Sir you are writing the kinds of campaigns I long to be in ಥ_ಥ. Btw used your phantom rogue character idea for Belinda as my PC in Icewind Dale. I kept the cinnamon role aspect but amped up the creepy cute factor (think Sadako from The Ring but super friendly lol). She's been so fun to play!
My first reaction to end of this video was gonna be "you forgot the most crucial part of rivals..... ROMANCE".... but then you post this banger of a response and now im beat 👀
I like the idea of the cleric/healer that doesn't have a rival in the rival team, and when the parties fight the two clerics just sit on the same rock healing their party while complaining to the other about all the stupid stuff they had to fix.
Hardly a fortnight ago, the orc sired moron drank a bottle of alchemists fire Thinking it was ale. By the gods, it would be easier to train a displacer beast to use a litter box...
In our Call of the Netherdeep campaign, the pre-made cleric ended up becoming a solo version of that. Our PC party was oddly-numbered and perfectly paired off with the rest of the pre-mades EXCEPT for their cleric, who had no foil on our side. So every time we interacted, their cleric ended up playing the third wheel / beleaguered parent chasing after both parties to mitigate the gas-fire the rest of us would inevitably become. It honestly made the odd-man-out cleric somehow a foil of the whole of the rest of us, and made the rivalry interactions that much more entertaining. That experience and watching this video is making me want to deliberately add odd-man-out characters for the rival party in future games of my own.
One of my favorite rival teams was the first I created. It was entirely to prevent a TPK in a low-level dungeon. The PCs were pretty deep in the dungeon and after a few bad rolls they were ALL making death saves as the monsters loomed over them. Then another adventuring party showed up at full health (because most of the dungeon was already cleared!). The players HATED that they had to be rescued so THEY made this adventuring party their rivals!
@@Zaprozhan indeed infact sometimes theres just in party rivals who will GUTTERISE eachother into problems and then if it gets the entire party into a mess they will have to unfuck the situation
This is one of the options created by the existance of a Rival team, a "Don't kill the party move" that offers more roleplaying options going forward, as long as not overused. But if these sort of things are creating too much vitrol in the party, one opposite trick would be an adventure hook in the form of a half dead Rival team member stumbling up to the party and after some back and forth swallowing their pride to ask for help because the rest of their team were taken prisoner and the PC's are the best chance they can see to save them.
Another cool idea is to have a conflict triangle involving the hero(es), the villain(s) and the rival(s), bonus points for having the "enemy of my enemy" moment, give your players one or two chances to temporarily join forces with their rivals to defeat the villain, depending on how the players treat their rivals have the rivals join the Villain or the Heroes
I was thinking even in this video, using the example characters, that the villain team could be like: Cyrilla's personal villain is an eldritch knight/warlock who used his force of will (and some backroom deals) to bind the other Dwarven nobles to his ambition, and is so corrupt that he allows his nobles to wreak havoc on the kingdom - the same kind of havoc as her father. Alois' personal villain could be the right hand of this tyrant, a knight whose sense of honor has him do everything the king demands to the letter, even if it's fucked up; He never refuses an order, and has made himself a loyal ally. Turmeric's could be an assassin who, like Turmeric, never knew his parents and was born in a gutter, but the Usurper saw potential in him and raised him as his own son like an adoptive father. He now serves the Usurper loyally, feeling like he owes him his life for raising him from poverty. Uses the same model as Pointy Hat proposed (an opposite, a mirror, and a mix) but they're just straight up villains that the rival party would *also* have a reason to hate. Alois and Fornata would hate the deeds that the right hand of the Usuper would do because they'd be so fucked up, Cyrilla and Dario would hate the Usurper because, in Cyrilla's mind, he'd be destroying her father's legacy, but in Dario's mind, he'd be another tyrant but worse. For Turmeric and Moira, Turmeric would hate that the Assassin got the opportunity that he never had, to have a parent, and Moira would hate that the Assassin just *listened to* and *obeyed* their parents and would be confused by the sense of duty that he feels to the Usurper. Also @Pointy Hat, followup video about creating good villains? I liked this one a lot.
I think another triangle that could be fun is like the Pokémon rival method. You have one you counter, one that counters you. Maybe a more antagonistic force and a more friendly competition. Like one team will buy you a drink and swap stories with you. After a successful dungeon crawl, challenging you to drinking competitions, or “which team can catch the most bounties, winner gets half the losers earnings” The other might be like Gary muddafuggin oak and challenge you to duels right after a dungeon. Then call you a “edit for RUclips” for losing.
Oh totally. Even had the rivals become a lot stronger during a period of time the party was missing or they were far away on an adventure. When my party went to the feywild, they returned only to hear how strong they became, and they tried to challenge the Campaign villain, and one member of them died and their leader lost an arm. Later on during another Villain's arc, that villain encountered the rivals, and that gave time the players to escape the scene with the npc they were trying to rescue from a public execution, and my players stopped halfway through and said; "wait. We still don't want to leave. We want to know what happens, and who wins!" I will never forget that session, they were truly hooks and for many sessions, I left the mystery of who won that fight and my players were trying to investigate what happened
Can't believe this, I was building the rivals and planned to introduce them in 4 or 5 sessions, I'm adapting them to appear sonner now I had material to work with.
I thought of a funny rival being a necromancer wizard who is jealous that one of the PC's has such a large group of friends so the necromancer summons and takes control over undead to have their own friends. The further you progress in the game the more powerful undead they have like at the start they have a skeleton or zombie for each PC -1their idle. Then they slowly turn some them into stronger undead such as wights, ghouls and vampires.
Antonio, you’re so creative and hard-working, it blows my mind. I’m so happy that you make videos for people to tune into to enhance their roleplaying experiences. You should be so proud of yourself
Remember, you don't have to make rivals for the group ahead of time. You can turn an npc that a player has interacted with into a rival. This way you can see what basic premise the players respond to, then build from there.
Especially in a new champaign where you haven't gotten a handle on how the PC's will be running their character. If you find that one of your NPC's is making sparks fly with one PC, that's a good foundation, to expand from.
Yeah that's probably a better way of doing it, naturally there's gonna be NPC's the players dislike and it's fun to make the players hate those NPC's even more.
Yeah but its also fun to make an idea of a rical group before hand and shape their personality, background, races, amount etc or whatever you want once you have your players.
I feel called out by the Wizard Apos'Trophee Hyphen-Name, and I am here for it. I need a Wheel of Goals for villains to let the players spin for what is happening.
I gave my players a Cambion Rival, he fought them 1v5 at like level 2 (he had no armor) with no magic items. Quite close, and they won. He escaped with his superior flying speed. They met him a few times after, mainly doing his own thing. Any he made his own little party that is doing many quests the party ignores, they even worked together once. To keep up with the party, he also gained levels at Barberian (his AC is made from DEX+CON+CHA ;)) He mainly focuses on gainning political influence and getting in with the important tribe leaders
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, inspires more murderous hatred in my players than me trying to set up a rival team for them to face. Like, I don't know why they always jump straight to "we must slit their throats in the night" mode... but they do. Always. It's kinda frustrating....
Some DMs adopt the rival team so much that they switch to a DM Vs player mindset, backing the rivals over the development of story (together, not the DM alone). I'm not saying it's what you're doing but perhaps consider it. If players who play for freedom feel like they're being restrained they'll often lash out as murder hobos.
Rival players can be very dangerous narratively, as their very existence questions protagonists in ways not every player wants to deal with. For example, the player behind the dwarven princess in the video may not have any desire to explore what her rival brings to the table, opting instead to just goad them into combat and kill the perceived 'disruption' to their character's planned arc. It's a good idea to let rivals occur naturally, or at least broach the subject with a player before trying to give them one.
one very important thing, a "devil is in the details" kind of thing, is that it is VERY important thing actually know your players characters before even considering a rival. i'll say to give your characters a session, or two, or half the campaing ok maybe not that much, to get to know yout players, what they actually do what they actually think how do the actually react, it's never easy to get any of that on the character sheet the first time without some experience precisely because characters are always iterating upong themselfs while playing. your paladin may have syad that he is the shining face of honor and piaty but maybe the player themself isn't actually aware of sayd details and missed an oportunity to help someone or an insult to the crown simply flew over their head whem they heard it idk, a very important and specific detail that informs that a rival atacking sayd desire may not be able to fully succed in their objective but a ruval constructed in other direction upon the same character might have a bigger impact. but still, rivals are their own people even if the narrative role they have isn't "as strong" as it can be, and it can also be worked arround in the same self iteration and improvement the character they are reflecting is going throw. be careful and have fun, after all that's always the goal
Gosh Darn It, you constantly impress me. Rivals, Angels, and pop singers (burlesque bards with fan blades). I'm not surprised that your views are getting close to the 100k, because every aspect impresses me: Animation (Love your aviator btw), voice (made for voice over - figure you either L.A. or Miami), and number one...your creativity. Gosh, that's where it gets hard to quantify. Creativity. You have it and your whole production shows it in spades. Keep up the great work, your steady growth in subscribes, shows that you've got "it". Now, get sponsors.
I ran a rival group delving into the Underdark alongside my party once. At first, tensions were very high. They travelled together for the majority of the time, but they weren't as high levelled. Instead, I built them to be perfectly working together while the party still had a few issues with communication. Instead, they were proactive and had strong opinions, as the rival teams were all basic copycats of the party, with classes switched. The rogue-sorcerer became the bard, both being the heart. The Coffeelock became a cleric. The cleric and bard had a small fling, where as the Coffeelock and rogue-sorcerer were an active thing. They spoke about relationship stuff during downtime. The ranger became the... ranger... Different subclass. Planeswalker to horizon Walker, and from skeleton to aasimar. Lastly, our cleric, which became the eldritch Knight. Firbolg to Goliath. They had similar backstories to the party, but they were all based around a prominent location the party was exploring, where an elder Evil had touched the earth and permanently scarred the land. Had a lot of fun making new aberations for Y'chak. Anyways, the party had a lot of fun bouncing off these NPCs, and without prodding, they gravitated to their counterpart, as well as the party's leader, the dwarf cleric. When they had to split up, I swapped a character out for a doppleganger, and that doppleganger was caught within minutes. The problem was the doppelganger was hunting the party and had his own group of baddies actively hunting the party down for main plot reasons. Long story. However, because they got caught early, the rest of the enemy party wasn't ready, leading to a 7 v 2 against a monk and hexblade. The monk and hexblade where higher leveled than the party. Level 14 to the party's level 9, and the rivals' level 7. With the numbers advantage, the doppelganger monk fled, covered by the revenant hexblade, who perished for the 4th time. Suicides, killing the rival ranger. One revivify later, and the only question was what happened to the eldritch Knight.... He was killed hours before, body lost in a river. He was revived via clever use of a homebrew item that summoned a Coatl to aid the party, and brought back to life later by the party's cleric, his foil.
I actually recently played in a campaign with a "perfect mirror" rival group. The general idea the DM went with was "What if the PCs always rolled nat 20s (at least when they weren't "on screen") The Paladin, a literal Prince Charming. The Wizard, basically Merlin,. The rouge was the perfect gentleman thief and the bard basically David Bowie. We first learned of their existence at level 2 where we arrived at merchant to try and get some healing potions and they'd just sold their entire stock to another party at a huge discount. At level 4 we arrived at a village we'd heard was under siege by Gnoll bandits only to learn they'd already been cleared out and their stash of magical weapons looted. At level 5 we met them in a dungeon where they did basically made us look like clowns, ultimately provoking our Barbarian to challenge them to a non-lethal test of strength. The challenge was accepted, but of course they wanted us all to take a long rest to makes sure all of us were in peak condition. With perfect coordination they destroyed us. For the next few levels we'd hear about their exploits mirroring our own (if we took too long getting to an objective, when we'd get there, it was already done. Of course we ran into a city at level 10 where a tournament was happening with a powerful flame brand as the grand prize. Of course they were there... and we won. We soundly beat them in the semi-finals. They were gracious in defeat and wished us the best... those bastards. But that's where things started changing. After beating them, when we'd get to a city they had already been to there were rumors floating around about us. "We were incompetent. A group of clowns. Not worth the trouble to hire us for anything." They were spreading the rumors. There were a few more encounters, they beat us once more. We beat them to a few high profile campaign beats. They... beat us again. The Big Bad showed up, the pressure of two bands of adventurers foiling all their minions finally forcing them to show their hand. In character our rouge questioned if we shouldn't just let them have this one. The dude was too powerful. Our paladin reluctantly agreed, but pushed us to move anyways to back them up. We didn't like it, but "greater good and all that nonsense". About halfway into the dungeon we found 3 very fresh corpses and David Bowie hiding in fear.
Not actually confirmed in any Tolkien work. Only implied as a joke in the Jackson films, which itself was possibly based on Terry Pratchett's Discworld books in which (as part of the satire of Tolkien) all dwarves do indeed have beards. No really, it’s an assumption based on a parody of the original work. I used to get this wrong too.
@@intergalactic92 Appendix A: "Indeed this strangeness they have that no Man nor Elf has ever seen a beardless Dwarf - unless he were shaven in mockery, and would then be more like to die of shame than of many other hurts that to us would seem more deadly. For the Naugrim have beards from the beginning of their lives, male and female alike; nor indeed can their womenkind be discerned by those of other race, be it in feature or in gait or in voice, nor in any wise save this: that they go not to war, and seldom save at direst need issue from their deep bowers and halls."
@@jonttopiait was something unique to their race that a lot of people apparently liked, in a fantasy setting people tend to like the things that edge more towards fantasy rather than just normal humans, it added a sense of humor or intrigue to the dwarves that was stripped away. I dont personally care, im just saying i understand why some do, I mean it was the 1st female dwarf pictured on screen and they willingly chose to subvert everyones expectation without replacing it or justifying it. I mean we could all just pretend she does in fact have a beard comparable to malw dwarves its just not on her face to preserve the humor at least.
I'm going to introduce a rival to my party's warlock: and it's his older brother. This video gave me everything I need to make this rivalry dynamic and fun!
ooh that’s cool i’m using a warlock and i want to ask my dungeon master if my character can meet his older brother which is a paladin it would be really cool because my character is kind of a demonic version of a paladin!👍 also my character grew up in a rich family of monster hunters and he is the only one that is weak and have no special powers and his goal is to somehow defeat lots of monsters and prove his worth to his family and his big brother is an extremely talented and powerful paladin i definetely think that he would be in the middle of the spectrum.
I’ve got a character whose main flaw is he’s overprotective and doesn’t really believe others can take care of themselves. He constantly worries about everyone, even one of his siblings who’s got a really safe job as a baker. A sibling just existing in another party would be a great rival
You are quickly becoming one of my favorite dnd creators. You are amazingly creative ane put so much love into your work. Your energy and passion is honestly contagious, thank you for your work.
I dm’d a campaign with two parties in the same storyline, one week party 1 had a session, the next week party 2 had a session and one week, both parties came and it turns out I collected party 2 to be rivals, so it was team vs team, and the parties loved it.
This is INCREDIBLE material. I'd honestly never thought of non-villain antagonists in D&D, and I absolutely love this concept and how you approached it. Thanks for this video!
It’s cool to see that I’ve had the same idea of giving my characters rivals! I’m going to play a warforged bard who decided to abandon his life of violence to pursue his newfound passion: music. But his foil is his former commander who zealously believes it’s the purpose of a warforged to live and die as a soldier (and begins hunting his former comrade because in his eyes “you serve no purpose”).
Dude, I cannot believe your timing. I was preparing a rival team (with a really silly name gimmick) but was having trouble figuring out their personalities. Now I have a good source to do so, I'll probably play that card a little earlier than I had planned, to give my gang more time to expend with them. Big thank you, great material as always. pd: I'm also using the Dragontouched idea, plan to have my gang taking part in their revolution. Huge thanks for that too.
What a generous, entertaining and entirely charismatic content creator I have stumbled upon. Thank you for the tips and guidance, you're certainly helping a new DM!
In my own personal Exandria game, I made a 'mirror' team of rivals that reflects a lot to my players' characters. Just making them was so fun, thinking of arcs to intertwine with theirs and personalities to 'mirror' them. I absolutely love what you made and love within this video of what are rivals, how to use them and how to make them in ones own game. We are going to celebrate hard when we reach 100K and rightfully deserved for the amazing content ya make. The characters and rivals you made, GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AND THE ART IS ADORABLE! I relate so hard to the Royal Knight and Blacksmith Revolutionary, also just an absolute sucker for a run away rich Pirate gal! Mi pana eres el mejor! Y mucho suerte con todo! 💛
I never make comments on videos but I was extremely impressed by the quality of this video and decided I HAD to leave a comment. I was already impressed by the first half of the video, then came the stunningly illustrated example characters and I was blown away. Bravo!!
This video is an absolute goddamn gold mine of DMing advice. You, sir, are awesome and you should feel awesome. I inadvertently already came up with a rival character for one of the players in my upcoming campaign before I watched this, now I'ma make up one for everybody else.
My favourite kinds of foils are the mirror foils. There’s something incredibly cool about seeing all the cool tricks of your hero in the hands of someone he who may not share your protagonist’s morality.
From an overachiever to another. This is an amazing channel. It’s refreshing and nothing like other channels. Congrats on that! You are very inspiring!
All of your videos are amazing. Rival parties are one of my favorite things in games and media, and it makes me happy to see it described and explained so well. I love that you provide specific examples in existing fiction and also provide insight on how to craft new ones custom-made for player characters. Keep up the good work!
I adore all of these characters you made so much!!! Their designs are so good, especially Darios, Cerella (not sure how to spell those names XD), and Turmeric. I especially appreciate Cerella having a small beard and Turmeric being non-binary and how naturally those things are presented. The names are great too, my favorites being Cerella sounding almost like a condensed version of Cinderella and Turmeric just straight up being a spice and presumably a name they chose themself.
You are so darn great!! Honestly, the fact that you have so many Docs to read is a great way to help, at least, me memorize these. Also love your analogies that help with figuring these stuff out.
This video is great! I was reading Eberron rising from the last war and there was a bit about "creating an enemy that the player meets a lot" and hearing you explaining your point of view really helped!
I love how half the clips are of Adora and Catra because they are literally rivals done perfectly. They both grew up together and care for each other a lot but always have completely opposite goals and are trying to undermine each other at every turn. It's such a good show.
My DM did this after I gave him the sob backstory of my character; basically a character my Tiefling Paladin thought was dead, wasn't...I really love him for it...
Hey Pointyhat! I watched this months ago, and I finally wrote rivals for my campaign’s party members. And I’ve gotta say, they have become some of my favorite creations ever! It really does open up so many story possibilities when you have foils to your protagonists. Thank you for the idea!
The best part of this channel is everytime I pause it to screeeeeee about something you said, I stop and then click to continue and I mean LITERALLY the next second you cover the exact thing I was about ScreeEEeeEEeeEEeeeeeee about.
I just found you recently and I hopping around your videos randomly as they catch my intrest and I gotta say the message at the end of this where you're excitded that you're close to 100k and me seeing a year later you're nearly 4 times that amount. Wonder what caused your big breakthrough haha. You deserve it! Enjoy your videos a lot!
Pointy hat, thank you so much for this video. There's some great advice for storytelling too, but this is the first video I've seen that talks about the narrative of rivalries specifically for DnD. I've just started DMing a campaign where my players form one of several teams that will be in (indirect) competition to solve tasks and earn merit, and although I knew I wanted one of the other teams in particular to become their rivals and grow with them, I had some doubts as to how exactly design their characters. So glad you made this, thank you again
I've always thought it'd be fun to have a rival party who while not particularly effective in combat, are a band of talented acrobats and illusionists who constantly try to upstage the party with elaborate staged battles and performances.
ok by now I just created a playlist called hats amazing ideas because your content is insane every second video I am like: "this will perfectly fit into my campaign" Thank you a lot for the effort you put into these videos and to many more !
I’m always so excited when I see a new video from you pop up on my feed. You have quickly become one of my favorite creators on the platform. Thank you for all the amazing work and free dnd content you make.
I like this, because having people challenging you doesn't mean they're bad people. You vie for things and snipe each other, but that can change. Maybe in competition for something, one of the rivals fails miserably, putting them at risk of life or limb; the PCs could help them out and change perceptions. Later on, a new antagonist comes onto the scene, and maybe the PC and rivals set aside differences to fight a common foe. Also, love your art. Alois's cloak pin looks like a hand clamping his cloak to his chestplate, and Sorella's beard is quite lovely!
the problem with the Rival system is that PCs die. will that make the rival just keep living & declare victory? will the DM have to make another NPC to rival the new PC?
The Rivals have their own lives and struggles. So if a PC dies, maybe their Rival dies as well. Maybe they're crippled and have to find a replacement for themselves in the group. The same thing your party has to do, their party also has to do. They aren't magically better than you with infinite resources, they have to work like you have to work. In fact if a PC dies, maybe their new character could be their rival and so they have a complete history for their new character, including leaving the Rival Group to join the PCs.
@@LupineShadowOmega I think it'd be good if the rival PC left the rival group, opening up a spot for the rival of the new PC. That way you still have the old rival you can keep in your back pocket for later. Just because they aren't a rival anymore doesn't mean they won't pop back in eventually! Hell, if you do it right you could tug at some heart strings as the characters are reminded of their fallen comrade whenever they show up.
@@seasnaill2589 Also an option. In fact you could have it both ways and have the rival leave to join the PCs in tribute to their fallen rival. Maybe they say yes, maybe they say no. It could lead to a bad end for them, or it might be a point of contention with said character later. The possibilities are as endless as the group's imagination. Which is why I feel like worrying about if someone dies is sort of missing the point. Because sometimes someone dying is just another story to be told.
The rivals don’t have to be a direct 1 to 1 mirror. It might be an idea to kill a couple of rivals in advance to show that PC death is possible. You have limitless power as the DM. Use it.
You're an amazing content creator. Please continue to be as generous and respectable as you have been. I love your content and look forward to implementing your ideas into my future projects. Thank you.
He explained how much I love frozen unironucalky because of how its two mcs are antagonist to each other. (plus idina & Kristen) I like it a lot when I look back at it.
Yes. It is perfect to highlight the difference between an antagonist and a villain. Hans is the villain, but he never gets in Anna's way until the very end.
This is one of the best D&D videos I've ever seen. I'm also running two Netherdeep campaigns right now, so it was nice to get some additional perspective on rivals.
Interestingly enough, the normally combat-centric group has befriended them and the normally RP heavy and problem solving group (who in all fairness just started and is feeling out new characters) is quickly pissing the rivals off.
That's exactly what i thought. The players don't know anything about their destined rivals, they don't have their backstories and it doesn't really make sense for those self proclaimed rivals to just show up, monologue and know everything about the heroes. Basically i am asking the same question, how do you integrate them organically? how do you get to the point where the players know about the rivals and vice versa?
As I said, the rivals are not a one off encounter. Ideally, the players should be seeing these rivals pretty regularly. There are many occasions to convey the gist of a character in one or several of those.
Have them working behind the scenes, perhaps doing quests that the party dont do? Or maybe as a group that is trying to earn fame in ways your party isnt whether its fame or deeds. Or even, the bbeg hires them on without revealing himself, using manipulation or a vast network of contacts to basically paint the pc’s as “not as good as they act” so they have conflict throughout the game.?
I discovered this channel quite recently and I absolutely LOVE your content! As a DM (who also loves drawing my own art) I feel really inspired after every video I watch. Keep going, and thanks for all the free downloads aswell!
My guy, my dude, my dome piece I found your channel today and literally watched I think everything you've made with 1 or 2 exceptions and downloaded all the pdfs I could. Theyve been hilarious, entertaining and informative, and I think I'll be incorporating many of your ideas and showing my players these new options. I'll be following your channel with great interest, keep it up. I had no idea I needed a cowboy ranger and a girl boss coven of hags covering every major emotion till today. NO MORE WILL WE DABBLE IN BASIC 🚫
A villain is almost always an antagonist. It’s just that not all antagonists are villains. An antagonist is just someone opposing the protagonist/main characters, so they’re usually villains
I had questions about how you actually set up rivals but this man explained everything in detail, even with examples to help out. This video will help out so many of us, thank you for making it❤
I've been running Dungeons of Drakkenheim for a bunch a friends for a while. Had a few players drop out because of personal reasons and I was wondering what to do about one of the PCs. He was a childhood best friend of one the PCs that stayed, recently reunited, and they went along really well. But they had major philosophical diiscordancies. While I was wathing your video, suddently erverything made sense: he should become one of the rivals! And now I've got it all figured out: he's going to join the rivals. Yay. Your videos are great. Keep them coming. Please.
I think its fun to get the players involved to some extent in the creation of the rivals. Depending on the campaign/setting/themes, having insight into player’s ideas on what would make for good growth-inducing conflict could take the rivals a step above
I don't know why it's so cathartic to see these dynamics. Probably because I love character creation that is based on simple conceot but grows complex due to relationships and their dynamics. Good stuff
First and foremost, thank you so much for your videos! They're great! I wanna say I've seen it in another video of yours: at 12:20 you refer to a character, you call "A-LOW-WEES". If that character's name is spelled "Aloysius", it's pronounced "AL-LOW-WISH-US". Please, don't stop making DND content it's so amazing! Again, thank you fo what you do and keep it up!
I love this video so much !! I ran one bare bones game with my wife and son and that's it.... And now I have grand dreams of running an anime tournament arc with rivals !! I don't know what I'm doing but the sparks and ideas you give us have me keep trying and keep going Thank you for all that you do !!
You do yourself a disservice associating all of your great advice with D&D alone: This video in particular is an excellent strategy that gamemasters could apply to any game: I'm posting it to the Kult Discord right now (and Kult couldn't be more different from D&D if it tried!)
What if we had a ship-teasing, thinly-veiled-ridden swordfight duel at midnight over the roofs of the city?
haha just kidding
Unless? 👀
Sir you are writing the kinds of campaigns I long to be in ಥ_ಥ. Btw used your phantom rogue character idea for Belinda as my PC in Icewind Dale. I kept the cinnamon role aspect but amped up the creepy cute factor (think Sadako from The Ring but super friendly lol). She's been so fun to play!
this... is filled with tumblr energy.
Place and time ??
You laugh, but I introunced a narrative foil for my warlock and now he dreams of kissing the guy under the moonlight.
My first reaction to end of this video was gonna be "you forgot the most crucial part of rivals..... ROMANCE".... but then you post this banger of a response and now im beat 👀
I like the idea of the cleric/healer that doesn't have a rival in the rival team, and when the parties fight the two clerics just sit on the same rock healing their party while complaining to the other about all the stupid stuff they had to fix.
Better yet... They are lover
That’s a fun interaction, I love it
Hardly a fortnight ago, the orc sired moron drank a bottle of alchemists fire Thinking it was ale. By the gods, it would be easier to train a displacer beast to use a litter box...
In our Call of the Netherdeep campaign, the pre-made cleric ended up becoming a solo version of that. Our PC party was oddly-numbered and perfectly paired off with the rest of the pre-mades EXCEPT for their cleric, who had no foil on our side. So every time we interacted, their cleric ended up playing the third wheel / beleaguered parent chasing after both parties to mitigate the gas-fire the rest of us would inevitably become.
It honestly made the odd-man-out cleric somehow a foil of the whole of the rest of us, and made the rivalry interactions that much more entertaining. That experience and watching this video is making me want to deliberately add odd-man-out characters for the rival party in future games of my own.
I Love this.
One of my favorite rival teams was the first I created. It was entirely to prevent a TPK in a low-level dungeon. The PCs were pretty deep in the dungeon and after a few bad rolls they were ALL making death saves as the monsters loomed over them. Then another adventuring party showed up at full health (because most of the dungeon was already cleared!). The players HATED that they had to be rescued so THEY made this adventuring party their rivals!
Thats an awesome idea!
ya know thats amusing that things went THAT way as it is but in a world were adventuring is completive as can be i can see this happening
Sometimes the players do the work for you. USE IT SHAMELESSLY!
@@Zaprozhan indeed infact sometimes theres just in party rivals who will GUTTERISE eachother into problems and then if it gets the entire party into a mess they will have to unfuck the situation
This is one of the options created by the existance of a Rival team, a "Don't kill the party move" that offers more roleplaying options going forward, as long as not overused. But if these sort of things are creating too much vitrol in the party, one opposite trick would be an adventure hook in the form of a half dead Rival team member stumbling up to the party and after some back and forth swallowing their pride to ask for help because the rest of their team were taken prisoner and the PC's are the best chance they can see to save them.
Another cool idea is to have a conflict triangle involving the hero(es), the villain(s) and the rival(s), bonus points for having the "enemy of my enemy" moment, give your players one or two chances to temporarily join forces with their rivals to defeat the villain, depending on how the players treat their rivals have the rivals join the Villain or the Heroes
Yo.. you just saved me from trying to think up this plot hook, holy hell man ty
Came to the comment section to say exactly this. The "this one time..." moment can be so good.
I was thinking even in this video, using the example characters, that the villain team could be like:
Cyrilla's personal villain is an eldritch knight/warlock who used his force of will (and some backroom deals) to bind the other Dwarven nobles to his ambition, and is so corrupt that he allows his nobles to wreak havoc on the kingdom - the same kind of havoc as her father. Alois' personal villain could be the right hand of this tyrant, a knight whose sense of honor has him do everything the king demands to the letter, even if it's fucked up; He never refuses an order, and has made himself a loyal ally. Turmeric's could be an assassin who, like Turmeric, never knew his parents and was born in a gutter, but the Usurper saw potential in him and raised him as his own son like an adoptive father. He now serves the Usurper loyally, feeling like he owes him his life for raising him from poverty.
Uses the same model as Pointy Hat proposed (an opposite, a mirror, and a mix) but they're just straight up villains that the rival party would *also* have a reason to hate. Alois and Fornata would hate the deeds that the right hand of the Usuper would do because they'd be so fucked up, Cyrilla and Dario would hate the Usurper because, in Cyrilla's mind, he'd be destroying her father's legacy, but in Dario's mind, he'd be another tyrant but worse. For Turmeric and Moira, Turmeric would hate that the Assassin got the opportunity that he never had, to have a parent, and Moira would hate that the Assassin just *listened to* and *obeyed* their parents and would be confused by the sense of duty that he feels to the Usurper.
Also @Pointy Hat, followup video about creating good villains? I liked this one a lot.
I think another triangle that could be fun is like the Pokémon rival method.
You have one you counter, one that counters you.
Maybe a more antagonistic force and a more friendly competition.
Like one team will buy you a drink and swap stories with you. After a successful dungeon crawl, challenging you to drinking competitions, or “which team can catch the most bounties, winner gets half the losers earnings”
The other might be like Gary muddafuggin oak and challenge you to duels right after a dungeon. Then call you a “edit for RUclips” for losing.
Oh totally. Even had the rivals become a lot stronger during a period of time the party was missing or they were far away on an adventure.
When my party went to the feywild, they returned only to hear how strong they became, and they tried to challenge the Campaign villain, and one member of them died and their leader lost an arm.
Later on during another Villain's arc, that villain encountered the rivals, and that gave time the players to escape the scene with the npc they were trying to rescue from a public execution, and my players stopped halfway through and said; "wait. We still don't want to leave. We want to know what happens, and who wins!"
I will never forget that session, they were truly hooks and for many sessions, I left the mystery of who won that fight and my players were trying to investigate what happened
i literally met my party's rival team in a session today so this is perfect timing... i hate them so much and it's so good ♥
I'm a dm in the process of planning the rival team for my party so I couldn't agree more
Can't believe this, I was building the rivals and planned to introduce them in 4 or 5 sessions, I'm adapting them to appear sonner now I had material to work with.
Ha same! Just made the conceptd of the rivals today 😂
I thought of a funny rival being a necromancer wizard who is jealous that one of the PC's has such a large group of friends so the necromancer summons and takes control over undead to have their own friends. The further you progress in the game the more powerful undead they have like at the start they have a skeleton or zombie for each PC -1their idle. Then they slowly turn some them into stronger undead such as wights, ghouls and vampires.
Maybe a more interesting twist on this could be the Necromancer literally wanting the PC's friends. So they kill them and then raise them! Yippy!!
You mean wraiths, right?
@@Victor-um9ce I mean the necromancer could also control wraiths but my typo was meant to be Wights as in the undead that can have 12 zombie servants.
Antonio, you’re so creative and hard-working, it blows my mind. I’m so happy that you make videos for people to tune into to enhance their roleplaying experiences.
You should be so proud of yourself
Right? It’s insane that this level of content is free!
Second this! Love the positivity, appreciate you for sharing it
Remember, you don't have to make rivals for the group ahead of time. You can turn an npc that a player has interacted with into a rival. This way you can see what basic premise the players respond to, then build from there.
I think this is a very good approach, as the players start to remember them and have personal grudge.
I think it would be cool to mark off a few NPCs as potential rivals, and have those who the players seemed most interested in show up again as rivals
Especially in a new champaign where you haven't gotten a handle on how the PC's will be running their character. If you find that one of your NPC's is making sparks fly with one PC, that's a good foundation, to expand from.
Yeah that's probably a better way of doing it, naturally there's gonna be NPC's the players dislike and it's fun to make the players hate those NPC's even more.
Yeah but its also fun to make an idea of a rical group before hand and shape their personality, background, races, amount etc or whatever you want once you have your players.
I feel called out by the Wizard Apos'Trophee Hyphen-Name, and I am here for it. I need a Wheel of Goals for villains to let the players spin for what is happening.
Maybe use a different wheel, that wheel had 1 "WW3 analogy" and the rest were "destroy the world".
I gave my players a Cambion Rival, he fought them 1v5 at like level 2 (he had no armor) with no magic items. Quite close, and they won. He escaped with his superior flying speed.
They met him a few times after, mainly doing his own thing.
Any he made his own little party that is doing many quests the party ignores, they even worked together once.
To keep up with the party, he also gained levels at Barberian (his AC is made from DEX+CON+CHA ;))
He mainly focuses on gainning political influence and getting in with the important tribe leaders
I absolutely love how both Moira and Turmeric have round animal companions
and Adaine
Vodar nice profile picture
Turmeric's little buddy came part and parcel with their Urchin background. Moira's familiar? Purchased from a pet store for the aesthetic.
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, inspires more murderous hatred in my players than me trying to set up a rival team for them to face. Like, I don't know why they always jump straight to "we must slit their throats in the night" mode... but they do. Always. It's kinda frustrating....
Aww :(
Have you tried leaning into that expectation and used the rivals to bait your party?
Maybe you could have the local authorities get mad at the party for straight up murdering other adventurers? That might make your players calm down
Some DMs adopt the rival team so much that they switch to a DM Vs player mindset, backing the rivals over the development of story (together, not the DM alone). I'm not saying it's what you're doing but perhaps consider it. If players who play for freedom feel like they're being restrained they'll often lash out as murder hobos.
The villain has been observing this behavior and sets up a team of assassins to cosplay as a foil party
Rival players can be very dangerous narratively, as their very existence questions protagonists in ways not every player wants to deal with. For example, the player behind the dwarven princess in the video may not have any desire to explore what her rival brings to the table, opting instead to just goad them into combat and kill the perceived 'disruption' to their character's planned arc. It's a good idea to let rivals occur naturally, or at least broach the subject with a player before trying to give them one.
one very important thing, a "devil is in the details" kind of thing, is that it is VERY important thing actually know your players characters before even considering a rival. i'll say to give your characters a session, or two, or half the campaing ok maybe not that much, to get to know yout players, what they actually do what they actually think how do the actually react, it's never easy to get any of that on the character sheet the first time without some experience precisely because characters are always iterating upong themselfs while playing. your paladin may have syad that he is the shining face of honor and piaty but maybe the player themself isn't actually aware of sayd details and missed an oportunity to help someone or an insult to the crown simply flew over their head whem they heard it idk, a very important and specific detail that informs that a rival atacking sayd desire may not be able to fully succed in their objective but a ruval constructed in other direction upon the same character might have a bigger impact.
but still, rivals are their own people even if the narrative role they have isn't "as strong" as it can be, and it can also be worked arround in the same self iteration and improvement the character they are reflecting is going throw.
be careful and have fun, after all that's always the goal
Gosh Darn It, you constantly impress me. Rivals, Angels, and pop singers (burlesque bards with fan blades). I'm not surprised that your views are getting close to the 100k, because every aspect impresses me: Animation (Love your aviator btw), voice (made for voice over - figure you either L.A. or Miami), and number one...your creativity. Gosh, that's where it gets hard to quantify. Creativity. You have it and your whole production shows it in spades. Keep up the great work, your steady growth in subscribes, shows that you've got "it". Now, get sponsors.
I ran a rival group delving into the Underdark alongside my party once. At first, tensions were very high. They travelled together for the majority of the time, but they weren't as high levelled. Instead, I built them to be perfectly working together while the party still had a few issues with communication. Instead, they were proactive and had strong opinions, as the rival teams were all basic copycats of the party, with classes switched. The rogue-sorcerer became the bard, both being the heart. The Coffeelock became a cleric. The cleric and bard had a small fling, where as the Coffeelock and rogue-sorcerer were an active thing. They spoke about relationship stuff during downtime. The ranger became the... ranger... Different subclass. Planeswalker to horizon Walker, and from skeleton to aasimar. Lastly, our cleric, which became the eldritch Knight. Firbolg to Goliath. They had similar backstories to the party, but they were all based around a prominent location the party was exploring, where an elder Evil had touched the earth and permanently scarred the land. Had a lot of fun making new aberations for Y'chak.
Anyways, the party had a lot of fun bouncing off these NPCs, and without prodding, they gravitated to their counterpart, as well as the party's leader, the dwarf cleric. When they had to split up, I swapped a character out for a doppleganger, and that doppleganger was caught within minutes. The problem was the doppelganger was hunting the party and had his own group of baddies actively hunting the party down for main plot reasons. Long story. However, because they got caught early, the rest of the enemy party wasn't ready, leading to a 7 v 2 against a monk and hexblade. The monk and hexblade where higher leveled than the party. Level 14 to the party's level 9, and the rivals' level 7. With the numbers advantage, the doppelganger monk fled, covered by the revenant hexblade, who perished for the 4th time. Suicides, killing the rival ranger. One revivify later, and the only question was what happened to the eldritch Knight....
He was killed hours before, body lost in a river.
He was revived via clever use of a homebrew item that summoned a Coatl to aid the party, and brought back to life later by the party's cleric, his foil.
god damn ur pfp goes so hard
I actually recently played in a campaign with a "perfect mirror" rival group. The general idea the DM went with was "What if the PCs always rolled nat 20s (at least when they weren't "on screen") The Paladin, a literal Prince Charming. The Wizard, basically Merlin,. The rouge was the perfect gentleman thief and the bard basically David Bowie.
We first learned of their existence at level 2 where we arrived at merchant to try and get some healing potions and they'd just sold their entire stock to another party at a huge discount. At level 4 we arrived at a village we'd heard was under siege by Gnoll bandits only to learn they'd already been cleared out and their stash of magical weapons looted. At level 5 we met them in a dungeon where they did basically made us look like clowns, ultimately provoking our Barbarian to challenge them to a non-lethal test of strength. The challenge was accepted, but of course they wanted us all to take a long rest to makes sure all of us were in peak condition. With perfect coordination they destroyed us.
For the next few levels we'd hear about their exploits mirroring our own (if we took too long getting to an objective, when we'd get there, it was already done. Of course we ran into a city at level 10 where a tournament was happening with a powerful flame brand as the grand prize. Of course they were there... and we won. We soundly beat them in the semi-finals. They were gracious in defeat and wished us the best... those bastards.
But that's where things started changing. After beating them, when we'd get to a city they had already been to there were rumors floating around about us. "We were incompetent. A group of clowns. Not worth the trouble to hire us for anything." They were spreading the rumors.
There were a few more encounters, they beat us once more. We beat them to a few high profile campaign beats. They... beat us again. The Big Bad showed up, the pressure of two bands of adventurers foiling all their minions finally forcing them to show their hand. In character our rouge questioned if we shouldn't just let them have this one. The dude was too powerful. Our paladin reluctantly agreed, but pushed us to move anyways to back them up. We didn't like it, but "greater good and all that nonsense". About halfway into the dungeon we found 3 very fresh corpses and David Bowie hiding in fear.
I appreciate that you've given the dwarven princess a beard. It's a travesty what they did not giving dwarven women beards in rings of power
Of all the things to cry about
@@jonttopia Of all the things to cry about this is by far the greatest offense.
Not actually confirmed in any Tolkien work. Only implied as a joke in the Jackson films, which itself was possibly based on Terry Pratchett's Discworld books in which (as part of the satire of Tolkien) all dwarves do indeed have beards.
No really, it’s an assumption based on a parody of the original work. I used to get this wrong too.
@@intergalactic92 Appendix A: "Indeed this strangeness they have that no Man nor Elf has ever seen a beardless Dwarf - unless he were shaven in mockery, and would then be more like to die of shame than of many other hurts that to us would seem more deadly. For the Naugrim have beards from the beginning of their lives, male and female alike; nor indeed can their womenkind be discerned by those of other race, be it in feature or in gait or in voice, nor in any wise save this: that they go not to war, and seldom save at direst need issue from their deep bowers and halls."
@@jonttopiait was something unique to their race that a lot of people apparently liked, in a fantasy setting people tend to like the things that edge more towards fantasy rather than just normal humans, it added a sense of humor or intrigue to the dwarves that was stripped away.
I dont personally care, im just saying i understand why some do, I mean it was the 1st female dwarf pictured on screen and they willingly chose to subvert everyones expectation without replacing it or justifying it. I mean we could all just pretend she does in fact have a beard comparable to malw dwarves its just not on her face to preserve the humor at least.
the little chibi illustrations of the party are SO good!!! I love it
What if, hear me out, what if we had a Wizard Hat tier list? I honestly believe humanity needs it.
I appreciate that Dwarven girl's beard quite a lot
This! I almost teared up. More dwarven women with beards!
I assumed it was a joke like she's played by a guy.
Dwarf goatees are very underated 👌
@@vukkulvar9769 Naw dude, classic tolkien. Dwarven Women have beards, which is why people think that dwarves emerge from stone. From the Hobbit.
@@greysonjones5429 Except of course that Amazon fucked that up
Zuko and Aang is a fantastic example of god tier rivals
I adore your art on this episode. Top notch. Also, I used your Hag and Tiefling ideas on my campaign and it's great, you, my dude, are a genius.
Had a tough day and this really cheered me up. Thanks pointy hat. Love the vids.
I'm going to introduce a rival to my party's warlock: and it's his older brother. This video gave me everything I need to make this rivalry dynamic and fun!
ooh that’s cool i’m using a warlock and i want to ask my dungeon master if my character can meet his older brother which is a paladin it would be really cool because my character is kind of a demonic version of a paladin!👍 also my character grew up in a rich family of monster hunters and he is the only one that is weak and have no special powers and his goal is to somehow defeat lots of monsters and prove his worth to his family and his big brother is an extremely talented and powerful paladin i definetely think that he would be in the middle of the spectrum.
I’ve got a character whose main flaw is he’s overprotective and doesn’t really believe others can take care of themselves. He constantly worries about everyone, even one of his siblings who’s got a really safe job as a baker. A sibling just existing in another party would be a great rival
Dude, you are awesome, the editing, the drawings, the references, the jokes... You deserve every single subscriber and like
Outstanding content. This series might be even awesomer than your DnD with a twist. They’re both great, actionable, and entertaining. Thank you!
You are quickly becoming one of my favorite dnd creators. You are amazingly creative ane put so much love into your work. Your energy and passion is honestly contagious, thank you for your work.
You deserve the success you’ve gotten recently look forward to your new videos
I always get excited whenever I see a new pointy hat video. Seriously, I love all of the stuff you make!
I dm’d a campaign with two parties in the same storyline, one week party 1 had a session, the next week party 2 had a session and one week, both parties came and it turns out I collected party 2 to be rivals, so it was team vs team, and the parties loved it.
This is INCREDIBLE material. I'd honestly never thought of non-villain antagonists in D&D, and I absolutely love this concept and how you approached it. Thanks for this video!
It’s cool to see that I’ve had the same idea of giving my characters rivals!
I’m going to play a warforged bard who decided to abandon his life of violence to pursue his newfound passion: music. But his foil is his former commander who zealously believes it’s the purpose of a warforged to live and die as a soldier (and begins hunting his former comrade because in his eyes “you serve no purpose”).
I love your videos so much! It's not just the very interesting content, but also your edgy humor & superb editing skills.
Dude, I cannot believe your timing. I was preparing a rival team (with a really silly name gimmick) but was having trouble figuring out their personalities. Now I have a good source to do so, I'll probably play that card a little earlier than I had planned, to give my gang more time to expend with them. Big thank you, great material as always.
pd: I'm also using the Dragontouched idea, plan to have my gang taking part in their revolution. Huge thanks for that too.
This was fantastic! Thank you so much. I can't wait to try this out in the campaign I just started running for my friends. Love you, Antonio!
Your content is excellent. Thank you.
I would love to see how you portray "Pointy Hat" as: an NPC, a Monster, and a magical item.
I personally have always been an item and a person
What a generous, entertaining and entirely charismatic content creator I have stumbled upon. Thank you for the tips and guidance, you're certainly helping a new DM!
In my own personal Exandria game, I made a 'mirror' team of rivals that reflects a lot to my players' characters. Just making them was so fun, thinking of arcs to intertwine with theirs and personalities to 'mirror' them. I absolutely love what you made and love within this video of what are rivals, how to use them and how to make them in ones own game.
We are going to celebrate hard when we reach 100K and rightfully deserved for the amazing content ya make. The characters and rivals you made, GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AND THE ART IS ADORABLE! I relate so hard to the Royal Knight and Blacksmith Revolutionary, also just an absolute sucker for a run away rich Pirate gal! Mi pana eres el mejor! Y mucho suerte con todo! 💛
I never make comments on videos but I was extremely impressed by the quality of this video and decided I HAD to leave a comment. I was already impressed by the first half of the video, then came the stunningly illustrated example characters and I was blown away. Bravo!!
Rivals are so fun if you have players that get invested in that sort of thing.
This video is an absolute goddamn gold mine of DMing advice. You, sir, are awesome and you should feel awesome. I inadvertently already came up with a rival character for one of the players in my upcoming campaign before I watched this, now I'ma make up one for everybody else.
3:30 I love how all the options are "Destroy the world" except the "WWIII allegory"
that's it, those are all the options
My favourite kinds of foils are the mirror foils. There’s something incredibly cool about seeing all the cool tricks of your hero in the hands of someone he who may not share your protagonist’s morality.
Always love your video hat man. I've put some of your stuff in my games!
From an overachiever to another.
This is an amazing channel. It’s refreshing and nothing like other channels. Congrats on that! You are very inspiring!
The Premanger reference earned my subscription. Marvellous taste.
All of your videos are amazing. Rival parties are one of my favorite things in games and media, and it makes me happy to see it described and explained so well.
I love that you provide specific examples in existing fiction and also provide insight on how to craft new ones custom-made for player characters.
Keep up the good work!
I adore all of these characters you made so much!!! Their designs are so good, especially Darios, Cerella (not sure how to spell those names XD), and Turmeric. I especially appreciate Cerella having a small beard and Turmeric being non-binary and how naturally those things are presented. The names are great too, my favorites being Cerella sounding almost like a condensed version of Cinderella and Turmeric just straight up being a spice and presumably a name they chose themself.
Being non binary actually makes sense in DnD because it's all pretend
I love them too. It felt a bit weird when you described the PCs, because they sounded like the adventuring party in Hidden Fortress.
You are so darn great!! Honestly, the fact that you have so many Docs to read is a great way to help, at least, me memorize these. Also love your analogies that help with figuring these stuff out.
ive been doing this and it is honestly so much fun. when in need of inspiration, anime is v helpful!
This video is great! I was reading Eberron rising from the last war and there was a bit about "creating an enemy that the player meets a lot" and hearing you explaining your point of view really helped!
I love how half the clips are of Adora and Catra because they are literally rivals done perfectly. They both grew up together and care for each other a lot but always have completely opposite goals and are trying to undermine each other at every turn. It's such a good show.
My DM did this after I gave him the sob backstory of my character; basically a character my Tiefling Paladin thought was dead, wasn't...I really love him for it...
Hey Pointyhat! I watched this months ago, and I finally wrote rivals for my campaign’s party members. And I’ve gotta say, they have become some of my favorite creations ever! It really does open up so many story possibilities when you have foils to your protagonists. Thank you for the idea!
I tend to make the rivals strong counters to certain party members while being neutral, and weak to others to create an interesting dynamic in combat.
The best part of this channel is everytime I pause it to screeeeeee about something you said, I stop and then click to continue and I mean LITERALLY the next second you cover the exact thing I was about ScreeEEeeEEeeEEeeeeeee about.
Based Pointy Hat with a pro public transportation message
I just found you recently and I hopping around your videos randomly as they catch my intrest and I gotta say the message at the end of this where you're excitded that you're close to 100k and me seeing a year later you're nearly 4 times that amount. Wonder what caused your big breakthrough haha. You deserve it! Enjoy your videos a lot!
0:04 head canon, that's what you look like now :D
Pointy hat, thank you so much for this video. There's some great advice for storytelling too, but this is the first video I've seen that talks about the narrative of rivalries specifically for DnD. I've just started DMing a campaign where my players form one of several teams that will be in (indirect) competition to solve tasks and earn merit, and although I knew I wanted one of the other teams in particular to become their rivals and grow with them, I had some doubts as to how exactly design their characters. So glad you made this, thank you again
I've always thought it'd be fun to have a rival party who while not particularly effective in combat, are a band of talented acrobats and illusionists who constantly try to upstage the party with elaborate staged battles and performances.
ok by now I just created a playlist called hats amazing ideas because your content is insane
every second video I am like: "this will perfectly fit into my campaign"
Thank you a lot for the effort you put into these videos and to many more !
I'm am so happy your Dwarven princess has facial hair ❤️❤️❤️
I’m always so excited when I see a new video from you pop up on my feed. You have quickly become one of my favorite creators on the platform. Thank you for all the amazing work and free dnd content you make.
pointy hat you are overthinking, sometimes the most mundane things are the strongest rivalry points, for example, what goes first, milk or cereal
I like this, because having people challenging you doesn't mean they're bad people. You vie for things and snipe each other, but that can change. Maybe in competition for something, one of the rivals fails miserably, putting them at risk of life or limb; the PCs could help them out and change perceptions. Later on, a new antagonist comes onto the scene, and maybe the PC and rivals set aside differences to fight a common foe.
Also, love your art. Alois's cloak pin looks like a hand clamping his cloak to his chestplate, and Sorella's beard is quite lovely!
the problem with the Rival system is that PCs die. will that make the rival just keep living & declare victory? will the DM have to make another NPC to rival the new PC?
The Rivals have their own lives and struggles. So if a PC dies, maybe their Rival dies as well. Maybe they're crippled and have to find a replacement for themselves in the group. The same thing your party has to do, their party also has to do. They aren't magically better than you with infinite resources, they have to work like you have to work. In fact if a PC dies, maybe their new character could be their rival and so they have a complete history for their new character, including leaving the Rival Group to join the PCs.
@@LupineShadowOmega I think it'd be good if the rival PC left the rival group, opening up a spot for the rival of the new PC. That way you still have the old rival you can keep in your back pocket for later. Just because they aren't a rival anymore doesn't mean they won't pop back in eventually! Hell, if you do it right you could tug at some heart strings as the characters are reminded of their fallen comrade whenever they show up.
@@seasnaill2589 Also an option. In fact you could have it both ways and have the rival leave to join the PCs in tribute to their fallen rival. Maybe they say yes, maybe they say no. It could lead to a bad end for them, or it might be a point of contention with said character later.
The possibilities are as endless as the group's imagination. Which is why I feel like worrying about if someone dies is sort of missing the point. Because sometimes someone dying is just another story to be told.
@burneraccount LMAO
The rivals don’t have to be a direct 1 to 1 mirror. It might be an idea to kill a couple of rivals in advance to show that PC death is possible. You have limitless power as the DM. Use it.
You're an amazing content creator. Please continue to be as generous and respectable as you have been. I love your content and look forward to implementing your ideas into my future projects.
Thank you.
He explained how much I love frozen unironucalky because of how its two mcs are antagonist to each other. (plus idina & Kristen) I like it a lot when I look back at it.
Yes. It is perfect to highlight the difference between an antagonist and a villain. Hans is the villain, but he never gets in Anna's way until the very end.
I can’t believe your channel has grown so much! I’m so happy for you and I love your content
This is one of the few acceptable ways for a DMPC to exist.
This is one of the best D&D videos I've ever seen. I'm also running two Netherdeep campaigns right now, so it was nice to get some additional perspective on rivals.
Interestingly enough, the normally combat-centric group has befriended them and the normally RP heavy and problem solving group (who in all fairness just started and is feeling out new characters) is quickly pissing the rivals off.
How do you reveal this very complex and detailed volume of information to the players? Will they sit still for pages of boxed text?
That's exactly what i thought. The players don't know anything about their destined rivals, they don't have their backstories and it doesn't really make sense for those self proclaimed rivals to just show up, monologue and know everything about the heroes. Basically i am asking the same question, how do you integrate them organically? how do you get to the point where the players know about the rivals and vice versa?
As I said, the rivals are not a one off encounter. Ideally, the players should be seeing these rivals pretty regularly. There are many occasions to convey the gist of a character in one or several of those.
Have them working behind the scenes, perhaps doing quests that the party dont do? Or maybe as a group that is trying to earn fame in ways your party isnt whether its fame or deeds. Or even, the bbeg hires them on without revealing himself, using manipulation or a vast network of contacts to basically paint the pc’s as “not as good as they act” so they have conflict throughout the game.?
I discovered this channel quite recently and I absolutely LOVE your content! As a DM (who also loves drawing my own art) I feel really inspired after every video I watch. Keep going, and thanks for all the free downloads aswell!
Correction: not all villains are antagonists. Villain protagonists are possible. Which would make the hero, the antagonist.
My guy, my dude, my dome piece
I found your channel today and literally watched I think everything you've made with 1 or 2 exceptions and downloaded all the pdfs I could. Theyve been hilarious, entertaining and informative, and I think I'll be incorporating many of your ideas and showing my players these new options. I'll be following your channel with great interest, keep it up. I had no idea I needed a cowboy ranger and a girl boss coven of hags covering every major emotion till today. NO MORE WILL WE DABBLE IN BASIC 🚫
Seeing Serena joy is weird to me, I see her as a straight up villian not an antagonist. Unless I'm missing something new from the new couple episodes
Nope, you're still right.
A villain is almost always an antagonist. It’s just that not all antagonists are villains. An antagonist is just someone opposing the protagonist/main characters, so they’re usually villains
I had questions about how you actually set up rivals but this man explained everything in detail, even with examples to help out. This video will help out so many of us, thank you for making it❤
I love that the party is she/her, they/them and cool -definitely not pointy- hat
Not me at the edge of my seat for how the hunt competition turns out only to have my hopes dashed as the video ends
Dude, i cannot tell you how much I enjoy your vids. This is amazing in every way. Keep up the good work!!!
I've been running Dungeons of Drakkenheim for a bunch a friends for a while. Had a few players drop out because of personal reasons and I was wondering what to do about one of the PCs. He was a childhood best friend of one the PCs that stayed, recently reunited, and they went along really well. But they had major philosophical diiscordancies. While I was wathing your video, suddently erverything made sense: he should become one of the rivals! And now I've got it all figured out: he's going to join the rivals. Yay. Your videos are great. Keep them coming. Please.
I think its fun to get the players involved to some extent in the creation of the rivals. Depending on the campaign/setting/themes, having insight into player’s ideas on what would make for good growth-inducing conflict could take the rivals a step above
I don't know why it's so cathartic to see these dynamics. Probably because I love character creation that is based on simple conceot but grows complex due to relationships and their dynamics.
Good stuff
First and foremost, thank you so much for your videos! They're great! I wanna say I've seen it in another video of yours: at 12:20 you refer to a character, you call "A-LOW-WEES". If that character's name is spelled "Aloysius", it's pronounced "AL-LOW-WISH-US". Please, don't stop making DND content it's so amazing! Again, thank you fo what you do and keep it up!
Probably the best video on DnD tips I've seen! Or storytelling in general tbh
Brilliant writing theory. First video I've seen on your channel. Already subbed. Thank you for the PDF, that's a gift. 🙏
Kinda love your taste in bearded dwarven women in your videos. It's a good touch.
Goddamnit, I like your character's designs so much! While your advice is great and inspiring, your art is just something else!
"So you're the bad guys?"
"Whoa whoa, we prefer Antagonists"
this is the single best dnd channel over there
I'm 100% using this in my next campaign
I can't express how good of a video this is. Your ideas are immaculate
I love the classic trope with mirror matches. I've been in games with rivals like these, and it's so fun to interact with them!
I love this video so much !!
I ran one bare bones game with my wife and son and that's it....
And now I have grand dreams of running an anime tournament arc with rivals !!
I don't know what I'm doing but the sparks and ideas you give us have me keep trying and keep going
Thank you for all that you do !!
this is so cool! Thank you for your ideas! Your videos are always so informative and I love the illustrations you do for them! Good luck on 100k!
Yes more pointy hat lol I love it. Bro 100k is around the corner and u deserve it
You do yourself a disservice associating all of your great advice with D&D alone: This video in particular is an excellent strategy that gamemasters could apply to any game: I'm posting it to the Kult Discord right now (and Kult couldn't be more different from D&D if it tried!)
Love the fact that the autosubtitles changed Palpatine to Papa Putin