Skill Capped please tell me how to climb out of platinum when every adc I get turbo feeds. I'm not even kidding I could show you right now my last 5 matches are losses when I'm like 13/3 and my adc is 1/12
@@iNinjaaz99 idk why adc is so hard for ppl to play early js last hit and do risk free pokes it’s the support it should be harder for where they need to peel and poke
The last tip is so valid. Just with it, i got from emerald to master for the first time. It sounds simple, but the consistency you get by not tilting and never ffing is really impactfull
I have had like 2 games recently where most of my team didn't win lane, low gold income and had many deaths. But it was just me and another player who refused to ff. We lost all of our turrets, just played off our inhibs and nexus. The enemy team prop had fun killing us all and didn't end at the first chance they had. It was very early in the game so they thought it'd be easy to get to our nexus again. It was the last time they were able to be in our base tho... somehow we all started to play more cautious and be aware of our limits. My adc popped off after farming all the super minion waves, we stole baron and got elder. Elder was the last Condition we needed to win team fights. The enemy Diana (who was most ahead and their carry) missplayed, I caught her infront of their base as Evelynn with my top laner. I mass pinged to push with me and tank all the towers. We put a ward so our mid could TP as well and we ended it while their team tried to set up baron. Games like these are quite intense and nerve wracking but I have the most satisfaction after winning
Yes. The number of "unwinnable" games I've played now in the last month that I would have regretted FFing after the fact (if I somehow knew I would have won) is crazy. I even had one two nights ago where it was the enemy team that came from behind to win with a Yorick back door. I had a 20 KDA that game, no deaths, and still lost with Soul. Never, ever FF you have no idea at low elos or any elo really what may happen. Hell, you could get a blessing from God himself and maybe the enemy carry's Internet dies! Meaning a free win with no effort from you. Not likely, but possible. Meanwhile, FF is always a loss no matter what. 0.1% chance is still better than 0% chance.
Guys you're unbelievable. I win so many more games, I actually took the subscription too, I used to be in autopilot while playing and never really gave a thought to all this, when you focus on these things it makes you so much more useful in the game. Went from Gold 3 to Emerald in only 3 weeks
i'm pretty excited about this. Haven't played much ranked for a few years, used to be high gold, sometimes I'd just barely touch plat 5 (when there was no emerald) but now whenever I do play it I don't grind a lot or go real high. I'm 40 years old now so getting a little harder to keep up, and I can tell the kids playing nowadays are way better on NA than back in the day...back in the day NA was just so bad in general. Anyway I decided to do placements and I went 4/1 which was motivating, currently I think I'm 6/2 but I got real sick so I'm spending this time just learning. I placed into silver 3 and then promoted to silver 2, and I'm going to see what I learn from this video and when I feel better gonna continue doing 3 games per day and see how far I can go this season :)
Played since season 4, I'm a jungle main and I've never been higher than silver 2, followed this so far for my ranked season I'm still in Iron, I'm Iron 1, 30 games on Shyvanna and it's not true, you are going to need more than just the full clear strategy, I'm constantly getting paired up against previously ranked gold+ players in my Iron games. Bans do not mean anything except for peace of mind after going into a game. Managing your dead time works about 6/10 of my games, the other significant portion of games is directly affected by smurfs/trolls and higher ranked players in the lower elo. Ideally everyone in my games should be Iron, It is not the case.
One comment for 17:31, You'll want to invade first as by the time he's ganked he will probably be back in his topside assuming he's clearing top down for drake. It's always better to go for the riskier camps first (enemy jg or scuttle) THEN go back to your jg as you're harder to invade and easier to rotate to (from your team) especially after more xp.
15:30 I'm diamond, always ping exactly as you said, to make as easy as possible for the laners, even danger ping on top of their heads, miss ping exactly where their jungler is, they completely ignore everything and just die to the gank. I don't understand why most diamond players still ignore pings.
Keep pinging, that's true many players will ignore, or blame you wether you pinged or not. But you always have players that will listen, so it's still positive impact to ping. Also one ping at their feet because many players are blind / deaf if they dont also see a ping at their feet
@tbdoughboy2120 bunch of times I ask why they ignored the pings, and they give the most absurd answers but never say they muted pings, so it's just stupidity.
just a suggestion, i use the fall back, yellow ping all the time instead of the danger ping, these bots(teammates) react way more to them, i think its the high pitched disgusting sound that it makes, whereas the warning ping is not realy intimidating enough, sounds crazy but for me it actualy works wonders
this advice really works i full cleared and watched the enemy do ganks but according to the guy they were clearly bad, things just pieced together. great public forum
i think my jgl macro gotten really good thanks to the guides on the site, but i think i sometimes do the clears for too long, basically with dead time, when is it time to stop constantly full clearing, start grouping a lot (cause in lower elo, your team will fight ALL! THE! TIME!). when do i give up my jungle to group?
I agree. I think their last jungle video did an EXCELLENT job explaining this! Helped me tremendously. You learn when to start “one quadrant” clearing etc.
I know this is a 5 month old comment, but if you're still wondering and play league full clearing is consistently good but not great beyond maybe the first clear in higher ranks. Generally you gain way more value tracking the Jungle and noticing when you can steal camps. Forfeiting a dragon that would be a 50/50 for a whole side of enemy camps can win entire games for you, not being too worried about objectives and just controlling/warding voidgrubs in the early game will seriously help you improve.
This is a great video! Im gold but honestly the tip for silver about the dead time was good. I often would go to my own Red buff if its the only camp up, even if other camps won’t spawn around that time. Seeing that as dead time still will make a difference
Iron and bronze players will be flamed by their team for farming jungle camps while enemy jungler ganks and kills them 3 times per minute because they can't ward or control wave. Try typing on chat "bUt hES FalLIng BehIND oN FaRM, aLL hIs CAMPs arE stiLL aLivE, kekW!"
In lower elo usually iron or bronze ppl are very toxic and specifically to their jungler i have a Smurf account in bronze and some ppl expect me to camp their lane
Tip for Iron: NEVER splitpush. Your entire team will always try to teamfight for absolutely no reason, lose, and then blame it on you. They have no idea how to stay safe under a damn tower. They see the enemy team grouping mid? They'll engage 4vs5. EVERY SINGLE TIME you try to splitpush.
Its literally the most viable strat in low elo, splitting is the most self sufficient strat to self carry, regardless of how they act when you split, if youre not goodenough to carry in iron via splitting then youre where you belong im sorry
The best tip for climbing will always be to question yourself all the time, why am I doing this, what did I do wrong here and so on. Your teamates could be the reason you lost a game but if you want to climb you cant always blame your teamates, that just doesnt make sense. If you want to learn fundemantals on toplane you should watch alois GL
Congratz, I'm impressed, you just took the human factor our of the game and made it a perfect condition game, it's like AI lmao! Let me explain. Most of the time, when going from bot side (red buff) to top side (blue buff). by the time you reach gromp bot/top lane will die 2 times. And when you try to help that mid lane Yasuo that was spam pinging you, he will just full on int or just rage quit cuz you took 1 minion and a kill
Just out of curiosity since im a low end player… isnt it possible to fake leash and use an ability to show mana loss, confusing the enemy on their leash start? Knowing that they may be tracking jg start… while they think the jg is pathing away, they are actually on the opposite side pathing to
how do you decided where the enemy jg started, if none of the players that helped him lost mana? EG.: I on top always interntionally fake leash, and never use mana, what if the botlane does the same
Idk why but going jungler here in ph server. It is so hard carrying my teammates in bronze (I'm a gold 1). But when I switched to Mid and spammed Aurelion sol with the new item build, I can now carry most games.
and how exactly are you MAGICALLY making your team mates listen to your back pings? I will back ping them 10 seconds ahead of time, knowing they are about to be ganked and they STILL push up the lane and ignore my ping.
Best advice for anythingbelow platinum, be selfish, take everything and carry. Don't rely on your team unless you have to. Don't play high skill champs and play easy ones. Also, buy pinks. Free ward that last a long time
I just hit emerald in solo duo for the first time while maintaining a 70% wr, i did it in flex only for the past 2 seasons and hope to stay lucky so i can finally hit diamond and be content
It's the beginning of hell now. You will quickly understand why people say emerald is elo hell. Be ready to have teammates going 0/8 in 10 minutes one game out of two.
@@biglittleboy9827 oh i know already played enough in emerald to know how bad it is, atleast in silver and gold i could focus on punishing enemies mistaes and win games from that now its just whoever tilts fist looses
The actual guide you need: just okay early game champs for early game, it’s solo q not lcs you don’t have time to scale. Quit picking kindred graves nidalee and other champs that need to scale (unless it’s karthus) and play for early game simple. This goes for all roles btw not just jungle.
If I only focus to clear the jg fast and effectively, also trying to crossmapping well, its enough to stuck and no more :) I can be stronger in farm and items then like rammus, he will still kick my ass, also 90% of the time all of my lanes are loosing under 5 freaking minutes already and there is no winning lane to help.....These guides are very good if your mmr isnt fcked up, and you are not cursed with looser queues all the time (yes, it exists....although smurfs will never met it with fresh new accounts, but it exists....). I started a new account, and I already hit plat on it (excaped from gold where I started), while I cant escape fcking bronze division on my main account. If you are alone and get these players, you cant win with like a kha'zix I prefer to play. They pick 1 tank and you worth nothing, or if you are facing yourself against 2 fed adcs (1 on mid and 1 on bot side). Its a sweet dream, but on old accounts its impossible to escape alone....
Ppl dont understand in Iron that you need to farm, they always want gank, so only farm until 14min and you miss tell also do dragon and etc, well ppl in Iron gonna report you
Plat last season, got placed bronze, just finished five consecutive games where at least two player just walking straight into tower how to not get tilted.
"all you have to do until gold is clear good", so if everyone just logs on and watches this and works on their clear then suddenly that isn't true at all anymore because we will all be doing it lol
I think one of the biggest mistakes is having a big champ pool to be flexible in champ select. You should have 3 or 4 champs that you know 100% and ur experienced with it and be flexible with them. Or even less. No reason to play 10 different champs in the last 20 games. Im onetricking a champ and have 2 champs on the side when its banned or its literally unplayable in that particular game
The dead time tip on bronze won’t really win you games. Like yeah sure you get your camps and ww doesn’t but before you know he is farming your laners instead and he is 6/0 in 10 mins and your laners are flaming and running it down. And the biggest joke is that ww will still be same lvl and items as you. You should learn how to punish and counter jungle otherwise the dead time tip won’t win you anything in bronze
There's 1 thing that I didn't hear or maybe I've missed. Picking the right hero. I think LoL is too much of a meta game and it matters what heroes you pick more than it should. In my case, I feel like with Briar (at least in my elo) I can carry most games.
Guide's that tell people to ignore team mates not help and just focus on you and your gold is just annoying, I understand it works but I enjoy each game for 5v5 team fights... Almost never happens right now because of guides like this.
I like your advice "SKill capped" but these do not take into account "boosted accounts", "smurfs", "pro accounts", "borrowed accounts", "cheaters", which totally distort the games by their behavior, riot have an efficient algorithm which should put them in a box but they do not and that is the reason why I can say that the "elo" means nothing! ^^
Ok, but you really cant do anything about these boosted accounts, thats rito job. Either you get better(like its not wasted time wether you play against cheaters, boosteds or not) or ff. Really, this is the only 2 option.
Stop trying to win every game. 40/40/20 rule. 40% will be unwinnable, 40% will be won even if you int. Only 20% is up to you. Try hard, play well, don't go on auto-pilot, and don't ff. Do those, and play enough games, and you'll climb.
Don't fight for 0 objectives... dont skip camps to gank unless your ally needs your help to prevent them dieing, but don't hang around hopelessly trying to force a kill, just save your ally then immediately rotate to the nearest camps... there is no jungler this isnt true = you level up slower than laners, before 3 items you will be behind, adopt this mentality, and just blindly rush for 3 item builds before playing 5 vs 5... ps... you will get blamed for every stupid pointless decision by your allies, Ignore this, similarly, stealing smite isn't a thanos end game skill, don't flex or shine your ego, use the stolen objective to push for an advantage, otherwise your ego flex will be the reason you lose, stealing an objective and then wasting it only gives enemy more time to return to lane and push turrets while you admire your reflection and watch your ally nexus die
Special link for the 5 exclusive jungle courses! ->
Do Mid lane :D
Skill Capped please tell me how to climb out of platinum when every adc I get turbo feeds. I'm not even kidding I could show you right now my last 5 matches are losses when I'm like 13/3 and my adc is 1/12
@@iNinjaaz99 idk why adc is so hard for ppl to play early js last hit and do risk free pokes it’s the support it should be harder for where they need to peel and poke
The last tip is so valid. Just with it, i got from emerald to master for the first time.
It sounds simple, but the consistency you get by not tilting and never ffing is really impactfull
I’ve never surrendered my entire league life. I even won a 3v7 (2 of my teammates were inting)
i almost dont like to ff cause your never going to learn how to win from behind
I have had like 2 games recently where most of my team didn't win lane, low gold income and had many deaths. But it was just me and another player who refused to ff. We lost all of our turrets, just played off our inhibs and nexus. The enemy team prop had fun killing us all and didn't end at the first chance they had. It was very early in the game so they thought it'd be easy to get to our nexus again. It was the last time they were able to be in our base tho... somehow we all started to play more cautious and be aware of our limits. My adc popped off after farming all the super minion waves, we stole baron and got elder. Elder was the last Condition we needed to win team fights.
The enemy Diana (who was most ahead and their carry) missplayed, I caught her infront of their base as Evelynn with my top laner. I mass pinged to push with me and tank all the towers. We put a ward so our mid could TP as well and we ended it while their team tried to set up baron.
Games like these are quite intense and nerve wracking but I have the most satisfaction after winning
Yes. The number of "unwinnable" games I've played now in the last month that I would have regretted FFing after the fact (if I somehow knew I would have won) is crazy. I even had one two nights ago where it was the enemy team that came from behind to win with a Yorick back door. I had a 20 KDA that game, no deaths, and still lost with Soul. Never, ever FF you have no idea at low elos or any elo really what may happen. Hell, you could get a blessing from God himself and maybe the enemy carry's Internet dies! Meaning a free win with no effort from you. Not likely, but possible. Meanwhile, FF is always a loss no matter what. 0.1% chance is still better than 0% chance.
@@onelonelypicklewell, yeah. In the end you pay the price in time. Either it got wasted or not
So i cant escape emerald? :(
U dont, trust me, its the worst elo to play in by far xd
@@deny2568 ahahhahah emerald is sooo bad even as a master player
@@deny2568It's true for sure
@@deny2568 agreed, literally hell. Everybody has an ego and cant even farm, rotate, pressure, dive, nothing, just straight mouth breathing action
I play the mid lane with the mindset that I’ll never get a gank and it’s kept me alive almost every game
Guys you're unbelievable. I win so many more games, I actually took the subscription too, I used to be in autopilot while playing and never really gave a thought to all this, when you focus on these things it makes you so much more useful in the game. Went from Gold 3 to Emerald in only 3 weeks
guide like this for toplane would be good
don't get afk spliting, the map is bigger than just top, listen to danger pings, put some wards, should be enough for a insane climb.
In skill-capped, do the course videos have subtitles? thank you
Commenting to boost visibility. Hope they see you brother
Great video Hex! Appreciate the humility, it's a breath of fresh air.
i'm pretty excited about this. Haven't played much ranked for a few years, used to be high gold, sometimes I'd just barely touch plat 5 (when there was no emerald) but now whenever I do play it I don't grind a lot or go real high. I'm 40 years old now so getting a little harder to keep up, and I can tell the kids playing nowadays are way better on NA than back in the day...back in the day NA was just so bad in general. Anyway I decided to do placements and I went 4/1 which was motivating, currently I think I'm 6/2 but I got real sick so I'm spending this time just learning. I placed into silver 3 and then promoted to silver 2, and I'm going to see what I learn from this video and when I feel better gonna continue doing 3 games per day and see how far I can go this season :)
Played since season 4, I'm a jungle main and I've never been higher than silver 2, followed this so far for my ranked season I'm still in Iron, I'm Iron 1, 30 games on Shyvanna and it's not true, you are going to need more than just the full clear strategy, I'm constantly getting paired up against previously ranked gold+ players in my Iron games. Bans do not mean anything except for peace of mind after going into a game. Managing your dead time works about 6/10 of my games, the other significant portion of games is directly affected by smurfs/trolls and higher ranked players in the lower elo. Ideally everyone in my games should be Iron, It is not the case.
One comment for 17:31, You'll want to invade first as by the time he's ganked he will probably be back in his topside assuming he's clearing top down for drake. It's always better to go for the riskier camps first (enemy jg or scuttle) THEN go back to your jg as you're harder to invade and easier to rotate to (from your team) especially after more xp.
15:30 I'm diamond, always ping exactly as you said, to make as easy as possible for the laners, even danger ping on top of their heads, miss ping exactly where their jungler is, they completely ignore everything and just die to the gank. I don't understand why most diamond players still ignore pings.
Keep pinging, that's true many players will ignore, or blame you wether you pinged or not. But you always have players that will listen, so it's still positive impact to ping. Also one ping at their feet because many players are blind / deaf if they dont also see a ping at their feet
@tbdoughboy2120 bunch of times I ask why they ignored the pings, and they give the most absurd answers but never say they muted pings, so it's just stupidity.
i think the issue in diamond is a lot of them think they can outplay it so they try to greed and end up dying
just a suggestion, i use the fall back, yellow ping all the time instead of the danger ping, these bots(teammates) react way more to them, i think its the high pitched disgusting sound that it makes, whereas the warning ping is not realy intimidating enough, sounds crazy but for me it actualy works wonders
@@timmuller181 I use it too, only danger ping when I'm 100% sure he's gonna die if stays.
this advice really works i full cleared and watched the enemy do ganks but according to the guy they were clearly bad, things just pieced together. great public forum
emerald is homework
Please do one of these for mid, its so informative
Bronze to Diamond: Get good.
Master -Challenger: Get actually good.
i think my jgl macro gotten really good thanks to the guides on the site, but i think i sometimes do the clears for too long, basically with dead time, when is it time to stop constantly full clearing, start grouping a lot (cause in lower elo, your team will fight ALL! THE! TIME!). when do i give up my jungle to group?
I agree. I think their last jungle video did an EXCELLENT job explaining this! Helped me tremendously. You learn when to start “one quadrant” clearing etc.
you doit when you know you can fight and do well
I know this is a 5 month old comment, but if you're still wondering and play league full clearing is consistently good but not great beyond maybe the first clear in higher ranks. Generally you gain way more value tracking the Jungle and noticing when you can steal camps. Forfeiting a dragon that would be a 50/50 for a whole side of enemy camps can win entire games for you, not being too worried about objectives and just controlling/warding voidgrubs in the early game will seriously help you improve.
nowhere near diamond but the advice during that section is awesome. great video. more like this please!
Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides, This is great! I liked it and subscribed!
This is a great video! Im gold but honestly the tip for silver about the dead time was good. I often would go to my own Red buff if its the only camp up, even if other camps won’t spawn around that time. Seeing that as dead time still will make a difference
Iron and bronze players will be flamed by their team for farming jungle camps while enemy jungler ganks and kills them 3 times per minute because they can't ward or control wave. Try typing on chat "bUt hES FalLIng BehIND oN FaRM, aLL hIs CAMPs arE stiLL aLivE, kekW!"
Chat setting off. If ping flamed, instant mute pings
@@garagavia agreed, just hope they don't afk base or int
In lower elo usually iron or bronze ppl are very toxic and specifically to their jungler i have a Smurf account in bronze and some ppl expect me to camp their lane
@@benjamingoldstein7753 yeah sure camp the enemy 2/0 Darius with 3 lvs ahead
@@AlbertStone92 bro no js ignore them u think I js listen no that’ll put me behind
Tip for Iron: NEVER splitpush.
Your entire team will always try to teamfight for absolutely no reason, lose, and then blame it on you.
They have no idea how to stay safe under a damn tower. They see the enemy team grouping mid? They'll engage 4vs5.
EVERY SINGLE TIME you try to splitpush.
Its literally the most viable strat in low elo, splitting is the most self sufficient strat to self carry, regardless of how they act when you split, if youre not goodenough to carry in iron via splitting then youre where you belong im sorry
Just have tp then. Split is super free win at low elo, assuming you're better than that elo.
Did you guys mention anything about splitting the jg. Top/Bottom to counter strong early game jg and still get your full clear?
Please make one of these but for top lane because I'm a hardstuck plat top lane main and I really wanna escape.
you wont like it better in emerald (elohell)
The best tip for climbing will always be to question yourself all the time, why am I doing this, what did I do wrong here and so on.
Your teamates could be the reason you lost a game but if you want to climb you cant always blame your teamates, that just doesnt make sense.
If you want to learn fundemantals on toplane you should watch alois GL
would love to have a video like this for adcs :)
Just play a different role
nah when Lucian took the gromp at 21:43 I woulda left them for dead
please do a guide about support. It's been so long
Will it come for every roll? Id love to see it fr fr!
Pleaseeee a guide for top lane especially for emerald (I have hit Diamond 4 Peak and all of a sudden loss after loss…)
Instructions unclear, got 5-man invaded and flamed by teammates. xD
do it for midlane pls !! nice video ❤
What was that rune Ashe was using at 8:45? :^)
Good. But. What would be doing if the laner loses his line before I can reach them
Congratz, I'm impressed, you just took the human factor our of the game and made it a perfect condition game, it's like AI lmao! Let me explain.
Most of the time, when going from bot side (red buff) to top side (blue buff). by the time you reach gromp bot/top lane will die 2 times. And when you try to help that mid lane Yasuo that was spam pinging you, he will just full on int or just rage quit cuz you took 1 minion and a kill
Just out of curiosity since im a low end player… isnt it possible to fake leash and use an ability to show mana loss, confusing the enemy on their leash start? Knowing that they may be tracking jg start… while they think the jg is pathing away, they are actually on the opposite side pathing to
Honestly when I play silver/gold games, I can easily get a cheeky kill and a gromp steal, even as a weak early game jungle like evelynn.
how do you decided where the enemy jg started, if none of the players that helped him lost mana? EG.: I on top always interntionally fake leash, and never use mana, what if the botlane does the same
Idk why but going jungler here in ph server. It is so hard carrying my teammates in bronze (I'm a gold 1). But when I switched to Mid and spammed Aurelion sol with the new item build, I can now carry most games.
aurelion is really hard to deal with with low elo mates
if he just remotely knows what hes doing hes untouchable
Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides, You're so cool! Let's be friends and have fun!
Learning to count enemy jungler cs helps tracking as a laner
and how exactly are you MAGICALLY making your team mates listen to your back pings? I will back ping them 10 seconds ahead of time, knowing they are about to be ganked and they STILL push up the lane and ignore my ping.
Best advice for anythingbelow platinum, be selfish, take everything and carry. Don't rely on your team unless you have to. Don't play high skill champs and play easy ones. Also, buy pinks. Free ward that last a long time
thank you for tutorial!
I escaped from bronze to iron
I just hit emerald in solo duo for the first time while maintaining a 70% wr, i did it in flex only for the past 2 seasons and hope to stay lucky so i can finally hit diamond and be content
It's the beginning of hell now. You will quickly understand why people say emerald is elo hell. Be ready to have teammates going 0/8 in 10 minutes one game out of two.
@@biglittleboy9827 oh i know already played enough in emerald to know how bad it is, atleast in silver and gold i could focus on punishing enemies mistaes and win games from that now its just whoever tilts fist looses
Would be awesome to do this for every lane as well.
The actual guide you need: just okay early game champs for early game, it’s solo q not lcs you don’t have time to scale. Quit picking kindred graves nidalee and other champs that need to scale (unless it’s karthus) and play for early game simple. This goes for all roles btw not just jungle.
If I only focus to clear the jg fast and effectively, also trying to crossmapping well, its enough to stuck and no more :) I can be stronger in farm and items then like rammus, he will still kick my ass, also 90% of the time all of my lanes are loosing under 5 freaking minutes already and there is no winning lane to help.....These guides are very good if your mmr isnt fcked up, and you are not cursed with looser queues all the time (yes, it exists....although smurfs will never met it with fresh new accounts, but it exists....). I started a new account, and I already hit plat on it (excaped from gold where I started), while I cant escape fcking bronze division on my main account. If you are alone and get these players, you cant win with like a kha'zix I prefer to play. They pick 1 tank and you worth nothing, or if you are facing yourself against 2 fed adcs (1 on mid and 1 on bot side). Its a sweet dream, but on old accounts its impossible to escape alone....
"everyone in master is so good" meanwhile toplanes i get in my team lose a jax against yuumi matchup
Ppl dont understand in Iron that you need to farm, they always want gank, so only farm until 14min and you miss tell also do dragon and etc, well ppl in Iron gonna report you
Plat last season, got placed bronze, just finished five consecutive games where at least two player just walking straight into tower how to not get tilted.
How do I escape silver bro
I’m stuck in masters is there a guide for Adc/mid?
Diamond + is tough but emerald was the hardest to escape. So many ego inflated players who genuinely can’t handle the game
make a video in what to do as jungle when all three lanes are losing…happens way too often
So basically, in Master+ you just need to /mute all.
You should/mute all anyways!!
"Massively ahead by full clearing in Bronze before 14 min."
Meanwhile in Bronze: by your second clear botlane is 0/6, mid is 0/3, enemy jg is 5/0
"all you have to do until gold is clear good", so if everyone just logs on and watches this and works on their clear then suddenly that isn't true at all anymore because we will all be doing it lol
I think one of the biggest mistakes is having a big champ pool to be flexible in champ select. You should have 3 or 4 champs that you know 100% and ur experienced with it and be flexible with them. Or even less. No reason to play 10 different champs in the last 20 games. Im onetricking a champ and have 2 champs on the side when its banned or its literally unplayable in that particular game
Good video.
The first tip will not even get you out of Iron
The dead time tip on bronze won’t really win you games. Like yeah sure you get your camps and ww doesn’t but before you know he is farming your laners instead and he is 6/0 in 10 mins and your laners are flaming and running it down. And the biggest joke is that ww will still be same lvl and items as you. You should learn how to punish and counter jungle otherwise the dead time tip won’t win you anything in bronze
Can you do this for midlane too please.. value your help
You didn’t talk about prio and objectives
Rule number one is always If Agurin does it it’s right
There's 1 thing that I didn't hear or maybe I've missed. Picking the right hero. I think LoL is too much of a meta game and it matters what heroes you pick more than it should. In my case, I feel like with Briar (at least in my elo) I can carry most games.
Please make one for Support too.
I started playing 2 days ago and got to gold 1 without knowing what an iron one should've know😂
It is LOL Wild Rift Mobile though, can someone who plays both version tell me if the mobile version is easier to rank up or no?
Pinging the jungler doesnt help in like 80% of the time. They just ignore it and die, following by the question „Why didnt you Countergank“ ☹️
Please do a Mid version!!
skip Emerald ? Is this mean i can't escape Emerald?
Vakayu best jungler coach
Is Hex the same guy that used to call himself Hector?
Sad part is in the plat part no one listens to pings so better off not doing them lmao
im stuck plat as adc its so draining
Just about to jungle again
I"/m pretty sure at masters+ its all about decision making and mechanics at that point.
How about adc is there an update
we forgetting emerald exists?
It's old recycled video
@@garagavia There is briar in the video, she was added after emerald got introduced
so its kinda weird y know
Guide's that tell people to ignore team mates not help and just focus on you and your gold is just annoying, I understand it works but I enjoy each game for 5v5 team fights... Almost never happens right now because of guides like this.
I'm only at the Iron Bronze portion of the video, and literally, the first thing being taught is to be active on the map when your camps are down.
I like your advice "SKill capped" but these do not take into account "boosted accounts", "smurfs", "pro accounts", "borrowed accounts", "cheaters", which totally distort the games by their behavior, riot have an efficient algorithm which should put them in a box but they do not and that is the reason why I can say that the "elo" means nothing! ^^
Ok, but you really cant do anything about these boosted accounts, thats rito job. Either you get better(like its not wasted time wether you play against cheaters, boosteds or not) or ff. Really, this is the only 2 option.
Lee sin did too much mewing
wait its a video not about patchs . niceeeeeee
Can't wait to watch how to carry 30% wr auto filled jg in emerald against diamonds. Rito match making is so trash idk why i play anymore
nvm not even in the video. good call, they are apes
I would be perma muted and reported if I insult my midlaner with such amount of pings))))
14 minutes in iron ? The game will
Be 80% done by 14 minutes without any gank.. some lane will be super fed and team flaming each other
that was actually pretty basic. it comes down to if you consistently applying them in games.
cool, now i can kill the 20/0 enemy darius
"How to blablabla" Doesnt matter what the f you do when your toplane goes 0-7-0 after 6 mins, and continues to hardpush and die all game.
Stop trying to win every game. 40/40/20 rule. 40% will be unwinnable, 40% will be won even if you int. Only 20% is up to you. Try hard, play well, don't go on auto-pilot, and don't ff. Do those, and play enough games, and you'll climb.
bronze players dont have deadtime cause they clear so slow/bad
Don't fight for 0 objectives... dont skip camps to gank unless your ally needs your help to prevent them dieing, but don't hang around hopelessly trying to force a kill, just save your ally then immediately rotate to the nearest camps... there is no jungler this isnt true = you level up slower than laners, before 3 items you will be behind, adopt this mentality, and just blindly rush for 3 item builds before playing 5 vs 5... ps... you will get blamed for every stupid pointless decision by your allies, Ignore this, similarly, stealing smite isn't a thanos end game skill, don't flex or shine your ego, use the stolen objective to push for an advantage, otherwise your ego flex will be the reason you lose, stealing an objective and then wasting it only gives enemy more time to return to lane and push turrets while you admire your reflection and watch your ally nexus die
Hardstuck Iron IV over 5 years. Done with this shit.
Rip 😂
i love this video can i get the same thing for top plzzzz
how to escape Emerald elo nowadays riot,
As if your teammates will. Listen to. Your pings in low elo. Cuz they have a big ego.
Pls support next 🙏🏻💜
I cant scape Masters as an ADC
Sup is the lane to bad players ?
EEEm actually it's not 2 camps it's valued as 4 camps 🤓
bros gave up on emerald lmao