end all so I also invite you to listen to His WORD so that you may know the fullness of God's rule because He is already revealing all the truths that each of us should know so that you can immediately go to His built House, Throne or Kingdom on RUclips "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD." these are the WORDS of God taken from the Book that He performed here on earth when He came "THE WORD APPEARS IN THE FLESH" this is the fulfillment of the prophecy in the book of Revelation.
Allahuma Ameen ya raab 🤲🏼😪
May Almighty Allah forgive us and make that day for us to be easier
May Allah keep forgiving our sins and grant us jannah 🤍🤍
May Allah protect and guide us to the right path 🥺🤲
@@yourworstfear your words hold no value
@@LearnFromTheLight nor does your life fool
@@LearnFromTheLight okay flat earther
aameen Ya Allah
bi Rehmatika Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum
My late father invented a product that is beneficial to many customers. Me and my mother revived his business and work hard in marketing it and alhamdulillah many people are very happy with it. May this be a beneficial knowledge from him increasing his noor in the barzakh.
I lost the love of my life last Friday in an accident. He was a Muslim. Please pray for him for forgiveness.
I'm so sorry for your loss may allah be with him 🕯️❤️📿
Rab’banagh fir’li wali-waaliday’ya walil mu'mineena yaw’ma yaqoo’mul hisaab.
Rabbir ham’huma kamaa rabba yaa’nee saghee’raa.
14:41 Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents, and (all) the believers on the Day when the reckoning will be established.
17:24 My Lord! Have mercy on them both as they did care for me when I was young.
Brother to God our holy, pure and righteous and Almighty, I only want to give the true and true destiny of a person when he dies, first, when a person dies there is something God has appointed in the Spiritual World to take care of to a person who is dying and someone is following this soul, and they will come to the Place where the deceased soul will be asked what its name, age, abode is for its accuracy, then it will be ascertained in the mirror of life what is the behavior of its being. what he has lived on earth, and what is the result of the investigation into the one assigned to the Spiritual World will bring him to the place corresponding to his resulting behavior. If a person is proven to have done too much evil in his past life he can be punished to be born again on Earth as an animal, which can be a pig, horse, dog, cow, bird or goose, and they can repeatedly born as animals up to seven or twelve times depending on the amount of sin he has committed in his previous life, and when he has completed the punishment again will be examined by the one assigned to the Spiritual World if he can be born again. as a man according to his manners still made. And if the person who has died is proven in the Spiritual World to be a good person he or she will be taken to a place where those who are there are just waiting for a family position on earth to be born again in accordance with the role he or she played in his or her previous life. and if it is prepared it can be reborn in just three days, other punishments for the soul that has committed sins for example interfering too much with the bribed life of man that he should no longer know it can be reborn it can be blind or idiots, and other souls who have been proven to have killed in their previous life on earth the punishment if the killer and the murdered go to the Spiritual World they can change lives when they are born again on Earth, and the other punishment to the soul in the Spiritual World for example if the person who died owed too much money and he died it and we did not it will be given justice in the Spiritual World if the person to whom He owes a large sum of money also dies then in the Spiritual World their rebirth will be prepared and it can be punished as a father when they are reborn in the Earth they will exchange of humanity, the one who owes a large amount of money will be its Father, and so as his son grows up his son will become lazy and no matter how much money his Father will be his son only consumes and when the it is time that his debt of his past life to the soul that became his son has been paid off that it will suddenly change and come to mind and begin to do good for his Father. They did not realize why it was so but the reason for the change of the son was because the amount of money owed to him of his past life, they had already paid by his father in their past life when they were still on earth. These are just a few of the revelations of our returned God Almighty God, He is already letting us know how righteous God is that it means that all wrongdoing has an inherent punishment that God will inevitably give justice at the coming of the soul. of man in the Spiritual World ..... I want to convey to you that the one and only Almighty God has come again and He has brought the revelation of the fullness of His rule so that He can finally bring to an end all so I also invite you to listen to His WORD so that you may know the fullness of God's rule because He is already revealing all the truths that each of us should know so that you can immediately go to His built House, Throne or Kingdom on RUclips "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD." these are the WORDS of God taken from the Book that He performed here on earth when He came "THE WORD APPEARS IN THE FLESH" this is the fulfillment of the prophecy in the book of Revelation.
Dua for a good end:
اللهم إني أسألك حسن الخاتمة لحياتي.
May we all muslims serve islam with strong hearts.🩷
Allahu akbar. Islam is grand father and true answers of our philosophy
Soon joining you my brothers and sisters who have left this world. Relieved of all the tensions of this life
Makes me feel a bit better
Me and my brother are the only people from 10 grandchildren that light a candle for our Grandparents. We also light candles for our Grandmothers sister and our Mom and Dad.
I'm Nazal Ameen from India and I'm 14 years old. I have a question that I never got answer to. Why do Allah take away the people I need in Life ?My dad was literally the back bone of my life and I lost him 😖I'm watching this video because my dad passed away and want to know what he's going through. I made a promise to him that I'll make him proud 4 months before his death. My whole life goal was to make him happy, to make sure my dad has been blessed with a great child. but then on 20th July, I lost him. I can't type anymore because I'm already in tears😔.May Allah Forgive For Every He Have Done, Aameen😭
Sorry brother,
How about that, Make your whole life goal to make Allah satisfy. Brother we need Allah and no one else.
Is Jannah not better than this world? We know how difficult this life is! Dont we? There are so many problems, crime etc Your father is in a beautiful peaceful place
Pray for him
I lost my mother 8 years ago My father 1.5 years ago, my cat 1.5 months ago and my sister who was very close to me just 19 days ago I know all of them are reunited and are in a much better place.
We should always pray for them and give charity on their behalf.
May ALLAH PAK make it easy for You for this pain indeed is very hard and difficult to bear but we must not lose our faith and in Jannah there is no sadness or grief but only joy love laughter and peace
I may not clearly understand the pain you go through but I once lost my dad at an early age. I miss him too because I was the lost loved. I know how it feels sometime, however, that not how life should be, you should not cry for the dad anymore instead put your trust in God, for us as christians we don't cry alot or worry alot concerning our loved ones because we know that we are going to meet them on the day Jesus Christ shall appear on the clouds of heaven to take us to heaven. And at that time our beloved dead people will be resurrected with immortal bodies never to die again, and we shall be with them always for eternity.
So be strong just put your trust believe in God and also in Christ Jesus for whatever he promised. He will fulfil. Our God is not a liar. He knows the agony you go through but he wants you to be strong, prepare for that time by accepting Jesus Christ in your life and he will be your closest friend and he will show you the way to life everlasting, he will wipe away all tears, comfort you like your father, give you all you need like your dad. But if you don't allow him in your life then you will still remains sorrowful and sad. Choose for yourself.
We are from Allah and we have to return to Him. This is inevitable.
I lost my father a year ago and I know how painful it is. I cant stop crying whenever I think abt him.
I console myself saying.. everything in this World will perish.Allah says that He will test each one of us with the loss of life , health , wealth.....
So even we hv to go back to Allah when its time.
May Allah make it easy for u .
you know it is the most meaningful topic in youtube vid. everybody crying when dying and borned. i have lost many people closed to me - family, friends.
I lost my only Sister Aisha .May Allah forgive her shortcomings and grant us jannah firdaus
*Benefical message to anyone whose parents or closed one passed away* 🥀
The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) once said as reported in Tirmidhi, 1376:
“When a person dies, all his deeds come to an end except three: sadaqah jaariyah (ongoing charity, e.g. a waqf or endowment), beneficial knowledge (which he has left behind), *or a righteous child who will pray for him.”,*
The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) also said:
*A man’s status will be raised in Paradise and he will ask, ‘How did I get here?’ He will be told, ‘By your Son’s Dua'a (Children's prayers) for forgiveness for you.”*
There are certain others things we can do as well for example *Doing Sadaqah or charity on their behalf*
*The best form is Sadaqah Jariyah is giving water*
The Prophet (SAW) said: *“The best charity is giving water to drink"* so giving water is a great charitable act that brings us closer to Allah (SWT).
There are many ways to give Sadaqah on behalf of parents like donating a copy of Qur’an, building a water well, donating affordable amount for building masajid 🕌, paying fees for Madrasa children's services, Medical bills etc
Donating water to masajid or to the poor whenever possible and if applicable giving water to birds and animals regularly with good intentions
A man told the Prophet (saw) that his mother died a sudden death and did not have a chance to leave a legacy in her will, and that were she able to speak, she would want to donate to charity.
He then asked if the reward of charity on behalf of his deceased mother would reach her, to which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied, “Yes.” [Muslim]
In a report cited by Imam al-Bukhari in his famous work al-Adab al-Mufrad, we read, “A man approached the Prophet asking, “Is there anything I must do in terms of kindness towards my parents after their death?” The Prophet replied, “Yes, there are four things for you to do: Praying and asking forgiveness of Allah on their behalf, fulfilling their promises, respecting their friends, and fostering their ties of kinship….”
So let's make sure to do a lot of Dua'a for our parents and the whole Muslim Ummah in general
May Allah SWT forgive, bless and unite us all in Jannatul Firdous
امين يارب العالمين 🌸
Spread this message with everyone and we'll get reward everyone someone practices these even after we leave this world 🗺
Alhamdulillah i have convert to Islam. Please pray for me to be istiqomah❤️
Ya Allah make me and all my muslim brothers and sisters among the righteous ones. And also put us among the righteous people hereafter. Aameen!
Ecclesiastes 9:5,10
For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten.
Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going
Thanks for clearing that up child of God Amen 🙏🏾
Of course on this realm, JESUS said the rich man" lift up his eyes in hell " in Luke 16
Of course brother after death we remain in an unconscious state. Thanks the lord for his precious teachings. Some religions preach that there is a place for souls to meet which is completely false thus opening the door of spiritism or witchcraft. We know that all deads will come to life on the hearing of the voice of Jesus Christ. The believers firstly for the kingdom of the lord then the wicked for eternal death. Jesus is the only way to eternal life
What about the parable Jesus told about the rich man and the poor man?
@@MillerJW100 You said it yourself bro that its a parable. If you look at all verses in the Bible relating to the dead or the ressurection you will get the whole picture of the state of the dead.
I am going through a divorce after been married for 5 years and having 2 children and listing to this makes me
Feel so emotional 😢
Me too, I know what state of mind your in. My wife left me a couple a weeks ago with everything my 10 month old and I just found out she’s pregnant again. I know what state of mind your in brother 😢.
@@cortneybell20554 them hoes ain't loyal
I was married for the first time for 10 months and my husband left me. Imagine what I feel, no children and I prayed to Allah give me children with my ex husband. He made me a kaffir , he made me throw the quran in the bin, I attempted suicide twice but it failed. I pray now still ya Allah return my husband even after divorcing me because I cant imagine myself marrying another man. The pain doesnt go away. He does not fear Allah
My mother passed away last week, may Allah grant her jannah and widen her grave and furnish her grave with furnishings from jannah may Allah make her strong when answering, may Allah make me pious and benefit her in her grave, may Allah multiply all her deeds immensely may he reunite us in jannah al Firdaus… AMEEN
Let's recite once again and on the day of Judgment remember my name that I reminded you of Shahada today!
Ash-hadu Al-laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo Wa-Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadan ‘Abduhoo Wa Rasooluhu.
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, the One alone, without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
Thanks 😊😊
Jazaakallah Khair
Prophet Muhammad ( peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
I lost my both father and mother in month of Ramadan may their souls rest in jannat tul firdous ameen
Ameen yarabi, my beloved mother passed 1st March this year, on jumma (Friday), May Allah make it easy for then, all we can do is pray and may Allah grant us sabr Ameen❤️🤲🏾 stay strong for them
How r u now??it's soo sad???plzz pry for my mother she is sick
For what it's worth, I've had a near death experience when I was 8 years old and I remember quite well I couldn't see my hands or feet or ANY of my body whatsoever, but I do remember seeing an OUTLINE by lightning form the most beautiful source of energy! Some say Allah, Some say Jehovah and Some say the Creator of All Mankind, I would love to have that experience again because he helped me to realize (feeling I was the size of an ant COMPARED TO HIM) he is, was and WILL ALWAYS BE BIGGER THAN MY PROBLEMS!!! Remember don't live in fear, God wants you too love him because fear brings on sin and hatred, because a lot of us fear what we don't understand!!! Stop trying to understand, be real with who you really are
He could be angel
This is the right time you should know purpose of you life and find the truth ,remember no matter what there is only 2 probability teuth or false so find the truth,hope you get your answers and what exp you had
O Allah, forgive my parents and elevate their station among those who are guided. Send them along the path of those who came before, and forgive us and them, O Lord of the worlds. Enlarge for them their graves and shed light upon them in it. Amen.
I'm a muslim and a sinner, this video inspires me to be a better person
Let's share rewards
2. Alhamdulillah
3. Allahu Akbar
4. La ilaha illallah
5. Asthagfirullahal aleem
6. Allahumma ajirni Mina nnar
If i die i just want to see my dad in spirit...
I just finished crying again.. I have been crying for 4years i don't know when i will get over.. Anytime i remember seeing him in that ⚰️ casket i cry out so loud even though i know know that I will pass through that too.
Oh God I just want to be in heaven please help me.. Death is too painful
I feel your pain, my life hasn’t been the same since my dad passed away 3 years ago.
People say that it gets easier, but I haven’t experienced that yet.
Sending you a virtual hug 🤗
ALLAH is great and Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ is the last prophet of ALLAH.
Waaah I’m so lateeee I was so busy 😭😭 but vividle and sapphire pyro posting link click content near the same time is such a treat
I Believe this this is so True 100% I Experience this almost every time, When my Dead family communicate with me to save me always.
Stop, those behaviours and repent. God your creator hates such abominable things of consulting the spirits of the Dead. Repent today and turn to God, through Jesus Christ and you will nolonger be a slave to those familiar Spirits.
May Allah grant us janna.Ameen🤲🤲
I love this channel ❤
May Allah make us amongst this who die in submission of him ameen
as an Orthodox christian, I really enjoyed your informative video. thank you and God bless.
Jesus was a prophet 😔
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الَّذِي لَا يَضُرُّ مَعَ اسْمِهِ شَيْءٌ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَا فِي السَّمَاءِ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ
Ya Allah forgive us for all our major and minor sins in the past-present and future. Reunite us all with our families and friends in Jannah without accountability.
My very close uncle passed away yesterday, and it is my first time a close relative passed away. He was a very nice person and was not even that old but yesterday he fell down, was rushed to the hospital, but died of cardiac arrest😔 Please pray 🙏 for him as his test in this world has completed I pray for all of his sins to be removed.
Brother to God our holy, pure and righteous and Almighty, I only want to give the true and true destiny of a person when he dies, first, when a person dies there is something God has appointed in the Spiritual World to take care of to a person who is dying and someone is following this soul, and they will come to the Place where the deceased soul will be asked what its name, age, abode is for its accuracy, then it will be ascertained in the mirror of life what is the behavior of its being. what he has lived on earth, and what is the result of the investigation into the one assigned to the Spiritual World will bring him to the place corresponding to his resulting behavior. If a person is proven to have done too much evil in his past life he can be punished to be born again on Earth as an animal, which can be a pig, horse, dog, cow, bird or goose, and they can repeatedly born as animals up to seven or twelve times depending on the amount of sin he has committed in his previous life, and when he has completed the punishment again will be examined by the one assigned to the Spiritual World if he can be born again. as a man according to his manners still made. And if the person who has died is proven in the Spiritual World to be a good person he or she will be taken to a place where those who are there are just waiting for a family position on earth to be born again in accordance with the role he or she played in his or her previous life. and if it is prepared it can be reborn in just three days, other punishments for the soul that has committed sins for example interfering too much with the bribed life of man that he should no longer know it can be reborn it can be blind or idiots, and other souls who have been proven to have killed in their previous life on earth the punishment if the killer and the murdered go to the Spiritual World they can change lives when they are born again on Earth, and the other punishment to the soul in the Spiritual World for example if the person who died owed too much money and he died it and we did not it will be given justice in the Spiritual World if the person to whom He owes a large sum of money also dies then in the Spiritual World their rebirth will be prepared and it can be punished as a father when they are reborn in the Earth they will exchange of humanity, the one who owes a large amount of money will be its Father, and so as his son grows up his son will become lazy and no matter how much money his Father will be his son only consumes and when the it is time that his debt of his past life to the soul that became his son has been paid off that it will suddenly change and come to mind and begin to do good for his Father. They did not realize why it was so but the reason for the change of the son was because the amount of money owed to him of his past life, they had already paid by his father in their past life when they were still on earth. These are just a few of the revelations of our returned God Almighty God, He is already letting us know how righteous God is that it means that all wrongdoing has an inherent punishment that God will inevitably give justice at the coming of the soul. of man in the Spiritual World ..... I want to convey to you that the one and only Almighty God has come again and He has brought the revelation of the fullness of His rule so that He can finally bring to an end all so I also invite you to listen to His WORD so that you may know the fullness of God's rule because He is already revealing all the truths that each of us should know so that you can immediately go to His built House, Throne or Kingdom on RUclips "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD." this is the fulfillment of (Revelation 3: 7-12-) -------- and these are the WORDS of God taken from the Book that He did here on earth when He came "THE WORD APPEARS IN THE FLESH "this is the fulfillment of the prophecy in the book of Revelation. (Revelation 12: 5)
@@nayon9379 ur point of view is so human maam what microscopic animal do they have soul or not what about bacteria living in body do they have soul plz answer i am curious
My husband died yesterday , only 50 we have been married 35 years, please make dua for me and my children
May Allah SWT bless you and your family
*Benefical message to anyone whose parents or closed one passed away* 🥀
The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) once said as reported in Tirmidhi, 1376:
“When a person dies, all his deeds come to an end except three: sadaqah jaariyah (ongoing charity, e.g. a waqf or endowment), beneficial knowledge (which he has left behind), *or a righteous child who will pray for him.”,*
The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) also said:
*A man’s status will be raised in Paradise and he will ask, ‘How did I get here?’ He will be told, ‘By your Son’s Dua'a (Children's prayers) for forgiveness for you.”*
There are certain others things we can do as well for example *Doing Sadaqah or charity on their behalf*
*The best form is Sadaqah Jariyah is giving water*
The Prophet (SAW) said: *“The best charity is giving water to drink"* so giving water is a great charitable act that brings us closer to Allah (SWT).
There are many ways to give Sadaqah on behalf of parents like donating a copy of Qur’an, building a water well, donating affordable amount for building masajid 🕌, paying fees for Madrasa children's services, Medical bills etc
Donating water to masajid or to the poor whenever possible and if applicable giving water to birds and animals regularly with good intentions
A man told the Prophet (saw) that his mother died a sudden death and did not have a chance to leave a legacy in her will, and that were she able to speak, she would want to donate to charity.
He then asked if the reward of charity on behalf of his deceased mother would reach her, to which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied, “Yes.” [Muslim]
In a report cited by Imam al-Bukhari in his famous work al-Adab al-Mufrad, we read, “A man approached the Prophet asking, “Is there anything I must do in terms of kindness towards my parents after their death?” The Prophet replied, “Yes, there are four things for you to do: Praying and asking forgiveness of Allah on their behalf, fulfilling their promises, respecting their friends, and fostering their ties of kinship….”
So let's make sure to do a lot of Dua'a for our parents and the whole Muslim Ummah in general
May Allah SWT forgive, bless and unite us all in Jannatul Firdous
امين يارب العالمين 🌸
Spread this message with everyone and we'll get reward everyone someone practices these even after we leave this world 🗺
Ya Allah only you know me well. Plz forgive me and guide me and Grant me n my family Jannat ul firdous Ameen
Ive been to barzak world.. its so identical to our world.. exept the place there is so clean and well painted.. the atmosphere there look like early morning like 6am.. the people there wear nice suits and it look like 1930s... When i look up i see the cloud formation thats very beautiful... The angels are tall humanoid and faceless they are glowing with lights all over their body.. i also saw the souls of forgotten they are black hooded figure.. the angel said to me they are the souls of the people thats already forgotten. The angel said to me that we need to always remember oour love ones and friends that already pass on. We should always pray for them so that they will not be a forgotten souls. Coz they can no longer transform to their human form..
May Allah be with us all and guide us to the righteous
I feel like even though I'm physically here, I don't feel spiritually here. Lately I've felt like I will go to sleep and not wake up. I'm aware of everything when I'm awake and it feels like my spirit is looking through my own eyes . No I don't do drugs or drink and I'm not a mentally ill nutjob
Same I don’t feel anything since 2017 like I exist but idk what’s going on! When I do something it doesn’t make me happy or sad and when I go to different places I don’t feel anything or miss anyone
Brother to God our holy, pure and righteous and Almighty, I only want to give the true and true destiny of a person when he dies, first, when a person dies there is something God has appointed in the Spiritual World to take care of to a person who is dying and someone is following this soul, and they will come to the Place where the deceased soul will be asked what its name, age, abode is for its accuracy, then it will be ascertained in the mirror of life what is the behavior of its being. what he has lived on earth, and what is the result of the investigation into the one assigned to the Spiritual World will bring him to the place corresponding to his resulting behavior. If a person is proven to have done too much evil in his past life he can be punished to be born again on Earth as an animal, which can be a pig, horse, dog, cow, bird or goose, and they can repeatedly born as animals up to seven or twelve times depending on the amount of sin he has committed in his previous life, and when he has completed the punishment again will be examined by the one assigned to the Spiritual World if he can be born again. as a man according to his manners still made. And if the person who has died is proven in the Spiritual World to be a good person he or she will be taken to a place where those who are there are just waiting for a family position on earth to be born again in accordance with the role he or she played in his or her previous life. and if it is prepared it can be reborn in just three days, other punishments for the soul that has committed sins for example interfering too much with the bribed life of man that he should no longer know it can be reborn it can be blind or idiots, and other souls who have been proven to have killed in their previous life on earth the punishment if the killer and the murdered go to the Spiritual World they can change lives when they are born again on Earth, and the other punishment to the soul in the Spiritual World for example if the person who died owed too much money and he died it and we did not it will be given justice in the Spiritual World if the person to whom He owes a large sum of money also dies then in the Spiritual World their rebirth will be prepared and it can be punished as a father when they are reborn in the Earth they will exchange of humanity, the one who owes a large amount of money will be its Father, and so as his son grows up his son will become lazy and no matter how much money his Father will be his son only consumes and when the it is time that his debt of his past life to the soul that became his son has been paid off that it will suddenly change and come to mind and begin to do good for his Father. They did not realize why it was so but the reason for the change of the son was because the amount of money owed to him of his past life, they had already paid by his father in their past life when they were still on earth. These are just a few of the revelations of our returned God Almighty God, He is already letting us know how righteous God is that it means that all wrongdoing has an inherent punishment that God will inevitably give justice at the coming of the soul. of man in the Spiritual World ..... I want to convey to you that the one and only Almighty God has come again and He has brought the revelation of the fullness of His rule so that He can finally bring to an end all so I also invite you to listen to His WORD so that you may know the fullness of God's rule because He is already revealing all the truths that each of us should know so that you can immediately go to His built House, Throne or Kingdom on RUclips "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD." these are the WORDS of God taken from the Book that He performed here on earth when He came "THE WORD APPEARS IN THE FLESH" this is the fulfillment of the prophecy in the book of Revelation.
Beautifully explained let's be the righteous child
Matthew 6:33, But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Seek God (The God of the Living Word, the 3 in 1 God, the God above all, the truth and only God) and you will become righteous through him.
@@zazatheepyt2672 Bible? How bout you bible deez nutz
@FascinationFantasy_ LOL One. Laugh at your inability to comprehend.
@FascinationFantasy_ LOL Jesus the Son that came to earth and died for us, God the father, and God's Spirit which lives those who are saved. They are all 1 God just different persons.
Thank you. After my mother died i want to know more about what happens to her soul and how i can help her. This video helps me a lot ♥️
This is not what dead people are doing right now.
@@zazatheepyt2672 yes, they are. Christian ideology of the dead people makes no sense at all
Same recently lost my mother I'm always thinking about her soul , her life in akhirah 😔 May Allah grant my mother highest rank in jannatul Firdouse 🤲🏻😭 Ameen
@@Design--om2zx Nor does any other religious belief about what happens when we die. I stand on the highest mountain top and scream, PROVE IT!
How gullible are you, it dont matter what he or anyone says it does not mean if is fact
Your teaching is very good sir.
Thnks a lot I had a lot of doubt s regarding this now cleared....❤️
You are getting more lost. That's not true, that dualistic theory of human body and immortality of the soul something which is completely wrong.
Me and my family are going through the toughest times of our life can i please get unlimited ameens
May Allah make everything easy for you and your family amens👏👏👏
@@fadumonor868 Alhamdulillah i wish the same for u
May Allah makes everything easy for u and ur family 💜
My Younger brother died of chronic kidney disease last Sunday. I am very depressed because i love him so much. He was 22 years old and was diseased since he was born.. He got many infections and other issue and couldn't live a life full of enjoyment or satisfaction. I know he was pious and would enter Jannah Inn Shaa Allah. I just wanted to know what is he doing right now.. I miss him so muxh but i am keeping sabr so that my parents dont get more hurt😭
You don't need to know what he's doing now because he's simply in the grave waiting fo the resurrection, all his records were closed on the day he died and is awaiting for resurrection.
There's nothing going.
Just relax and prepare your life for eternal life or if not for eternal death. But if you accept Jesus Christ in your life from now on, keep God's commandments including the Sabbath and walk in his footsteps, you have assurance to be in heaven when Jesus comes back the second time.
My brother also dies in a accident he is only 18 year old i miss him so much 😢
Subhanallah, Glory to God ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Heaven is a fun home to go to i hope I go to heaven when I die if Im dead I hope my comment goes up
I experience a little bit of death that feel you alone and and find another things that you can see and your dead grandma etc.but suddenly god will infront of you to back you in this world because your mission is undone..and i feel my soul is back in my body
May allah grant all of us in jannah. Ameen
I had a dream one day; I was at my house and a friend who had passed away 16 yrs ago visited me. He said he asked God if he can come and visit me and he was given permission to do so. He said there were many of them who were given permission to visit their loved ones. I was obviously happy to see him. As I was talking to him, I saw myself out of my body... I'm in my early 40s but I saw myself in my late 70s ... after we were done talking and he said it was time for him to go back and he vanished right in front of me. I still wonder what that dream meant.
Omg! I had the same dream with my father too
He came to visit me and after we finish taking
He said daughter I have to go back they are waiting for me, I ask who is waiting for you and he said them, soundly I saw a huge light and my father despair
It means that he/she ask you to make dua for them and doing Ziarah to their grave
So u don't remember what you were discussing?
Any way, stop believing those illusions of the dead friends and relatives, they are not the ones but evil spirits that manipulate themselves into images of our beloved dead , something very abominable before God, because God forbids any kind of discussion or consultations or communication with the dead. So whenever they appear before you, don't believe them. The dead have no relationship with the living . That Satan approaching you. To believe that we don't die. But continue to live.
My father died when i was 7 yesrs old, i was crying a lot, and that night after he buried? I dreams him that he is settling in his fevorite swing and i came to him and asked, oh father you are here? And i was crying that time because he said? He is gonna leave, 😭😭😭, ya ALLAH ARHAM ABE AMEEN
Lost my oldest brother in 2013. I wasn't sure of an afterlife until his death... He had a beautiful spirit. We didnt realize how pure he was until he was gone😢.... Afterwards I had a problem leaving him in the grave.... It brothered me more than I can express... However, after time I began having dreams about Tony..... In the dreams I knew he was dead, I remember feeling scared in knowing he was gone. But he was happy, there were several people with him in the dreams but i couldn't see their faces ( all their faces were blurry ) ( strange ).... Tony had this Huge house with tall stairs, maybe 50 steps or more..... I can't remember what he was saying to me during the dream after i had awoken but it was something that seemed important during the dream.....
After 6yrs, 11months and 4 days later my 2nd brother passed away.... The pain of loss is unexplainable.... But after Caleb passed alot of time went by b4 I had any dreams.... Finally when he came to me, Tony was with him. However it was like Caleb was controlling the dream and Tony was on the outer rim of the circle and conversation... It was like i could feel something was wrong.... I've tried explaining my dreams of Caleb to our parents, I've had a problem with understanding why n what it all meant.... Im going to look further into what is spoken in this video... I've never heard of this.... Thank you for sharing 🤍
Only lord jesus knows evrything..thats all i can say to you guys..thank you and godbless us all...
Masha Allah Subhanallah Allahu Akbar Alhamdulillah Shukran Alhamdulillah 😢❤😢
I seek refuge in Allah SWT from the punishment of the grave
“Islam” means “submission to the will of God.” All praises is to Allah❤ I'm proud to be a Muslim ☪️🙏❤💙❣
@@christonchristian7448 this how your religion teach right ? to other person with different religion
This is comedy and a total lie from the pits of hell. Don't be deceived. Read your bible KJV and serve Jesus Christ . He is the only way truth and the life and no man come to the father but by him. Go by what Jesus said, he said if his spirit is in you he'll raise you from the dead at the time of his rapture/coming. If you die before the rapture found in 1 Thessalonians 4 you will still be taken up by God. Only if you have the submitted to Jesus Christ and his ways you will have eternal life. When you don't you will go to hell along with Satan and his demons and never return. He baptized in Jesus name and filled with his holy ghost. Acts 2:38
Is it my soul or my brain seeing things when I sleep? How come I dream of events im currently pursuing? To me the body is the hardware, consciousness is software, they work together, when the brain dies the software cant be read and it also dies,
My uncle passed away yesterday please uncle take a good care of you we miss you so much I hope I was you to the place where you are and my mother always told me that I must pray everyday and yes I pray but when I pray I can see you uncle happy new year ❤️❤️🙏🙏😭😭
Subhanallah, Alhamdullilah, Allahu Akbar, la illaha illallah x
Brother to God our holy, pure and righteous and Almighty, I only want to give the true and true destiny of a person when he dies, first, when a person dies there is something God has appointed in the Spiritual World to take care of to a person who is dying and someone is following this soul, and they will come to the Place where the deceased soul will be asked what its name, age, abode is for its accuracy, then it will be ascertained in the mirror of life what is the behavior of its being. what he has lived on earth, and what is the result of the investigation into the one assigned to the Spiritual World will bring him to the place corresponding to his resulting behavior. If a person is proven to have done too much evil in his past life he can be punished to be born again on Earth as an animal, which can be a pig, horse, dog, cow, bird or goose, and they can repeatedly born as animals up to seven or twelve times depending on the amount of sin he has committed in his previous life, and when he has completed the punishment again will be examined by the one assigned to the Spiritual World if he can be born again. as a man according to his manners still made. And if the person who has died is proven in the Spiritual World to be a good person he or she will be taken to a place where those who are there are just waiting for a family position on earth to be born again in accordance with the role he or she played in his or her previous life. and if it is prepared it can be reborn in just three days, other punishments for the soul that has committed sins for example interfering too much with the bribed life of man that he should no longer know it can be reborn it can be blind or idiots, and other souls who have been proven to have killed in their previous life on earth the punishment if the killer and the murdered go to the Spiritual World they can change lives when they are born again on Earth, and the other punishment to the soul in the Spiritual World for example if the person who died owed too much money and he died it and we did not it will be given justice in the Spiritual World if the person to whom He owes a large sum of money also dies then in the Spiritual World their rebirth will be prepared and it can be punished as a father when they are reborn in the Earth they will exchange of humanity, the one who owes a large amount of money will be its Father, and so as his son grows up his son will become lazy and no matter how much money his Father will be his son only consumes and when the it is time that his debt of his past life to the soul that became his son has been paid off that it will suddenly change and come to mind and begin to do good for his Father. They did not realize why it was so but the reason for the change of the son was because the amount of money owed to him of his past life, they had already paid by his father in their past life when they were still on earth. These are just a few of the revelations of our returned God Almighty God, He is already letting us know how righteous God is that it means that all wrongdoing has an inherent punishment that God will inevitably give justice at the coming of the soul. of man in the Spiritual World ..... I want to convey to you that the one and only Almighty God has come again and He has brought the revelation of the fullness of His rule so that He can finally bring to an end all so I also invite you to listen to His WORD so that you may know the fullness of God's rule because He is already revealing all the truths that each of us should know so that you can immediately go to His built House, Throne or Kingdom on RUclips "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD." these are the WORDS of God taken from the Book that He performed here on earth when He came "THE WORD APPEARS IN THE FLESH" this is the fulfillment of the prophecy in the book of Revelation.
I really want to go to Allah ! Please Allah free me from this World soon so that i can come to YOU Asap 💞 Ya Allah Ana Hibbuki ♥️💟
I'm gonna prepare my "Kafan" right away & wait until i come to YOU Allah! 💕
Prepare for aqirat my sister
We aren’t allowed to ask for death miss, please don’t say like this you never know whether Allah is happy with us or not. Always pray to Allah that whenever we leaves this world we have imaan and we are on right path...
@@IMMI378 True
@@IMMI378 Don't be harsh on her she just knows that one day we'll all die . No one can run away from it its natural . And if it's her wish to see him than there is also nothing wrong about it
Mashallah than work really hard to please him inshallah sister, your heart is beautiful
Whoever says SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi (Glory be to Allah and Praise Him) a hundred times during the day, his sins are wiped away, even if they are like the foam of the sea [Sahih al-Bukhari; #7:168, Sahih Muslim; #4:2071]
2 - whoever says SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi, Subhan-Allahi 'l-`adheem (Glory be to Allah, and Praise, Glory be to Allah, the Supreme)
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Two words are light on the tongue, weigh heavily in the balance, they are loved by the Most Merciful One " [Sahih al-Bukhari; #7:67, Sahih Muslim, #4:2071]
I lost last 3 weeks ago my best grandma i miss her every second how can life without her😭😭😭
My beloved mother passed away in Nov 24 never imagined life without her..Allah unki magferat femaye ur jannat tul firdouse atta fermaye. Aameen
Same it happened today to me and she died as a disbeliever, i regret not converting her