Opening Night Gala | Laver Cup 2022

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 492

  • @TheDestructorOfficial
    @TheDestructorOfficial 2 года назад +144

    Djokovic sense of humor is another level

  • @syrah8990
    @syrah8990 2 года назад +223

    This is the most feel good event I’ve ever seen in this sport, truly!

    • @cocolatin1
      @cocolatin1 2 года назад +1


    • @AlphaDraconis7
      @AlphaDraconis7 2 года назад +5

      They've had a few drinks it's obvious and good on them :) 🍸

    • @tomsmith4542
      @tomsmith4542 2 года назад +1

      Dream Team 1992 says hello

  • @naamamarkishorekumar822
    @naamamarkishorekumar822 2 года назад +263

    There will not be another like Roger, at least not in my lifetime. Thanks for the memories

  • @virginiaknighten4687
    @virginiaknighten4687 2 года назад +201

    It’s good to see Rafa and Novak together.

    • @ouss
      @ouss 6 месяцев назад

      GOAT respect and Rafa respect aswell

  • @pritesh-epm2700
    @pritesh-epm2700 2 года назад +113

    Flawless Federer
    Resilient Rafa
    Nimble Novak
    Amazing Andy.
    That in a nutshell define the Big 4.

    • @rollericarus
      @rollericarus 2 года назад +17

      Bruh u can’t put Andy anywhere near these guys, sorry

    • @pritesh-epm2700
      @pritesh-epm2700 2 года назад +17

      @@rollericarus Sure can, he has beaten Novak & Rog 11 times each in their rivalry and Rafa 7 times with a few final victories thrown in for good measure. The fact the Sir Andy could muster up 46 career titles alongside these 3 greats is testimony to him being placed deservedly at 4 in the Big Folks group period.

    • @rollericarus
      @rollericarus 2 года назад +8

      @@pritesh-epm2700 sorry, but ppl will only remember players for the amount of grand slams that they have won, and if he really was a threat to the big three, he would have won a lot more than just 3 grand slams.

    • @GdF420
      @GdF420 2 года назад +3

      @@rollericarus I agree -
      Although Andy Murray is without a doubt a great player, that Big 4 thing is a myth

  • @craigtimmons6907
    @craigtimmons6907 2 года назад +268

    Hats off to Federer for helping get the Laver cup get up and going… honoring a legend of the game (Laver) while involving another set of all time greats (Borg and McEnroe), while giving greats a chance to compete.
    But, this time around I’m really enjoying seeing these current greats (Federer, Nadal, Djokovic, and Murray) relaxed and interacting with each other after careers well spent competing against each other at the highest levels with intensity.
    They all see it: we’ve had great careers pushing each other. We’ve made each other better. We made the game great for fans. We have a little left in the tank for competitive tennis, but much of the resume is complete. And we’re cool with that and each other. Let’s hope the fans appreciate them all and give them all great farewells when it’s their time to hang up the racquet.

    • @CW-rx2js
      @CW-rx2js 2 года назад +1

      Tbh starting the tournament isn't that big a deal....and I don't think he did to honor Laver specifically...that's how they sell it, but in the end it's always about money.
      If you were talking about a player doing charity or something for the community, then yes I'd respect that.

    • @tortillasarenotbiceps7622
      @tortillasarenotbiceps7622 2 года назад +2

      Well said and amen.

    • @zedearl5181
      @zedearl5181 2 года назад +4

      Great comment Craig Timmons, brilliant observation of the greats in tennis. 😇👏🏾

    • @ksc743
      @ksc743 2 года назад +8

      They must have heard you because the Princess of Wales joined forces with Roger and the Laver Cup this year to raise money for two UK based charities that she is patron of (all funds raised by the Laver Cup Open Practice Day yesterday will go to those charities). She was supposed to be at the practice day but couldn't be there because the royal family is still officially in mourning.
      The Laver Cup has also committed to become involved in community sport iniatives in each city it visits in future, so there you have it.

    • @zekeworkman3313
      @zekeworkman3313 2 года назад


  • @vedapackirisamy6959
    @vedapackirisamy6959 2 года назад +73

    Absolutely stunning to see all the Greats in one frame

  • @SreeramReddyB
    @SreeramReddyB 2 года назад +379

    Djokovic indicating Roger Federer is the James Bond. Nice.

    • @CopR8r
      @CopR8r 2 года назад +32

      indeed ! fair play, humor and respect with this gesture. what a character Nole is

    • @Amtcboy
      @Amtcboy 2 года назад +5

      He was referring to Murray, the Brit.

    • @igic1991
      @igic1991 2 года назад +29

      Real James Bond was actually Serbian 😁

    • @BigSaleGolem
      @BigSaleGolem 2 года назад +1

      That is true why smileyвидео.html

    • @nelibelmartinez5158
      @nelibelmartinez5158 2 года назад +1

      @@igic1991 👍👏👏👏

  • @datapro007
    @datapro007 2 года назад +98

    The greatest players in history all in one place at one time - wow!

  • @domagojhrgovic7419
    @domagojhrgovic7419 2 года назад +114

    This tournament is a great opportunity for these players to get closer, and play in a more relaxed atmosphere.

  • @kingmajo87
    @kingmajo87 2 года назад +80

    Like Novak said, it is a once in a lifetime experience to see this all time greats and legends who were and are rivals for the past few years became team members. This is why I like the Laver Cup so much. And let's give Roger a well deserved farewell on his last official tennis match.

    • @minyrar7107
      @minyrar7107 2 года назад +4

      Rafa said that, not Djokovic.

    • @steveturner609
      @steveturner609 Год назад

      @@minyrar7107- Does it really matter which one of them said it??
      Surely, what’s more important is to stop the spread of unnecessary hate and negativity of other people’s favourite players??

  • @MM-hi
    @MM-hi 2 года назад +168

    Love how everyone cracks up when Rafa starts talking

    • @ce7768
      @ce7768 2 года назад +22

      Loool. Even the faces he makes is funny lol

    • @dominikk7237
      @dominikk7237 2 года назад +8

      He still can't speak proper English.

    • @milankundera22
      @milankundera22 2 года назад +76

      @@dominikk7237 He speaks Spanish, Catalan, French, some Italian and has 22 grands slams...what about you ?

    • @karthiksubramanian4863
      @karthiksubramanian4863 2 года назад

      @@dominikk7237 Just shut your mouth bloody.

    • @minyrar7107
      @minyrar7107 2 года назад +45

      @@dominikk7237 his English is absolutely “proper”. He has a strong accent, that does not make his English not proper.

  • @BojanKordic
    @BojanKordic 2 года назад +68

    I cant ahahahahaha novaks introduction of rafa was hilarious 😂😂😂

  • @likearock2428
    @likearock2428 2 года назад +13

    The handsome, the charm, the talent , the legend and a great character on or off the court - ROGER FEDERER. We love you.

  • @sharathahuja8261
    @sharathahuja8261 2 года назад +42

    On or off the Tennis Court, Roger Federer is a great Ambassador for the sport. Congratulations on a glittering career.

  • @oivie1332
    @oivie1332 2 года назад +23

    Style, grace, professionalism, and a very decent human being...your marks will be in the history book.Thank you, Roger Federer!! 🎾👏

  • @judymeagher9837
    @judymeagher9837 2 года назад +14

    Fantastic interviews. Great to see so many champions all together. We will miss Roger very very much

  • @21DMN
    @21DMN 2 года назад +537

    Novak: "His favourite breakfast is Clay"

    • @ce7768
      @ce7768 2 года назад +32

      That was funny as heck 😂🤣😂

    • @raulgarcia2796
      @raulgarcia2796 2 года назад +1

      Vacuna te .

    • @raulgarcia2796
      @raulgarcia2796 2 года назад +1

      Jamón Serrano con un poco de Tomate y Aceite Virgen Extra un Chorrito.

    • @tonyng4300
      @tonyng4300 2 года назад +32

      And he is not sharing it with anyone 😂

    • @raulgarcia2796
      @raulgarcia2796 2 года назад +1

      Pequeño Aprendiz no Ganasteis ,os Falta para ser El Maestro.Chatin.

  • @fercedezrary3873
    @fercedezrary3873 2 года назад +16

    Handsome Rafa, and Fedal forever

  • @TheGowshikan
    @TheGowshikan 2 года назад +17

    Finallly someone from the top pointed out how gorgeous Berretini is ! The guy is such a hearthrob !!

  • @2soulss
    @2soulss 2 года назад +46

    Nole is so gorgeous... can't stop loving him.🥰
    will miss Roger definitely 💖❤

  • @vuha5000
    @vuha5000 2 года назад +25

    Love this very laid back side of everyone, laver cup trully rocks

  • @trevorlongley8995
    @trevorlongley8995 2 года назад +55

    While the atmosphere is laid back, the competition is extremely fierce. You better believe Team World sees this as their best shot to finally beat Europe. They are younger, fitter, and with wins over several players this year, this is their best shot. Team Europe still heavy favourites.

  • @shadow.walker7
    @shadow.walker7 2 года назад +58

    Rafa and Nowak are lovely together ❤️❤️

  • @dollyseguin1386
    @dollyseguin1386 2 года назад +28

    I love the way Roger laughs!😂he looks very happy ❤

  • @dulalee
    @dulalee 2 года назад +2

    He's been my idol. Such entertainment wen he plays with such class. Im gonna miss him playing tennis.

  • @catherinesaplala4109
    @catherinesaplala4109 2 года назад +46

    Our heart ache that Roger, the Fedex, is retiring from tennis. This sport will never be the same, but life has to go on. God bless you, Roger and your family, and may you be fulfilled in any endeavor that you choose after tennis.

  • @Emma-pq2jd
    @Emma-pq2jd 2 года назад +3

    I am in heaven,watching all those great players together❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @shhunya
    @shhunya 2 года назад +29

    Rafa is so shy and down to earth ❤

  • @vjp7364
    @vjp7364 2 года назад +15

    Novak said it right about Roger. He is the James Bond of all Tennis Greats!. There is no doubt at least for me - Roger is not only the greatest tennis player but also the nicest human being of all professional athletes! Good luck Roger, will miss you on tennis circuit.

  • @chimenemouafofonga4410
    @chimenemouafofonga4410 2 года назад +30

    Novak Djokovic: PLANT POWER
    He had me laugh 🤣🤣🤣

  • @notsohandytim5090
    @notsohandytim5090 2 года назад +15

    Courier such a class act when it comes to being talented at so many levels.

  • @laurentkimono
    @laurentkimono 2 года назад +5

    This guy is an absolute legend. The beauty everywhere on the court and look what he left, not only his legacy, also this laver cup... FEDERER, I WATCH YOU SINCE 98, i'am born the same day as you. I LOVE YOU

  • @blossomchinaka1167
    @blossomchinaka1167 2 года назад +8

    Class and Beauty everywhere! I Love all of you guys and most especially, Roger Federer! 👍😊🤗🥰❤ Beautiful and simple event. Kudos to the Laver Cup with much thanks to Roger for contributing immensely to making it become so.

  • @vaibhav9as
    @vaibhav9as 2 года назад +20

    Grown along with these legends and now seeing them retiring is something strange feeling.

  • @ronf28
    @ronf28 2 года назад +10

    Best farewell we can have for Roger. All the great players (past and present) and fans are all under one roof for a proper send-off. What a legend.

  • @heizeking3557
    @heizeking3557 2 года назад +74

    Novak's humor is the best!

    • @123tech
      @123tech 2 года назад +2

      And very much in poor taste sometimes. 6:56, because with that heil hitler hand gesture.

    • @zakonodavac
      @zakonodavac 2 года назад +3

      @@123tech Are u fucking serious?

    • @imelusb1528
      @imelusb1528 2 года назад

      @@123tech Really? Hitler killed almost 2 millions of his people. Your empty head is in poor taste here.

    • @lazar0316
      @lazar0316 2 года назад +13

      @@123tech You are miserable. Stop looking for the dumbest reasons to hate Nole.
      Novak’s people along with Jews and Roma people suffered the most during WW2 by the hand of the nazies.

    • @heizeking3557
      @heizeking3557 2 года назад +12

      @@123tech lol that is the biggest bs you could come up with, congratulations

  • @carolinerichard9726
    @carolinerichard9726 2 года назад +2

    You were all beautiful with your bow tie among other Roger it was perfect and impeccable!!!😊❤

  • @milxxl5345
    @milxxl5345 2 года назад +5

    I always make time to watch Roger when he play every games, he was my all time favorite and my idol, truly! But now he's retire i dont think I'll ever watch tennis anymore🙁 God Bless you Roger and your family! Wish you all the best👍

  • @martinkelleher5662
    @martinkelleher5662 2 года назад +1

    It's great to see these amazing players joke have a nice time the banter between them . As for Roger what an amazing player loved watching him gave us some amazing matches in finals obviously Wimbledon stands out even the finals he lost they wer epic finals . He bought joy to every tennis fan around the world. Plus he's a gentleman. We will miss watching u play Roger thanks for the memories

  • @notsohandytim5090
    @notsohandytim5090 2 года назад +46

    The only one missing to make this the ultimate legendary show is Wawrinka.

  • @sirniuskullu2281
    @sirniuskullu2281 2 года назад +4

    This is amazing, getting together with and sharing a lovely time . Truly
    Sharing friendship , and to build a better world.

  • @Lebohang666
    @Lebohang666 2 года назад +2

    What a best time to be alive and witnessing all this greatness 🙌🏼

  • @rociohdez8295
    @rociohdez8295 2 года назад +4

    Guapísimo se ve Roger Federer!😉❤️💜🌸🌹

  • @ligiacastellanos3127
    @ligiacastellanos3127 2 года назад +3

    Que guapos y elegantes se ven todos soy fan de Nole😍

  • @elisalapa9128
    @elisalapa9128 2 года назад +6

    Tennis will never be as exciting as when RF was still around. Thank you Roger for making me love Tennis.God bless you and ur family.🥰

  • @genovevaalexandrov9420
    @genovevaalexandrov9420 2 года назад +7

    LOVE IT !!

  • @mikecondy6010
    @mikecondy6010 2 года назад +21

    The number of Grand Slams on that podium is ridiculous!

  • @collinsnnadozie5092
    @collinsnnadozie5092 2 года назад +6

    Not a Federer fan but u've got to just love & respect for what he's done for tennis 🎾 world 👏

  • @vedapackirisamy6959
    @vedapackirisamy6959 2 года назад +1

    It was nice and a beautiful moment to see all the players in black including the legend Rod Laver. It was sheer magic and a treat to all the fans in the world. These great moments happen once in life time and will be cherished for life. What a fare well to Roger Federer all time Great👏👏

  • @veronicamendosa688
    @veronicamendosa688 2 года назад +1


  • @Odehyah951
    @Odehyah951 2 года назад +1

    It’s so nice seeing the players dressed in tuxedos,hair combed and smiling not stressing.

  • @aadityasingh4436
    @aadityasingh4436 2 года назад +9

    0:01 that pose that Novak and Roger give is so stylish and funny at the same time😂

  • @orchiddo1
    @orchiddo1 2 года назад +6

    And the golden days are slowly flying by. Best wishes to Fed Express. Thanks.

  • @emelmendoza5887
    @emelmendoza5887 2 года назад +9

    Federer: james bond ; Nole: spiderman ; Nadal : Gadiator

    • @ohwellwhateverr
      @ohwellwhateverr 2 месяца назад

      Nole is also a gladiator, did you not see him against Berrettini in French Open 2021?

  • @whiteeagle4248
    @whiteeagle4248 2 года назад +35

    Novak ,Rafa ,Roger ....holy Trinity

  • @dfactman1
    @dfactman1 2 года назад +10

    Its crazy to think there are over 60 grand slams won by 3 men in the same decade...Awsome to see them on stage together..👏👏👏

  • @nadajankovic8660
    @nadajankovic8660 2 года назад

    Thanks for all

  • @rastkopetrovic7896
    @rastkopetrovic7896 2 года назад

    It is like tennis Oscar . All of them look elegant and classy. GO NOVACE. Hi to all tennis fans from Australia.

  • @Anonymous-y7k
    @Anonymous-y7k 2 года назад +37

    Tsitsipas didnt shake hands with nadal when he was coming to stage. That was cold af man!

    • @CopR8r
      @CopR8r 2 года назад +18

      he was joking with Norrie, facing him and didnt see rafa

    • @ce7768
      @ce7768 2 года назад +31

      He didn't see him as he was facing Norrie. He adores Rafa and they have a good relationship. Hes said that multiple times so let's not put nonsense out there..

    • @KarmaticEvolution
      @KarmaticEvolution 2 года назад +10

      @@ce7768 8:01 I don’t know, Tsitsipas can hear him being introduced and that they all give 5’s when the player comes. He didn’t show any remorse that he missed it after the fact.

    • @ObamasBirthCertificate
      @ObamasBirthCertificate 2 года назад +3

      And he wanted that Roger hug lol

    • @CopR8r
      @CopR8r 2 года назад +1

      @@ObamasBirthCertificate Lol ! so true Novak is that child that speak his mind a lot, do silly things like impersonating, but actually just want a hug lmao

  • @lukt7641
    @lukt7641 2 года назад +2

    Huge respect for all of them. I would like to see at least once a year in the same court Federer ,Wawrinka, Dimitrov and Gasquet in exhibition doubles .

  •  2 года назад +51

    06:12 Andy is way funnier than everybody else.

  • @msCami3
    @msCami3 2 года назад +10

    They look so good and handsome ,😍😍😍

  • @ziadmeouch190
    @ziadmeouch190 2 года назад +7


  • @jedilady4485
    @jedilady4485 2 года назад +15

    Love that they (RF, etc.) had this idea for rivals to be teammates and having a gala night looking all like James Bond! This just levels up the awareness of Tennis!

  • @rikinelson1719
    @rikinelson1719 2 года назад +5

    Roger is still the best in titles number, novak the best as the longest time as no 1 and most major titles, nadal the best in grandslam title especially french open , they are real GOAT in tennis history

  • @ljubicamijatovictopalov6550
    @ljubicamijatovictopalov6550 2 года назад +20

    Good luck Rafa! 🎉 Novak is a wonderful men with a big heart! ❤

  • @polkadots24
    @polkadots24 2 года назад +31

    Novak ♥️🔥

  • @detectiverock6721
    @detectiverock6721 2 года назад +6

    ❤ Roger forever ❤️👍🌎

  • @MoorishBrooklyn
    @MoorishBrooklyn 2 года назад +2

    Good teams on both sides. The greats.

  • @ТатьянаТимошек-ь2н
    @ТатьянаТимошек-ь2н 2 года назад

    приятно смотреть: на корте они "гиганты, играющие каждый свою игру и которых не остановить", а так посмотришь - счастливые мальчишки, играющие каждый свою игру, дарят праздник зрителям, и это замечательно

  • @hannafratczak7926
    @hannafratczak7926 2 года назад +9

    Novak love from Poland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • @rodrigorodriguez7715
    @rodrigorodriguez7715 2 года назад +8

    Djokovic GOAT

  • @parinsuksmith4503
    @parinsuksmith4503 2 года назад +3

    Andy Murray Joke is GOAT LOl

  • @louiep9295
    @louiep9295 2 года назад +22

    Nice to see the Big 4 together.👏

  • @diego3659
    @diego3659 2 года назад +3

    I really like this!

  • @de1738
    @de1738 2 года назад +1

    Nice. Congrats you guys

  • @marcyfan
    @marcyfan 2 года назад +6

    whoever organized this event, this gala should get the nobel peace prize.

  • @MrChanakkale
    @MrChanakkale 2 года назад

    Night legend
    ......legend night......

  • @caridaddiazmartell4689
    @caridaddiazmartell4689 2 года назад

    Felicidades campeones muy guapos todos bendiciones gracias

  • @MMimi-mg4qt
    @MMimi-mg4qt 2 года назад +3

    All real CLASS and a fenomenal human being and an athlete - NOVAK

  • @raulgarcia2796
    @raulgarcia2796 2 года назад +1

    Bien Vuestra Ñ . Pequeño Aprendiz. Vamos

  • @Saitama-sense0
    @Saitama-sense0 2 года назад +25

    Djokovic should have added this in his speech "you mess with a 🐂 you get a horn and i think everybody got the horns playing Rafa on clay" 🤣🤣

    • @ptholome
      @ptholome 2 года назад +1

      Funny. :D🤣

  • @concepcionur2291
    @concepcionur2291 2 года назад

    What a legend!!!

  • @nanugabriellenoelle8051
    @nanugabriellenoelle8051 2 года назад +1

    THANKS for the perfect vidéo Gentlement players in Tennis 🎾 !

  • @cvastikajaya1355
    @cvastikajaya1355 2 года назад +3

    They are the best..👍😍

  • @caridaddiazmartell8500
    @caridaddiazmartell8500 2 года назад

    Todos están muy guapos bendiciones

  • @usaneebeilles9510
    @usaneebeilles9510 5 месяцев назад +1

    The Laver Cup is such a special event.
    The Laver Cup 2022 is the event that is never to be forgotten.
    Thanks to Alls involved, made this happen.

  • @TravelPortugalBrasilTPB
    @TravelPortugalBrasilTPB 2 года назад +3

    James Bond 👍. Greetings from the beautiful Algarve to all. Welcome 👍🌞🤗

  • @shivanisemwal176
    @shivanisemwal176 2 года назад

    Incredible Roger.

  • @superbzero
    @superbzero 2 года назад +25

    Based on Murray’s introduction, Novak is super healthy lol

    • @jedilady4485
      @jedilady4485 2 года назад +10

      The reason why Novak has almost no injury, has more air when playing. I won't be surprised if he can still play and win when he is 40years old!

    • @superbzero
      @superbzero 2 года назад +2

      @@jedilady4485 then the tour must have more grass court events, so that he can celebrate just like at Wimbledon

  • @SuperTonyproduction
    @SuperTonyproduction 2 года назад

    J’adore Federer, Novak,et même Rafa mais mon idole de toujours ça a été Borg, un joueur hors pair de fond de court pour moi le plus grand joueur de tous les temps.

  • @KungFuMojo
    @KungFuMojo 2 года назад +2

    Roger is like Quentin Tarantino's good looking twin. LOL!

  • @phenomenalredeem.9105
    @phenomenalredeem.9105 2 года назад +45

    l want to see novak and Nadal together.😊😊 Have to give Novak this best info coming from Novak l on RAFA 😂😂🤭.

    • @mrpog5620
      @mrpog5620 2 года назад


    • @ptholome
      @ptholome 2 года назад +1

      Next year, maybe. I don't think Rafa is going to last much more.

  • @jaynecrawford7043
    @jaynecrawford7043 2 года назад +2

    Love Andy Murrays Scottish accent

  • @tortillasarenotbiceps7622
    @tortillasarenotbiceps7622 2 года назад +9

    To plagiarize a bit, and to edit a bit, I find this line from the movie Troy fitting: "If they ever tell my story, let them say I walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the winter wheat, but these names will never die. Let them say I lived in the time of Nadal and Djokovic tamer of men. Let them say, I lived in the time of Federer."

  • @ksc743
    @ksc743 2 года назад +12

    Roger would actually make a great James Bond. New career for him!

    • @notsohandytim5090
      @notsohandytim5090 2 года назад +1

      ksc: Sounds good. At least it would keep him in our sights a bit longer.

    • @jonathanstirling7167
      @jonathanstirling7167 2 года назад +1

      No he is not masculine.

    • @pinkpassport4936
      @pinkpassport4936 2 года назад +1

      James Bond doesn't cry.

    • @jonathanstirling7167
      @jonathanstirling7167 2 года назад

      @@pinkpassport4936 and…..Bonds chicks look like a Ferrari not a Hummer

    • @ksc743
      @ksc743 2 года назад +1

      Daniel Craig cried when he said his final farewell to Bond. Real men do cry.

  • @nestorvilla3605
    @nestorvilla3605 2 года назад +5

    Andy Murray looks like Montgomery Burns 🔥 😂🤣😃

  • @startreker8591
    @startreker8591 2 года назад

    Dang ❤this people…imagine I have been watching this game in our Islas Filipinas in the 60’s…we had dirt/clay court at our plaza a quaint kind place in my provincia y two concrete;y finally we had a Jr Girl Champ Alex…Vamonos todos🎉

  • @ArunKumar-yo5dq
    @ArunKumar-yo5dq 2 года назад +2

    Love you Roger Federer