This is it, this is the one. We see which race can’t mind their business and live amongst other races with open arms and peace🌚. Then again I have to remind myself it’s life. Everyone is human and not all see eye to eye and share the same beliefs/ideologies. You have people that want the power and are greedy for I ask myself why complain.
i literally had no idea this happened until i moved to washington state in my senior year of high school. i was shocked - never in my schooling before was this ever brought up
I had no clue there was an issue until I read a book called “On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet”. No history class or English class ever taught this stuff to me and it’s very frustrating and upsetting to me. That needs to change!
LadyPeace89 ninapop821 l learned this in US history this year through google classroom since we can’t go to school. I would delete this dumb comment if I were you.
epic seven33 essentially yes in terms of a majority. Every race is capable of great evil. But American culture likes to brag about how it’s all about freedom, love, and all that horseshit that keeps capitalism safe from scrutiny.
Not humans, just people with these powers. It takes only a few bad people to ruin the good work of millions. It’s systems not humanity, don’t let these people tell humans are doomed to inherently turn on each other. I believe there is hope.
Jon Zee I’m pretty sure Italians were considered “non-white” during WW2. Sure, they are white now, but not then... they were considered undesirable, like the Irish.
I’m japanese American. Born and raised in America. My parents taught me to love and respect anyone of any color equally until they prove differently. They taught me history to some extent before entering school and just realized they never taught us anything about the concentration camps they’ve created during the WWII.
I'm caucasian/Cherokee. They taught us ZERO about Jackson's defiance of the Supreme Court and the Indian Removal Act of 1830 either. They like to sweep all the ugliness under the rug because those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. Look at all the identity politics going on. The "othering" of people based on race, gender, religion and ideology...
@@larry811 Not all camps are the same, that's for sure. But making a point that one group's experience was 'not as bad' because of different conditions, as a response to this Japanese American user's comment is deeply malingering. Jews, in their Holocaust discourse, never put down the Japanese for not getting it 'as bad', but for some reason, this is interesting to you to point out... It just points to you looking for special attention, and that is fair, because some people are searching for it. Here is your attention. Maybe try healthier ways, for a better life.
I don't think, actually I really doubt it was "deeply malingering." Moreover, that first sentence does not cohere. English not familiar to you outside of the classroom? I think Japanese Americans are too intelligent and honest to include their WWIIO experience to that of the holocaust chaps. I live in the Pacific Northwest and grew up with Issei, Nisei, and Sensei. While deeply wronged much good came from their internment (all we learned some of the wrong lessons, too. See Muslims). You may recall that Earl Warren who sighed the disastrous executive order demanding internment for California that was pushed by Roosevelt. Certainly there was also the distinction of the 442 RCT. My Judo master served in that outfit. Again, I suggest that you read No No Boy and discover the answer to the question: "How many Japanese males of fighting age repatriated themselves at war's outbreak? Anyway, Shadders I suspect that you perish with your head up your keester. Sincerely, I'm sure you treasure your feelings @@terminalshadowban
I did a research assignment on Japanese internment. It was a level of devastating actions,that America has literally swept under the carpet. Thank you for sharing this story.
America hasn't swept it under the rug. The Civil Liberties Act of 1988 awarded all surviving Japanese Americans with $20,000 in reparations, and President Ronald Reagan issued a formal apology to them. Senator Matsunaga worked with others in Congress to get the law passed. And I learned about this sad and unfortunate part of America's history in school back in the day.
@@theresamahfouz790if the American government would allow me to make you my slave for 10 years, do you think that receiving 20k and a “formal apology” after the 10 years would bring back the time your served as a slave and the psychological trauma you went through?
@Gaby Zillas It was never hidden. Every country in the world associates the U.S. with Racism. Especially now. Trump's inbred cult followers are proud to be racist.
I must have had the only history teacher that went behind the school district's lesson plans and taught us about these camps in the US during WW2. I remember asking my granny if she knew about them and she did.
Well, I must've went to the wrong school and had a bad teacher too, because our history teacher in High School taught us this in WW2 history....🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
ninapop821 l learned this in US history this year through google classroom since we can’t go to school. I would delete this dumb comment if I were you.
@Dragon1717 that's right, he was ignoring all the history of putting SE Asians in Zoo's for display, slavery, genocide, spying, invading, assassinations, regime changes etc etc. Y'all are far from innocent.
I had a Japanese history teacher who taught us about this back in high school. He had to show us pictures and videos on the internet because our history books didn't teach us this.
I don't know where in America you went to school, but here in NYC, our school teaches this in WW2 history. To say that American history doesn't teach us this is an EXTREME overstatement.
@@walinton Louie Vision ** A different generation, obviously. I went to school in NYC (1960s), and this was never mentioned, nor the holocaust, not Hitler, and slavery was "And Lincoln freed the slaves". History is written by white men who do not categorize their own sins, just those of others.
My great grandmother and my grandma were in prisoned into these incarnation camps. My grandma was only 2 when she went, they were taken to Arkansas to one of the camps there. I only learned this part of my family through my father, he told me that it’s apparently a very private thing for my grandma as she doesn’t talk about. Neither did my great grandmother. My uncle who is a Japanese historian was on the PBS documentary Silent Sacrifice where he told the stories of the imprisonment of the Japanese Americans. As I learned more I decided to ask my grandma who look reluctant but told me how it was there. There was no privacy, no room, and you were treated horribly. My grandma always told me that Japanese Americans don’t like mutton due to it’s the only thing they were served during there time. As a Japanese I’m told by my grandma to be forgiving, but I can’t help be feel the slight bit of anger at how poorly my great grandmother was treated.
Japanese American internment camp. They didn't capture Japanese and lock them up. They rounded up Americans of Japanese descent and recent immigrants. Its an important distinction.
Your Big Head Cousin well it’s the principle. They forced them into the interment camps and forced them to swear loyalty to a country that rounded them up and contained them. The government was fearful of spies and that is why they rounded them up. If they are afraid of spies, why didn’t put the Germans and Italians into interment camps?? Simple-they (Germans and Italians) were white, so it was racist
Your Big Head Cousin yes, which makes it more wrong that they forced them into camps when the majority of them were American citizens. Some of them even wanted to join the military to show their patriotism, which is the worst part about it.
I find it funny that most Latinos consider themselves white. So that means by their logic that ICE is going after "whites". That the government is refusing to help Puerto Rico an island full of "whites". I thought you guys were white?!!! Lolz
J. J. I don’t know any Latinos that consider themselves white. Even latinas that are half white from the us most of the time don’t consider themselves white
@TorrentBlaze Okay listen up... Once again playing dumb. The OP mentioned kids in cages. The last time we've heard of that was detention centers for illegal aliens. PLAY DUMB ELSEWHERE.
I’m a third generation Japanese descent born and raised in Brazil and have also heard stories of how my grandma and also my mum were treated in the early days. Although my mum was also born here she told us stories of how they were forced into baptism and had to choose a Christian name, as they were not allowed to have a school were they could go to have Japanese lessons and so on. I’m not trying to be condescending to those who committed those horrible acts but I can sort of understand why the Japanese were treated like that because the government was “dealing” with a culture that was totally different and feared what they didn’t understand. As for us, we also “created” our way to be racist against the so-called “gaijin”, even when I was a child, we were not allowed to play with aliens (gaijin) and my father, who has already passed, would be completely agains interracial marriage! My father’s mother was born here but never learned Portuguese and lived most of her life either in a closed Japanese community or in her little family’s bubble where she never dealt with no one from a different race. Go figure how ridiculous we humans can be.
George carlin brought this up in the 90s 💔 To be specific it was the clip when he talked about how rights are only privelges when they are taken away from you. He asked the audience to Google this event! He said American Japanese were deprived from their rights in this tragedy.
This is only forgotten by those who choose not to learn history or choose to forget this because it's something that was never voted on, since FDR deserves the blame for his executive order it's not often discussed in schools.
@@johncuccini5009 It was something supported almost wholeheartedly. There was one dissenting governor, Ralph Carr. It really makes you think of how in recent times the powerful mainly supported the occupation in Afghanistan.
You know what’s crazy? I, a Filipino, remember learning this in 7th grade and I spoke to my boyfriend who is white about this and learned that they didn’t learn this in school... it’s so crazy how this is not TAUGHT.
When I was in school, I didn't learn about this until maybe 11th or 12th grade. It wasn't even in a history class. I learned about this through an English project. It was one of those stories in that giant text book. I was amazed as to why I hadn't learned about this at all, not even a mentioning. I graduated high school in 2017. Its crazy how much you don't know about the country you've lived in all your life.
This Video doesn’t discuss how the US Government in 1988 for the internment of Japanese Americans and the US Government gave reparations the fact the media never mentioned proved that they only want Negative Bias towards America
Every race, every nationality, can be guilty of racism and bigotry. But there will always be those that wake up and realize that we are all creatures that can always be better than our baser instincts. Even lower animals are capable of this.
My elder sister & I are Sansei. At her boys high school basketball game a woman came up and introduced herself to my sister saying, “I’m Jane Doe. My family has the farm right next to your families farm. My grandfather knew your grandfather.” My sister smiled and said something like, “Well it’s a small world after all!” My grandfather had to sign over his farm to seven American associates because they would not allow him to sign it over to his children who were all born and raised on that farm. It was agreed upon that the associates would get to keep all the farming profits made up until my Grandfather retuned. Only one associate kept his word and returned the one seventh of property when my grandpa was released. And that would be his attorney.
I hope they will cover the issue over the Comfort women in Korea since the victims of this horrific incident has never gotten a formal apology from the Japanese government.
This is a stain on the Roosevelt administration and Eleanor warned Franklin about doing this but he wouldn't listen ! I've seen a number of documentary on the subject and more needs to be brought forward about why this happen! 😭
My late old friend was incarcerated in one of these camps. She and her husband had a prosperous bakery business in Seattle but taken away along with all their possetions. After they were released husband became an alcoholc and DV individual. Yet she worked for a local Chinese restaurant as a chef and she was in her late 70s. She was from an aristocratic family in Japan. Pres Reagan awarded $20,000 to all the prisoners but I'm sure she just could not fathom it although she appreciate the money.
@@gametri-eq6lj It's really important not to mix up American citizens of Japanese ancestry with the Japanese military. The Japanese Americans were loyal citizens of the United States, but because of their ancestry, they were unfairly treated and discriminated against in their own country which they loved as much as any other American. They had nothing do with colonialism of the countries mentioned in the above post.
These were not concentration camps. There was no genocide going on. The purpose of the camps was not to systematically wipe out the population of Japanese-Americans. Yes, it was extremely wrong, and a complete violation of civil liberties, but it WAS NOT GENOCIDE.
My dear neighbor Maggie is 94 and was in the Japanese internment camps in California. She is the sweetest, most thoughtful lady. She was a public school teacher for 40 years. Her story is exactly the same as this one. She doesn’t have an ounce of bitterness towards the world.
@@gametri-eq6lj It's really important not to mix up American citizens of Japanese ancestry with the Japanese military. The Japanese Americans were loyal citizens of the United States, but because of their ancestry, they were unfairly treated and discriminated against in their own country which they loved as much as any other American. They had nothing do with colonialism of the countries mentioned in the above post.
reallyellie Columbus wasn’t half as bad as you think. People take what he said and cut it so it looks bad when he said about making the locals servants he most likely meant servants of god. He actually liked the locals. But their was some evil but he didn’t nearly as bad things as you think.
We studied various wars in grade school but never covered this. I learned about this sometime after college and was blown away. She is right. No one batted an eye when this was happening.
Just for interest, relative to those camps when it was noticed/discovered, there is a condition similar to SIDS that seems to affect healthy, Asian males. Their heart simply stops.
A group of students from that time just got their highschool diplomas about 4 or 5 years ago here where i am from! Most of them were dead so family members had to recieve them.
I honestly did not realize how bad these camps were. There's an author (I've read her books) named Yoshiko Uchida who was in the camps and was a teacher there. So I knew their freedoms were taken but I didn't realize the conditions were so bad. 😭🇯🇵💔
This is the reason why i believe its always good to stay in your own country. I am happy to say that many of our generation have decided to do so despite having high educational and professional credentials.Many are rejecting foreign offers. The major reason is that once you immigrate to a foreign country you will always be a foreigner.The local support and being an outsider could be a challenge. Myself as a Marine Engineer having traveled the world, I still feel at home only when I am in India.
We need to get real about how messed up the history of America really is... Sadly, it's still very messed up now. As a Native woman, I know too well, as my mother did and her mother.
@@DWtuna if a pre-emptive strike is a crime then usa is the biggest criminal on earth. " They never fully paid justice for their atrocities." except a lot of japanese and german thugs were made to face the "victors justice" of usa. and not a single one of usa's thugs has ever faced justice. in fact they were celebrated as if they were heroes. their atrocities celebrated as if they were heroic acts. if i had to guess i'd say YOU(you specifically) consider those thugs heroes. such is the mentality of usa.
sabin97 I don’t consider Americans in this case heroes. But you gotta stop framing Japan as if they’re the victims of WWII. The Japanese incarcerated in this video are. Not the Imperialists. There’s no justification for “pre-emptive” strikes either. It is still a crime if people were killed, no matter who did it.
Don't forget that the Japanese people did the exact same thing and much much worse to the people of Indonesia in the exact same time period all throughout WWII.
I grew up in the northern U.S. and never was FDR blamed for this despite the fact that is was an executive order he issued and not a law passed by Congress. The history isn't denied but it's skewed to blame all Americans when only one is to blame.
@@smellyfly9469 A whole group of white people can parade guns around and threaten lawmakers but when natives peacefully protest trying to protect their environment they're shot at and attacked. It's literally not funny when people are targeted everyday over their skin color.
Research 'Nihilism' and 'Anti Natalism'. Life is ultimately p0intless suffering (Especially for the poor). And it would be better to have never been born. Not just for humans, but also for every other sentient creature that ever had the misfortune of being born.
@Your Big Head Cousin Nope. Nobody chose to come into existence. Ratter, we were all forced into the unfortunate state of existence without our consent to have to endure all the pain and suffering that comes with it. Had we never existed we’d have never suffered.~ ~ The Benatarian asymmetry demonstrates why it is always better never to exist, regardless of the pleasure to pain ratio in one’s life. Whereas: 1. The presence of pleasure is good, and 2. The presence of pain is bad; 3. The absence of pain is good even if one does not exist to benefit from that good, but 4. The absence of pleasure is not bad unless someone already exists for which such an absence would be a deprivation.~ ~ Given the above, it is always a harm to come into existence and reproduction is never morally justified. For a more in depth look I highly recommend reading Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence by Dr. David Benatar (professor and chairman of philosophy at the University of Cape Town). Note: The above applies to all sentient beings, not only humans. They too were harmed by being brought into existence.
@@JD-kp6pt that is still just an ideology that someone can choose to believe in. Presenting your arguments doesn't turn an opinion into an objective truth.
I wish my baachan or jiichan was still here to tell their story. As a kid I never really cared or knew what the camps meant. Now I'm 18 and following a path down Japanese culinary.
George takei also grew up in one of these camps and has a graphic novel that he wrote on his life in internment. The book is called, " they called us enemy" and it's a very good read
They should teach this at schools so the next generation of Americans avoid making the same mistakes as their ancestors but unfortunately this is being done in the borders with the illegal poor people, aren't our government taking the kids away from their parents ?do you know what that does to a kid who doesn't understand what's going on is pretty fuckup but people are ok with it and that's the problem!!!
Because history books are written by white men. Throughout my entire education, slavery was summed up in one sentence i.e. "Lincoln freed the slaves". White people praise themselves and disavow the evil they do.
Its funny the lack of self awareness in theses comments. saying that this doesn't compare to Immigrant detention centers because that's done for national security and keeping us safe. Are you guys aware that that's exactly what non japanese believed about internment camps? History repeats itself and its because people will always look for someone to oppress
What happen to German Americans at that time??!! Eisenhower was a great general. I wonder how many great Japanese american generals would America had if not for this protracted, institutionalized racism that eventually will destroy our nation.
I'm an Asian-American, who came from an abusive family (perpetrator was White). I know how she feels. There were no vigils for me either. I've still got the scars from it.
This happened then and This is happening to american children now citizen children with immigrant parents..... they are being separated placed in cells to sleep on the cold ground many kids have died due to negligence........
It’s disgusting that America still hasn’t learned from this. My Japanese great grandparents immigrated to Hawaii and when WWII happened, I keep on thinking how lucky my grandparents were because they weren’t sent to prison camps mainly because the majority of people in Hawaii had Japanese blood. But of course they still arrested Japanese people in Hawaii who had “higher positions in the community”, and even arrested Japanese teachers cuz oml they’re teaching Japanese of course theyre suspicious🙄and yet even though there was so much racism and fear of Japanese Americans, they still decided to fight for a country that wasn’t fighting for them.
Saw quite a few comments saying, "We haven't (or America hasn't) learned from our mistakes ..." First of all what was done to the original true native American to near extinction, the atrocities of the African slave trade and the continued destructive treatment of African Americans, the internship/prison camps of the Japanese Americans, and the list goes on. These were not "mistakes", all of these acts were intentional. Just like how the current administration that thinks nothing of detaining immigrants whose skin has a non-white hue and stripping children from their parents. These are all deliberate and well thought acts against humanity that has been found to work so well it is repeated again and again. I think that America has learned very well from the past and will do any of the above at the drop of a hat.
I don't understand why people think that their race are superior than others. Well you're not.
"everybody is born equal"
This is it, this is the one. We see which race can’t mind their business and live amongst other races with open arms and peace🌚.
Then again I have to remind myself it’s life. Everyone is human and not all see eye to eye and share the same beliefs/ideologies. You have people that want the power and are greedy for I ask myself why complain.
*Laughs in Donald Trump*
that is just how America to the world, specially the government.
llClassifiedll bet you feel powerless
we are all the same color inside.
Americans don’t talk enough about this tragedy in their history!
i literally had no idea this happened until i moved to washington state in my senior year of high school. i was shocked - never in my schooling before was this ever brought up
This omit of history is also a form of propaganda
I had no clue there was an issue until I read a book called “On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet”. No history class or English class ever taught this stuff to me and it’s very frustrating and upsetting to me. That needs to change!
LMAO japan cant even apologize for the korean comfort women, nanking massacre and unit 731, so stfu!
LadyPeace89 ninapop821 l learned this in US history this year through google classroom since we can’t go to school. I would delete this dumb comment if I were you.
Human beings can truly be the most disgusting creatures.
You mean Americans
epic seven33 essentially yes in terms of a majority. Every race is capable of great evil. But American culture likes to brag about how it’s all about freedom, love, and all that horseshit that keeps capitalism safe from scrutiny.
@@epicseven3393 No, he was right to say humans.
Believe it or not there are also animals that discriminate just because they are albino or look different in any way.
Not humans, just people with these powers. It takes only a few bad people to ruin the good work of millions. It’s systems not humanity, don’t let these people tell humans are doomed to inherently turn on each other. I believe there is hope.
Whats funny is they didnt imprison every german or italian american during that time.
Because they're white
Jon Zee I’m pretty sure Italians were considered “non-white” during WW2. Sure, they are white now, but not then... they were considered undesirable, like the Irish.
Germany or Italy didn't directly attack America though.
John Doe neither did japanese babies in orphanages
because japanese is subject to their emperor.... so all of them is target for jail....
I’m japanese American. Born and raised in America. My parents taught me to love and respect anyone of any color equally until they prove differently. They taught me history to some extent before entering school and just realized they never taught us anything about the concentration camps they’ve created during the WWII.
This is it.
I'm caucasian/Cherokee. They taught us ZERO about Jackson's defiance of the Supreme Court and the Indian Removal Act of 1830 either. They like to sweep all the ugliness under the rug because those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. Look at all the identity politics going on. The "othering" of people based on race, gender, religion and ideology...
Welp, they weren't exactly Dachau or Belsen
@@larry811 Not all camps are the same, that's for sure. But making a point that one group's experience was 'not as bad' because of different conditions, as a response to this Japanese American user's comment is deeply malingering. Jews, in their Holocaust discourse, never put down the Japanese for not getting it 'as bad', but for some reason, this is interesting to you to point out... It just points to you looking for special attention, and that is fair, because some people are searching for it. Here is your attention. Maybe try healthier ways, for a better life.
I don't think, actually I really doubt it was "deeply malingering." Moreover, that first sentence does not cohere. English not familiar to you outside of the classroom?
I think Japanese Americans are too intelligent and honest to include their WWIIO experience to that of the holocaust chaps.
I live in the Pacific Northwest and grew up with Issei, Nisei, and Sensei.
While deeply wronged much good came from their internment (all we learned some of the wrong lessons, too. See Muslims). You may recall that Earl Warren who sighed the disastrous executive order demanding internment for California that was pushed by Roosevelt.
Certainly there was also the distinction of the 442 RCT. My Judo master served in that outfit.
Again, I suggest that you read No No Boy and discover the answer to the question: "How many Japanese males of fighting age repatriated themselves at war's outbreak?
Anyway, Shadders I suspect that you perish with your head up your keester. Sincerely, I'm sure you treasure your feelings
Remember when the lands use to belong to the native peoples, until they came, and claim the land for themself. and call its MURDERCA
Stole the homes of the braves, and the land was for free.
white guy.... nothing new...
tony sothea yeah and now look karma is hitting it hard
So goes the cycle of regular average human history…
I did a research assignment on Japanese internment. It was a level of devastating actions,that America has literally swept under the carpet. Thank you for sharing this story.
America hasn't swept it under the rug. The Civil Liberties Act of 1988 awarded all surviving Japanese Americans with $20,000 in reparations, and President Ronald Reagan issued a formal apology to them. Senator Matsunaga worked with others in Congress to get the law passed. And I learned about this sad and unfortunate part of America's history in school back in the day.
@@theresamahfouz790 Great response from Theresa
@@theresamahfouz790if the American government would allow me to make you my slave for 10 years, do you think that receiving 20k and a “formal apology” after the 10 years would bring back the time your served as a slave and the psychological trauma you went through?
@@FGG80187 of course not. But nothing the government does would make up for that. I don’t look to the government to make me whole. I look to God.
You'd have top be a knucklehead of the deepest dye to make that assertion. Sheesh
more seriously thanks because this is defenetly a hidden part of US history with things like native massacre
Wow you didn't know? I'm quite speacless. Do you read the history of America?.
TogerThe Tigerking hes being sarcastic
Not? Indians, Latinos, Afro. US were ever rassists
@Gaby Zillas It was never hidden. Every country in the world associates the U.S. with Racism. Especially now. Trump's inbred cult followers are proud to be racist.
The fact that this wasn’t even taught in my college US history class says a lot
I was taught this in elementary school with only 2 pages on it. If I never asked parents about I would have never know more about.
I must have had the only history teacher that went behind the school district's lesson plans and taught us about these camps in the US during WW2. I remember asking my granny if she knew about them and she did.
Well, I must've went to the wrong school and had a bad teacher too, because our history teacher in High School taught us this in WW2 history....🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
ninapop821 l learned this in US history this year through google classroom since we can’t go to school. I would delete this dumb comment if I were you.
@@braxtonjones6163 Or what?
Everyone learned about this 😂😂
In conclusion, America is never that great
It was NEVER great !
@Dragon1717 that's right, he was ignoring all the history of putting SE Asians in Zoo's for display, slavery, genocide, spying, invading, assassinations, regime changes etc etc. Y'all are far from innocent.
Dragon1717 when exactly was America great in your eyes?
People confuse great with powerful
Unless you're wht. Which is why most of them are patriotic to the max.
3:38 when they placed the paper cranes I cried. These cranes are a powerful symbol to the Japanese. It wishes others for hope, love and peace.
nothing compared to Japanese colonialism in Indonesia,China,Philippines,Korea,Malaysia,Burma,India unit 731 being an example
I had a Japanese history teacher who taught us about this back in high school. He had to show us pictures and videos on the internet because our history books didn't teach us this.
I don't know where in America you went to school, but here in NYC, our school teaches this in WW2 history. To say that American history doesn't teach us this is an EXTREME overstatement.
Louie Vision ** A different generation, obviously. I went to school in NYC (1960s), and this was never mentioned, nor the holocaust, not Hitler, and slavery was "And Lincoln freed the slaves". History is written by white men who do not categorize their own sins, just those of others.
My great grandmother and my grandma were in prisoned into these incarnation camps. My grandma was only 2 when she went, they were taken to Arkansas to one of the camps there. I only learned this part of my family through my father, he told me that it’s apparently a very private thing for my grandma as she doesn’t talk about. Neither did my great grandmother. My uncle who is a Japanese historian was on the PBS documentary Silent Sacrifice where he told the stories of the imprisonment of the Japanese Americans. As I learned more I decided to ask my grandma who look reluctant but told me how it was there. There was no privacy, no room, and you were treated horribly. My grandma always told me that Japanese Americans don’t like mutton due to it’s the only thing they were served during there time. As a Japanese I’m told by my grandma to be forgiving, but I can’t help be feel the slight bit of anger at how poorly my great grandmother was treated.
yeah you should feel angry
Japanese American internment camp. They didn't capture Japanese and lock them up. They rounded up Americans of Japanese descent and recent immigrants. Its an important distinction.
Your Big Head Cousin well it’s the principle. They forced them into the interment camps and forced them to swear loyalty to a country that rounded them up and contained them. The government was fearful of spies and that is why they rounded them up. If they are afraid of spies, why didn’t put the Germans and Italians into interment camps?? Simple-they (Germans and Italians) were white, so it was racist
@@jackylin6811 of course it was. My point is that these people were Americans, not Japanese.
Your Big Head Cousin yes, which makes it more wrong that they forced them into camps when the majority of them were American citizens. Some of them even wanted to join the military to show their patriotism, which is the worst part about it.
Unfortunately nowadays people still don't see Asian Americans as American but Chinese or Japanese.
They still put Kids in Little Cages 🤷🏻♀️
I find it funny that most Latinos consider themselves white. So that means by their logic that ICE is going after "whites". That the government is refusing to help Puerto Rico an island full of "whites". I thought you guys were white?!!! Lolz
@Imaru Lewis quit playing dumb. Plenty of articles have said it. Cant stand people who play dumb and ask "where's the proof". Go play elsewhere.
J. J. I don’t know any Latinos that consider themselves white. Even latinas that are half white from the us most of the time don’t consider themselves white
@TorrentBlaze Okay listen up... Once again playing dumb. The OP mentioned kids in cages. The last time we've heard of that was detention centers for illegal aliens. PLAY DUMB ELSEWHERE.
I've never heard of that. Are you sure that's true?
It seems that we have not learned from history and we are doomed to repeat it.
America's not doomed to repeat it. It 'wants' to repeat it.
Japanese on Hawaii were mostly spared from internment camps; the whole ordeal was inconsistent, contradictory, racist, and stupid
There are very few things in this world that irritate and disgust me more when I here or see the words “America is the greatest country in the world.”
Then go live in the greatest country if they will have you. I was born in America , and that’s like hitting the lottery.
I’m a third generation Japanese descent born and raised in Brazil and have also heard stories of how my grandma and also my mum were treated in the early days. Although my mum was also born here she told us stories of how they were forced into baptism and had to choose a Christian name, as they were not allowed to have a school were they could go to have Japanese lessons and so on. I’m not trying to be condescending to those who committed those horrible acts but I can sort of understand why the Japanese were treated like that because the government was “dealing” with a culture that was totally different and feared what they didn’t understand. As for us, we also “created” our way to be racist against the so-called “gaijin”, even when I was a child, we were not allowed to play with aliens (gaijin) and my father, who has already passed, would be completely agains interracial marriage! My father’s mother was born here but never learned Portuguese and lived most of her life either in a closed Japanese community or in her little family’s bubble where she never dealt with no one from a different race. Go figure how ridiculous we humans can be.
This is it.
George carlin brought this up in the 90s 💔
To be specific it was the clip when he talked about how rights are only privelges when they are taken away from you. He asked the audience to Google this event! He said American Japanese were deprived from their rights in this tragedy.
He was point to point correct about americans. About humans too
As a American that has Japanese blood this is heartbreaking.
I’m part Japanese. My great uncle was put into one of those camps. Sad story. Part of US history that is often forgotten
This is only forgotten by those who choose not to learn history or choose to forget this because it's something that was never voted on, since FDR deserves the blame for his executive order it's not often discussed in schools.
@@johncuccini5009 It was something supported almost wholeheartedly. There was one dissenting governor, Ralph Carr. It really makes you think of how in recent times the powerful mainly supported the occupation in Afghanistan.
You know what’s crazy? I, a Filipino, remember learning this in 7th grade and I spoke to my boyfriend who is white about this and learned that they didn’t learn this in school... it’s so crazy how this is not TAUGHT.
I teach my fourth graders about this every year. The book Baseball Saved Us is a great teaching tool to explain this important history to the kids
nothing compared to Japanese colonialism in Indonesia,China,Philippines,Korea,Malaysia,Burma,India unit 731 being an example
Heart breaking. Live but don't forget!
When I was in school, I didn't learn about this until maybe 11th or 12th grade. It wasn't even in a history class. I learned about this through an English project. It was one of those stories in that giant text book. I was amazed as to why I hadn't learned about this at all, not even a mentioning. I graduated high school in 2017. Its crazy how much you don't know about the country you've lived in all your life.
2017 you're a baby
So interesting, I grew up in the US and we learned about this for weeks in 6th grade
weeks? BS. You sound like a trump apologist
This is so awful to hear, I am ashamed to be an American and even more ashamed that we have never faced this as it is
You should be ashamed.
Enjoy your shame, that's what you're here for right?
Just don’t repeat the history!
This Video doesn’t discuss how the US Government in 1988 for the internment of Japanese Americans and the US Government gave reparations the fact the media never mentioned proved that they only want Negative Bias towards America
Every race, every nationality, can be guilty of racism and bigotry. But there will always be those that wake up and realize that we are all creatures that can always be better than our baser instincts. Even lower animals are capable of this.
Not white ppl
@Anonymous Panacea Don't you mean "biased against"?
Are you really going to just skip over that Europeans invented race in the first place to justify discrimination & genocide literally worldwide or...?
There are no animals on this planet lower than humans.
Your entire comment reeks of ignorance and arrogance.
Blacks can't be racist. Racism is about power. My people do not have the power to ruin wht people.
My elder sister & I are Sansei.
At her boys high school basketball game a woman came up and introduced herself to my sister saying, “I’m Jane Doe. My family has the farm right next to your families farm. My grandfather knew your grandfather.”
My sister smiled and said something like, “Well it’s a small world after all!”
My grandfather had to sign over his farm to seven American associates because they would not allow him to sign it over to his children who were all born and raised on that farm. It was agreed upon that the associates would get to keep all the farming profits made up until my Grandfather retuned.
Only one associate kept his word and returned the one seventh of property when my grandpa was released. And that would be his attorney.
The first time I learned about the Japanese Internment camp was from the song Kenji of Fort Minor. A side project of Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park.
Remember Nanking this is why it happened, research you'll find answers, maybe not the best, but it's not as cut and dry as you think
I hope they will cover the issue over the Comfort women in Korea since the victims of this horrific incident has never gotten a formal apology from the Japanese government.
this is a sad history in America. My Japanese friends had told me of their family’s suffering, properties were taken away from them.
Even after proving their loyalty the government never gave them what they owned to begin with.
I'm tired of going to school and not learning about stuff like this
You must have been out smoking a doobie cause we've all heard all the time.
This is a stain on the Roosevelt administration and Eleanor warned Franklin about doing this but he wouldn't listen ! I've seen a number of documentary on the subject and more needs to be brought forward about why this happen! 😭
And why is it still happening to our brown immigrants?
How people weren’t aware of this is astounding. Educate yourselves people.
now its 2020 and nothing has changed.
My late old friend was incarcerated in one of these camps. She and her husband had a prosperous bakery business in Seattle but taken away along with all their possetions. After they were released husband became an alcoholc and DV individual. Yet she worked for a local Chinese restaurant as a chef and she was in her late 70s. She was from an aristocratic family in Japan. Pres Reagan awarded $20,000 to all the prisoners but I'm sure she just could not fathom it although she appreciate the money.
That’s unfortunate and too bad. I bet she had to wait a long time before being reunited with her possessions in heaven along with her husband.
nothing compared to Japanese colonialism in Indonesia,China,Philippines,Korea,Malaysia,Burma,India unit 731 being an example
@@gametri-eq6lj It's really important not to mix up American citizens of Japanese ancestry with the Japanese military. The Japanese Americans were loyal citizens of the United States, but because of their ancestry, they were unfairly treated and discriminated against in their own country which they loved as much as any other American. They had nothing do with colonialism of the countries mentioned in the above post.
They do teach it
These were not concentration camps. There was no genocide going on. The purpose of the camps was not to systematically wipe out the population of Japanese-Americans. Yes, it was extremely wrong, and a complete violation of civil liberties, but it WAS NOT GENOCIDE.
My dear neighbor Maggie is 94 and was in the Japanese internment camps in California.
She is the sweetest, most thoughtful lady. She was a public school teacher for 40 years.
Her story is exactly the same as this one.
She doesn’t have an ounce of bitterness towards the world.
nothing compared to Japanese colonialism in Indonesia,China,Philippines,Korea,Malaysia unit 731 being one of the worst examples
@@gametri-eq6lj It's really important not to mix up American citizens of Japanese ancestry with the Japanese military. The Japanese Americans were loyal citizens of the United States, but because of their ancestry, they were unfairly treated and discriminated against in their own country which they loved as much as any other American. They had nothing do with colonialism of the countries mentioned in the above post.
I never learned about the internment camps in school, I learned from the internet.
I learned about it in 4th grade. I guess its a hawaii thing
And people still deny racism towards asians
From ww2 to trump. Nothing has changed!
reallyellie Columbus wasn’t half as bad as you think. People take what he said and cut it so it looks bad when he said about making the locals servants he most likely meant servants of god. He actually liked the locals. But their was some evil but he didn’t nearly as bad things as you think.
This was FDR, a Democrat president who did this, same party that supports segregation of blacks by the way. You people own this.
@reallyellie you were in the " special " class in school, right? Hope you at least learned how to make toast.
@reallyellie columbus wasn't that bad
@@dragondad7733 Who said this had anything to do with a political party it is about evil and it is found everywhere.
We studied various wars in grade school but never covered this. I learned about this sometime after college and was blown away. She is right. No one batted an eye when this was happening.
I've been working on this research for my master degree.
Just for interest, relative to those camps when it was noticed/discovered, there is a condition similar to SIDS that seems to affect healthy, Asian males. Their heart simply stops.
Crazy thing about all of this is Japan was doing the same thing to Korea during that EXACT time.
Lol that’s not the point
Not only Korea, but most of the Eastern side of Asia.. Probably China was the greatest affected if you search 'Nanking massacre'
@@sahohree agree👏👏👏
@@cy5941 well you have the nukes to counter balance that
A group of students from that time just got their highschool diplomas about 4 or 5 years ago here where i am from! Most of them were dead so family members had to recieve them.
Good to see you giving link to the proper credit holder of the video. Keep it up.
I honestly did not realize how bad these camps were. There's an author (I've read her books) named Yoshiko Uchida who was in the camps and was a teacher there. So I knew their freedoms were taken but I didn't realize the conditions were so bad. 😭🇯🇵💔
No comparison to the American slavery of blacks.
we're doomed to repeat history if we dont learn from it. my sixth grade teacher told me that just once and it never left my mind.
And to think some crazies were comparing the stay at home orders to this vile act.
Japanese Americans were not illegal aliens but citizens which makes this even more shameful.
The consequences are ridiculous I see why the human race will fall
This is eye opening.
Native Americans were almost wiped out and they don't have a land to retreat to because they were already home.
natives are from asia and russia
Great piece, please show more of these untold stories
They're still doing this to Native Americans and Mexicans
This is the reason why i believe its always good to stay in your own country.
I am happy to say that many of our generation have decided to do so despite having high educational and professional credentials.Many are rejecting foreign offers.
The major reason is that once you immigrate to a foreign country you will always be a foreigner.The local support and being an outsider could be a challenge.
Myself as a Marine Engineer having traveled the world, I still feel at home only when I am in India.
What they did just reminds me of what North Korea does to its own citizens
china aswell
We need to get real about how messed up the history of America really is... Sadly, it's still very messed up now. As a Native woman, I know too well, as my mother did and her mother.
Sad that innocent immigrants had to pay for the crimes of their mother nation.
is a pre-emptive strike a crime?
also notice that none of the usa thugs had to face justice for their atrocities.
@@sabin97 are you saying that it's not? Same goes for the Japan. They never fully paid justice for their atrocities.
if a pre-emptive strike is a crime then usa is the biggest criminal on earth.
" They never fully paid justice for their atrocities."
except a lot of japanese and german thugs were made to face the "victors justice" of usa. and not a single one of usa's thugs has ever faced justice. in fact they were celebrated as if they were heroes. their atrocities celebrated as if they were heroic acts.
if i had to guess i'd say YOU(you specifically) consider those thugs heroes. such is the mentality of usa.
sabin97 I don’t consider Americans in this case heroes. But you gotta stop framing Japan as if they’re the victims of WWII.
The Japanese incarcerated in this video are. Not the Imperialists.
There’s no justification for “pre-emptive” strikes either. It is still a crime if people were killed, no matter who did it.
Ugh so heartbreaking
Don't forget that the Japanese people did the exact same thing and much much worse to the people of Indonesia in the exact same time period all throughout WWII.
Not only indonesia, they did it with all countries which they invaded. Just look up the massacre of nanjing
Yes they did, but these people didn’t.
Also Chinese, Koreans, and Philippines. Japan during WW1-WW2 era has disgusting track record.
Why do people (usually white) always deflect blame instead of outright denouncing these heinous acts?
TechnoBlade Fan who knows, this was pretty close after ww2 some of those people could have been rapists since almost all soldiers were.
I grew up in the northern United States where we don't deny this history. The rest of the US should follow suit.
I grew up in the northern U.S. and never was FDR blamed for this despite the fact that is was an executive order he issued and not a law passed by Congress. The history isn't denied but it's skewed to blame all Americans when only one is to blame.
Hopefully time changes where you don't have to be White skin to be American.
Kevin - That would be wonderful, but I'm not very hopeful. I mean, this is the _21st century,_ & we're still just as backward.
Victim mindset and I’m Mexican lol
@@smellyfly9469 A whole group of white people can parade guns around and threaten lawmakers but when natives peacefully protest trying to protect their environment they're shot at and attacked. It's literally not funny when people are targeted everyday over their skin color.
@John Doe show me your papers
Kevin Chen unless you were Irish, Italian, Greek, Polish, Ukrainian, Serbian, Spanish, Lithuanian, etc.
Tremendous spiritual strength.
Some entitled white guy somewhere in the world disapproves of this
Thanks for that, Martin.
And their wht Latino counterpart and their honorary Aryan.
Thank you for sharing your story
Family Separation Programs
since Times Immemorial 😇
They had them in my town. Not to far from where I grew up. It’s sad they don’t talk about this.
Research 'Nihilism' and 'Anti Natalism'. Life is ultimately p0intless suffering (Especially for the poor). And it would be better to have never been born. Not just for humans, but also for every other sentient creature that ever had the misfortune of being born.
Thats just someone's opinion, its not objective truth.
@Your Big Head Cousin
Those are objective facts.
@@JD-kp6pt no, theyre strictly someone's opinion.
@Your Big Head Cousin
Nope. Nobody chose to come into existence. Ratter, we were all forced into the unfortunate state of existence without our consent to have to endure all the pain and suffering that comes with it. Had we never existed we’d have never suffered.~
The Benatarian asymmetry demonstrates why it is always better never to exist, regardless of the pleasure to pain ratio in one’s life. Whereas:
1. The presence of pleasure is good, and
2. The presence of pain is bad;
3. The absence of pain is good even if one does not exist to benefit from that good, but
4. The absence of pleasure is not bad unless someone already exists for which such an absence would be a deprivation.~
Given the above, it is always a harm to come into existence and reproduction is never morally justified. For a more in depth look I highly recommend reading Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence by Dr. David Benatar (professor and chairman of philosophy at the University of Cape Town).
Note: The above applies to all sentient beings, not only humans. They too were harmed by being brought into existence.
@@JD-kp6pt that is still just an ideology that someone can choose to believe in. Presenting your arguments doesn't turn an opinion into an objective truth.
I wish my baachan or jiichan was still here to tell their story. As a kid I never really cared or knew what the camps meant. Now I'm 18 and following a path down Japanese culinary.
this is what ronald dump calls making america great???..I CALL IT A DISGRACE!!!!!!!!!
Has everyone forgotten about the prisons for Muslims in china?
Shasta Lizer - No. haven’t forgotten. But China is a communist country. America is “supposed” to have a higher compass, according to the Constitution.
George takei also grew up in one of these camps and has a graphic novel that he wrote on his life in internment. The book is called, " they called us enemy" and it's a very good read
They should teach this at schools so the next generation of Americans avoid making the same mistakes as their ancestors but unfortunately this is being done in the borders with the illegal poor people, aren't our government taking the kids away from their parents ?do you know what that does to a kid who doesn't understand what's going on is pretty fuckup but people are ok with it and that's the problem!!!
Because history books are written by white men. Throughout my entire education, slavery was summed up in one sentence i.e. "Lincoln freed the slaves". White people praise themselves and disavow the evil they do.
Plz watch this documentary series!! It's really good!!!
Funny how this is not really discussed we just kinda glossed over it in history class
this happened here in Canada too
Enough about the Holocaust has been shared and repeated for decades. Enough already. These stories should be given more attention.
nothing compared to Japanese colonialism in Indonesia,China,Philippines,Korea,Malaysia unit 731 being an example
Its funny the lack of self awareness in theses comments. saying that this doesn't compare to Immigrant detention centers because that's done for national security and keeping us safe. Are you guys aware that that's exactly what non japanese believed about internment camps? History repeats itself and its because people will always look for someone to oppress
Did the family ever get reunited? (I'm from the UK and cannot access the full documentry in my country...)
never blame others for what their country leader does Is like saying Lock every German even the innocent for what Hitler did
What happen to German Americans at that time??!!
Eisenhower was a great general. I wonder how many great Japanese american generals would America had if not for this protracted, institutionalized racism that eventually will destroy our nation.
I'm an Asian-American, who came from an abusive family (perpetrator was White).
I know how she feels. There were no vigils for me either.
I've still got the scars from it.
im crying as im typing this, wah wah wah
This happened then and This is happening to american children now citizen children with immigrant parents..... they are being separated placed in cells to sleep on the cold ground many kids have died due to negligence........
It’s disgusting that America still hasn’t learned from this. My Japanese great grandparents immigrated to Hawaii and when WWII happened, I keep on thinking how lucky my grandparents were because they weren’t sent to prison camps mainly because the majority of people in Hawaii had Japanese blood. But of course they still arrested Japanese people in Hawaii who had “higher positions in the community”, and even arrested Japanese teachers cuz oml they’re teaching Japanese of course theyre suspicious🙄and yet even though there was so much racism and fear of Japanese Americans, they still decided to fight for a country that wasn’t fighting for them.
Thank you for your informing me
I saw this in a PBS documentary too.
I'm not crying you are 😭😭😭
My grandfather was 9 when he was sent to the camps.
History is written by the victor, someone is a hero in one's eyes, and a monster in another.
nothing compared to Japanese colonialism in Indonesia,China,Philippines,Korea,Malaysia unit 731 being one of the worst examples
This country truly has disgusting history
Who knew basically all humans around the world were racist
Saw quite a few comments saying, "We haven't (or America hasn't) learned from our mistakes ..." First of all what was done to the original true native American to near extinction, the atrocities of the African slave trade and the continued destructive treatment of African Americans, the internship/prison camps of the Japanese Americans, and the list goes on. These were not "mistakes", all of these acts were intentional. Just like how the current administration that thinks nothing of detaining immigrants whose skin has a non-white hue and stripping children from their parents. These are all deliberate and well thought acts against humanity that has been found to work so well it is repeated again and again. I think that America has learned very well from the past and will do any of the above at the drop of a hat.
I'm truly saddened by this revelation.
Are you a savage?
Why is this such a shocker?
I am French and I totally ignored this historic part of America.
This is one of the the reason why I dont wanna go study in the US because I am scared if ever this happens again