I think one of the reason why the ka 52 suffered more losses than the apache is because it is facing a modern nato backed army armed with many air defences and manpads while the apache did not face much or any modern aa weapons in the middle east. Nonetheless both are incredible feats of Engineering designed to fit each of their own country's doctrine and it's unfortunate that they are designed and used to kill.
Apaches have been fighting in total air superiority in almost every single war it fought in. As soon as you put them in the same shoes as the Ka-52 they'd suffer similar losses if not more. The Ka-52's losses can be attributed to Russia's incompetence of being unable to commit SEAD and insistence to deploy them in areas infested with anti-air.
@@kureed79 Little-to-none of the US arsenal is explicitly designed to fight inferior armament + unconventional warfare. And you'd be very mistaken if you think the US wasn't right in line with the rest of world powers in always preparing for the expected future conflict with conventional powers.
Don’t worry about the politics when it comes to enjoying this or any other Helicopter/Aircraft. To tweak to a popular US saying, “Helicopters don’t kill people, people kill people”. As for the KA-52, it’s genuinely an incredible Helicopter, both in terms of engineering and aesthetics.
@@daemianbox Stop you might hurt my feelings... "Support of NATO" lol yeah that means the US taxpayer is helping finance the war (and don't forget 10% for the Big Guy). We're barely involved and the Russians are getting their asses kicked. I can only imagine if we actually lifted a finger. Russia has the largest army in Europe (yes I understand Russia is in Europe and Asia). Ukraine is down at 20-something I believe. How are they fighting "the largest army of Europe?" Curious when you put your X-box down and climb down from Mt. Enlightenment what Holy country YOU are from?
You are right beacause during operation desert storm US air force destroyed almost all SAM and radar sites so Iraq was incapable to stop any coalition planes. Russian on the other hand did not manage to destroy this kind of critical equipment in Ukraine which result in no air superiority for them. You could also argue about MANPADS which are not as effective when target is really far away and yes AH-64 usually engage from far away. Its not about how good is the construction, but how you deploy them.
Middle East bombarded to 1950 technology and getting SOME modern technology VS most powerful nation with one of the best attack helicopters Tell me that is fair then whole ass nato gives its weapons to ukraine
you saw a video of a ka52 flying with a DAMAGED tail, VERY different. there are tons of avioncs in the tail, the weight balancing also gets very fucked and hard to control if you lose the tail, and the helicopter still needs the tail control surfaces for yawing at high speeds.
The different is, Aligator K52 has to fight in really war, against well equiped army with the newest modern weapon. Apache helicopter so far, fought against people from so called 3rd World with sandals on their feets. The same situation with mighty Leopards, Bradleys finally Challengers etc. These fantastic war machines, never fought before against also fantastic war machines.
To be fair Oryx is heavily biased in favor of Ukraine and independent audits of their work has shown they are using the same loss multiple times. It's not the great non-aligned neutral observer it claims to be. Of interest is it quit doing it's loss counting after Ukraine's failed counteroffensive when 100s of tanks/apc's were blown out the frame. Instead of counting them it threw over the board and walked out. So if Oryx is saying they lost 37, the real number is probably 50%, no, maybe even 75% lower.
Most us weapons either dont have combat experience or fought bunch of goatkeepers. Imo russians have better weapons, because they actually have used them in serious combat. Same way everyone said russian ground vehicles are worst of the worst. Yeah then arrived to overglorified western weapons and it showed that it actually wasnt that bad.
The US was using air mobility a lot in Afghanistan. Neither Russia or Ukraine are. Completely different cases, as the US was using helicopters as battle taxis. If Russia was using helicopters like that, they'd have no more in inventory.
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD combat losses is not a relevant metric in assessing how good a helicopter design is. There are too many variables that cloud its value. Pretty sure this is a channel about aircraft design, not a forum for shitting on all things Russian because it's currently fashionable.
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD I dont think you can compare sandals and camels vs what the Ukranian army + NATO has. Amazing they still won the war, but thats something else.
@@rauldelvillar374 Combat losses are relevant metrics because that's what military equipment has to avoid to remain competitive. The Tornado attack jet had its entire low level attack doctrine changed because of just 6 losses in Desert Storm. The Harrier was kind of seen as obsolete with just 7 losses in Desert Storm. Here's something about aircraft design - design the freaking thing to carry weapons if you're going to sell it to the military, to avoid the winglet flutter issue in the Ka-52. Embarrassing.
@@estebanpacheco7102 What does that have to do with anything? Lack of air mobility to prevent losses means that each loss is more relevant to the discussion. The helicopters are being babied and coddled to avoid vulnerabilities, and yet they still are taking losses both from combat and attrition from just heavy use running the clock on airframes and engines.
KA-52 losses are actually not as high if you consider how many operations they fly a day. They are deployed non stop during day and night. Percentage wise its pretty decent considering how effective the nato systems that they are facing proved in other conflict. Theres no equivalent comparison since conflicts like these are luckily rare, but lets not forget how vulnerable were the american machines in vietnam or even in somalia... The important aspect tho is their impact on battlefield which proven to be devastating for their oponents.
В войне во Вьетнаме участвовало около 11 846 вертолетов США. В отчетах США указано 5 607 потерь вертолетов. В общей сложности вооруженные силы Соединенных Штатов потеряли во Вьетнаме почти 10 000 самолетов, вертолетов и беспилотных летательных аппаратов (3744 самолета, 5607 вертолетов и 578 беспилотных летательных аппаратов
@@Rogbet1В 1936 году капитан третьего ранга Делмар Фарни, возглавлявший проект радиоуправляемой авиации ВМФ США, в своём отчёте впервые употребил слово «дрон», в дальнейшем закрепившееся в качестве альтернативы термину «БПЛА». Под руководством Фарни ВМФ США впервые использовал беспилотную летающую мишень на учениях в 1938 году и вернулся к забытым после Первой мировой проектам «авиационных торпед». В начале 1938 года флот вёл переговоры с «Американской радиокорпорацией» об использовании телевизионного оборудования для дистанционного управления самолётами. В 1939 году учения, проведённые ВМФ США у берегов Кубы, показали высокую эффективность авиации, поэтому флот заключил с компанией «Radioplane» контракт на разработку большого количества БПЛА для использования в качестве мишеней на учениях. С 1941 по 1945 годы компания произвела более 3800 БПЛА «Radioplane OQ-2» и в 1952 году была поглощена корпорацией Northrop. Другой значительной угрозой Холодной войны для США стали советские стратегические подводные лодки. Для борьбы с ними был разработан первый вертолёт-БПЛА Gyrodyne QH-50 DASH, вооружённый торпедами Mark 44 или 325-фунтовыми глубинными бомбами Mark 17. Небольшие размеры аппарата позволяли оснащать им малые корабли, которые в противном случае остались бы без воздушной противолодочной обороны. В период с 1959 до снятия QH-50 с вооружения в 1969 году было построено более 800 единиц этого БПЛА[55]. Во время войны во Вьетнаме беспилотные самолёты-разведчики произвели 3435 вылетов, что привело к потере 554 аппаратов. При попытках перехвата беспилотников северовьетнамские ВВС потеряли 7 истребителей МиГ[63]. Командование ВВС США высоко оценило возможность направлять беспилотные аппараты на самые опасные миссии, не рискуя жизнями пилотов[64]. Беспилотные летательные аппараты на Ближнем Востоке были применены Израилем во время Войны на истощение (1967-1970), затем Войны Судного дня в 1973 году и позже во время боевых действий в долине Бекаа (1982). Они использовались для наблюдения и разведки, а также в качестве ложных целей. Израильский БПЛА IAI Scout и малоразмерные ДПЛА Mastiff провели разведку и наблюдение сирийских аэродромов, позиций ЗРК и передвижений войск. Поначалу израильские БПЛА несли большие потери как от арабских истребителей МиГ-21 и МиГ-23, так и от огня с земли.[65] Только за октябрь 1973 года Израиль от ПВО и истребителей потерял 31 БПЛА.[66] По информации, получаемой с помощью БПЛА, отвлекающая группа израильской авиации перед ударом главных сил вызвала включение радиолокационных станций сирийских ЗРК, по которым был нанесён удар с помощью самонаводящихся противорадиолокационных ракет, а те средства, которые не были уничтожены, были подавлены помехами. Успех израильской авиации был впечатляющим - Сирия потеряла 18 батарей ЗРК и 86 самолётов. Успешность применения БПЛА заинтересовала Пентагон и привела к совместной американо-израильской разработке системы RQ-2 Pioneer
Saying it's an excellent aircraft does not mean it's been used 100% perfectly (or well at all) in the war in Ukraine. Any aircraft used improperly in a conflict will suffer high casualties especially against a nation that has thousands of MANPADs and an incredible air defense system. In the early part of Ukraine's offense near Zaporizhia, the KA-52 was highly effective against Ukrainian armor.
My favourite one for sure. People talking about hi losses but what other helicopter faced this kind of war contested by dense air defences and Manpads ? Helicopters meant to take the risks. They are made to support groud troops by giving close air support taking a huge risk of getting shot down. Really amazing design , money invested well paid off and most importantly performing well as expected
@@lsq7833 Oh yes, the Russians CAN do SEAD. And in a much more cost-effective manner too! Their weapon: Lancet loitering munition. The Russians make heavy use of Lancets to destroy the longer-ranged SHORADS (IRIS-T, Strela-10, etc.) and other armoured vehicles. Once those SHORADS are taken out, it’s doors open for the Ka-52. The IR-seeking MANPADS don’t have enough range to hit the Ka-52s at 10km from the front. And even if they can, the Ka-52s have pretty effective IR countermeasures in the form of flares and IR lasers. One Ka-52 reportedly dodged 16 Stinger missiles while 8-10km from the front. The REAL problem however are the beam-riding MANPADS, such as the Swedish RBS-70. Beam-riding missiles are immune to IR countermeasures, and the RBS-70 has a pretty long range. To top it all off, MANPADS are difficult to spot. It’s one thing to conduct SEAD against SAM systems and SHORADS. But against obscure MANPADS, that’s a different story.
Here's the thing: attack helicopters are ground attack aircraft, and so, you only use them when you have air dominance Russia has been using them without air dominance. Iraq in 1991 had comparable if not more AA defenses than Ukraine and the US only lost 5 helicopters in Desert Storm
This helicopter is the best, and if you're wondering why it has so many losses, it's because it actually faced a serious opponent and a modern defensive weapon. Unlike the Apaches who met the Taliban in slippers
I had an opportunity to talk with KA-52 pilot, who fight for Russia since the war inception. He told that KA-52 is insanely effective, they lost in% term very few of them when compared to number of flights, but they destroyed A TON OF NATO vehicles. Also he said that he is pretty sure that KA-52 is the best atack helicopter in the world, and no one has similar combat experience as KA-52 has.
@@drec2072 i have seen a ton of videos with burning Alligators. Even its cabin has bad armor because curved glass can't be armored. And is still can't hover still normaly. This video is paid propaganda. Russians pay billions for it over the world.
That doesn't make any sense. The tail rotor is a critical component in conventional rotary wing aircraft. A true statement wouldn't be a damaged tail, but a direct blow to the main rotor that caused one of them to come loose.
@@thondyhalomoan889 Right. So it's not impressive that it can fly without it. That's like saying it's impressive someone is a boxing champion after having the appendix removed after appendicitis. Uh, yeah? You don't need it to punch.
From what I read years back, the Mi-28 supposedly have issues with their rotor gears, making them pretty unreliable. If that is true, it would explain why they are so sparingly used.
@@vz6235 there is only a single visually confirmed loss of Mi-28, I'm not denying that there could be more, but visually only that, and I haven't seen ukrops claim any at all.
Not only aesthetically, I think its an amazing platform and one of the best systems. Even though I am against the use of it like he mentioned in the video, but nonetheless it's a superb helicopter.
They could've done better with the main armaments limited fire arch and the lack of back up protection systems and guidance jamming equipment but aesthetically it is decent.@@Kenny-yl9pc
Ukraine has been occupied by NATO since 2014! Therefore, there are NATO forces and Russian forces in the confrontation on the territory of Ukraine! Alas, the army of Ukraine has not existed since 2014, there is only an army subordinate to NATO on the territory of Ukraine
One of the more frustrating things for the Russians, the Ka-52 was designed to be so survivable that even a nasty hit from a MAPADS would allow the pilot to safely land the helicopter before ejecting. This is why a lot of Ka-52's are recovered still in tact with the crew having long scattered. It's built to take a beating and keep going. And when it takes too much of a beating, the pilots can always eject.
There aren't many aircraft that can take beating like this thing can and still keep the crew safe. It's the opposite of the typical Soviet design philosophy, but that's what makes it work so well.
The coaxial rotors also help slow down the helicopter's rate of descent when it has lost power; increasing the pilots' survivability, and in videogames such as War Thunder, giving the player a chance to get two or three more kills before the chopper hits the ground.
@@TheNefastorExcept that it's been used since day one of the war, and *extensively* in massive operations (several of which were successful), and has accumulated hundreds of equipment-kills that have been confirmed by combat footage. You can call it what you want, but that won't help reduce the pain. Everyone knows of the profound effect it's had on the war since day *1* .
This helicopter is beautiful work of engineering and has performed exceptionally well when considering the massive amounts of AA systems constantly attempting to take it down.
@TheNefastor, you are commenting in every comment. Are you a sales agent of West and US weapons? Tough job to be in. Russian weapon market is getting bigger and bigger. US weapons are only good against inferior country. Now that they're using their weapon against Russia. Truths prevailed.
The loss statistics are really worse for the Apache. It was facing not much at all in air defence. The KA 52 is being used in a dense AA situation and still mostly survives. The Vitebsk defence system can defeat multiple attacks by stingers etc. The Apache would not survive that. If I was buying it would be the KA 52.
Reports suggest that the Vitebsk system has only recently been installed to a majority of the aircraft that use them. That and the fact that they weren't expecting to be staunchly opposed when Russia first launched the operation in Ukraine explain the early losses. The loss rate seems to have slowed drastically.
@@robert.m6755 That's a stupid fucking comment. CNN would never admit that Vitebsk-25 exists and works, that Russia didn't try to take Kiev by force or that Alligator losses have decreased, while usage has increased.
Where was the Apache facing numerous surface to air systems? The ka 52 faces incredible odds in this special operation. Some of the best air defense weapons that belong to a variety of NATO countries are always ready to bring it down but it has proven to be a formidable shovel.
NATO ridiculing Russia losses in a peer to peer conflict will never make me chuckle. For the last 30year nato only fought colonial expeditions against demilitarized deindustrialized countries and got it's ass clapped ALL THE TIME. Russia is confronting the second biggest military in europe (after Russia) armed to the teeth with modern day vehicles and system. And they are still pulling off a 6/8to1 KD ratio. Hats off to Mother Russia. Fighting nazi since before it was cool.
Ka-52 is fighting against a country with somewhat of an air force and air defense supplied from the West, and not just goat herders in Afghanistan. All things considered it is a very successful helicopter. Most Hellfires variants are not fire and forget either, only the radar-guided variant with limited numbers and utility are, the remaining numbers are laser-guided.
Of course, it should also be noted that the goat herders in Afghanistan successfully won a war against a fully Western military, including modern air force.
@@8492nd Apaches went in first into Iraq before SEAD/DEAD. Along with the F-117 they have the honor of meeting the enemy alone and unafraid before the air defence was degraded.
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD And why did they leave ? Because it was costing way too much in equipment and the US could not set up a government with a proper army either, they left *because* they lost but they didn't lose because they left
I think Ka-52 took the best traits of Cobra, Apache and Mi-24 + tons of bold innovation of Kamov engineering school. Besides it's a main Russian workhorse against western armor on the frontlines, so some losses are inevitable.
It has ejection seats. With separation of blades mechanism. This is where it is different from an anecdote "Irish developed an ejection system for helicopters" While adepts of "razskiyes don'd kare about their men" idea have ingenuous AH-64 Apachè ejection system of new-and-improved type: pancake against sweet old mother Earth, while falling like a battlestar Galactica. I mean like a rock... well, both options can describe this safe method of landing Edit: "adapts" to "adepts"
It’s funny when people assume that certain military tech is “invincible.” Doesn’t matter if it’s U.S., Russian, French, Chinese or any other countries hardware, equipment WILL be damaged and or destroyed in battle. Some are definitely more survivable than others, however. I still think the AH-1Z Viper looks the best( just my opinion) but they’re all great attack choppers and can all cause immense damage.
@@ChucksSEADnDEADyes, yes they do work and they’ve saved pilot. I saw a of a Russian pilot ejecting from the ka 52 and getting picked up by a mi 8 helicopter later.
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD I've seen a surviving pilot after a crash of Mi-28 in 2015. Just a smack against Earth from high altitude. Yet, 50G-capable seats dampered the impact and one of the pilots managed to survive. Other one could be unconscious therefore couldn't extract. But absence of use of catapults on 52s is caused by a lack of situations where it would be desired more than a rotor autorotation landing. Because the only thing I can imagine why it would be a better option - is a complete loss of a rotor or loss of a blade that would cause shift of lift force axis, or failure of swash plate mechanism. Those are rarer than say an engine or avionics computer failure.
The only difference between the amount of losses of the ka-52 and apache is that the ka is in a "real" war, fighting against a big army with a hell of a lot manpads, while the apache hasnt seen so much anti air deffence
Even at the very beginning of the war, when they were being used over contested airspace, most losses had one or both pilot surviving, which when talking about helicopters is very impressive. Most helis would be instantly written off along with their crew and passengers the second they take even a minor hit to the tail and fall into a uncontrollable spin, but the KA rotors are both linked so one can’t really fail without the other, meaning it HAS to take catastrophic damage to go down. And even then, you have the ejection system.
The whole "uncontrollable spin" thing for helicopters is actually a half-myth... all a helicopter needs to do when its tail rotor goes out/is destroyed is to cut its power to the shaft and the helicopter will sort of "helicopter seed" glide down to the ground. So, its usually not like the movies where a blackhawk gets hit and uncontrollably spins around and around until it smashes into the ground catastrophically and blows up. This can happen, however, but its usually due to a multi-factor reason rather than just losing power/destruction of the tail rotor.
There is a reason one doesn't bring a helicopter into contested air space and when you do, you bring a long bow...The Long bow is the tip of a hive, it can take out targets from non contested air cover
Like I said, its a "half" truth. There's obviously certain regimes where nothing you do matters. I'm mostly referring the statement the OP made concerning the "uncontrollable spin" phenomena. In your example... then the "uncontrollable spin" would be even LESS likely to occur due to balancing forces - however - you'd still die in this case, so nobody really cares, lol.@@カリユガ-u6f
I don't remember seeing many (maybe a couple) uncontrollable spin videos from the syrian army helicopter shootdown videos... from what I remember, most of them were pretty much high falls where they were either dropping straight down or down at the same angle. I only really remember one spin out heli video. @@muffy469
Отличный вертолёт сделали, самое удивительное что вся серия самолётов Ка, долгое время уступала серии Ми, потому что конструктор Миль был более влиятельным в советском руководстве, чем Камов. Сегодня сложно найти на войне экипаж К 52, который уничтожил меньше 10 бронированных машин.
это не совсем так, проблема была в том, что идеи заложенные в КА-50 стало возможно реализовать толко в 2020х годах, такие вещи, как машинное зрение с опцией автозахвата, автоматического разпознования целей стало возможно только недавно, они же пытались это реализовать на технологиях 80х годов, надо ли говорить, что вышло это отвратительно, в итоге хороший вертолет получил отвратительный по качеству комплекс управления вооружением. Это как СССР в 30е годы пытался получить танки с телеуправлением
On ne ustupal. Fakticheski sovsem. Prosto Kamovtsi v osnovnom dla VMF mashini delali. Tam Milevtsam lovit nechego bilo. Eto dla zameni Mi-24 Kamovtsi reshili sdelat mashinu, i sdelali Ka-50. On okazalsa nastolko kruche Mi-28, chto ogogo, hotya Mi-28 bil sirovat na tot moment. A potom sdelali Ka-52. Tak chto tut vopros bil ne vo vliyatelnosti a raznoy spetsifike mashin.
@@juryfilatov4520 ракета оникс уже могла всё это делать на советских микрухах она летела в район где предполагалось наличие корабля, и распознавала силуэт нужного судна ни рэб, ни что ей не мешало маневрировала как муха - хрен попадёшь по ней
@@АндрейЗведрис эм. у ракеты ОНИКС не было задачи стрелять из 30мм пушки при автоматическом захвате и сопровождении цели, у ракенты Оникс не было задачи управлять поелтем ПТРК, у ракуеты ОНИКС не было задачи вести поиск наземных целей на фоне земли. Процессоры, спомосбнгые более менее распозновать обхъекты на земле по изображению появились вообще лет 10 назад, а задачи для них планировали в 80е
Given that there has been more Apache crashes than Ka-52 losses in the last 5 years, while the Ka-52 has been heavily involved in a conventional war during their period, it's safe to say the Ka is really the best battle proven Helicopter at the moment.
The US operates over 800 Apaches. According to ASN Aviation Safety Database there have been 12 reported accidents related to US army Apaches since the start of 2018. Not all of them were destroyed / damaged beyond repair but for the sake of the argument lets assume they were. 12 / 800 = 1,5 % of total US Apaches lost due to accidents. Russia had 119 KA-52 at the start of 2022. At least 3 of them have crashed due to accident in 2022-2023 and one in Syria in 2018. 4 / 119 = 3,3 % of total KA-52 lost due to accidents. Russia has lost at least 40 KA-52 since 2022.
@@benediktioakim I'm not qualified to make accurate claims about which helicopter is more reliable and I would be willing to bet that 99% of commenters here aren't qualified either. KA-52 seems to be good at what it was designed for. That being said according to available data Apache has had less accidents in US service per units in operation than KA-52 in Russia service since 2018.
@@yspear_his flying skill is even more impressive given that the average air time per year for Russian pilots before the war were several times lower compared to American pilots, I suppose more than a year of constantly flying sorties really improved his skills compared to peace time.
Gosh you must be dumb! According to Kremlin it is not even a war so your statement is disputed. Ka-52 are trash and you don’t see so much of them anymore because they got wasted in a SMO!
@@klaabu99 Yes several times, Peskov said it, he's Putin's spokesman... When you have 40+ countries supplying billions of dollars of weapons, and Russia has to fight all of that.. its a war 100%
Comparing how many Ka52 were lost in Ukraine against modern NATO weapons with how many Apache were destroyed in Iraq / Syria, is ridiculous to say the least against men in sandals and 1950s RPGs
iraq + syria had sams and AAA before the bombing campaign. apaches actually went up against real, at the time modern threats before airfields got bombed out. but you're right, later in those wars there wasn't much modern stuff going up against the apache
@@uhohwhy а что КБ Камова куда-то переехало из России после развала СССР? Или инженеры разбежались? Ка-50 начинали разрабатывать и делать в Союзе, Ка-52 это уже российская разработка, доработка и запуск в серию.
I always admire your sincere analysis, but i want to mention this note and i hope you find it helpful. Military is an instrument of government to achieve it´s political goals. In the first months of the conflict in Ukraine, russian government didnt expect that the entire NATO will push forward for a continuous war, therefore Russia started it´s SMO with small army, which was only aimed to scare the regime in Kiev off and bring them to the negotiating table which it did bring them to the table but unfortunately with the intervention of Boris Johnson, the whole agreements were thrown to the garbage bin. Therefore i think it is unfair to say that russians learnt a lesson about the war after a whole year; military always learns stuff quickly, almost immediately but it cannot perform without political approval. Russia insisted on a small scale combat operations in Ukraine for a very long time to avoid civilian harm as most as possible but everything changed since west started to flood Ukraine with weapons.
You can't compare Apache to K-52 Alligator - they both were built with different purposes. Apache has nearly no armor protection and is supposed to be used only in air-superiority situations, whilst K-52 is build like a tank to absorb the damage and operates at front lines on its own.
Exactly. One is built with the cowardly doctrine of fighting poor people for their resources. The other is supposed to fight real armies. The fact that he compares them just goes to show how far the cowardice goes. Whltes...
This is so wrong it hurts, the apache was built with armor destruction in mind. What is going to support armor? Infantry and air support. Trust me the apache was not designed for having air superiority. Please dont talk on things you dont know or understand.
(2001-2021) 20 year war in America lost 134 Aircraft, 38 to hostile fire, rest were accidents. (1979-1989) 10 year war, against the same people, Russia lost 333 Helicopters... Russia lost close to 80k Men, America just 2400. These numbers are online took me 5 minutes. Don't talk out your ass when your statistically wrong. Desert storm took 42 days against a global super power with apaches, talk out your ass more please.@@jp3630
The American doctrine is to fight people with NO air support or air defence capability. Once they opponent has that, the Americans won't fight them instead they resort to sanctions or debates about "human rights" or some other nonsense.@@natedmoose5900
thanks for reviewing this helicopter. i have always loved the Kamov Ka-50's double rotor design. i do have to point out that the ka 50 and Apache have fought very different battles. The Apache fought terrorists with limited anti air capabilities, while the Ka 50 is fighting in a more balanced war with more anti air capabilities.
(2001-2021) 20 year war in America lost 134 Aircraft, 38 to hostile fire, rest were accidents. (1979-1989) 10 year war, against the same people, Russia lost 333 Helicopters... Russia lost close to 80k Men, America just 2400. Also Apaches spearheaded operation Desert storm, where America beat another global superpower in 42 days...
but the Soviet Union did not participate in Desert Storm. What incredible crap people say in the comments. If the Soviet Union had participated, the United States and the Soviet Union itself would no longer exist because There would be a nuclear war.@@natedmoose5900
@@Амир-з9и2ш Eto otkuda takaya infa? Dla etogo nuzhno kak minimum stavit sistemu kontrola za sostoyaniem pilota, a pro eto na Ka-50 nikto nikogda na publiku ne govoril. Pro Su-57 takoe slishal.
COAX Rotors + Ejection make this My favorite Helicopter ( Besides Defiant X ) , an Absolute MARVEL of ENGINEERING. This heli is the prime example of what an attack helicopter should be be. The CO-AXIAL Rotor is one of the best inventions in aviation. Its benefits are far superior to traditional tail rotor design. You can have your tail shot off and still make it home, or at least land / eject safely. Traditional designs have an Achilles Heel , even the smallest damage to the anti-torque rotor will send it spiraling to its doom. Wrote this comment before watching and glad he touched on all this stuff to a T
Loss of ATRQ only spells doom at lower altitudes, really. While difficult, you can safely land and pull out of the death spiral with enough forward speed. Basically the forward speed of a helicopter, once fast enough, easily cancels out any rudder movement the pilot can input anyway, that's why helicopters turn more like planes when going at high speeds. You basically continuously lean the machine in the same direction as you spin until you gain speed, which cancels out the torque effect, keep going forward as you slowly descend, and then slow down as you slide your skids/wheels on the ground. You generally won't spin when there's enough downward force and your skids/wheels are on the ground.
Yes, Coax rotors is good, give perfect maneuverability ...until both rotors do not collide and torn each other off during sharp maneuver, including change of direction and altitude in the same time. It is happens with Ka-52, a common reason of crashes if pilot is not experienced and badly know limits of his helicopter. Ka-52 is harder to fly and less forgiving than Mi-28 or Apache. But in skilled hands Ka-52 is a marvel of a brute power, though Mi-28, its other soviet counterpart have better sensors and protected much better than Apache or Ka-52.
In Ukraine, I remember for a long time a rumor spread that a Ukrainian grandmother threw a jar of pickled cucumbers into a helicopter and shot it down. In principle, people in Russia laugh at this, but in the West and in the USA they take it seriously.😄
@nobody4248 I saw articles in Ukrainian newspapers and other mass media channels that it was a helicopter, for the drone they used a cup of coffee or sth like this and moreover interwieved those people lol bollocks
There was a rumor that a Ukrainian senior citizen used a you le barrel shotgun and shot down an Su34. I’m not joking they legit tried to pass that as truth.
автор в конце говорит "к сожалению мы знаем где он будет использоваться", лицемерно такое говорить на фоне операции израиля, там американская техника косит мирных на лево и направо и у них это сожаления не вызывает
The Ka-52 is easily my favorite helicopter, it would be even cooler with two 30mm guns lol. It's also the reason why I don't understand why billionaires buy fancy luxury helicopters when they could get one of these.
It is because the Ka-52 doesn't have as much of a view as luxury helicopters. The pilot is sunk in so that only the head is barely above the edge of the opaque part of the cockpit. The field of view is terrible when doing close air support. This isn't a concern if using precision weapons from a long distance, but in Ukraine, they aren't using precision weapons on the most part resulting in the pilots having to fly close to enemy anti-air weapons and a terrible field of view to try to spot them.
I don't get why would you buy a $16million heavy steel that requires $100k of maintenance for each month if you could get a $5million luxury heli for thrice the comfort and a fraction of maintenance cost..... omg i just realized smth, as if both of those things were designed with a very different principles in-mind
@@alahsiaboi8909 You clearly don't understand it lol. Why do you think some people set their own Ferrari on fire? Or get huge luxury yachts commissioned that cost more than US Navy ships? Because they can, because it shows how much money they can just spend like that. So buying a literal attack helicopter would be a big flex, especially when all your billionaire friends own the same luxury helicopter models. That's also why some people buy tanks, instead of sports cars.
I just want to say that the information about 25% (23 pieces) of the lost Ka-52s was provided by British intelligence, which, along with the United States, is Russia's main enemy, so obviously the source is biased, the losses are overstated. There are actually fewer confirmed losses. And yes, the rescue system really works. Not always, but quite often pilots survive with the help of an ejection system.
В войне во Вьетнаме участвовало около 11 846 вертолетов США. В отчетах США указано 5 607 потерь вертолетов. В общей сложности вооруженные силы Соединенных Штатов потеряли во Вьетнаме почти 10 000 самолетов, вертолетов и беспилотных летательных аппаратов (3744 самолета, 5607 вертолетов и 578 беспилотных летательных аппаратов
@@ce1834 Nah, just facts. Russians had been out of missiles since May 2022, Putin has long ago died of cancer and Urkaine has spectacularly succeeded with their counteroffensive, according to you lot :D
Смешат люди в комментариях которые на полном серьёзе сравнивают Апач и КА-52, утверждая что последний понёс слишком много потерь и всё такое. При этом радует что большинство людей в комментариях дают адекватную оценку, ведь Апач и правда не воевал против современных армий, а расстреливал людей в тапочках и репортёров с камерами в Ираке (потом утверждая что это была РПГ, но речь не об этом). КА-52 же воюет с полноценной армией, у которых много ПВО, в том числе вполне современного. При этом КА-52 показал себя прекрасно, настоящая машина войны. Апач же обычный паркетник, каковыми были и Леопарды и Челленджеры и прочая техника которая лишь на картинке и на словах являлась прям сверхультимативной. На деле же это самая обычная техника которая так же прекрасно горит, как горели Т-72 при "Буре в пустыне". Конечно это не значит что Апач мусор. Однако мы знаем всех этих пропагандистов и большое количество техники Запада сейчас это лишь большие слова и красивые картинки, не проверенные на деле, либо же проверенные против "туземных армий" и Апач в том числе.
Правильно говориш про Ка-50 / 52. Хороший вертолет. Но про технику запада, я не согласен. У них очен хорошая техника, и они ей пользоватся умеют. Ты не можеш стравнивать украинских танкистов с американскими, которые живут в этих танках годами. И украиниское правительство были долбоёбами, они думали Абрамсы это терминаторы, и посылали их на минные поля. Вся эта политика - деблиьство. На самом деле и у Запада и у России очень хорошая техника, зделана для своих задач. Но по технологии в техники - Россия не в переди. Они впереди в ракетах, как всегда и было с холодной войны.
@@xSintex ну тут на самом деле много можно рассуждать. У украинской армии сейчас боевой опыт больший чем у Штатов и у любой страны НАТО, которые последний раз участвовали в большой войне аж в начале 1990-х и то с сильно отстающим противником в плане техники, обучения и так далее. Поэтому тут такое. А танки это просто танки. Украинцы думали сперва что Джавелины это супер-оружие, затем что Бредли это супер-оружие, затем так же думали про Леопарды и так далее. На деле всё это прекрасно горело от дронов за 100к рублей. А по поводу отставания России в технологиях, это ещё с 1990-х говорят, да вот на деле оказалось совсем не так. Выпуск современных танков есть (у американцев, к примеру, нет новых Абрамсов, они только модернизируют старые), массовый выпуск барражирующих боеприпасов есть, высокоточные планирующие бомбы есть, массовое применение корректирующих боеприпасов есть, истребители выпускают, с ракетами и так понятно. Раньше все считали что эти все вещи только по телеку, а оказалось что нет. С дронами проблемы есть, да, но там проблемы именно в верхушке, а не в том что нет технологий, они как раз есть. Да и в целом большинство проблем именно в руководстве и организации того или иного. Какого-то прям отставания в технологиях что-то я не наблюдаю.
Watching videos of it it snipe tanks 10Km away with its Vikhirs is just insane. There's also a video of its Vibilesk jamming a Stinger rocket mid flight. It doesn't need to prove anything. Its already done in it a massive war and earned its stripes properly.
when you actually know how to look at the impact zone, most impacts were misses and the smoke was just a dust kicked up to the air. KA-52's aiming camera is known for a terrible tracking and being unstable. If someone is unexperienced then yeah it looks impressive
@@gansior4744Some of those suit this yes, but you can't deny the fact that the Ka-52 has been destroying armored vehicles left and right since the beginning of the war.
The major advantage of this helicopter over appache is its coaxial rotor system. So it doesn't need a tail rotor to cancel the counter torque. ie, it can survive even if its tail gets shot.
The Russians haven't lost an aircraft (to enemy fire) for months now. The Ka-52 has been racking up an insane amount of kills in the meanwhile. In a REAL war, like in Ukraine, stuff gets destroyed. Like the Americans found out in Vietnam, where thousands of very good aircraft were lost.
If you don’t think Russia has lost aircraft for months I’d encourage you to expand your search horizons. „The Russian Aerospace Forces, or VKS, possessed roughly 900 tactical aircraft before the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. These included fighter, attack, and fighter-bomber aircraft. Since the invasion, it has lost between 84 and 130 of those to air defenses, fighter aircraft, and crashes. „ That’s about 11% of their fleet lost in combat. Can’t forget two „own goals“ in October this year when su-35‘s were hit by Russian anti aircraft fire
@@chrissmith7669 are you going to cite me oryx lmao. Or maybe videos of flares which are claimed to be falling aircraft debris. The Ukrainians are notorious for making claims that have no bearing on reality.
Ka-52, while facing air defence systems, is flying in a virtually uncontested air over a completely flat terrain with no cover which makes it nearly impossible to shoot one down with mobile and/or MANPADS systems. While the war itself is very real current situation heavily favor Russians since Ukrainians have no means of covering troops from air without getting into range of enemy aircraft or aa defence. A fox-3 slinging jet could change things quite a bit.
@@blackeagle-zc3qq - that also means there’s no cover for the ka52 either - any fighter jet Ukraine launches will be an immediate target for Russian AD. - there may be a brief benefit to Ukraine having f16s but as their numbers are whittled down that benefit will disappear.
@@AA-or4dt flying low makes you basically immune to long range air defences, short range ones (unless some spec ops somehow makes through behind lines to take pod-shots) cannot get in range to engage a Ka-52 or F-16 that is flying low. The difference F-16 would bring is the AMRAAM capacity. They can easily engage those safely from 15-20 km away and disengage. Best bet of Russians in that case would be their own Fox-3 capable aircrafts (mostly Mig-31 and modern Sukhois with longer range R-37) but those missiles probably will not make it to a fast and low F-16 since they are mostly meant for tankers and AWACS. It would be a challenge to fly helicopters constantly above frontlines in said scenario.
And the Apache was also used against Iraq, which I would argue had a quite comparable air defence system, if not better, ( relative to its age ) than Ukraine does today. And Well- while yes, helicopters are expected to suffer high losses- these are still much higher losses than expected ( percentage wise ) for a so far quite short war.
@@jurajsintaj6644 better than Ukraine????? 😂 No it's not. Russia if you remember was dominating in starting. But after NATO gave AD and manpads to Ukraine then the Russian jets and heli started to fall. It's russia vs the rest of the west. Also Ukraine gets Intel from NATO so that's helping too. Iraq had nothing major
@@anshulsingh8326 Nope. The US wanted to let Ukraine fall, and they fought alone with minimal donations from the UK. It was only after Ukraine proved they could fight Russia that they got NATO aid.
Ukraine generally has air defence systems from the 90s and before that, this includes western systems. Iraq had a substantial amount of soviet air defence systems, most developed in 1960s or earlier. Then again, the united states was way more effective at SEAD and DEAD than the Russian airforce is, and the Apaches might have also been used much less than the KA-52s in Ukraine
There is another advantage to coaxial rotors. When a helicopter is moving forward rapidly, blades that are themselves moving forward are faster relative to the airstream (and generate more lift) while retreating blades generate less. If the helicopter goes fast enough, the speed of the retreating blades can be close to the ground speed, so they aren't moving relative to the airstream and don't generate lift at all. This is called "retreating blade stall". With two rotors one above the other and turning in opposite directions, there is an advancing blade on both sides however fast the helicopter goes, and there is always lift.
It has nothing to do with ground speed my friend. It is all about relative wind. If the helicopter is flying at an airspeed of 120kts, that airspeed is added to the speed of the advancing blade and contributes to the overall lift produced by the blade. The airspeed of the retreating blade is reduced by a similar amount and the lift produced by the retreating blade is reduced. This difference in lift between the two sides of the rotor disk will cause a rolling moment at high enough air speeds which is a significant factor when establishing the operational envelope of a single rotor helicopter. This is actually referred to as asymmetric lift. Retreating blade stall is a different phenomena and can occur at lower airspeed as well depending on conditions.
A helicopter pilot in the Vietnam war will probably know more than me or most people but i read this somewhere that the life expectancy of a helicopter pilot in Vietnam was around 20 minutes.They flew huey heli s back then and it is quite possible USA lost may more pilots and machines than Russia at this point.
To be fair, Huey was not even armored. Cobra was armored somewhat. Then Apache was made with better armor, although it's still not as heavily armored as Ka-52 and Mi-28 latter of which can take 20mm into the armor and 14.5 into the glass.
The US lost over 5000 helicopters in Vietnam, so way more than the loss of both sides combined in Ukraine. The survivability of these early helicopters were so low that flying them into combat was basically a deathwish.
During Desert Storm about a dozen Apaches were sent on a mission & got their butts kick mostly by small arms fire, a lot of it. None were downed but most were disabled for the remaining war. Don't know when but I remember reading about after the war.
@@natedmoose5900 That's not how you measure success of any weapon but you measure it with the number of sorties, effectiveness, survivability and what it faced. You can't just say: "There were 400 and 23 destroyed: success!" That's total nonsense and that's not how things work. You can't compare something that was sent into combat 50 times and something that was sent into combat 2 times and both of those things were damaged or destroyed. But, the bottom line is that because Russians are facing way stronger enemy than the US and NATO army faced on Middle East, Russians will learn shit ton of things and improve weapons, come up with new weapons, come up with new strategies, because a strong enemy can teach you and can point at flaws, but the weak enemy teaches you nothing.
@@roljavi america went halfway across the world to stomp massed soviet equipment in one of the largest armies in the world thirty years ago. russia in 2023 is fighting a world war 2 artillery battle against an enemy on their own border who's using only soviet hardware they should know everything about and a trickle of cold war nato surplus. if they wanted to start adapting and coming up with new weapons, the time to come up with better ideas than hiding behind minefields was over a year ago and the time to have an economy that can support pushing weapons programs beyond a handful of prototypes and a news headline was over a decade ago
@@soloqueuepixyExtremely oversimplified statement. Completely different environment, irrelevant timeline, barely related hardware, just what? Not a fair comparison by any means.
This helicopter does kind of look like the nickname five which is crocodile. There was a Russian puppet stop animation Cartoon called krakadil gena which is Crocodiles Gena and chiburashka and I believe Both names are used for actual weapons systems or technical and aeronautical system Nicknames
Beyond me why most videos about KA-52 are trying to compare them with Apache, they have absolutely nothing in common apart being classified as "attack helicopters". KA-52 is basically flying fortress, conducting combat missions on its own, where's Apache has zero armor and never flew on its own against enemy, giving them superiority to score kills without being exposed much to any serious risk.
This is my favorite helicopter for so many reasons. I worked in wildland fire for a few years in the US and saw a helicopter called the K-Max quite often. Look it up. It's a really cool design, and the closest thing I saw in person to a KA52/50. Instead of the rotors being one on top of the other, they were side by side and tilted by a few degrees and were timed as such to avoid colliding with eachother. If you look at it from the ground, directly facing its 6 o'clock you will notice that the rotors are slanted and it's a super cool thing to see. Best of all about the K-Max is that it only can hold one pilot, and is strictly for slingloading, and I swear to you it gives a CH-47 a run for its money in terms of carrying capacity but is probably a quarter of the size. I'll never forget the comforting sound of the K-Max's whistling blades (yes, they make a weird wooshy whistly sound in place of the pop-pop from other helicopters) bringing my crew our hot dinner via slingload to our spike camps. I grew up playing DCS Black Shark. It was the closest thing out there to the legendary vehicle some of us have come to know and love. And I know the Ka50/52 are two different aircraft, but they are very similar at the same time. My favorite part about the Ka's is that they offer pilots an ejection seat which is something that I can't believe the American's haven't implemented in their attack helo's. In any real conventional war, being an attack helo pilot for America would be the most dreadful job imaginable in my opinion, because if ANYTHING goes wrong, whether by enemy fire or incompetence in the maintenance shop, you are DEAD in a blaze of horror.
You compare Gulf war and Ukraine?!?!?!?!?! Come onnnn man, be serious! Iraq was a walk in a park compare to a heavily armed and resupplied Ukranian forcers, and it happened a decade+ before.
I remember seeing a mockup of a version for Turkey with its seats in tandem (I believe Ka-50-2 or Ka-50-2). While I think current Ka-52 is the most beautiful attack helicopter. That turkish variant could have been even the more aesthetically pleasing helicopter ever.
This is why imho that Sikorsky is putting R&D and contesting with Dual Rotor Helicopters, such as the S-92 or the Sikorsky - Boeing SB-1 or the Sikorsky S-97 Raider, meanwhile, Kamov in the USSR first flew the Dual Rotor Ka-50 in 1982 (and there's De-Classified CIA Documentation that admitted that they were "Highly Concerned" of this new Helicopter back in 1982). There's also rumor, according to a Zvezda Hobbyist Model Making Company, of the Ka-58 "Black Ghost" Stealth Variant being in development in the USSR (people say "it's from a Video Game, but the "Zvezda Model" came first, the Video Game / 3D model just based it on that model, and according to the short "backstory" in the instruction manual of the Ka-58, it was a real project whose OBK number I've forgotten a long time ago... Though it's major feature, was not actually "Stealth" (since it didn't have internal weapon bays), but instead, on top of the Rotor, a Radar which was like no other at the time, similar to AH-64D Longbow Apache's Top Rotor Radar / Mil Mi-28NM / Sikorsky S-97 Raider. The Soviet imho were certainly ahead of their time in Helicopter Technology, and Igor Sikorsky (the man behind the US Corporation and ironically being born in Russia, then immigrating to the US due to the Russian Civil War starting in 1917 [imagine if his factory and design bureau would've continued operations in Russia without him immigrating], has met with Nikolai Kamov and Mikhail Mil and they would talk about their designs, share some top secret details between the 3 of them, and Igor Sikorsky acknowledged how (The Bureau's) Mil and Kamov are record breakers in many fields of Helicopter Designs.
As far as I understand, the main losses of the Ka52 were suffered at the time of the offensive, when they had to fly directly over the battlefield to support ground troops. Now that Russia is on the defensive, these helicopters launch their missiles from a maximum distance (about 10 km) and now they are not suffering losses. I also want to add, I watched the story of the Ka52 pilot in the telegram. he was shot down but the ejection seat saved his life
Great video and one of my favourite helicopters. One suggestion,Sukhoi SU-37 and /or 47 . Those two are still kind of a mistery and I would love to see a video about any of them. Big thanks and have a day.
Серийно СУ 37 и СУ 47 не выпускают.СУ 37 прототип,на котором обкатывались многие инженерные решения.Существует в одном экземпляре.СУ 47 "Беркут" существует в одном экземпляре.Основное назначение самолёт лаборатория.Создавался для проверки различных конструктивных особенностей и поиска проблемных решений в области аэродинамики.
Considering how often the Ka-52 carries out combat missions, it is not surprising that there is such a percentage of losses. Vitebsk airborne defense complex - not only indicates the type of attack and releases heat traps - but is also a reb system - knocking down missiles from targets by jamming. in ka-52m the complex has been improved. the best attack helicopter. the best pilots. victory will be ours!
Man, you dont know how grateful i am for level of non-bias in all your videos. As a true aviation enjoyer, i love history about machines from all around the world, but its hard especially nowdays to get actual info about the modern ones. Thank you very much for keeping it real!
What are you talking about? Rex's Hanger, Mustard, like what other channels are you trying to get airplane facts from? Seems like you looking in the wrong channels.
@@EricHamm Those are actually good channels that actually provide detailed info and do it in such a way that even a non-aviation person would still watch.
@@cesaravegah3787 No comparison .You had air superiority and the Iraqis had old soviet equipment , Mig 21 first designed in 1959. The US will start WW3 which has been their plan all along but will be annihilated by the Freedom loving Russians.
@@cesaravegah3787Iraq had no MANPADS and only a few old mobile batteries that weren’t integrated, like the Kub. In fact, the only Apache loss in Kuwait was from an RPG-7. So that means, no Iraq did not have good air defense, and Apaches might be vulnerable to unguided rockets lol
@@mabvutophiri5422 In 1991, Iraq had the most advanced air defense network outside of the USSR and America. Apaches led the charge against that air defense network and lost a single unit.
One slight correction is that ka50 was never designed to operate independently, the Kamov Design Bureau envisioned a purpose-built target designation helicopter to act as a "head" or "commander" unit (for lack of a better term) of a whole bunch of ka50's. Those "commander helicopters" would have sophisticated target detection identification and designation systems and what not, basically relaying target information to ka50's and commanding them. That "commander helicopter" was never really implemented, instead they used modified and re-equipped ka29 helicopters for that role. Although Russian Ministry of Defense never disclosed the reason why they discontinued the ka50 project, most of the experts think that it was because having a dedicated commander/target designation helicopter concept wasn't really what they wanted.
As incompetent Russian higher-ups can be at times, at least from what I've heard or seen in recent times, you can't fault that they have some serious and memorable machinery. Military helicopter designs in general really tickles a special part of my brain.
The problem with russian millitary equipment is that they do have the design capability and are often pretty innovative and able to design in a way that should be able to do a lot with relativly little. But in the end the what is produced always falls short of what it was supposed to be and ends up pretty mediocre or as a handful showroom models. Russian stuff does often look sexy though. Much better then western stuff usually.
Here's the thing, The apache had to deal with rgs and sma arms fire (the worst would be a heat seeking rpg)..... But ka-52 have to deal with modern weapons. Literally
@@gunmasterx1164 well at the start sure, cuz they didn't use it that well... But now they're using it correctly. Staying far and using guilded missiles at tanks, less chance of counterfire.. Before they just charged in like it's ww2 but they've learned
It's not a competitor to the Apache... it's a flying artillery, made to hunt vehicles, not fly around and provide close air support. The lack of a turreted chain gun in exchange for long range optics should've made that easy to figure out.
Thank you for this Video. Also, for your statement at the end of the video. I think all this military machines are pretty cool, masterpieces of engineering and fascination, on the other hand we should never give up to achieve peace, every pilot, every soldier has people back home who love and miss him.
It is actually incorrect to assume that Russians took longer time to understand how not to use attack helicopters. The problem was that Russia didn't have enough equipment and manpower to take on a country like Ukraine. They wanted to force Kiev to sign some kind of a Minsk-3 agreement and never planned for a prolonged positional war. So when it turned into one they were forced to use everything at their disposal to stabilize the situation even if it meant taking higher losses.
wdym? jookraine lost youth to war+immigration, europe is full of patriots right now, country is fucked, its being artificially propped up with by monthly donations. Russia hasnt used much of it's resources and economy is adjusted for military production atm, what does jookraine produce rn?
Haha! Then why more thatn 50 countries that send money and weapon to Ukraine, that press Russia with sunctions can't defeat our country? Every 2 days Russian militaries nake a new locality. Ad why Zelensky was agree to sign any agreement with Russia in Stumbul in 20222? Who made Zelensky go on with the war against Russia? England. Boris Jhonson made Zelenskiy abandon the Istanbul agreements. What benefits and victories did this bring to Ukraine?
The KA-52 was asked to do too much in contested airspace, unsupported. They operated as if the Ukrainians had no manpads, and flew deep over enemy territory and attacked at close range. That's a problem with tactics, not engineering. It's performing admirably against the Ukrainian Southern counter-offensive.
Biggest issue was they had old Mi-24 pilots, Thus when stressed they flew it like a tank. Its a durable heli but its not a Mi-24. Where you need a minimum of a stinger to possible shoot it down. (Note the word POSSIBLE wich dont mean impossible)
@@cedriceric9730 my observation is purely amoral. It is now being used as helicopters should. Last year, everyone was proclaiming the death of the helicopter and the tank.
@@generalrendar7290 Idiots always proclaim death of something if a counter was developed lol All that counter does is make people make a counter to the counter :D HEAT rounds gave birth to ERA, APFSDS caused ERA to be modified to also affect the kinetic penetrators, then drones were used to counter the tanks and Russians responded to that by QD vehicle-born jammers. Then Ukrainians work on changing frequencies. It's a never-ending game of measure-countermeasure.
From an American perspective that loves engineering this is one of the best helicopters made the design is perfect for helicopter use and the survivability is second to none kudos to the Russians on that their Ingenuity is fantastic so their aircraft and their rocketry four people that started up as a peasant class under Czars they've come a long way technologically and will continue to progress into the future I like to see that because the only way Humanity's able to go for as a whole is that we make each other better iron sharpens iron
Ye Ka 52 has already recommended itself as a beast with reliability proven in a fight with all morden weapons of US and EU. And as for Apache nobody knows at least.
When Soviet built Mig-25, the US accidentally built the best jet ever. The F-15. When the US built Apache, the Soviet accidentally built the best attack helicopter ever. The Ka-52.
You can't trust OSINT (open-source intelligence) on this, without digging into their methods and data, and you certainly can't just say "the OSINT list"; we'd need to know _which_ OSINT group published the list. Many of them are deeply partisan, and the ones who are fairly neutral, still have to use information from partisan sources. If this one is working mainly from Western and Ukrainian sources, you can expect their number to be much too high. If it's working mainly from Russian sources, you can expect their number to be much too low. In this war, if words could kill, the information theater would have more casualties than the actual battlefield. By the end of the Kosovo War, NATO was convinced that it had destroyed at least 200 of the 300 tanks that the Serbian military had, and possibly all 300. When the Serbs retreated, though, they retreated with 287 tanks in perfect working order. NATO had taken out only 13 tanks. Any OSINT group active at the time, working from Western sources, would probably have missed the mark by about 93.5%; in other words, their intel would've been completely worthless. This was in spite of pictures and videos of "confirmed kills" were all over the place, and NATO did nothing to mislead; they were honestly wrong. The Ka-52 will be used exactly the same way all military weapons platforms are used. To kill. Unfortunately, that seems to be the purpose that inspires our species to our greatest efforts.
Что значит КА 52 - аварийный? Этот вертолет тянет на себе борьбу против технологий NATO уже без малого 3 года. Апач даже близко не сталкивался ни с чем подобным
Wilbert is right. To compare the two aircraft, you have to put them into identical situation. The apache had to face an iraki air defense reduced to a minimu after more than one month of intesive bombing and after that, their suffered only the fire from light guins. The Ka-52 is facing the worst case scenario : a large frontline with many places to hide (ibushes, houses...) and the largest amount of manpads ever seen in a warfare situation (from many countries). Sometimes, AFU soldiers launch few missiles against one aircraft. Actually, if you count the number of mission made by russian helicopter, we can say that they're doing pretty well. The alligator is truly a magnificent and effective aircraft... you're right, too bad it is a killing machine.
There are a lot of “experts” in the comments. But you must understand, my dear friends, that the Ka-52 is a combat vehicle, that its sighting navigation systems work in combat mode from morning to evening, so the Ka-52 does not need your advice, it just does its job)
Something that wasn’t talked about in the video is that the helicopter. Was able to deflect a missle. When wagner led the “mutiny” against Russia Theres a video of it redirecting a missle
I saw a Kamov heavy doing fire fighting and bucket water throwing in northern Canada a few years ago....it landed its bucket next to an A-Star B2 and i kid you not the bucket was bigger than the AStar and and the heli itself looked like a small apartment building with a rotor lol...cool design.
Apache is better. F-15, F-18, F-22, F-35 are all better than anything the Russians can recycle from the Soviet Union. They aren't being offered to the Ukraine either...
@@ElGrandoCaymano I'll agree mostly on the fighter jets but Ka-52s are battle tested. They are arguably much better than Apaches which haven't seen combat vs a conventional army nor a peer vs peer conflict.
I mean, you can't really compare KA50 and AH64 statistics, cause the KA50's are up against Russian and NATO technology, whereas the AH64's are up against dudes with AK47's.
Regarding the "Roland" and "Gepard" signals, it's not implied that the actual AA systems are in use, those are just the codenames for certain types of AA
Yes I've seen some footage of these birds lurking near the treeline with their thermal sensors taking out an armored column one by one. It looked quite unfair.
Lovely video, contra-rotating/co-axle rotor is also more resistant to a phenomenon called “retreating blade imbalance”. So a helicopter spins it’s rotor to fly, now if it flys forward, one side of the rotor disk(sweeping area of the rotor blades) spins toward the air flow experience faster relative air flow generates more lift, while the other side experiences less flow speed meaning it’s generating less left, this causes the helicopter to bank(roll) towards the retreating side. Helicopter can compensate by change rotor pitch when flying faster speeds, but eventually there is a point where the blade will stall, imposing a hard speed limit to single rotor helicopters. Center-rotating helicopters don’t have this problem as the two rotors cancel each other out, hence in theory they can achieve higher speeds
@@vprok94 у соосной системы без заднего винта манёвренность во много раз лучше! и к тому же живучесть вертолёта повышается поскольку даже если ему отхреначат хвост из ПЗРК он всё равно сможет лететь так как ему не нужен задний рулевой винт!!!!!!!!
@@МаксимНевский-э7и в чем заключается лучшая маневренность и как она влияет на возможности ударного вертолёта? Нет хвостового винта, зато более сложная, ненадёжная и уязвимая несущая система.
@@МаксимНевский-э7и какое это имеет отношение? Я же спрашиваю у тебя как соосная схема влияет на применение ударного вертолёта в бою, какие возможности ему добавляет, какие маневры в бою выполняет ударный вертолет соосной схемы, которые не может выполнить вертолет традиционной схемы? Потому что, то что я видел, когда пускают вихри с 10 км тут или НАРы с кабрирования, по-моему, там все равно какая схема будет у вертолёта.
@@ni9274 Because they were flying into MANPADS range. They switched tactics and hovered inside Russian held terrain to fire missiles from relative safety. Now the situation is changing again.
The Alligator was introduced in a context full of false assumptions. Russia moved in with 30,000 troops during the initial SMO with political pressure as its goal rather than waging war. Ukraine had at that time an army of 600,000 men with an intact air defense and they were dug in within a network of fortified positions. Ukraine had a strong military and a will to fight hard. Russia entered halfcocked because there was still some belief in a political solution following the Minsk agreements. The aircraft was withdrawn from operations because it is a recon combat helicopter. It is doubtful that any other helicopter would have fared any better in those conditions. Russia brought a knife to a gunfight because of ambivalence in the face of fighting a brother Slavic country. This is an aircraft meant to seek out the enemy force over distance but when an area is saturated with troops and equipment the whole idea of seeking out and scouting becomes moot. Infantry with off the shelf drones would have outperformed an aircraft for scouting and target acquisition. The conflict saw helicopters replaced by drones within a short time period. No conflict was ever like the one that we witness in Ukraine. We have to go back to WWII to observe the level of destructive power deployed in the battlefield.
I think one of the reason why the ka 52 suffered more losses than the apache is because it is facing a modern nato backed army armed with many air defences and manpads while the apache did not face much or any modern aa weapons in the middle east. Nonetheless both are incredible feats of Engineering designed to fit each of their own country's doctrine and it's unfortunate that they are designed and used to kill.
Apaches have been fighting in total air superiority in almost every single war it fought in. As soon as you put them in the same shoes as the Ka-52 they'd suffer similar losses if not more. The Ka-52's losses can be attributed to Russia's incompetence of being unable to commit SEAD and insistence to deploy them in areas infested with anti-air.
One are made for conventional army. The other for armed goat-herder with slippers.
@@kureed79Both are made for conventional armies.
@@phyo1716 The world knows only 1 has been tested.
@@kureed79 Little-to-none of the US arsenal is explicitly designed to fight inferior armament + unconventional warfare. And you'd be very mistaken if you think the US wasn't right in line with the rest of world powers in always preparing for the expected future conflict with conventional powers.
Don’t worry about the politics when it comes to enjoying this or any other Helicopter/Aircraft. To tweak to a popular US saying, “Helicopters don’t kill people, people kill people”. As for the KA-52, it’s genuinely an incredible Helicopter, both in terms of engineering and aesthetics.
Like it or not, it's being used to invade and kill men who are fighting for their freedom and families.
Also don't be a stooge for the NWO Military Industrial complex.
your so right.and spoons make people fat I like to say when people say guns kill.
@b-17flyingfortress63 ? what?
To be fair, the war in Ukraine is something of such scale that the Apache never had to face.
To be fair, don’t compare the US Military to the Russian military…
I'd never do that! You fight goat keepers in sandals. Russia is fighting the largest army of Europe with all the support of NATO...😉
@@daemianbox Stop you might hurt my feelings... "Support of NATO" lol yeah that means the US taxpayer is helping finance the war (and don't forget 10% for the Big Guy). We're barely involved and the Russians are getting their asses kicked. I can only imagine if we actually lifted a finger. Russia has the largest army in Europe (yes I understand Russia is in Europe and Asia). Ukraine is down at 20-something I believe. How are they fighting "the largest army of Europe?" Curious when you put your X-box down and climb down from Mt. Enlightenment what Holy country YOU are from?
Because the US fights wars of choice
@@daemianboxWhos winning because of US backed weapons 🤦🏾🤦🏾
Apache never faced modern AA.
You are right beacause during operation desert storm US air force destroyed almost all SAM and radar sites so Iraq was incapable to stop any coalition planes. Russian on the other hand did not manage to destroy this kind of critical equipment in Ukraine which result in no air superiority for them. You could also argue about MANPADS which are not as effective when target is really far away and yes AH-64 usually engage from far away. Its not about how good is the construction, but how you deploy them.
The apache faced modern russian AA in Iraq both times.
@@LiterallyMojo S75? :) It never faced S300+ layered with Panzir + Tor
@@usun_politics1033 it has though... NATO countries have those systems and have been trained to overcome those systems for decades
Middle East bombarded to 1950 technology and getting SOME modern technology VS most powerful nation with one of the best attack helicopters
Tell me that is fair then whole ass nato gives its weapons to ukraine
Saw a KA-52 video flying without the tail, that was mind blowing
you saw a video of a ka52 flying with a DAMAGED tail, VERY different. there are tons of avioncs in the tail, the weight balancing also gets very fucked and hard to control if you lose the tail, and the helicopter still needs the tail control surfaces for yawing at high speeds.
@@teaganfitzgerald9771 cope
@@teaganfitzgerald9771nah that k52 had no tail at all
@@teaganfitzgerald9771 ruclips.net/video/vnFXtclo3Yw/видео.html
@@marley9800 it was missing its vertical stabilizer. it was not cut in two.
The different is, Aligator K52 has to fight in really war, against well equiped army with the newest modern weapon. Apache helicopter so far, fought against people from so called 3rd World with sandals on their feets. The same situation with mighty Leopards, Bradleys finally Challengers etc. These fantastic war machines, never fought before against also fantastic war machines.
Nato/US build to fight AKs and Sandals on deserts while Russia and the Soviet build to fight against Nato and US.
not so modern in many cases, but decent anyway
To be fair Oryx is heavily biased in favor of Ukraine and independent audits of their work has shown they are using the same loss multiple times. It's not the great non-aligned neutral observer it claims to be. Of interest is it quit doing it's loss counting after Ukraine's failed counteroffensive when 100s of tanks/apc's were blown out the frame. Instead of counting them it threw over the board and walked out. So if Oryx is saying they lost 37, the real number is probably 50%, no, maybe even 75% lower.
Most us weapons either dont have combat experience or fought bunch of goatkeepers. Imo russians have better weapons, because they actually have used them in serious combat. Same way everyone said russian ground vehicles are worst of the worst. Yeah then arrived to overglorified western weapons and it showed that it actually wasnt that bad.
This is funny
Vatnik get together
The US suffered 50% helicopter losses in Vietnam.
All helicopters are extremely vulnerable in contested airspace.
The US was using air mobility a lot in Afghanistan.
Neither Russia or Ukraine are. Completely different cases, as the US was using helicopters as battle taxis. If Russia was using helicopters like that, they'd have no more in inventory.
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD combat losses is not a relevant metric in assessing how good a helicopter design is. There are too many variables that cloud its value.
Pretty sure this is a channel about aircraft design, not a forum for shitting on all things Russian because it's currently fashionable.
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD I dont think you can compare sandals and camels vs what the Ukranian army + NATO has. Amazing they still won the war, but thats something else.
@@rauldelvillar374 Combat losses are relevant metrics because that's what military equipment has to avoid to remain competitive.
The Tornado attack jet had its entire low level attack doctrine changed because of just 6 losses in Desert Storm. The Harrier was kind of seen as obsolete with just 7 losses in Desert Storm.
Here's something about aircraft design - design the freaking thing to carry weapons if you're going to sell it to the military, to avoid the winglet flutter issue in the Ka-52. Embarrassing.
@@estebanpacheco7102 What does that have to do with anything? Lack of air mobility to prevent losses means that each loss is more relevant to the discussion. The helicopters are being babied and coddled to avoid vulnerabilities, and yet they still are taking losses both from combat and attrition from just heavy use running the clock on airframes and engines.
KA-52 losses are actually not as high if you consider how many operations they fly a day. They are deployed non stop during day and night. Percentage wise its pretty decent considering how effective the nato systems that they are facing proved in other conflict. Theres no equivalent comparison since conflicts like these are luckily rare, but lets not forget how vulnerable were the american machines in vietnam or even in somalia... The important aspect tho is their impact on battlefield which proven to be devastating for their oponents.
В войне во Вьетнаме участвовало около 11 846 вертолетов США. В отчетах США указано 5 607 потерь вертолетов.
В общей сложности вооруженные силы Соединенных Штатов потеряли во Вьетнаме почти 10 000 самолетов, вертолетов и беспилотных летательных аппаратов (3744 самолета, 5607 вертолетов и 578 беспилотных летательных аппаратов
@@homuchoghoma6789they didint have drones in the 60s 😂 so your claim is total bullshit
@@Rogbet1В 1936 году капитан третьего ранга Делмар Фарни, возглавлявший проект радиоуправляемой авиации ВМФ США, в своём отчёте впервые употребил слово «дрон», в дальнейшем закрепившееся в качестве альтернативы термину «БПЛА». Под руководством Фарни ВМФ США впервые использовал беспилотную летающую мишень на учениях в 1938 году и вернулся к забытым после Первой мировой проектам «авиационных торпед». В начале 1938 года флот вёл переговоры с «Американской радиокорпорацией» об использовании телевизионного оборудования для дистанционного управления самолётами. В 1939 году учения, проведённые ВМФ США у берегов Кубы, показали высокую эффективность авиации, поэтому флот заключил с компанией «Radioplane» контракт на разработку большого количества БПЛА для использования в качестве мишеней на учениях. С 1941 по 1945 годы компания произвела более 3800 БПЛА «Radioplane OQ-2» и в 1952 году была поглощена корпорацией Northrop.
Другой значительной угрозой Холодной войны для США стали советские стратегические подводные лодки. Для борьбы с ними был разработан первый вертолёт-БПЛА Gyrodyne QH-50 DASH, вооружённый торпедами Mark 44 или 325-фунтовыми глубинными бомбами Mark 17. Небольшие размеры аппарата позволяли оснащать им малые корабли, которые в противном случае остались бы без воздушной противолодочной обороны. В период с 1959 до снятия QH-50 с вооружения в 1969 году было построено более 800 единиц этого БПЛА[55].
Во время войны во Вьетнаме беспилотные самолёты-разведчики произвели 3435 вылетов, что привело к потере 554 аппаратов. При попытках перехвата беспилотников северовьетнамские ВВС потеряли 7 истребителей МиГ[63]. Командование ВВС США высоко оценило возможность направлять беспилотные аппараты на самые опасные миссии, не рискуя жизнями пилотов[64].
Беспилотные летательные аппараты на Ближнем Востоке были применены Израилем во время Войны на истощение (1967-1970), затем Войны Судного дня в 1973 году и позже во время боевых действий в долине Бекаа (1982). Они использовались для наблюдения и разведки, а также в качестве ложных целей. Израильский БПЛА IAI Scout и малоразмерные ДПЛА Mastiff провели разведку и наблюдение сирийских аэродромов, позиций ЗРК и передвижений войск. Поначалу израильские БПЛА несли большие потери как от арабских истребителей МиГ-21 и МиГ-23, так и от огня с земли.[65] Только за октябрь 1973 года Израиль от ПВО и истребителей потерял 31 БПЛА.[66] По информации, получаемой с помощью БПЛА, отвлекающая группа израильской авиации перед ударом главных сил вызвала включение радиолокационных станций сирийских ЗРК, по которым был нанесён удар с помощью самонаводящихся противорадиолокационных ракет, а те средства, которые не были уничтожены, были подавлены помехами. Успех израильской авиации был впечатляющим - Сирия потеряла 18 батарей ЗРК и 86 самолётов. Успешность применения БПЛА заинтересовала Пентагон и привела к совместной американо-израильской разработке системы RQ-2 Pioneer
@@Rogbet1это ты тоже чушью назовёшь? 😏
It's not the NATO AA that is being effective, it's the Soviet ones.
Saying it's an excellent aircraft does not mean it's been used 100% perfectly (or well at all) in the war in Ukraine. Any aircraft used improperly in a conflict will suffer high casualties especially against a nation that has thousands of MANPADs and an incredible air defense system. In the early part of Ukraine's offense near Zaporizhia, the KA-52 was highly effective against Ukrainian armor.
2 KA 52s have been lost so far in 2 months after achiving K:D ratios of us to 70:1
yes its a good attack helicopter
@@speen9430 No.
@@speen9430 russia lost half its combat ready KA-52 helicopters. it doesnt do well against the amount of manpads ukraine has.
My favourite one for sure. People talking about hi losses but what other helicopter faced this kind of war contested by dense air defences and Manpads ? Helicopters meant to take the risks. They are made to support groud troops by giving close air support taking a huge risk of getting shot down. Really amazing design , money invested well paid off and most importantly performing well as expected
Maybe they shouldn't have involved themselves in a war when they can't do SEAD then.
@lsq7833 how the fuck do you sead manpads?
Oh yes, the Russians CAN do SEAD. And in a much more cost-effective manner too!
Their weapon: Lancet loitering munition.
The Russians make heavy use of Lancets to destroy the longer-ranged SHORADS (IRIS-T, Strela-10, etc.) and other armoured vehicles. Once those SHORADS are taken out, it’s doors open for the Ka-52. The IR-seeking MANPADS don’t have enough range to hit the Ka-52s at 10km from the front. And even if they can, the Ka-52s have pretty effective IR countermeasures in the form of flares and IR lasers. One Ka-52 reportedly dodged 16 Stinger missiles while 8-10km from the front.
The REAL problem however are the beam-riding MANPADS, such as the Swedish RBS-70. Beam-riding missiles are immune to IR countermeasures, and the RBS-70 has a pretty long range. To top it all off, MANPADS are difficult to spot.
It’s one thing to conduct SEAD against SAM systems and SHORADS. But against obscure MANPADS, that’s a different story.
@@aarontheaviationaddict3643Doesn't seem to be enough though. Russia is losing harder day by day.
Here's the thing: attack helicopters are ground attack aircraft, and so, you only use them when you have air dominance
Russia has been using them without air dominance.
Iraq in 1991 had comparable if not more AA defenses than Ukraine and the US only lost 5 helicopters in Desert Storm
This helicopter is the best, and if you're wondering why it has so many losses, it's because it actually faced a serious opponent and a modern defensive weapon. Unlike the Apaches who met the Taliban in slippers
Taliban in slippers...who won 😄😉
The taliban killed many Russian helicopters but no western ones.
Most weapons used by the Ukrainian are soviet, and the Ukrainian have way less equipement than the Russian army
@@Hotmaildotcomz taliban 😂
@@ni9274 No
I had an opportunity to talk with KA-52 pilot, who fight for Russia since the war inception.
He told that KA-52 is insanely effective, they lost in% term very few of them when compared to number of flights, but they destroyed A TON OF NATO vehicles.
Also he said that he is pretty sure that KA-52 is the best atack helicopter in the world, and no one has similar combat experience as KA-52 has.
But it's a lie. This junk can't even hover still because of extreme vibration 😂.
@@JohnDir-xw3hf😂😂😂 ты клоун 🤡
@@JohnDir-xw3hf I can share you a ton of videos from Telegram how Aligator demolishes nato equipment.
@@drec2072 i have seen a ton of videos with burning Alligators. Even its cabin has bad armor because curved glass can't be armored. And is still can't hover still normaly.
This video is paid propaganda. Russians pay billions for it over the world.
@@JohnDir-xw3hfcope harder boi
Ka52 flying with a badly damaged tail shows that it's easily one of the best....
That doesn't make any sense. The tail rotor is a critical component in conventional rotary wing aircraft. A true statement wouldn't be a damaged tail, but a direct blow to the main rotor that caused one of them to come loose.
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD just check out the footage
@@thondyhalomoan889 Right. So it's not impressive that it can fly without it.
That's like saying it's impressive someone is a boxing champion after having the appendix removed after appendicitis. Uh, yeah? You don't need it to punch.
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD you're a clown lol
Ka 52 are quite success compare to her arc rival Mil Mi 28. You can see it from how often Russia deploy them in the frontlines.
Mi-28 does fly alot too, with only a single loss. Personally, i saw about a dozen videos of Mi-28 working.
From what I read years back, the Mi-28 supposedly have issues with their rotor gears, making them pretty unreliable. If that is true, it would explain why they are so sparingly used.
actually 8 losses@@vanja2565
@@vanja2565 Single loss? LOL come on man please don't drink the russian kool aid
@@vz6235 there is only a single visually confirmed loss of Mi-28, I'm not denying that there could be more, but visually only that, and I haven't seen ukrops claim any at all.
The KA 52 is one of my favorite helicopters, aesthetically. You did a really nice job modeling it.
Not only aesthetically, I think its an amazing platform and one of the best systems. Even though I am against the use of it like he mentioned in the video, but nonetheless it's a superb helicopter.
That model is available for purchase on various 3d sites. Doubt they modelled it themselves.
They could've done better with the main armaments limited fire arch and the lack of back up protection systems and guidance jamming equipment but aesthetically it is decent.@@Kenny-yl9pc
I personally likes the Ka-50 more for it's single seater design
Ukraine literally has the second largest military in Europe after Russia. The KA-52 is fighting a massive air defense system and did so well.
Аахахахахахааа лол
Ukraine has been occupied by NATO since 2014! Therefore, there are NATO forces and Russian forces in the confrontation on the territory of Ukraine! Alas, the army of Ukraine has not existed since 2014, there is only an army subordinate to NATO on the territory of Ukraine
stop making up bullshit Ukraine is one of the poorest countries in eu and Russia is struggling.
Large doesn't not translate directly to being good. Ukraine also lacks proper modern anti air defense.
Bruhhh it couldn't even detect a lager which was being pointed at it for half a minute then got blown by an atgm
One of the more frustrating things for the Russians, the Ka-52 was designed to be so survivable that even a nasty hit from a MAPADS would allow the pilot to safely land the helicopter before ejecting. This is why a lot of Ka-52's are recovered still in tact with the crew having long scattered. It's built to take a beating and keep going. And when it takes too much of a beating, the pilots can always eject.
Most of the pilot deaths is bcus the missile hit the cockpit first, killing the pilot instantly
There aren't many aircraft that can take beating like this thing can and still keep the crew safe. It's the opposite of the typical Soviet design philosophy, but that's what makes it work so well.
The coaxial rotors also help slow down the helicopter's rate of descent when it has lost power; increasing the pilots' survivability, and in videogames such as War Thunder, giving the player a chance to get two or three more kills before the chopper hits the ground.
@@TheNefastorExcept that it's been used since day one of the war, and *extensively* in massive operations (several of which were successful), and has accumulated hundreds of equipment-kills that have been confirmed by combat footage.
You can call it what you want, but that won't help reduce the pain. Everyone knows of the profound effect it's had on the war since day *1* .
This helicopter is beautiful work of engineering and has performed exceptionally well when considering the massive amounts of AA systems constantly attempting to take it down.
@@TheNefastor you need to attempt before you succeed big guy
@@TheNefastor lol you’re so naive but go on
@TheNefastor, you are commenting in every comment. Are you a sales agent of West and US weapons? Tough job to be in. Russian weapon market is getting bigger and bigger. US weapons are only good against inferior country. Now that they're using their weapon against Russia. Truths prevailed.
@@TheNefastorapache getting downed by the hobo with an ak while ka 52 gets downed by manipads lmao
30% of the fleet were shotdown, that's very bad performance.
The loss statistics are really worse for the Apache. It was facing not much at all in air defence. The KA 52 is being used in a dense AA situation and still mostly survives. The Vitebsk defence system can defeat multiple attacks by stingers etc. The Apache would not survive that. If I was buying it would be the KA 52.
Reports suggest that the Vitebsk system has only recently been installed to a majority of the aircraft that use them. That and the fact that they weren't expecting to be staunchly opposed when Russia first launched the operation in Ukraine explain the early losses. The loss rate seems to have slowed drastically.
@@theorncampbell4432reports from CNN😂
@@robert.m6755 That's a stupid fucking comment. CNN would never admit that Vitebsk-25 exists and works, that Russia didn't try to take Kiev by force or that Alligator losses have decreased, while usage has increased.
Where was the Apache facing numerous surface to air systems? The ka 52 faces incredible odds in this special operation. Some of the best air defense weapons that belong to a variety of NATO countries are always ready to bring it down but it has proven to be a formidable shovel.
@@emmanuelsello3419 1991 Iraq air defense was first opened up by Apaches. Low level night op to destroy radars.
NATO ridiculing Russia losses in a peer to peer conflict will never make me chuckle.
For the last 30year nato only fought colonial expeditions against demilitarized deindustrialized countries and got it's ass clapped ALL THE TIME.
Russia is confronting the second biggest military in europe (after Russia) armed to the teeth with modern day vehicles and system.
And they are still pulling off a 6/8to1 KD ratio.
Hats off to Mother Russia. Fighting nazi since before it was cool.
Ka-52 is fighting against a country with somewhat of an air force and air defense supplied from the West, and not just goat herders in Afghanistan. All things considered it is a very successful helicopter.
Most Hellfires variants are not fire and forget either, only the radar-guided variant with limited numbers and utility are, the remaining numbers are laser-guided.
Apaches are easy to maintain a high successful rate when you fight favelados with machine guns mounted on toyotas and old RPG-7
Of course, it should also be noted that the goat herders in Afghanistan successfully won a war against a fully Western military, including modern air force.
@@8492nd Apaches went in first into Iraq before SEAD/DEAD. Along with the F-117 they have the honor of meeting the enemy alone and unafraid before the air defence was degraded.
@@magnusgreel275 No, they won against the ANA after the US left as part of the peace deal signed during the Trump administration.
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD And why did they leave ? Because it was costing way too much in equipment and the US could not set up a government with a proper army either, they left *because* they lost but they didn't lose because they left
I think Ka-52 took the best traits of Cobra, Apache and Mi-24 + tons of bold innovation of Kamov engineering school. Besides it's a main Russian workhorse against western armor on the frontlines, so some losses are inevitable.
It has ejection seats. With separation of blades mechanism. This is where it is different from an anecdote "Irish developed an ejection system for helicopters"
While adepts of "razskiyes don'd kare about their men" idea have ingenuous AH-64 Apachè ejection system of new-and-improved type: pancake against sweet old mother Earth, while falling like a battlestar Galactica. I mean like a rock... well, both options can describe this safe method of landing
Edit: "adapts" to "adepts"
It’s funny when people assume that certain military tech is “invincible.” Doesn’t matter if it’s U.S., Russian, French, Chinese or any other countries hardware, equipment WILL be damaged and or destroyed in battle. Some are definitely more survivable than others, however. I still think the AH-1Z Viper looks the best( just my opinion) but they’re all great attack choppers and can all cause immense damage.
@@worldoftancraft Have we seen the ejection system working? Either way, pilots are like knights. More valuable than peasants.
@@ChucksSEADnDEADyes, yes they do work and they’ve saved pilot. I saw a of a Russian pilot ejecting from the ka 52 and getting picked up by a mi 8 helicopter later.
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD I've seen a surviving pilot after a crash of Mi-28 in 2015. Just a smack against Earth from high altitude. Yet, 50G-capable seats dampered the impact and one of the pilots managed to survive. Other one could be unconscious therefore couldn't extract.
But absence of use of catapults on 52s is caused by a lack of situations where it would be desired more than a rotor autorotation landing. Because the only thing I can imagine why it would be a better option - is a complete loss of a rotor or loss of a blade that would cause shift of lift force axis, or failure of swash plate mechanism. Those are rarer than say an engine or avionics computer failure.
"A beautiful helicopter that has an awful purpose" - not different from any warmachine, really.
Ну вообще-то это самый живучий вертолёт в мире. Самый опытный и самый доработанный.
Товарисч, с каким утверждением вы спорите?
Хорошо сказано, камрад
The only difference between the amount of losses of the ka-52 and apache is that the ka is in a "real" war, fighting against a big army with a hell of a lot manpads, while the apache hasnt seen so much anti air deffence
Therapist: Coaxial Mi-17 isn’t real, it can't hurt you.
Coaxial Mi-17: 4:04
It looks good somehow.
have u seen the mi 28 coaxial in arma 3. that gives me anxiety no cap
@@Marco-qe4yrtherapist without the 😮
@@nomorepetrenko kazman 😅
Even at the very beginning of the war, when they were being used over contested airspace, most losses had one or both pilot surviving, which when talking about helicopters is very impressive. Most helis would be instantly written off along with their crew and passengers the second they take even a minor hit to the tail and fall into a uncontrollable spin, but the KA rotors are both linked so one can’t really fail without the other, meaning it HAS to take catastrophic damage to go down. And even then, you have the ejection system.
The whole "uncontrollable spin" thing for helicopters is actually a half-myth... all a helicopter needs to do when its tail rotor goes out/is destroyed is to cut its power to the shaft and the helicopter will sort of "helicopter seed" glide down to the ground. So, its usually not like the movies where a blackhawk gets hit and uncontrollably spins around and around until it smashes into the ground catastrophically and blows up. This can happen, however, but its usually due to a multi-factor reason rather than just losing power/destruction of the tail rotor.
There is a reason one doesn't bring a helicopter into contested air space and when you do, you bring a long bow...The Long bow is the tip of a hive, it can take out targets from non contested air cover
@@JohnDorian-j7x well the "helicopter seed glide" doesnt work too well when going 120 mph at low alt.
Like I said, its a "half" truth. There's obviously certain regimes where nothing you do matters. I'm mostly referring the statement the OP made concerning the "uncontrollable spin" phenomena. In your example... then the "uncontrollable spin" would be even LESS likely to occur due to balancing forces - however - you'd still die in this case, so nobody really cares, lol.@@カリユガ-u6f
I don't remember seeing many (maybe a couple) uncontrollable spin videos from the syrian army helicopter shootdown videos... from what I remember, most of them were pretty much high falls where they were either dropping straight down or down at the same angle. I only really remember one spin out heli video. @@muffy469
Apache was fighting shepards and goats
Отличный вертолёт сделали, самое удивительное что вся серия самолётов Ка, долгое время уступала серии Ми, потому что конструктор Миль был более влиятельным в советском руководстве, чем Камов.
Сегодня сложно найти на войне экипаж К 52, который уничтожил меньше 10 бронированных машин.
это не совсем так, проблема была в том, что идеи заложенные в КА-50 стало возможно реализовать толко в 2020х годах, такие вещи, как машинное зрение с опцией автозахвата, автоматического разпознования целей стало возможно только недавно, они же пытались это реализовать на технологиях 80х годов, надо ли говорить, что вышло это отвратительно, в итоге хороший вертолет получил отвратительный по качеству комплекс управления вооружением. Это как СССР в 30е годы пытался получить танки с телеуправлением
On ne ustupal. Fakticheski sovsem. Prosto Kamovtsi v osnovnom dla VMF mashini delali. Tam Milevtsam lovit nechego bilo. Eto dla zameni Mi-24 Kamovtsi reshili sdelat mashinu, i sdelali Ka-50. On okazalsa nastolko kruche Mi-28, chto ogogo, hotya Mi-28 bil sirovat na tot moment. A potom sdelali Ka-52. Tak chto tut vopros bil ne vo vliyatelnosti a raznoy spetsifike mashin.
because most of them KIA?
@@juryfilatov4520 ракета оникс уже могла всё это делать на советских микрухах
она летела в район где предполагалось наличие корабля, и распознавала силуэт нужного судна
ни рэб, ни что ей не мешало
маневрировала как муха - хрен попадёшь по ней
@@АндрейЗведрис эм. у ракеты ОНИКС не было задачи стрелять из 30мм пушки при автоматическом захвате и сопровождении цели, у ракенты Оникс не было задачи управлять поелтем ПТРК, у ракуеты ОНИКС не было задачи вести поиск наземных целей на фоне земли.
Процессоры, спомосбнгые более менее распозновать обхъекты на земле по изображению появились вообще лет 10 назад, а задачи для них планировали в 80е
Given that there has been more Apache crashes than Ka-52 losses in the last 5 years, while the Ka-52 has been heavily involved in a conventional war during their period, it's safe to say the Ka is really the best battle proven Helicopter at the moment.
The US operates over 800 Apaches. According to ASN Aviation Safety Database there have been 12 reported accidents related to US army Apaches since the start of 2018. Not all of them were destroyed / damaged beyond repair but for the sake of the argument lets assume they were. 12 / 800 = 1,5 % of total US Apaches lost due to accidents. Russia had 119 KA-52 at the start of 2022. At least 3 of them have crashed due to accident in 2022-2023 and one in Syria in 2018. 4 / 119 = 3,3 % of total KA-52 lost due to accidents. Russia has lost at least 40 KA-52 since 2022.
@@esportsprodigybuhanil933 so the Apaches is more reliable cause its been built in a greater number ?
@@benediktioakim I'm not qualified to make accurate claims about which helicopter is more reliable and I would be willing to bet that 99% of commenters here aren't qualified either. KA-52 seems to be good at what it was designed for. That being said according to available data Apache has had less accidents in US service per units in operation than KA-52 in Russia service since 2018.
@@esportsprodigybuhanil933 are you a catbot or something ?
@@benediktioakim I'm a paid NATO shill.
You’d have to be insane to say this helicopter isn’t a beast, there was a video of one of these deflecting 9 MANPADs, absolutely nuts.
Pure skill coming from that pilot
ruSSkies propaganda. Piorun MANPADS - confirmed over 90% hit rate.
@@yspear_his flying skill is even more impressive given that the average air time per year for Russian pilots before the war were several times lower compared to American pilots, I suppose more than a year of constantly flying sorties really improved his skills compared to peace time.
Finally some respect towards the Rus.
Underestimating them is stupid.
You mean deploying flares and counter measures ?? A helicopter can’t deflect a rocket it has no armor
The difference is, the KH52 has been used in a real war, not a counter terror operation.
Gosh you must be dumb! According to Kremlin it is not even a war so your statement is disputed. Ka-52 are trash and you don’t see so much of them anymore because they got wasted in a SMO!
really did russia said at least that they having war with ukraine?
@@klaabu99 Yes several times, Peskov said it, he's Putin's spokesman... When you have 40+ countries supplying billions of dollars of weapons, and Russia has to fight all of that.. its a war 100%
pretty sure 1991 and 2003 was a real war
Comparing how many Ka52 were lost in Ukraine against modern NATO weapons
with how many Apache were destroyed in Iraq / Syria, is ridiculous to say the least
against men in sandals and 1950s RPGs
iraq + syria had sams and AAA before the bombing campaign. apaches actually went up against real, at the time modern threats before airfields got bombed out. but you're right, later in those wars there wasn't much modern stuff going up against the apache
Ка-52 это гимн русскому вертолетостроению. Горжусь нашими инженерами!
советы, хех, не приписывай))00
@@uhohwhy а что КБ Камова куда-то переехало из России после развала СССР? Или инженеры разбежались?
Ка-50 начинали разрабатывать и делать в Союзе, Ка-52 это уже российская разработка, доработка и запуск в серию.
@@dworkinbar пyyтен пабада уииии, скудоум))00
@@uhohwhy ты уж хоть на своем свинячем пиши, если по-русски не можешь
@@uhohwhyты чего не на фронте еще?
I always admire your sincere analysis, but i want to mention this note and i hope you find it helpful. Military is an instrument of government to achieve it´s political goals. In the first months of the conflict in Ukraine, russian government didnt expect that the entire NATO will push forward for a continuous war, therefore Russia started it´s SMO with small army, which was only aimed to scare the regime in Kiev off and bring them to the negotiating table which it did bring them to the table but unfortunately with the intervention of Boris Johnson, the whole agreements were thrown to the garbage bin. Therefore i think it is unfair to say that russians learnt a lesson about the war after a whole year; military always learns stuff quickly, almost immediately but it cannot perform without political approval. Russia insisted on a small scale combat operations in Ukraine for a very long time to avoid civilian harm as most as possible but everything changed since west started to flood Ukraine with weapons.
You can't compare Apache to K-52 Alligator - they both were built with different purposes. Apache has nearly no armor protection and is supposed to be used only in air-superiority situations, whilst K-52 is build like a tank to absorb the damage and operates at front lines on its own.
Exactly. One is built with the cowardly doctrine of fighting poor people for their resources. The other is supposed to fight real armies. The fact that he compares them just goes to show how far the cowardice goes. Whltes...
This is so wrong it hurts, the apache was built with armor destruction in mind. What is going to support armor? Infantry and air support. Trust me the apache was not designed for having air superiority. Please dont talk on things you dont know or understand.
(2001-2021) 20 year war in America lost 134 Aircraft, 38 to hostile fire, rest were accidents. (1979-1989) 10 year war, against the same people, Russia lost 333 Helicopters... Russia lost close to 80k Men, America just 2400. These numbers are online took me 5 minutes. Don't talk out your ass when your statistically wrong.
Desert storm took 42 days against a global super power with apaches, talk out your ass more please.@@jp3630
The American doctrine is to fight people with NO air support or air defence capability. Once they opponent has that, the Americans won't fight them instead they resort to sanctions or debates about "human rights" or some other nonsense.@@natedmoose5900
@@jp3630the apaches shit on Iraq in 1991 where it faced numerous AA
thanks for reviewing this helicopter. i have always loved the Kamov Ka-50's double rotor design. i do have to point out that the ka 50 and Apache have fought very different battles. The Apache fought terrorists with limited anti air capabilities, while the Ka 50 is fighting in a more balanced war with more anti air capabilities.
В случае гибели пилота К-50 вертолет автоматически берет курс на базу.
(2001-2021) 20 year war in America lost 134 Aircraft, 38 to hostile fire, rest were accidents. (1979-1989) 10 year war, against the same people, Russia lost 333 Helicopters... Russia lost close to 80k Men, America just 2400.
Also Apaches spearheaded operation Desert storm, where America beat another global superpower in 42 days...
but the Soviet Union did not participate in Desert Storm. What incredible crap people say in the comments. If the Soviet Union had participated, the United States and the Soviet Union itself would no longer exist because There would be a nuclear war.@@natedmoose5900
@@Амир-з9и2ш Eto otkuda takaya infa? Dla etogo nuzhno kak minimum stavit sistemu kontrola za sostoyaniem pilota, a pro eto na Ka-50 nikto nikogda na publiku ne govoril. Pro Su-57 takoe slishal.
@@Амир-з9и2ш На хуязу разве что.
COAX Rotors + Ejection make this My favorite Helicopter ( Besides Defiant X ) , an Absolute MARVEL of ENGINEERING. This heli is the prime example of what an attack helicopter should be be. The CO-AXIAL Rotor is one of the best inventions in aviation. Its benefits are far superior to traditional tail rotor design. You can have your tail shot off and still make it home, or at least land / eject safely. Traditional designs have an Achilles Heel , even the smallest damage to the anti-torque rotor will send it spiraling to its doom. Wrote this comment before watching and glad he touched on all this stuff to a T
Loss of ATRQ only spells doom at lower altitudes, really. While difficult, you can safely land and pull out of the death spiral with enough forward speed. Basically the forward speed of a helicopter, once fast enough, easily cancels out any rudder movement the pilot can input anyway, that's why helicopters turn more like planes when going at high speeds. You basically continuously lean the machine in the same direction as you spin until you gain speed, which cancels out the torque effect, keep going forward as you slowly descend, and then slow down as you slide your skids/wheels on the ground. You generally won't spin when there's enough downward force and your skids/wheels are on the ground.
Yes, Coax rotors is good, give perfect maneuverability ...until both rotors do not collide and torn each other off during sharp maneuver, including change of direction and altitude in the same time. It is happens with Ka-52, a common reason of crashes if pilot is not experienced and badly know limits of his helicopter. Ka-52 is harder to fly and less forgiving than Mi-28 or Apache. But in skilled hands Ka-52 is a marvel of a brute power, though Mi-28, its other soviet counterpart have better sensors and protected much better than Apache or Ka-52.
You are wrong. Coax rotors aren't that good. And most of the helicopters don't have them for a reason.
In Ukraine, I remember for a long time a rumor spread that a Ukrainian grandmother threw a jar of pickled cucumbers into a helicopter and shot it down. In principle, people in Russia laugh at this, but in the West and in the USA they take it seriously.😄
Why it always has to be user-jsjwuebdusbwudb? Oh yes, bot farms don't care about credibility
@@AlojzyBomba but what he said is true though
I heard it was a drone
@nobody4248 I saw articles in Ukrainian newspapers and other mass media channels that it was a helicopter, for the drone they used a cup of coffee or sth like this and moreover interwieved those people lol bollocks
There was a rumor that a Ukrainian senior citizen used a you le barrel shotgun and shot down an Su34.
I’m not joking they legit tried to pass that as truth.
автор в конце говорит "к сожалению мы знаем где он будет использоваться", лицемерно такое говорить на фоне операции израиля, там американская техника косит мирных на лево и направо и у них это сожаления не вызывает
Im glad i can find aviation nerds and fans here who just talk about how beautiful those machines are, and not talk trash about it cuz of wars
The Ka-52 is easily my favorite helicopter, it would be even cooler with two 30mm guns lol.
It's also the reason why I don't understand why billionaires buy fancy luxury helicopters when they could get one of these.
It is because the Ka-52 doesn't have as much of a view as luxury helicopters. The pilot is sunk in so that only the head is barely above the edge of the opaque part of the cockpit. The field of view is terrible when doing close air support. This isn't a concern if using precision weapons from a long distance, but in Ukraine, they aren't using precision weapons on the most part resulting in the pilots having to fly close to enemy anti-air weapons and a terrible field of view to try to spot them.
Personal opinion, I prefer the longbow and the Cobra myself
I don't get why would you buy a $16million heavy steel that requires $100k of maintenance for each month if you could get a $5million luxury heli for thrice the comfort and a fraction of maintenance cost.....
omg i just realized smth, as if both of those things were designed with a very different principles in-mind
@@alahsiaboi8909 You clearly don't understand it lol.
Why do you think some people set their own Ferrari on fire? Or get huge luxury yachts commissioned that cost more than US Navy ships? Because they can, because it shows how much money they can just spend like that. So buying a literal attack helicopter would be a big flex, especially when all your billionaire friends own the same luxury helicopter models.
That's also why some people buy tanks, instead of sports cars.
@@bryancenterfitt7127 If we'd go purely by aesthetics it's the EC665 Tiger, without a doubt for me.
I just want to say that the information about 25% (23 pieces) of the lost Ka-52s was provided by British intelligence, which, along with the United States, is Russia's main enemy, so obviously the source is biased, the losses are overstated.
There are actually fewer confirmed losses. And yes, the rescue system really works. Not always, but quite often pilots survive with the help of an ejection system.
В войне во Вьетнаме участвовало около 11 846 вертолетов США. В отчетах США указано 5 607 потерь вертолетов.
В общей сложности вооруженные силы Соединенных Штатов потеряли во Вьетнаме почти 10 000 самолетов, вертолетов и беспилотных летательных аппаратов (3744 самолета, 5607 вертолетов и 578 беспилотных летательных аппаратов
cope 😂😂
@@ce1834 Nah, just facts. Russians had been out of missiles since May 2022, Putin has long ago died of cancer and Urkaine has spectacularly succeeded with their counteroffensive, according to you lot :D
@@Max_Da_G "According to you lot". The fact there's still a war going on shows the ineptitude of Russian systems.
@@ce1834 I believe it is you who needs to cope
Смешат люди в комментариях которые на полном серьёзе сравнивают Апач и КА-52, утверждая что последний понёс слишком много потерь и всё такое. При этом радует что большинство людей в комментариях дают адекватную оценку, ведь Апач и правда не воевал против современных армий, а расстреливал людей в тапочках и репортёров с камерами в Ираке (потом утверждая что это была РПГ, но речь не об этом).
КА-52 же воюет с полноценной армией, у которых много ПВО, в том числе вполне современного. При этом КА-52 показал себя прекрасно, настоящая машина войны. Апач же обычный паркетник, каковыми были и Леопарды и Челленджеры и прочая техника которая лишь на картинке и на словах являлась прям сверхультимативной. На деле же это самая обычная техника которая так же прекрасно горит, как горели Т-72 при "Буре в пустыне".
Конечно это не значит что Апач мусор. Однако мы знаем всех этих пропагандистов и большое количество техники Запада сейчас это лишь большие слова и красивые картинки, не проверенные на деле, либо же проверенные против "туземных армий" и Апач в том числе.
Прекрасно себя показал? Смешно.
Правильно говориш про Ка-50 / 52. Хороший вертолет. Но про технику запада, я не согласен. У них очен хорошая техника, и они ей пользоватся умеют. Ты не можеш стравнивать украинских танкистов с американскими, которые живут в этих танках годами. И украиниское правительство были долбоёбами, они думали Абрамсы это терминаторы, и посылали их на минные поля. Вся эта политика - деблиьство. На самом деле и у Запада и у России очень хорошая техника, зделана для своих задач. Но по технологии в техники - Россия не в переди. Они впереди в ракетах, как всегда и было с холодной войны.
@@xSintex ну тут на самом деле много можно рассуждать. У украинской армии сейчас боевой опыт больший чем у Штатов и у любой страны НАТО, которые последний раз участвовали в большой войне аж в начале 1990-х и то с сильно отстающим противником в плане техники, обучения и так далее. Поэтому тут такое.
А танки это просто танки. Украинцы думали сперва что Джавелины это супер-оружие, затем что Бредли это супер-оружие, затем так же думали про Леопарды и так далее. На деле всё это прекрасно горело от дронов за 100к рублей.
А по поводу отставания России в технологиях, это ещё с 1990-х говорят, да вот на деле оказалось совсем не так. Выпуск современных танков есть (у американцев, к примеру, нет новых Абрамсов, они только модернизируют старые), массовый выпуск барражирующих боеприпасов есть, высокоточные планирующие бомбы есть, массовое применение корректирующих боеприпасов есть, истребители выпускают, с ракетами и так понятно. Раньше все считали что эти все вещи только по телеку, а оказалось что нет.
С дронами проблемы есть, да, но там проблемы именно в верхушке, а не в том что нет технологий, они как раз есть. Да и в целом большинство проблем именно в руководстве и организации того или иного. Какого-то прям отставания в технологиях что-то я не наблюдаю.
@@Wast1ngBlood экипажам украинской техники не смешно было, как и тебе не будет смешно, когда на фронт попадёшь, если ещё не попал.
Watching videos of it it snipe tanks 10Km away with its Vikhirs is just insane. There's also a video of its Vibilesk jamming a Stinger rocket mid flight.
It doesn't need to prove anything. Its already done in it a massive war and earned its stripes properly.
theres a full 50 min compilation of it hitting ukrainian forces JUST IN THE LAST 2 MONTHS, and per min theres at least 6 clips
*Vitebsk (Витебск)
when you actually know how to look at the impact zone, most impacts were misses and the smoke was just a dust kicked up to the air. KA-52's aiming camera is known for a terrible tracking and being unstable. If someone is unexperienced then yeah it looks impressive
@@gansior4744Some of those suit this yes, but you can't deny the fact that the Ka-52 has been destroying armored vehicles left and right since the beginning of the war.
@@meandthebois7565 Yeah, I remember those John Deere harvesters.
35% loss on the ka-52 fleet says hi
The major advantage of this helicopter over appache is its coaxial rotor system. So it doesn't need a tail rotor to cancel the counter torque. ie, it can survive even if its tail gets shot.
did you actually just mansplained a video?
@@zoranhome nah he just splained a video
Thats the best part is! And no other chooper can do that before!(I meant, helicopter from 2000's-2025's.)
Fireman in Portugal , operated some Kamovs, during summer fires. As Water Bombers.
Verdade, na epoca dos fogos florestais vi um ha uns tempos a passar aqui no norte, grande máquina
Continually sidelined from reliability issues, constantly triggering the magnetic sensors in the oil system.
The Russians haven't lost an aircraft (to enemy fire) for months now. The Ka-52 has been racking up an insane amount of kills in the meanwhile. In a REAL war, like in Ukraine, stuff gets destroyed. Like the Americans found out in Vietnam, where thousands of very good aircraft were lost.
If you don’t think Russia has lost aircraft for months I’d encourage you to expand your search horizons.
„The Russian Aerospace Forces, or VKS, possessed roughly 900 tactical aircraft before the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. These included fighter, attack, and fighter-bomber aircraft. Since the invasion, it has lost between 84 and 130 of those to air defenses, fighter aircraft, and crashes. „
That’s about 11% of their fleet lost in combat.
Can’t forget two „own goals“ in October this year when su-35‘s were hit by Russian anti aircraft fire
@@chrissmith7669 are you going to cite me oryx lmao. Or maybe videos of flares which are claimed to be falling aircraft debris. The Ukrainians are notorious for making claims that have no bearing on reality.
Ka-52, while facing air defence systems, is flying in a virtually uncontested air over a completely flat terrain with no cover which makes it nearly impossible to shoot one down with mobile and/or MANPADS systems. While the war itself is very real current situation heavily favor Russians since Ukrainians have no means of covering troops from air without getting into range of enemy aircraft or aa defence. A fox-3 slinging jet could change things quite a bit.
@@blackeagle-zc3qq - that also means there’s no cover for the ka52 either
- any fighter jet Ukraine launches will be an immediate target for Russian AD.
- there may be a brief benefit to Ukraine having f16s but as their numbers are whittled down that benefit will disappear.
@@AA-or4dt flying low makes you basically immune to long range air defences, short range ones (unless some spec ops somehow makes through behind lines to take pod-shots) cannot get in range to engage a Ka-52 or F-16 that is flying low. The difference F-16 would bring is the AMRAAM capacity. They can easily engage those safely from 15-20 km away and disengage. Best bet of Russians in that case would be their own Fox-3 capable aircrafts (mostly Mig-31 and modern Sukhois with longer range R-37) but those missiles probably will not make it to a fast and low F-16 since they are mostly meant for tankers and AWACS.
It would be a challenge to fly helicopters constantly above frontlines in said scenario.
No way the Ka52 has got a damm opposite modern weapons while apache was fighting against Ak47.
Apache flew into Iraq in 1991. SAs from single to double digit, French Rolands and MIM-23 Hawks.
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD Much easier to fight in the desert, than woodland.
@@topkitena Uh flat desert is absolutely the worst terrain to fly helicopters in as you don't have terrain masking.
False, it fight against old soviet weapons, Ukraine doesn't have many modern AA and modern manpads
@@ChucksSEADnDEADno MANPADS though and none of that was integrated
Apache was against Afghanistan and KA was against NATO.
End of the conversation
And the Apache was also used against Iraq, which I would argue had a quite comparable air defence system, if not better, ( relative to its age ) than Ukraine does today.
And Well- while yes, helicopters are expected to suffer high losses- these are still much higher losses than expected ( percentage wise ) for a so far quite short war.
@@jurajsintaj6644 better than Ukraine????? 😂
No it's not. Russia if you remember was dominating in starting. But after NATO gave AD and manpads to Ukraine then the Russian jets and heli started to fall.
It's russia vs the rest of the west.
Also Ukraine gets Intel from NATO so that's helping too.
Iraq had nothing major
@@anshulsingh8326 Nope. The US wanted to let Ukraine fall, and they fought alone with minimal donations from the UK. It was only after Ukraine proved they could fight Russia that they got NATO aid.
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD USA was always behind. Proxy war is what they do. Always have.
They earn money through weapons so it's obvious they will do this.
Ukraine generally has air defence systems from the 90s and before that, this includes western systems.
Iraq had a substantial amount of soviet air defence systems, most developed in 1960s or earlier.
Then again, the united states was way more effective at SEAD and DEAD than the Russian airforce is, and the Apaches might have also been used much less than the KA-52s in Ukraine
Apache fought only with the aborigines, while K52 fought with the equipment of the NATO army
the rotor is a thing of geometrical beauty
There is another advantage to coaxial rotors. When a helicopter is moving forward rapidly, blades that are themselves moving forward are faster relative to the airstream (and generate more lift) while retreating blades generate less. If the helicopter goes fast enough, the speed of the retreating blades can be close to the ground speed, so they aren't moving relative to the airstream and don't generate lift at all. This is called "retreating blade stall". With two rotors one above the other and turning in opposite directions, there is an advancing blade on both sides however fast the helicopter goes, and there is always lift.
Ground speed does not matter at all.
It has nothing to do with ground speed my friend. It is all about relative wind. If the helicopter is flying at an airspeed of 120kts, that airspeed is added to the speed of the advancing blade and contributes to the overall lift produced by the blade. The airspeed of the retreating blade is reduced by a similar amount and the lift produced by the retreating blade is reduced. This difference in lift between the two sides of the rotor disk will cause a rolling moment at high enough air speeds which is a significant factor when establishing the operational envelope of a single rotor helicopter.
This is actually referred to as asymmetric lift. Retreating blade stall is a different phenomena and can occur at lower airspeed as well depending on conditions.
A helicopter pilot in the Vietnam war will probably know more than me or most people but i read this somewhere that the life expectancy of a helicopter pilot in Vietnam was around 20 minutes.They flew huey heli s back then and it is quite possible USA lost may more pilots and machines than Russia at this point.
To be fair, Huey was not even armored. Cobra was armored somewhat. Then Apache was made with better armor, although it's still not as heavily armored as Ka-52 and Mi-28 latter of which can take 20mm into the armor and 14.5 into the glass.
The US lost over 5000 helicopters in Vietnam, so way more than the loss of both sides combined in Ukraine. The survivability of these early helicopters were so low that flying them into combat was basically a deathwish.
Comparing kamov war in ukraine with apache in iraq is ridiculous
During Desert Storm about a dozen Apaches were sent on a mission & got their butts kick mostly by small arms fire, a lot of it. None were downed but most were disabled for the remaining war. Don't know when but I remember reading about after the war.
23 helicopters were downed or disabled in desert storm, with over 400 apaches being deployed, i think thats still a success
@@natedmoose5900 That's not how you measure success of any weapon but you measure it with the number of sorties, effectiveness, survivability and what it faced.
You can't just say: "There were 400 and 23 destroyed: success!" That's total nonsense and that's not how things work.
You can't compare something that was sent into combat 50 times and something that was sent into combat 2 times and both of those things were damaged or destroyed.
But, the bottom line is that because Russians are facing way stronger enemy than the US and NATO army faced on Middle East, Russians will learn shit ton of things and improve weapons, come up with new weapons, come up with new strategies, because a strong enemy can teach you and can point at flaws, but the weak enemy teaches you nothing.
@@roljavi america went halfway across the world to stomp massed soviet equipment in one of the largest armies in the world thirty years ago. russia in 2023 is fighting a world war 2 artillery battle against an enemy on their own border who's using only soviet hardware they should know everything about and a trickle of cold war nato surplus. if they wanted to start adapting and coming up with new weapons, the time to come up with better ideas than hiding behind minefields was over a year ago and the time to have an economy that can support pushing weapons programs beyond a handful of prototypes and a news headline was over a decade ago
@@soloqueuepixyExtremely oversimplified statement. Completely different environment, irrelevant timeline, barely related hardware, just what? Not a fair comparison by any means.
@@PAASAMBOB cool story, but you've had two years to come up with a better explanation than 'nuh uh'
This helicopter does kind of look like the nickname five which is crocodile. There was a Russian puppet stop animation Cartoon called krakadil gena which is Crocodiles Gena and chiburashka and I believe
Both names are used for actual weapons systems or technical and aeronautical system Nicknames
Beyond me why most videos about KA-52 are trying to compare them with Apache, they have absolutely nothing in common apart being classified as "attack helicopters". KA-52 is basically flying fortress, conducting combat missions on its own, where's Apache has zero armor and never flew on its own against enemy, giving them superiority to score kills without being exposed much to any serious risk.
This is my favorite helicopter for so many reasons. I worked in wildland fire for a few years in the US and saw a helicopter called the K-Max quite often. Look it up. It's a really cool design, and the closest thing I saw in person to a KA52/50. Instead of the rotors being one on top of the other, they were side by side and tilted by a few degrees and were timed as such to avoid colliding with eachother. If you look at it from the ground, directly facing its 6 o'clock you will notice that the rotors are slanted and it's a super cool thing to see. Best of all about the K-Max is that it only can hold one pilot, and is strictly for slingloading, and I swear to you it gives a CH-47 a run for its money in terms of carrying capacity but is probably a quarter of the size.
I'll never forget the comforting sound of the K-Max's whistling blades (yes, they make a weird wooshy whistly sound in place of the pop-pop from other helicopters) bringing my crew our hot dinner via slingload to our spike camps.
I grew up playing DCS Black Shark. It was the closest thing out there to the legendary vehicle some of us have come to know and love. And I know the Ka50/52 are two different aircraft, but they are very similar at the same time. My favorite part about the Ka's is that they offer pilots an ejection seat which is something that I can't believe the American's haven't implemented in their attack helo's. In any real conventional war, being an attack helo pilot for America would be the most dreadful job imaginable in my opinion, because if ANYTHING goes wrong, whether by enemy fire or incompetence in the maintenance shop, you are DEAD in a blaze of horror.
You compare Gulf war and Ukraine?!?!?!?!?! Come onnnn man, be serious! Iraq was a walk in a park compare to a heavily armed and resupplied Ukranian forcers, and it happened a decade+ before.
I remember seeing a mockup of a version for Turkey with its seats in tandem (I believe Ka-50-2 or Ka-50-2). While I think current Ka-52 is the most beautiful attack helicopter. That turkish variant could have been even the more aesthetically pleasing helicopter ever.
This is why imho that Sikorsky is putting R&D and contesting with Dual Rotor Helicopters, such as the S-92 or the Sikorsky - Boeing SB-1 or the Sikorsky S-97 Raider, meanwhile, Kamov in the USSR first flew the Dual Rotor Ka-50 in 1982 (and there's De-Classified CIA Documentation that admitted that they were "Highly Concerned" of this new Helicopter back in 1982).
There's also rumor, according to a Zvezda Hobbyist Model Making Company, of the Ka-58 "Black Ghost" Stealth Variant being in development in the USSR (people say "it's from a Video Game, but the "Zvezda Model" came first, the Video Game / 3D model just based it on that model, and according to the short "backstory" in the instruction manual of the Ka-58, it was a real project whose OBK number I've forgotten a long time ago... Though it's major feature, was not actually "Stealth" (since it didn't have internal weapon bays), but instead, on top of the Rotor, a Radar which was like no other at the time, similar to AH-64D Longbow Apache's Top Rotor Radar / Mil Mi-28NM / Sikorsky S-97 Raider.
The Soviet imho were certainly ahead of their time in Helicopter Technology, and Igor Sikorsky (the man behind the US Corporation and ironically being born in Russia, then immigrating to the US due to the Russian Civil War starting in 1917 [imagine if his factory and design bureau would've continued operations in Russia without him immigrating], has met with Nikolai Kamov and Mikhail Mil and they would talk about their designs, share some top secret details between the 3 of them, and Igor Sikorsky acknowledged how (The Bureau's) Mil and Kamov are record breakers in many fields of Helicopter Designs.
Igor Sikorsky is Ukrainian.
As far as I understand, the main losses of the Ka52 were suffered at the time of the offensive, when they had to fly directly over the battlefield to support ground troops. Now that Russia is on the defensive, these helicopters launch their missiles from a maximum distance (about 10 km) and now they are not suffering losses. I also want to add, I watched the story of the Ka52 pilot in the telegram. he was shot down but the ejection seat saved his life
Yea they use their ka52 during the summer offensive as flying mobile atgms
@@comradericefarmerhao2269 well, like any helicopter with an ATGM is essentially a flying mobile ATGM
Whether people like it or not this is best chopper in existence.
Great video and one of my favourite helicopters.
One suggestion,Sukhoi SU-37 and /or 47 . Those two are still kind of a mistery and I would love to see a video about any of them. Big thanks and have a day.
He already made a Su-47 video.
Серийно СУ 37 и СУ 47 не выпускают.СУ 37 прототип,на котором обкатывались многие инженерные решения.Существует в одном экземпляре.СУ 47 "Беркут" существует в одном экземпляре.Основное назначение самолёт лаборатория.Создавался для проверки различных конструктивных особенностей и поиска проблемных решений в области аэродинамики.
Such a beautiful beast. Very happy you we're able to separate politics from engineering. Thank you and awesome video as always.
The Alligator does good service in Ukraine despite losses to manpads and other AAA which is to be expected . It has wacked lots of uke armor.
Considering how often the Ka-52 carries out combat missions, it is not surprising that there is such a percentage of losses. Vitebsk airborne defense complex - not only indicates the type of attack and releases heat traps - but is also a reb system - knocking down missiles from targets by jamming. in ka-52m the complex has been improved. the best attack helicopter. the best pilots. victory will be ours!
it's more like defense helicopter now .... attacking is too risky
@@klaabu99а почему тогда, вообще нет поставок апачи на Украину. Даже намёка на это!
@@Adyan_08 because most of ukraine counts as contested airspace... and why send helicopter when different rockets can do same job and are much cheaper
One of my favourite looking helicopters!
Man, you dont know how grateful i am for level of non-bias in all your videos. As a true aviation enjoyer, i love history about machines from all around the world, but its hard especially nowdays to get actual info about the modern ones.
Thank you very much for keeping it real!
What are you talking about? Rex's Hanger, Mustard, like what other channels are you trying to get airplane facts from? Seems like you looking in the wrong channels.
When he said he was going to talk about Ukraine at the beginning I almost ducked out. I'm glad I didn't, that was very professionally done.
@@EricHamm Those are actually good channels that actually provide detailed info and do it in such a way that even a non-aviation person would still watch.
Lets see the Apache fight against a First World Country and see how it survives.
Against Iraq which had the best air defenses of the region at the time including some of the latest Russian AA the Apache did good enough.
@@cesaravegah3787 No comparison .You had air superiority and the Iraqis had old soviet equipment , Mig 21 first designed in 1959. The US will start WW3 which has been their plan all along but will be annihilated by the Freedom loving Russians.
@@cesaravegah3787Iraq never had the best weapons, it is still very much behind interms of weapons upto now
@@cesaravegah3787Iraq had no MANPADS and only a few old mobile batteries that weren’t integrated, like the Kub. In fact, the only Apache loss in Kuwait was from an RPG-7. So that means, no Iraq did not have good air defense, and Apaches might be vulnerable to unguided rockets lol
@@mabvutophiri5422 In 1991, Iraq had the most advanced air defense network outside of the USSR and America. Apaches led the charge against that air defense network and lost a single unit.
One slight correction is that ka50 was never designed to operate independently, the Kamov Design Bureau envisioned a purpose-built target designation helicopter to act as a "head" or "commander" unit (for lack of a better term) of a whole bunch of ka50's. Those "commander helicopters" would have sophisticated target detection identification and designation systems and what not, basically relaying target information to ka50's and commanding them. That "commander helicopter" was never really implemented, instead they used modified and re-equipped ka29 helicopters for that role. Although Russian Ministry of Defense never disclosed the reason why they discontinued the ka50 project, most of the experts think that it was because having a dedicated commander/target designation helicopter concept wasn't really what they wanted.
As incompetent Russian higher-ups can be at times, at least from what I've heard or seen in recent times, you can't fault that they have some serious and memorable machinery. Military helicopter designs in general really tickles a special part of my brain.
Не будьте так наивны! У власти РФ действительно ещё есть разнообразные и очень крутые аппараты они являются полностью советскими разработками!
@@Сергей-г2т3з I do not know what that means. Sorry.
@@Chris-ok4zoHe said the Russians have many cool soviet vehicles...
@@thespacemanfil I hope. I might copy/paste that onto Translate just to double check later.
The problem with russian millitary equipment is that they do have the design capability and are often pretty innovative and able to design in a way that should be able to do a lot with relativly little.
But in the end the what is produced always falls short of what it was supposed to be and ends up pretty mediocre or as a handful showroom models.
Russian stuff does often look sexy though. Much better then western stuff usually.
Here's the thing, The apache had to deal with rgs and sma arms fire (the worst would be a heat seeking rpg).....
But ka-52 have to deal with modern weapons. Literally
Which the KA-52 was built to go up against which is sad that it cannot do its job.
@@DawnRazor-wy8uv everyone who knows that the KA-52 was built to take on western equipment yet gets destroyed by 80s weapons.
@@gunmasterx1164 it can? Are u blind?
@@tovarish_kommandirI don't call being shot down so many times that most of the fleet is destroyed doing its job.
@@gunmasterx1164 well at the start sure, cuz they didn't use it that well... But now they're using it correctly. Staying far and using guilded missiles at tanks, less chance of counterfire.. Before they just charged in like it's ww2 but they've learned
I love this channel. Most people dont get into politics and just talk about how beautiful some of the Russian aircrafts really are.
beautiful and useless :)))
@@benzobak are you describing yourself?
@@Ayhunt7 Well, if you saw a talking Su-30, then yes, this is what it could say about itsel 🤭
It's not a competitor to the Apache... it's a flying artillery, made to hunt vehicles, not fly around and provide close air support. The lack of a turreted chain gun in exchange for long range optics should've made that easy to figure out.
Thank you for this Video. Also, for your statement at the end of the video. I think all this military machines are pretty cool, masterpieces of engineering and fascination, on the other hand we should never give up to achieve peace, every pilot, every soldier has people back home who love and miss him.
It is actually incorrect to assume that Russians took longer time to understand how not to use attack helicopters. The problem was that Russia didn't have enough equipment and manpower to take on a country like Ukraine. They wanted to force Kiev to sign some kind of a Minsk-3 agreement and never planned for a prolonged positional war. So when it turned into one they were forced to use everything at their disposal to stabilize the situation even if it meant taking higher losses.
wdym? jookraine lost youth to war+immigration, europe is full of patriots right now, country is fucked, its being artificially propped up with by monthly donations. Russia hasnt used much of it's resources and economy is adjusted for military production atm, what does jookraine produce rn?
@@ZaJaClt prostitutes.
Haha! Then why more thatn 50 countries that send money and weapon to Ukraine, that press Russia with sunctions can't defeat our country? Every 2 days Russian militaries nake a new locality. Ad why Zelensky was agree to sign any agreement with Russia in Stumbul in 20222? Who made Zelensky go on with the war against Russia? England. Boris Jhonson made Zelenskiy abandon the Istanbul agreements. What benefits and victories did this bring to Ukraine?
The KA-52 was asked to do too much in contested airspace, unsupported. They operated as if the Ukrainians had no manpads, and flew deep over enemy territory and attacked at close range. That's a problem with tactics, not engineering. It's performing admirably against the Ukrainian Southern counter-offensive.
Biggest issue was they had old Mi-24 pilots, Thus when stressed they flew it like a tank.
Its a durable heli but its not a Mi-24.
Where you need a minimum of a stinger to possible shoot it down. (Note the word POSSIBLE wich dont mean impossible)
" admirably" interesting choice of words but still true , its been fully vindicated
@@cedriceric9730 my observation is purely amoral. It is now being used as helicopters should. Last year, everyone was proclaiming the death of the helicopter and the tank.
@@generalrendar7290 and yet the two are still around.
@@generalrendar7290 Idiots always proclaim death of something if a counter was developed lol All that counter does is make people make a counter to the counter :D HEAT rounds gave birth to ERA, APFSDS caused ERA to be modified to also affect the kinetic penetrators, then drones were used to counter the tanks and Russians responded to that by QD vehicle-born jammers. Then Ukrainians work on changing frequencies. It's a never-ending game of measure-countermeasure.
Would love to see that apache against an actual army with air defenses rather against flip flop armies with Ak 47s
From an American perspective that loves engineering this is one of the best helicopters made the design is perfect for helicopter use and the survivability is second to none kudos to the Russians on that their Ingenuity is fantastic so their aircraft and their rocketry four people that started up as a peasant class under Czars they've come a long way technologically and will continue to progress into the future I like to see that because the only way Humanity's able to go for as a whole is that we make each other better iron sharpens iron
Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦 Death to the enemy! 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 Бандера герой. Bandera is a hero ❤️❤️❤️
You're an American? That was a word salad.
@@Hankie390shut up frick
wasnt that guy a nazi sympathiser and if you think about it yourm aking the russian argument of ukraine is nazis valid@@Hankie390
@@Hankie390 bandera was a nazi collaborator, if you call him a hero, you are nazi too
That's one of the best engineering Marvel I have ever seen.
The Ka52 has seen outstanding success in Ukraine sucessfully intercepting at least 37 SAMs
Ye Ka 52 has already recommended itself as a beast with reliability proven in a fight with all morden weapons of US and EU. And as for Apache nobody knows at least.
Best one I've seen. Ejection seats just pure innovation over there
When Soviet built Mig-25, the US accidentally built the best jet ever. The F-15.
When the US built Apache, the Soviet accidentally built the best attack helicopter ever. The Ka-52.
The ka52 wasn't an accident
KA-52 was supposed to be a command heli to coordinate KA-50, it turned out to be superior to said KA-50
You can't trust OSINT (open-source intelligence) on this, without digging into their methods and data, and you certainly can't just say "the OSINT list"; we'd need to know _which_ OSINT group published the list. Many of them are deeply partisan, and the ones who are fairly neutral, still have to use information from partisan sources. If this one is working mainly from Western and Ukrainian sources, you can expect their number to be much too high. If it's working mainly from Russian sources, you can expect their number to be much too low. In this war, if words could kill, the information theater would have more casualties than the actual battlefield.
By the end of the Kosovo War, NATO was convinced that it had destroyed at least 200 of the 300 tanks that the Serbian military had, and possibly all 300. When the Serbs retreated, though, they retreated with 287 tanks in perfect working order. NATO had taken out only 13 tanks. Any OSINT group active at the time, working from Western sources, would probably have missed the mark by about 93.5%; in other words, their intel would've been completely worthless. This was in spite of pictures and videos of "confirmed kills" were all over the place, and NATO did nothing to mislead; they were honestly wrong.
The Ka-52 will be used exactly the same way all military weapons platforms are used. To kill. Unfortunately, that seems to be the purpose that inspires our species to our greatest efforts.
Что значит КА 52 - аварийный? Этот вертолет тянет на себе борьбу против технологий NATO уже без малого 3 года. Апач даже близко не сталкивался ни с чем подобным
Wilbert is right. To compare the two aircraft, you have to put them into identical situation. The apache had to face an iraki air defense reduced to a minimu after more than one month of intesive bombing and after that, their suffered only the fire from light guins. The Ka-52 is facing the worst case scenario : a large frontline with many places to hide (ibushes, houses...) and the largest amount of manpads ever seen in a warfare situation (from many countries). Sometimes, AFU soldiers launch few missiles against one aircraft. Actually, if you count the number of mission made by russian helicopter, we can say that they're doing pretty well. The alligator is truly a magnificent and effective aircraft... you're right, too bad it is a killing machine.
There are a lot of “experts” in the comments. But you must understand, my dear friends, that the Ka-52 is a combat vehicle, that its sighting navigation systems work in combat mode from morning to evening, so the Ka-52 does not need your advice, it just does its job)
Something that wasn’t talked about in the video is that the helicopter. Was able to deflect a missle. When wagner led the “mutiny” against Russia Theres a video of it redirecting a missle
there are reports that it deflected like 18 manpads in 1 go but idk about the reliability of the reports
@@ligmasurvivor5600 there’s a video of it on redit
Апачи, Кобры и другие не воевали против хорошо оснащеной армии, как Ка - 52 Аллигатор!!!
I saw a Kamov heavy doing fire fighting and bucket water throwing in northern Canada a few years ago....it landed its bucket next to an A-Star B2 and i kid you not the bucket was bigger than the AStar and and the heli itself looked like a small apartment building with a rotor lol...cool design.
For anyone saying the Apache is better, isn’t it telling that the Apache was never offered to Ukraine?🧐
Apache is better. F-15, F-18, F-22, F-35 are all better than anything the Russians can recycle from the Soviet Union. They aren't being offered to the Ukraine either...
@@ElGrandoCaymano I'll agree mostly on the fighter jets but Ka-52s are battle tested. They are arguably much better than Apaches which haven't seen combat vs a conventional army nor a peer vs peer conflict.
@@manwithnoname8229Apache never met a heavily well equipped and high moral army before.
I mean, you can't really compare KA50 and AH64 statistics, cause the KA50's are up against Russian and NATO technology, whereas the AH64's are up against dudes with AK47's.
apaches went up against iraqi MANPADs and AAA, the MANPADs were fairly modern at the time
@@gibbo_303 ummm no. iraqis had nowhere near the number of manpads the ukrainians have, plus their aa was literally a DSHK mounted to the floor
@@gibbo_303Most of there stuff was completely wiped out
Yes apaches totally didn’t fight the 4th largest army in the world in the 90s
@@DaSteeJ07 large army does not mean effective army.
Regarding the "Roland" and "Gepard" signals, it's not implied that the actual AA systems are in use, those are just the codenames for certain types of AA
Yes I've seen some footage of these birds lurking near the treeline with their thermal sensors taking out an armored column one by one. It looked quite unfair.
Lovely video, contra-rotating/co-axle rotor is also more resistant to a phenomenon called “retreating blade imbalance”. So a helicopter spins it’s rotor to fly, now if it flys forward, one side of the rotor disk(sweeping area of the rotor blades) spins toward the air flow experience faster relative air flow generates more lift, while the other side experiences less flow speed meaning it’s generating less left, this causes the helicopter to bank(roll) towards the retreating side. Helicopter can compensate by change rotor pitch when flying faster speeds, but eventually there is a point where the blade will stall, imposing a hard speed limit to single rotor helicopters. Center-rotating helicopters don’t have this problem as the two rotors cancel each other out, hence in theory they can achieve higher speeds
Kamov design bureau were working on twin-rotor design from the beginning for that exact reason :) Mr Kamov was a very intelligent engineer.
Surprisingly, no one in the West was able to repeat Kamov’s technology - two counter-rotating propellers and the absence of a rear tail rotor...
А зачем повторять, если классическая схема ничуть не хуже
@@vprok94 у соосной системы без заднего винта манёвренность во много раз лучше! и к тому же живучесть вертолёта повышается поскольку даже если ему отхреначат хвост из ПЗРК он всё равно сможет лететь так как ему не нужен задний рулевой винт!!!!!!!!
@@МаксимНевский-э7и в чем заключается лучшая маневренность и как она влияет на возможности ударного вертолёта? Нет хвостового винта, зато более сложная, ненадёжная и уязвимая несущая система.
@@vprok94 какое у тебя образование?
@@МаксимНевский-э7и какое это имеет отношение? Я же спрашиваю у тебя как соосная схема влияет на применение ударного вертолёта в бою, какие возможности ему добавляет, какие маневры в бою выполняет ударный вертолет соосной схемы, которые не может выполнить вертолет традиционной схемы? Потому что, то что я видел, когда пускают вихри с 10 км тут или НАРы с кабрирования, по-моему, там все равно какая схема будет у вертолёта.
Ka-52 is first helicopter in mordern war where it’s going up aganist forces with a lot of man pads and short anti air defence in mass
Not true plus the Ka-52 outranges MANPADS with the Vikhr missiles.
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD semi true
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD Why 30% were shotdown ?
@@ni9274 Because they were flying into MANPADS range.
They switched tactics and hovered inside Russian held terrain to fire missiles from relative safety. Now the situation is changing again.
The Alligator was introduced in a context full of false assumptions. Russia moved in with 30,000 troops during the initial SMO with political pressure as its goal rather than waging war. Ukraine had at that time an army of 600,000 men with an intact air defense and they were dug in within a network of fortified positions. Ukraine had a strong military and a will to fight hard.
Russia entered halfcocked because there was still some belief in a political solution following the Minsk agreements. The aircraft was withdrawn from operations because it is a recon combat helicopter. It is doubtful that any other helicopter would have fared any better in those conditions. Russia brought a knife to a gunfight because of ambivalence in the face of fighting a brother Slavic country. This is an aircraft meant to seek out the enemy force over distance but when an area is saturated with troops and equipment the whole idea of seeking out and scouting becomes moot.
Infantry with off the shelf drones would have outperformed an aircraft for scouting and target acquisition. The conflict saw helicopters replaced by drones within a short time period. No conflict was ever like the one that we witness in Ukraine. We have to go back to WWII to observe the level of destructive power deployed in the battlefield.