The First Great Awakening- #9 of The History of the Christian Church

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • This is a documentary style video combining Tom Nelson's audio lesson with images found on the World Wide Web. Video #9 covers the First Great Awakening (1720 - 1740 AD).

Комментарии • 24

  • @djentile7773
    @djentile7773 3 года назад +1

    Coolest thing I've seen today hands down. Lord we need your glory to fall like this again!

  • @mariomoreno9103
    @mariomoreno9103 Год назад

    Amazing teachings!!! Thank you!!

  • @stanleysroka7595
    @stanleysroka7595 9 лет назад +2

    This particular number in the series has helped me understand what St. Peter said ,"1Pe_4:11 If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
    1Pe_4:16 Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf." I can trust God to confirm His Word, not by my ability, but rather by being faithful to distribute His Word by voice, print, and holy example of the believer.

  • @sergioinfanzon210
    @sergioinfanzon210 2 года назад

    Amazing teaching Thank you so much!

  • @yvettesterling1837
    @yvettesterling1837 6 лет назад +3

    I’m enjoying these videos, and learning a lot! I’m a recent Calvinist convert!

  • @joca1129
    @joca1129 6 лет назад +2

    Wow powerful message

  • @peterstoddard6225
    @peterstoddard6225 4 года назад +1

    Edwards' grandfather Solomon Stoddard is my 7th great-grandfather. Only one correction: Northampton is in Massachusetts, not Connecticut. Otherwise, blessings for bringing all this to light!

  • @CWSteinle
    @CWSteinle 12 лет назад +2

    Great teaching and great visuals. Good work!

  • @nuggetoftruth-ericking7489
    @nuggetoftruth-ericking7489 5 лет назад +2

    This was interesting.

  • @kathyfann
    @kathyfann 9 лет назад +4

    Night and Day we that pray must pray.

  • @vaughnlonganecker986
    @vaughnlonganecker986 2 года назад

    by the way, it wasn't the Baptist who started the separation of church and state started, it was from the Anabaptist, who influenced the Baptist John Smyth and John Robinson in the Netherlands

  • @kathyfann
    @kathyfann 9 лет назад +3

    I pray for A great Move of The Holy Spirit of God all over the Nation of Israel and America and the Nations of The Earth

  • @yvonnetitus8620
    @yvonnetitus8620 Год назад

    Great evaluation! Helpful to debunk LDS apostles and of New Apostolic Reformation. My former church was secretly morphing into NAR. The “lead” pastor was claiming the position of apostle by his weaving it into sermons without actually identifying it. His mentor friend who wasn’t even technically a part of the church secretly became more of an authority and classified himself as a prophet. The secrecy was no different than the secrecy spirit within LDS. This is a bad spirit.

  • @peterstoddard6225
    @peterstoddard6225 4 года назад

    So little is known about Solomon Stoddard, whose smaller "harvests" in Northampton predated his grandson Jonathen Edwards' larger revivals.

  • @TheDeathInTheAir
    @TheDeathInTheAir 5 лет назад

    The motto Novus ordo seclorum can be translated as "A new order of the ages." It was proposed by Charles Thomson, the Latin expert who was involved in the design of the Great Seal of the United States, to signify "the beginning of the new American Era" as of the date of the Declaration of Independence.

    • @TheDeathInTheAir
      @TheDeathInTheAir 5 лет назад

      The phrase is a reference to the fourth Eclogue of Virgil, which contains a passage (lines 5-8[2]) that reads:
      Now is come the final era of the
      Sibyl's song;
      Now is come the final era of the
      Sibyl's song;
      The great order of the ages is
      born afresh
      now justice returns, honored
      rules return (or return of Saturn's
      now a new lineage is sent down from High Heaven.

  • @Captain-wc6vj
    @Captain-wc6vj 10 лет назад +1

    Very good! Prayer, Purity, and LOVE is revival! I couldn't tell whether the speaker was endorsing state sponsored religion under the Catholic Church though. In 312 Satan joined the church and transformed Caesar into the Pope. It's evils are still going strong (unfortunately) today. I am looking forward to a theocracy under Jesus coming to the earth soon!
    A couple of questions: If Johnathan Edwards was a great husband and full of love, why would his wife write a book titled "Living with a difficult man?" How would that make you feel as a husband? I mean what nerve? What did God think of that? Interestingly the Second Great Awakening later in the century was called the "feminism of Christianity."
    Also Billy Graham is a 33 degree Freemason and a devil. Benjamin Franklin's connection with Whitfield seems very sinister. Franklin was the leading Freemason and Illuminist of the era. Franklin sacrificed women and children in his basement and sponsored many anti-christian laws and state policy. If they started UPENN together it leads me to believe that Whitfield was just the Billy Graham/Joel Osteen of his day - a wolf in sheep's clothing supported by the wealthy elite of Europe. History is so complicated and polluted.
    So the early preachers scared everyone into church and neglected their wives...Maybe that's why the revivals never lasted? Fear preaching gets people into church so they can be controlled. I am gathering that this is the American Christian legacy.
    A lasting revival has nothing to do with miracles or great preaching. It has everything to do with the members increasing in the knowledge of God (love) and it growing in the community. 1 John 4:8. That's how you know a revival is real. The love grows.
    By the way, the lay person was another invention of the Catholic Church to control people. We're not lay-people - lay-people is condescending. Understand Jesus would have been considered a lay-person! I pray for a revival of love in the speaker! Love you Joel :)

  • @haroldseah306
    @haroldseah306 4 года назад

    Video: Cowper "pronounced Cooper"
    Narrator: No, I don't think I will

  • @bernardgill1439
    @bernardgill1439 6 лет назад

    it is, and what it isn’t.
    the word Rapture is mentioned, responses differ. Some people know it
    refers to Christ coming to take the church to heaven. Others
    incorrectly associate the rapture with Christ’s Second Coming.
    Still others have no idea what the Rapture is.
    prevails, primarily because many churches seldom teach the subject
    today or lack biblical clarity when they do teach it. In some
    circles, people even dislike or ridicule the doctrine. Often the
    Rapture passages are spiritualized, stripping the text of its true
    Rapture of the church is a major doctrine in Scripture, and it is
    incumbent on us as Christians to understand the meaning of this
    important prophetic event.
    Rapture Defined
    word Rapture does
    not appear in the English Bible. It is a Latin word, raptura,
    which means to “seize, snatch, or be carried away.” The Greek
    word harpazō does
    appear in the Bible (1 Th. 4:17) and means the same thing as raptura.
    Thus the Rapture is clearly taught in Scripture. The
    Greek word harpazō does appear in the Bible (1 Th. 4:17)
    and means the same thing as raptura. Thus the Rapture is clearly
    taught in Scripture.
    central passages describe the Rapture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and
    1 Corinthians 15:50-54. The Rapture refers to when Jesus Christ
    will descend from heaven with a shout, the voice of an archangel, and
    the trumpet of God to gather all true Christians to heaven. Those who
    already died and those living will be caught up together to meet the
    Lord in the air (1 Th. 4:16-17).
    event will happen suddenly, without prophetic signs or warning. When
    we are transported to heaven, we will be physically transformed in
    the twinkling of an eye to receive glorified bodies preparing us for
    life in eternity. The apostle Paul wrote, “In a moment, in the
    twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound,
    and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
    For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must
    put on immortality” (1 Cor. 15:52-53). Our “corruptible” sin
    natures will be instantly eradicated, and we will experience
    perfection in body, soul, and spirit.
    said Christ will “transform our lowly body that it may be conformed
    to His glorious body” (Phil. 3:21). Every believer’s body will be
    refashioned in a resurrected form (but still recognizable), as was
    Christ’s body. The apostle John assured us that we “shall be like
    Him” (1 Jn. 3:2).
    believer’s body will be refashioned in a resurrected form (but
    still recognizable), as was Christ’s body.
    was Christ like in His resurrected body? He could appear and vanish
    (Lk. 24:31); and He could walk, talk, eat, and rise into heaven (Jn.
    21:21-25; Acts 1:11). He was not bound by gravity, time, or space;
    and He could travel at will from one place to another instantly. When
    we are raptured, we will possess the same abilities in our glorified
    bodies, but we do not know yet to what extent.
    Relationship Described
    relationship with Jesus Christ resembles that of a bridegroom and his
    bride. John the Baptist first used this analogy in John 3:28-30. He
    taught that Christ is the Bridegroom, and the church is His bride.
    the phrase bride
    of Christ is
    not in the New Testament, the idea appears throughout Scripture (cf.
    2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:23-27; Rev. 19:7; 21:9), providing great
    insight concerning our unbreakable union with Christ. It pictures the
    intimacy we enjoy with Him, like that of a husband and wife (the most
    private, personal bond possible in life).
    Rapture refers to when Jesus Christ will descend from heaven with a
    shout, the voice of an archangel, and the trumpet of God to gather
    all true Christians to heaven.
    union is a “great mystery” (Eph. 5:32), something unknowable
    unless God reveals it. Paul said specifically he was speaking in
    Ephesians 5:23-29 about more than human marriage; he was speaking
    about “Christ and the church” (v. 32).
    Rapture Distinctives
    Christians associate the Rapture with Christ’s Second Coming. This
    is a mistake because these events are distinct from each other; and
    it is important to understand the differences:
    the Rapture, believers meet Christ in the air (1 Th. 4:17). At
    Christ’s Second Coming to Earth, no meeting takes place (Zech.
    the Rapture, only born-again believers will see Christ come (Jn.
    14:3). At the Second Coming, the entire world will see Him (Mt.
    24:30; Rev. 1:7).
    the Rapture, believers are taken to heaven (Jn. 14:3). Unbelievers
    remain on Earth to endure the Tribulation. At the Second Coming,
    believers return to Earth with Christ to enter the Millennial
    Kingdom (Mt. 25:34). Unbelievers who survive the Great Tribulation
    will never enter the Kingdom; they will be purged and thrown into
    everlasting fire (v. 41).
    the Rapture, Christ returns for His church (1 Th. 4:17). At the
    Second Coming, His church returns with Him to rule on Earth during
    the Millennial Kingdom (Rev. 19:14).
    Rapture is imminent. No signs or events must precede it. Many signs
    and events occur before Christ’s Second Coming (Mt.24:4-30).
    Great Tribulation-when God unleashes His wrath on Earth-will not
    affect believers because they will already have been raptured (1 Th.
    5:9). The Great Tribulation will torment unbelievers, all of whom
    will be left on Earth (Rev. 6-18).
    the church is mentioned 19 times in the first three chapters of the
    book of Revelation, it is not mentioned again until Revelation 22.
    In other words, Scripture does not mention the word church when
    dealing with God’s Tribulation wrath in Revelation 6-18, but it
    does talk about unbelievers and how they will suffer and die (6:8;
    Rapture Deliverance
    Rapture’s major mission is to deliver the church from God’s
    wrathful judgment of sinful humanity, which will afflict the entire
    earth. Paul told the Thessalonian church, “Wait for His [God’s]
    Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who
    delivers us from the wrath to come” (1 Th. 1:10).
    Rapture’s major mission is to deliver the church from God’s
    wrathful judgment of sinful humanity, which will afflict the entire
    speaking of the Rapture (4:16-17), Paul said, “For God did not
    appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus
    Christ” (5:9). Notice, God did not “appoint” (destine)
    Christians, who possess salvation, to experience His eschatological
    wrath. That event is planned for sinners who reject Him.
    ask, “If God is going to pour out His judgment on sinful humanity,
    and Christians are still sinful even after we have received Christ,
    why would He deliver only Christians from His wrath in the Great
    Tribulation and not others?” Because Christ’s sacrifice of
    Himself was applied as payment for our sin when we accepted Him as
    Savior; we received Christ’s righteousness: “For He made Him who
    knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness
    of God in Him” (2 Cor. 5:21). So God sees us as having His
    righteousness, obtained through faith in Christ.
    if we reject Him, He does not see us that way, and “the wrath of
    God abides on [us]” (Jn. 3:36). If we receive Christ as our Savior,
    Christ’s sacrifice is laid on our account and pays for our sin. We
    are no longer under God’s condemnation or wrath (Rom. 8:1; 1 Th.
    5:9). If we do not receive Christ, we must pay for our sin ourselves,
    and “the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23).
    showers His mercy and grace on repentant sinners and withholds the
    punishment we deserve. In addition, in His grace, He provides the
    unmerited favor we do not deserve.
    we live in the age of grace, or the Church Age. It is so named
    because Jesus said, “I will build My church” (Mt. 16:18). The
    Church Age began on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) and will end at the
    Rapture (1 Th. 4:13-18). But God’s program continues through the
    Great Tribulation and into the Millennial Kingdom and eternity.
    saints will return with Christ at the Second Coming, clothed in pure
    white linen that symbolizes their righteous acts, and they will rule
    and reign with Him for 1,000 years (Rev. 19:8, 14; 20:4; cf. 2:26-28;
    a glorious plan God has established for those who put their faith in
    Christ for salvation. Have you?
    M. Levy is the Director of Worldwide Ministry Development, Education,
    and Ministry Relations, as well as being an author and Bible teacher
    for The Friends of Israel.According to a 1984 NATO memo: USA may be a target of an all out crippling nuclear attack so everything can be turned around in the Middle East that would make the existence of a Hebrew nation an impossibility....(i.e. ihe Bible refers to this hour has "Jacob's Trouble".

  • @rupertmedford3901
    @rupertmedford3901 3 года назад


  • @vaughnlonganecker986
    @vaughnlonganecker986 2 года назад

    the greatest revival was the first, Pentecost