As a new league player who is constantly trying to improve, I just want to thank you for all of the videos you've been making they have been helping me get a better understanding and feel for the game and its mechanics. Your videos are great and I am learning so much from them. Cheers Mate
I'm only gold and I've always done this, even way back when I was a wee bronzie. I never thought it was much of a special skill. Then again winning lane is pretty much the only thing I'm good at.
It's the exact opposite for me. I rarely ever win my lane, but end up doing well in mid to lategame. That sucks even more, because I have to rely on my teammates to do well in the early game.
Very good video about trading in lane Phy! Something you should have said in the video tho is about how important pots are in lane. I belive you have already made a video of this but you could maybe link that video in the description. Thanks for the vid!
I was originally skeptical that this is THE biggest difference between a silver and platinum player, but once you started covering auto-attack trading via punishing a lane opponent for CSing, I definitely agree. Your games become noticeably easier when you start thinking about stuff like this, and you see an immediate improvement in your performance. Other things I consider incredibly important in climbing the ranks is learning what objectives are worth, and how to take or trade them effectively. Most silver players will run across the map when their allies are in trouble even when it's guaranteed that their team and objective will be lost when they get there, instead of simply pushing where they are. People underestimate what a huge disadvantage you end up with as a result of this. In addition, a majority of the games at that elo are decided by who throws the hardest, truth be told, and the enemy team's lead will snowball if they have dragon control. Players will go out of position to check or try to steal it and give the opponents free kills, even if there are super minions in their base. The overestimation of objective worth isn't limited to dragon, but it is the most prominent example. I believe you already made a video about when to back and how to respect power-spikes so I won't talk about how important that is, because, especially top lane, understanding that alone will win you your lane.
the advice I got was "don't let them win trades, back up" which is the same as being zoned out "don't lose control of the lane" but if you move up you die, sooooo...... All these videos are of plats playing against bronze. It all looks nice but rarely works in game like this. Maybe a couple times, then they adjust and attack.
Sorta knew all this already, I wish you talked more about the supports in the lane, because more often than not it's the supports that dictate how you trade not just the adc's farming.
Another great video Phy Any chance of going over some interesting matchups in other lanes, like Vlad in top lane and his main trade strats, or something like that?
Great advice, really well explained! I'm going to echo some of the other comments here in asking how to apply some of this to melee-vs-melee matchups, or perhaps the biggest ones, melee-vs-ranged matchups. I assume with melee-vs-melee, it's roughly the same, only you're playing much closer up on the wave; they go in for a CS, you go in for an auto, then retreat. (gets tricky with some individual matchups, but basically the same, right.) What about when it's melee-vs-ranged, though? You can't sit in front of your minion wave without making yourself an easy target for autos/spells, but if you sit behind, they can CS from safety. Should you just not be trying to harass in these lanes in the first place, or would there be a more effective way to set things up to even the playing field?
Jio Derako in response to 2nd part of your question about trading in a melee vs ranged matchup.....trying to harass is almost always going to go in the enemies favor since they have the range advantage obviously. trading shouldnt be your focus in these lanes, staying safe and getting as much cs as humanly possible should be. youre basically playing for the long game in this lane. you basically have to either wait for them to make a mistake (by taking too many turret shots, or too much minion aggro) and then go all in...or ask for a gank from your jungler and go all in only when you have their help. youre at a severe disadvantage to begin with, so playing smart and safe will help you to not get utterly dominated in lane, while also keeping it relatively close
XadjustmentX I kinda figured, thanks! I guess the other big factor is kits (if you've got damage mitigation or a ranged ability), and focusing on cooldown-based trades (if your opponent is a caster of some sort). I'll have to go and watch VODs of higher-level players to pick up those sorts of individual tricks and techniques though, I suppose. :)
yea understanding matchups can certainly have an effect on the outcome of those lanes too. watch some streamers on some high elo top/mid laners maybe. they do these things with ease 95% of the time. i wouldnt say im a "great" player but good enough to understand how not to completely lose melee v ranged ranked in gold in solo que
Other than timing ability cooldowns, is there a way to tell what an opponent is maxing? I know most champs have a certain order that 90% of people do but I never knew if you could "see" it in game
Hey Phy,what is your opinion on Caitlyn and soloQ? Is she any good right now? I'm asking because I'm plat I and I haven't seen a Caitlyn in the last 50~60 games.While she seems to be one of the best lane ADCs in game I feel like she doesn't bring enough damage for the team later on.
During the loading screen, if i feel like trying hard I just look up champion counters and tips on the lane on google. There are tips for like all the lanes.. It helps so damn much! and the thing is when you spend that game concentrating on using those tips, they sort of stay cemented in your brain so everytime you face that champ you know their openings and when to back off.
What about when playing champs that suck in lane (eg. Fizz)? Cait stomps unless you're really bad, I'd love to see this lesson but with a harder champ to lane with
This is a really helpful guide but I feel like it works best for ranged champions, so most top laners are left out :( For example, a Irelia which has little to no use of abilities is hard to trade with in laning phase and is stomped on by everyone until level 6 or Trinity. In that situation, how would you minimize trades if you know you are in a losing position?
Jaynewolf You better get some champ with CC to peel for you (Thresh,Janna) and while your tanks engage their carries,ask for someone to peel the enemy tanks that are going for you.And make sure you gain some distance from the rest of the fight or their ap carry might blow you up when you expect less.
Noob question: How exactly are top and bot different? Spatially and geometrically they are identical. So isn't it arbitrary which roles go which? Is it just common practice that certain roles go either?
Yes, it might be easiest with Caitlyn, but it's an example. This is applicable to most if not all champions, be it AA or ability focused. Better to have him explain it like this than: "So the enemy attacks my minion, I tumble in, flash heal, auto attack twice, run back, autospace, dank memes, use my e, roll back, realize I'm playing ezreal. Died 5 minutes ago. Never ever respawned." Doesn't work. Also, with Caitlyn: I like to use my headshot passive and try to line that up with the harass.
When you said. ''Passing time on the loading screen with your hands down your pants'' I got really scared, since that's what I usually do .-. Keeps my hands warm D:
as more guys mentioned. it would be helpful to explain how to trade in a ''loosing position'' like that lucian in your vid for example. Or as a melee champ farming against range, when you have to use your cd's to not get outfarmed.
Denis Schäfer Hi, Lucian here... When you're in a losing position like I was there (Leona lvl 2 from krugs vs 0lane) You pretty much just have to sit back and take as little trade damage as possible. Attempting to get your own poke+autos in on enemies/farm when you see them mis-position or are able to out trade somehow. You will be behind, so calling for jungle pressure may help ease the lane, but other than that it's pretty much doing what he has said in the video, but in a weaker position. Dunno if I've explained it very well at all. Sorry!
It dosen't relate to the video too much but what do you guys think about Varus mid? And also Phylol if you could do a video about it, that will be amazing.
This video is really great man but could u try to have examples of champions dont excel at trading Catylin is really easy to trade with in lane with her long auto range showung someone with a low auto range like jinx or graves would really help.
This is an awesome concept, but what do I do if my opponent also watches these videos, and uses this trick on me? Is there any easy way I can counter/minimize this, or do I have to just wait until the next video comes out XD
I always get zoned every game in top lane, and I get out damaged every game on any champ I play, I usually trade right away at like Lvl 1-2 because early on I can't ever dodge anything or their poke is lock on and they take no damage from my minions ever
Nice vid, as always! I feel I've already seen a video about this by you....Might have been someone else....... say hi to fox's dog for me (is he your dog also?)
How do u trade in top lane.... Melee champs....its a fact that if u/he starts fighting both of u will use everything... Whoever does more dmg dominates the lane.... Like... Against trynda... He will spin shit on you and back off.... Or anyone else.... Btw... Im a kennen main and noone cant even win lane against me... But im still curious
I did a very similar video on my channel, albeit not as clean, but still hit a lot of key points in this video as well as other points. I love your videos Phy, keep up the good work!
The idea and explanations are correct, but the example is not good at all. Caitlyn have ridiculously long range and beside that everyone who is shoved to his tower can be poked a lot easier without repercussion.
Caitlyn and Lucian is a really bad example. Caitlyn outranged Lucian by what, 150 units? That makes for a poor example as to how to capitalize on autoattacks.
I'm glad i stopped playing rankeds. Sure it would be nice to climb the ladder but its just not worth the massive amount of frustration. I've been in silver 1 for almost a year now, because i'm just playing normals and having fun and trying different champions. I don't even have a main right now so climbing the ladder would be foolish to try, i just get bored of playing the same champion all the time.
Having a main is overrated. I play whoever I think is good at the time. And I question how much you really gain from playing the same champion over and over again.
TurbinationE watch Phy's video on why having a main is a good idea. The knowledge of matchups you get is the key part, you can only learn so much from ChampionSelect website
Juke5763 In reality, having a main is only good if it's what works for you. Personally I just bounce around and play whatever is the strongest at the time and it works rather well for me (only one champ at mastery 4 or higher and it's Vlad who's broken as all hell right now). I haven't had a real main since after Yasuo came out, when I played him almost exclusively for about 6 months until Stattik Shiv started giving me FPS drops (thanks Riot).
I dont think this Guide is really good explained with a Caitlyn. I mean she can outtrade nearly everyone in Lane without having any Problems. Show it in a Fizz vs. Cassio Matchup or Ekko vs. Oriana. Thats pretty hard to trade well as a meele champ.
but what if they watched this video too? everyone knows this stuff, everyone is doing it, and you will receive this treatment. but they know you know and you know they know you know that they know so you can bait them, but pretending to go up and then just take a minion and walk back or poke them and they do not walk away like in all these edited videos, they attack and their support attacks too, while your support is still hitting minions and hiding behind you So go ahead and try this, and you end up with half health zoned out of lane and shut down, if you do what you see in this video you get ganked and killed, then lose a lot of cs and never recover so push up and poke, sort of, sometimes, it depends, but don't go past river or you will get ganked. rush level 2 and all in so you can die early and take advantage of the short death time In theory all this advice is great, in practice, if they are better than you, you die either way.
#1 thing to take away from this video:
"So, don't play with yourself in champion select" Phy, 2015
Scott M that's why i am stuck in gold
+Scott M my biggest issue...
best way to trade is AA>ignite and then flash away,works everitim
Zed Yes cuz every champ has your ult....
Kevin Vardanian u serious dude? who the hell use ignite and flash just to trade?
Zed I meant assassinate with your ult and depicted it as Flashing.
Kevin Vardanian ???? this video is about trading not kill wtf -.-
Zed "sigh" i don't want to go 10 comments further to explain anything to you goodbye.
Oh so thinking about the matchup whilst 'playing with myself' isn't good?
NortexG - Art gotta play with other ppl to learn how to trade efficiently ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tweetumsmultiput Not sure if troll or tard...
Matze Oderso if " ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡°) " didnt make it clear...... i dunno
This is very useful stuff. I've been focusing on doing the minion-based trading more since you mentioned it in another video and it's helped a ton.
As a new league player who is constantly trying to improve, I just want to thank you for all of the videos you've been making they have been helping me get a better understanding and feel for the game and its mechanics.
Your videos are great and I am learning so much from them.
Cheers Mate
I'm only gold and I've always done this, even way back when I was a wee bronzie. I never thought it was much of a special skill. Then again winning lane is pretty much the only thing I'm good at.
It's the exact opposite for me. I rarely ever win my lane, but end up doing well in mid to lategame. That sucks even more, because I have to rely on my teammates to do well in the early game.
NanaNijura So you only do well late game if your team mates do well? Sounds like ur getting carried my friend
JayRey Games Nah I like to farm up and be strong anyways.
NanaNijura vayne player detected: farm, mid game, late game...
Diogo Misawa Shima Oh god I hate vayne. My mechanics are way too bad for her. I prefer Jinx or Tristana.
Very good guide, it clears everything and it is never wrong to remember the basics of anything !
Great job and Keep it up Phy ! :D
Very good video about trading in lane Phy! Something you should have said in the video tho is about how important pots are in lane. I belive you have already made a video of this but you could maybe link that video in the description. Thanks for the vid!
I was originally skeptical that this is THE biggest difference between a silver and platinum player, but once you started covering auto-attack trading via punishing a lane opponent for CSing, I definitely agree.
Your games become noticeably easier when you start thinking about stuff like this, and you see an immediate improvement in your performance.
Other things I consider incredibly important in climbing the ranks is learning what objectives are worth, and how to take or trade them effectively. Most silver players will run across the map when their allies are in trouble even when it's guaranteed that their team and objective will be lost when they get there, instead of simply pushing where they are. People underestimate what a huge disadvantage you end up with as a result of this.
In addition, a majority of the games at that elo are decided by who throws the hardest, truth be told, and the enemy team's lead will snowball if they have dragon control. Players will go out of position to check or try to steal it and give the opponents free kills, even if there are super minions in their base. The overestimation of objective worth isn't limited to dragon, but it is the most prominent example.
I believe you already made a video about when to back and how to respect power-spikes so I won't talk about how important that is, because, especially top lane, understanding that alone will win you your lane.
TheGuyThatDoesTheThing As a Jungler i hear Foxdrop's voice in my head and as an AD-Carry i hear Phylol's voice in my head :P
I think a better tip would be what to do when your the victim of poke/trades
the advice I got was "don't let them win trades, back up" which is the same as being zoned out
"don't lose control of the lane"
but if you move up you die, sooooo......
All these videos are of plats playing against bronze. It all looks nice but rarely works in game like this.
Maybe a couple times, then they adjust and attack.
Best LoL guide makeron RUclips !
Sorta knew all this already, I wish you talked more about the supports in the lane, because more often than not it's the supports that dictate how you trade not just the adc's farming.
Another great video Phy
Any chance of going over some interesting matchups in other lanes, like Vlad in top lane and his main trade strats, or something like that?
Phy you've done it again! Excellent video. Love your insight
Some tips for kalista please ( she don't really have Cd )
Great Job Phy I watch all you vids bud you have a great way of putting things!
Great advice, really well explained! I'm going to echo some of the other comments here in asking how to apply some of this to melee-vs-melee matchups, or perhaps the biggest ones, melee-vs-ranged matchups. I assume with melee-vs-melee, it's roughly the same, only you're playing much closer up on the wave; they go in for a CS, you go in for an auto, then retreat. (gets tricky with some individual matchups, but basically the same, right.)
What about when it's melee-vs-ranged, though? You can't sit in front of your minion wave without making yourself an easy target for autos/spells, but if you sit behind, they can CS from safety. Should you just not be trying to harass in these lanes in the first place, or would there be a more effective way to set things up to even the playing field?
Jio Derako in response to 2nd part of your question about trading in a melee vs ranged matchup.....trying to harass is almost always going to go in the enemies favor since they have the range advantage obviously. trading shouldnt be your focus in these lanes, staying safe and getting as much cs as humanly possible should be. youre basically playing for the long game in this lane. you basically have to either wait for them to make a mistake (by taking too many turret shots, or too much minion aggro) and then go all in...or ask for a gank from your jungler and go all in only when you have their help. youre at a severe disadvantage to begin with, so playing smart and safe will help you to not get utterly dominated in lane, while also keeping it relatively close
XadjustmentX I kinda figured, thanks! I guess the other big factor is kits (if you've got damage mitigation or a ranged ability), and focusing on cooldown-based trades (if your opponent is a caster of some sort). I'll have to go and watch VODs of higher-level players to pick up those sorts of individual tricks and techniques though, I suppose. :)
yea understanding matchups can certainly have an effect on the outcome of those lanes too. watch some streamers on some high elo top/mid laners maybe. they do these things with ease 95% of the time. i wouldnt say im a "great" player but good enough to understand how not to completely lose melee v ranged ranked in gold in solo que
Other than timing ability cooldowns, is there a way to tell what an opponent is maxing? I know most champs have a certain order that 90% of people do but I never knew if you could "see" it in game
What about top lane where sustain is more often an issue or you're usually melee, making trading much more difficult or fruitless?
Is it worth trading one or two aa's for a creep?
Hey Phy,what is your opinion on Caitlyn and soloQ? Is she any good right now? I'm asking because I'm plat I and I haven't seen a Caitlyn in the last 50~60 games.While she seems to be one of the best lane ADCs in game I feel like she doesn't bring enough damage for the team later on.
During the loading screen, if i feel like trying hard I just look up champion counters and tips on the lane on google. There are tips for like all the lanes.. It helps so damn much! and the thing is when you spend that game concentrating on using those tips, they sort of stay cemented in your brain so everytime you face that champ you know their openings and when to back off.
shaksta4 Also there are the Riot tips on every champion on how to play against them and as them.
What about when playing champs that suck in lane (eg. Fizz)? Cait stomps unless you're really bad, I'd love to see this lesson but with a harder champ to lane with
This is a really helpful guide but I feel like it works best for ranged champions, so most top laners are left out :( For example, a Irelia which has little to no use of abilities is hard to trade with in laning phase and is stomped on by everyone until level 6 or Trinity. In that situation, how would you minimize trades if you know you are in a losing position?
Cait into Lucian is a good way to demonstrate your point, but could you do the same with a harder match up? Maybe Lucian into Cait?
What if I try to slap him when he's going for a CS but I am melee? I take an equal or even more amount of damage from the minions. (Im a top laner)
Can you make a guide on how to play as an ADC Vs dive heavy comps?
Jaynewolf You better get some champ with CC to peel for you (Thresh,Janna) and while your tanks engage their carries,ask for someone to peel the enemy tanks that are going for you.And make sure you gain some distance from the rest of the fight or their ap carry might blow you up when you expect less.
***** I kinda wrote it as just Vi, then I went back to add a team without changing the pronouns. Sorry.
Noob question:
How exactly are top and bot different?
Spatially and geometrically they are identical. So isn't it arbitrary which roles go which?
Is it just common practice that certain roles go either?
Yes, it might be easiest with Caitlyn, but it's an example.
This is applicable to most if not all champions, be it AA or ability focused.
Better to have him explain it like this than:
"So the enemy attacks my minion, I tumble in, flash heal, auto attack twice, run back, autospace, dank memes, use my e, roll back, realize I'm playing ezreal. Died 5 minutes ago. Never ever respawned."
Doesn't work.
Also, with Caitlyn:
I like to use my headshot passive and try to line that up with the harass.
What's his outro song
how to win rice top or at least win trade? low cd + shield is OP
When you said. ''Passing time on the loading screen with your hands down your pants'' I got really scared, since that's what I usually do .-.
Keeps my hands warm D:
as more guys mentioned. it would be helpful to explain how to trade in a ''loosing position'' like that lucian in your vid for example. Or as a melee champ farming against range, when you have to use your cd's to not get outfarmed.
Denis Schäfer Hi, Lucian here... When you're in a losing position like I was there (Leona lvl 2 from krugs vs 0lane) You pretty much just have to sit back and take as little trade damage as possible. Attempting to get your own poke+autos in on enemies/farm when you see them mis-position or are able to out trade somehow. You will be behind, so calling for jungle pressure may help ease the lane, but other than that it's pretty much doing what he has said in the video, but in a weaker position. Dunno if I've explained it very well at all. Sorry!
Thanks for your reply. I understand what you mean and i think it helped me and other not so experienced adc's to perform better at LOL
It dosen't relate to the video too much but what do you guys think about Varus mid? And also Phylol if you could do a video about it, that will be amazing.
Thanks right now I am at plat elo but I deserve gold I think how can I climb up?
N0tigamer :l
N0tigamer win games
I'm in a similar predicament. The people in Gold were so nice and I never rage, so I want to climb to Gold from Plat as well.
N0tigamer is
is this satirical
What would you do if your opponent is using this method against you, how would you keep up with him?
Your vids are so much more educational than skillcapped...
This video is really great man but could u try to have examples of champions dont excel at trading Catylin is really easy to trade with in lane with her long auto range showung someone with a low auto range like jinx or graves would really help.
This is an awesome concept, but what do I do if my opponent also watches these videos, and uses this trick on me? Is there any easy way I can counter/minimize this, or do I have to just wait until the next video comes out XD
I always get zoned every game in top lane, and I get out damaged every game on any champ I play, I usually trade right away at like Lvl 1-2 because early on I can't ever dodge anything or their poke is lock on and they take no damage from my minions ever
how do you know what ability they max first?
Also, thx a ton for your videos, they are helping me a ton.
What about minion advantage. Having a lot of minions punishes them if they try to trade but it also overextends you.
I already did this cooldown thing somehow but I guess I'll look at the minion based harass a bit closer now ^^
Surprised there was no mention of trading when you have a larger wave so they take more minion aggro and then more damage.
Nice vid, as always! I feel I've already seen a video about this by you....Might have been someone else....... say hi to fox's dog for me (is he your dog also?)
How do u trade in top lane.... Melee champs....its a fact that if u/he starts fighting both of u will use everything... Whoever does more dmg dominates the lane.... Like... Against trynda... He will spin shit on you and back off.... Or anyone else.... Btw... Im a kennen main and noone cant even win lane against me... But im still curious
Sometimes, I use my ignite in the beginning on my lane opponent when i am lv 2/lv3.
didn't you already make this video?
why did cait become strong?
thanks phylol, vids are great
In season 4 i got promoted to bronze 5 (tyrito) then i started playing and i got gold 5 in the last hour of the season :D
ivo IDK if i'd call Bronze 5 a promotion, I think it's more of a downgrade... But good for you for getting Gold 5
but what is trade
I did a very similar video on my channel, albeit not as clean, but still hit a lot of key points in this video as well as other points. I love your videos Phy, keep up the good work!
i love u man , now i'm silver cuz of u
you are the best teacher phy :D
Hey man! I would like to ask you to make a new "best team comps" vid.
Actually such a helpful video
The idea and explanations are correct, but the example is not good at all. Caitlyn have ridiculously long range and beside that everyone who is shoved to his tower can be poked a lot easier without repercussion.
These kinds of things are muscle memory for me :)
why your name was C9 Phy?
you're in Cloud 9?
.. ... I'm watching ur video...for lol wild rift...its the first comment of 2020
great vid!
now do this role roles besides adc
Caitlyn and Lucian is a really bad example. Caitlyn outranged Lucian by what, 150 units? That makes for a poor example as to how to capitalize on autoattacks.
Good one phy!
I'm glad i stopped playing rankeds. Sure it would be nice to climb the ladder but its just not worth the massive amount of frustration. I've been in silver 1 for almost a year now, because i'm just playing normals and having fun and trying different champions. I don't even have a main right now so climbing the ladder would be foolish to try, i just get bored of playing the same champion all the time.
Having a main is overrated. I play whoever I think is good at the time. And I question how much you really gain from playing the same champion over and over again.
Juke5763 git gud nub
TurbinationE watch Phy's video on why having a main is a good idea. The knowledge of matchups you get is the key part, you can only learn so much from ChampionSelect website
Juke5763 In reality, having a main is only good if it's what works for you. Personally I just bounce around and play whatever is the strongest at the time and it works rather well for me (only one champ at mastery 4 or higher and it's Vlad who's broken as all hell right now). I haven't had a real main since after Yasuo came out, when I played him almost exclusively for about 6 months until Stattik Shiv started giving me FPS drops (thanks Riot).
frooooo2009 All matchups are the same. You win the lane by getting kills and CSing.
lol i had no idea people did that in champ select and loading screen
Hey if I want to rub one out during champion select that's my business
Im glad i subbed
I dont think this Guide is really good explained with a Caitlyn. I mean she can outtrade nearly everyone in Lane without having any Problems. Show it in a Fizz vs. Cassio Matchup or Ekko vs. Oriana. Thats pretty hard to trade well as a meele champ.
Cait is better then Lucain in trade you know the range but Lucain can win 1v1 her first game and get first blood of course after your sup stun
Very useful thank you
sick vid ty
Lol it's Loo-shin not Loo-see-in
a very good video.
It would be helpful for dumb people like me if you had videos on specific match ups, but I understand that would be a lot of work.
Aww, but I'd like to "play" with you while in loading screen ; )
but what if they watched this video too? everyone knows this stuff, everyone is doing it, and you will receive this treatment.
but they know you know
and you know they know you know that they know
so you can bait them, but pretending to go up and then just take a minion and walk back
or poke them and they do not walk away like in all these edited videos,
they attack and their support attacks too, while your support is still hitting minions and hiding behind you
So go ahead and try this, and you end up with half health zoned out of lane and shut down,
if you do what you see in this video you get ganked and killed, then lose a lot of cs
and never recover
so push up and poke, sort of, sometimes, it depends, but don't go past river or you will get ganked.
rush level 2 and all in so you can die early and take advantage of the short death time
In theory all this advice is great, in practice, if they are better than you, you die either way.
0:45 watch your video
My hand is actually in my pants xD
Not my kind of style to go this tryhard was enjoying it though :)
league is so hard wtf
***** ok
too basic even for like high silvers, well I guess its the majority of the league population you were targetting
ayyy lmao
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