Fire Emblem Heroes: Attuned Micaiah & Sothe Summons

  • Опубликовано: 28 янв 2025
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 128

  • @scrub-jayleague
    @scrub-jayleague 7 месяцев назад +12

    Man, I could feel your heart sink every time you summoned a Leonardo. Glad you got Micaiah in the end. I'm also DESPERATELY hoping that Brave Female Robin is not another fallen alt. I hope you get Sothe in a later session!

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you! Hopefully he'll color share on a better banner in the future! :D

  • @squatch1565
    @squatch1565 7 месяцев назад +4

    Congrats on all the Leos-I mean the pulls! Wasn’t expecting that you’d pull on this banner since you’re not the biggest Tellius fan, but it was a welcome surprise to see this video pop up

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      Thank you! I'm not a huge Tellius fan generally, but a huge fan of Elincia and Micaiah so I couldn't say no to a new Micaiah! :D

    • @chrisengland3798
      @chrisengland3798 5 месяцев назад

      @@GlitterValkyrie At least none of them were 5 stars...

  • @EmblemHero
    @EmblemHero 7 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you for your time to answer my question
    That was a jumpscare Leonardo if I ever see one 😂
    I actually got a 5 star Leonardo while trying to pull rearmed Sothe

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      I appreciate your question! And I hope you got Sothe!

  • @williamrivera8686
    @williamrivera8686 7 месяцев назад +2

    Good afternoon, I hope you're having a good day. I'm glad you got Micaiah in the end(though I still don't like the character), and we both know that you're likely to go back and pull for Sothe.

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      Thank you William! I'm actually too scared to try for Sothe right now with summer around the corner! :D

  • @darrellredman460
    @darrellredman460 7 месяцев назад

    This banner was brutal woo wee, I saw you video before summoning this evening here in 🗽I did 13 pulls only summoning on green and red 🔮I got old school Surtr , Zelgius and Leif 4* special that turns into 5* , I quit while I was ahead you did good on your banner but did not get a focus hero, I did not want to tempt that fate, I am so finished with this banner Oh and I landed Bridal Lapis on my birthday last month, I got her in 8 pulls. She is so awesome and also have good defense. Good luck on your future summoning 💯👍🏾

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      I'm so glad you got Lapis, and hope you had a very happy birthday Darrell! :D

  • @joshuabittar
    @joshuabittar 7 месяцев назад

    Thanks for answering my question 🫶. Sorry you couldn't get Sothe, I'm still pulling and hoping to get at least one of each (Edward only for Breath of Life 4, I want to give that to 2 of my Lyons).

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      I appreciate your question! And I hope you got them all! :D

  • @PopsickleIDV
    @PopsickleIDV 7 месяцев назад +1

    Congrats on your summons!! I had to spend almost 80$ because I didn’t want to go below 600 orbs for the AHS banner soon 😭 but I got Micaiah after 24 summons!! Once again congrats :)

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you! I'm glad Micaiah came home for you! :D

  • @chrisengland3798
    @chrisengland3798 5 месяцев назад

    I got similar results for my pulls: 6 Leonardos with 2 being 5-stars. I did end with a +Atk one, so I think I did well. Did both sparks: got 4 Micaiah and 3 Sothe (made a mistake on one of the Sothe's: forgot to use for inheritance before merging).

  • @Bulbasaur617
    @Bulbasaur617 7 месяцев назад +2

    Congrats on the units you manage to summon from this banner.
    I didn't get anyone from this banner. Not from the free summons and the Forging Bonds tickets. I stopped summoning to continue summoning up to 40 summons for Legendary Male Corrin's banner. Got some 5 star units. Especially Legendary Male Corrin himself.

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      I'm sorry you didn't get anything from this banner, but glad you got Corrin!

  • @gammayoshi14
    @gammayoshi14 7 месяцев назад +1

    Man, Leonardo really took your opinion on him personally during this summoning session with him showing up FIVE times! Jokes aside, congrats on getting Micaiah from your spark and I hope Sothe comes home in the future!
    The CYL character you were drawing a blank on was Bernadetta, by the way.

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      Thank you! I feel bad about Bernie because I actually do like her 🥲

  • @Elroy23
    @Elroy23 7 месяцев назад +1

    Congrats on the summons! Unfortunate about the Leonardo. At least you didn’t get him at 5 stars like I did, twice actually. Besides that I was able to get Sothe and Micaiah.

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you Elroy! I'm sorry about your Leonardos too, and I'm glad you got Sothe and Micaiah!

    • @Elroy23
      @Elroy23 7 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much Glitter! It’s alright. It was the risk of going colorless.

  • @Elie053
    @Elie053 7 месяцев назад +1

    I got 2 sothes 1 Edward 1 leonardo and sparked Micaiah. Congrats on your summons.

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you! Congrats on your pulls! :D

  • @GuranPurin
    @GuranPurin 7 месяцев назад

    Congrats on your Micaiah! I wanted to go for her and Sothe specially because his art is sooo hot this time but I think Rosado is at the end of the month and I wanna make sure Summer is safe, too so I'm just gonna wait😭

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      Thank you! Best of luck with your summer/Rosado pulls!

  • @jsterdawg72
    @jsterdawg72 7 месяцев назад

    it's a shame I didn't get any to spark 😅 sparked sothe though!

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      I'm sorry the banner wasn't kind to you! But I'm glad you got Sothe!

  • @copocopocopocopo
    @copocopocopocopo 7 месяцев назад

    On the Bridal banner, I got them all except for Bride Lapis (4☆ Bride Nel, +def Bride Embla, and sparked Bride Sharena), plus a random +atk Yukimura, so definitely much better compared to the Mythic Loki banner. I also already summoned on the Attuned Micaiah banner, and I got REALLY lucky here. 10 5☆s in 135 orbs: 2 Edwards (1 +atk), 2 Leonardos, 1 Arlen, 1 Brave Byleth(F), 1 Ascended Mareeta, a sparked Attuned Micaiah, a special 4☆ Edelgard, and a special 4☆ Ryoma. Special shoutout to Ascended Mareeta and Ryoma, who sit at +5 and +4 respectively.
    On your end of things, I'm so sorry, Glitter. Not much to show from those 41 summons other than the Attuned Micaiah, but I suppose congrats on at least that, and that none of your 5 Leonardos were 5☆. BOTH of mine were, and like you, no Rearmed Sothe to show for it. Hopefully you can get him before the banner is through though! And, hey, we're twinning, both getting our first Arlen on this very banner!
    On another more serious note, this banner could've been so much better. Personally, I feel the biggest issue with it was definitely the color sharing. With no blue focus units, they had a golden opportunity of making either Sothe a blue dagger or Leonardo a blue bow. There are zero blue bows that aren't either 5☆ locked or grail units, nor does Leonardo have a preferred weapon, but just look at the green bows. Both Rath and Python are non-5☆ green bows, and neither have a preferred weapon. Therefore, Sothe really should've been a blue dagger, at the very least, to stop the color sharing fiasco. Unit wise, there wasn't much could've been done, as Edward and Leonardo are a team, can't really separate them. Anywho, great video at the very least Glitter! Hopefully you have so much better luck next video! You deserve it😊!

  • @copocopocopocopo
    @copocopocopocopo 7 месяцев назад

    Well, on my end, the Bridal banner wasn't too bad for me, certainly better than that Mythic banner. I managed to pull a +def Bride Embla, spark a Bride Sharena, get a 4☆ Bride Nel, AND get a random +atk Yukimura. Then, I also already summoned on the Attuned Micaiah banner, and it was VERY generous to me. 135 orbs yielded me 10 5☆s, including 2 Edwards (one at +atk) and 2 Leonardos, a sparked Attuned Micaiah, 1 Brave Byleth(F), 1 Ascended Mareeta, 1 Arlen, 1 special 4☆ Ryoma, and 1 special 4☆ Edelgard.
    My Ascended Mareeta is now +5 and at this rate I'll +10 her in no time. It ALSO helps that she's +spd (one of my first copies of her was +spd, so that's the one I kept). My Brave Byleth(F) is now +3, my Edelgard is now +3, and my Ryoma is now +4. I feel like I'm doing pretty good on getting them close to +10. Sheena's my only 5☆ +10 unit so far 😅.
    As for you, Glitter, I'm very sorry that this banner just wasn't so kind to you. I mean, at least you were able to spark Attuned Micaiah, and your 5 Leonardos never broke your pity rate (BOTH of mine did). And, omg, twinsies! Both of us summoned our first Arlen on this very banner!
    On a serious note though, I gotta agree that this banner wasn't executed particularly well. THE biggest problem was definitely the color sharing. Not a single blue focus. You mean to tell me, they couldn't have made Sothe a blue dagger this time? Leonardo as a blue bow MAY be a stretch (there's 0 blue bows not locked to 5☆ or being a grail unit) seeing he doesn't have a preferred weapon or anything like that, but neither do Rath or Python, and THEY'RE green bows. Obviously this could've been best avoided by making Sothe a blue dagger. Nolan, Laura, or Aran would've also made good focus units, most notably Nolan. Anywho, sorry for the long vent, and good video, Glitter! Hopefully you have MUCH better luck and can get yourself a Sothe!

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      Thank you poco! You make a great point about color sharing- they could have easily made either one blue! 🥲

  • @Jake38nine
    @Jake38nine 7 месяцев назад

    Dang. The spark for Miciah. I got her on a Free Summon ticket and like 12 orbs spent. I was trying to get Renewal 4 fodder, but Miciah is just as good. But I also wasn't willing to spend orbs on this banner.

  • @fangjustice
    @fangjustice 7 месяцев назад

    The Leonardo jump scares were real. I can't believe IS made a 4* color share with the rearmed unit. >_

  • @bailingfromthecart6838
    @bailingfromthecart6838 7 месяцев назад

    Sorry you didn’t get your Sothe. His new art is so good, I had to dip into my summer savings for a copy. Especially since I have some old dagger units I want to build, and I got 2 Legendary Guiniveres, 3 Mythic Lokis, and 0 Ginungap from that mythic loki banner. I finally have an arcane dagger now 😅

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      I'm so glad you got a copy! His art is amazing and his skills are just as great! :D

  • @oscarorozzie1210
    @oscarorozzie1210 7 месяцев назад +2

    #Question who is your favorite book 8 character now that we know who they are 🤔

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for the great question! :D

  • @LurkingChimeraGaming
    @LurkingChimeraGaming 7 месяцев назад

    #Question If you could bring back one of the old banner styles (picnic, dancer, etc) which would it be? I would bring back the dancer banner! I loved it so much! Also who would you put on a picnic or dancer banner?

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for the great question! :D

  • @hedreamt9455
    @hedreamt9455 7 месяцев назад

    trust me, i felt the leonardo PAIN… i got 7 leonardos… and TWO of them with 5 star… at least i got a copy of everyone else on the banner. im just waiting a bit before i decide who i want to spark for an extra copy/merge.

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      I am so sorry about the Leonardo invasion! 😢

  • @stormshadowoffire
    @stormshadowoffire 7 месяцев назад

    I got 2 micaiah's and 2 edwards + 1 spark edward in 40 summons :D so happy i got some BoL4 fodder (and can use micaiah to duplicate it + use it)

  • @applejackjk18
    @applejackjk18 7 месяцев назад

    I was getting spammed by leonardo too. Got 2 Edwards though. Had to spark micaiah. Was going to use sothe to build build up a Matthew, gave up and decided to try again on his rerun.
    Then I pulled a free arlen from one of the daily banners, and close doubler was the skill I wanted to fodder duplicates off from sothe.
    So made poor decisions, 2nd sparked a sothe, and now Matthew has an updated build. x_x

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      That sounds like an amazing build for Matthew! All the gifts he deserves :D

  • @skymer7829
    @skymer7829 7 месяцев назад +1

    #Question If you could create your own duo in this game, who would you add?
    Also, I love your videos!! I've watched them for the past few banners, and you are so nice and cool!! I am definitely subscribing! I hope you have an amazing day! :)

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for the great question and the kind words! I really appreciate it! :D

  • @chaosgallade2331
    @chaosgallade2331 7 месяцев назад

    Sorry that you had to get to Micaiah in the end. But if you're not interested in using Arlen, then he comes with C Bonus Doubler (Close Counter and Bonus Doubler combined in a single skill) and Atk/Res Tempo 4. The 4th CYL winner is Bernadetta.
    I haven't tried Wuthering Waves myself, but I also read that the voice directing was off. It's not that the voice actors were bad; they just had to work with what they were given. I play another game where not everyone is on board with the English voice acting - Yu-GI-Oh Duel Links - and most people prefer the Japanese voice lines there mainly because of what 4Kids did to the Yu-Gi-Oh anime. I stuck to the Duel Links English voice lines because 1. I grew up with the English anime and 2. some of the FEH voice actors are in that game too (Marc Diraison, Matt Shipman, Alice Himora, and even Veronica Taylor); so I take the good with the bad even though the English dub isn't perfect.
    On my end of the banner, I got 2 Sothes (1 from the spark and another from the banner) and 2 Micaiahs, and I got Edward early.

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      Arlen ended up being a great pull- he's got some amazing skills! :D

  • @Drifblim066
    @Drifblim066 7 месяцев назад

    #Question Having got resplendent Camilla back in May i would like to know what is your opinion on Camilla’s resplendent and if we got resplendent Xander which of the FEH kingdoms can you see Xander in?

  • @CrAzYdAvE676
    @CrAzYdAvE676 7 месяцев назад

    #Question if you could add an emblem hero who and how would you go about incorporating there skills and such also what’s your favorite yato form?

  • @giratinalight
    @giratinalight 7 месяцев назад +1

    #Question What's ur thoughts on the new book 8 ocs that got revealed: Eikþyrnir Heiðrún and Læraðr
    And who's ur favourite out of all the book 8 cast? (・・?)

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for the great question! :D

  • @Wyglafff
    @Wyglafff 7 месяцев назад

    Thanks for answering my question about WW. I gave it another try since the devs gave a free five stars. The game is good but very buggy. The french translation feels AI generated, it's kinda funny sometimes. I hope they improve in those aspects because the game is funny even if confusing because of bad UI and translations. Also the movement feels so nice! I want wall walking in Genshin

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      It does have a lot of potential so I hope they continue to improve it! And I've tried to run up walls in genshin only to realize it's muscle memory from wuwa xD

  • @Liaisimportant
    @Liaisimportant 7 месяцев назад

    Sad that Soathe didn't come home but still great summon apart from Leonardo, too bad you didn't answer my question Glitter but i just want to repeat my question .
    Question: What made you discover and or love Fire Emblem also Honkai/Genshin?

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for the great question! I would love to answer in a future video! :D

  • @cosmicstarlightex4787
    @cosmicstarlightex4787 7 месяцев назад

    Fortunately shifting to Save Mode after a long string of stuff to pull. Got my Bridal Sharena and Emblem Marth, so I'm saving my orbs for the Bottom Eight banner (particularly the blue pool), hoping I get a Veyle.
    As for who I gave Emblem Marth to, it's Itsuki. Because of the final battle of TMS.
    Now I have another #question to use: What Emblems do you wish to see in Heroes, and for the current Heroes, who did you equip the Emblems currently available? And what are your thoughts on Emilie for Genshin and the new Xianzhou characters in Star Rail? Lastly, are you saying your condolences to Owlbert's salary for expanding on the Stellar Jade rewards on the permanent game modes?

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      I hope the bottom eight banner was kind to you! And thank you for the great questions! :D

  • @giratinalight
    @giratinalight 7 месяцев назад

    Congrats on your summons Glitter I'm sorry the summons didn't go as plan I felt ur pain on getting lot of Leonardos :') but hey thanks for spark existing u got Miccy she's so pretty and this art style is so cute!! :D 💖
    I really hope I can get her before I reach half spark since I have banners I need to finish like reaching the spark for duo SharVero for a merge. And the ahr bottom 8 banner is coming in two days and I need to spark for ninja Snacki for final merge I need I genuinely was so happy when they revealed this banner in feh channel it's perfect with lot of good fodder and the fact that I don't have to wait for her debut banner and the rates on the double ahr one is geniuly so much better so yeah I genuinely hope I could pull miccy soon! :(

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      I hope you got everything you were looking for! :D

  • @BylethsBoba776
    @BylethsBoba776 7 месяцев назад

    #Question would you ever consider recording your own FEH reactions?

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for the great question! :D

  • @Kaius.
    @Kaius. 7 месяцев назад

    7:14 me at 11.59pm on july 31st

  • @Nephilim2809
    @Nephilim2809 7 месяцев назад +2

    #Question What is your opinion on Book 8's OC Eikþyrnir, now that we've at least seen him as an enemy unit in the newest chapter and got some lines of dialogue from him?
    Personally love the design and hoping for a fast release so I can +10 him ^^

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for the great question! :D

  • @truepowersichigo1952
    @truepowersichigo1952 7 месяцев назад

    Got Micaiah on 1st pull and Sothe on the 4th pull

  • @ArchonZach
    @ArchonZach 7 месяцев назад +1

    I knew the second you said you didn't want a Leonardo you were going to pull one 😂

  • @StevenLeeSan
    @StevenLeeSan 7 месяцев назад

    It's been a while Glitter!
    And #Question : If either the Awakening and/or Fates banner coming, which character(s) that never appeared in FEH would you like to see coming?

  • @rjdk24
    @rjdk24 7 месяцев назад

    *adds a cookie to orb. so you can accidentally get it instead of a orb.*
    question! Who do you wanna see for swimsuit banner this summer and Halloween banner later this fall?

  • @mauricesaturn3213
    @mauricesaturn3213 7 месяцев назад

    I automatically skipped this banner since Laura and Nolan weren’t in there.
    I’m just waiting patiently for the first summer banner trailer to know if I get excited or disappointed enough to pull for the better version of the AHR banner without the so called ‘Green Dream’

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      I hope you like either the summer units or the AHR banner! :D

    • @mauricesaturn3213
      @mauricesaturn3213 7 месяцев назад

      @@GlitterValkyrie I’m holding the summer summons until August 3 or 4th, so I went full in for the AHR.
      I got Sanaki and sparked Seidr, so I’m looking for one more 5-star because of my high-pity rate.

  • @modernberzerker92
    @modernberzerker92 7 месяцев назад

    That's a lot of Leo's! 😅
    Also I know you been asked a couple of times on HSR's Penacony segment but I'm curious, have you had any trouble with the Adventurine boss fight? (You don't have to answer on a video, just wondering)
    I just finished beating him recently and it took me 20 GOD DAMN TIMES to kick his ass! 🤬

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      He is a very annoying boss, especially if you don't have the right units! It took me a few tries to realize I was bringing a suboptimal team!

    • @modernberzerker92
      @modernberzerker92 7 месяцев назад

      @@GlitterValkyrie I feel like even if you bring in the right units his stupid gambling mechanic seems to be in his favor most of the time. Used units that can do AoE attacks on the dice and still lost the gamble.

  • @ghostvalkyrie5054
    @ghostvalkyrie5054 7 месяцев назад

    I would pull on this banner were I not already so many orbs down after going 300ish for Emblem Ike (this is why I don't pull on Legendary Banners). Micaiah is a bit nuts, time for Harsh Command+ to re-enter the meta lol

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      I'm so sorry about E!Ike! Legendary banners can be painful sometimes 😢

  • @starflame34
    @starflame34 7 месяцев назад

    1.) Do you plan on getting a PC to play WuWa instead of constantly on phone? Also, do you experience "muscle memory" issues when switching between Genshin and Wuthering Waves? Like thinking you can dodge and/or parry in Genshin?

  • @Delraz4747
    @Delraz4747 7 месяцев назад

    The only one forgotten when she was first place in the entirety of CYL 8, haha. Pour one out for poor Bernadetta. Maybe she just spent too much time in her room doing arts/crafts and that's why you couldn't remember. xD

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      I actually do like Bernie too, so I feel even worse 🥲

    • @Delraz4747
      @Delraz4747 7 месяцев назад

      Happens to the best of us sometimes. :)

  • @Oblivionknight
    @Oblivionknight 7 месяцев назад

    I can't imagine playing wuthering waves on mobile. That must be difficult

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Genshin is still "coming soon" for Switch so I'm not holding out hope for wuwa and doing my best xD

  • @lacechan
    @lacechan 7 месяцев назад

    Leonardo just wants to bully.. sorry you couldn't get Sothe.
    I'm not sure if I want to pull and enter the vortex of Leonardo...

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Hopefully Sothe returns on a better banner if he has to color share again!

  • @natsudragneel7516
    @natsudragneel7516 7 месяцев назад

    Congrats on the pulls! Are you gonna be pulling for Firefly?

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      Thank you Natsu! I am absolutely pulling for her! Best of luck if you pull for her too! :D

  • @lapniappe
    @lapniappe 7 месяцев назад

    one day, Glitter we will get Healer Micaiah. my dreeaaamm

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      Now I'm sad that I realize we don't have healer Micaiah after all these years 😢

    • @lapniappe
      @lapniappe 7 месяцев назад

      @@GlitterValkyrie right? like i guess this is as good as it will get because yune's protection heals. but i would love just a Healer Miccy (make her the TT unit like baby Lucius!!) :) but nice to see you again!

  • @abyssforstthecryomancer7898
    @abyssforstthecryomancer7898 7 месяцев назад

    I got 5 star Leonardo 3 times on the this banner with eighty summons. ugh. have a wonderful day.

  • @antonioleyba6522
    @antonioleyba6522 7 месяцев назад

    You’re actually extremely lucky all the Leonardo’s were 4 star should have pulled sothe though cause it’s a double spark banner and you could have than focused on micaiah

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      You're right! Unfortunately I can only do one spark with summer coming so hopefully Sothe returns on a better banner for me!

    @M5MSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMS 7 месяцев назад

    found out Noah's eng actor is a dude from a TV show I watched XD
    but I play in jp

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      He's such a talented VA! I'll have to check out his other work! :D

  • @shade_dere
    @shade_dere 7 месяцев назад

    Sorry for Sothe :( personnatly it was good, i get Micaiah and Edward and some random guys

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      No worries! Congrats on your pulls! :D

    • @shade_dere
      @shade_dere 7 месяцев назад

      @@GlitterValkyrie thanks!

  • @xVibra
    @xVibra 7 месяцев назад

    At the end I thought you were gonna say "Let's check the receipt" instead of IVs for Leonardo. Hopefully feh accepts returns for unopened blonde guys. At the very least Leonardo has decent fodder which can't be said for 99% of the 3*/4* colorless pool.

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      That's true, atk/res finish is definitely a silver lining! :D

  • @Gilgarth
    @Gilgarth 7 месяцев назад

    I‘m kinda annoyed that Micaiah always has the same effects on her weapon, but damn, she looks so good and strong 🥲

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      They definitely could have gone for something more unique, but she is always consistently good! :D

  • @yukiyuhi1993
    @yukiyuhi1993 7 месяцев назад

    This banner was a huge skip for me. Bring on the summer banners!! 🎉

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад

      I hope the summer banner treats you well! :D

  • @thej3657
    @thej3657 7 месяцев назад

    people feeeling bad for not havind the complete dawn brigade... me being a TMS fan :(

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Where are Touma and Yashiro 😭

    • @thej3657
      @thej3657 7 месяцев назад

      @@GlitterValkyrie need them, also Barry

  • @DeBron96
    @DeBron96 7 месяцев назад

    justice for NOLAN! 🪓

  • @eddygarza7132
    @eddygarza7132 7 месяцев назад +1

    All fp2 players unistall fire emblem heroes noooow!!!!

  • @rudyfresa
    @rudyfresa 7 месяцев назад

    I love how expressive you are when being disappointed by pulling Leonardos, and then proceeds with "and finishing your very lucky qquestion 🥲". As a Sothe fan, hope you get better opportunities in the future!

    • @GlitterValkyrie
      @GlitterValkyrie  7 месяцев назад +1

      Here's hoping he returns on a better banner if he color shares again!