선생님께 너무~~~감사드리며 오늘도 선생님 강의보며 하루를 채우려구요~~ㅎㅎ 작년부터 영어 공부 나름 열심히 하려고 정말 많은 유튜브랑 ebs보고 있었는데... 선생님을 알게 된게 최고의 행운이예요~♡♡♡ 올 해 목표가 선생님 강의 전체 다 공부 하는게 목표 입니다~ 올 해 연말에 얼마나 많은 발전 이 있을지 자신에게 기대하고 있습니다~ㅎㅎ
I wanted join the live Academy stream tonight at 9 p.m. But, I passed out while receiving outpatient treatment today They took me to the the E.R ( emergency room ) For treatment several hours today afternoon So I couldn't 오늘 제실제 상황이었네요.. 약먹고 좀 나아져서 영작문 올려봅니다 선생님 모자 안쓰신 모습도 친근감 있고 멋져 보이시네요 Good night and Thank you 용하 선생님
오늘도 열일하시는 쌤 😄감사합니다 😊 I went to the mart that I often to go, because I wanted to make umeboshi this weekend. but they hadn’t good green plum. so I decided not to, yet. I think it might be better to wait until it(good green plum) comes out.
I wanted to+ 하고 싶었다 I decided not to+ 안 하기로 했다 1) I wanted to long walk today But I didn't feel very well So I decided not to walk today Instead of resting on my bed 2) I wanted to video call to My son and my daughter in law Around the lunchtime in my time But, I didn't know that they were out of the memorial day ceremony at the same time in the US So I decided to call next week
I wanted to do laundry in the morning but washing dishes took long time so I couldn’t. 이렇게 클립만들어주셔서 찐복습합니다. 라방은 실시간이 아니면 잘 못듣게 되더라구요. 라방공지는 어디에서 확인하나요? 항상 놓쳐서 너무 아쉬워요 🥲
I wanted to pick up my daughter, but I got off work late so I couldn't. 나는 딸을 데리러 가고 싶었는데, 퇴근이 늦어져서 가지 못했다. I wanted to go to the playground with my son but he didn't feel very well so we decided to go next week. 나는 아들과 놀이터에 가고 싶었는데 아이가 몸이 안좋아서 다음주에 가기로 했다.
I wanted to go for a run with my friend but the forecast says it's going to rain today starting the early in the morning throughout the rest of the day. so we decided not.
I wanted to work out this morning but I couldn't work out because I've had headaches these days ,so I decided to see my doctor tomorrow . 🙏🙏🙏✍️ Please correct the incorrect sentence.Please
빨간모자선생님 항상 좋은 영상 감사한 마음으로 보고 있는 구독자입니다. 일전에 선생님의 조동사 관련 강의를 보고 예전에 저희가 배우던 식으로 will, can의 과거는 would, could가 아니고 독립적인 활용과 뜻으로 써야겠다고 인식한적이 있었습니다. 오늘 처음 예문에서 마지막에 so i couldn't. 는 제가 이해하기로 '그래서 못했다' 의 마치 can 의 과거형처럼 쓰이는데, 어떨때는 그냥 숙어처럼 이런식으로 can 의 과거형처럼 써도 되는것인지, ' so i was not able to. 라고 써도 되는것인지, 이 표현이 길고 불편해서 원어민들은 이럴땐 잘 안쓰는지 등이 궁금합니다. 초보적인 질문같아 부끄럽지만 이전강의와 오버랩되며 문득 궁금해져서 용기내서 질문드려봅니다 ^^;
Actually I wanted to go for a quick ride with my friend but it was so cold so we decided not to. I wanted to go to see the movie last night but my son got sick after school so I decided to do it a few days later.
월요일 같은 목요일이네요. 감사합니다😄 My daughter asked me to put Lego blocks together. But whenever I made something, she took it apart and put it back together. So I couldn't make anything. My old friends and I wanted to meet this Saturday, but we didn't make a reservation for a hotel. So we decided to meet next week.
a. I wanted to quit company, but I had to think about my family, so I decided not to. b. This morning, I wanted to go hiking to see the New Year's sunrise, but I drank a lot yesterday, so I couldn't.
나 헤드폰을 사고 싶었는데, 맘에 드는게 없어서 못 샀어. 나 헤드폰을 사고 싶었는데, 맘에 드는건 돈이 부족하더라고, 내일 매장가서 들어보려고 나 헤드폰을 사고 싶었는데, 맘에 드는건 비싸더라고, 그래서 그냥 안사기로 했어. 나 헤드폰을 사고 싶어서 돈을 모았는데, 맘에 드는게 세일을 안하더라고, 그래서 좀 더 기다리기로 했어. 나 헤드폰을 너무 갖고 싶었는데, 내가 좋아하는 기준을 모르겠더라고, 그래서 좀 더 찾아보기로 했어. 헤드폰을 사면 노이즈캔슬링을 꼭 해보고 싶었는데, 아직 뭘 사야할지 모르겠어. 그래서 좀 더 찾아보기로 했어. 출근할때 쓰고 싶은 헤드폰은 너무비싸서, 아직 사지 않기로 했다. 지금 당장 살지, 아니면 새로운 모델을 기다릴지 고민중이다. 이번주에 가게에 가서 들어봐야겠다. 헤드폰 끼고 게임을 하고 싶었는데, 어떤걸 사야할지 모르겠더라고, 그래서 좀 더 찾아보려고 해. 헤드폰 사고 싶은데, 뭘 사야할지 아직 고민중이야. 매장에 가보려고 나 헤드폰을 사려고 했는데, 여자친구도 구매하고 싶다고 하더라고, 할인을 좀 기다려볼까해. I wanted to buy a new headphone, but I couldn’t find what I wanted to, so I couldn’t. I wanted to buy a new headphone, but it was so expensive that I wanted. so I decided to go to the store and listen to music and decide this week. I wanted to buy a new headphone, but it was really expensive. so I just decided not to. I’m saving up for a new headphone, but the headphone that I like wasn't discounted yet, so I decided to wait for a sale. I wanted to get a new headphone, but I didn’t know the function that I like, so I decided to search for it. I’m trying to use noise canceling when I buy a new headphone, but I’m not sure what I should buy. so I decided to search on the internet. The headphone that I want to use to go to work is too expensive. so I decided not to buy it yet. I’m not sure if I should buy this right now or wait until a new model comes out. so I decided to go to the store and listen to it this week. I wanted to use a new headphone when I played the game. but I’m not sure what I should buy. so I decided to search for something. I wanted to buy a new headphone, but I’m not sure what I got to buy. so I decided to go to the store. and I want to decide until this week. The headphone that I and my girlfriend wanted were too expensive. so we decided not to buy it.
I wanted to see my teacher this week. But she texted me "can we postpone our meeting " So we decided to see next week. She said she would find the day and get back to me.
I wanted to play the piano but It wasn't here so. I decided not to. / I wanted to go to Vietnam with my mom but I didn't have any money so I couldn't / I wanted to watch the TV show but It has been canceled because the World Cup so I couldn't
라이브 통으로 올라오는건 너무 길어서 다시보기 부담됐는데 이렇게 짧게짧게 올려주시니 부담없이 복습할 수 있어서 너무 좋아요. 감사합니다😃
진짜 최고!!!
라브이 아닌데 대답하고 있는 저를 발견합니다ㅋㅋ집안일 할때 계속 강의 들으면서 하니 영상 올려주시면 바로 시청합니다~댓글이 바로 달려도 놀라지 마세요~😄
짧으면서도 발음 연습을 할 수 있어서 간결하고, 수업 후 만족감이 아주 컸습니다.
늘 감사드리고 60중반의 나이에도 영어공부할 수 있는 용기를 주셨습니다.
시제 발음 세세한 부분까지 설명해 주셔서 감사합니다~~~
선생님께 너무~~~감사드리며 오늘도 선생님 강의보며 하루를 채우려구요~~ㅎㅎ
작년부터 영어 공부 나름 열심히 하려고 정말 많은 유튜브랑 ebs보고 있었는데...
선생님을 알게 된게 최고의 행운이예요~♡♡♡
올 해 목표가 선생님 강의 전체 다 공부 하는게 목표 입니다~
올 해 연말에 얼마나 많은 발전 이 있을지 자신에게 기대하고 있습니다~ㅎㅎ
이렇게 좋은 강의를 무료로 가르쳐주셔서 너무 감사합니다:) 유익하고 재미있어요😆😆👍🏻👍🏻
Thank you so much for your teaching !!!
감사합니다. 선생님 수업 알림을 받을때마다 영어공부에 대한 자극을 받습니다!
I wanted join the live Academy stream tonight at 9 p.m.
But, I passed out while receiving outpatient treatment today
They took me to the
the E.R ( emergency room )
For treatment several hours today afternoon
So I couldn't
오늘 제실제 상황이었네요..
약먹고 좀 나아져서 영작문 올려봅니다
선생님 모자 안쓰신 모습도 친근감
있고 멋져 보이시네요
Good night and Thank you
용하 선생님
오늘도 열일하시는 쌤 😄감사합니다 😊
I went to the mart that I often to go,
because I wanted to make umeboshi this weekend.
but they hadn’t good green plum.
so I decided not to, yet.
I think it might be better to wait until it(good green plum) comes out.
Decided not to. 그냥 이렇게만 끝나도 되는 거군용 ㅎㅎ I decided not to. 쓸일 많겠어요 앞으로
공부하다가 호흡, 연기력도 늘겠어요^^
I wanted to+ 하고 싶었다
I decided not to+ 안 하기로 했다
1) I wanted to long walk today
But I didn't feel very well
So I decided not to walk today
Instead of resting on my bed
2) I wanted to video call to
My son and my daughter in law
Around the lunchtime in my time
But, I didn't know that they were out of the memorial day ceremony at the same time in the US
So I decided to call next week
우리나라 말로는 김치 술 젓갈을 만들다 도 되지만 담그다 라는 표햔도 쓰는데 영어로도 그런 표현이 있을까요 나물을 무치다 밥을 짓다 등등 다 make 나 cook 을 써야하나요?
I wanted to do laundry in the morning but washing dishes took long time so I couldn’t.
이렇게 클립만들어주셔서 찐복습합니다. 라방은 실시간이 아니면 잘 못듣게 되더라구요. 라방공지는 어디에서 확인하나요? 항상 놓쳐서 너무 아쉬워요 🥲
전체알림 설정 해놓으시면 돼요.
본채널이랑 토들러 둘다요 ^^
@@huku2007 좋은정보 감사합니다! 알람설정 해놓을게요
이렇게 유용한 영상보면서 공부할 수 있어서 너무 감사해요( 여기는 중국)
안녕하세요, 선생님! 항상 동사ed 발음이 어려웠는데 근래에 발음연습을 큰 소리로 많이 계속해서 따라하다 보면 발음이 좋아지겠죠?
I was thinking of making dinner myself but when I got home I felt a bit tired. So I decided to get some food delivered.
I wanted to go to the public sauna today but i was lazy around(게으름을 피다가?) and too late so I decided not to go.
I wanted to pick up my daughter, but I got off work late so I couldn't.
나는 딸을 데리러 가고 싶었는데, 퇴근이 늦어져서 가지 못했다.
I wanted to go to the playground with my son but he didn't feel very well so we decided to go next week.
나는 아들과 놀이터에 가고 싶었는데 아이가 몸이 안좋아서 다음주에 가기로 했다.
I wanted to go for a run with my friend but the forecast says it's going to rain today starting the early in the morning throughout the rest of the day. so we decided not.
I never heard of cherry blossom breads before(?).
I wanted to do workout everyday, but I couldn't make it last longer than 3 days.
I wanted to go to co-op today
but it was so windy
so I decided to go tomorrow.
I wanted to work out this morning but I couldn't work out because I've had headaches these days ,so
I decided to see my doctor tomorrow .
Please correct the incorrect sentence.Please
빨간모자선생님 항상 좋은 영상 감사한 마음으로 보고 있는 구독자입니다.
일전에 선생님의 조동사 관련 강의를 보고 예전에 저희가 배우던 식으로 will, can의 과거는 would, could가 아니고 독립적인 활용과 뜻으로 써야겠다고 인식한적이 있었습니다. 오늘 처음 예문에서 마지막에 so i couldn't. 는 제가 이해하기로 '그래서 못했다' 의 마치 can 의 과거형처럼 쓰이는데, 어떨때는 그냥 숙어처럼 이런식으로 can 의 과거형처럼 써도 되는것인지, ' so i was not able to. 라고 써도 되는것인지, 이 표현이 길고 불편해서 원어민들은 이럴땐 잘 안쓰는지 등이 궁금합니다.
초보적인 질문같아 부끄럽지만 이전강의와 오버랩되며 문득 궁금해져서 용기내서 질문드려봅니다 ^^;
I wanted to study English on Saturday.
But I had to work because something came up suddenly.
So I decided to study on Sunday.
Actually I wanted to go for a quick ride with my friend but it was so cold so we decided not to.
I wanted to go to see the movie last night but my son got sick after school so I decided to do it a few days later.
I wanted to go outlet for shopping this weekend.
but I heard that It's going to rain this weekend.
So I decided not to.
I didn't feel very well과 I wasn't feeling very well. 차이가 뭘까요ㅎㅎ
월요일 같은 목요일이네요. 감사합니다😄
My daughter asked me to put Lego blocks together. But whenever I made something, she took it apart and put it back together. So I couldn't make anything.
My old friends and I wanted to meet this Saturday, but we didn't make a reservation for a hotel. So we decided to meet next week.
I wanted to see a friend of mine this week but he had to let his car repaired so we decided to meet next week.
a. I wanted to quit company, but I had to think about my family, so I decided not to.
b. This morning, I wanted to go hiking to see the New Year's sunrise, but I drank a lot yesterday, so I couldn't.
I wanted to do my homework this week but i had a cold so i couldn't .
나 헤드폰을 사고 싶었는데, 맘에 드는게 없어서 못 샀어.
나 헤드폰을 사고 싶었는데, 맘에 드는건 돈이 부족하더라고, 내일 매장가서 들어보려고
나 헤드폰을 사고 싶었는데, 맘에 드는건 비싸더라고, 그래서 그냥 안사기로 했어.
나 헤드폰을 사고 싶어서 돈을 모았는데, 맘에 드는게 세일을 안하더라고, 그래서 좀 더 기다리기로 했어.
나 헤드폰을 너무 갖고 싶었는데, 내가 좋아하는 기준을 모르겠더라고, 그래서 좀 더 찾아보기로 했어.
헤드폰을 사면 노이즈캔슬링을 꼭 해보고 싶었는데, 아직 뭘 사야할지 모르겠어. 그래서 좀 더 찾아보기로 했어.
출근할때 쓰고 싶은 헤드폰은 너무비싸서, 아직 사지 않기로 했다. 지금 당장 살지, 아니면 새로운 모델을 기다릴지 고민중이다. 이번주에 가게에 가서 들어봐야겠다.
헤드폰 끼고 게임을 하고 싶었는데, 어떤걸 사야할지 모르겠더라고, 그래서 좀 더 찾아보려고 해.
헤드폰 사고 싶은데, 뭘 사야할지 아직 고민중이야. 매장에 가보려고
나 헤드폰을 사려고 했는데, 여자친구도 구매하고 싶다고 하더라고, 할인을 좀 기다려볼까해.
I wanted to buy a new headphone, but I couldn’t find what I wanted to, so I couldn’t.
I wanted to buy a new headphone, but it was so expensive that I wanted. so I decided to go to the store and listen to music and decide this week.
I wanted to buy a new headphone, but it was really expensive. so I just decided not to.
I’m saving up for a new headphone, but the headphone that I like wasn't discounted yet, so I decided to wait for a sale.
I wanted to get a new headphone, but I didn’t know the function that I like, so I decided to search for it.
I’m trying to use noise canceling when I buy a new headphone, but I’m not sure what I should buy. so I decided to search on the internet.
The headphone that I want to use to go to work is too expensive. so I decided not to buy it yet. I’m not sure if I should buy this right now or wait until a new model comes out. so I decided to go to the store and listen to it this week.
I wanted to use a new headphone when I played the game. but I’m not sure what I should buy. so I decided to search for something.
I wanted to buy a new headphone, but I’m not sure what I got to buy. so I decided to go to the store. and I want to decide until this week.
The headphone that I and my girlfriend wanted were too expensive. so we decided not to buy it.
Thank you so much!
I wanted to go to my sister's house to see her cat today, but I had to do my homework so I decided to go this weekend.
I wanted to see my teacher this week.
But she texted me "can we postpone our meeting "
So we decided to see next week.
She said she would find the day and get back to me.
I wanted to play the piano but It wasn't here so. I decided not to. / I wanted to go to Vietnam with my mom but I didn't have any money so I couldn't / I wanted to watch the TV show but It has been canceled because the World Cup so I couldn't
★출첵338. 240129