Hanns Eisler - Gegen den Krieg (Against the War)

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • Hanns Eisler (1898 - 1962):
    Against the War
    Hanns Eisler was an Austrian composer. His father was Austrian, and Eisler fought in a Hungarian regiment in World War I. Returning to Vienna after Austria's defeat, he studied from 1919 to 1923 under Arnold Schönberg. Eisler was the first of Schönberg's disciples to compose in the twelve-tone or serial technique. Eisler is best known for composing the national anthem of East Germany, for his long artistic association with Bertolt Brecht (1898 - 1956), and for the scores he wrote for films. The Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler" in Berlin is named after him.
    Eisler's "Against the War" for mixed choir a cappella (Op. 55) was written in 1936 (first version) for a competition advertised by a private chorus in Switzerland. Arthur Honegger, Ernst Krenek and Paul Sacher were on the jury. Bertolt Brecht had provided the text. In his Danish exile (1933 - 1939) Brecht collected photos taken from newspapers and wrote short poems to comment on them. The use of photos and the way of interpreting them including a description of the photo on the left hand page was for sure outstanding for the 50's - and it still is. The poems were published as "Kriegsfibel" (War Primer) at "Eulenspiegel Verlag - Verlag für Satire and Humor" (publisher for satire and humour...) - then in East Germany.
    The work presents a theme, followed by 24 variations. This video presents the theme and the first 8 variations.
    Als der letzte Krieg vorüber war,
    gab es Sieger und Besiegte:
    Bei den Besiegten das nied’re Volk hungerte.
    Bei den Siegern hungerte das nied’re Volk auch.
    Die das Fleisch wegnehmen vom Tisch,
    lehren Zufriedenheit.
    Die, für die die Gaben bestimmt sind,
    verlangen Opfermut.
    Die Sattgefressenen SPRECHEN zu den Hungrigen
    von großen Zeiten, die kommen werden.
    Die das Land in den Abgrund stürzen,
    nennen das Regieren zu schwer
    für den einfachen Mann.
    Wenn die Ob’ren vom Frieden SPRECHEN,
    Mann auf der Straße, laß alle Hoffnung fahren.
    Wenn die Ob’ren Nichtangriffspakte schließen,
    kleiner Mann, mach dein TESTAMENT.
    Wenn der Krieg kommt, wird sich vieles vergrößern.
    Es wird größer werden der Reichtum der Herrschenden.
    Es wird größer werden: das Elend der Ausgebeuteten,
    der Hunger, die Ungerechtigkeit und Unterdrückung.
    Die werden größer werden.
    Auf der Mauer stand geschrieben: Sie wollen Krieg.
    Der es geschrieben hat, ist schon gefallen.
    Wenn die Ob’ren vom Frieden reden,
    weiß das gemeine Volk, daß es Krieg gibt.
    Wenn die Ob’ren den Krieg verfluchen,
    sind die Gestellungsbefehle schon ausgeschrieben.
    Translation by Google Translate:
    When the last war was over
    there were winners and loosers:
    Among the defeated, the low folk starved.
    With the winners, the low folk also starved.
    That take the meat off the table
    teach satisfaction.
    Those for whom the gifts are meant
    require self-sacrifice.
    The satiated SPEAK to the hungry
    of great times to come.
    Who plunge the land into the abyss
    call governing too difficult
    for the common man.
    When the leaders SPEAK of peace,
    Man in the street, let go of all hope.
    If the Ob’ren conclude non-aggression pacts,
    little man, make your TESTAMENT.
    When the war comes, a lot will increase.
    The wealth of the rulers will increase.
    It will get bigger: the misery of the exploited,
    the hunger, injustice and oppression.
    They will get bigger.
    On the wall it was written: They want war.
    The one who wrote it has already fallen.
    When the bosses talk about peace
    the common people know that there is war.
    When the Ob'ren curse the war
    the presentation orders are already written out.
    Berlin Soloists (2009)
    Conducted by Dietrich Knothe

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