Workforce development needs to be prioritized by introducing Quantum programs in Science and Engineering graduate and undergraduate education. That will enable startup companies to succeed and develop quantum capabilities for the nation. The plan to design universal gate based quantum computing like IBM, Google and Riggeti, is not a practical one as chances of failure and being irrelevant are very high. On the contrary, adibatic quantum computing (AQC) used in Canadian D-wave and Japanese NEC, is a less failure-prone technology and is widely used in all sorts of optimization tasks. Realistic assessment of quantum hardware technologies is paramount for catching up the ten years of lagging behind China, Japan and other countries. USA is way ahead of all other countries.
Great to see India's progress
Thanks to Nationalistic government
Soon, India will reach the heights in Quantum Technology
Great discussion 😊
Workforce development needs to be prioritized by introducing Quantum programs in Science and Engineering graduate and undergraduate education. That will enable startup companies to succeed and develop quantum capabilities for the nation. The plan to design universal gate based quantum computing like IBM, Google and Riggeti, is not a practical one as chances of failure and being irrelevant are very high. On the contrary, adibatic quantum computing (AQC) used in Canadian D-wave and Japanese NEC, is a less failure-prone technology and is widely used in all sorts of optimization tasks. Realistic assessment of quantum hardware technologies is paramount for catching up the ten years of lagging behind China, Japan and other countries. USA is way ahead of all other countries.
That's why the government prepareed balance NEP.
This is just a discussion for the sake of discussion.