I studied electrical engineering and I never knew, that Heaviside came up with this function. I'm only familiar with his name from the step function. You summerized this complicated work really well. Even for me it was still a bit too much to digest in a short time. I need to watch this again :)
What we all call "Maxwell's equations" today are actually the Maxwell-Heaviside equations. He totally re-wrote them. As Paul Nahin said in his biography, Heaviside was one of the greatest geniuses you never heard of.
Fun fact: Heaviside formulated Maxwell’s equations into the vector description equations we still use today. He also discovered Gravitomagnetism - equivalent to weak-field General Relativity - thirty years before Einstein.
My dad took his final exams at Cambridge in 1934. He had been a radio enthusiast since his boyhood and, at Cambridge, had taken Professor Turner's course on radio. One of the questions in the final exam was on heat diffusion. My dad said that he simply wrote "Using the telegraph equation, well known to electrical engineers, the solution can immediately be written as xxx". In view of the marks he was given for the entire exam, it was clear that his answer had been accepted as correct.
GRANITE FURNITURE! But they didn't say why. Probably it was after the town council sent the sheriff to confiscate Heaviside's couch, for non-payment of gas bills. Heh, try confiscating a multi-ton granite version!
He did much more than that. He figured out the Lorentz contraction before Lorentz! In other words his work led to the discovery of one of the most important theories in physics (relativity), but he was a nobody, so he was not attributed to it. I understand there is proof of this in the form of a letter which predates Lorentz.
He was an odd duck who picked fights with some powerful people in his day. Writing scathing letters to scientific journals was how things were done in those days. Imagine being a somebody in academia and society and some lone wolf is outdoing you. I think the term mad dogs and Englishman applies to him. My favorite quote from him is: Why should I refuse a good dinner simply because I don't understand the digestive processes involved. [reply when criticized for his daring use of operators before they could be justified formally.]
@@Andrew-rc3vh Even the Laplace transform in circuits always taught in electrical enginerring courses is more due to him than Laplace, check operational calculus.
It is perhaps mind blowing that Lord Kelvin's cable theory is the basis of computational Neuroscience, where models of neurons (and their elongated "processes") are based on on the very same math.
Or perhaps not. Underseas cables, like neurons, are bathed in salt water...as my physiological psychology text pointed out in the first chapter. Mind blowing averted.
Basically, Heaviside operated from a common man's desire to identify and straighten-out unnecessary "mess." Where applied mathematics is concerned, Heaviside was probably the very first *troubleshooter.* [Nice photo, by the way.]
Yours is the kind of comment that most men would like to hear from a female. Your comment reveals that you look past a man's exterior, and his lack of means, choosing instead to look for something worthy that persists deep within the noble motivations that drive a man's earnest efforts. Keep it up! 👍
Hello 👋 I really like your profile picture and if you let me, I would make such an amazing mural out of it! If you don’t mind one of your picture could be my inspiring muse for an art project i’m working on for a client. You will totally get paid for it as well as a bonus also get credits.
Most people don't know that Heaviside invented the first Tunnel Diode, although he didn't actually know the mechanism. It was the steel needle in the pool of mercury with olive oil on top. It's not a semiconductor diode; it's an MIM tunnel diode- a "metal-insulator-metal diode". The olive oil coats the tip if the steel needle and is the barrier the electrons tunnel through...
Excellent video!! I've been teaching electromagnetic at the college level for 45 years and thought I knew a lot about Heaviside's contributions to electromagnetics and mathematics, but this video wove his story with Lord Kelvin's in a way that I hadn't seen before. Very nicely done! One thing I don't understand. I was aware that Heaviside was not "educated." Fine. But if that be so, how does an "uneducated" person walk through a library, see a copy of Maxwell's Treatise, and get ANYTING out of it. I guarantee there are Ph.D.s in the sciences today that couldn't hang tough with Maxwell. In fact, I do know from an excellent book (Heaviside: Sage in Solitude by Paul Nahin) that almost no one in Maxwell's day could read it either. Granted, Heaviside had a couple years of practical experience in telegraph under his belt at this time, but it's beyond me how someone, anyone!, without a formal education in mathematics could possibly understand enough to understand the possibilities of Maxwell's work. I guess the answer is simple: he must have been a genius!
different world back then. who goes to a library these days? knock off, walk home, wander down the library, alert to any new releases or articles in the new upcoming science of electromagnetics, and as its sort of career related... some terms , sure, theyre familiar. the other ones? well, it IS a library... from there its a rabbit hole... no wife to deal with. no screaming kids. no lawn to mow. no 2 hour commute in traffic getting cutoff watching tail-lights. no inane chitchat, advertising, or blaring "beats". no radio at all... no billboards, flashing lights, screens or other distractions... got an income, food, a bed, and not much else to worry about but digest new material.
I'm getting a master's in EE at the moment, but I honestly can't think of any mathematics I need for it, besides complex numbers, that I hadn't learned by Calc. II, which is mid high school in a lot of countries. Some people just see something they think is important and spend a couple of years studying it. As long as you have basic algebra and calculus, which he likely had at 16 if he had a decent schoolmarm who recognized his brains back then. School forces you to look at things other people know are important, but when most of college is spent reading the textbook to do practice problems often the only thing the professor provides is a list of what you should read and some solved example problems. And personal connection once you get into smaller class sizes, for sure, but not everyone needs that to keep them engaged. But he knew what he needed to read. Add in some coffee, journal subscriptions and downtime at the telegraph station and you get a nerd who never got married, but changed the face of physics.
Especially as Maxwell wrote his book using quarternions, making everything trickier. Heaviside didn't like quarternions so helped to invent vector calculus and reformulated Maxwell into that formalism. Obvious genius.
I love these kinds of videos. Hardly ever seen historical engineering documentary vibe videos from other channels or in any part of youtube whatsoever. Please do more!
Now that's what I found fascinating about Heaviside as he bridged such diverse worlds just thinking about and basically inventing an entire field of mathematics along with Maxwell, et al, to do electrical engineering work. Like Faraday had been doing. It was one of the most intense maths I'll ever see, and hope never to see it again, except videos like this. But the man was indeed, a mathematical monster.
very nice. i remember the epiphany or realizing the essential part of fourier's trick, "EVERY signal is a repeating signal, even if you have to wait till infinity."
Thanks for this video! to be fair the telegrapher eqs should be called today Heaviside equations, is great that more people are showing some of the great things that this genius did and making him more known at least between the electrical engineers community, its so sad that like 20 years before his dead he didnt take the opportunity to work on antennas, im sure he would achieved a very great progress in antenna theory like he did with other EM topics.
Thanks for talking about him and for teaching me how his last name is pronounced. AFAIK, Heaviside was an electric engineer - though I'm not sure the profession existed formally at the time. The Laplace Transform for the Step Function and Impulse Function are amazing! They were only formally proved in the late 50s and early 60s.
Great video, glad I found your channel. When I was learning this topic at school, it was always very difficult to understand. There is a lot in my education that seems missing that would have made it understandable. Got an IT degree in the US, for context, after going to public school.
An interesting property of Fourier's heat equation is that a small disturbance is propagated instantaneously to all distances , effectively traveling faster than the speed of light. The addition of inductance resulting in the telegrapher equation (which is a wave equation) nicely resolves this problem.
EXCELLENT animation of terminated transmission line! Brings back fond memories. I first made that work w/Apple-II, in assembler, with game paddles as the signal generator. My wave equations were 8-bit, with L and C values of one and two, IIRC. I think it was 1991 or so. (I made a diffusion version first, RC only, before later using zero ohms and adding induction. Also, with LC and some resistive loss, you get naturally-occuring dispersion, slower short-wavelengths, looking like spreading ripples on a pond surface.)
Subscribed in hope that there will be parts 2, 3, .... to follow. On a different note, I have a great problem accepting that there are people without formal education who surface in human history every now and then, who come up with exceptional works and solutions to problems which all the formally trained people before them were unable to sort out. Although Heavyside was not born in a "privelaged" family doesn't mean that there was no intelligent members in his family who had the knowledge which allowed young Oliver to benefit from. From this video it seems that there was at least one. Thank you, great channel. Hope to see more especially on Mr Heavyside.
The cover of Paul Nahin's book on Oliver Heaviside is shown at 7:56 of the video. Nahin in 2020 wrote a book on the topic explored in this video. The title is 'Hot (from the Mathematics of Heat) Molecules, (to the Development of the) Cold (Trans-Atlantic Telegraph Cable) Electrons. It is a story book with plenty of Fourier mathematics. Nahin also has a separate book, Transients for Electrical Engineers (2019), emphasizing the Laplace Transform solution for partial differential equations. The last part of the book is about the solution of the Telegrapher Equation and how programs like Matlab can make life easy for the modern analyst. It also explains why the Laplace Transform replaced Heaviside's earlier operator method of solution. It took 10 years but by the 1950's engineers started using Laplace Transforms exclusively. If you love math and stories you are in for a treat from all 3 books.
And the Heaviside Layer is a central metaphor in Andrew Loyd Webber's "Cats". Remember: "Up up up past the Russell Hotel, Up up up to the Heaviside Layer." The words are from an unpublished work by T. S. Eliot that never made it into "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats", which is the inspiration for the musical.
Wow! When I did cable fault location in the 70s and 80s using the "echo location" technique, I did not realize (or was told) that this is all about Fourier's equations (and the series). So, you do learn stuff later in life! 😀
Yeah, probably NOT. You were doing TDR- Time Domain Reflectometry. And that's just measurement of the delay between a pulse and an echo. Not really any spectral analysis there.
I feel that the video ended a minute too early - you introduce the problem of the transatlantic cable, but miss out Heaviside's invention of the loading coil that solved the problem
I was about to add that - He worked out the properties of the cable that provided for distortionless propagation, making long distance telegraphy realistic. He didn't patent it or earn the millions he could have. The manufacturers derived much from his work.
Very well presented. This video provides the historical context and interdisciplinary framework of this important discovery. The mysteries of inductance were still being discovered 50 years after Faraday.
I studied him in my Elec Engineering degree. He worked out the properties of the cable that provided for distortionless propagation, making long distance telegraphy realistic. He didn't patent it or earn the millions he could have. The manufacturers derived much from his work. He also created the Heaviside operator, the equivalent of the Laplace Transform, but with more clunky symbology. I just think it so cool that he seems also to have had something to do with creating Wolverine's look.
It seems like Heaviside was describing unwanted signal reflections. The “cure” is to make the impedance of the Signal Source, and the impedance of the Transmission Line, and the impedance of the Line Termination ALL possess the same value of impedance.
This video is so rich with information that I can't process all of it, but now I just wanna read these papers by themselves Incredible how smart they were
One of the difficulties with that first cable was, because of the lost of signal, the conventional solution was to increase the input voltage - burning out the cable! I believe Thompson used a Wheatstone bridge to get much greater sensitivity, thus avoiding the 'burn out. problem.
I knew of the genius of Heaviside (whose work essentially invented the "Dirac function" although never given credit for it) and his use of Laplace transforms, but this description of the inspiration and derivation of Fourier analysis was new to me. As well new was Heaviside's specific application of Fourier's decomposition.
He basically invented long-distance telephone. Without Heaviside's "loading coils," voice signals would become scrambled, if sent over lines longer than roughly 100 miles. Norbert Weiner's autobiography describes the history, where M.I. Pupin stole Heaviside's invention, becoming Bell Telephone's famous millionaire "inventor," where Heaviside made not a dime. (But Bell Inc. had earlier approached Heaviside, who refused to deal with them, because Bell insisted that Heaviside must remain silent, while they publicized the invention as coming from Bell Telephone scientists. Heaviside rejected millions, if Bell was to lie about who invented the Telegraphers' Equations.)
I think he was underappreciated because he did great work on so many different problems that no one knew he was working on things they never connected because it was outside of their purview.
That's great but left waiting for the show to drop - like what/how did OH solve the problem? You left that for the next video, I can. hope. Nonetheless, great video - and learned a lot! Thanks!!
Another RUclips channel revealed that it was Heaviside who “fixed” engineering mathematics by improving upon Hamilton’s quaternions. To do this, Heaviside renamed Convergence to Divergence (so engineers wouldn’t have to install a -1), and created the Dot Product operation and the Cross Product operation, for Vectors.
@@redknight344 Usually, when I try to post a link, RUclips immediately deletes the comment,...HOWEVER... the RUclips channel is called *Kathy Loves Physics.* The information is probably included in a video that focuses upon Hamilton (not the President; rather, the mathematician.) Basically, Heaviside took a whole bunch of "rag tag" things that he didn't like about Engineering mathematics, and, in the process, sort of "did away with" the Quaternion approach by replacing it with what we now call Vector mathematics.
@@JohnBerry-q1hWhile leaving open the question of whether that then closed the equations to symmetrical forms discarding the asymmetrical ones, and the obvious questions about what that implies.
@@dukeofvoid6483 Thank you for your thoughtful input. These days, most of the RUclips replies I get are relative to uploaded video "shorts" about near-brainless topics. It is refreshing to witness moments of *brain-cell activity,* such as the reply that you posted. Once again, thank you.
I would be interesting to know more about the time domain dynamics of that transatlantic cable. As you describe it, it's clear that the Resistance - Capacitance model based on the diffusion equation predicts what is essentially a low pass filter, slowing down and smoothing out the signal pulses carried from the telegraphy equipment. I also guess that the distributed R & C parameters that might be calculated from the incredibly long time taken to reliably send that message would be far larger than the actual parameters for that cable, maybe that was a clue of a problem in the model. More accurately the Telegraphers equation might, given the actual distributed R -L-C parameters for that cable predict a situation where the transmitted pulses reflect back and forth between the mis-terminated ends of the cable. These pulses would keep echoing back and forth until their energy was dissipated by the cable resistance, Guessing a signal travel time across the Atlantic of about 15ms what was likely happening was that for each pulse sent the operator would have to wait for the echoes to die down before the next one was sent.
According to this video, do you realize how many FIRST EVERs Heaviside DID? • he was the first guy to "coin" the word *inductance.* (👈So, why were units of inductance _not_ named after Heaviside?) • he was the first guy to "set up" what is now called (in books that teach the topic of Differential Equations) *a forcing equation.* (👈This is where you put a sum of 3 voltage terms on the left side of the '=' sign (i.e. one to represent voltage that results from R, and one to represent voltage that results from L, and one to represent voltage that results from C) and you put *an input signal* voltage on the right side of the '=' sign. Differential Equations textbooks refer to the applied *input signal* as a *forcing equation.* )
Riccardo I really like your profile picture and if you let me, I would make such an amazing mural out of it! If you don’t mind one of your picture could be my inspiring muse for an art project i’m working on for a client. You will totally get paid for it as well as a bonus also get credits.
When it comes to "it" Heaviside obviously had it. This begs the question, if his uncle had got him a job in the back office of a merchant bank instead, how would history be different? ps I did two years of a City & Guilds radio and line transmission course back in the day and not once did Heaviside's name come up. Perhaps teaching the history would have piqued my interest and I would not have baled out as I did.
If in the USA, this history is dominated by propaganda from a large corporation. The actual history is like a conspiracy theory, where Bell Telephone stole Heaviside's invention, and then applied pressure over decades to marginalize-disappear Heaviside, at least in US schoolbooks. I first encountered this in Norbert Wiener's autobiography, where he tells of MI Pupin's millions made from illegal patents for Heaviside's discoveries. (Illegal, except that Heaviside refused to defend himself, not that he could ever afford to pay a single lawyer.) Search term "Pupinization," where Bell Inc. tried to push Pupin as a new American hero, after stealing the invention of an eccentric non-American who utterly refuse to tolerate the shenannigans proposed by Bell Telephone Inc.
You can get waves out of diffusive structures, paradoxically. Zabusky, N. J., Hardin, R. H.: Phase transition, stability and oscillations for an autocatalytic, single, first-order reaction in a membrane. Phys. Rev. Letters 31, 812 (1973)
The subject, contents and explanation is excellent. Unfortunately due to the background music I was unable to concentrate on the contents and mathematics. Although I tried more than once. During all my university years I never attended a lecture on a physical subject where background music was played. Why ruining such excellent work?
It is more global even than this. The same equation shapes apply to heat, mass and momentum as well. And that is major coursework in Chemical Engineering. Add to this hyperbolic extensions of trigonometry, and J and Bessel functions that extend all of that, and Fourier, Hamiltonian and Hermitian functions to deconvolve and reconstruct signal structures and you really have something. Then add thermodynamics laws and Maxwell's equations for electrodynamics and you'll soon be cooking with steam.
@@jim9930I'm not sure if the video is referring to that or to optical fibres profoundly changing what a long distance cable can achieve. The stuff you describe isn't really applied to the type of long distance communications described in the video. It is mostly applied to speeding up the tributaries
@@jim9930 Of course. It's all EM waves on a transmission line, but boy does a fibre perform better. We almost immediately hit limits with copper cables, but we are still exploring how far we can get with fibres. So far we have only.hit limits on specific techniques.
A wonderful presentation about a man not generally known even nowadays. Please though-the singular for phenomena is phenomenon. Three times a single phenomenon here is rendered as the plural. And proportionate instead of proportional? Oh well-that's how it seems to be nowadays. :-(
Getting your head around refrigeration etc including Air Conditioning is there is no such thing as cold, only lack of heat, so its about moving heat not supplying cold, the process of pressure drop to move heat energy thereby leaving a state of lack of heat perceived as cold !
Great history lesson and a starter for a reiteration and reorientation to logarithmic derived projection-drawing symbology. It's time consuming like it was for these people, but only an exercise in what you think you see in superimposed elemental function fields of probabilistic correlations as condensation-coordination, eg the cube in the sphere of Euler's e-Pi-i Unit Circle modulo radial-resonance expectations. An apprenticeship of our personal selves to the omnidirectional-dimensional Origin of inside-outside ONE-INFINITY Singularity-point holography.
Not derived, rewritten. He converted Maxwell's 20 quaternion equations to the 4 vector equation we have today (and in the process greatly advanced vector calculus). Both men had extreme genius.
I studied electrical engineering and I never knew, that Heaviside came up with this function. I'm only familiar with his name from the step function.
You summerized this complicated work really well. Even for me it was still a bit too much to digest in a short time. I need to watch this again :)
What we all call "Maxwell's equations" today are actually the Maxwell-Heaviside equations. He totally re-wrote them. As Paul Nahin said in his biography, Heaviside was one of the greatest geniuses you never heard of.
same, i knew him first only because of his step function but oh boy he had a lot of work much awesome than that!!!
Me too.
Fun fact: Heaviside formulated Maxwell’s equations into the vector description equations we still use today. He also discovered Gravitomagnetism - equivalent to weak-field General Relativity - thirty years before Einstein.
My dad took his final exams at Cambridge in 1934. He had been a radio enthusiast since his boyhood and, at Cambridge, had taken Professor Turner's course on radio.
One of the questions in the final exam was on heat diffusion. My dad said that he simply wrote "Using the telegraph equation, well known to electrical engineers, the solution can immediately be written as xxx". In view of the marks he was given for the entire exam, it was clear that his answer had been accepted as correct.
Check out "The Forgotten Genius of Oliver Heaviside: A Maverick of Electrical Science" by Basil Mahon.
GRANITE FURNITURE! But they didn't say why. Probably it was after the town council sent the sheriff to confiscate Heaviside's couch, for non-payment of gas bills. Heh, try confiscating a multi-ton granite version!
Thanks for the tip. Bought it off eBay and will be my June reading material.
@@nielsen425 I think you'll really enjoy it.
I never heard this, as an EE.
Heavyside = An Incredible genius.
With no training at all.
He did much more than that. He figured out the Lorentz contraction before Lorentz! In other words his work led to the discovery of one of the most important theories in physics (relativity), but he was a nobody, so he was not attributed to it. I understand there is proof of this in the form of a letter which predates Lorentz.
He was an odd duck who picked fights with some powerful people in his day. Writing scathing letters to scientific journals was how things were done in those days. Imagine being a somebody in academia and society and some lone wolf is outdoing you. I think the term mad dogs and Englishman applies to him. My favorite quote from him is: Why should I refuse a good dinner simply because I don't understand the digestive processes involved. [reply when criticized for his daring use of operators before they could be justified formally.]
@@Andrew-rc3vh Even the Laplace transform in circuits always taught in electrical enginerring courses is more due to him than Laplace, check operational calculus.
He must have been an autodidact?
Realizing that he defined all this with no education is when people started saying "WOAH, that's heavy!"
It is perhaps mind blowing that Lord Kelvin's cable theory is the basis of computational Neuroscience, where models of neurons (and their elongated "processes") are based on on the very same math.
Or perhaps not. Underseas cables, like neurons, are bathed in salt water...as my physiological psychology text pointed out in the first chapter.
Mind blowing averted.
I arrived here from the epic story of the first transatlantic telegram cable. Fantastic summary.
Hello Jimmy
Heaviside with his 200 IQ, casually saving the Western Civilization and changing its course. Not all heros wear capes
Basically, Heaviside operated from a common man's desire to identify and straighten-out unnecessary "mess." Where applied mathematics is concerned, Heaviside was probably the very first *troubleshooter.*
[Nice photo, by the way.]
Yours is the kind of comment that most men would like to hear from a female.
Your comment reveals that you look past a man's exterior, and his lack of means, choosing instead to look for something worthy that persists deep within the noble motivations that drive a man's earnest efforts.
Keep it up! 👍
Some wore tutus.
@@JohnBerry-q1h funniest thing i've read all week dear god
Hello 👋 I really like your profile picture and if you let me, I would make such an amazing mural out of it! If you don’t mind one of your picture could be my inspiring muse for an art project i’m working on for a client. You will totally get paid for it as well as a bonus also get credits.
Most people don't know that Heaviside invented the first Tunnel Diode, although he didn't actually know the mechanism. It was the steel needle in the pool of mercury with olive oil on top.
It's not a semiconductor diode; it's an MIM tunnel diode- a "metal-insulator-metal diode". The olive oil coats the tip if the steel needle and is the barrier the electrons tunnel through...
Craig 🤓
Excellent video!! I've been teaching electromagnetic at the college level for 45 years and thought I knew a lot about Heaviside's contributions to electromagnetics and mathematics, but this video wove his story with Lord Kelvin's in a way that I hadn't seen before. Very nicely done!
One thing I don't understand. I was aware that Heaviside was not "educated." Fine. But if that be so, how does an "uneducated" person walk through a library, see a copy of Maxwell's Treatise, and get ANYTING out of it. I guarantee there are Ph.D.s in the sciences today that couldn't hang tough with Maxwell. In fact, I do know from an excellent book (Heaviside: Sage in Solitude by Paul Nahin) that almost no one in Maxwell's day could read it either.
Granted, Heaviside had a couple years of practical experience in telegraph under his belt at this time, but it's beyond me how someone, anyone!, without a formal education in mathematics could possibly understand enough to understand the possibilities of Maxwell's work. I guess the answer is simple: he must have been a genius!
different world back then. who goes to a library these days?
knock off, walk home, wander down the library, alert to any new releases or articles in the new upcoming science of electromagnetics, and as its sort of career related... some terms , sure, theyre familiar. the other ones? well, it IS a library... from there its a rabbit hole...
no wife to deal with. no screaming kids. no lawn to mow. no 2 hour commute in traffic getting cutoff watching tail-lights. no inane chitchat, advertising, or blaring "beats". no radio at all... no billboards, flashing lights, screens or other distractions... got an income, food, a bed, and not much else to worry about but digest new material.
I'm getting a master's in EE at the moment, but I honestly can't think of any mathematics I need for it, besides complex numbers, that I hadn't learned by Calc. II, which is mid high school in a lot of countries.
Some people just see something they think is important and spend a couple of years studying it. As long as you have basic algebra and calculus, which he likely had at 16 if he had a decent schoolmarm who recognized his brains back then. School forces you to look at things other people know are important, but when most of college is spent reading the textbook to do practice problems often the only thing the professor provides is a list of what you should read and some solved example problems. And personal connection once you get into smaller class sizes, for sure, but not everyone needs that to keep them engaged.
But he knew what he needed to read. Add in some coffee, journal subscriptions and downtime at the telegraph station and you get a nerd who never got married, but changed the face of physics.
Especially as Maxwell wrote his book using quarternions, making everything trickier. Heaviside didn't like quarternions so helped to invent vector calculus and reformulated Maxwell into that formalism.
Obvious genius.
@@thesquatchdoctor3356 Illustrates the sad state of education today, I'm very sorry to say.
Epic - a lot of work in that presentation and a good breakdown of historical progress.
Videos like these are not only incredibly interesting but they're also very clarifying to math noobs like myself.
I love these kinds of videos. Hardly ever seen historical engineering documentary vibe videos from other channels or in any part of youtube whatsoever. Please do more!
Excellent video. Heaviside is unfortunately obscure despite his role as the father of electrical engineering.
Now that's what I found fascinating about Heaviside as he bridged such diverse worlds just thinking about and basically inventing an entire field of mathematics along with Maxwell, et al, to do electrical engineering work. Like Faraday had been doing.
It was one of the most intense maths I'll ever see, and hope never to see it again, except videos like this.
But the man was indeed, a mathematical monster.
very nice. i remember the epiphany or realizing the essential part of fourier's trick, "EVERY signal is a repeating signal, even if you have to wait till infinity."
Thanks for this video! to be fair the telegrapher eqs should be called today Heaviside equations, is great that more people are showing some of the great things that this genius did and making him more known at least between the electrical engineers community, its so sad that like 20 years before his dead he didnt take the opportunity to work on antennas, im sure he would achieved a very great progress in antenna theory like he did with other EM topics.
Beautiful recap. You have a gift. Keep it up😊
Thanks for talking about him and for teaching me how his last name is pronounced. AFAIK, Heaviside was an electric engineer - though I'm not sure the profession existed formally at the time. The Laplace Transform for the Step Function and Impulse Function are amazing! They were only formally proved in the late 50s and early 60s.
Great video, glad I found your channel. When I was learning this topic at school, it was always very difficult to understand. There is a lot in my education that seems missing that would have made it understandable. Got an IT degree in the US, for context, after going to public school.
An interesting property of Fourier's heat equation is that a small disturbance is propagated instantaneously to all distances , effectively traveling faster than the speed of light. The addition of inductance resulting in the telegrapher equation (which is a wave equation) nicely resolves this problem.
Robert 😊
EXCELLENT animation of terminated transmission line! Brings back fond memories.
I first made that work w/Apple-II, in assembler, with game paddles as the signal generator. My wave equations were 8-bit, with L and C values of one and two, IIRC. I think it was 1991 or so. (I made a diffusion version first, RC only, before later using zero ohms and adding induction. Also, with LC and some resistive loss, you get naturally-occuring dispersion, slower short-wavelengths, looking like spreading ripples on a pond surface.)
Hello 🤓
Subscribed in hope that there will be parts 2, 3, .... to follow.
On a different note, I have a great problem accepting that there are people without formal education who surface in human history every now and then, who come up with exceptional works and solutions to problems which all the formally trained people before them were unable to sort out. Although Heavyside was not born in a "privelaged" family doesn't mean that there was no intelligent members in his family who had the knowledge which allowed young Oliver to benefit from. From this video it seems that there was at least one.
Thank you, great channel.
Hope to see more especially on Mr Heavyside.
The cover of Paul Nahin's book on Oliver Heaviside is shown at 7:56 of the video. Nahin in 2020 wrote a book on the topic explored in this video. The title is 'Hot (from the Mathematics of Heat) Molecules, (to the Development of the) Cold (Trans-Atlantic Telegraph Cable) Electrons. It is a story book with plenty of Fourier mathematics. Nahin also has a separate book, Transients for Electrical Engineers (2019), emphasizing the Laplace Transform solution for partial differential equations. The last part of the book is about the solution of the Telegrapher Equation and how programs like Matlab can make life easy for the modern analyst. It also explains why the Laplace Transform replaced
Heaviside's earlier operator method of solution. It took 10 years but by the 1950's engineers started using Laplace Transforms exclusively. If you love math and stories you are in for a treat from all 3 books.
I believe Heaviside also proposed the existence of an ionosphere and the E-layer was named after him until recent years.
And the Heaviside Layer is a central metaphor in Andrew Loyd Webber's "Cats". Remember:
"Up up up past the Russell Hotel,
Up up up to the Heaviside Layer."
The words are from an unpublished work by T. S. Eliot that never made it into "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats", which is the inspiration for the musical.
Wow! When I did cable fault location in the 70s and 80s using the "echo location" technique, I did not realize (or was told) that this is all about Fourier's equations (and the series). So, you do learn stuff later in life! 😀
Yeah, probably NOT. You were doing TDR- Time Domain Reflectometry. And that's just measurement of the delay between a pulse and an echo.
Not really any spectral analysis there.
@@craigwall9536 correct.
I feel that the video ended a minute too early - you introduce the problem of the transatlantic cable, but miss out Heaviside's invention of the loading coil that solved the problem
I was about to add that - He worked out the properties of the cable that provided for distortionless propagation, making long distance telegraphy realistic. He didn't patent it or earn the millions he could have. The manufacturers derived much from his work.
David is that you?🤓
Very well presented. This video provides the historical context and interdisciplinary framework of this important discovery. The mysteries of inductance were still being discovered 50 years after Faraday.
William is than you?🤨
I studied him in my Elec Engineering degree. He worked out the properties of the cable that provided for distortionless propagation, making long distance telegraphy realistic. He didn't patent it or earn the millions he could have. The manufacturers derived much from his work.
He also created the Heaviside operator, the equivalent of the Laplace Transform, but with more clunky symbology. I just think it so cool that he seems also to have had something to do with creating Wolverine's look.
David is that you?? 🤓
John is that you? 🤨
It seems like Heaviside was describing unwanted signal reflections. The “cure” is to make the impedance of the Signal Source, and the impedance of the Transmission Line, and the impedance of the Line Termination ALL possess the same value of impedance.
John is that you ?
@@EvelynLogan-od7zc At the tone, speak....
This video is so rich with information that I can't process all of it, but now I just wanna read these papers by themselves
Incredible how smart they were
This is awesome. I hope to comprehend it all after a non-negligible number of repeat viewings. Thanks.
This is a video thet I was looking for years! Big thanks!
One of the difficulties with that first cable was, because of the lost of signal, the conventional solution was to increase the input voltage - burning out the cable!
I believe Thompson used a Wheatstone bridge to get much greater sensitivity, thus avoiding the 'burn out. problem.
I accidentally clicked on this, and found it absolutely fascinating.
Terje is that you? 🤨
I knew of the genius of Heaviside (whose work essentially invented the "Dirac function" although never given credit for it) and his use of Laplace transforms, but this description of the inspiration and derivation of Fourier analysis was new to me. As well new was Heaviside's specific application of Fourier's decomposition.
Excellent as usual. Thank you.
What were the repercussions of Heaviside's work for transatlantic communication?
He basically invented long-distance telephone.
Without Heaviside's "loading coils," voice signals would become scrambled, if sent over lines longer than roughly 100 miles. Norbert Weiner's autobiography describes the history, where M.I. Pupin stole Heaviside's invention, becoming Bell Telephone's famous millionaire "inventor," where Heaviside made not a dime. (But Bell Inc. had earlier approached Heaviside, who refused to deal with them, because Bell insisted that Heaviside must remain silent, while they publicized the invention as coming from Bell Telephone scientists. Heaviside rejected millions, if Bell was to lie about who invented the Telegraphers' Equations.)
For the truth and the math, read Paul Nahin's excellent biography of him.
Great Video! May I ask what software do you use for making this video? Thanks!
great job love to see what other work you create!
Wow amazing video
Please go on to explain how Heaviside sought to use "lumped" inductance to improve transatlantic telegraph speeds still further...
Top notch quality!
Jake 🤨
Heaviside seems a very underrated genius
Only seems??
I think he was underappreciated because he did great work on so many different problems that no one knew he was working on things they never connected because it was outside of their purview.
What a great Video. Maybe do Shanon and the Comunication basics. This guy brought Communication to the modern world
That's great but left waiting for the show to drop - like what/how did OH solve the problem? You left that for the next video, I can. hope. Nonetheless, great video - and learned a lot! Thanks!!
well give us the result. How were those equations used to optimise the peeformance of the transatlantic telegraph line.
One simply adds a parallel inductance.
David is that you??
Another RUclips channel revealed that it was Heaviside who “fixed” engineering mathematics by improving upon Hamilton’s quaternions. To do this, Heaviside renamed Convergence to Divergence (so engineers wouldn’t have to install a -1), and created the Dot Product operation and the Cross Product operation, for Vectors.
can you give me the link to that video please
@@redknight344 Usually, when I try to post a link, RUclips immediately deletes the comment,...HOWEVER... the RUclips channel is called *Kathy Loves Physics.* The information is probably included in a video that focuses upon Hamilton (not the President; rather, the mathematician.) Basically, Heaviside took a whole bunch of "rag tag" things that he didn't like about Engineering mathematics, and, in the process, sort of "did away with" the Quaternion approach by replacing it with what we now call Vector mathematics.
@@JohnBerry-q1hWhile leaving open the question of whether that then closed the equations to symmetrical forms discarding the asymmetrical ones, and the obvious questions about what that implies.
The Vector Algebra War: a Historical Perspective is a great paper about how those mathematical techniques can be subsumed into Clifford algebra.
@@dukeofvoid6483 Thank you for your thoughtful input. These days, most of the RUclips replies I get are relative to uploaded video "shorts" about near-brainless topics. It is refreshing to witness moments of *brain-cell activity,* such as the reply that you posted. Once again, thank you.
Really nice explanation of Fourier series ❤
Beautiful video. Thank you. Just one comment: one phenomenon, two phenomena. This error aside, an excellent exposition.
Beautiful. Thank you.
Hello 👋 😊
@@EvelynLogan-od7zc Hullo!! :)
I would be interesting to know more about the time domain dynamics of that transatlantic cable. As you describe it, it's clear that the Resistance - Capacitance model based on the diffusion equation predicts what is essentially a low pass filter, slowing down and smoothing out the signal pulses carried from the telegraphy equipment. I also guess that the distributed R & C parameters that might be calculated from the incredibly long time taken to reliably send that message would be far larger than the actual parameters for that cable, maybe that was a clue of a problem in the model. More accurately the Telegraphers equation might, given the actual distributed R -L-C parameters for that cable predict a situation where the transmitted pulses reflect back and forth between the mis-terminated ends of the cable. These pulses would keep echoing back and forth until their energy was dissipated by the cable resistance, Guessing a signal travel time across the Atlantic of about 15ms what was likely happening was that for each pulse sent the operator would have to wait for the echoes to die down before the next one was sent.
According to this video, do you realize how many FIRST EVERs Heaviside DID?
• he was the first guy to "coin" the word *inductance.* (👈So, why were units of inductance _not_ named after Heaviside?)
• he was the first guy to "set up" what is now called (in books that teach the topic of Differential Equations) *a forcing equation.* (👈This is where you put a sum of 3 voltage terms on the left side of the '=' sign (i.e. one to represent voltage that results from R, and one to represent voltage that results from L, and one to represent voltage that results from C) and you put *an input signal* voltage on the right side of the '=' sign. Differential Equations textbooks refer to the applied *input signal* as a *forcing equation.* )
Phenomenal work!
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Really nice work!!
Excellent video. Minor point: "phenomena" - plural; "phenomenon" - singular.
Hello 👋 😊
Riccardo I really like your profile picture and if you let me, I would make such an amazing mural out of it! If you don’t mind one of your picture could be my inspiring muse for an art project i’m working on for a client. You will totally get paid for it as well as a bonus also get credits.
Where can I copy from and investigate the code mentioned at 13:25? Thank you!
Incredible video, I've recommended this channel to all my nerd friends.
Never underestimate, a man with focus and a Chief Aim…
David 🤨
Great video.❤
that's freaking awesome!!!!
When it comes to "it" Heaviside obviously had it. This begs the question, if his uncle had got him a job in the back office of a merchant bank instead, how would history be different? ps I did two years of a City & Guilds radio and line transmission course back in the day and not once did Heaviside's name come up. Perhaps teaching the history would have piqued my interest and I would not have baled out as I did.
If in the USA, this history is dominated by propaganda from a large corporation. The actual history is like a conspiracy theory, where Bell Telephone stole Heaviside's invention, and then applied pressure over decades to marginalize-disappear Heaviside, at least in US schoolbooks. I first encountered this in Norbert Wiener's autobiography, where he tells of MI Pupin's millions made from illegal patents for Heaviside's discoveries. (Illegal, except that Heaviside refused to defend himself, not that he could ever afford to pay a single lawyer.) Search term "Pupinization," where Bell Inc. tried to push Pupin as a new American hero, after stealing the invention of an eccentric non-American who utterly refuse to tolerate the shenannigans proposed by Bell Telephone Inc.
You can get waves out of diffusive structures, paradoxically. Zabusky, N. J., Hardin, R. H.: Phase transition, stability and oscillations for an autocatalytic, single, first-order reaction in a membrane. Phys. Rev. Letters 31, 812 (1973)
Interesting video, but please skip that music interferenze in the backround, the talk is demanding concentration.
And all this was done without an AVO, a computer and an oscilloscope :-)
Charles is that you?🤨🤓
Also the Green of Green's Function which is used everywhere from PDEs to Quantum Mechanics to N Body Physics was also discovered by an autodidact
Fantastic. Now please step in at the end of each video and promote the next video. People want your excellent content! I know I do. Seriously.
The subject, contents and explanation is excellent. Unfortunately due to the background music I was unable to concentrate on the contents and mathematics. Although I tried more than once. During all my university years I never attended a lecture on a physical subject where background music was played. Why ruining such excellent work?
It is more global even than this. The same equation shapes apply to heat, mass and momentum as well. And that is major coursework in Chemical Engineering. Add to this hyperbolic extensions of trigonometry, and J and Bessel functions that extend all of that, and Fourier, Hamiltonian and Hermitian functions to deconvolve and reconstruct signal structures and you really have something. Then add thermodynamics laws and Maxwell's equations for electrodynamics and you'll soon be cooking with steam.
think, that was only 150 years ago, and look where we are now. progress is breathtaking, what will it be like in another 100 years
Nice program 😊
show this helped to fresh up my shortcomings in school
thank you VERY much!
@5:17 - That doesn’t sound right…that means they didn’t figure out the problem till about the year 2000. That’s obviously not true.
@@jim9930I'm not sure if the video is referring to that or to optical fibres profoundly changing what a long distance cable can achieve. The stuff you describe isn't really applied to the type of long distance communications described in the video. It is mostly applied to speeding up the tributaries
@@jim9930 Of course. It's all EM waves on a transmission line, but boy does a fibre perform better. We almost immediately hit limits with copper cables, but we are still exploring how far we can get with fibres. So far we have only.hit limits on specific techniques.
Very well done! You should collaborate with Kathy loves physics. I think the results could be amazing.
Heaviside was also the first to propose relativistic length contraction, one of many brilliant concepts incorrectly attributed to Einstein.
Super inintéressant ! bravo !
Quite the edification
Jonathan is that you ?
The singular of "phenomena" is "phenomenon".
Thank you for this video. It was beautifully presented, and absolutely fascinating.
After 24 years, i know finally that Signal propagates in a transmission line like heat does in a metal bar, why nobody told me this in 2000?
Because heat propagation takes good time, but signal transmission is instantaneous.
7:00 - Buchanan (no "o")
Thank you
Strange that science even Einstein said time is a illusion correct,so that discounts this method.
Oh yes. When we bring Lord of the Physics, time will be different.
Frederick is that you?🤨🤓
A wonderful presentation about a man not generally known even nowadays. Please though-the singular for phenomena is phenomenon. Three times a single phenomenon here is rendered as the plural. And proportionate instead of proportional? Oh well-that's how it seems to be nowadays. :-(
No new videos?
Getting your head around refrigeration etc including Air Conditioning is there is no such thing as cold, only lack of heat, so its about moving heat not supplying cold, the process of pressure drop to move heat energy thereby leaving a state of lack of heat perceived as cold !
Great history lesson and a starter for a reiteration and reorientation to logarithmic derived projection-drawing symbology. It's time consuming like it was for these people, but only an exercise in what you think you see in superimposed elemental function fields of probabilistic correlations as condensation-coordination, eg the cube in the sphere of Euler's e-Pi-i Unit Circle modulo radial-resonance expectations.
An apprenticeship of our personal selves to the omnidirectional-dimensional Origin of inside-outside ONE-INFINITY Singularity-point holography.
All this without oscilloscopes or even proper voltmeters to actually observe what they theorizing.
the work of Maxwell is at its base the work of Faraday ... he was first he pointed the way
for alle ingeniørerne derude begynder festen kl. 9:00
Heaviside's head is as rectangular as his Step Function.
6:47 that’s the problem of following the money instead of the science
Optimum frequency
The Algorithm is working today.
The so called Maxwell equations, as used in all modern text books, were actually first derived by Heaviside.
Not derived, rewritten. He converted Maxwell's 20 quaternion equations to the 4 vector equation we have today (and in the process greatly advanced vector calculus). Both men had extreme genius.