A series that unfolds like a high-stakes drama on the road. The sheer size and weight of these long trucks create intense collisions, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats. Each crash is a testament to the challenges faced by these drivers and the need for caution on the highways.
Great Jota!! You started 2024 off right away (at least for me, I saw the video now)....I have never seen a level of destruction like that at min 9:00....the car looks like it was blown up due to fault of 1 bomb!!! Another WONDERFUL VIDEO!!! HELLO JOTA!
almost perfection, and these cut scenes with dummies 🤣the only weird thing is that victims dont even try to stop the car before impact, but Im not sure I want it to seem more realistic, or leave it because that way it is so ridiculous that makes it funny somehow
Big & Small: McQueen Truck vs Long Slide Game with Trains vs Portal Trap | BeamNG.Drive
Es muy divertido 😀
funny car, mcqueen
Nice survival video! 🔥🔥🔥
Lightning McQueen never gives up, ever!
Im waitting your video
BeamNG always impresses with epic battles!
Thomas vs. the long bus is such an epic match!
I like your video
I never thought Id be so captivated by the colors of nature, but here I am, completely mesmerized!
I love those injury icons, mane ❤❤😎
I wish I could give this video more than one thumbs up!
cars vs ball with rails ⚽
The visuals are stunning; what a colorful world!
Please do dangerous driving and car crashes #12.
Amazing!!! I love your videos ❤
this guy is a master of Beamng, no doubt!!
I love seeing the police car in action.
A series that unfolds like a high-stakes drama on the road. The sheer size and weight of these long trucks create intense collisions, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats. Each crash is a testament to the challenges faced by these drivers and the need for caution on the highways.
This video just made my day so much better! ❤🙌
Big & Small Mcqueen car vs train
Flatbed transporting pixal car
Дроп говорят очень скоро надо успеть
My son is your big fan
Fat Car vs Long cars so fun
This video makes me want to go out and buy a Ford truck in real life
The editing in this video is top-notch!
Haha. Fat Dinoco vs Fat mcqueen
I enjoyed watching your tractor skills in action.
Funny content.
Тут даже тапать не надо и нет рекламы
Great Jota!! You started 2024 off right away (at least for me, I saw the video now)....I have never seen a level of destruction like that at min 9:00....the car looks like it was blown up due to fault of 1 bomb!!! Another WONDERFUL VIDEO!!! HELLO JOTA!
How to add the dummy in truck driver
This video is so satisfying to watch its like a virtual stress reliever
Please add me in the next vid 🙏🏻
Your video touched the viewers emotions very well, it made me very nervous and excited when watching your collision scenes. Good luck!
Please guide me
А когда мне ждать дроп?
My son loves this. Can someone let me know if this is healthy for a two year old?
almost perfection, and these cut scenes with dummies 🤣the only weird thing is that victims dont even try to stop the car before impact, but Im not sure I want it to seem more realistic, or leave it because that way it is so ridiculous that makes it funny somehow
Really nice video! New sub, I was wondering at 4:10 can you give me the link for that map it looks really nice
Nice video
McQueen always crushes it in BeamNG!
I like it! Great modselbowcough
Wow. I like your video
Lightning McQueen is unbeatable, I swear!
Love this channel it inspires me so much I love you 😍
А когда мне ждать дроп?
Thomas trains vs Thomas is funny to watch!
McQueen always crushes it in BeamNG!
Amazing video
А когда мне ждать дроп?
Police cars always go super fast!