Now I know where Will Franken went. I enjoyed his comedy very much when I first heard of him on the old R U Sirius podcast. The collages he made on his website were some of the funniest stuff I have ever heard. I don't know of those are available on the web now but I recommend going to the site and finding out.
He calls himself Sarah and his picture is right here. I choose to call him a woman. If he personally would have a problem with that and would want to be called a transgender person, I would call him that. I stand by my calling him a woman, I really hope to god that makes me some kind of "nazi", or "transphobic" or whatever may trigger the trigger-loving lefty crowd.
Have heard Will/Sarah speak to this on stage and believe he something to the effect that this "trans" thing in him stems from a traumatic relationship with his mother. Definitely not an activist that suggests kids are born trans.
Perfectly illustrates how easy it is to fool the wokester herd
when trolling goes so far, even the legitimate organizations believe you. >.< omfg
Pretty sure this guy is just trolling everybody with his characters.
hhaha this dude is hillarious.. I WANT MOARRRR and damn the uk accent is on point
Now I know where Will Franken went. I enjoyed his comedy very much when I first heard of him on the old R U Sirius podcast. The collages he made on his website were some of the funniest stuff I have ever heard. I don't know of those are available on the web now but I recommend going to the site and finding out.
Harald Fairhair he has a channel still as will Franken. He is on RUclips.
found him, and found out he's now a woman. Gonna go back and check out the quality, his stuff back in the RU Sirius podcast days was so funny.
Harald Fairhair he's not a woman.
He calls himself Sarah and his picture is right here. I choose to call him a woman. If he personally would have a problem with that and would want to be called a transgender person, I would call him that. I stand by my calling him a woman, I really hope to god that makes me some kind of "nazi", or "transphobic" or whatever may trigger the trigger-loving lefty crowd.
why would that make you the 'transphobic'? If anyone in this thread is it would be BargainBasement saying hes NOT a woman. Or am I missing something?
Love will franken
I’m not saying that he is making it up however it is show biz and it could be a gimmick. I don’t care but show biz is “show” biz
It’s satire. He’s not trans.
Have heard Will/Sarah speak to this on stage and believe he something to the effect that this "trans" thing in him stems from a traumatic relationship with his mother. Definitely not an activist that suggests kids are born trans.
Awesome! I got teary at the end when she told the story here at the 4:50 mark.
from laughter?
That's a man he dose not look like a woman at all
Will Franken, the comedian who goes to11!
thats a bloke
I like her
ahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaah grea
You are love.
He is Will Franken. Never has been a woman, not even someone imagining to be a woman. Just some comedian trolling the woketards.
He's a man and always will be!