Errant Signal - Sleeping Dogs (Spoilers)

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Sleeping Dogs was released late last year, but I only got around to playing it recently. And what I found surprised me. I had expected a B-tier GTA knockoff (well, okay, it is that) but it actually had a fairly clear thematic angle and a really subtle way of delivering it.

Комментарии • 402

  • @Blairskirock
    @Blairskirock 6 лет назад +27

    For those of you saying "there aren't female gangsters" your knowledge of gangs is probably limited to movies. Females always have a role in gangs, just not the same way the men do. They call shots, they negotiate, often they have leadership positions and very often operate as partners with their significant others (thus the archetype of the "trap queen"). That being said I think the criticism that women are all in relevance to Wei is a criticism of Wei himself, not the game. Maybe Wei is sexist. Does that make him a more invalid main character? I don't think so. Wei looks at a girl's butt not for our service but because that's what Wei does. A character can be a problematic person without them being a problematic character.

  • @mysterioso2006
    @mysterioso2006 10 лет назад +12

    The fact that everything I've read/watched about Sleeping Dog's failed to mention the cop-vs-triad point system is criminal. It's one of the best examples of story through mechanics I've ever seen. I REALLY want to play this game now.

  • @hemangchauhan2864
    @hemangchauhan2864 8 лет назад +72

    I thought the end was a little rushed, or perhaps a bit too ambiguous. But, really, everything before it was well realized and well done. Though, the story DLCs were average at best, costume DLCs were fun.
    One of the best best moments in the game is the *build-up towards the wedding*. We do a lot of missions for Winston, and see how just of a leader and ruthless of a gang leader has. In short, badass. But then his mom (man! what a character!), tells us he is getting married. First time we see a nervous and shy Winston and get to know him much better.
    Then, he get to help our "unofficial" sister-in-law, Winston's fiancee, in shopping. He get her dress, items, run into a few small events. And if that wasn't enough, I had the best banter I've ever had in a non-RPG game, while driving her to places.
    Personally it was very relateable, and I felt a connection with her. It felt really nice.
    So, come wedding, I dressed up in the best of suit (though game forced me to take another dress). I came, saw them so happy. I felt very happy inside.
    Then when the shoot-out happened, I was the most angry in the whole game. I mean, I desperately want to save those two. I was shooting like an angry mad man! But when I reached them, I was devastated when I found them dead. Really, the game's message as Campster told "You are a Gangster and you are a Cop. Deal with it."

    • @RandomPinoyGamer
      @RandomPinoyGamer 8 лет назад +7

      Same here.
      Although I did hope that there must be some sort of timer in which you're able to save them. You know, just like in Deus Ex: Human Revolution's Farida Malik decision.
      I know there isn't one. But they're just such major characters that have had one of the best progressions in any game I've played.
      And just for that, I wanted to save them and alter the story as well.
      RIP Peggy.

    • @theTrevorluck
      @theTrevorluck 3 года назад

      The best part about the wedding was that it take inside the bloody church

  • @kite10122
    @kite10122 8 лет назад +31

    Sleeping Dogs is definitely my favorite open world GTA-style game (over any GTA title) and it takes that spot for a lot of the reasons you presented here. Playing through, all the major mechanics felt incredibly polished and satisfying and the story goes above and beyond for this genre of game. There's one point i'd like to offer though:
    I actually have to show at least some respect for the way the game handles women, especially vs other games in the crime game genre. One of the game's points that I noticed was the way that the most antagonistic characters in the game were without fail terrible to women. While the game mainly does present female characters in relation to Wei and often uses them as props, the female characters in the game are at least diverse personalities, and i would defend mrs. chu and peggy at least as characters. There's not a very strong pushback towards misogyny specifically, but the game does push back. The end of the game at least as a side point results in the sex trade of the sun on yee coming to an end as jiang wins out against big smile lee. By the end of the game i did feel like there was a at least relatively respectable effort to stand against misogyny, despite some substantial missteps.
    The game's depiction of women is far from perfect, but i feel the desire to defend it on the basis of the fact that the game actually, genuinely tries. It stumbles an awful lot, but when so many AAA games, especially crime games, actively and happily treat women like garbage, it's refreshing to simply see the developers at least put in a sub-plot pertaining to misogyny. the details are mostly gained through lore files, sure, but it's there for anyone who was even half as invested in the game as i was.

  • @littlecurrybread
    @littlecurrybread 4 года назад +3

    Discovering your vids for the first time and going on a viewing binge. You're awesome, much love

  • @fowl2
    @fowl2 10 лет назад +21

    I like it when reviews make me like the game more.

  • @WraithMagus
    @WraithMagus 9 лет назад +8

    There was a moment in this game that stuck with me far more than any other moment. During this game, you have a situations where some triad guy takes a hostage, and you're basically told to shoot the hostage-taker in the head without hurting the hostage. In reality, cops never do this unless the hostage-taker is already shooting because it's a serious risk to the hostage, but in this game, they just give you bullet time, let you line up the shot, and go for it.
    Well, they ALSO include a "circle of probability", and trying to line up my shot on the target's head, during the hospital mission, I fired a stray shot on the third or so hostage, and sent a bullet straight into some random innocent nurse's eye. It was kind of a gut-punch moment. I'd been playing a pretty high-scoring game, being very careful about keeping my cop points high by avoiding unnecessary property damage, while also trying for head shots and other high-triad scoring maneuvers wherever possible. Then, while the game never harped on it, or even spent a second thought on it, it just said, "Hey, hotshot, you just murdered an innocent person because you were so cocksure you'd be getting slick maneuver points for that headshot." It actually made me stop and take a moment to think about just how glibly I'd been taking some of these insane behaviors in-game.
    On an unrelated note, I also actually tried to play the game without actually dating more than one woman before going online to read up on how there would NEVER be more than a second date for any of the women. I thought it was one of those things BioWare or many Japanese companies do where you either pursue one doggedly and get her at the end, or play around and wind up with none of them... When I gave up and started playing around, I did feel the detraction from the game. It was like, "What's the motivation for this?" I mean, it's not like sex is some driving factor for Wei Shen most of the time, and I actually liked going to the one "massage parlor" in town where you'd be 'limbered up' by an old man who was an actual licensed medical professional, rather than the random hookers. It was sort of a tongue-in-cheek way of referencing the cheapness of pandering to the sex drives of the target male demographic. The dates with random women for no particular plot purpose didn't really seem to have any real motivation on Wei Shen's part... although I guess that explains why they don't go more than two dates.

  • @ErrantSignal
    @ErrantSignal  11 лет назад +6

    I spent a *lot* of time looking for a good picture of that scene from the end of Batman Forever. Unfortunately I don't own a copy and the internet seems to be focused on making fun of Jim Carey rather than showing Robin and Chase captured.
    So crappy Batsuit/Christian Bale Bruce Wayne photo had to make do. :/

  • @Baleur
    @Baleur 11 лет назад +4

    I love this game so much. Amazing fluid fighting system.
    But the best part is the setting.
    Finally a more interesting location than the same old boring grid-cities.

  • @user-md2yf6tp2d
    @user-md2yf6tp2d 10 лет назад +16

    People think I'm crazy for saying Sleeping Dogs is better than the new GTA V. Loved the analysis.

    • @ryanmorton3841
      @ryanmorton3841 10 лет назад +4

      I think they're both very different games, not better or worse just different. Any similarities they do have are mostly superficial. I love Sleeping Dogs, GTA V/IV and Saints Row (series) for very different reasons. Granted that's just one guy's opinion and besides Chris Franklin's is the only one that really matters.

    • @user-md2yf6tp2d
      @user-md2yf6tp2d 10 лет назад

      Ryan Morton I don't think they are different at all. The main mechanics of the game are the same. The only difference is their personal "niche" to make it unique (i.e. story line, characters, etc.) Christ Franklin's opinion isn't the only one that matters. Everyone's opinion matters. The conversation we are having now about the game & opinion video are fun to have.

    • @ryanmorton3841
      @ryanmorton3841 10 лет назад +1

      W Lepchuk To me they do feel different, I mean sure they both have open worlds, with missions and side missions, with driving and shooting but that's what I mean when I say "superficial similarities". Maybe I should change that to surface level similarities; the combat is a good example of this. Sure on the surface we have shooting that I find both easy and satisfying in both games with a functional cover system to help protect from large groups of enemies firing at you. In GTA we have this sort of "pop in and out" lock on/aiming system that personally felt like it gave the gun play flow. You "popped" from one target to another, this was supplemented by Trevor's and Michael's abilities to amplify damage and slow time respectfully. Which in turn allows Trevor to cause more chaos the way Trevor was meant to and allows Michael to correct his aim and use precision. Sleeping Dogs on the other hand feels more manual and skill based and the guns have weight too. Wei can slow down time too but this is not a special ability it occurs when vaulting so I used it more for stylish kills instead of accurate ones.
      Then there's the driving, I like the driving in both games but personally I found GTA's to be more focused, tighter and responsive. The driving felt focused on just that, the driving, moving around the city at high speeds with accuracy. Franklin's ability echoed this as it allowed me to correct my position for tighter turns. In Sleeping Dogs however I enjoyed the driving not for the speed but for the combat. The driving felt focused on vehicular combat, with its designated ram button, flipping cars by shooting out tires and when you do time slows briefly to emphasise the impact. Then of course there's hijacking; jumping from a bike, into a car then out onto the van in front, finished off by climbing round into the drivers seat. It is so satisfying. GTA allows for shooting from cars too and it's fine but it's not the focus or at least it doesn't feel that way.
      Melee combat is also different, GTA's melee combat is blunt and to the point, rifle stocks, baseball bats, knives and punches are all blunt and to the point. All impact and no style and that's satisfying sure. Sleeping Dogs' on the other hand is all about flow and combos. It's about punching and kicking one enemy into submission then swiftly moving onto the next, using melee weapons and the environment to vary it up and add more flare.
      Character progression I feel is great in both but for different reasons. GTA focuses on Skills and levelling those up so to speak; Stamina, Strength, Shooting, Flying, Driving, Stealth. I'm sure there's more but anyway this gives me incentives to try out different activities to further improve these skills. I enjoy doing this, expect flight school because fuck flight school. Sleeping Dogs on the other hand, well it has you juggling a dual levelling system that compliments the duality of Wei's life and personality. You show skill and style in shooting, hand to hand combat and driving combat then you get triad points. If you don't fuck up as cop and are as efficient as possible you don't lose cop points.
      Anyway these are my reasons for liking both but feeling that they're different. Sorry if this was so long and if there's any grammar mistakes. I value discussion as well and I was joking about Chris' opinion being the only one that matters.

    • @user-md2yf6tp2d
      @user-md2yf6tp2d 10 лет назад +1

      Ryan Morton yes. That was super lengthy & I know you were joking about Franklin's opinion. Your whole break down response is exactly why I don't have to explain why I like sleeping dogs better. You described both pretty accurately. I just felt dogs was more entertaining. GTA V really bored me. Got past the one mission where you torcher the guy for info using Trevor. After that, I just stopped playing and never turned it on again.

    • @ryanmorton3841
      @ryanmorton3841 10 лет назад +2

      W Lepchuk Fair enough, I respect your opinion especially considering that this exchange was very civil. So I thank you for that. I can understand why you prefer Sleeping Dogs, I love it too and I'd presume you can understand why I like GTA unless my explanation was poor. If that's the case then that's my bad. It's funny that you mentioned the torture mission, that mission to me was so uncomfortable, which I think it was intended to be or at least I think I should have found it to be. That to me is a good thing because I like when games take me out of my comfort zone and make me think. I also have to respect Rockstar for not compromising with it either. Anyway this discussion has been nice.

  • @TheAwesomeSpork
    @TheAwesomeSpork 11 лет назад +1

    I love this channel. Your videos get me to look at what I once found meh or enjoyable through a purely objective lens

  • @TheNamelessCharacter
    @TheNamelessCharacter 11 лет назад

    You raise some good points. I never actually thought about the duality of the mechanics helped the theme when I first played. Now I gotta replay this.

  • @KefkeWren
    @KefkeWren 10 лет назад +1

    You really got me to look at this game in a whole new light. Thank you.

  • @Redem10
    @Redem10 11 лет назад +1

    I'm suprise you did that game, but I'm glad you did since it one of my favourite.

  • @Blargkkake
    @Blargkkake 9 лет назад +2

    Thank you for this analysis. Not really having a home is an apparition I've known all Asian Americans wrestle with and is something that many people try to force them to choose between or choose for them.

  • @PHeMoX
    @PHeMoX 10 лет назад +7

    The critique on (the depiction or character of) women in this game literally makes no sense whatsoever. Within context it makes perfect sense and these characters are far more proper characters than any in the GTA series...

  • @luckyeddie44
    @luckyeddie44 11 лет назад

    The only gaming series on youtube that makes me actually think whilst being entertained.
    You got some real talent Campster. Now to wait another month for your next video. ;)

  • @dinna7680
    @dinna7680 3 года назад

    This is my favourite GTA-like. Wholly underrated in every aspect. At the time I was surprised and hyped to find a game with not one but TWO Opeth songs in it! :P

  • @we1ssbr0t
    @we1ssbr0t 11 лет назад

    If it's any consolidation, I do enjoy your videos for not being just a list of bullet points but expanding on them and explaining how you came to those conclusions.

  • @PolarbearYGT
    @PolarbearYGT 6 лет назад

    This is truly a gem. I forced myself to finish gta5 but this thing, i binged like crazy... A reeeally good game.

  • @unconsidered1
    @unconsidered1 11 лет назад +1

    You always say something that I can learn, thanks.

  • @randomfox12245
    @randomfox12245 11 лет назад

    One of your best episodes to date. I wish more people talked about this game. I saw one reviewer who knocked points against it for not having multiple endings based on whether you were more of a cop or more of a gangster. Disappointing how such nuances can go over a lot of peoples heads.

  • @ShadeWMD
    @ShadeWMD 11 лет назад

    I love this game. The story, the characters, the graphics, the gameplay, the combat, everything.

  • @noblebearaw
    @noblebearaw 11 лет назад

    I vote for don't worry about it. I often dorn agree with you, but your discussion length and overall structure is totally ok, and never detracts. You do good work.

  • @LucasW.B
    @LucasW.B 11 лет назад

    Ohhh yisss, its errant signal time :3 love your commentaries and the way you tell what you think, very good indeed.

  • @marcojardim84
    @marcojardim84 11 лет назад

    You did an excellent job of summing up why I enjoyed the game so much, even more so than GTA4. I had a rough time trying to justify why I felt that this game accomplished more than GTA but you coherently explained most of the things I was highly appreciative of. I hope that thanks to this video more people will be convinced to try out this great game.

  • @tonyc.0451
    @tonyc.0451 9 лет назад +2

    Like "Deus Ex: Human Revolution," "Sleeping Dogs" is still on my wish list. The closet adrenaline junkie in me likes the action sequences and the martial arts fight scenes that this game is known for, but I also like how each interaction between characters tells us about who they are. Winston Chu is a gangbanger, but he has standards that keep him from being the most hated gangster in Hong Kong. Wei's former master Sifu Kwok tells Wei to remember to keep a level head, so to speak. Inspecor Teng tries to encourage gangsters to turn their life around instead of just throwing them behind bars.
    I can't wait until I get my hands on this game even though three years have passed since the initial release.
    RIP Jackie Ma.

  • @RyanGatts
    @RyanGatts 10 лет назад

    You've done more to sell me on this game than any mention I've ever seen of it before. Thanks :)

  • @Alianger
    @Alianger 11 лет назад

    Good post. It annoys me a bit that I might have to make a habit of checking all comments from people who have played the game in question so as to get the full picture when watching future videos by this guy, I've loved his output so far.

  • @chris030111
    @chris030111 11 лет назад

    Another video from Errant Signal? Today was a good day.

  • @Myrelaxedlife
    @Myrelaxedlife 11 лет назад

    I like your Errant Signals, please release them more often :)

  • @matthewdonovan7853
    @matthewdonovan7853 11 лет назад

    The closing statement pretty much sums up the whole issue with supposed 'moral choices' in games. Really good episode, as always.

  • @chrispychickin
    @chrispychickin 9 лет назад +47

    I find it bizzare that you expect there to be numerous female triad foot soldiers (in the same or similar position to wei), isn't it pretty obvious that this doesn't happen in real life? The vast majority of gangsters of all sorts are male, especially in the triads, considering how strongly they adhere to traditional gender roles. How this can be called a negative with regards to the game, I don't know. If anything, it's a realistic portrayal. That said, I thought the rest of your analysis was pretty great; it made me think about a game that I already completed and thoroughly enjoyed in a different, more deep way. Thanks for these videos, I just wish you'd lay off the identity politics in the places where it isn't valid at all. Peace!

    • @adamfrisk956
      @adamfrisk956 8 лет назад +11

      Some games actually did the inverse. Bioshock Infinite has female police with guns (in the era of White Feathers and vox. messages saying "Dangerous times, dangerous measures. Protect your women and your treasures.") and AC: Syndicate has female gang members that look as believable as the openly KKK member living in Nigeria.

    • @Sergeeeek
      @Sergeeeek 7 лет назад +11

      Yeah, diversity for the sake of diversity sucks.

  • @dr.martinvannostrand512
    @dr.martinvannostrand512 9 лет назад +17

    If you do not have a pedestrian in your trunk at all times, you are playing the game wrong.

  • @PHeMoX
    @PHeMoX 10 лет назад +16

    It's not a B-tier knock-off. It's a game that stands it's own. It has melee focused action (area or object-based interaction included), it has plenty of XP based stuff GTA never had. And it has an extremely awesome setting that looks plain gorgeous.
    It's quite dumb to state Sleeping Dogs is somehow a lesser game having slight resemblance with GTA. Sleeping Dogs also has a superior story compared to any GTA game so far, regardless of being a more 'serious' story.
    This game is awesome and it's easily the most underrated game of recent times. It's arguably a better game than GTA IV was actually.

    • @TapirMask
      @TapirMask 10 лет назад +4

      I had way more fun with this game than any GTA game. A whole bunch of simple yet fun gameplay mechanics, a well-told and fairly interesting story and a far more fun open world than Los Santos or Liberty City.

    • @PHeMoX
      @PHeMoX 10 лет назад +1

      MrRudiMentary Same here. The melee combat and really the different scene altogether totally made this a very refreshing game to me.
      Rockstar are you listening? We want a refreshing new scene with the next GTA. And I don't mean GTA: San Andreas style stuff ..

    • @Hunterese123
      @Hunterese123 10 лет назад

      PHeMoX So the 5 years it took them to make GTA 5 wasn't worth it in your case then. An ambitious open world game in a familiar setting, but in HD and tons of things isn't enough.

    • @PHeMoX
      @PHeMoX 10 лет назад

      Miguel Weaver Well, I ultimately couldn't care how long a game has been in development. I could easily imagine Sleeping Dogs being in development for at least a year or three as well. It's not a rushed game in any way. But I'm really not impressed with the mega budget spending on the GTA series, because honestly they've had the problem of being relatively similar for a while now. GTA San Andreas, GTA 4, GTA V. I can see the progress no doubt and each is looking better, but it still has much of the same camera problems GTA 3 had, still more or less similar on-foot and in-vehicle combat and a lot of the missions have gotten only less funny or inspired each time. Especially GTA 4 suffered from this. The Ballad of Gay Tony had a better story than most of the regular GTA 4.
      It's definitely not bad, GTA is still one of the best series around, now with GTA V, but I found Sleeping Dogs to be more interesting from a gameplay perspective and it's also a really good looking game. In a way it's often a better looking than GTA 4 was. Yes, GTA 5 is looking better than ever previous GTA before and they did make a great game. But do keep in mind Sleeping Dogs is a much older game, released a little bit before GTA 4 if I recall correctly. In fact, GTA V often has a rather strange mix of realistic graphics and what looks to be a more cartoony style.
      The story of Sleeping Dogs is a little bit more serious and the new Asian setting is a great change from the tiresome gangster / eastern european immigrant setting in GTA. There's also really a lot of stuff you can do in Sleeping Dogs that GTA simply does not have. I'd really recommend just trying Sleeping Dogs instead of trying to place GTA V on some kind of pedestal thinking it's the one and only good free roaming game available, because it's not. Also, please don't be fooled by the HD stuff, Sleeping Dogs is HD and honestly, GTA San Andreas had HD resolution, same goes for GTA 4. At least, on PC. But even GTA V doesn't seem to have high resolution textures making it an actual full HD experience. In their defence it does offer an even bigger world to play in, so it's not like I'm complaining there.

    • @Hunterese123
      @Hunterese123 10 лет назад +1

      PHeMoX I'm playing sleeping dogs now as we speak, trying to get the platinum trophy, and I enjoy the game very much. Reason I'm platinuming it, It's great and a sleeper gem of 2012. It does things that GTA should incorporate, like Car hijacking, put people in trunks and use people as hostages. I always wondered why a game about theft, you can't use people as hostages.

  • @plipogamez3173
    @plipogamez3173 10 лет назад +3

    You make this game sound enticing.

  • @Matterblast
    @Matterblast 11 лет назад

    Great video analysis! Just played the game and I hope that we get more conversation like this about other games. And not just indie games.

  • @UnEn666
    @UnEn666 11 лет назад

    Can I just say that I appreciate your videos?

  • @Zuriki09
    @Zuriki09 11 лет назад

    Finally. Waited a long time for another one of these.

  • @FancyTophatDude
    @FancyTophatDude 11 лет назад

    i think witcher 2 is also a great mainstream example of choices directly made by the player done in the right fashion. for the most part there isn't any right or wrong option there, but several different possibilities for different grey ways of approaching a certain problem

  • @hemangchauhan2864
    @hemangchauhan2864 6 лет назад +4

    Surprised you skipped on *Peggy's (Wintson's fiancee) and their wedding missions.*
    That and the ending are the most memorable part of the Sleeping Dog.

    • @radpunk5144
      @radpunk5144 5 лет назад +1

      The hospital gunfight was pretty neat too. Very Hard Boiled

  • @stevesan
    @stevesan 11 лет назад +1

    Really dug this video. SD is awesome and this is an interesting analysis.

  • @Iscyadin
    @Iscyadin 11 лет назад

    I agreed with pretty much everything you said here, which was a major part of why I found Sleeping Dogs such a satisfying GTA-esque game to play. Well worth my money.

  • @AllStarsProdigy
    @AllStarsProdigy 11 лет назад

    I was hoping your next video to be about "remember me" or something defenetly not expecting it to be about sleeping dogs, but hey it was a good one so I cant complain. ^^

  • @timoench
    @timoench 11 лет назад

    i know gta is often not coherent in itself however i think it should be noticed that it acknowledges that that when we play games we often dont play by the rules. take basketball for example where you can play either a match with two hoops or you can play a match with one hoop or you can play a game of 21. GTA offers us the wacky gameplay and allows us to choose which game we play with the same set of tools.

  • @Cyborg771
    @Cyborg771 11 лет назад

    It's great to see a positive review from you every once in awhile. I just beat my PS+ copy of Sleeping Dogs a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it, glad you did too.

  • @ryanmorton3841
    @ryanmorton3841 10 лет назад

    Save for a few points I agree greatly with this critique and the opinions found there on in. Even though I often disagree with your other videos I feel that you're still a good critic and this video in particular shows that, I actually feel that this might be the best review I've seen of Sleeping Dogs. I love this game.

  • @Gyounen
    @Gyounen 11 лет назад

    I love these anaylsis, it would be great if there were more reviews highlighting gems like this. I usually just see the flaws pointed out, but after this I really want to play this game. Well done as always Campster!

  • @GodlessXVIII
    @GodlessXVIII 11 лет назад

    Great video as always. The dual skill tree representing the cop and criminal sides could have been used a lot more and with more resonance and feedback to the player. As it is, it's just a few abilities more or less at any one point in the game. Not all game can be DX, but narrative and mechanical feedback to the player's procedural choices should always be the goal.
    (By procedural choices I mean the choices made in-gameplay, not artificial scripted false dilemmas à la Bioshock, Infamous, etc.)

  • @Pixeltasim
    @Pixeltasim 11 лет назад

    I absolutely love these videos, extremely refreshing from arbitrary reviews and lets plays. I always feel like I take something away from watching this, even if I don't reach the same conclusions, your thoughts are very insightful and provide a fresh take on looking at video games. Keep up the good work!

  • @michaelmaggio5520
    @michaelmaggio5520 10 лет назад +6

    I also disagree with your comment about Wei's sister in particular. You are right that she is often used to progress the story, and maybe to give Wei a reason to hate the triads. I think that is a cynical point of view, but an understandable one. For me, learning more about Mimi was one of the most engaging parts of the game, and it made me give a shit about Wei and his quest for revenge. More than most games'protagonists.

    • @SidekickBooks
      @SidekickBooks 10 лет назад +5

      Very old comment to reply to, but isn't that exactly his point? Wei's sister is just there to make you, as you say, 'give a shit about Wei'. His criticism is that women are treated more as ways of developing male characters than as characters in themselves.

    • @rutaboo
      @rutaboo 9 лет назад +1

      SidekickFlicks He states in the video that there is only one other character aside from the protagonist that is ever developed anyway. Doesn't this mean that all of the men in the story are also used to develop not necessarily the "male characters", but almost exclusively the protagonist, who just so happens to be male?

    • @blarg2429
      @blarg2429 5 лет назад

      The term for what the game does with Wei's sister is "fridging." Here's a link to a decent explanation of the concept if you're interested.

  • @LongarmGaming
    @LongarmGaming 11 лет назад +1

    Excellent discussion as always

  • @Sodesne
    @Sodesne 11 лет назад

    Great video as always. I love people who look at video games from a more educated and realistic views. Do you have any other suggestions for people to watch on youtube who do a similar analysis to your videos?

  • @spriggsy83
    @spriggsy83 11 лет назад

    Sleeping Dogs is available on PC. It's a perfect PC port too. I recommend it. You can find it on Steam or in retail stores.

  • @Yagswabs
    @Yagswabs 11 лет назад

    Well, I never did get around to buying Sleeping Dogs (mostly for the same reasons you mentioned in the description), but I guess I'll have to give it a look now!

  • @tz64nk41
    @tz64nk41 11 лет назад

    Indeed. Chris is both sincere and extremely consistent on this point, he isn't pulling it out of his arse. It's not even his only criticism of the game either, some of the comments here are fixating on that and seem to be ignoring what he says afterwards.

  • @masterplusmargarita
    @masterplusmargarita 11 лет назад

    Well, this is one I didn't expect to show up here. After hearing this, will have to give it another look.

  • @dangerforthebrain2
    @dangerforthebrain2 11 лет назад

    i little warm glow lights up in me when i see a new Errant Signal

  • @DafyddGlyndwr
    @DafyddGlyndwr 11 лет назад

    Great analysis as always. For a future video I'd love to hear your thoughts on the overall arc of the Assassin's Creed series. I feel like the first game did an excellent job of immersing the player with great ambiance and mechanics, yet was flawed in its repetition and limited story options. The second one was considered the best by many yet I feel lost a lot of its identity in the interests of going "bigger and better".There's also that awkward and unnecessary scifi framing device.

  • @pnexus
    @pnexus 11 лет назад

    True, but apt nonetheless. It is how he expresses himself. And quite well. Enjoy it and be thankful that someone didn't treat the viewers as "challenged".

  • @MoogleBread
    @MoogleBread 11 лет назад

    What in the world... I JUST beat this game last night!! Great timing!

  • @crisis8v88
    @crisis8v88 7 лет назад +2

    @12:02 You better watch out for that guy. Who knows where he might show up.

  • @crispycornbread
    @crispycornbread 11 лет назад

    I saw your review and bought the game and your review was spot on. It was a great game so thanks.

  • @tet5uo
    @tet5uo 11 лет назад

    Excellent videos, man. I love the way you break it down with well thought out points.

  • @PlayingGilly
    @PlayingGilly 10 лет назад

    Here's the main issue with the balance theory of the game, there are numerous drug busts to supplment your cop rating, you can max it out to lvl 10 two thirds into the story. I found myself caring less about my cop rating after that and the game devolved into the typical gangster fare. Saying that however I have to say Sleeping Dogs as some of the best driving in an open world game. It's just excellent.

  • @justanotherperson9409
    @justanotherperson9409 7 лет назад

    One of the best games i have ever played

  • @crithon
    @crithon 11 лет назад

    yeah, I felt the same way, but I was more reminded of these 90s hong kong crime films more then anything as well crafted as internal affairs. Not to say those 90s hong kong films were bad, they had flaws but were enjoyable.
    Like for example 1995's Crying Freeman, with Mark Dacascos or the TV series Vanishing Son where the brother was a ghost and he solved crimes each week.

  • @AThieflord1
    @AThieflord1 11 лет назад

    Hey, I really liked this one man. Thanks for putting in the work and getting this out to us!

  • @podto0426
    @podto0426 10 лет назад

    This game should have got more praise, exposure, financial success, etc.
    Is no Masterpiece but it is a strong game, stronger than people initially made it out to be and that makes me a bit sad...

  • @ZeroBB1
    @ZeroBB1 11 лет назад

    Really enjoyed watching that, thanks for the video.

  • @hphunter
    @hphunter 5 лет назад +1

    Such a fun game! Too bad Square Enix shut down the series as I'd love to see another one of these.

  • @ZebraGundam
    @ZebraGundam 11 лет назад

    *pours a beer* Couldn't say it better myself.

  • @richardplexx
    @richardplexx 11 лет назад

    Something else I was pleasantly surprised by (despite how it was obvious they were stunning to run out of money) was the ending. It built it up as though, in another game, you would have a final choice - kill Big Smile Lee, or don't kill him. However, despite the build up, you kill him anyway - he couldn't just walk away with his dissonance, he had to, as you say, deal with it.

  • @RandomIdiot425
    @RandomIdiot425 11 лет назад

    Ohhh a focus on this game that doesn't focus mostly on how guns in it are handled.
    Mind you I think many of them are right how it at first is really scarce and later on everyone has one, they should be scarce all the way through and when you do meet one it should be something big and dangerous.

  • @EGRJ
    @EGRJ 11 лет назад

    Several of the women in the game seemed to be both attractive and independent. Peggy, for example, seemed like a real person, with her musings on the nature of family. A lot of the pretty women ask Wei to do favors for/with them, such as the hostess Ilyana and not-Ping.
    And, if you want to get abstract, pretty much every significant in the game is framed by relation to Wei, male and female both, in one way or another. Jackie, for example, is mostly "sidekick to Wei".

  • @KyrenDinh
    @KyrenDinh 11 лет назад

    You have convinced me to go out and buy this game

  • @krrackknut
    @krrackknut 11 лет назад

    Guan Yu - the god of brotherhood and honor - is worshiped as a patron of both police as well as criminals, possibly signifying that there are elements of one in the other and vice-versa.

  • @n0ts0smarty
    @n0ts0smarty 11 лет назад

    broken nose jiang should get her own prequel. she's so rad.

  • @PhantomAlucard
    @PhantomAlucard 11 лет назад

    Pretty cool! Was always on the fence about this game, but now I am slightly interested.
    Hey, you should do a video on Red Dead Redemption. It's definitely a game worth talking about.

  • @shapperman
    @shapperman 11 лет назад

    Thank Buddahjesus for your videos!

  • @Geekdujardin1
    @Geekdujardin1 11 лет назад

    I just love what you did in this video ! It's exactly what Sleeping Dogs is. You've seen the good side and bad side of this game and we're fine with it.

  • @hydro191988
    @hydro191988 11 лет назад

    This game was bad ass hope for sleeping dogs 2 on next gen

  • @SnapDice
    @SnapDice 11 лет назад

    About the ending... I think there's a dlc that consists of doing missions for the police to regain their trust after the games ending, or something like that.

  • @CatCoffe
    @CatCoffe 11 лет назад

    love your videos! thank you!

  • @Killah700
    @Killah700 9 лет назад +10

    I think your comparing sleeping dogs to other open world games to much. The reason sleeping dogs works so well is because it knows exactly what it's supposed to be. It's an open world Hong Kong cop game. That being said, I wouldn't say that they necessarily toned the chaos down. But rather, they gave the game the amount of freedom needed for it to work. It also takes influence from movies like "hard boiled". You can also see a lot of Donnie yen and jet lei in the style of wei's fighting

    • @thatasiankid45
      @thatasiankid45 9 лет назад

      Gotta love the Donnie Yen costume!

    • @Killah700
      @Killah700 9 лет назад

      I know there's a Bruce lee costume. But I didn't know there was a Donnie yen costume

  • @micklawton4456
    @micklawton4456 11 лет назад

    This game was so good, i wish it sold better than it did.

  • @Baleur
    @Baleur 11 лет назад

    I can't believe this video didn't have a single mention of ying & yang, as that's essentially what this entire game is.

  • @christianhansen2569
    @christianhansen2569 11 лет назад

    Hey man, I've been there. I didn't want to come across as an überfan or anything, I just thought it was interesting to think about.
    Having said that, keep up the good work. Even though I disagree with you on Bioshock Infinite (I spent a lot of time writing comments on that video), I think you bring up really important points in all of your videos; about games, narratives, gameplay/narrative dynamics, etc.
    Again, good work :)

  • @tz64nk41
    @tz64nk41 11 лет назад

    Campster didn't actually judge that shot, even though he specifically drew attention to it. The male gaze there is perfectly justifiable given that the scene is from the protagonist's perspective, but at the same time it does help support Campster's point that the character being shown is there for Wei's development and not her own.

  • @pnexus
    @pnexus 11 лет назад

    Not really, no! You feeling that he has to contain himself to serve your laziness, only serves to portray yourself as arrogant, selfish and unable to contain disdain.
    He just an excellent review, with great insight (it enlighten me a bit more about it, to the point of wanting to buy it now) and the fact that he did it eloquently without having a need to restrain himself, only adds merit to it.
    To the poster, thank you very much; you just got another subscriber.

  • @JoshTrevett
    @JoshTrevett 11 лет назад

    Gosh you're unpleasant. Good video, Campster, always happy to see mature readings of this material.

  • @One3673241
    @One3673241 11 лет назад

    Or she's Ms. Chu, running a business (a.k.a. doing her own thing) while occasionally taking her vengeance.

  • @LinhLe-rs7fr
    @LinhLe-rs7fr 11 лет назад

    Refreshing to see one of your videos again. Hope you make them more frequent?

  • @pnexus
    @pnexus 11 лет назад

    When enough people promote something, at some point, he has to consider it. I would prefer him to continue as is and not alter this very well made review (keep in mind that I'm not saying it can't be improved, although to be honest, I wouldn't know how to help in this department) to serve the lazy mentality of some people. He makes youtube better for his participation and to debase himself would just invalidate all his work and dedication. I hope he continues to do such a well done job.

  • @unistriker
    @unistriker 11 лет назад

    Great Vid. Personally enjoyed Sleeping Dogs.. and yeah i tried to do most things the clean way. The Good Guy.

  • @PHeMoX
    @PHeMoX 10 лет назад

    @MrAngrytemplar: It's not trying to be a sandbox game that much and in fact, you are quite wrong in that it doesn't provide the same freedom or something. It does provide a similar sense of freedom like the GTA series, but it's not trying to be the same. They actually did an excellent job and there are quite a few things you can do just crossing through the city.

  • @gordongraham2064
    @gordongraham2064 11 лет назад

    It's different, though. In one, that's just ignored by all aspects of the game. in the other, there are tangible gameplay consequences that are also reflected in the nature of the story. Not massive consequences, but enough to attribute at least a nod to the validity of that action by the player as something within the world and story.

  • @nomercy8989
    @nomercy8989 11 лет назад

    Yes its the second best game of last year for me right after Dark Souls

  • @StatusInsane
    @StatusInsane 11 лет назад

    good video, man. i love em! Quick question- do you plan on ever doing a review about GTA V and its story comparison to GTA IV?

  • @sirdavies94
    @sirdavies94 11 лет назад

    A man who never eats pork bun is never a whole man!