The Hershey Fonts - Frank Grießhammer

  • Опубликовано: 29 июн 2022
  • Recorded during TypeCon2015: Condensed in Denver, Colorado
    In 1967, Dr. A.V. Hershey was working at the U.S. Naval Weapons Laboratory in Virginia; on some of the earliest digital representations of type: The Hershey Fonts.
    Hershey used the tools of his time, which likely meant operating room-sized computers on FORTRAN commands. His fonts are nothing like the digital fonts we know today - simple lists of coordinates, to be connected by straight lines, and displayed e.g. on cathode ray tubes. They might look crude; but certainly they were a remarkable achievement for their time.
    Given the limitations, it is amazing how comprehensive and elaborate Hershey’s designs are. A fair amount of alphabets was created; not only for Latin, but also for Greek and Japanese. A wide range of styles and variants was “drawn” too: Sans-Serif, Serif (including Italics and Ligatures), Script - even different styles of Blackletter exist.
    I came across this remarkable chapter of type history when reviewing Jean-Baptiste Levée’s “Minotaur” family for Typographica’s “Best of 2014” special. Since then, I have not stopped my research on this - admittedly very specialized - topic, and I think it is time to introduce my discoveries to a bigger audience.

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