Ruling On Giving Adhan In Ear Of Newborn - Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Second Shaykh is Falah Mundakar

Комментарии • 104

  • @AymanTravelTransport
    @AymanTravelTransport 7 лет назад +284

    I noticed something amazing - when the baby is born, you whisper the adhan but there is no salah but after a person dies, there is salah with no adhan - it is as if we are whispering in the baby's ear (at the beginning of their life) the adhan for the janazah that would take place at the end of their life - basically a reminder of how short this life is! And Allah knows best!

    • @MrVeton123
      @MrVeton123 7 лет назад +6

      Ayman Ilham nice point :)

    • @96muslimgirl
      @96muslimgirl 7 лет назад +2

      Ayman Ilham woaahh... subhanAllah..

    • @myulfan6486
      @myulfan6486 7 лет назад +5

      Ayman Ilham بارك الله فيك
      May Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala bless you

    • @NisCho754
      @NisCho754 6 лет назад +1

      Ayman Ilham SubhanAllah brother your comment put everything into perspective Jazakallahu Khairan

    • @dajiyeadam
      @dajiyeadam 5 лет назад +1

      Beautiful point

  • @ibnhussain3300
    @ibnhussain3300 4 года назад +34

    Why are the laymen, commenting their opinions here ? Do you know what is weak hadith ? And how a particular hadith is weak ?
    Don't speak without knowledge, it would be dangerous...

  • @sudan738
    @sudan738 3 года назад +15

    May allah grant him peace

  • @davegreen3394
    @davegreen3394 6 лет назад +5

    The azaan started after migration to medina so what was read for new borns in Makkah as Islam was over a decade old before the azaan was first recited

    • @Z.Nuriii
      @Z.Nuriii 5 лет назад +1

      God point. I think duaa for the child is better, and seeking protection for the child from all types of evil.

  • @adhikrhusna960
    @adhikrhusna960 2 года назад +1

    2: 186. *And whenever My servants ask you about Me, then indeed, I am close to them; I answer for the appeal of the appealer whenever he appeals to Me, but let them respond to Me first and believe in Me as it should be believed, so that they may become uprightly directed.*
    The Spirit (Life + Soul) of every creature including mankind is of the Lord. It is told in verse 50: 16: “Lord is nearer to mankind than his jugular vein. It is told in verses 57: 4 and 58: 7: “Lord is with mankind wherever he may be”. By calling the believers it is told in verse 8: 24: “You respond to Lord and the Messenger whenever He invites you to something that will give to you the life, and you know that indeed Lord is in between a person and his heart, and it is He to whom you all will be assembled altogether”. By transforming his Jinn soulmate into a believer with Adhikr, the believer keeps the Impartial Lord in his heart as explained in verse 3: 102. It is told in verse 89: 14 that indeed your Lord is oft-observing. And it is told in verse 40: 19 that the Lord knows the treachery of the eyes and all that mankind hides in his chests. Lord knows the meaning of breathing and heart beating as told in verse 84: 23.
    In this verse, two conditions are prescribed for getting responses to any appeal or accepting any deed. The first one is to respond to the Lord’s call by following the Guidance Adhikr. And the second is to believe with Lord Allah as submitted through the six thousand two hundred and thirty-six verses.
    Two conditions are specified in verses 39: 53-55 to forgive offenses altogether. The first one is to turn unto the Lord by repenting and submitting wholly to him before death arrives. And the second one is to follow the Best Book Adhikr.
    The Arabic Quran reading Fujjar who don’t make their Jinn soul-mate into a believer with Adhikr will remain as true disbelievers as mentioned in verse 11: 17. Both verses 13: 14 and 40: 50 end as: “And the prayer of disbelievers will increase nothing except astray”. Fujjar who are reading these verses didn't testify and follow Adhikr, they are the Mujirims serving Satan as told in verses 10: 17; 25: 31, and 32: 22. Their deeds are without the Remembrance of the Lord, and so they are the losers in the Hereafter as told in verses 7: 8-9; 18: 103-106; 25: 23, 65-66, and 47: 8-9. On the Day of Judgment Satan will tell them: “You responded to my calling” as warned in verse 14: 22. It is told in verse 13: 18: “Those who respond to their Lord in the best manner, they are successful; and those who don’t respond, even if they have all that on earth and as much more, they would offer as ransom to get away from punishment on the Day of Judgment, it will not be accepted. For them have a wicked Reckoning, their abode will be Hell, what the worst cradle!”
    Adhikr is the Straightpath for returning to the Lord. It is the Unbreakable Rope extended from Paradise to the earth. So whoever holdfasts It, he did holdfast Lord and is guided into the Straightpath as explained in verses 3: 101-102. It is told in verse 42: 26 that the Lord will answer to the appeals of those who became believers with Adhikr and those who propagate It throughout the world irrespective of nation or religion. See explanation 1: 7; 2: 165-166 and 7: 146-147.
    *From Adhikr-the Best Interpretation of Lord's Book*

  • @Z.Nuriii
    @Z.Nuriii 5 лет назад +17

    The real question is, did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam do it? If not, then we shouldn't either. Wa Llahu 3alam.

  • @ibnamanot
    @ibnamanot 5 лет назад +3

    *Jazak Allahu Khayran*

  • @muwahhidah6566
    @muwahhidah6566 7 лет назад +16

    Assalamualykm..please try to make translation on screen more clear( words more clear) that we non arabs can undrstand clearly..

  • @forgottenuser6310
    @forgottenuser6310 4 года назад +1

    جزاک اللہ خیرا و احسن الجزا

  • @amathulahad2297
    @amathulahad2297 3 года назад +7

    Shaykh Falah Ismail Mundakar
    Not shaykh Saleh Al fawzan

  • @qanatabdarrahmanalhanbali
    @qanatabdarrahmanalhanbali 5 лет назад +1


  • @kamalmahmood406
    @kamalmahmood406 3 года назад +11

    No point using weak narrations regardless of what ever anybody opines

  • @negan-saviors92
    @negan-saviors92 5 лет назад +2

    شكرن و جزاكمالله خير

  • @faizhasan4474
    @faizhasan4474 2 года назад +1


  • @CGJUGO80
    @CGJUGO80 8 лет назад +15

    as-salaamu `alaykum waa rahmatullaahi waa baarakaatuh
    ya ikhwaan. i think you meant to write shaykh Falaah ibn Ismaa`eel. may Allaah preserve him.

    • @akeebahmed2504
      @akeebahmed2504 8 лет назад +13

      the first shaykh was Salih Al Fawzaan...but yes they should include shaykh Falah in the title too.

  • @nidaeshaque
    @nidaeshaque 4 года назад +6

    Assalaamu alaikum brothers and sisters in Islam.
    Islam is not a religion where we can do whatever we want. It has clear principles that Allaah revealed and we have to stick to them. It doesn't matter which Shaykh it is, if their opinion is weaker, then we don't act upon it.
    Similarly, we don't give certain shaykhs preference over others. With all due respect to them, we go with who are the closest to the sunnah.
    May Allaah have mercy on this shaykh. But saying we should act upon a daeef hadith opens doors bid'ah, aoodhubillaah. No matter what we think about it, whether it sounds virtuous or not. What matters is what Allaah conveyed through His Messenger
    And Allaah is sufficient for us and He will reward us for not acting upon a weak hadith because it may be a bid'ah. And Allaah knows best

  • @greyzstah
    @greyzstah 8 лет назад +55

    Shaykh al bani said its a weak narration not to be acted upon

    • @peopleofknowledge1
      @peopleofknowledge1  8 лет назад +69

      Yes; and the Salaf disagree; I'm going with them with all due respect to Al-Albani

    • @luulabdullahi1059
      @luulabdullahi1059 7 лет назад +1

      أهل العلم People Of Knowledge so ist to be acted upon or not to be acted upon?

    • @AntiZionist101
      @AntiZionist101 7 лет назад +2

      He is right.

    • @7cmhg840
      @7cmhg840 7 лет назад +5

      Parental Guardian In my understanding bid'ah is haram, if it is bid'ah then don't do it, there is a reason why Allah forbid it.

    •  6 лет назад +4

      but no one here is saying its a r changing or tryin to anyways.

  • @Medical-Plus-Dr
    @Medical-Plus-Dr 5 лет назад +1

    If you are to follow ibn qayyim or other then you should we ask you leqistation. That we can read. You should not mislead us. Allah bless you and show you straight path

  • @sidickramjan4193
    @sidickramjan4193 3 года назад

    ASALAAMURALAIKUM the first sheik is saleh al fawzan

  • @riasatbinliaquat2799
    @riasatbinliaquat2799 7 лет назад +2

    So doing acts of worship at the night 15th of shaban is also sunnah , cz there are several deaf hadith concerning it in tirmidhi and others , and there is also a sahih hadith in ibn hibban about the virtue of mid of shaban .

    • @peopleofknowledge1
      @peopleofknowledge1  7 лет назад +5

      Salam alaykum wa rahmatullah
      Yes, personally I see no issue with it, as there is proof for it, and the Salaf were easy with the weak hadiths talking about good deeds versus rulings which they were strict

    • @riasatbinliaquat2799
      @riasatbinliaquat2799 7 лет назад

      Imam ahamed (rah) and others agree for fadailul awal daef hadith can be used .
      Imam bukhari ( rah ) brought many daef in his books like "al adab al mufrad" .

  • @HayalPerestx3
    @HayalPerestx3 4 года назад +2

    The person on the title is NOT shaikh salih al fawzan. This is not so clear-especially for those, who dont know.

  • @ghozmit1
    @ghozmit1 7 лет назад +6

    I agree with the principle that our scholars have put down about virtues actions with weak hadith, but my question is: Is in not considered an innovation to act upon a weak hadith?

    • @peopleofknowledge1
      @peopleofknowledge1  7 лет назад +16

      If the salaf acted upon weak hadith; how is it an innovation, they did not however make rulings like halal or haram from a weak hadith.

    • @ghozmit1
      @ghozmit1 7 лет назад

      Jazak Allah kheir

    • @peopleofknowledge1
      @peopleofknowledge1  7 лет назад

      ghozmit1 wa iyakum akhi

    • @AntiZionist101
      @AntiZionist101 7 лет назад +6

      Why are you measuring by the Salaf, if the Prophet Muhammad did not do it, nor did the Sahaba, and the hadith is weak, is clearly innovation. This is not from the Sunnah. If this is your analogy than wiping the face after Dua is also from the Sunnah, but it is not , because the Hadith is weak. So it is an innovation. Sheikh Fawzan is completely wrong here, and stll 204 people like and follow this innovation. Fear Allah and stay away from this bid'ah

    • @AntiZionist101
      @AntiZionist101 7 лет назад +1

      We do know that, there is no other Hadith supporting this one,except one mentioned by Ibn Al Qayyim, from Shu'ab Al Iman by Bayhaqi, however, Ibn Al Qayyim labeled this hadith as weak, in which case it could be used to strengthen the first Hadith of Abi Raafi , but Sheikh Al Albani found out that the Hadith from Shu'ab Al Iman was not weak, but Da'if Jidan ( very weak ) because there are two liars in the Sanad. Therefore, you can not support a weak hadith with one which is very weak. Therefore you can not act upon this hadith, even if the Salaf did, that is a total nonsense argument. The Salaf were not infallible. Sheikh Al Albani explains this matter of the adhan in the ear very clearly. Stop following this bid'ah.

    @HARISNAZEER22 3 года назад +3

    If the Hadees is dhaeef thn why one should act upon it

  • @Abdurrahman-bm8hd
    @Abdurrahman-bm8hd 4 года назад +2

    اسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    Is he saleh al fawzan?

    • @Ilias2800
      @Ilias2800 4 года назад +4

      No brother the shaykh that is showed is shaykh Falaah ibn hafidahulah ismail. In the beginning you hear shaykh fawzaan hafidahulah

    • @osman.s1405
      @osman.s1405 3 года назад

      Wa alaikum salaam

  • @imrantahir1678
    @imrantahir1678 3 года назад

    I'm sure I heard someone saying doing this is a bidah. Now I know the truth

  • @DidinKhoeruddin
    @DidinKhoeruddin 3 года назад

    im confussed now, i think this is bidah (before).

  • @thansikn461
    @thansikn461 4 года назад +1

    I tried lot to find is that swaheeh or can i do it,but still i cant conclude...some of them says you can do it and some says dont but if u do it no problm..
    Pls anyone clear my doubt

    • @hashimnasser9967
      @hashimnasser9967 4 года назад +3

      Did the Prophet do it? No. So we do not do it. We assume, with all respect to all our Scholars that in this matter the Sheikh may have erred in this matter, because the principle is we follow the Authentic Sahih Hadith and the Authentic Hassan Hadith. We do not act upon the Da'eef weak Hadith.
      So in summary, the Hadith is weak so we do not act upon it. May Allah preserve our Scholars.

    • @sulaimaanramai1082
      @sulaimaanramai1082 3 года назад

      @@hashimnasser9967 we do not act upon it if it is matters of halal/haram, but when it comes to virtuous actions like these the scholars were lenient whether sahih or da'eef

  • @Medical-Plus-Dr
    @Medical-Plus-Dr 3 года назад +1

    had you been a muhadiss, you would not accept a hadith which is daeef jiddan. You are doing a taqleed of ibn qayim and you call your self salafi. This is very unfortunate for our religion. Allah knows the best
    Allah guide us all

  • @anthony.ismail1681
    @anthony.ismail1681 3 года назад +2

    💯% this isnt Shaykh Sahil Al Fawzan

  • @AntiZionist101
    @AntiZionist101 7 лет назад +7

    I totally disagree, how can a Muslim act upon a weak hadith, this it total bid'ah and not part of Islam.

    • @AntiZionist101
      @AntiZionist101 7 лет назад +3

      Nevertheless, it is not from the Sunnah, It is total bid'ah. Sheikh made big mistake here.

    • @kassimsattar1534
      @kassimsattar1534 6 лет назад

      whether week or strong, it is a hadith so caanot be bidah.

    • @Eliazer011
      @Eliazer011 6 лет назад

      Wow, how can you judge on right or wrong, if you didn´t study Usul al Fiqh and Hadith in detail and explored the Khilaf of the great scholars ? What is your reference. If it would be so easy as you think, we wouldn´t have different schools of thought.

    • @NourKLI
      @NourKLI 5 лет назад +1

      All the big trustworthy scholars say this action with the Adhaan and iqamah in the newborns ear is a weak hadith and should not be act upon! It's not from the Salaf.

  • @Medical-Plus-Dr
    @Medical-Plus-Dr 5 лет назад

    May allah bless you. U should not do taqleed of ibn qayyim. State your view

  • @sheriefelsayad5578
    @sheriefelsayad5578 6 лет назад +9

    Big mistake by Shaykh Fawzaan. Let me clarify for you أهل العلم People Of Knowledge. You say the Salaf disagree . So because Salaf made a mistake by following this , we should do the same mistake and keep on performing this innovation? That is the most twisted logic I ever heard. Now let me explain why you are wrong. The hadith in At-Tirmidhi narrated by Abu Raafi' is weak, no ones disagrees about this. But in the study of Hadith you can support a weak narration with another weak narration, this supporting narration is mentioned by Ibn Al Qayyim in his book "Tuhfatol Mawdood fi Ahkaam Al Mawlood" where he ascribed this supporting narration Al Bayhaqi's "Shu'ab Al Eeman". And even though he stated that this narration weak too, Shaykh Al Albaani found that Ibn Al Qayyim was lax in saying that this hadith was just weak (Da'if) but should have classed this hadith as severely weak (Da'if Jiddan) because the hadith in Bayhaqi had two narrators being accused of lying, so it is not just weak, but severely weak. And in the Study of Hadith it is not allowed to support a weak narration with one which is even weaker. So that means that the Hadith in At-Tirmidhi remains at the level of Da'if since it has no supporting narration. Now that the evidence has come to you, you should remove this video and make Tawbah and not do this again.

    • @Eliazer011
      @Eliazer011 6 лет назад +3

      is there a consensus in Hadith science, if a weak narration can be followed or not ? How can we know that Sh. Fawzan didn´t know about this issue, that it is a "very weak" narration? Maybe he knew it, but has another evidence for the permission of this weak hadith . Ibn Qudamah accepts this practise of reading the Athan into a baybs ear. Why Ibn Qudamah accepts it ?

    • @abuluthmanal-uthman6213
      @abuluthmanal-uthman6213 5 лет назад +4

      What are the etiquette for a scholar that errs? Iam not asking you rather telling you don't behave being haughty as it leads to kibr knowing Arabic doesn't makes you an alim. Iam not an ardent muqalid however I respect the ulama.
      Is shaving haram? Or halal? Is there a difference of opinion?

    • @nidaeshaque
      @nidaeshaque 4 года назад +4

      Well said, we should not prefer any scholars above the authenticity of hadiths, with all due respect to them. may Allaah forgive their shortcomings and have mercy on them.
      If it is saheeh, then we act upon it and of it daeef, we leave it. And Allaah, our Lord is our witness. He will reward us for not acting on a bid'ah. Verily, Allaah is all-Hearing, all-Seeing. He knows what's in our hearts, the Exalted, the Almighty.

  • @azeemattar
    @azeemattar Год назад +2

    What the hell does it mean, Hadeeth is weak but since ibn qayyim rahimahullah acted upon it so we have to do same...are we muqallid of ibn qayyim? 😒
    Sometimes i strongly disagree with arab ulama, i doubt they are also muqallid and do taqleed of imam Ahmad ibn hanbal rahimahullah
    Our ulama of Ahlul Hadeeth here in India are faaaar better and strict in matter of Deen and selecting Hadeeth and acting upon it. we don't even accept Sahabi's opinion against Sahih Hadeeth and we hate that filthy taqleed from core of our heart

  • @williewright8787
    @williewright8787 5 лет назад

    Dislike are innervators

    • @DeMonotheist
      @DeMonotheist 4 года назад +1

      Or blind followers of shaykh Rabee3 al Madkhali.

    • @zeeshanch6830
      @zeeshanch6830 4 года назад +1

      The Monotheist what has Sheikh Rabee (May Allah preserve him) have to do with this? Scholars like Sheikh ul Islam Muhammad ibn abd ul Wahhaab and Muhammad Amaan al Jaami we’re mocked just as Sheikh Rabee is being mocked. Fear Allah