hermoso lugar. Increíble como brota el agua por todos lados hasta de la roca que esta en el medio. Puede haber sido utilizada como trampa natural para cazar animales. las marcas que hay en la roca por donde suben y bajan los exporadores , son modernas o son antiguas? muchas gracias , me encanta su trabajo.
Way to track up the beauty of this beautiful and peaceful area. You make it impossible to capture on camera the beauty of this place. Typical of a group of people who don’t know how to safeguard a treasure like this.
Perfect place for some aerial drone footage.
Hi guys, I meet you while on "Manly Lake" kayaking in Death Valley which was shut down the following week so we just made it! Enjoyed the vid!
Yeah, that was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We timed it just right. Great weather, just before the high winds hit.
Glad you enjoyed our video.
Amazing ❤
Wow! Gotta go!
hermoso lugar. Increíble como brota el agua por todos lados hasta de la roca que esta en el medio. Puede haber sido utilizada como trampa natural para cazar animales. las marcas que hay en la roca por donde suben y bajan los exporadores , son modernas o son antiguas? muchas gracias , me encanta su trabajo.
Thanks for sharing! What time of day is best for photography? It is an incredible natural feature! BEAUTIFUL.
On sunny days, it will always have a shadowed side and a bright side. It's probably best to go when there's some overcast to even out the lighting.
Hopefully no cigarette butts found!
Good one! Nope it was clean.
We think it looks more like an incense cone!
Way to track up the beauty of this beautiful and peaceful area. You make it impossible to capture on camera the beauty of this place. Typical of a group of people who don’t know how to safeguard a treasure like this.
Bellybutton friends
With all those people that feature will v soon be eroded.
All the people you see in this video were part of an organized arch rally hike. The Cosmic Ashtray usually gets far fewer visitors at one time.
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