Guys, the new hero is stylosa. Primary fire: Throws patch notes E Ability: Rank doesn't matter (competitive game becomes qp) Shift Ability: Hyper X Gaming Ads: Gets money from sponsorship Ultimate: Makes 10 minute videos and enemies' time runs out
Cancer comp Symetra (teleporter and her gun) Torbjorn (Sym torb is fucking cancer) Dva (to eat ults) Mercy(The enemy team use all their ults and you fucking res and trigger them Bastion(High Dps, pocketed by a mercy and rein and has turret as aimbot ) Reinhart(to protect the bastion and tobjorn turret
This meta is amazing. Triple DPS or 2-2-2 dive, but regular 2-2-2 with double hitscan hog is still good, all the supports are viable, the defense heroes like hanzo junkrat and widow are viable (situational but still) and sombra is really good too. Its balanced and diverse.
I'm gonna pause before I watch the video... He's gonna bs his way out of this, right? Just gonna say something like "The best meta is whatever feels comfortable, I love you all"
+Unst0pableGamer Like the comment above it does create a bit of "Hey if you dont play the meta you are throwing" Like in fighting games were there are the top teirs that a majority of people play, but people who dont play the top teirs dont usually succeed as often. Once the pros start doing stuff that gets them wins people are gonna mirror that so they could win.
+Unst0pableGamer people dont know how to let people play. Lets say you are a sombra main and you do really well with her. She isnt really meta so people are gonna yell at you if you lose a game, because you picked sombra.
I gotta agree here, ive had way too many games where a person throws because they were forced to switch. And then of course if they dont switch, you always get the "well okay then if we're throwing" immediately followed by your mercy switching to torb on attack
I feel the same. As another Sombra main when I get told to switch because they think she's bad for not playing her when she's a great hero when you get to know her play style. Sombra mains unite!
M T A don't play sombra all the time (you probably already got that). B just tell them your best hero is Sombra and if doesn't go well maybe you will switch. If they throw they are just screwing everyone's rank and MMR. C cry when A and B fail.
i try to tell them that sombra's my main and i'm not throwing, but they "refuse to talk to people like me" (someone actually said that when i had gold healing with sombra).
M T im sr3450 and one trick sombra, i rarely get hate for playin sombra. but the time ive stucked in platin many players throwed or trolled when i was playin her
RushingDolphin A Handsoap,a Genjo, a Mercy main (because Genjo loves bitches), a Bradstion, a Sombrera and a fucking Trump (Mei). Fuck tanks in this meta. They are useless.
Stylosa, when you're playing bastion, use his ult to deal with phara first. It seems difficult at first but it's actually quite easy to snipe an unsuspecting phara with a bastion shell
Allylilith aegwynn Yes but in overwatch we have expanded the term to be applicable to all really good team comps. Also because their are multiple comps that are good on different maps and against enemy comps multiple metas can exist simultaneously.
Can you enlighten me why all of a sudden people wanna lock in 4-5 DPS while I'm left thinking, shall I heal or tank? Sure 4 might work, but everyone gets so tilted at the fact we "need 2 healers" or "need 2 tanks" the match becomes tainted.
You are mostly right, but some characters don't work. Either they need a specific thing to be effective (junkrat need high ground) or a pretty difficult to play effectively (Widow or hanzo). If you have this specific thing, or If you are really good, fine. Play your hero, but don't think that your widow with 30% accuracy on attack is gonna work.
Before I touch comp I am trying my best to become a good fill. I am an alright Rein but I think I need to get gud with Ana. Some of my Rein games that I have lost was out of not having a healer. So I think I'd default to healer first.
Best team on attack: Pharah(pharah mercy) Mercy(pharah mercy) Zen(to make pharah mercy even worse) Reinhardt(to protect the rest of the team) Soldier 76(he's op, duh) Zarya(pharah won't die ulting) Best team on defense: Bastion(the strongest character in the game) Symettra(teleporter and sym and torb combo) Torb(denies flankers and sym torb combo) Mercy(rez, duh) Reinhardt(protecting bastion)
We were going dive, but my friend is a one trick Rein, so obviously he couldn't switch to Winston. What we did was charge and speed straight onto the point killing everybody in the process. Rein best diver?
I played a 5 dps + Mercy strategy on attack and a 4 tank one hanzo + Mercy strategy on defense and they got rekt. We won 3-0 on Gibraltar, it was so funny.
Just to let you know that someone who speaks French, has difficulty with its English and comes from Canada is listening to every single of your videos. thanks, and keep on the good work, love from Quebec!!!
Stylosa says this is the best meta when I'm here at PS4 about to break my fucking console from pharmercy, and before everyone opens their fucking mouths and argue about aiming. I am gm and the pharah players there are gods!
Every category in the game had a counter to Pharah. Offense. Another Pharah Soldier McCree Defense Hanzo Widowmaker Tank Orisa Zarya Roadhog Support Zen Ana She really shouldn't be a problem
I'm a junkrat main and a solider and I can hit pharahs out of the sky when I'm doing good with both heros but either way she is so powerful when a team doesn't recognize her
Im a symmetra main. And when i pick her on attack, people just go super toxic and to be ana even though im terrible at her (I usually swap to mercy if the enemy team is countering me) And honestly, ever since i started getting the courage to playing the hero im the best at, i went up super fast. Went from low silver, to plat.
Meta means N O T H I N G You don't need 2 supports, you don't need a Reinhardt or Winston (I swear people will never realise how good orisa is) Anyone is viable
InFamous Memes yeah, One healer, probably 2 tanks. You can manage with one tank too sometimes I'm saying it's nothing more than that and there are no specific heroes you need at any point, and none that you can't use
CyberLost no I'm 3250 and Orisa is my most played this season with sombra being second. Go learn to play someone other than soldier, roadhog or pharah and come back
I never go double support and 90 percent of the time it results in a win. I feel like that extra support slot should be used as someone who can kill off the enemy teams supports. My comps are aggressive and focus more on destroying the enemy team effectively rather than having the same old double support battles that drag on due to rez and soundbarrier... I usually pick reaper or Sombra (She is technically capable of support, health packs can change the course of a match for smart players :D ). in place of a second support
The thing about overwatch is that the Competitive Matchmaker has already decided your fate before the game starts. It's been proven (and even endorsed by the devs) that the Matchmaking in Overwatch aims to give every player a 50:50 win:loss ratio. So, if you start winning too many games, it will put you against much better players in order to "balance out" your win:loss. Regardless of what heroes you pick, or how you play them, if the matchmaker wants you to lose, it will make you lose. Like Stylosa said in one of his recent videos, it's common for us to win games where we play badly, and lose games where we feel we played really well. This is because the way we play the game hardly effects the final result: matchmaker knows (well, predicts) whether you'll win or lose before the game even starts. Meta is decided by the Pro teams, and they are the only people the meta applies to.
Mcree is better on defense than offense, anti tracer and pharah. Only problem is when your team is solo healing with mercy and sym. You won't get healed and then when you die the team complains DPS isn't doing anything, when in reality if your mercy kept alive she wouldn't have died from a flanker or pharah. *Oh shet I'm getting outta character* WHY ARE YOU SO ANGRY
half way trought the video its already 2 things wrong 1-symetra is not a healer but still supports the team 2-the best solo healer is actually mercy cus of the rez. if ana dies, there is no other second chance and your team gets out of heals
Winston with a Zenyatta as a pocket healer and discord on the people Winston is on does WORK. Got Rapid Discord and 45 assists 3-2 on Lijang Tower. Transcendence when Winston is low and he'll pop his ult whenever. I have 3 hours of Zen
I don't know too much about comp. since I only played a little bit in seasons 1 and 2 and have recently started playing again. I hit 2500-2800 SR a few days after I got back into OW (I forgot the exact #) and keep finding myself having to play support due to no one else on my team picking support. However, I feel like I don't have a large impact most of the time. I played Lucio a lot in Season 1 bc no one else picked Support and recently have been trying to pick up Ana since so many of my team mates ask me to change to her. Any tips for how I could get better at Support? Sorry for the long winded comment
would u say counter picking is more important? example we had a enemy team against a pharah and good genji and we could have held if our mei went Hitscan or dva but he can't play either of that, the mei just does nothing and even has bad wall placements that affect her teammates... so wouldn't u say one tricks are the problem?
I met this guy and we were winning games so we decided to duo queue and get four randoms per game. We won 11 out of 12 games using dva and mccree and I never would have thought it would have worked out that well. On one game where i was not dva, someone already preselected her so I switched to who I had the most time on: mei. We slayed again. It's good to be able to flex play, but using heroes you're good at. A person with 2 hours on genji isn't going to stand a chance against a winston with 30-50 hours.
you know.. hes right, i was trying play as team and be more flexable, but failed a lot, but when i stoped listening and started playing with my fav heroes like reaper, junkrat, soldier 76, roadhog, mei and zen, i started winning, i mean am not throw a game and playing only my heroes but mostly taking what i think the best in setuation and i would be best.
2:12 I'd argue that Mercy is the best solo healer. Ana can definitely heal faster but she has so many drawbacks which Mercy doesn't. -Healers are supposed to keep people in the fight but Ana usually requires people to stand still or behind cover, where they're not in the fight. Mercy, Zenyatta and Lucio excel at this with their healing ability not requiring full focus. Provided you do have a tank taking the damage, then Lucio And Zenyatta are good picks too. -Mercy is the most agile and mobile healer (not as nimble as Lucio though and Zenyatta in Transendence) so she can get back into the fight much quicker, provided her teammates co-ordinate a pattern to get her back ASAP (like send someone to the line of sight of the spawn room so Mercy can dash to them and get to the team faster! Ana simply can't do this and in a pinch, Transendence Zenyatta or Lucio can easily also get onto the point. -Ana has by FAR the worst ultimate amongst supports! Even Symmetra's shield generator is better (75 shield*6 players=450HP among all teammates. That's a lot!). Lucio's sound barrier can fully negate some Ultimates and Zenyatta's Transendence is argued to be the best ultimate in the game (300HP/s*5 teammates (for 6 seconds or 1800 healing potential per person or 9000HP total healed if the enemy team are going all out) is 1500HP/s. If they're running Ana and Zenyatta, that can go up to 2250HP/s (totalling at 13,500HP total! It'd take Ana over 20 full rifle magazines, all rounds hitting their target, to heal that much...)) and Mercy's ressurect is a game changer. Yeah, Nano boost is good but it doesn't compete with any other ultimate in the support category what isn't wasted stupidly. -Ana has the worst self sustain. She can only heal herself 100HP every 10 or so seconds. Zenyatta does have a self sustain limit but his is definitely faster than Ana's. Mercy can heal herself quickly and not only is Lucio hard to kill but his health doesn't stay low for long. Though, Ana's biggest utility is her healing and the sleep that what no other support can match but I'd still say that a Mercy is the better solo healer, simply for the self sustain, mobility, ability to heal without effort and the much better ultimate.
Playing by the meta because "that's how pros play" is like thinking that using the same shoes as a pro athlete will make you play better. I think that probably the best mind set to play overwatch is to think like you're playing a roguelike: This is what you got, do your best with what you have or die trying.
Any tips for bettering your aim on console? I don't have the money right now for a computer that can play overwatch, so I've been playing on Xbox one. I've never really played a multiplayer first-person shooter before this game, so I'm a bit green. I've been trying to practice a lot, but I also don't want to get any bad habits.
I don't even think you need two healers, as long as your solo healer is Mercy or Ana. One of those plus Symmetra can be fantastic with the right play style, and if you have enough self healing, two good tanks can also work with one of those two as solo healers. honestly the only thing that doesn't work is no main tank, no healer, and quadruple dps.
I would have mentioned that Lucio + Zen as your two supports works poorly. I see people try to do this often and the healing is just too passive/slow to do the job in most cases. Of course it depends on some factors, as with everything.
I have a question in regards to this video. I am in gold and in the lower level play team comps just don't work. I was playing solo cue and my teammates install just hanzo McCree soldier junkrat and bastion. I ask one or two of them to swap to healer but none of them respond. What should I do then?
tbh, as unrealistic as it is, my ideal meta is well, no meta. what i mean by that is equal hero pick rate all around, however that never really happens. the 2-2-2 team comp meta(which is what we kinda have atm) are still really good and they allow a lot more diversity than triple dps or quad tank team comps. of course i kinda would like less picked heroes to become more viable and picked more but eh, what we have atm is pretty good too.
Personally In 3900 my experience has always worked more playing NON META heroes like sombra, junkrat, symmetra on attack (my friend plays only sym and has a 62% win perentage), bastions, torb, hanzo they all just work so well as people don't expect it
I agree with wanting 2 supports the majority of the time, however me and my team use dive comp if we attack on round 3 to try and get the points as soon as possible. If we are confident we send in a Sombra to both hack health packs for us if we need it and to harass the point while we use Mercy as a solo healer as she is very mobile and keeps the Winston alive, we also tend to have a Pharah for damage and a quick escape route for the Mercy player to escape if she's in the thick of it. But that's just how we chose to play and we always want people to play who they are comfortable with. I've just hit mid masters and well all i can say is screw the meta. People who go against us think we'll just do meta and so they play meta also. I have found its much easier to play against it and what you are comfortable with as it shocks an enemy team and forces them to play around you, essentially controlling the match.
Sty when do you think pro meta is applicable To ranked and what do you say is best way to practice people in comp because I want to get better but I don't want to throw by playing him in 3600 sr and If feel really bad if I play Winston and i throw by playing him wrong
The funny thing is, it's only players below GM who really cares about the meta, almost everyone above plays what they like, as long as it works in the match they're currently playing. Of curse a healer is always going to be useful, but unless you're playing a 6 stack in masters or above, the meta really doesn't matter. It's about the match you're playing right now, and what works the best for your team right now.
yeah, meta is great now sty, i really enjoy the fact that pharah is in 90% of games purely because she nullifies any dps that isn't soldier, mccree or widowmaker, now one should have the forcably change that hard just to deal with a single target
The best meta is being competent and capable enough to carry while simultaneously explaining to your team what they need to be doing in any given situation. So basically you just have to research the basic strats, know the game mechanics of all the characters, and be comfortable playing at least one character well. In Overwatch, like in many aspects of life, knowledge is power.
Hey guys I am a Xbox tank main in diamond I can play my tanks at master lvl been in and out of there and orisa beening the new tank not a lot of people know how to player here but what I see to play her is set up a spot on point where u won't move a lot and use your mini grav to get divers off of u and make sure u can turn around a lot and always know where your shield will go and where u take less damage u have to use it when your next to your barrier or when u have them coming towards your barrier use it and use bongo before or during a fight or to start a fight I hope this helps
Idk i am a genji/winston main and those are my best heroes. I am a gold player but there is always the soldier player saying "soldier is the best dps and you better fucking switch. We may lose but i am not to blame as i have gold elims and gold damage" so if rein and soldier is there should i fill or do i just play my mains??
Just yesterday I played a game around 3600 rank, so low-mid Master. We had three people not in voice chat. Two of them were in a two stack that always picked DPS. The third always picked Dva. The three of us who were in voice chat included me (a Mercy main, I ran Lúcio on attack), a decent Zenyatta player and a Symmetra player who even used her on attack (the map was Dorado) and didn't have a mic though she was in the voice chat. And we won that game pretty easily, I was laughing my ass off. So yeah. Even solo tanking with Dva and running triple support and attack Symmetra and only 3 people in team chat we won a game in Master rank.
I think some plants are a bit better than you give them credit for. some people are at that level with so many heroes they start switching to counter and do so quite effectively
You know i was watching your video and i just had to tell you this. And this is also one of the main reasons i don't like to play competitive. I was playing with a friend and i use Sombra. Like alot. About as much as you may use Soldier now don't get me wrong im not a "one trick pony" I will switch if needed. But what i do is pick Sombra cause that's who'd i'd like to play then switch if the team needs it. Last week while playing Comp. I chose Sombra at the moment i have a 75% win rate with her. Another person chooses widow which causes the chat to freak out. I am told "If i don't play Sombra at grandmaster level then im need to switch" Not even giving me the chance to show what i could do with her. That really upset me. That i need to play at a "pro's" level to be considered good with a character i love
Once I was playing solo q in gold(PS4) and I was a lucio main so I locked him. We had3 dps and roadhog, so I told the last person to go dva, Turns out DVa was a lucio main when I died and checked his stats. I was a flex, so I asked on voice if he wanted Lucio. We went back to the spawn and switched, and we went from a guaranteed loss to a win
So taking Torb on Hollywood attack is fine after all? :D
If you're a Torb god in gold then sure xD
now play torb attack on all maps. XD
Get outta here 😂😂😂
Guys, the new hero is stylosa.
Primary fire: Throws patch notes
E Ability: Rank doesn't matter (competitive game becomes qp)
Shift Ability: Hyper X Gaming Ads: Gets money from sponsorship
Ultimate: Makes 10 minute videos and enemies' time runs out
passive: creepily laughs everytime one of his abilities is used
Say "Holy Hell" every shot fired.
Cancer comp
Symetra (teleporter and her gun)
Torbjorn (Sym torb is fucking cancer)
Dva (to eat ults)
Mercy(The enemy team use all their ults and you fucking res and trigger them
Bastion(High Dps, pocketed by a mercy and rein and has turret as aimbot )
Reinhart(to protect the bastion and tobjorn turret
sadly this is the best comp in season 4
but then again maybe it's because I'm a console peasant
make sure the teleporter is glitched
Best comp to counter that Dva - Reinhardt/Winston - Phara - Genji/Tracer - Ana - Zenjata :D
Best Meta? Clearly 1 Genji and 5 Mercys!
BEP0 [Ger Overwatch Videos] One hero limit...
BEP0 [Ger Overwatch Videos] the genji still needs healing
Genji Shimada we will bring back no Limit in competetive so u get the healing u deserve
Ayyyeee a redditor
This meta is amazing. Triple DPS or 2-2-2 dive, but regular 2-2-2 with double hitscan hog is still good, all the supports are viable, the defense heroes like hanzo junkrat and widow are viable (situational but still) and sombra is really good too. Its balanced and diverse.
Yeah, but McCree is still dole af
Hey Sty I forget... does rank matter?
BlueTotoro Forget and forgot both work grammatically
Could use either tense in this case, "I forget how to tie shoes" "I forgot how to tie shoes"
not necessarily
Nope forget can still be correct cos its present tense
I'm gonna pause before I watch the video...
He's gonna bs his way out of this, right?
Just gonna say something like "The best meta is whatever feels comfortable, I love you all"
Called it.
Jazzon meta is literally the most pointless idea that just goes into everyone's head and is what creates the cancerous community we have
Jazzon Well I mean he's grandmaster which is like top tier so why wouldn't you take his advice
+Unst0pableGamer Like the comment above it does create a bit of "Hey if you dont play the meta you are throwing" Like in fighting games were there are the top teirs that a majority of people play, but people who dont play the top teirs dont usually succeed as often. Once the pros start doing stuff that gets them wins people are gonna mirror that so they could win.
+Unst0pableGamer people dont know how to let people play. Lets say you are a sombra main and you do really well with her. She isnt really meta so people are gonna yell at you if you lose a game, because you picked sombra.
The best meta is "Whomever wins the game, wins the SR" or "To the victor goes the best meta claim."
I gotta agree here, ive had way too many games where a person throws because they were forced to switch. And then of course if they dont switch, you always get the "well okay then if we're throwing" immediately followed by your mercy switching to torb on attack
you say to play the hero I'm most comfortable playing, but if I do that, my team throws because Sombra is "bad"
I feel the same. As another Sombra main when I get told to switch because they think she's bad for not playing her when she's a great hero when you get to know her play style. Sombra mains unite!
M T A don't play sombra all the time (you probably already got that).
B just tell them your best hero is Sombra and if doesn't go well maybe you will switch. If they throw they are just screwing everyone's rank and MMR.
C cry when A and B fail.
i try to tell them that sombra's my main and i'm not throwing, but they "refuse to talk to people like me" (someone actually said that when i had gold healing with sombra).
M T guess what?
She is bad
M T im sr3450 and one trick sombra, i rarely get hate for playin sombra. but the time ive stucked in platin many players throwed or trolled when i was playin her
So it's been the hanzo meta since I've been playing?! Damn
Anime God What? No, hanzo meta is coming next patch
Jannik Timmer when Hanzo miss all arrows at Pharah and spamming Reinhard shield .
Genji as main healer, deflecting the other teams ana's bullets to heal
The Meme-Meta of course
RushingDolphin meme strats always work
RushingDolphin A Handsoap,a Genjo, a Mercy main (because Genjo loves bitches), a Bradstion, a Sombrera and a fucking Trump (Mei). Fuck tanks in this meta. They are useless.
That's a nice meme comp
People say Ana can only solo heal with a symmetra, but I think a torb can also work just as well as long as you keep your armor packs on the healer
This hanzo actually goes for headshots with scatter instead of instantly aiming at feet. Bless your soul
I get it.
"Nothing Matters"
hammer size does tho
Anybody remember the 2 Genji 2 Zenyatta Meta? Those were the simpler times!
So junkrat doesn't counter with Pharah/Mercy? I wish the people at gold knew that.
rangeless I wish somebody would shoot them, because as Lucio you're fucked.
Xestern :(
Stylosa, when you're playing bastion, use his ult to deal with phara first.
It seems difficult at first but it's actually quite easy to snipe an unsuspecting phara with a bastion shell
isn't "The best Meta" a bit redundant? I mean meta means most effective tactic available and should therefor already be the "best"
Allylilith aegwynn Yes but in overwatch we have expanded the term to be applicable to all really good team comps. Also because their are multiple comps that are good on different maps and against enemy comps multiple metas can exist simultaneously.
Sherrif That was surprisingly informative, ty
Can you enlighten me why all of a sudden people wanna lock in 4-5 DPS while I'm left thinking, shall I heal or tank? Sure 4 might work, but everyone gets so tilted at the fact we "need 2 healers" or "need 2 tanks" the match becomes tainted.
Just met another 2 throwers in my team, high masters on console PS4. Stylosa please help us console plebs report these bad people.
iT's Aeon! Pc master race
You are mostly right, but some characters don't work. Either they need a specific thing to be effective (junkrat need high ground) or a pretty difficult to play effectively (Widow or hanzo). If you have this specific thing, or If you are really good, fine. Play your hero, but don't think that your widow with 30% accuracy on attack is gonna work.
Me...i am the meta
Genji Shimada I need healing
Genji Shimada me 2 bro lol
Genji Shimada Hit up Mercy plz
T-Theres three of them..
Mercy Can you heal me?
0:17 yup pretty much sums up all Hanzo arrows ever fired at my general vicinity.
To all you who are bitching about your teams... Play a damn tank!
Please don't if you don't know how though...
Tanks aren't hard to play. They are hard to master. Just play tank! If you aren't a tank, at least get behind the big blue rectangle!
SharpyTv what if you play healer?
Healers are good too.
Before I touch comp I am trying my best to become a good fill. I am an alright Rein but I think I need to get gud with Ana. Some of my Rein games that I have lost was out of not having a healer. So I think I'd default to healer first.
Sombra on the thumbnail looks like she's waiting for her to be mentioned
Best team on attack:
Pharah(pharah mercy)
Mercy(pharah mercy)
Zen(to make pharah mercy even worse)
Reinhardt(to protect the rest of the team)
Soldier 76(he's op, duh)
Zarya(pharah won't die ulting)
Best team on defense:
Bastion(the strongest character in the game)
Symettra(teleporter and sym and torb combo)
Torb(denies flankers and sym torb combo)
Mercy(rez, duh)
Reinhardt(protecting bastion)
Lol, i guess you don't need 6 players on defence
oh god Symmetra + Torbjorn + Bastion on defense is pure cancer especially when you're attacking Hanamura point B.
i like to play as dva on attack because her defence matrix can shut down the turrets nicley
We were going dive, but my friend is a one trick Rein, so obviously he couldn't switch to Winston. What we did was charge and speed straight onto the point killing everybody in the process. Rein best diver?
OMG we had rank dosent matter now we have META dosent matter.
I played a 5 dps + Mercy strategy on attack and a 4 tank one hanzo + Mercy strategy on defense and they got rekt. We won 3-0 on Gibraltar, it was so funny.
So.... 6dps?
PvpEdited Minecraft & Overwatch Soldier flank but heal.
Just to let you know that someone who speaks French, has difficulty with its English and comes from Canada is listening to every single of your videos. thanks, and keep on the good work, love from Quebec!!!
Stylosa says this is the best meta when I'm here at PS4 about to break my fucking console from pharmercy, and before everyone opens their fucking mouths and argue about aiming. I am gm and the pharah players there are gods!
I'm a Junkrat main on console, and even I think Pharah is balanced. Get good.
Q8smasherQ8 your clearly bad then no offense :) pharmacy is easy as easy bake
Choke On My Lijiang Tower gets it
Every category in the game had a counter to Pharah.
Another Pharah
She really shouldn't be a problem
I'm a junkrat main and a solider and I can hit pharahs out of the sky when I'm doing good with both heros but either way she is so powerful when a team doesn't recognize her
Im a symmetra main. And when i pick her on attack, people just go super toxic and to be ana even though im terrible at her (I usually swap to mercy if the enemy team is countering me) And honestly, ever since i started getting the courage to playing the hero im the best at, i went up super fast. Went from low silver, to plat.
Meta means N O T H I N G
You don't need 2 supports, you don't need a Reinhardt or Winston (I swear people will never realise how good orisa is)
Anyone is viable
Well, there is a limit to that thinking. You DO need a tank and a healer
James Perrott Orisa is shit, you're obviously a low rank.
InFamous Memes yeah,
One healer, probably 2 tanks. You can manage with one tank too sometimes
I'm saying it's nothing more than that and there are no specific heroes you need at any point, and none that you can't use
CyberLost no I'm 3250 and Orisa is my most played this season with sombra being second.
Go learn to play someone other than soldier, roadhog or pharah and come back
James Perrott 3250 isn't high at all, any top 500 Player knows that Orisa is shit and will admit that too, lol.
I never go double support and 90 percent of the time it results in a win. I feel like that extra support slot should be used as someone who can kill off the enemy teams supports. My comps are aggressive and focus more on destroying the enemy team effectively rather than having the same old double support battles that drag on due to rez and soundbarrier... I usually pick reaper or Sombra (She is technically capable of support, health packs can change the course of a match for smart players :D ). in place of a second support
I was always meta...
Begone, Satan! The power of Christ compels you!
Infinite power!
Where is your son Diablo?
The thing about overwatch is that the Competitive Matchmaker has already decided your fate before the game starts.
It's been proven (and even endorsed by the devs) that the Matchmaking in Overwatch aims to give every player a 50:50 win:loss ratio. So, if you start winning too many games, it will put you against much better players in order to "balance out" your win:loss.
Regardless of what heroes you pick, or how you play them, if the matchmaker wants you to lose, it will make you lose.
Like Stylosa said in one of his recent videos, it's common for us to win games where we play badly, and lose games where we feel we played really well. This is because the way we play the game hardly effects the final result: matchmaker knows (well, predicts) whether you'll win or lose before the game even starts.
Meta is decided by the Pro teams, and they are the only people the meta applies to.
Okay, but just so we're clear, I have had it with my gold level teammates picking Genji and/or McCree on Defense. You are not as good as you think!
mccree can work but genji is just stupid
InFamous Memes genji can work too, if you dont have a soldier main or something.
Whot is wrong with mccree on defense?
Mcree is better on defense than offense, anti tracer and pharah. Only problem is when your team is solo healing with mercy and sym. You won't get healed and then when you die the team complains DPS isn't doing anything, when in reality if your mercy kept alive she wouldn't have died from a flanker or pharah. *Oh shet I'm getting outta character* WHY ARE YOU SO ANGRY
whenever I play McCree I die a lot more than i would've playing soldier, just cos of the self healing and sometimes the sprint getting me out of a jam
How can you put meta in the title and sombra in the thumbnail.
7 tank meta
Matthew Lau 🙃
half way trought the video its already 2 things wrong
1-symetra is not a healer but still supports the team
2-the best solo healer is actually mercy cus of the rez. if ana dies, there is no other second chance and your team gets out of heals
widowmaker is the best hero
like if you agree
Swaggy P yes ☺
riku riihi useless
riku riihi don't like the content don't like or sub which you clearly did both :)
Winston with a Zenyatta as a pocket healer and discord on the people Winston is on does WORK. Got Rapid Discord and 45 assists 3-2 on Lijang Tower. Transcendence when Winston is low and he'll pop his ult whenever. I have 3 hours of Zen
Er det den ekte Sebbe Playz
I don't know too much about comp. since I only played a little bit in seasons 1 and 2 and have recently started playing again. I hit 2500-2800 SR a few days after I got back into OW (I forgot the exact #) and keep finding myself having to play support due to no one else on my team picking support. However, I feel like I don't have a large impact most of the time. I played Lucio a lot in Season 1 bc no one else picked Support and recently have been trying to pick up Ana since so many of my team mates ask me to change to her. Any tips for how I could get better at Support? Sorry for the long winded comment
go away
pls ):
would u say counter picking is more important? example we had a enemy team against a pharah and good genji and we could have held if our mei went Hitscan or dva but he can't play either of that, the mei just does nothing and even has bad wall placements that affect her teammates...
so wouldn't u say one tricks are the problem?
When sty says plays the drumroll and hanzo game play in the background I thought it's gonna be a hanzo meta
I met this guy and we were winning games so we decided to duo queue and get four randoms per game. We won 11 out of 12 games using dva and mccree and I never would have thought it would have worked out that well. On one game where i was not dva, someone already preselected her so I switched to who I had the most time on: mei. We slayed again. It's good to be able to flex play, but using heroes you're good at. A person with 2 hours on genji isn't going to stand a chance against a winston with 30-50 hours.
Best meta is...train 2 heros by playing 30+ hour on each of them (w/ at least 1 support). So 90% of the time you can pick the champ you are good at.
Great watching teams at Apex season 3 running absolutely batshit random team comps and making it work, great vid Sty
4:21 Sty I think you mean 1% of the players of overwatch because 1% of population is around 75 million
you know.. hes right, i was trying play as team and be more flexable, but failed a lot, but when i stoped listening and started playing with my fav heroes like reaper, junkrat, soldier 76, roadhog, mei and zen, i started winning, i mean am not throw a game and playing only my heroes but mostly taking what i think the best in setuation and i would be best.
2:12 I'd argue that Mercy is the best solo healer. Ana can definitely heal faster but she has so many drawbacks which Mercy doesn't.
-Healers are supposed to keep people in the fight but Ana usually requires people to stand still or behind cover, where they're not in the fight. Mercy, Zenyatta and Lucio excel at this with their healing ability not requiring full focus. Provided you do have a tank taking the damage, then Lucio And Zenyatta are good picks too.
-Mercy is the most agile and mobile healer (not as nimble as Lucio though and Zenyatta in Transendence) so she can get back into the fight much quicker, provided her teammates co-ordinate a pattern to get her back ASAP (like send someone to the line of sight of the spawn room so Mercy can dash to them and get to the team faster! Ana simply can't do this and in a pinch, Transendence Zenyatta or Lucio can easily also get onto the point.
-Ana has by FAR the worst ultimate amongst supports! Even Symmetra's shield generator is better (75 shield*6 players=450HP among all teammates. That's a lot!). Lucio's sound barrier can fully negate some Ultimates and Zenyatta's Transendence is argued to be the best ultimate in the game (300HP/s*5 teammates (for 6 seconds or 1800 healing potential per person or 9000HP total healed if the enemy team are going all out) is 1500HP/s. If they're running Ana and Zenyatta, that can go up to 2250HP/s (totalling at 13,500HP total! It'd take Ana over 20 full rifle magazines, all rounds hitting their target, to heal that much...)) and Mercy's ressurect is a game changer. Yeah, Nano boost is good but it doesn't compete with any other ultimate in the support category what isn't wasted stupidly.
-Ana has the worst self sustain. She can only heal herself 100HP every 10 or so seconds. Zenyatta does have a self sustain limit but his is definitely faster than Ana's. Mercy can heal herself quickly and not only is Lucio hard to kill but his health doesn't stay low for long.
Though, Ana's biggest utility is her healing and the sleep that what no other support can match but I'd still say that a Mercy is the better solo healer, simply for the self sustain, mobility, ability to heal without effort and the much better ultimate.
Playing by the meta because "that's how pros play" is like thinking that using the same shoes as a pro athlete will make you play better. I think that probably the best mind set to play overwatch is to think like you're playing a roguelike: This is what you got, do your best with what you have or die trying.
Any tips for bettering your aim on console? I don't have the money right now for a computer that can play overwatch, so I've been playing on Xbox one. I've never really played a multiplayer first-person shooter before this game, so I'm a bit green. I've been trying to practice a lot, but I also don't want to get any bad habits.
How do I counter with three flankers?? It's so annoying when I'm forced to play a healer and getting destroyed by a tracer, genji pharah combo
I don't even think you need two healers, as long as your solo healer is Mercy or Ana. One of those plus Symmetra can be fantastic with the right play style, and if you have enough self healing, two good tanks can also work with one of those two as solo healers. honestly the only thing that doesn't work is no main tank, no healer, and quadruple dps.
When do we get the Quintuple Support Meta?
stylosa once told me the meta doesn't matter
How in the hell did you hit the Helix on Pharah at 3:30. Lol. Well Done!
So, Sty you say the team comp I grinsed from low gold to mid platform with a 6 stack sucks?
Mercy, 3tank, 2dps
Yes, yes he does
I would have mentioned that Lucio + Zen as your two supports works poorly. I see people try to do this often and the healing is just too passive/slow to do the job in most cases. Of course it depends on some factors, as with everything.
I have a question in regards to this video. I am in gold and in the lower level play team comps just don't work. I was playing solo cue and my teammates install just hanzo McCree soldier junkrat and bastion. I ask one or two of them to swap to healer but none of them respond. What should I do then?
I legit just wrote a comment 2 days ago about this on "Overwatch Central's; Best 5 Heroes to learn for season 5" lol.
tbh, as unrealistic as it is, my ideal meta is well, no meta. what i mean by that is equal hero pick rate all around, however that never really happens. the 2-2-2 team comp meta(which is what we kinda have atm) are still really good and they allow a lot more diversity than triple dps or quad tank team comps. of course i kinda would like less picked heroes to become more viable and picked more but eh, what we have atm is pretty good too.
Personally In 3900 my experience has always worked more playing NON META heroes like sombra, junkrat, symmetra on attack (my friend plays only sym and has a 62% win perentage), bastions, torb, hanzo they all just work so well as people don't expect it
I agree with wanting 2 supports the majority of the time, however me and my team use dive comp if we attack on round 3 to try and get the points as soon as possible. If we are confident we send in a Sombra to both hack health packs for us if we need it and to harass the point while we use Mercy as a solo healer as she is very mobile and keeps the Winston alive, we also tend to have a Pharah for damage and a quick escape route for the Mercy player to escape if she's in the thick of it. But that's just how we chose to play and we always want people to play who they are comfortable with. I've just hit mid masters and well all i can say is screw the meta. People who go against us think we'll just do meta and so they play meta also. I have found its much easier to play against it and what you are comfortable with as it shocks an enemy team and forces them to play around you, essentially controlling the match.
Sty when do you think pro meta is applicable To ranked and what do you say is best way to practice people in comp because I want to get better but I don't want to throw by playing him in 3600 sr and If feel really bad if I play Winston and i throw by playing him wrong
I'm about 2k and I'm sick of people saying we should take triple tank (and yes they use the wrong tanks anyways) smh 222 is fine at this level
The funny thing is, it's only players below GM who really cares about the meta, almost everyone above plays what they like, as long as it works in the match they're currently playing. Of curse a healer is always going to be useful, but unless you're playing a 6 stack in masters or above, the meta really doesn't matter. It's about the match you're playing right now, and what works the best for your team right now.
yeah, meta is great now sty, i really enjoy the fact that pharah is in 90% of games purely because she nullifies any dps that isn't soldier, mccree or widowmaker, now one should have the forcably change that hard just to deal with a single target
So your telling me having hanzo, genji, soldier, lucio, widowmaker and an attack torb isnt a good comp?
The best meta was when everything wasn't an advertisement.
It was so fun seeing Unit Lost in chat of the livestream and I was like "Stylosa will make 5 videos on Chipshajen going Sombra"
The best meta is being competent and capable enough to carry while simultaneously explaining to your team what they need to be doing in any given situation. So basically you just have to research the basic strats, know the game mechanics of all the characters, and be comfortable playing at least one character well. In Overwatch, like in many aspects of life, knowledge is power.
then what do I do sty because everyone starts throwing and complaining once I pick Junkrat
Hey guys I am a Xbox tank main in diamond I can play my tanks at master lvl been in and out of there and orisa beening the new tank not a lot of people know how to player here but what I see to play her is set up a spot on point where u won't move a lot and use your mini grav to get divers off of u and make sure u can turn around a lot and always know where your shield will go and where u take less damage u have to use it when your next to your barrier or when u have them coming towards your barrier use it and use bongo before or during a fight or to start a fight I hope this helps
I just got a double high noon on Route 66 from out side the map using the sombra glich I just surprised some friends thinking we were having a 2v2
I've been told to switch off Widow in random heroes before
what about genji widow hanzo and even more dps? because a bunch of people seem to think that works
Idk i am a genji/winston main and those are my best heroes. I am a gold player but there is always the soldier player saying "soldier is the best dps and you better fucking switch. We may lose but i am not to blame as i have gold elims and gold damage" so if rein and soldier is there should i fill or do i just play my mains??
Just yesterday I played a game around 3600 rank, so low-mid Master. We had three people not in voice chat. Two of them were in a two stack that always picked DPS. The third always picked Dva. The three of us who were in voice chat included me (a Mercy main, I ran Lúcio on attack), a decent Zenyatta player and a Symmetra player who even used her on attack (the map was Dorado) and didn't have a mic though she was in the voice chat. And we won that game pretty easily, I was laughing my ass off. So yeah. Even solo tanking with Dva and running triple support and attack Symmetra and only 3 people in team chat we won a game in Master rank.
I think some plants are a bit better than you give them credit for. some people are at that level with so many heroes they start switching to counter and do so quite effectively
Yeah your right. I was in a match with a sym, torb, and a hanzo on eichenwald and we won on attack and defense. I really don't know how. It was insane
Yesterday, I carried my whole team as lucio because every time I used my ult it was me saving the whole team
Why do you wiggle your mouse when you play? I've noticed it in a few of your videos.
I just hit diamond after half a year of trying.My tipp is Just always stay positive and just keep playing!
Personally I really like playing zenyatta in comp. especially in low elo he can put in work. And make your team focus fire due to discord
You know i was watching your video and i just had to tell you this. And this is also one of the main reasons i don't like to play competitive. I was playing with a friend and i use Sombra. Like alot. About as much as you may use Soldier now don't get me wrong im not a "one trick pony" I will switch if needed. But what i do is pick Sombra cause that's who'd i'd like to play then switch if the team needs it. Last week while playing Comp. I chose Sombra at the moment i have a 75% win rate with her. Another person chooses widow which causes the chat to freak out. I am told "If i don't play Sombra at grandmaster level then im need to switch" Not even giving me the chance to show what i could do with her. That really upset me. That i need to play at a "pro's" level to be considered good with a character i love
I'm a Sombra main and whenever I pick her, ppl tell me to get the hell off her.
I don´t get why everyone says Ana is the best healer. I mainly play as Mercy and have just lost gold healing for Ana just few times.
Sty, what's the meta? I'm currently at 13 SR.
Once I was playing solo q in gold(PS4) and I was a lucio main so I locked him. We had3 dps and roadhog, so I told the last person to go dva, Turns out DVa was a lucio main when I died and checked his stats. I was a flex, so I asked on voice if he wanted Lucio. We went back to the spawn and switched, and we went from a guaranteed loss to a win
3 dps (Tracer bastion and soldier) 2 tanks (doesn't really matter who as long as it isn't Winston) and 1 healer (mercy cuz she has Rez)
Why are all the character's called heroes when a chunk of them are villains?
BlackRaveBow They each have their own obj, and probs the "villains" think what they are doing is for the best, so there really aren't no "villains"
Stylosa once told me sombra players doesn't matter