MALLA 01 || How did Jayasthiti Malla become king? || Jayasthiti Malla ||

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Jayasthiti Malla was the 14th century king of Nepal belonging to the Malla dynasty. He is known as the best successor of the whole Malla dynasty..
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    The program is presented by Sarthak Nepal, MA in History (Topper), B.Ed.
    MALLA 01 || How did Jayasthiti Malla become king? || Jayasthiti Malla || #sarthaknepalshorts ||
    History in Nepali is a crucial source for learning the History of Nepal and the World based on reliable sources. Each content is backed by references. The main aim of this channel is to provide historical knowledge of Nepal and the world for students, researchers, and ordinary people who want to know the facts about historical events.
    The main contents are:
    * Ancient History of Nepal
    * Kirat Period
    * Lichhabi Period
    * Baise and Chaubise Rajya of Nepal
    * Malla Dynasty of Nepal
    * Shah Dynasty from Gorkha to Nepal
    * Rana Regime of Nepal
    * Democratic Revolution of Nepal
    * Fall of Kingdom and Rise of Republic system in Nepal
    * History of the World
    सही तथ्यमा आधारीत नेपाल तथा विश्व इतिहासका ज्ञानवर्धक जानकारीहरुलाइ उजागार गर्ने उद्धेश्य लिएर यो कार्यक्रम तयार गरिएको छ । इतिहासमा उच्च शिक्षा हासिल गरिसकेका युवाहरूको समूहद्धारा यो "History in Nepali" युट्युव च्यानल संचालन गरीएकोले सहि सामाग्रीहरु प्रसारण हुने कुरामा यहांहरुलाइ विश्वास दिलाउन चाहान्छौं । यो कार्यक्रम इतिहासका विधार्थीहरू, इतिहासमा अनुसन्धान गर्नुहुने व्यक्तित्वहरु, लोकसेवा आयोग तथा सेवा आयोगको तयारी र इतिहास जान्न चाहना राख्ने आम व्यक्तीहरुका लागि पनि उत्तीकै महत्वपुर्ण सामाग्री हुनेमा हामीहरु विश्वस्त छौं ।
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Комментарии • 204

  • @suvdramalla4386
    @suvdramalla4386 3 года назад +15

    मल्ल राजाहरूलाई हार्दिक नमन।🙏🙏🙏🙏🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵 जे जति सम्पदाहरू अहिले हामीले देख्न पाएका छौं त्यो सबै मल्लकालीन सम्पदाहरू हुन्। आज संसारले चिनेको छ नेपाललाई।

    • @atinyshineforever9252
      @atinyshineforever9252 Год назад

      Tyo vanda agadi chahi mandir thiyenan?😅like tyo vanda agadi hamro purkha k garthey vanney janna manlagoy

    • @prabinkarki9228
      @prabinkarki9228 Год назад

      ​@@atinyshineforever9252Lichhavi kaal ko murti jhanai ramro xa bhanxan

  • @kesharkhadkapunwar2029
    @kesharkhadkapunwar2029 3 года назад +13

    श्री महाराज यक्ष मल्ल अजर-अमर रहुन !!
    🇳🇵जय नेपाल !!!

  • @dilramrai9476
    @dilramrai9476 Год назад +1

    शार्थक सर नेपालका ईतिहास हरु निकै सुन्न पाय खुसी लाग्याे र धन्यावाद छ तर खम्बुवान भित्र काेकाे राजा थिय र कसरी पृथबीनारायन शाहनले राज्ये एकिकरन गराउदा काहाकाहा र कसरी ककस्लाई मारे वा लखेटे र खम्बुवान काे ससाना राज्ये एकिकरन गरे याे ईतिहास पनि खाेजेर सुनाउनु हाेस म अनुराेध गर्छु

  • @satishniraula9590
    @satishniraula9590 2 месяца назад

    Thanks for the deep researches on Malla dynasty.

  • @bibekmalla2064
    @bibekmalla2064 8 месяцев назад

    सर्वप्रथम सम्पूर्ण मल्लकालीन राजाहरुलाई नमन🙏🙏🇳🇵
    राजा जयस्थिती मल्लको सम्पूर्ण ईतिहास नियाल्दा अन्तत: उनी कर्णालीका एक आर्य खस ठकुरी मूल थिए भन्ने लाग्यो ।

  • @supremeshrestha1088
    @supremeshrestha1088 3 года назад +1

    Finally a proper History youtube channel, it was about time

  • @anglestocalife4039
    @anglestocalife4039 3 года назад +3

    यसमा धेरै कुरा उल्लेख भए पनि केही महत्वपूण कुराहरु छुटेको र नमिलेको देखिन्छ । जस्तैः काठमाण्डौ उपत्यकामा दुई थरी मल्ल राजाहरुले राज्य गरे । पूर्व मल्लकाल ( जयस्थिति मल्लले राज्य गर्नु भन्दा पहिले ) र मध्य मल्लका (जयस्थिति मल्लले राज्य गरे पश्चात) पूर्व मल्लका राजाहरु ( लिच्छीवि कालमा अंशुवर्माको शासन पश्चात कुन वंशले शासन चलाएको भन्ने विषयमा इतिहा अस्पष्ट छ) मध्य मल्लकालमा राजाले मल्ल युद्ध (कुस्ती) जिते पछि आफूलाई मल्ल उपाथि दिन थाले । जयस्थिति मल्ल कर्णालीका खस थिए । उनलाई झिकाएर डोला प्रथामा राजा बनाए । उनलाई राजा बनाउंदा पनि तत्कालिन नेपाः (नेपाल खाल्डो ) मा सहर्ष स्विकार गरिएन जयराम भारोको नेतृत्वमा विद्रोह भयो र उनी संग हारेर जयस्थिति मल्लले सम्झौता गरे । जयस्थिति मल्लले विद्रोही संग सम्झौता गर्नु परे पछि तत्कालिन समयमा नेपाः (नेपाल) का नेवाः(नेवार) जनतामा एकता भएको मुख्य कारण ठानी त्यसलाई विभाजन गरी राज्य चलाउन सल्लाहकारको रुपमा मिथिला (हालको जनकपुर र सिमरौनगढ क्षेत्र ) राज्यबाट चार थरका ब्राम्हण ( उपाध्याय, मिश्र, झा र शर्मा ) झिकाएर मनुस्मृति बमोजिम फुटाउ र राज्य गर नीति अपनाउंदै तत्कालिन नेवार जनतालाई विभिन्न जातमा विभक्त गरे भने जातीहरुलाई जनसख्या अनुसार तहगत गर्दै विद्रोही लडाकु जातिहरु तल राख्दै थिचो मिचो गर्न लगाए भने सबै समुदायका चलाख व्यक्तिहरुलाई संकलन गरी श्रेष्ठ थर प्रदान गरी सवै भन्दा माथी र आफु नजिक राखि अन्यलाइ थिचोमिचो गर्न लगाए । नेपालमा जातिय व्यवस्थाको शुरुबाट गरेको मात्र होइन जातिय विभेद समेत शुरु गरी तत्कालिन नेवारजनताहरुमा विखण्ड फैलाएको र तत्कालिन नेपाल राज्यलाई समेत कमजोर बनाएको कारण वृत्तचित्रमा तारिफ गरीए जस्तो जयस्थिति मल्लको इतिहासलाई लिदैन । जहां सम्म इतिहास विदहरुले जयस्थिति मल्ललाई कर्णाटवशका भनी उल्लेख गरीएको छ । कर्णाट वंशीय सेनानायक नान्यदेवले सिमौडगढ राज्य गर्ने निगाह पाई राज्य सन्चालन शुरु गरे पश्चात सिंह देव लेख्न थाले ( भारतमा सिंह वंशले शक्तिशाली रुपमा राज्य सन्चालन गरेको थियो त्यसैले जो राजा भयो वा राजपुतहरु भनेर चिनाउन चाहन्थ्यो तिनीहरुले सिंह लेख्छ भने देव राजा भएकोल लेख्ने दरवारी चलन हो पछिकाले राणा, शाही लेखे ) पच्चात उनैका सन्तान हरिसिह देवको पालमा गयासुद्दिनले आक्रमण गरे पछि सोबाट बच्न सिम्रौनगढ छोडी एउटा समुह तत्कालिन नेपाल तर्फ आएको थियो जसको नेतृत्व दोलखा सम्म हरिसिंह देव स्वयंले र पछि भक्तपुर सम्म नायक देवीले गरेकी थिई । त्यस्तै अर्को समूह कर्णाली- जुम्ला तर्फ गएको देखिन्छ । ति जुम्लातर्फ गएकोहरुलाई पनि कालान्तर सम्म कर्णाटकवशीय नै भन्ने गरीन्छ । त्यसैले कर्णाटक बंशी भन्ने वितिक्कै कर्णाटक देखी सिम्रौनगढ हुंदै आएकाहरु हुन त्यसको मतलब कर्णाटकवंशीय भन्ने वितिक्कै तत्कालिन राजा हरिसिंह देवका सन्तान नै हुन भन्न मिल्दैन । हरिसिंह देवका भाई भारदार, सैनिक र अन्य जनताका सन्तानहरु समेत हुन । यी कर्णाटकवंशीय भन्नेहरु पनि कर्णाटकमा तत्कालिन भारतको नागा, केरला, राजस्थान र मगढ सामराज्यका थिए । इतिहासलाई राम्ररी खोतल्ने हो भने नायर, सिंह, मल्ल र नेवार थरको गहिरो सम्बन्ध छ ।

    • @rajrbh8660
      @rajrbh8660 2 года назад

      Thank you for your information

  • @Mrwhatiswrong
    @Mrwhatiswrong 3 года назад +3

    Thank you for new post. It has been a good learning and entertaining experience.

  • @Ishitmypantsfull
    @Ishitmypantsfull 3 года назад +6

    Mallas are Suryavanshi Karnat Kshatriya. They used to be referred in Newari as “Thaku juju” which translated in Nepali is “Thakuri raja”. Thakuri doesn’t automatically mean Khas Thakuri and these Mallas have no connection with Khas Mallas. These Karnat Mallas were from Mithila and spoke Maithili as their mother tongue. In Newari, Mallas are still called Thakoo/Thakulani (Thakur/Thakurani). Their descendants today write surnames like Malla, Pradhananga, Pradhan, Raghubanshi, Rajbanshi. Other royal (Thakoo/Thakuri) surnames are Patrabansh, Hada, Onta, Amatya, Rathaur, among others. Even till now, these bhardaar Newars are called Thakoo where as other Kshatriya Newars are called Chhathari (like Joshi, Rajbhandari, Karmacharya, Maskey, Kayastha, Mool, Mulmi, Mathema, etc.)

    • @rajrbh8660
      @rajrbh8660 2 года назад

      What was the surname of RAJBHANDARI before thay get title of Rajbhandari!!

    • @Ishitmypantsfull
      @Ishitmypantsfull 2 года назад

      @@rajrbh8660 you should know since you say you are rajbhandari

    • @razajbaniyachhetri8177
      @razajbaniyachhetri8177 Год назад

      Malla newari hoin rw

    • @Ishitmypantsfull
      @Ishitmypantsfull Год назад

      @@razajbaniyachhetri8177 malla newar nai ho, Khas malla haru bhane newar hoinan.

  • @honeyhunters6055
    @honeyhunters6055 3 года назад +7

    Please if you provide date reference according to the kings would be much helpful.
    We have heard about these Kings names since child while studying in school. What important for us to know is the "Date"
    If you can't provide any dates, how can we believe anything what you said are true ?? or how can we even consider it as a legitimate argument 🤔 ??

  • @rameshbasnet8463
    @rameshbasnet8463 3 года назад +2

    सायद दोलाजि प्रथाबाटै आयातित होलान जयस्त्थिती मल्ल्।

  • @ashokathegreat2397
    @ashokathegreat2397 3 года назад +6

    Malla dynasty was Maithili dynasty
    Jai Tirhut Jai Mithila

    • @aayushmanmalla3215
      @aayushmanmalla3215 2 года назад +2

      It was newar dyanasty yeah their orgin was mithila. Pradhan malla rajbhandari vaidya shrestha everyone were from mithila but at last they summed up newar community and are considered chauthariya newar(according to newar caste system)

    • @dineshlamarumba4557
      @dineshlamarumba4557 Год назад

      @@aayushmanmalla3215 exactly. it was newar/nepal dynasty. thakury dyasty. maithila was father side origin. and guess what u r my brother. do u also know this. thaku dhya juju. the nuwakot thakuries origin was tamangs of rumba clan. final thku of nuwakot was dew simha before prithivi narayan shah re-unificed it.
      as i found, mallas/nuwakot-thakuries also used sima and shah as their surname meaning prithivi narayan shah is none other than maithila thakuri i.e khand. damn history. etiko betika kasle lukako yo sab kura?

  • @Laxman_Mahat_Syangjali
    @Laxman_Mahat_Syangjali 2 года назад +3

    Sarthak . Jee .. can you make one video on
    “What was the official language during Lichhabi period and Malla period? Are Lachhabi and / or Mallas kings were Newar kings ? When and how Newari language became prominent language in Kathmandu ? How was the position Of Khas language (Nepali ) in Kathmandu during Malla and Lichhabi periods ?

    • @aayushmanmalla3215
      @aayushmanmalla3215 2 года назад +3

      Malla pradhans rajbhadnari vaidya shrestha all arrived from north india ...newar is a community not a caste

    • @gaurabshakya9129
      @gaurabshakya9129 2 года назад

      ​@@aayushmanmalla3215 true

    • @tamsalingnetworknepal2705
      @tamsalingnetworknepal2705 Год назад +1

      language was obviously old tibeto burman ( newa/nepal) language cuz only the rulers came from outside and influence the infilter the community and language with the arya people and sanskrit , maitheli from north otherwise it was all tibeto burman people(popularly known as kirati)speaking their language old nepal language

  • @jhadhiraj147
    @jhadhiraj147 2 года назад +7

    I am from the same maithila dynasty who built masterpieces monuments as bhaktapur durbar, my ancestors time is often regarded as the golden age in the history, maithil brahmins have always been among the priests of pashupatinath, but today, we are losing our language and people are calling me Bihari and question my nationalism.

    • @atinyshineforever9252
      @atinyshineforever9252 Год назад

      A simple question out of curiosity if ur ancestors made bhaktapur durbar then why can't we find similar artitecture in terai like was it destroyed or what

    • @atinyshineforever9252
      @atinyshineforever9252 Год назад

      It takes time to bring change in people's thought plz don't take it to heart

    • @jhadhiraj147
      @jhadhiraj147 Год назад +2

      @@atinyshineforever9252 read history books. Terai vhaneka aile ko terai thena k. Aile ko terai ma ta koi pni bsthenan. Only forests and malaria. Madhubani , janakpur and Darbhanga were the major cities. Still, These cities have even palaces of Darbhanga maharaj, Janak kingdom, And Madhubani Maithil Math mandirs.
      Timihru lai yo thaxa ki Kathmandu ma even court ma maithili official bhasa tio ra 7th century ma jaba nepal vnne sabd aako thena teti bela maithali ma Mahakavi Bidyapati thiye. Aile pni kathmandu ko newar haru ko newari bhasa ma kaiyo maithili sabda xan. Read history…

    • @jhadhiraj147
      @jhadhiraj147 Год назад +1

      And FYI, my uncle is the historian. Writer of the History of Mithila Kingdom. I suggest you to read the book.

    • @jitenshrestha1513
      @jitenshrestha1513 Год назад

      @@jhadhiraj147, pls mention the book name.

  • @udaymandal4940
    @udaymandal4940 Год назад

    राम्रो लाग्यो ।❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @jagadishrajbaral5042
    @jagadishrajbaral5042 3 года назад

    knowledgeableधन्यवाद सार्थक !!!

  • @indrappokharel_del8073
    @indrappokharel_del8073 3 года назад

    धेरै राम्रो लाग्यो।

  • @sandeshsingh4863
    @sandeshsingh4863 Год назад

    म सुर्यबन्शी क्षेत्रीय बैँस राजपुत सिंह हु । कुल देवि काली र इस्ट देव शिव हुन । हुन सक्ला तपाईं ले भने आनुसार हाम्रो कुल् सङ्ग मिल्दो जुल्दो लग्यो ।

  • @mutubikramrana8262
    @mutubikramrana8262 3 года назад

    Jayea Nepal, jayea hos, thank you

  • @sanukajimaharjan45
    @sanukajimaharjan45 2 года назад +1

    Sarthak ji Nepal ko history ko video ko lagi dherai dherai dhanybadh!!! Nepal bhasa ko bikas kun samayma vayeko thiyo?? K malla rajaharu newari thiye?? Yo bisayma 1 ot video banaidinus na hai.

    • @HistoryinNepali
      @HistoryinNepali  2 года назад

      Sure we will, plz keep watching.

    • @gaurabshakya9129
      @gaurabshakya9129 2 года назад

      There is a history-Malla, Pradhan, Joshi, Amatya, Rajbhandari,Mulmi etc. came from Mithilla
      and may be mixed with indigenous people in the valley. So people specially Pradhan, amatya, maskey etc. look like Aryans.
      while many other people look Mongolian
      Also Khadgi and Kapali seems to come from Mithila kingdom.

  • @daltamang1543
    @daltamang1543 3 года назад

    धेरै राम्रो जानकारी ।

  • @rajrbh8660
    @rajrbh8660 3 года назад +2

    Sir can u make next video about newar Nobles,army,bhandaris,and other newar people who used to work in Malla palace please,thanks alot and thank you so much for this video, as always its very interesting...

  • @somnathbhatta5702
    @somnathbhatta5702 2 года назад

    Thank you very much for information

  • @prabhushrestha3056
    @prabhushrestha3056 3 года назад +2

    सार्थकजी नमस्ते, कृपया सिमरौनगढको कर्णाटवंशी राजाहरुको बारेमा पनि कार्यक्रम बनाउने प्रयास गर्नु होला। धन्यवाद

  • @bharatkhanal1652
    @bharatkhanal1652 3 года назад +1

    सर अझै इतिहास गोपाल बन्स र लिच्छवि काल सम्बन्धि पनि भिडियो बनाउनुस है धन्यवाद सर

  • @ThuliRajbhandari
    @ThuliRajbhandari 2 месяца назад

    Do you know today's smart city? Our ancestors has already built the smart city many years ago. Please look the small places around you (like Handigaun), you can see today's smart city.

  • @nitaraut3710
    @nitaraut3710 2 года назад

    जय नेपाल !!!!!

  • @manjildahal6742
    @manjildahal6742 3 года назад

    Enjoying as well as learning the history from your videos. KUDOS.

  • @veshrajshrestha3710
    @veshrajshrestha3710 3 года назад +2

    Tapai ko tarka aafno thau ma cha. Tara mero bujai ma abhilekh haru bata thaha huncha stithi malla uchha kul ka surya banshi rajput aryabrat india bata aayeko hun. Tyati khera ka malla raja haru jo stithi malla ka santan thiye uni haru ko abhilekh ma hari singh dev ko santan vani rahe ka chan vane ahile aayera sarthak Nepal le nana thari ko kura jod da confusion lyaune kam matra huncha. Tapai ko purkha ra Nepal ko badar ko purkha autai ho vanda kura spastha hudaina

  • @meelankunwar2746
    @meelankunwar2746 3 года назад +4

    Malla's first king is Ari malla who is descendent of lichchibi bansha his name was Aridev and after he got the tittle "malla" and became Ari malla and all the mallas king were the Ari malla's dynasty

    • @rajendrapradhananga5717
      @rajendrapradhananga5717 3 года назад


    • @limbuvumika5904
      @limbuvumika5904 2 года назад


    • @rajrbh8660
      @rajrbh8660 2 года назад +1

      @@limbuvumika5904 kritipur bata jyan jogauna pn shah ni vageko thing for ever my friend

    • @sandeshsingh4863
      @sandeshsingh4863 Год назад

      @@limbuvumika5904 bhagauda hunthe bhane napal rajye ma shasan garer basnny thiyenn bujhis jengish khan mongol ka santan .

  • @shanskaramatya841
    @shanskaramatya841 3 года назад +3

    Sir thank to select my comment
    Sir aba amatya haruko bare ma pani videos share garnu na hjr ko संस्कार प्रताप अमात्य

  • @bibekpokharel6395
    @bibekpokharel6395 5 месяцев назад


  • @nepalibabu2955
    @nepalibabu2955 3 года назад +2

    जयस्थिति मल्लका पुर्खा कर्णालिका खस हुन!
    भन्ने कुरामा धेरै सत्यता छ जस्तो लाग्दछ!

    • @Ishitmypantsfull
      @Ishitmypantsfull 3 года назад +6

      Wrong. Nepal mandal ka Malla ra khas rajya ka Malla ko kei connection chaina.

    • @nepalibabu2955
      @nepalibabu2955 3 года назад

      @@Ishitmypantsfull विल्कुल कनेक्सन छ जस्तो लाग्दछ!धेरै ईतिहासकारहरूको संकेत यहि छ!

    • @Ishitmypantsfull
      @Ishitmypantsfull 3 года назад +2

      @@nepalibabu2955 connection tyahi nam “malla” ma matra cha jun Khas malla raja le upatyaka akraman garne kram ma ayera copy garna thaleka hun bhanne praman nai cha. Natra Khas haru sanga newar malla le bihe bari chalaudaina thye (newar malla used to marry with rajputs brought from Bihar, Assam, Bengal) and later with their noble families (Pradhan, pradhananga, amatya) na ta uniharuko bhasha, sanskriti Khas haru sanga milthyo.
      It’s like saying nepali shah dynasty and many madhesi castes and Muslims have same Shah surname, but that doesn’t mean they are all of same family or lineage.

    • @suson7842
      @suson7842 3 года назад +1

      @@nepalibabu2955 न भाषा मिल्छ, न रहनसहन, न सस्कृति मिल्छ कसरी छ कनेक्सन???

    • @nepalibabu2955
      @nepalibabu2955 3 года назад

      @@suson7842 साथि! भाषा संस्कृति को कुरा हैन!जयस्थिति मल्लका पुर्खाको कुरा हुँदै छ यहाँ!

  • @rajrbh8660
    @rajrbh8660 3 года назад

    Thank you sir

  • @prakashshakya9120
    @prakashshakya9120 3 года назад

    ७५% असम्भन्धित छन। यो राजाको वास्तविक नाम स्थिती मल्ल हो। जय पदबी हो। यहाँ मुख्य कुरा यी राजालाइ नेवा:भासामा क्वहँसं बिज्याम्ह अर्थात तल (देशबाट) आएको भनेर बर्णन गरि राखेको नै छुटाएछ।

  • @ramakhadka668
    @ramakhadka668 3 года назад

    Thank for hidden history

  • @taxiridemix2438
    @taxiridemix2438 2 года назад +2

    मल्ल जनपथ=600 ईसा को आस पास कुशीनगर मा पनी मल्ल राज्य थीयो भनेर हिन्दी हिस्ट्री मा बताउछ

  • @vinatmalla9006
    @vinatmalla9006 3 года назад

    Thanks for the video and research.

  • @MrAikon-ke2ig
    @MrAikon-ke2ig 3 года назад

    Thanks a lot for this video!

  • @nirmalshrestha9505
    @nirmalshrestha9505 3 года назад +1

    Newar haru kasari gorkha, palpa, chitwan, butwal ma kasari basna pugey ? Euta video easma pani vaye😍

    • @wangwei2913
      @wangwei2913 3 года назад

      Business. They were Nepali Banniyas. Just like Marwaris and Gujratis. They moved to different parts of the country for business purposes. They were supported by the state.

    • @rajrbh8660
      @rajrbh8660 2 года назад

      @@wangwei2913 all Newar are not baisya..In newar community u can find 4 jat chatis barnna and so many caste in this community.......

    • @gaurabshakya9129
      @gaurabshakya9129 2 года назад

      and those who left valley, many changed their surname to Shrestha.
      Also, during those Rana and shah rule many were sent outside or many ran outside.

    • @Awesomepics57189
      @Awesomepics57189 Год назад

      Rana bahadur shah lee vagayeko hoo . Teti Bela ktm maa kun rog faileyeko thiyo. Tehi bela newar haru purba paschim maa failiye...

  • @lasbaraprehs5818
    @lasbaraprehs5818 2 года назад


  • @right2liveworld478
    @right2liveworld478 7 месяцев назад

    Khadki n rajat udas also from mithila

  • @govindasangat-gx8fm
    @govindasangat-gx8fm Год назад

    मल्ल राजाले देवल देवीलाई सहयोगको लागि मल्लकै कुनै सन्तान पाल्न दिएको हुन सक्छ

  • @purushottamwagle6440
    @purushottamwagle6440 3 года назад

    सर नेपालको इतिहाससङ्गै बिश्व इतिहासलाई पनि प्राथमिकतामा राखेर भिडियो निर्माण गर्दा अझै प्रभावकारी हुन्छ कि।

  • @romaskhatiwada9746
    @romaskhatiwada9746 3 года назад

    मैले पढेको इतिहास समन्धी एउटा किताबमा मल्ल हरु अहिलेको नुवाकोटका हुन भनेर नि पढेको थिए ।

    • @yghhgy2547
      @yghhgy2547 3 года назад

      Nepalmandal ko malla haru mithila bata ayeka hun!

  • @lalmayagurung6243
    @lalmayagurung6243 3 года назад +2

    Maithili haru rahex malla raja

  • @krishnakhadayat4919
    @krishnakhadayat4919 2 года назад


  • @rajrbh8660
    @rajrbh8660 3 года назад

    Nice one thank u sir and team...

  • @himviewblogger1356
    @himviewblogger1356 3 года назад +2

    ३१०० पैला नेपाल को दक्षिण सिमा लखनौऊ सम्म र पुर्बमा आधुनिक कम्बोडिया र पछिम मा इरन अफ्गानिस्तान उत्तर मां आधुनिक रूस को आधा भाग सम्म थियो र धर्म पासुपात थियो जस्लाई आज अनेक नामले बोलाईन्छ

    • @tonymontana9462
      @tonymontana9462 Год назад

      @Him view Blogger Dakshin ma Australia samma bhanna mildaina? ki lakhnau uta thau thaha bhayena?

    • @sumitchettri7905
      @sumitchettri7905 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@tonymontana9462whole world Nepal थियो.

  • @amritasuwal8508
    @amritasuwal8508 2 года назад

    Sir can you make a video about where is Nepal bhasaa comes from....

  • @ktm4729
    @ktm4729 Месяц назад

    Jayasthiti malla kata bata ayo tyo chai thaha bhayena.tara unka real bansa haru chai ahile.koi tamang.koi gurung.sakya.koi magar.jat lekhe ka chan.nepal ko kalkhanda ma famliy name chance garnu pareko raheycha.its truth.ahile ka malla haru kaha bata ayo history mai chaina.

  • @timilayamithapa9983
    @timilayamithapa9983 3 года назад +1

    Senior elderoy citizens of Kathmandu valley want to know who destroyed Buddhist heritage centres in Nepal?? Why were citizens tortured and silenced.

  • @bijbaj01bijbaj38
    @bijbaj01bijbaj38 Год назад

    Malla raja haru ko prashasti ma taleju vabani ra jaysthiti malla ko ullekha xa. Terai simaurangarh bara simra ka thakur hun. Doli lina ayera yetai basobash. Madheshi haru ma aile pani yeuta raja ktn dola lina gaye bhane xa.Rajalla deval ka purbaj nanyadev karnatbanshi hampi niwashi nayak, vijayanagar ka. Jo muslim sanga ladai ma samaye bitaye

  • @premsahil8815
    @premsahil8815 2 года назад

    यिनिहरूसिजा बाट भागि काठमाडौ आयका हन र सागुन गोत्र र शुय॔ बंशि हुन

  • @rambista8215
    @rambista8215 3 года назад

    Video ali aporo bayo malla dynasty ko pura video banauno first king Ari Malla dekhi last king sama.

  • @emikumartmg2206
    @emikumartmg2206 3 года назад

    Sir full detail of vandarkhal story please as possible

  • @dineshmalla2058
    @dineshmalla2058 2 года назад

    जयस्थिती मल्ल सिम्रौनगड बाट आएकाका सन्तान थिय भने मल्ल वंश नेपालमा अन्य मल्ल पनि रहेछन भन्ने बुझियो।

  • @rikshrestha2038
    @rikshrestha2038 3 года назад

    lakha thapako anuhar k kasto thiyo holaetha aaidiye ramro hune thiyo dekheyeko t kalpanok ho gore bdr khapangi magarko palama sasahan kalma banaeyeko ho yo chitra bsnauna magar ssngha kendriye sadasse pradip thapa (hal pariyar )magarlai jimma dieko thiyo

  • @timilayamithapa9983
    @timilayamithapa9983 3 года назад +1

    Senior elderly citizens of Kathmandu valley want to know who destroyed Buddhist heritage centres in Nepal?? Why were citizens tortured, killed and silenced.

  • @newarsachin9302
    @newarsachin9302 3 года назад +1

    Where did Malla`s dynasty came from??

    • @sanejugal
      @sanejugal 3 года назад +3

      Mithila. Tarai of Nepal or northern Bihar. They were Maithali speakers.

    • @bijbaj01bijbaj38
      @bijbaj01bijbaj38 Год назад

      Mallapuri kushinagar

  • @karunamalla5553
    @karunamalla5553 3 года назад +1

    Jayesthiti malla karnali pardesh kaa rajaa hun

    • @ganeshyear4976
      @ganeshyear4976 3 года назад

      Baghang ko hunn sir

    • @injeolmi0000
      @injeolmi0000 Месяц назад

      Jayasthiti Malla na karnali pradesh ka hun na bajhang ka uni terai ko simraungadh ka hun search garda pani hunxa .

    @ART_UPDATE 3 года назад +1

    Tyti bela bharat nai thiyen vne bharat vnee shabd kin ullekh griyo is this very bad. Anyway you are doing well

    • @goodperson810
      @goodperson810 3 года назад

      bharat bhanne sabda thiyo sir teti bela bharatbarsh ya testai kei bhanthe.

  • @gurungd.kishan6870
    @gurungd.kishan6870 3 года назад

    Sarthak Sir Gurung jati bare pani video banaunus na

  • @newah806
    @newah806 2 года назад

    नेवार समाजमा ठकु जुजु भनेर चिनिने अर्थात् मल्ल कालिन राजा का सन्तान अनुशार उहाँहरू खस वंश को नभएर मानदेवको सन्तान हुन।।अर्थात् लिच्छवि बंशज कै राजा हुन भन्ने प्रमाणित हुन्छ।।।केही लेख अनुसार लिच्छवि इन्डियाको बिहार राज्य बाट आको भन्ने गरिन्छ तर यसमा पनि कुनै तथ्य छैन।।।नेपालमा किराँत कालिन संस्कृति लाई जीवन्त राख्न पनि लिक्षबिको पनि उतिकै भूमिका छ।।।नेपालमा गोपाल बंश सँगै मल्ल हरुलाई पनि जोडिन्छ।।।धार्मिक र संस्कृतिक आधारमा नेपाल मण्डलको विकास भएको भन्ने पुराना केही दस्तावेज आधार पनि रहेको छ ।।।किरात धर्म र संस्कृति ले पनि शिव र पार्वतीलाई उत्तिनै पुजेको थियो भन्ने प्रमाणित किरात धर्म अनुशार पुष्टि हुन्छ।।।किरात मा सुम्निमा र परुहाङ ले शिव र पार्वतीको बयान गर्छ।।।धर्म र संस्कृतिको आधार मा हेर्ने हो नेपाल मण्डल का मल्ल राजा नेपाल मण्डल बासी नै हुन।।।

    • @kapil4417037
      @kapil4417037 2 года назад +1

      Pashupati ma paeko abhilekh saaf ulekhit cha nepal ka pahilo licchavi raja jaydev verma bharat ka baishali ka pratham licchavi raja supuspa verma ka 24 bamsaj hun, so licchavi haru bihar bata aeka kuralai nakarna sakinna.

  • @GeetaBk-br3by
    @GeetaBk-br3by 7 месяцев назад


  • @roshanshrestha4302
    @roshanshrestha4302 2 года назад

    सर काठमाडौंको ईतिहास र यहां कसरी वस्ति बसेको हो विश्त्रित रुपमा पाउं न

    • @HistoryinNepali
      @HistoryinNepali  2 года назад

      Sure Roshanjiu, We will make and publish, Plz keep watching.

  • @proequipments7210
    @proequipments7210 3 года назад

    pls anyatha bhanna kojya hoina tara sir sound quality sarai outdated 57 mic ra auudio interface focusrite kinnus

    • @HistoryinNepali
      @HistoryinNepali  3 года назад

      Thank you for your suggestion. Sure we will follow your guidance.

  • @rikshrestha2038
    @rikshrestha2038 3 года назад

    surye banshi t magar hunxa k magar t hoinan ? jayesthiti malla?

  • @debendrasahdebendrasah6369
    @debendrasahdebendrasah6369 3 года назад

    Madheshi ho mallaharu.

  • @shandipbiswokarma5442
    @shandipbiswokarma5442 3 года назад +2

    ab malla ko santan haru kaha xan vanne banaunu paryo ahile

    • @Ishitmypantsfull
      @Ishitmypantsfull 3 года назад +3

      malla ko santan ahile pani newar samudaya mai chhan, uni haru malla, pradhan, pradhananga thar lekhchan praya. Newar samudaya ma uniharulai Thaku juju (Thakuri raja) bhanera sambodhan garincha ra uniharu Chhathari (Kshatri) Shrestha antargat pardachhan.

    • @Ishitmypantsfull
      @Ishitmypantsfull 3 года назад

      @Surya Newari Bahun bhaneko kanyakubja brahman hun, uniharu lichhavi ma thiye ra pachi malla kaal ma ni aye, tesaile Newari bahun ko 3 ota farak gotra cha kinabhane uniharu Upadhyaya Brahman bhaye ni farak kool ka hun

    • @debendrasahdebendrasah6369
      @debendrasahdebendrasah6369 3 года назад

      Mall maithali bhasi madhesi ho.

    • @subhampradhan292
      @subhampradhan292 Год назад


  • @rameshsapkota7146
    @rameshsapkota7146 2 года назад

    मल्ल राजा ठकुरी हुन कि नेवार हुन स्पष्ट पारिदिनु भए आभारी हुने थिए !

    • @rajrbh8660
      @rajrbh8660 2 года назад

      Newar, tyo bela baira bata ayaka thup rai jat haru Kathmandu upateka ma basi Newari boli Newar baneka thiya vaninchha..tessaile newar community ma mix caste chha....4 jat sathis barna ko group ho Newar...Malla haru India bata ayara Newari culture accepte gari Newar baneka thiya vanninchha

    • @kapil4417037
      @kapil4417037 2 года назад +1

      Newa thaku(thakuri) eg amshurma, previous malla belongs to malla janapad of india or licchavis descendant, late mallas from jasthiti malla are karnatak bamsiya nanya dev descendant

    • @debendrasahdebendrasah6369
      @debendrasahdebendrasah6369 Год назад

      Madhesi ho nepal ko sabai rajaharu

  • @dhanidasshrestha5657
    @dhanidasshrestha5657 3 года назад

    मल्ल चैं कहाँबाट अाए? भारततिरबाट त हैन?

  • @muditshrestha9016
    @muditshrestha9016 2 года назад

    Danuwar hun

  • @user-zd8fo5pb8f
    @user-zd8fo5pb8f 6 месяцев назад

    सिजा कै हुनु परछ किन भने

  • @jaybikramrana6713
    @jaybikramrana6713 3 года назад

    के हजुर श्री ३ महाराज तथा प्रधानमन्त्री जङ्ग बहादुर राणाका माहिला भाइ मद्राराजकुमार कुमारत्मज कमाण्डर ईन चिफ प्राइम मिनिष्टर र जङ्ग बहादुर राणा का अत्यन्तै विश्वासपात्र वफादार भाइ बम बहादुर राणा को बारेमा Video बनाउन कष्ट गरिबक्सिन्छ 🙏🙏🙏

  • @bikkiezgrg
    @bikkiezgrg 3 года назад

    This vid is spreading confusion in history. Non factual and no dates are mentioned

  • @bikrambudha606
    @bikrambudha606 3 года назад

    Sir. Nepal ma chhetri jaat k खस जात bata aayako ho ra? को थिए खस जातका मानिस हरु । र मेरो जात भ‌ने बुढा ‌‌‌‌chhetri ho . को हुन यो जात वाला मानिस हरु । इतिहास को कुन वंश राजाहरु वा जात बाट आएको हो ? केहि भन्न सक्नु हुन्छ भने भन्नु होस न है सर। वाक्के गलत भय पनि सार त बुझ्नु भयो होला नि। सानै बाट जान्न मन थियो , आज मौका मिल्यो सोध्ने ।

    • @himviewblogger1356
      @himviewblogger1356 3 года назад

      नेपाल का क्षेत्री पुराना नेगी हरू हून र आज भारतको नेगी र नेपाल का क्षेत्री तामंग ई दुबै को पुर्बज नेगी हो

    • @Ishitmypantsfull
      @Ishitmypantsfull 3 года назад +2

      Chhetri ko pad hang bahadur ko pala ma lal mohar banai banaaieko ho, Tyo bhanda paila sabai lai Khas nai bhaninthyo. Khas bhaneko Vedic Hindu parampara ra newar haru ko najariya ma tallo “vrata” jaat bhaeko bhayera Jang Bahadur le afno Shashan strong banauna purai jaat lai upgrade garera kshatri to taha lyaeka hun.

  • @Arjunbas1
    @Arjunbas1 3 года назад +2

    यो मल्लहरू ठकुरी मल्ल हो की नेवार मल्ल हो?

    • @sureshneupane5967
      @sureshneupane5967 3 года назад +2

      Newar ho

    • @Ishitmypantsfull
      @Ishitmypantsfull 3 года назад

      Newar ki Khas Malla bhanera bhana, Kinabhane Newar Malla varna-jati anusar Kshatriya Thakur nai hun.

    • @kapil4417037
      @kapil4417037 2 года назад

      They are newar thakuri

  • @proequipments7210
    @proequipments7210 3 года назад

    hoina malla raja kathmandu ko durbar squre ra kehi pati pauwa banako ho..k Nepal Nepal bhaneera..khas licchavi hoon china india sanga sambandha garney

  • @smartbluemoon7611
    @smartbluemoon7611 3 года назад +1

    Thakuri antargat parne malla harukai bamsha ho yiniharuko Kathmandu ma sasan garda newari culture adopt gardai jada newari bhasha sanskriti mai pusta pusta chaldai ayo ra hal yedakada Kathmandu ma tinai haruka santan malla vetinxan tiniharu afulai newar vanna ruchauxan.

  • @timilayamithapa9983
    @timilayamithapa9983 3 года назад

    Who destroyed Buddhist heritage ?

  • @dukeofpkr
    @dukeofpkr 3 года назад

    All these history is just history of Kathmandu valley and it’s kings .Kathmandu valley used to be known as Nepal in the past but the present day Nepal is much bigger than Kathmandu and just the history of Kathmandu can the taken as the whole history of Nepal . The smaller kingdoms in the east and west had their own kings and as someone from western Nepal I am unable to identify with this presented history of Nepal . In a way the whole of history of Nepal is presented as ruled by kings from Indian states which is not true . The Magars of the west. ,the kirats of the east were not from India . A desperate attempt by historians to associate Nepal with India and Hinduism .

    • @wangwei2913
      @wangwei2913 3 года назад

      The Rulers of the East were Sen Bengalis. They also ruled some parts of Sikkim. Linking Kirati with Limbus was a fraud done by the Nepalese community in order to drive Bengalis out. In Nepal we learn in detail about Sen Bengalis.

  • @KrishnaKrishna-qr7rg
    @KrishnaKrishna-qr7rg 3 года назад

    Majahabi history herda, jo jati Mongol face ka chhan ti sab Chandra banshi ra Surya banshi hun yo mero chalange sab Lai ra mongol ko majahab Bata nai sab le chori gareko dekhinxa.alla haru keral Bata ayeko hunu parxa, mallapuram Bata.

  • @krishnatorjeyofficial8146
    @krishnatorjeyofficial8146 3 года назад

    Tini haru le basa chai kun bolthe

  • @SurajMaskiRana9646
    @SurajMaskiRana9646 3 года назад

    Is jayasthitti malla a newar king????

    • @handsome5288
      @handsome5288 3 года назад +2

      tyo bella kathmandu ma basna sapai basindha lai newar nai bhanthiyo newar autai jaat la baniyako jaat haina thupro thari ko nasal la baniyako ho prithivi narayan shah la upatyaka jita pachi ktm ma basna haru sapai jaat newar vanara ekta vako ho tai vayara koi newar mongol jasto koi bahun jasto koi madhese jasto haru xan

    • @SurajMaskiRana9646
      @SurajMaskiRana9646 3 года назад

      @@handsome5288 nice information

    • @ashokathegreat2397
      @ashokathegreat2397 3 года назад

      They were Maithili from Tirhut
      Accept it

    • @bijayaraisuchha5924
      @bijayaraisuchha5924 3 года назад +1

      @@handsome5288 nono malla newar nai ho khas hoina ,

    • @handsome5288
      @handsome5288 3 года назад +1

      @@bijayaraisuchha5924 malla newar pani hunxa thakuri pani hunxa newar malla haru ekdamai kaam xa 500 jana pani xaena ahila newar malla la pradhangang vanara thar lakhxa thakuri malla haru jyada xa ani newar malla haru ko histry herna ho vana karnali tira ko sinja khas rajya bata nai upatyaka chirara lichivi haru lai jitara rajya chalako dakhinxa feri arko histry herda bihar ko koich vana thau bata malla haru ktm chirara lichivi haru lai jitara rajya chalako dakhinxa

  • @deepesh346
    @deepesh346 3 года назад

    Thakuri nai hola

  • @ramanandachaudhary3799
    @ramanandachaudhary3799 3 года назад

    The most of ethinic groups ran from latest Indian societies after. I think Jaysthiti Malla was also from them. He might be from Mallah society. That's why he wrote title name 'Malla '. The kathmandu valley was a big pond before. Most of people were depended on either hunting or fishing and used to move place to place. His ancestor would have earned more property from those ponds either fishing or by boat and after would have become rich man. We know that people generally follow power and money. Meanwhile his ancestor would have become a ruler.

    • @bpnk5237
      @bpnk5237 3 года назад +2

      there were mallas in valley before him, ari malla was the first malla king of nepal valley.

    • @Ishitmypantsfull
      @Ishitmypantsfull 3 года назад +3

      Malla and mallah have no connection at all. How dare you associate malla with a fishing community, they are not the same at all. Mallas were Suryavanshi Kshatriyas.

    • @wangwei2913
      @wangwei2913 3 года назад

      Licchavis, Vermas, Ahirs were also from the Indian societies. During Licchavi Time Nepal was well developed.People weren't that primitive.

    • @kapil4417037
      @kapil4417037 3 года назад +2

      fossils study suggest kathmandu valley was already been ihabitant by people 9000 years ago, so kathmandu pond was already drained much much earlier

    • @atinyshineforever9252
      @atinyshineforever9252 Год назад

      @@kapil4417037 where do we study about history before mallas,lichavi?

  • @Laxman_Mahat_Syangjali
    @Laxman_Mahat_Syangjali 2 года назад

    Sarthak . Jee .. can you make one video on
    “What was the official language during Lichhabi period and Malla period? Are Lachhabi and / or Mallas kings were Newar kings ? When and how Newari language became prominent language in Kathmandu ? How was the position Of Khas language (Nepali ) in Kathmandu during Malla and Lichhabi periods ?

    • @injeolmi0000
      @injeolmi0000 Месяц назад

      The official language during lichhavi dynasty was:Sanskrit
      Whereas during malla dynasty official language was Newari and court/literature language was:Maithili