You can increase the final gear ratio as much as you want. But the power in a pair of human legs i.e. a cyclist, remains the same. (higher gearing requires more power to push the pedals). So it doesn't make you cycle any faster if you're not on a smooth downhill and you have gravity to assist you. Then nevermind going uphill ..... you can forget about that. Get off your bike and push it while you walk.😁
@@brianmeow Have you ever heard of a pro cyclist that has a contraption like this? No? Well there is a reason why they don't use these. You can't climb with them, they are for smooth DH only.
Teóricamente es todo posible. sin embargo, actualmente las relaciones de engranes para ruta comercialmente está 53/11 es 4.81 , hasta 60/11 es 5.45 con esta última relación superas los 40km promedio. Así que trabajamos con la relación 28/14 x 52/14 llegaríamos a 7.42 teóricamente, sin embargo la cadencia sería lo quizá uno no pueda sostener el rpm . Es un buen multiplicador de velocidad pero no practico para el cuerpo humano.
Useful for the bros who don't skip leg day! (~‾▿‾)~ Edit : on another note, modding it with a 250W rear hub motor and a controller in a pedalec configuration might help those who skip leg day as well
It takes the same amount of power to attain the same speed, but the difference is that you apply more force more slowly. Thus, your legs make fewer cycles to get the same distance. This is great for the people with overpowered legs, but not so great for everybody else.
@@ScreamingEagleFTW The problem is that fast twitch dominant cyclists are actually good at... higher rpm. I know cycling world jumped on slow twitch = higher cadence bandwagon long time ago but recent studies show it's more complicated than that at best. Speed of contraction does matter. Athletes with higher percentage of fast twitch fibers are better predisposed to higher pedaling rates. So I'd say this crank would be good for an athlete with A LOT of slow twitch fibers which sheer amount allows for higher torque.
we already know that fast twitch fibers create more force, more limit strength, more tension but for shorter durations. Red fibers are for endurance, sub maximal contractions over and over. Only one way to find out. At least we agree that starting out at a full stop in a high gear the advantage would go to the fast twitch guy if acceleration was the goal. @@michwoz
@@ScreamingEagleFTW Of course. Although you don't need that much force while pedaling in most scenarios (even at higher intensities), during sprinting or at very low cadence coupled with high power, high rate of force development is required which only fast twitch fibers can provide.
_"Fun fact: gear ratio is not a limiter of bicycle performance."_ More fun fact: bicycle performance is limited to air resistance and gravity. Even more fun fact: larger sprockets cannot overcome air resistance and gravity.
Increasing the gear ratio definitely gives you potential for more speed. But you’re still putting in the same power with your legs. You’re not gaining any mechanical advantage by doing this.
In fact he makes the bike worse, because more moving parts meant more rotational mass which means more watts lost in process. Basically this reduced efficiency of the drivetrain.
You could get into ground clearance issues with a huge chainring, so for a MTB something like this would be better. and you wouldn't realistically need that big tho, you can buy a 70t chainring off the shelf and fit it with a 9t rear cog and I don't think anyone would be able to pedal that up to even a steady 90 cadence. It would need a huge downhill atleast. If you really wanna fly pair that up with a internal gear hub and you'll be going 90kph at 60 cadence.
Of course it doesnt, also the better way would be changing the cassette to the 12 speed one that has the smaller gear with 10, not 13 or 14 teeth like this one.
How refreshing it is to see somebody who makes RUclips videos who actually knows how to weld a bead rather than just multiple tacking / sloppy spot-welding. Great Job 🎉 (especially compared to everyone else I see on these videos)
On the other hand, the idea of simply creating a faster bike by gearing lacks knowledge of the available power and wind resistance. Doesn't it seem logical that faster bikes would already have been invented and widely available if it was that simple?
@@cpmorgan5000 I am completely logical. Unless you can override the laws of physics, you can add all the gears you want. A TDF cyclist delivers, on average, somewhere between 220 and 240 W on a regular stage, and that must be said to be the top of what can be delivered. We are therefore talking about a force which, for car experts, corresponds to 1/3 HP. In addition, you have a wind resistance that increases exponentially with the speed. It's great to experiment and try new ways, but the laws of physics are what they are. The bicycle is an old invention that has been refined for centuries and a modern racing bicycle has almost no transmission resistance. But what little resistance there is after all becomes twice as great by adding twice as many gears.
@@cpmorgan5000 It's a bit embarrassing that I didn't catch it, but English is not my native language and I am sometimes provoked by "fantatic" free energy inventions. But I'm glad you didn't have to be taken literally ;-)
Se fez isso com uma bicicleta de passeio normal MTB imagina isso em uma de corrida uma speed uma de triatlou enfim pode ser a superação em matéria de records de velocidade👏👏👏😎👍
I like electric bikes. They have serious acceleration. I was out biking and I saw a woman on an electric bike. I have to admit it was pretty cool to see her take off.
Pues parece que funciona bien. Es como duplicar la transmisión. Sigue trabajando en la idea, podría revolucionar el ciclismo. Hay que verlo en subidas.
En subidas lo unico que tiene que hacer es equilibrar los dientes de cada crankset. Es Claro que es una bicicleta del alta velocidad y no seria practica para velocidad cambiante en una ciudad. Pero sin duda sera una maravilla para gente que vive entre pueblos cercanos
Может, я что-то не понял, но в чём смысл? Число зубьев задней и дополнительной звезды одинаковое. Т.е. передаточное число 1:1. Соответственно, эффекта не будет. Только потеряем на трении. Да и смысла в этом нет, т.к. большинство людей не способно крутить педали с нужной частотой (80+ оборотов в минуту) с передаточным числом 3 и больше. Тут уже нужен электромотор.
Похоже, не понял. С большой (допустим, 48T) звезды цепь передаёт училие на малую дополнительную звезду (14T), оттуда передаётся по валу на большую дополнительную звезду (34T), оттуда - на заднюю (14T). Итого имеем: 48:14 * 34:14 = 3.4 * 2.4 = 8.2. Если взять самую большую звезду на рынке (59T) и самую малеькую (9T), всё равно получите только 6.6. Другой вопрос - это нагрузка. Для развития полной скорости надо буквально приседать всем телом на каждой педали. Это ведёт к лютейшему износу первой цепи и малой дополнительной звезды, а также оказывает сильное давление на ось дополнительной звезды. Скорее всего, конструкция с такими длинными рычагами дополнительной звезды не выдержит долго давления и просто изогнётся, так что долго поддерживать высокую скорость попросту не получится.
@@Ревизорспроверкой Смысл в таком изобретении "не часто крутить" только в том, чтобы за тобой ездила машина и в горку везла. А так, дополнительное трение, больше веса на доп.цепи и звезде. Лучше уж нормальные звезды подобрать, ну может чаще крутить нужно с горы, зато универсально, легче, меньше трения и т.д. Короче, Тур де Франс на этом шайтане точно никто не выиграет...
@@Monkits1tvp он и в горку поедет(хотя в иную горку легче пешком идти) благо есть переключатель и пакет звезд.Доп.вес и трение не так уж велики, нивелируется весом пользователя и его физ.подготовкой.
@@Ревизорспроверкой В горку даже я на своем полутонном норняке могу поехать, но дело в другом. Лишние 300грам звезда и цепь, а толку практически ноль. Легче чуть быстрей крутить вниз, чем чувствовать даже эти лишние 300г в гору. И эти факторы никак не нивелируются, ни для профиков ни для казуалов, поэтому не придумывай из головы, доп вес велосипеда ничто не нивелирует, если тебя не 90кг,и эти кг будут не мышцы.
The "laboratory" conditions presented here do not account for rolling resistance and wind resistsnce. Your top speed will be no faster on flat, level ground than regular gears, assuming regular gears are already geared higher than the rider's strength. If it did work, I could gear my car to go 1000 MPH by just putting in high enough gears.
Really cool! you seem to know your tools. I live in a fairly flat city and I spend most of the time in the highest gear ratio, I've always wondered how would be to have an extremely high gear ratio like that and this design is way more compact that just adding a huge gear. Also I would try to add an electric motor to that bike.
A time trial bike already has a higher gear ratio than that in the video. They can go 80kph and more whereas this showed a top speed of 70. You only need a big chainring, like 56 teeth
No me digas señor obvio, en serio la relacion sera mas dura??? waooo quien lo diria... Porque los que hablan español siempre comentan ese tipo de tonterias?, no te vas a cansar mas, incluso te cansaras menos, porque lo que cansa no es hacer fuerza, es tener que pedalear muuuucho, eso es lo que cansa, cuando tenes que meter 100 pedales por minuto para poder llegar a 45km/h, te cansas mucho mas que si tuvieras que solo dar 20 pedales por minuto para llegar a los 45/h, aunque tengas que meterle un poco mas de fuerza, eso no es nada, lo importante es no tener que dar tanto pedaleo. Te lo digo por exp propia, yo anduve por mucho tiempo con un cambio muy liviano, hasta que me canse de ir tan lento a coste de tantos pedaleos, un dia me tope con unos ciclistas que me sobrepasaban por mucho en velocidad sin sudar una gota, me preguntaba como eran capaces de ir tan rapido pedaleando tan despacio y sin cansarse, hasta que descubri que era porque tenian un cambio mas pesado, asi que fui a que me le pongan un cambio mas pesado a mi bici (48 dientes plato con el piñon mas pequeño de 11 dientes) y ahora ando super rapido sin cansarme, con apenas dar un par de pedales voy rapidismo, ya ni me canso para ir a cualquier lugar. Aumentar la fuerza siempre es la mejor via en la bici.
Big wheel on the back, small wheel on the front - then you are always going downhill! :D Seriously though, a larger back wheel would actually increase the gear ratio further, but not very much :)
Puedes poner todos los engranajes intermedios que quieras.... la fuerza necesaria para moverlo será cada vez más... pues a más cadenas y peso, hace falta más fuerza para vencer la resistencia y el peso.
waoo en serio??? no me digas.... obviamente necesitara mas fuerza, el chiste aca es que la fuerza es muy facil de conseguir, solo es entrenar un poco y listo te acostumbras al poco tiempo a manejar ese cambio, lo dificil es tratar de superar los 40 km/h con un plato de 38 dientecitos, tendrias que dar 100 pedaleadas por segundo para llegar a pasar la barrera de los 40 km, perooooo, con un plato de 60 dientes por ejemplo, podrias alcanzar facilmente incluso los 50 km/h con solo dar 50 pedaleadas por minuto, al final la cadencia es mucho mas dificil de conseguir que la fuerza, por eso es mejor añadir mas fuerza a la bici, que cadencia a la hora de mejorar la velocidad.
@@dss12345678más o menos, tendrías que ser un ciclista de pista para entrenar correctamente ratios así de altos, es posible pero igual en pista normalmente se maneja más rpm que potencia, porque no importa que puedas mover 14/68 si no tenes las rpm para llevarlo a altas velocidades
Easy to turn the crankset when the bike is on flat road, but with a few D+ you will need to buy new legs. With 54-10 it will be already very difficult to crush the pedals
Yes, less drag from the chain on sprockets and less weight. Its pointless unless everywhere you ride is downhill though because you can only gear a bike up so much before its too hard to pedal. The builder is faking the speeds by using downhills to appear fast. As big a bullshit line as all those free energy electric motors videos.
Me encanta, la idea es como la dinámica de incrementar la fuerza o esfuerzo físico auxiliado de la ingeniería de los piñones, así como los cambios. Muy bien pensado. Definitivamente hay mucho que mejorar e inventar. Mil felicidades chicos por este gran aporte será toda una revolución en las bicicletas. Mejor dicho la vuelta Colombia nos quedó pendeja.😄. 👍🇨🇴🙏.
La idea esta super buena, pero me gustaria mirar que tan rapido puede ir en una pendiente hacia arriba, espero no pese micho la bicicleta porque tendra que empujarla o cargarla.
Если найдёшь конструктивное решение как реализовать такую повышенную передачу совместно со стандартными передачами то будет огонь, а так замучаешься разгоняться.
@@Виталийсамодельщик можно делать гибриды но это уже другая тема. Здесь использована не отключаемая дополнительная раздатка, создающая только проблемы. Вопрос еще и в безопасности - падать на скорости 60км на велике, а всё может быть, эко как?
Super smart idea. For someone with strong legs, thats so cool and handy. Force to push hasnt been the issue personally but high rpms like any motor(human capability), there is a limit
Lol, ifyou cannot peddle at the rpm of 60-90 then it is time to see a doctor. This gearing is insanely pointless. Average commuter cyclist is able to peddle at the 70rpm. 70rpm on this bike is more than 100kmh, how the hell are you going to acclerate to the 100kmh on a such high hear? the lowest gear at 60rpm makes you go 30kmh. And the peak power of human legs on a bicycle is at around 100rpm.
@@DoomNerd67200 _"You indeed need alot of leg watts"_ the one problem is you are limited to the amount of torque produced by your own body weight. Any more torque than your own body weight would be lifting you off the saddle instead of pushing you forward. Well, that is unless someone installed a seatbelt.
Não vi vantagem nesse projeto não, só da pra usa a marcha traseira!! E sem falar que solda a catraca não é o ideal, o melhor é ter feito algo que pudesse ser trocado quando desse problema!!!
Bikes used to have a front derailleur for multiple sized cranks. I hate that this went away. Regardless, the most effective way to increase speed while reducing the amount of force needed at the pedal would be a pulley system.
no many bikes still come with front derailleur. they've just fallen out of favor cause there mostly useless, in regards to the number of gears you'll actually need or use whil out on the road. the advantage of a front derailleur is not to get 21 speeds but to have a down shift to a smaller gear which is handy and smoother when going up the hill. where changing to a bigger gear on the back to downshift is more clunky when your required cadance is hard to maintain. with most e-bikes and a lot being hub driven its actually better just to have a small gear ratio where its easy to pedal to get started and a high one to switch into when your moving along nicely as you don't need much else.
Thanks @Plaxy100, I've been out of mtb since Sram just started introducing the XX & X1. Now back in with post-divorce budget (~$0), I'll eventually get to upper level cranksets. For now, the frisbee-sized ninja stars appearing on the granny side of 12 speed cassettes make me wonder how close these ratios still are. My Southwest US racing commonly involved >1 hour climbs at over 10,000 ft. I needed to keep the granny gears close together as I have a very rapid narrow-range climbing cadence. I just don't see how the fine tuning can remain for the most demanding XC riding when you reduce all prior solutions to a 12 speed. Thoughts? (I know, I know, I can plug the numbers into a spreadsheet to get all the ratios, but I suspect that on-the-trail may feel different than on paper.)
@@Aphorism89 Higher top speed is another reason for it. The tiny single cranks that come on bikes today suck ass for everything except coasting downhill.
@@Inmate533 luckily they are easy to replace and relatively inexpensive. I mean, one can eventually take them out and buy too quality ones instead. I wouldn't mind having 2 plates, used to have that on my road bike and it was great. But now a days I'd always try to minimize. The least elements, the least maintenance and risks :/
Just get bigger chainring (front gear) and smallest sprocket (rear gear) but you gonna need a more powerfull leg to pedal because its so heavy to pedaling 🤣
Congrats you've made it faster and didnt mention any other factors so i support it, dont listen to the bitchy more popular comments missing the point of the video.
So I'm guessing your new configuration doesn't require those extra bearings that fell out of your cassette...? That's very interesting. Also what was the purpose in taking the cassette apart just to allow some bearings Fallout and then put it right back together again without adding grease or making any other modifications or was the purpose just to remove a few tiny steel balls for unknown reasons? I'm just a couple of minutes into the video if that and already thoroughly confused I would have seen this far so if you could please elaborate on that I would appreciate it because that would help me eliminate some of the confusion (so far)
At the first moment I thought the same. But if you really look at it, its no bearings that fell out. The parts that "fell out" are the claws that prevents the cassette to run free in both directions. As he shows after putting it together again, the casette can run free in both directions. Usually a casette can run in free in one direction only, otherwise it wouldnt turn the wheel. I think that build is nice made. But it's of course still a very old and well known technology to connect gears ion series for increasing the gear ratio. If it would make any sense manufacturers of bicycles would use it since a long time.
The parts removed were the ratchet pawls (they make the click or buzz sound from the rear wheel). He removed them because that part is a rear hub and cassette. Without them, it will spin freely without engaging or clicking, just a straight bearing.
@@gangstreG123 I suppose I should learn more about bikes then if I'm going to be serious about building one. 45 years ago when they were my primary mode of transportation I just rode them, wrecked them, and Hustled up a new one if it wasn't ridable anymore
This system is quite ingenious. It could work with a mid-drive electric bike. The motor could be attached to the first freewheel. By able to use a small front chain ring and a large rear cog, this ebike could have insane high torque for climbing steep hill.
It would also need an insanely heavy motor drawing insane amounts of power in order to get that high torque. You would get up maybe one hill before needing a recharge.
I'm running a mid drive 750w Bafang bike now, the torque using standard mtb ratios is enough to climb any hill easily. There is no point in this system with a mid motor bike, especially as I'm getting 59kph easily as is.
@@GB-vn1tf I'm going to be trying this anyway I have a couple of electric bikes with rear hub drives I've been looking for a really large front gear so I could pedal at high speeds I'm going to go ahead and try this anyway and I'll let you guys know how it works out
@@akisalmenaho8473 But both ways would end without having a video ;-) I'm pretty sure the video was the only intention for thos build, the bike will be pretty useless with that high gear ratio.
I think that bike ignores the fact that all directions on average are uphill and against the wind when you're on a bicycle, and the extra friction losses do not help either. Look at how the land speed record bikes are built. They have huge chainrings and tiny sprockets, but only one of each...
Seia bueno que el autor del vídeo nos contará sobre sus impresiones con este sistema como realmente se siente y si es bueno para subir colinas o solo es para terreno plano
@@benjazz8128 pues no sabría determinar eso por el tipo de relación que maneja pues el plato delantero es pequeño y si el cambio trasero sube al plato mas grande se supone que debe quedar un cambio suave para subir terrenos con pendientes, por eso le pido el favor al autor del video si puede explicarnos.
You can increase the final gear ratio as much as you want. But the power in a pair of human legs i.e. a cyclist, remains the same. (higher gearing requires more power to push the pedals). So it doesn't make you cycle any faster if you're not on a smooth downhill and you have gravity to assist you. Then nevermind going uphill ..... you can forget about that. Get off your bike and push it while you walk.😁
Yep, thats why it is pointless.
ever heard of a pro cyclist?a climber?a comuter?a gravel biker?
agreed, when comparing the revolutions/s from the start of the video with the end of the video, he probably just had a speed of 20km/h
@@brianmeow Have you ever heard of a pro cyclist that has a contraption like this? No? Well there is a reason why they don't use these. You can't climb with them, they are for smooth DH only.
My friend. Is for efficiency . I Hope you understand . Thanks you
Teóricamente es todo posible. sin embargo, actualmente las relaciones de engranes para ruta comercialmente está 53/11 es 4.81 , hasta 60/11 es 5.45 con esta última relación superas los 40km promedio. Así que trabajamos con la relación 28/14 x 52/14 llegaríamos a 7.42 teóricamente, sin embargo la cadencia sería lo quizá uno no pueda sostener el rpm . Es un buen multiplicador de velocidad pero no practico para el cuerpo humano.
Ако трябваше, щяха в завода да му монтират тези предавки.
Versteht kein Mensch
Podrá dar más detalles o tendrá un video guía para mantener el par esfuerzo para mantener la velocidad por promedio 30 km/h
La deal este foarte nepractic
Is it possible to go faster in this case?
Very good video and thank you for sharing your idea 😁😁👍
Ideia otima, projeto bom , quem estar criticando ,não tem boas intenções para ajudar .
Useful for the bros who don't skip leg day! (~‾▿‾)~
Edit : on another note, modding it with a 250W rear hub motor and a controller in a pedalec configuration might help those who skip leg day as well
Wow it's cool 👍I'm trying this thanks for smart ideas 💡
please dear sir. did you make a copy of the invention?
please have you tried
раскрутить колесо до 70+км в ч, можно и без этой приблуды, хорошо бы посмотреть как он эти 70 выжмет сидя на велосипеде, хотя бы по прямой.
Topp Idee! Nur für Leistungssportler?
А теперь в гору и против ветра... Вот тут, думаю, все преимущества сойдут на нет.
Ты главное этому изобретателю не говори. Пусть сам всё узнает ))))
может он не знает есть педали с тремя звездами . тот же хрен только легче
Это чтобы за автобус цепляться, а не в горку ездить.
Dove abita lui non ci sono salite tipo n3l deserto??😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😮
I watched the video impressively.
The new concept is fast, but doesn't it take more power?
Of course yess
You you seriously asking if it takes more power to ride faster?
Yes, because of physics. The footage in the end is fake/sped up.
@Alex it's not fake, its downhill
It takes the same amount of power to attain the same speed, but the difference is that you apply more force more slowly. Thus, your legs make fewer cycles to get the same distance. This is great for the people with overpowered legs, but not so great for everybody else.
Fun fact: gear ratio is not a limiter of bicycle performance.
depends on the rider and what rpm the riders power band is. this would be perfect for a fast twitch person. ie anaerobic athletes.
@@ScreamingEagleFTW The problem is that fast twitch dominant cyclists are actually good at... higher rpm. I know cycling world jumped on slow twitch = higher cadence bandwagon long time ago but recent studies show it's more complicated than that at best. Speed of contraction does matter. Athletes with higher percentage of fast twitch fibers are better predisposed to higher pedaling rates. So I'd say this crank would be good for an athlete with A LOT of slow twitch fibers which sheer amount allows for higher torque.
we already know that fast twitch fibers create more force, more limit strength, more tension but for shorter durations. Red fibers are for endurance, sub maximal contractions over and over. Only one way to find out. At least we agree that starting out at a full stop in a high gear the advantage would go to the fast twitch guy if acceleration was the goal. @@michwoz
@@ScreamingEagleFTW Of course. Although you don't need that much force while pedaling in most scenarios (even at higher intensities), during sprinting or at very low cadence coupled with high power, high rate of force development is required which only fast twitch fibers can provide.
_"Fun fact: gear ratio is not a limiter of bicycle performance."_ More fun fact: bicycle performance is limited to air resistance and gravity. Even more fun fact: larger sprockets cannot overcome air resistance and gravity.
You are a genius man, that is the future of the transportation👌👏👏👏👏💯💯
Increasing the gear ratio definitely gives you potential for more speed. But you’re still putting in the same power with your legs. You’re not gaining any mechanical advantage by doing this.
In fact he makes the bike worse, because more moving parts meant more rotational mass which means more watts lost in process.
Basically this reduced efficiency of the drivetrain.
lower tempo means more achievable ride for most for longer, stop hating
@@littlehills lol how tf am I hating? I’m giving constructive criticism. Stop being a baby getting offended by everything.
@@PP-cm4re constructive criticism? what was the constructive part?
Lower cadence on flat improves cycling comfort. Higher tooth front crank does same.
Wow 😳 that's one hell of a 🚲 bicycle 🔥🔥🔥 BEAST 👹
Question is, does it weight less than a 80 or 90T front chainring+chain links?
And the increased complexity equals more prone to failure.
I'll take gear reduction
You could get into ground clearance issues with a huge chainring, so for a MTB something like this would be better.
and you wouldn't realistically need that big tho, you can buy a 70t chainring off the shelf and fit it with a 9t rear cog and I don't think anyone would be able to pedal that up to even a steady 90 cadence. It would need a huge downhill atleast. If you really wanna fly pair that up with a internal gear hub and you'll be going 90kph at 60 cadence.
It adds little relative complexity
Of course it doesnt, also the better way would be changing the cassette to the 12 speed one that has the smaller gear with 10, not 13 or 14 teeth like this one.
I love it so much very brigth idea
Regardless of gear combinations to increase speed, your speed will still depend on human power input.
I think he tried to increase his torque?
@@jipjipson8744 nahhh, just "add a gear to make higherst possible RPM for a wheel"
Es buena idea amigo tu obra. 👍🇲🇽
Pretty cool! I was just wondering if that could be done awhile ago I'm not smart enough to be able to figure out that stuff I'm glad other people are!
How refreshing it is to see somebody who makes RUclips videos who actually knows how to weld a bead rather than just multiple tacking / sloppy spot-welding.
Great Job 🎉
(especially compared to everyone else I see on these videos)
On the other hand, the idea of simply creating a faster bike by gearing lacks knowledge of the available power and wind resistance. Doesn't it seem logical that faster bikes would already have been invented and widely available if it was that simple?
No, you're illogical - this bike has four gears working simultaneously, this has not been done before@@TheKIMANO
@@cpmorgan5000 I am completely logical. Unless you can override the laws of physics, you can add all the gears you want. A TDF cyclist delivers, on average, somewhere between 220 and 240 W on a regular stage, and that must be said to be the top of what can be delivered. We are therefore talking about a force which, for car experts, corresponds to 1/3 HP. In addition, you have a wind resistance that increases exponentially with the speed. It's great to experiment and try new ways, but the laws of physics are what they are. The bicycle is an old invention that has been refined for centuries and a modern racing bicycle has almost no transmission resistance. But what little resistance there is after all becomes twice as great by adding twice as many gears.
@@TheKIMANO I was just playing
@@cpmorgan5000 It's a bit embarrassing that I didn't catch it, but English is not my native language and I am sometimes provoked by "fantatic" free energy inventions. But I'm glad you didn't have to be taken literally ;-)
Brother nice idea but try to make a video without music ❤
Very interesting as for a unique crazy build. But I don't understand how this clumsy rig would increase speed or perfoemace.😉
by adding a four stroke engine.. lol
I don't think it makes much sense. power and speed are related, above a certain limit you simply don't have the power to pedal
Belo projeto! Agora falta botar um freio ABS pra segurar isso daí hein 😁
The tutorial is very good, friend, the video is also clear. Try something like this in Peru
FYI, there are already “multiple chain rings” in the market. Even your invention makes more friction because of the additional chains.
Yea, it is pointless.
@@jurekgadzinowski2895 it's more like making a Video for YT.
Se fez isso com uma bicicleta de passeio normal MTB imagina isso em uma de corrida uma speed uma de triatlou enfim pode ser a superação em matéria de records de velocidade👏👏👏😎👍
Love the precision welding, and it goes like a cut snake. I saw you passing two or three buses!
Going In the wrong directooon
he passed them like they were standing still.
Esta genial, boy acerlo colgar el video cuando lo tenga 😊
Nice brother ❤️
I like electric bikes. They have serious acceleration. I was out biking and I saw a woman on an electric bike. I have to admit it was pretty cool to see her take off.
Pues parece que funciona bien. Es como duplicar la transmisión. Sigue trabajando en la idea, podría revolucionar el ciclismo. Hay que verlo en subidas.
En subidas lo unico que tiene que hacer es equilibrar los dientes de cada crankset. Es Claro que es una bicicleta del alta velocidad y no seria practica para velocidad cambiante en una ciudad. Pero sin duda sera una maravilla para gente que vive entre pueblos cercanos
Nice mod. But put on a helmet, bro.
Keep on rockin'! 🤘🪖🤘
Может, я что-то не понял, но в чём смысл? Число зубьев задней и дополнительной звезды одинаковое. Т.е. передаточное число 1:1. Соответственно, эффекта не будет. Только потеряем на трении.
Да и смысла в этом нет, т.к. большинство людей не способно крутить педали с нужной частотой (80+ оборотов в минуту) с передаточным числом 3 и больше. Тут уже нужен электромотор.
смысл в том, что можно развить скорость 70 км в час с горки.Крутя при этом педали с частотой как 0:16.То есть не особо часто.
Похоже, не понял. С большой (допустим, 48T) звезды цепь передаёт училие на малую дополнительную звезду (14T), оттуда передаётся по валу на большую дополнительную звезду (34T), оттуда - на заднюю (14T). Итого имеем: 48:14 * 34:14 = 3.4 * 2.4 = 8.2. Если взять самую большую звезду на рынке (59T) и самую малеькую (9T), всё равно получите только 6.6.
Другой вопрос - это нагрузка. Для развития полной скорости надо буквально приседать всем телом на каждой педали. Это ведёт к лютейшему износу первой цепи и малой дополнительной звезды, а также оказывает сильное давление на ось дополнительной звезды. Скорее всего, конструкция с такими длинными рычагами дополнительной звезды не выдержит долго давления и просто изогнётся, так что долго поддерживать высокую скорость попросту не получится.
@@Ревизорспроверкой Смысл в таком изобретении "не часто крутить" только в том, чтобы за тобой ездила машина и в горку везла.
А так, дополнительное трение, больше веса на доп.цепи и звезде.
Лучше уж нормальные звезды подобрать, ну может чаще крутить нужно с горы, зато универсально, легче, меньше трения и т.д.
Короче, Тур де Франс на этом шайтане точно никто не выиграет...
@@Monkits1tvp он и в горку поедет(хотя в иную горку легче пешком идти) благо есть переключатель и пакет звезд.Доп.вес и трение не так уж велики, нивелируется весом пользователя и его физ.подготовкой.
@@Ревизорспроверкой В горку даже я на своем полутонном норняке могу поехать, но дело в другом.
Лишние 300грам звезда и цепь, а толку практически ноль. Легче чуть быстрей крутить вниз, чем чувствовать даже эти лишние 300г в гору. И эти факторы никак не нивелируются, ни для профиков ни для казуалов, поэтому не придумывай из головы, доп вес велосипеда ничто не нивелирует, если тебя не 90кг,и эти кг будут не мышцы.
فكرة بسيطة وعملية جدآ ...استمر يا بطل
The "laboratory" conditions presented here do not account for rolling resistance and wind resistsnce. Your top speed will be no faster on flat, level ground than regular gears, assuming regular gears are already geared higher than the rider's strength. If it did work, I could gear my car to go 1000 MPH by just putting in high enough gears.
Dude giving he's weak legs more work.its all in the legs
Really cool! you seem to know your tools. I live in a fairly flat city and I spend most of the time in the highest gear ratio, I've always wondered how would be to have an extremely high gear ratio like that and this design is way more compact that just adding a huge gear. Also I would try to add an electric motor to that bike.
A time trial bike already has a higher gear ratio than that in the video. They can go 80kph and more whereas this showed a top speed of 70.
You only need a big chainring, like 56 teeth
Its not more compact. Its heavier and less efficient. And it looks ugly. A big chain ring is beautiful. Just get a bigger ring.
390km 😂
Very nice I will try it
La relación es más dura .para pedaliar te cansas más . Desarrolla más velocidad pero pedales más duros... Exelente ideas!!!
No me digas señor obvio, en serio la relacion sera mas dura??? waooo quien lo diria...
Porque los que hablan español siempre comentan ese tipo de tonterias?, no te vas a cansar mas, incluso te cansaras menos, porque lo que cansa no es hacer fuerza, es tener que pedalear muuuucho, eso es lo que cansa, cuando tenes que meter 100 pedales por minuto para poder llegar a 45km/h, te cansas mucho mas que si tuvieras que solo dar 20 pedales por minuto para llegar a los 45/h, aunque tengas que meterle un poco mas de fuerza, eso no es nada, lo importante es no tener que dar tanto pedaleo.
Te lo digo por exp propia, yo anduve por mucho tiempo con un cambio muy liviano, hasta que me canse de ir tan lento a coste de tantos pedaleos, un dia me tope con unos ciclistas que me sobrepasaban por mucho en velocidad sin sudar una gota, me preguntaba como eran capaces de ir tan rapido pedaleando tan despacio y sin cansarse, hasta que descubri que era porque tenian un cambio mas pesado, asi que fui a que me le pongan un cambio mas pesado a mi bici (48 dientes plato con el piñon mas pequeño de 11 dientes) y ahora ando super rapido sin cansarme, con apenas dar un par de pedales voy rapidismo, ya ni me canso para ir a cualquier lugar. Aumentar la fuerza siempre es la mejor via en la bici.
Mejor vario y con p inercial 😂
thaats heavier than changing bigger chainring, more wearing parts too
Parabéns pelo video,eu gostei,você é um artista e muito inteligente!Deu te abençoe
Still the same as normal set up, human power is still needed...
well it is a bike lmao
Big wheel on the back, small wheel on the front - then you are always going downhill! :D Seriously though, a larger back wheel would actually increase the gear ratio further, but not very much :)
Puedes poner todos los engranajes intermedios que quieras.... la fuerza necesaria para moverlo será cada vez más... pues a más cadenas y peso, hace falta más fuerza para vencer la resistencia y el peso.
waoo en serio??? no me digas.... obviamente necesitara mas fuerza, el chiste aca es que la fuerza es muy facil de conseguir, solo es entrenar un poco y listo te acostumbras al poco tiempo a manejar ese cambio, lo dificil es tratar de superar los 40 km/h con un plato de 38 dientecitos, tendrias que dar 100 pedaleadas por segundo para llegar a pasar la barrera de los 40 km, perooooo, con un plato de 60 dientes por ejemplo, podrias alcanzar facilmente incluso los 50 km/h con solo dar 50 pedaleadas por minuto, al final la cadencia es mucho mas dificil de conseguir que la fuerza, por eso es mejor añadir mas fuerza a la bici, que cadencia a la hora de mejorar la velocidad.
@@benjamingomez4040 estás hablando en serio? No, verdad? No has montado en bici en tu vida.
@@benjamingomez4040 El amigo es de los que cambia las llantas para que el carro vaya mas rapido.
@@dss12345678más o menos, tendrías que ser un ciclista de pista para entrenar correctamente ratios así de altos, es posible pero igual en pista normalmente se maneja más rpm que potencia, porque no importa que puedas mover 14/68 si no tenes las rpm para llevarlo a altas velocidades
Не свернешь
May God help you develop the new system and May God guide you with knowledge and financing your project ❤
Mais peso e manutenção mas deve ser boa para acelerar na descida.
Simply wow I'll try to make for my son.
Easy to turn the crankset when the bike is on flat road, but with a few D+ you will need to buy new legs. With 54-10 it will be already very difficult to crush the pedals
Even on a flat road, you will not get much speed out of it without a fairing or some other method to improve the aerodynamics.
Why comment like that Alex. That's irrelevant. Nice job very ingenious. Hey whatever keeps you on the road is a good rule. Do what you know.👍😎🙌
Doesn't a bigger sprocket in the front accomplish the same thing with out all the extra stuff?
Yes, less drag from the chain on sprockets and less weight. Its pointless unless everywhere you ride is downhill though because you can only gear a bike up so much before its too hard to pedal. The builder is faking the speeds by using downhills to appear fast. As big a bullshit line as all those free energy electric motors videos.
@filipo tv where can i buy it?
There are bright minds in every country but they're even brighter when they make it happen.
so bright, this were done in like 1950s or even earlier, lol
Wooooooooooooooooo amazing ❤❤❤🎉🎉
The limiting factor are the legs. I don’t see any advantage compared to a conventional system with two or three gears at the front.
Those legs gone be jacked!! If they are not jacked. 😂 better not skip leg day!
Me encanta, la idea es como la dinámica de incrementar la fuerza o esfuerzo físico auxiliado de la ingeniería de los piñones, así como los cambios.
Muy bien pensado.
Definitivamente hay mucho que mejorar e inventar.
Mil felicidades chicos por este gran aporte será toda una revolución en las bicicletas. Mejor dicho la vuelta Colombia nos quedó pendeja.😄.
Sacrifice the chain line for higher gears, very nice
Com pneu fino, minha bick ja passou dos 70km/h, várias vezes. Não consegui entender a vantagem dessa experiência. Mas deu vontade de testar 😉
well made video congrats on a sub
This is a great video, I'm considering this for a fixed gear set-up.
Thanks for this...
La idea esta super buena, pero me gustaria mirar que tan rapido puede ir en una pendiente hacia arriba, espero no pese micho la bicicleta porque tendra que empujarla o cargarla.
Сделаю себе обязательно!!!!!!😊
Надеюсь, это сарказм?
Тихо...... Не намекай..... пусть делает!!!!@@БорисЕлагин-ц9р
Если найдёшь конструктивное решение как реализовать такую повышенную передачу совместно со стандартными передачами то будет огонь, а так замучаешься разгоняться.
З горки за ветром покатит, а что делать на подъеме? Законы физики никто не отменял.
Нужно делать электробайк с педалями, гоняй на электро тяге, потом крути педали как сядет аккум.
@@Виталийсамодельщик можно делать гибриды но это уже другая тема. Здесь использована не отключаемая дополнительная раздатка, создающая только проблемы. Вопрос еще и в безопасности - падать на скорости 60км на велике, а всё может быть, эко как?
Leaving those freaking ball bearings angers the shit out of me
Super smart idea. For someone with strong legs, thats so cool and handy. Force to push hasnt been the issue personally but high rpms like any motor(human capability), there is a limit
You indeed need alot of leg watts
Lol, ifyou cannot peddle at the rpm of 60-90 then it is time to see a doctor. This gearing is insanely pointless. Average commuter cyclist is able to peddle at the 70rpm. 70rpm on this bike is more than 100kmh, how the hell are you going to acclerate to the 100kmh on a such high hear? the lowest gear at 60rpm makes you go 30kmh. And the peak power of human legs on a bicycle is at around 100rpm.
@@DoomNerd67200 _"You indeed need alot of leg watts"_ the one problem is you are limited to the amount of torque produced by your own body weight. Any more torque than your own body weight would be lifting you off the saddle instead of pushing you forward. Well, that is unless someone installed a seatbelt.
Say hello to your knee joints
Nice work. Now you need a truck driving in front of you to block the wind so you can actually use the gearing to go fast.
Nice mod, i look forward to seeing more made and ridden around town post haste!
There is no free energy base on physics means you need more stronger legs for that speed.
Ты просто не сможешь разогнаться. Всё это бесполезно!
Если только с горки с попутным ветром.
Разве что под гору
Esto es un proyecto por diversión. No una innovación
Wooooowwwwww man you are my hero 😲😲😲😲😲😲
Kinda cool if you are always in the top gear and it's just not tall enough for you. (Unlikely though).
How much speed is possible with such a system? I hope there are people who can answer?
O problema vai ser quando a relação gastar, fazer a troca dos componentes será algo muito trabalhoso.
Não vi vantagem nesse projeto não, só da pra usa a marcha traseira!! E sem falar que solda a catraca não é o ideal, o melhor é ter feito algo que pudesse ser trocado quando desse problema!!!
great invention...this is serious's gonna super fast.
Parabéns pelo projeto! 👏👏👏👏👏
Changing transmission ratio - Big whop...
Respekt for anyone that actually is able to use this!
Excellent hardwork
excellent useless device
Esta genial el dispositivo de engranaje,fácil de instalar y conseguir..
Bikes used to have a front derailleur for multiple sized cranks. I hate that this went away.
Regardless, the most effective way to increase speed while reducing the amount of force needed at the pedal would be a pulley system.
no many bikes still come with front derailleur. they've just fallen out of favor cause there mostly useless, in regards to the number of gears you'll actually need or use whil out on the road. the advantage of a front derailleur is not to get 21 speeds but to have a down shift to a smaller gear which is handy and smoother when going up the hill. where changing to a bigger gear on the back to downshift is more clunky when your required cadance is hard to maintain. with most e-bikes and a lot being hub driven its actually better just to have a small gear ratio where its easy to pedal to get started and a high one to switch into when your moving along nicely as you don't need much else.
Thanks @Plaxy100, I've been out of mtb since Sram just started introducing the XX & X1. Now back in with post-divorce budget (~$0), I'll eventually get to upper level cranksets. For now, the frisbee-sized ninja stars appearing on the granny side of 12 speed cassettes make me wonder how close these ratios still are. My Southwest US racing commonly involved >1 hour climbs at over 10,000 ft. I needed to keep the granny gears close together as I have a very rapid narrow-range climbing cadence. I just don't see how the fine tuning can remain for the most demanding XC riding when you reduce all prior solutions to a 12 speed. Thoughts? (I know, I know, I can plug the numbers into a spreadsheet to get all the ratios, but I suspect that on-the-trail may feel different than on paper.)
Front derailleur is only good for stop acceleration. Useless otherwise, just a piece of metal adding weight, dirt and rust risk
@@Aphorism89 Higher top speed is another reason for it. The tiny single cranks that come on bikes today suck ass for everything except coasting downhill.
@@Inmate533 luckily they are easy to replace and relatively inexpensive. I mean, one can eventually take them out and buy too quality ones instead. I wouldn't mind having 2 plates, used to have that on my road bike and it was great.
But now a days I'd always try to minimize. The least elements, the least maintenance and risks :/
Amigo, me encantó tu invención.
Just get bigger chainring (front gear) and smallest sprocket (rear gear) but you gonna need a more powerfull leg to pedal because its so heavy to pedaling 🤣
Congrats you've made it faster and didnt mention any other factors so i support it, dont listen to the bitchy more popular comments missing the point of the video.
So I'm guessing your new configuration doesn't require those extra bearings that fell out of your cassette...?
That's very interesting.
Also what was the purpose in taking the cassette apart just to allow some bearings Fallout and then put it right back together again without adding grease or making any other modifications or was the purpose just to remove a few tiny steel balls for unknown reasons?
I'm just a couple of minutes into the video if that and already thoroughly confused I would have seen this far so if you could please elaborate on that I would appreciate it because that would help me eliminate some of the confusion (so far)
At the first moment I thought the same. But if you really look at it, its no bearings that fell out. The parts that "fell out" are the claws that prevents the cassette to run free in both directions. As he shows after putting it together again, the casette can run free in both directions. Usually a casette can run in free in one direction only, otherwise it wouldnt turn the wheel.
I think that build is nice made. But it's of course still a very old and well known technology to connect gears ion series for increasing the gear ratio. If it would make any sense manufacturers of bicycles would use it since a long time.
The parts removed were the ratchet pawls (they make the click or buzz sound from the rear wheel). He removed them because that part is a rear hub and cassette. Without them, it will spin freely without engaging or clicking, just a straight bearing.
@@gangstreG123 I suppose I should learn more about bikes then if I'm going to be serious about building one.
45 years ago when they were my primary mode of transportation I just rode them, wrecked them, and Hustled up a new one if it wasn't ridable anymore
It's great but most of us don't have a welder
Very good idea. How can I contact you please?
Для движения с места или в гору не плохо было бы поставить вперёд мотор колесо
Как называется втулка с внешней резьбой и двумя шлицами на площадке? Никак не могу найти от чего эта деталь, может она мопедная?
Старая шоссейная система чашка с педального вала можно любую использовать подходит
you did a great job, you are very good, the bike is very nice, can it go uphill, thank you very much
This system is quite ingenious. It could work with a mid-drive electric bike. The motor could be attached to the first freewheel. By able to use a small front chain ring and a large rear cog, this ebike could have insane high torque for climbing steep hill.
It would also need an insanely heavy motor drawing insane amounts of power in order to get that high torque. You would get up maybe one hill before needing a recharge.
I'm running a mid drive 750w Bafang bike now, the torque using standard mtb ratios is enough to climb any hill easily. There is no point in this system with a mid motor bike, especially as I'm getting 59kph easily as is.
@@GB-vn1tf Basically the fellow who produced this video was showing off his welding skills by not improving something that needed no improvement.
@@GB-vn1tf snap the chain and perhaps?
@@GB-vn1tf I'm going to be trying this anyway I have a couple of electric bikes with rear hub drives I've been looking for a really large front gear so I could pedal at high speeds I'm going to go ahead and try this anyway and I'll let you guys know how it works out
Very very good idea... 😁
Se a segunda coroa fosse maior, a bicicleta ficaria mais leve para pedalar
Pelo que entendi, não seria melhor que todas as coroas maiores tivessem 52/53D e somente a pequena fosse de 9D ???
Did you try long distance?
It seems like there may be an easier way to do this. Like a bigger chain ring. I’ve seen them at 64 teeth.
Or just change the rear sprocket. Or both.
Either way, the end result is the same.
@@akisalmenaho8473 But both ways would end without having a video ;-) I'm pretty sure the video was the only intention for thos build, the bike will be pretty useless with that high gear ratio.
Like a real casette, not that 20 year old vintage crap, with the smallest gear with 13 or 14 tooth, instead of 11 or 10.
A super-fast bike for riding the wrong way is just what we need
I would like to see this bike in the local market in Riyadh with the same sales price as the regular ones. You have applied the thought well. Good.
It’s a crank on steroids,love this idea
I think that bike ignores the fact that all directions on average are uphill and against the wind when you're on a bicycle, and the extra friction losses do not help either. Look at how the land speed record bikes are built. They have huge chainrings and tiny sprockets, but only one of each...
That is the number one genius thing I've ever seen and I've seen some shit ! Good fucking job man!
Seia bueno que el autor del vídeo nos contará sobre sus impresiones con este sistema como realmente se siente y si es bueno para subir colinas o solo es para terreno plano
No es obvio que para subir colinas no sirve?
@@benjazz8128 pues no sabría determinar eso por el tipo de relación que maneja pues el plato delantero es pequeño y si el cambio trasero sube al plato mas grande se supone que debe quedar un cambio suave para subir terrenos con pendientes, por eso le pido el favor al autor del video si puede explicarnos.