"Description, title, bullet_points " are 3 out of 5 features in my dataset, which are string datatype with special characters in it, there are some NULL values in the features, how to fill that NULL values and what type of encoder should i use before train my ML model. FYI : Other two features are " Product_ID, Product_Type_ID", output of my dataset is " Product length"
i have learnt many thing OVERHERE!!!
Very useful, thank you!
you are a wonderful teacher
for i in range(10000000):
print('over here")
print("OVER HERE")
Thank you ma'am for simplifying the process.
Please I can't find the link to the dataset
You are my guardian angel
Hello @WsCubeTechENGLISH, thank you for this great job here.
However, can you please add the link to the Dataset you used? Thank you.
Good presentation.Is there in anyway you can share the dataset?
Interesting topic
"Description, title, bullet_points " are 3 out of 5 features in my dataset, which are string datatype with special characters in it, there are some NULL values in the features, how to fill that NULL values and what type of encoder should i use before train my ML model.
Other two features are " Product_ID, Product_Type_ID", output of my dataset is " Product length"
ML Model will give the output 'Over Here'
Please can you put a dataset link OVER HERE?
😅very true
Any link to the Dataset?
Can i also use the get_dummies() functions with the drop_first = 1 and also the map() function to convert my categorical values to numerical values?
Yea sure.
Thank you so much😊
over here
could you kindly send the link to the dataset
the video is very good and informative but I am getting mad overhere after hearing overhere and overhere.🤣
same bro
very informative.Thanks
Excellent material , however dataset is not shared
Over here
for i in range(1000000000000000000):
print("Over here")
print("some sentence over here")
print("over here")
Where is the link in the description
Very good explanation than q💓
It's good explanation 👏👏👍👍
where is link to data?
Whaere is the link?
You have not given the link of dataset maam '
Plz provide the data set
A complete rip off of kiril ermenkos udemy course. Atleast could have changed the dataset and made the video. Bring some originality.
Why we do reshape data? Could any one clear that?
I don’t get any link for dataset
Too much of "over here"😂
S...might have crossed 100.😄
where is the data set link
please give us data set
over here🙄
please share the code
please add subtitles.
over here
Where is dataset@@atharvapatil2967
ovar iya
Where is the data set link
where is dataset link ??