If you want to take things deeper , join our masterclass and online community . Whether you wanna awaken spiritually, heal, emotionally , attract your dream relationship, or unlock financial piece of mind… AwakenU is for YOU. We just dropped the price to less than 1/10th of what it used to cost to give you access to the information you deserve to have access to Go to dannymorel.com/awakenu and I’ll see you on the INSIDE
I click several times and it says the page doesn't exist. BTW How can you know if some marihuana were raised properly, with love etc??? How can I get some marihuana that was raised properly??
Hi Danny I'm so excited to hear this info,so refreshing 😊. Best video I've ever seen. I'm awaiting a diagnosis for adhd, I've always known since I first tried cannabis that this indeed is a blessed plant. Unfortunately I'm living in Ireland were its illegal, but that I know is changing. Irish citizens deserve this plant and I feel that one day,these laws will change. Thanks again Danny🙏😎💎💎💎💎💎👍
I am almost 80. Not only do I have a couple of crushed vertebraes, but I have acute muscle spasms. I live alone and take care of all my needs. If it wasn't for cannabis I would probably be in a home getting sponge baths. I thank Mother Earth for growing this miraculous plant and the creator for providing it.
I'm a 67 year old single female with PTSD and Anxiety Disorder. I was also the driver in a head on wreck 40 years ago. I deal with a lot of pain. The process of acquiring pain meds is out of the question because I don't trust doctors anymore. I also take care of myself. I agree that without Cannabis I'd be in a nursing home.
My dad was sent out of the cancer hospital to home to die at the end of June 2010, the doctor told us "it is a matter of days, maximum a week", I heard about cannabis properties and decided to give it a chance from a local forest where there is wild hemp in Russia. My dad who was not walking, eating, etc, after we started drinking hemp tea regularly, he started walking, eating (a strict natural diet) , he painted 9 beautiful paintings... Unfortunately we could not gather and keep enough of the plant, tried to find elsewhere with no success, in November we ran out. In December dad died. Hemp gave my dad a beautiful 5 months of life despite medical prognosis. Who knows, he may have been alive still if we could continue hemp treatment. Dad didn't die from cancer, he was killed by the medical, corrupted establishment.
Might be...but some smokers behave like junkies, they detach, are just stupid stoned, they do not have a problem. Right..Bob Marley was such an arsehole to his kids and wife...and or his girlfiends. To his very very young kids even. Discernment.
Cannabis changed my life. I was depressed in bed for 3 years. I was taking 12 pills a day for medication. I was raised to believe that cannabis was horrible. My husband finally talked me into trying it. I am now working and I'm down to one medication a day and I have learned to enjoy the moments in my life.
Depression and weed are not good idea… a big friendly hug and I hope you will be fine! Please be careful- in combination with depression could bring you impressive panic attacks…
sure its better than taking pills but if you re depressed weed doesnt really makes it much better try alcohol as it actually works but dont drink everyday you should be fasting 2 days each week and you will be fine
That’s right my friend! I was literally the exact same, I was ready to fight and just explode over the smallest things.. I would overthink everything, couldn’t shut my brain off at night, I still have insomnia but it’s manageable if I get a stone going at night and I take some melatonin.. Thank yourself for Cannabis my friend! You are god, and god is you. Not a Christian version of blah blah blah here! Just facts my dude!! you and me, we all have receptors in our bodies..your gut, your brain, your heart, your intestines.. your liver..I mean almost everywhere you have cannabinoid receptors! It’s a true connection to the plant man..the Rastafarians have a great take on cannabis..it’s huge part of their religion. I urge you to check it out if it interests you! Jah and sinsemilla are common terms they use meaning god and weed lol. 😊good luck to you my friend!
@@chrisjoyce3526 wow you re god and god is you weed has really f*cked up your brain. the reason you have thc receptors is because god made you this way but definetly not to smoke it. also the weed you smoke is not what god created but some geneticly modified version that damages your brain. stop smoking weed and start reading the bible maybe god will show you the way and you will see the truth.
Been smoking for 50 years & have been able to grow it in my backyard for 6 years. I always talk & touch my plants & let them know how beautiful they are & how much I appreciate them. It grows FREE in the dirt from God. Thank You! I am a total fan.❤❤❤
Where did you get seeds to start the process? I’d love to start doing this 🙏🏼♥️. I use to smoke when I wasn’t a mom and my two youngest smoke and I never bother them with it.
how can you thank god for it when he forbids you to smoke it? thank satan for putting the sin in your head as you seem to like sin more than the ways of the most high. and how can you smoke weed for all this time and still like it? it gets really boring after a few years of everyday smoking and doesnt really get you high
I’m 71. Diagnosed with severe disc problems 20 years ago. 14 years of opioids, muscle relaxers and nerve blockers. Stopped them all because after 14 years they weren’t working. Switched to cannabis. Now I’ve got my life back. Done more in the last 6 years than the 14 before!
I cried more than once. I'm so sensitive but my life has revolved around cannabis and being judge for my use of it. But its made me a very peaceful person over the years.
Respect your body and the plant Tar is not good for your lungs. You ever smoke a water pipe or bowl and it Rez up. Think of years of that in your lungs. It’s not just cigarettes that turn lungs black. Be responsible. It’s a great tool be responsible.
What Devine Timing!! ❤ I needed this exactly NOW!! I'm 65 years young, smoking Cannabis for the last 20 years...and constantly feeling guilty, thinking Im blocking my spiritual path, must stop, must stop, but can't and don't want to... I'm surrounded by individuals who believe it's a bad DRUG... I'm missed the point😂 INTENTION and CONNECTION..🌈🌈🌈
I'm right there with you , the only difference between is is a 10 yr age difference, I'm 56 yrs old , an I had stopped taking al my mental health medicine 7 different scripts to be exact , which I've been off an on since my early 20s an when they came out first with medical marijuana, gave that a try , cause I hadn't smoked in years . Gave it a try , an well here I am ... I moved from the eastcoast 2hf yrs ago out here to Colorado an wow .. such a better sullection out here , always wanted to come here for 30yrs .. now I want to get my med budget to get a little part time job , if I can do it , but it gives me the motivation to do it !!
Do not feel guilty, the bias upon cannabis is a narrative of blame and ignorance. Im only 35 but I've been also using cannabis regularly for over 10 years. I experienced some of the "side effects" that cannabis was supposedly causing, but I did not discontinue my usage. I tended to my mental health, my spirituality, with the use of cannabis. Once I realized that all that bad shit was just me and that I was being shown what was wrong, many things got better and many of the associated "side effects" completely subsided. I realized that I was fighting my own psyche, and that people were blaming a tool for human response. No one wants to say "I'm paranoid, I'm sad at the state of the world" they just want the easy fix so they blame marijuana for their own shortcomings. Just as a side note, I am not saying that everyone should consume cannabis, or that everyone should consume it regularly. If one feels that their path with cannabis has ended, more power to 'em. I do wish that same understanding was reversed, but se la vi.
Don't feel guilty your not alone at that age ,i'am 63 years young and smoking Cannabis for the last 40 years and feel great ! Totally awakend and looking and feeling younger than other people of my age ! So consider your Blessed ! Greetings from the Netherlands,and your name sounds Dutch too 😁👋
I'm 74. I've been using cannabis for 60 years. Never feel bad about using this medicine that our creator designed for us. We have an endocannabinoid system. Reading Micheal Pollan's book, "Botany of Desire" explains it all:)
We also have receptors for other things that are also seen as toxins, as cannabis is. IE poisons. Doesn't mean we should take _them_ though does it? You have reversed the logic as to why we have receptors. 😉🕊️
Cannabis is medicinal not poisonous, like many other "weeds". It was only illegal because of the 13 families especially, Rockefeller, that chose to make it illegal.
@@thekeysman6760 its so dangerous you need to be crushed under 800kg of it to die from it. A friend of mine wanted to take his life smoking weed, this was 30yrs ago and he is still trying😂🎉
As a mom of 15 years male and a special education teacher this has been one of the most powerful interviews. I have been telling parents for years to let your children be. We are her as guides not dictators.
My first joint was life changing for the better. I stood up to an abusive step father and he tucked his tail and ran. Got me through a terrible pancreatic disfunction. Cannabis heals the land as well as the mind and body. There's a strain/strength beneficial for everyone.
I used rso in protocal for cancer then later got skin cancer and fell back on rso/4 days and legion started fading then it was gone. I believe it is a gift from God.
I didn’t try cannabis til I was 29 and divorced, and I don’t think I knew I existed and how to sit quietly in peace with myself until I tried cannabis. I also didn’t know how to talk to people, pretty sure because I am on the spectrum, but cannabis helps me see how I fit in as a part of the human species from my relationships to my connection to the land. Not everyone has these positive results right away, but for me it helped me understand that perspectives, thoughts and feelings are not who are, but temporary parts of the self that we are not responsible for. We are responsible for our actions and our words, as Jesus said it is not what goes into the body that makes us unholy, but what comes out (the words we speak). Cannabis helps me to be aware of my sub conscious and be forgiving and loving to myself and others.
Cannabis has been one of the things that really sped up my awakening and transformation, starting around age 35 until now age 41. I sometimes use it in not the most conscience ways but that's on me. Really grateful for it.
it's near the dmt (consciousness) moleculair structure, even in trauma healing we should implement the endocannabinoides to heal. By experience it's a transformer, yes if you've isseu's it show us what is. In Rockefellers/Flexner indoctrine they say, medicine sector, that it triggers psychoses...we all live in a world psychoses of lack of awareness and truth! All di eases dis comfort disconnections is by design. Ps don't relay only on the herb medicine do the innerwork. Ps by experience it helps with astma-anxiety-every ptss, but focus on the terpenes! MAJOR IMPORTANTbecause between L-lemonene and I-Lemonene is big difference for peoiple with astma for example! Its not thc alone!
I also use this for my spiritual journey few years now..and it help me on my journey..now they want to do drug tests at work what do i do now..cannabis is part of my spiritual work🫧
so it sounds like setting an intention before use is KEY to healing. example. cannabis plant. im here to use you in order to heal my emotions . i am so honoured and greatful for your powers to heal me. lets begin. i trust the process xxx
Cannabis has been a very important part of my life for over 20 years but growing the plant has completely transformed my relationship to it. It also taught me about horticulture which is now how I make my living. All plants are incredible but the cannabis plant has some magic in it.
It has revealed to me how bigger the universe is and how i needed to break my childhood traumas were all bottled up at first it was just a buzz but soon i realised i could break myself with it. Weirdly when it’s done too often your own body doesnt want it till you are ready to appreciate it instead of using it just when you are bored
I am 64 now never used it because of set believes. Been on a quest of truth for over 6 years now challenging. With your explanation and past history knowledge i am so ready. Thank you so much for the information put out. Truly will help the young and old!!! Thank you!
Thank you so much for posting this video. I have been using cannabis oil for lung cancer for almost 11 years now. It has kept me stable . I went off of it for about one month and my last ctscan showed that it had changed and the cancer cells had learned to reproduce. I am now back on the oil and expect my ctscan to be better
I feel so lucky i get to grow cannabis. I love being with my plants and sharing good energy. I've been growing for 9 years, and love the good vibes they project to me. I also find it easier to meditate while high. It's the only way i can block out the world.
Yaaas all American Indians (reclassified Negro) know of Hemp and all uses; MostHIGH say, I offer you Myrh to Uplift you in your downward state, AmaRica be RichMama and all of Eart has invaded our Land; Nort and Sout AmaRica, and Central, Canada, Alaska,
edibles have a completely different offering than smoking flower. They are both useful but I find edibles go much deeper into the psyche. Thanks for hosting this guest!
What does moderation mean to you? I’m only asking because I first tried it a year ago. I’m 52 yrs old, just retired from the FD, and had some issues with minor pain and insomnia. I’ve found cannabis to be a HUGE help with those issues. However!!!, after a year of once in a while of smoking I smoke everyday now. Not all day or anything, but at night before bed. What is your opinion on this much use? I’m seriously curious what you think. I don’t have any negative aspects of life as a result of using but I do feel a bit crappy if I have to skip a day. Thanks for your time
Awesome show. I'm 63, cannabis has been in and out of my life for 50 of those years. Thank you for the confirmation that I have been doing what's been right for me all these years. Hugs and love to y'all.
Cannibis and mdma has been the most transformative psychedelic in my spiritual journey. I believe it to be an integral part of helping humanity root ourselves in this reality! 🙏🏻❤
In the 1990’s there was a book that came out called Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. In this book he talks about monks that did an experiment on plants. One group the plant was ignored, 2bd group they were watered. 3 rd group the monks sat by them and meditated and prayed by them. When the vegetable was harvested they found the plant that was meditated over had the most nutrients in it. So like you were saying about the car a grower gives his cannabis plant the healthier and more nutrients it will have.
the celestine prophecy is an amazing book it taught me so much and i remember that experiement in the viciente gardens they were experimenting on the plants to see the best way they would grow i believe we are moving into these times
The book "the power of prayer on plants" written by a pastor that loved biology had his congregation do the same experiment. He also had a group of plants that got prayers for their death. Those plants died. They tried that on cancer cells in humans and had some success.
My pain world started at 7 years. Which would be the late 70's. Many years with many doctors my pain got worst along with my condition. 2004 i gave up all those drugs the doctors had me on. Took a couple shot a week. I'm up to 27 migraines a month. I was passing out from the pain. 2025. I now volunteer 1 day a week for the community. I control my drug free world with cannabis and energy work and so blessed to have my life back . 😅
Thank you, Danny, for this episode! I am trained to work with this medicine for healing & trauma work. It’s hard for people to let go of the old paradigm. This episode will help so many people. 🙏🏾
My father was an iron worker was told he would never walk again after falling from a 20 story building into a wet cement mixer. He was bent but he walked until the day he died thanks to cannabis. I smoked throughout all of my adult life and i take no pharmaceutical meds for anything . I am 50 now. Healthy and happy and no trauma from my life has control of me emotionally mentally or physically. This is a gift from the heavens.
I’m 46 and Cannabis came to me. I previously had the idea it was used just to veg out, laugh and escape. But I was called to try it.. at first I used to to veg out and then discovered at low doses I used to help me sleep, I began tapping into clarity of consciousness.. when I would lay quietly by myself and gently pay attention inward, profound downloads started happening. I believe what you’re saying.. it’s about the intention of the use.
They made an entire plane out of hemp... body, engine, glass (plastic), fuel. Everything made out of hemp. If intergalactic travel is happening... and you gotta bring one thing that can house you, clothes you, feed you, and connect you to the creator... I'm bringing some good Indica. A seed and you can have everhthing. Truly a gift from somewhere/someone.
@tobiastracy136 Thank you for such a beautiful thought, it is a miraculous gift! I didn't know about a entire plane being made of hemp but before Ford created his automobile company there were several companies competing to create the entire automobile industry, the entire car out of hemp which they were fully prepared to do. The fuel was even made from hemp. The congressional act to ban cannabis took place before they could create their first assembly line and they went bankrupt. The people propagandizing illegal marijuana in north and central America during that time were paid by Ford.
I can't use cannabis due to my tendency to smoke all day, everyday. I wish I could recreationally use it but in my many attempts to accomplish it, I fall back into daily use. Many months clean now.
Yep it's bollox I've tried all sorts of meds for anxiety and depression but they either made it worse or made me not give a shit about things that I should I self medicate with organic cannabis and it's the best for my thoughts and my racing mind keeps me calm and happy 😊 🌿🌱💚
i started smoking at 14-15, i remember an early experience just laying on my friends bed just feeling so at bliss, i felt really good and i just knew the herb was a good thing, 24 years later I still believe the herb is a blessing... ive never tried to set an intention before smoking and i dont relate to some of the things said here, but it does give me a sense of peace and it does help me know that love is the right path.
💜🪽💜🌬🕯 Great Show Guys... Also Silver was used for Antibiotics b4 Ro th child wouldn't allow it & took ova doctors education etc. I believe the Native Indians knew how to live with Nature & what a Great life they knew b4 being taken ova by the families of today,, that still control. It's time to go back to Nature & deprogram ourselves of wat was drummed into us as children. 💚 L♥︎VE to "ALL" from New Zealand
This episode is exactly what I've been needing lately. Cannabis allowed me to gain control of my mental health, as I have bipolar disorder type 1, PTSD, anxiety disorder, and major depressive disorder. However, over the past few weeks, I have been wanting to break free from my habitual use so I may be more present daily. Super looking forward to listening to this episode!
As a mom I had a very strong and heavy point of view about it. I went through hell with my son’s love for it. I saw it as my worst enemy and wanted to disappear it from my life. It was very educational and refreshing your information because I am in the spiritual awakening but I don’t do any tupe of external influence. I understand everyone have unique needs and experiences and I respect them.
Finally!!!! We are now living in a Newiverse! All plants have healing properties and can elevate your thoughts.We need to Bee more open and educated,Thank you for this!!!!
There's two movie lines I feel apply perfectly to cannabis. One is a line from Yoda in one of the Star Wars movies and the other from Limitless. 1) Yoda: (When Luke Skywalker asks, "What's in there?" and Yoda replies) Only what you take with you. 2) Vernon: (Sitting in a bar with Bradley Cooper introducing a new drug and he says) It works better if you're already smart.
Any one who speaks the truth about the miracle plant has my love and respect and appreciation. I'd love to try some of your miracle plants Ryan Peace gentlemen
I smoke with my cousin. I say a prayer before "entering"..with an intention to heal or have a question answered. I love it! My cousin goes into the bar while i wait for her outside, having my moment. Different strokes for different folks. I come back being a different person. It can be powerful if you let it be. I think this is why its deemed to be "dangerous" by mainstream. Total rort
Hawaii royal hemp is my business. I am a cannabis proponent vocal since 1995 and legislature of Hawaii. Trying to help us all understand this greatness of metaphysical fiber fuel an herb
39:36 you just pulled me out of my work flow (thoroughly enjoying this talk!!) and I am in full body chills / tears - I agree with you 100% and thank you for putting the words on a platform. How in the world could we anticipate a healed “nation” when it was born from such atrocities… (overall this whole talk is amazing, as a devotee of the mother I must say that it is absolutely heartwarming to hear two men having this conversation in this day and age. ) Thank you so much.
The whole time I’m listening I’m screaming out yessss!!! This whole conversation hits home!! I’ve had beautiful ceremonies alone with cannabis and I feel like it is sooooo needed for everyone.
I'm 65, I've been smokin' since I bought my first "lid" in 1973...for ten dollars...a week before I bought my first "lid", they were $8 dollars...in Oklahoma City. ❤
Brilliant show! Bravo. I'm in my fifties now and have major back issues that cannabis helps me with. During a session, I became in touch with my entire body. What y'all have given me now is a way to focus my sessions. Thank you Brothers! Love y'all!
I think any substance that opens your mind makes you more loving and connected to people is bad for the powers at B makes us harder to control……. Power for the few to control the others.☮️&❤️
As a medical cannabis, grower licensed, I could say that you have to choose, which plant is good for you there’s Indica sativa there’s hybrids you have to see which one is good for you, but I noticed it was good for me. Is white widow that one is the most uplifting calmingmakes you feel at peace clears your mind.
Started cannabis at age 52, used it to stop drinking 2 bottles of wine a night. Drank wine every day from Age 30 - 52. I’m going to be 57 next month and I am spiritually awake now with the help of cannabis! Love how it opened my mind and my heart 💞🙏🦋🙌🌿
Giving hope by channeling the truth through the lens of love, is the greatest gift humans can share. Keep doing that guys, you are doing a huge favor to the family
Thank you, awesome show! I am a GenX and just started working with cannabis about a year ago. It has been an amazing teacher and healer. I discovered cannabis after going on a psilocybin medicine journey. A coworker gave me a brownie and me being naïve was thinking dessert and ate the entire brownie, while at work may I add. LOl, IKR! I'm not sure what I was thinking, but it turned out to be such an amazing experience. It was the first time I heard the voice of my higher self. Like you guys said, it's like other plant medicines, but you have more control. After that experience I started doing my research. My research lead me to Sativa and have now build a relationship with the medicine. I love using it to help me tap into to my creativity, and yes I speak to it and always set intentions. I'm just learning that there is a community of people that work with the medicine for healing. This is awesome! Like your guest, I believe cannabis chose me. I honor the energy of this amazing plant. It’s a privilege to work with it. I’m excited to build a deeper relationship with it and discover more of its amazing powers.
At 73 my mother was diagnosed with rare breast cancer. She asked if I’d read a book about cannabis. Her not knowing that I had felt this call to grow 4 cannabis plants(a God thing). My son thought I was crazy. lol but I learned how to make RSO oil and 4 years later she is cancer free. She will not stop using it. I have said for years it was a wonderful medicine even though I had not used it in years. I’ve journeyed in ceremony with mushroom’s and peyote but now I I’ll do it with cannabis. I didn’t think it was for me….. but now I’m rethinking that.
Wow, that conversation was a real heart opener!!! It's made me think about how I could really do with upgrading my relationship with Cannabis. I have always regarded it as a sacred plant and it does deserve respect in order for you to truely learn from it. Thank you so much.
A beautiful conversation. Having grown up in the netherlands i have a more free way of thinking of cannabis then most here in the Uk now. I feel a slight pull to start connecting with the plant again, but being a full time home schooling mum i havent found the space just yet. This conversation is so so so beautiful
Agreed, a beautiful and insightful conversation. I hope you find the time/place to reconnect because you are doing a very beautiful thing: homeschooling and full time mum. Much love to you ❤🌞
Also the Indian families were ripped apart and the children were put into “Indian schools” where many atrocities and deaths happened that were undocumented and no one was held accountable. I live in Phoenix where we still have “Indian School Road” where the land is sitting open and vacant where one of these schools were. I can feel the sadness and pain every time I drive by it. Breaks my heart.
All I can say is Amen. As a long time abuser of cannibis over the years of use and stopping for 5 yrs, I have changed my usage from partying to appreciating how it expands my mind and attitude & reason for using it.
Thank you so much, Bula family I learned that some of the people in the US were smoking cannabis with their parents when I was in high school and ever since then I’ve known that it’s a beloved plant and I enjoy having it available to everyone Lets Free cannabis !!!
Amazing conversation. I can confidently say connecting with Ryan and his teachings have helped me create a stronger and healthier relationship to cannabis. And the Breathe With Cannabis workshops he mentioned are INCREDIBLE! Highly recommend.
Ryan seems to be an amazing human being. This guy has figured out the most important things of our reality. Great interview Danny ! Keep up the good work.
The four biggest pot smokers in our high school all died in their 30s and 40s from Cancers and health problems. Make sure you really truly need to smoke it, otherwise you are better off without it❤❤❤
Thank you for the great video you guys! I am currently on a journey of breaking my dependence. Day two no weed 🙌 I often used to help with anxiety and to calm my nervous system. But I do see the dependence upon it. I really don't want to quit altogether because of the connection that I feel when using it. So for ceremony and connection only going forward!! A lot of confirmations for me in this conversation! Thank you and God bless your journey! 🩵💛💜
Daily user due to MS at 21 (36 on feb 15th); if not for cannabis, I'd have a walker or wheelchair right now fighting for permanent disability that I know I'd never get, and if I did, I'd be starving on the streets right now. Thank you, Gaea and Shiva, for this miraculous Plant.
Cannabis helped me hear a peach before I ate it. I had the most profound conversation with that peach. That all plants can communicate and that they all know their place in space. I was given this answer that they know their place in space because I asked the peach if it felt pain as it was eaten. I could still connect/communicate with that peach until it was well into digestion. I learned a lot that night. It makes sense to communicate and connect with cannabis. It's so wonderful to hear this podcast. It's great to know that others understand this as well. Thank you
What an extraordinary story! What did the peach say about feeling pain while being eaten? Did it resent being eaten? What do you mean by the peach knowing it's place in space?
Cannabis has been equally as healing for me as doing a micro-dose. I use cannabis intentionally and able to receive clarity and downloads I can immediately integrate into my daily life.
@@laurastewart9877He's talking about truth.your the one who didn't get it.they are not telling the truth about what is happening to the innocent people being bombed to death 🙏🌎
I’ve been an avid abuser of cannabis for years. Took some time away from it and all substances these last two years of my awakening. I watched this and it changed the game. I promised myself more FUN this year. Proclaimed 2025 was the fun year, where I would put that first. In my marketing and social media I wasn’t having fun. I did exactly the ceremony here and I made my entire marketing plan. I planned my entire launch, I got incredible content ideas, and I really just allowed the answers to come to me and accept them and let them be FUN! Incredible, life changing podcast!!
This is the first time I watch this channel. I salute you Danny, for naming the deep Energetics. of colonizing and killing the first people on the land that we call the United States, and I speak from a Dutch perspective. The Dutch have to face this too. From experience, I also consider the cannabis plant an amazing alley and healer. Thanks for what you both are doing and voicing.
An answered prayer!!! Just stumbled upon this and this is exactly what has been happening to my 17 year old son as well. This is so inspirational. This is where I'm at in life and what I absolutely believe. Thank you for all you are doing.
Wow man I’ve seen him speak before and it had a significant impact on me. Now hearing his origin story I identify in a major way. The parent part, father being a “don’t like to lose control” guy. Really appreciate this.
I need to add that 52:00 he speaks about getting to know yourself through growing. Even if it’s not cannabis, buy a tent kit from AC Infinity or Gambit Growing Solutions. They both sell amazing all in one kits you can purchase and set up anywhere in your home and grow. Just grow. I have been for one year and it has changed my whole life. Right when I needed it at 38. I’m not a regular viewer of this channel, although I’m sure I am now. Maybe someone gets what they need from this comment and that’s why I watched this today. What an amazing conversation this was.
Now you’re talking that plant has so many healing benefits to it. It’s so sad that it’s been held down like it is. I’m trying to pull it out through.Art I’m so happy that you’re pulling it out Danny thank you if people only knew the benefits of this plants they be throwing everything else in the garbage
This is so informative! Thank you both! Dad + his truth being silenced resonated with me as well (mine was born during “The Silent Age” where children were seen + not heard + spoke only when spoken to - I appreciate this video more than I can say! ✨ 💖
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We just dropped the price to less than 1/10th of what it used to cost to give you access to the information you deserve to have access to
Go to dannymorel.com/awakenu and I’ll see you on the INSIDE
I click several times and it says the page doesn't exist.
BTW How can you know if some marihuana were raised properly, with love etc???
How can I get some marihuana that was raised properly??
Hi Danny I'm so excited to hear this info,so refreshing 😊.
Best video I've ever seen.
I'm awaiting a diagnosis for adhd, I've always known since I first tried cannabis that this indeed is a blessed plant.
Unfortunately I'm living in Ireland were its illegal, but that I know is changing.
Irish citizens deserve this plant and I feel that one day,these laws will change.
Thanks again Danny🙏😎💎💎💎💎💎👍
@@carlostejada1479Hi Carlos.
What country do you live in?
@Jeremiahkeane-z7wI’m praying that u get medical freedom. I’m sorry that gate keepers exist.
First click got me there like it had wings. No problem.
I am almost 80. Not only do I have a couple of crushed vertebraes, but I have acute muscle spasms. I live alone and take care of all my needs. If it wasn't for cannabis I would probably be in a home getting sponge baths. I thank Mother Earth for growing this miraculous plant and the creator for providing it.
😊 as even the green herb of the field God has given us all things
I'm a 67 year old single female with PTSD and Anxiety Disorder. I was also the driver in a head on wreck 40 years ago. I deal with a lot of pain. The process of acquiring pain meds is out of the question because I don't trust doctors anymore. I also take care of myself. I agree that without Cannabis I'd be in a nursing home.
I am 57 and I thank you for sharing your story. God bless you❣
I'm 70 and totally agree with you. Chronic pain fibromyalgia, anxiety and muscle spasm and it keeps me on my feet and much alive to the world.
My dad was sent out of the cancer hospital to home to die at the end of June 2010, the doctor told us "it is a matter of days, maximum a week",
I heard about cannabis properties and decided to give it a chance from a local forest where there is wild hemp in Russia.
My dad who was not walking, eating, etc, after we started drinking hemp tea regularly, he started walking, eating (a strict natural diet) , he painted 9 beautiful paintings... Unfortunately we could not gather and keep enough of the plant, tried to find elsewhere with no success, in November we ran out. In December dad died.
Hemp gave my dad a beautiful 5 months of life despite medical prognosis. Who knows, he may have been alive still if we could continue hemp treatment.
Dad didn't die from cancer, he was killed by the medical, corrupted establishment.
@@allaboutdetox7526 i belive you ! Pharma n the medical care package has been designed to not cure but slowly kill people, it's sad!
@@allaboutdetox7526 i belive you ! Pharma n the medical care package has been designed to not cure but slowly kill people, it's sad!
@@allaboutdetox7526 i belive you ! Pharma n the medical care package has been designed to not cure but slowly kill people, it's sad!
The medical industry is corrupt in Russia as well?
I'm so sorry for your loss. Dad's are very special.
When you smoke the herb it reveals you to yourself.
~Bob Marley
@@foreveragypsy57 it's not because he said something that it actually is factual
Might be...but some smokers behave like junkies, they detach, are just stupid stoned, they do not have a problem. Right..Bob Marley was such an arsehole to his kids and wife...and or his girlfiends. To his very very young kids even. Discernment.
@@gangapoornima…weed didn’t make him an arsehole. He was just an arsehole! 😂
Yes 👍🏽
@gangapoornima NOT OKAY
Cannabis changed my life. I was depressed in bed for 3 years. I was taking 12 pills a day for medication. I was raised to believe that cannabis was horrible. My husband finally talked me into trying it. I am now working and I'm down to one medication a day and I have learned to enjoy the moments in my life.
@@tanyaharrington8787 plus you improved the lying to yourself skills
What kind is it and how do you get it? Also, how does it feel?
@@pascalramael5678yeah gave up 12 drugs for one….
Depression and weed are not good idea… a big friendly hug and I hope you will be fine! Please be careful- in combination with depression could bring you impressive panic attacks…
sure its better than taking pills
but if you re depressed weed doesnt really makes it much better
try alcohol as it actually works but dont drink everyday
you should be fasting 2 days each week and you will be fine
Cannabis lowers cortisol levels. I used to live 'Fight or Flight' 24/7. So exhausting. Thank god for cannabis.
That’s right my friend! I was literally the exact same, I was ready to fight and just explode over the smallest things.. I would overthink everything, couldn’t shut my brain off at night, I still have insomnia but it’s manageable if I get a stone going at night and I take some melatonin.. Thank yourself for Cannabis my friend! You are god, and god is you. Not a Christian version of blah blah blah here! Just facts my dude!! you and me, we all have receptors in our bodies..your gut, your brain, your heart, your intestines.. your liver..I mean almost everywhere you have cannabinoid receptors! It’s a true connection to the plant man..the Rastafarians have a great take on cannabis..it’s huge part of their religion. I urge you to check it out if it interests you! Jah and sinsemilla are common terms they use meaning god and weed lol. 😊good luck to you my friend!
@@chrisjoyce3526 Thanks. I believe the world needs healing right now and I believe cannabis is the medicine.
Woah, now I understand. I'm so angry so often without it, and with it I'm so chill and nice to everyone :D
@@chrisjoyce3526 wow you re god and god is you
weed has really f*cked up your brain.
the reason you have thc receptors is because god made you this way but definetly not to smoke it.
also the weed you smoke is not what god created but some geneticly modified version that damages your brain.
stop smoking weed and start reading the bible
maybe god will show you the way and you will see the truth.
Been smoking for 50 years & have been able to grow it in my backyard for 6 years. I always talk & touch my plants & let them know how beautiful they are & how much I appreciate them. It grows FREE in the dirt from God. Thank You! I am a total fan.❤❤❤
Wait till you grow a good batch. It was start talking back and singing opera and classical jazz 🤔😉
Where did you get seeds to start the process? I’d love to start doing this 🙏🏼♥️. I use to smoke when I wasn’t a mom and my two youngest smoke and I never bother them with it.
@ in my state 🧤you can buy clones or we saved seeds for decades. Remember weed is a weed & you can’t hardly kill the plant. Yeah weed !❤️
@ haha thanks lol I’m in NY so can’t find any wild weed around here lol
how can you thank god for it when he forbids you to smoke it?
thank satan for putting the sin in your head as you seem to like sin more than the ways of the most high.
and how can you smoke weed for all this time and still like it?
it gets really boring after a few years of everyday smoking and doesnt really get you high
I’m 71. Diagnosed with severe disc problems 20 years ago. 14 years of opioids, muscle relaxers and nerve blockers. Stopped them all because after 14 years they weren’t working. Switched to cannabis. Now I’ve got my life back. Done more in the last 6 years than the 14 before!
I cried more than once. I'm so sensitive but my life has revolved around cannabis and being judge for my use of it. But its made me a very peaceful person over the years.
Keep it up! Get high however you want. It's a million times safer and better than alcohol. They just want someone to blame so they can ignore that.
Respect your body and the plant Tar is not good for your lungs. You ever smoke a water pipe or bowl and it Rez up. Think of years of that in your lungs. It’s not just cigarettes that turn lungs black. Be responsible. It’s a great tool be responsible.
What Devine Timing!! ❤ I needed this exactly NOW!! I'm 65 years young, smoking Cannabis for the last 20 years...and constantly feeling guilty, thinking Im blocking my spiritual path, must stop, must stop, but can't and don't want to... I'm surrounded by individuals who believe it's a bad DRUG... I'm missed the point😂 INTENTION and CONNECTION..🌈🌈🌈
I'm right there with you , the only difference between is is a 10 yr age difference, I'm 56 yrs old , an I had stopped taking al my mental health medicine 7 different scripts to be exact , which I've been off an on since my early 20s an when they came out first with medical marijuana, gave that a try , cause I hadn't smoked in years . Gave it a try , an well here I am ... I moved from the eastcoast 2hf yrs ago out here to Colorado an wow .. such a better sullection out here , always wanted to come here for 30yrs .. now I want to get my med budget to get a little part time job , if I can do it , but it gives me the motivation to do it !!
Do not feel guilty, the bias upon cannabis is a narrative of blame and ignorance. Im only 35 but I've been also using cannabis regularly for over 10 years. I experienced some of the "side effects" that cannabis was supposedly causing, but I did not discontinue my usage. I tended to my mental health, my spirituality, with the use of cannabis. Once I realized that all that bad shit was just me and that I was being shown what was wrong, many things got better and many of the associated "side effects" completely subsided. I realized that I was fighting my own psyche, and that people were blaming a tool for human response. No one wants to say "I'm paranoid, I'm sad at the state of the world" they just want the easy fix so they blame marijuana for their own shortcomings.
Just as a side note, I am not saying that everyone should consume cannabis, or that everyone should consume it regularly. If one feels that their path with cannabis has ended, more power to 'em. I do wish that same understanding was reversed, but se la vi.
Don't feel guilty your not alone at that age ,i'am 63 years young and smoking Cannabis for the last 40 years and feel great ! Totally awakend and looking and feeling younger than other people of my age ! So consider your Blessed ! Greetings from the Netherlands,and your name sounds Dutch too 😁👋
Same for me , 56 and 40 years of smoking weed. It’s good to read we shouldn’t feel guilty 😉
I'm 74. I've been using cannabis for 60 years.
Never feel bad about using this medicine that our creator designed for us.
We have an endocannabinoid system.
Reading Micheal Pollan's book, "Botany of Desire" explains it all:)
The body has an entire system that was made for cannabis. Receptors etc...
Cannabis IS our medicine!❤
We also have receptors for other things that are also seen as toxins, as cannabis is. IE poisons. Doesn't mean we should take _them_ though does it? You have reversed the logic as to why we have receptors. 😉🕊️
Cannabis is medicinal not poisonous, like many other "weeds". It was only illegal because of the 13 families especially, Rockefeller, that chose to make it illegal.
@@thekeysman6760What actual research do you have linked to say it is poisonous? Please share all of your links. Thank you.
@@thekeysman6760 its so dangerous you need to be crushed under 800kg of it to die from it. A friend of mine wanted to take his life smoking weed, this was 30yrs ago and he is still trying😂🎉
@@thekeysman6760 i want to see this too😂🎉
I never thought of setting an intention before smoking. Great idea! Makes all the sense in the world to me.
I say a quick prayer/simple intention from my heart: Show Me What I Need To Know 💖🌿🌬
As a mom of 15 years male and a special education teacher this has been one of the most powerful interviews. I have been telling parents for years to let your children be. We are her as guides not dictators.
Its true
My first joint was life changing for the better. I stood up to an abusive step father and he tucked his tail and ran. Got me through a terrible pancreatic disfunction. Cannabis heals the land as well as the mind and body. There's a strain/strength beneficial for everyone.
I used rso in protocal for cancer then later got skin cancer and fell back on rso/4 days and legion started fading then it was gone. I believe it is a gift from God.
They both are.
all of life is when you embrace reality with your heart.. enjoy the journey.. the ups and downs
I didn’t try cannabis til I was 29 and divorced, and I don’t think I knew I existed and how to sit quietly in peace with myself until I tried cannabis. I also didn’t know how to talk to people, pretty sure because I am on the spectrum, but cannabis helps me see how I fit in as a part of the human species from my relationships to my connection to the land. Not everyone has these positive results right away, but for me it helped me understand that perspectives, thoughts and feelings are not who are, but temporary parts of the self that we are not responsible for. We are responsible for our actions and our words, as Jesus said it is not what goes into the body that makes us unholy, but what comes out (the words we speak). Cannabis helps me to be aware of my sub conscious and be forgiving and loving to myself and others.
Cannabis has been one of the things that really sped up my awakening and transformation, starting around age 35 until now age 41. I sometimes use it in not the most conscience ways but that's on me. Really grateful for it.
it's near the dmt (consciousness) moleculair structure, even in trauma healing we should implement the endocannabinoides to heal. By experience it's a transformer, yes if you've isseu's it show us what is. In Rockefellers/Flexner indoctrine they say, medicine sector, that it triggers psychoses...we all live in a world psychoses of lack of awareness and truth! All di eases dis comfort disconnections is by design. Ps don't relay only on the herb medicine do the innerwork. Ps by experience it helps with astma-anxiety-every ptss, but focus on the terpenes! MAJOR IMPORTANTbecause between L-lemonene and I-Lemonene is big difference for peoiple with astma for example! Its not thc alone!
Conscious*, not conscience. 🕊️
Oh geeze...we get it...@@thekeysman6760
26:29 hahaha yes people are so left minded
I also use this for my spiritual journey few years now..and it help me on my journey..now they want to do drug tests at work what do i do now..cannabis is part of my spiritual work🫧
so it sounds like setting an intention before use is KEY to healing. example. cannabis plant. im here to use you in order to heal my emotions . i am so honoured and greatful for your powers to heal me. lets begin. i trust the process xxx
Setting intention before any and all actions my friend!
Intention comes before perception.
Co-Creating WITH the plant (not letting the plant take over..like when U go to a regular MD)
Yes, this is truth🫶🩷🌹👽
Cannabis has been a very important part of my life for over 20 years but growing the plant has completely transformed my relationship to it. It also taught me about horticulture which is now how I make my living. All plants are incredible but the cannabis plant has some magic in it.
Free cannabis worldwide
It has to be in the right hands though, kids now a days use it like a vape puff, getting paranoid and shii lmao
Would be abused by the potheads
it is already free, just plant the seed
It has revealed to me how bigger the universe is and how i needed to break my childhood traumas were all bottled up at first it was just a buzz but soon i realised i could break myself with it. Weirdly when it’s done too often your own body doesnt want it till you are ready to appreciate it instead of using it just when you are bored
I am 64 now never used it because of set believes. Been on a quest of truth for over 6 years now challenging. With your explanation and past history knowledge i am so ready. Thank you so much for the information put out. Truly will help the young and old!!! Thank you!
And my doctor, therapist and sister definitely agree 💯👍🏽
Thank you so much for posting this video. I have been using cannabis oil for lung cancer for almost 11 years now. It has kept me stable . I went off of it for about one month and my last ctscan showed that it had changed and the cancer cells had learned to reproduce. I am now back on the oil and expect my ctscan to be better
How do you take the cannabis for lung cancer without smoking it is it an oil
@georgannkingsland767 he said cannabis oil.
@@georgannkingsland767RSO (rick simpson oil) usually took under the tongue
@@georgannkingsland767yes he said he is using cannabis oil
I feel so lucky i get to grow cannabis. I love being with my plants and sharing good energy. I've been growing for 9 years, and love the good vibes they project to me. I also find it easier to meditate while high. It's the only way i can block out the world.
The Rasta men and women in Jamaica knew this ❤ about this plant ☘️
Yaaas all American Indians (reclassified Negro) know of Hemp and all uses; MostHIGH say, I offer you Myrh to Uplift you in your downward state, AmaRica be RichMama and all of Eart has invaded our Land; Nort and Sout AmaRica, and Central, Canada, Alaska,
edibles have a completely different offering than smoking flower. They are both useful but I find edibles go much deeper into the psyche. Thanks for hosting this guest!
Definitely. I agree
where do you get your edibles?
@ I make my own oil from some awesome Norcal flower
Totally but unpredictably... Baked many a cake en me Vida 😅
@@yogamindenergybodywould love to know your process
It's great for anxiety, depression, cancer patients, people with seizures, and so on. As long as you don't mishandled Canabis
Yep mishandle anything and you are in trouble. Panadol is a good example.
In uk it’s added to tobacco bleuch !
Cannabis is great in moderation . Moderation is key !
Well ?
What does moderation mean to you? I’m only asking because I first tried it a year ago. I’m 52 yrs old, just retired from the FD, and had some issues with minor pain and insomnia. I’ve found cannabis to be a HUGE help with those issues. However!!!, after a year of once in a while of smoking I smoke everyday now. Not all day or anything, but at night before bed. What is your opinion on this much use? I’m seriously curious what you think. I don’t have any negative aspects of life as a result of using but I do feel a bit crappy if I have to skip a day. Thanks for your time
Awesome show. I'm 63, cannabis has been in and out of my life for 50 of those years. Thank you for the confirmation that I have been doing what's been right for me all these years.
Hugs and love to y'all.
OMG! This conversation is so refreshing! Same as the craziness in the middle east,
Cannibis and mdma has been the most transformative psychedelic in my spiritual journey. I believe it to be an integral part of helping humanity root ourselves in this reality! 🙏🏻❤
In the 1990’s there was a book that came out called Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. In this book he talks about monks that did an experiment on plants. One group the plant was ignored, 2bd group they were watered. 3 rd group the monks sat by them and meditated and prayed by them. When the vegetable was harvested they found the plant that was meditated over had the most nutrients in it. So like you were saying about the car a grower gives his cannabis plant the healthier and more nutrients it will have.
Wtf you talking about?
Yes to all that! The Celestine Prophecy book series keeps crossing my mind and spirit ALOT lately and your comment is very synchronistic!
the celestine prophecy is an amazing book it taught me so much and i remember that experiement in the viciente gardens they were experimenting on the plants to see the best way they would grow i believe we are moving into these times
The book "the power of prayer on plants" written by a pastor that loved biology had his congregation do the same experiment. He also had a group of plants that got prayers for their death. Those plants died. They tried that on cancer cells in humans and had some success.
I read that over 20 years ago
My pain world started at 7 years. Which would be the late 70's. Many years with many doctors my pain got worst along with my condition. 2004 i gave up all those drugs the doctors had me on. Took a couple shot a week. I'm up to 27 migraines a month. I was passing out from the pain. 2025. I now volunteer 1 day a week for the community. I control my drug free world with cannabis and energy work and so blessed to have my life back . 😅
Thank you, Danny, for this episode! I am trained to work with this medicine for healing & trauma work. It’s hard for people to let go of the old paradigm. This episode will help so many people. 🙏🏾
Are you taking clients?
@ Yes, I am.
Where does one train and qualify, please? 🕊️💜
Glad your on your mission blessing people and the planet.
@@mimiporter8610 You're/you are* 🕊️
My father was an iron worker was told he would never walk again after falling from a 20 story building into a wet cement mixer. He was bent but he walked until the day he died thanks to cannabis. I smoked throughout all of my adult life and i take no pharmaceutical meds for anything . I am 50 now. Healthy and happy and no trauma from my life has control of me emotionally mentally or physically. This is a gift from the heavens.
I’m 46 and Cannabis came to me. I previously had the idea it was used just to veg out, laugh and escape. But I was called to try it.. at first I used to to veg out and then discovered at low doses I used to help me sleep, I began tapping into clarity of consciousness.. when I would lay quietly by myself and gently pay attention inward, profound downloads started happening. I believe what you’re saying.. it’s about the intention of the use.
They made an entire plane out of hemp... body, engine, glass (plastic), fuel. Everything made out of hemp.
If intergalactic travel is happening... and you gotta bring one thing that can house you, clothes you, feed you, and connect you to the creator... I'm bringing some good Indica. A seed and you can have everhthing. Truly a gift from somewhere/someone.
The engine of the plane ? Can you share a link to that ? Thanks
@tobiastracy136 Thank you for such a beautiful thought, it is a miraculous gift!
I didn't know about a entire plane being made of hemp but before Ford created his automobile company there were several companies competing to create the entire automobile industry, the entire car out of hemp which they were fully prepared to do. The fuel was even made from hemp. The congressional act to ban cannabis took place before they could create their first assembly line and they went bankrupt. The people propagandizing illegal marijuana in north and central America during that time were paid by Ford.
I can't use cannabis due to my tendency to smoke all day, everyday. I wish I could recreationally use it but in my many attempts to accomplish it, I fall back into daily use. Many months clean now.
There are many positives in quitting cannabis. Cannabis isn't the holy grail as they try to represent it. Or an innocent cure all...
If you love something that you perceive as good for you, why abstaining from it at all?
Yep it's bollox I've tried all sorts of meds for anxiety and depression but they either made it worse or made me not give a shit about things that I should I self medicate with organic cannabis and it's the best for my thoughts and my racing mind keeps me calm and happy 😊 🌿🌱💚
grow it papa@@ca712
My mate grows at home 🏡 🌿🌱💚
He uses dr organics living soil all natural organic ammendments etc 💚
i started smoking at 14-15, i remember an early experience just laying on my friends bed just feeling so at bliss, i felt really good and i just knew the herb was a good thing, 24 years later I still believe the herb is a blessing... ive never tried to set an intention before smoking and i dont relate to some of the things said here, but it does give me a sense of peace and it does help me know that love is the right path.
*Lying in bed
Great Show Guys...
Also Silver was used for Antibiotics b4 Ro th child wouldn't allow it & took ova doctors education etc.
I believe the Native Indians knew how to live with Nature & what a Great life they knew b4 being taken ova by the families of today,, that still control.
It's time to go back to Nature & deprogram ourselves of wat was drummed into us as children.
💚 L♥︎VE to "ALL" from New Zealand
Drvirtual7 makes good deprogramming audios / frequences
There are so many who need to watch this. I know a lot of people who are dependant on marijuana and closed minded. They need instruction.
This episode is exactly what I've been needing lately. Cannabis allowed me to gain control of my mental health, as I have bipolar disorder type 1, PTSD, anxiety disorder, and major depressive disorder. However, over the past few weeks, I have been wanting to break free from my habitual use so I may be more present daily.
Super looking forward to listening to this episode!
All the best to you on your journey. ❤
Cannabis flower is the perfect mix of earth,wataer, fire , air, spirt and mind.
As a mom I had a very strong and heavy point of view about it. I went through hell with my son’s love for it. I saw it as my worst enemy and wanted to disappear it from my life. It was very educational and refreshing your information because I am in the spiritual awakening but I don’t do any tupe of external influence. I understand everyone have unique needs and experiences and I respect them.
Finally!!!! We are now living in a Newiverse! All plants have healing properties and can elevate your thoughts.We need to Bee more open and educated,Thank you for this!!!!
There's two movie lines I feel apply perfectly to cannabis. One is a line from Yoda in one of the Star Wars movies and the other from Limitless.
1) Yoda: (When Luke Skywalker asks, "What's in there?" and Yoda replies) Only what you take with you.
2) Vernon: (Sitting in a bar with Bradley Cooper introducing a new drug and he says) It works better if you're already smart.
I think you nailed it when you said "intent." Intent is so very important. If the intent is correct , discipline will come easy.
Any one who speaks the truth about the miracle plant has my love and respect and appreciation. I'd love to try some of your miracle plants Ryan Peace gentlemen
I smoke with my cousin. I say a prayer before "entering"..with an intention to heal or have a question answered. I love it! My cousin goes into the bar while i wait for her outside, having my moment. Different strokes for different folks. I come back being a different person. It can be powerful if you let it be. I think this is why its deemed to be "dangerous" by mainstream. Total rort
Yall giving me goose bumps and tears. My brother, who had cancer use this very oil and helped so much for his pain
Hawaii royal hemp is my business. I am a cannabis proponent vocal since 1995 and legislature of Hawaii. Trying to help us all understand this greatness of metaphysical fiber fuel an herb
39:36 you just pulled me out of my work flow (thoroughly enjoying this talk!!) and I am in full body chills / tears - I agree with you 100% and thank you for putting the words on a platform. How in the world could we anticipate a healed “nation” when it was born from such atrocities… (overall this whole talk is amazing, as a devotee of the mother I must say that it is absolutely heartwarming to hear two men having this conversation in this day and age. ) Thank you so much.
The whole time I’m listening I’m screaming out yessss!!! This whole conversation hits home!! I’ve had beautiful ceremonies alone with cannabis and I feel like it is sooooo needed for everyone.
I'm 65, I've been smokin' since I bought my first "lid" in 1973...for ten dollars...a week before I bought my first "lid", they were $8 dollars...in Oklahoma City. ❤
Brilliant show! Bravo. I'm in my fifties now and have major back issues that cannabis helps me with. During a session, I became in touch with my entire body. What y'all have given me now is a way to focus my sessions. Thank you Brothers! Love y'all!
Book - Healing Back Pain - Dr John Sarno
I think any substance that opens your mind makes you more loving and connected to people is bad for the powers at B makes us harder to control……. Power for the few to control the others.☮️&❤️
It needs to make you more connected to you before you can truly be there for others. 🕊️
As a medical cannabis, grower licensed, I could say that you have to choose, which plant is good for you there’s Indica sativa there’s hybrids you have to see which one is good for you, but I noticed it was good for me. Is white widow that one is the most uplifting calmingmakes you feel at peace clears your mind.
Started cannabis at age 52, used it to stop drinking 2 bottles of wine a night. Drank wine every day from Age 30 - 52. I’m going to be 57 next month and I am spiritually awake now with the help of cannabis! Love how it opened my mind and my heart 💞🙏🦋🙌🌿
Giving hope by channeling the truth through the lens of love, is the greatest gift humans can share. Keep doing that guys, you are doing a huge favor to the family
Thank you, awesome show! I am a GenX and just started working with cannabis about a year ago. It has been an amazing teacher and healer. I discovered cannabis after going on a psilocybin medicine journey. A coworker gave me a brownie and me being naïve was thinking dessert and ate the entire brownie, while at work may I add. LOl, IKR! I'm not sure what I was thinking, but it turned out to be such an amazing experience. It was the first time I heard the voice of my higher self.
Like you guys said, it's like other plant medicines, but you have more control. After that experience I started doing my research. My research lead me to Sativa and have now build a relationship with the medicine. I love using it to help me tap into to my creativity, and yes I speak to it and always set intentions.
I'm just learning that there is a community of people that work with the medicine for healing. This is awesome! Like your guest, I believe cannabis chose me. I honor the energy of this amazing plant. It’s a privilege to work with it. I’m excited to build a deeper relationship with it and discover more of its amazing powers.
"if you want to heal, go with nature".
I love how you said that!
Thank you for this episode. Huge respect from Ukraine 👍🙏🏻
There is a huge difference between belief and believing and knowing, knowing without question. ❤😊
Got to know!
And I'm the one who works at a Plant Nursery and tell customers the MUST talk to the plants.. 😂
At 73 my mother was diagnosed with rare breast cancer. She asked if I’d read a book about cannabis. Her not knowing that I had felt this call to grow 4 cannabis plants(a God thing). My son thought I was crazy. lol but I learned how to make RSO oil and 4 years later she is cancer free. She will not stop using it. I have said for years it was a wonderful medicine even though I had not used it in years.
I’ve journeyed in ceremony with mushroom’s and peyote but now I I’ll do it with cannabis. I didn’t think it was for me….. but now I’m rethinking that.
Wow, that conversation was a real heart opener!!! It's made me think about how I could really do with upgrading my relationship with Cannabis. I have always regarded it as a sacred plant and it does deserve respect in order for you to truely learn from it. Thank you so much.
Wow… just WOW!
Im 68 smoking weed since the 70s i look n feel great n now i make my own RSOover 20 yrs😊
Couldn’t agree more with everything they spoke of. 💚
A beautiful conversation. Having grown up in the netherlands i have a more free way of thinking of cannabis then most here in the Uk now. I feel a slight pull to start connecting with the plant again, but being a full time home schooling mum i havent found the space just yet. This conversation is so so so beautiful
Rick Simpson Oil in suppository form
Agreed, a beautiful and insightful conversation. I hope you find the time/place to reconnect because you are doing a very beautiful thing: homeschooling and full time mum. Much love to you ❤🌞
Paxil, prozac or pot?
Give me the flowers every time ❤
Thank you Danny. This has helped me to not feel guilty using this for sleep. I too thought it was hindering my spiritual development. 🙏🙏🙏
Helps me with a neurological issue directly caused by big pharma. So grateful for cannabis.
Also the Indian families were ripped apart and the children were put into “Indian schools” where many atrocities and deaths happened that were undocumented and no one was held accountable. I live in Phoenix where we still have “Indian School Road” where the land is sitting open and vacant where one of these schools were. I can feel the sadness and pain every time I drive by it. Breaks my heart.
His father was the Super Hero!!!
All I can say is Amen. As a long time abuser of cannibis over the years of use and stopping for 5 yrs, I have changed my usage from partying to appreciating how it expands my mind and attitude & reason for using it.
Thank you so much, Bula family I learned that some of the people in the US were smoking cannabis with their parents when I was in high school and ever since then I’ve known that it’s a beloved plant and I enjoy having it available to everyone
Lets Free cannabis !!!
You mean, let’s all get free cannabis! ;)
Yes it’s a bonding thing in our family makes for some fun times
Amazing conversation. I can confidently say connecting with Ryan and his teachings have helped me create a stronger and healthier relationship to cannabis. And the Breathe With Cannabis workshops he mentioned are INCREDIBLE! Highly recommend.
Ryan seems to be an amazing human being. This guy has figured out the most important things of our reality. Great interview Danny ! Keep up the good work.
The four biggest pot smokers in our high school all died in their 30s and 40s from Cancers and health problems. Make sure you really truly need to smoke it, otherwise you are better off without it❤❤❤
Found Ryan in 2022- absolutely changed my relationship with the plant. Him and Dustin Sulak have done so much work for the conscious consumer.
Thank you for the great video you guys! I am currently on a journey of breaking my dependence. Day two no weed 🙌
I often used to help with anxiety and to calm my nervous system. But I do see the dependence upon it.
I really don't want to quit altogether because of the connection that I feel when using it. So for ceremony and connection only going forward!!
A lot of confirmations for me in this conversation! Thank you and God bless your journey! 🩵💛💜
Daily user due to MS at 21 (36 on feb 15th); if not for cannabis, I'd have a walker or wheelchair right now fighting for permanent disability that I know I'd never get, and if I did, I'd be starving on the streets right now.
Thank you, Gaea and Shiva, for this miraculous Plant.
Cannabis helped me hear a peach before I ate it. I had the most profound conversation with that peach. That all plants can communicate and that they all know their place in space. I was given this answer that they know their place in space because I asked the peach if it felt pain as it was eaten. I could still connect/communicate with that peach until it was well into digestion. I learned a lot that night.
It makes sense to communicate and connect with cannabis. It's so wonderful to hear this podcast. It's great to know that others understand this as well.
Thank you
What an extraordinary story! What did the peach say about feeling pain while being eaten? Did it resent being eaten? What do you mean by the peach knowing it's place in space?
I came here for those same questions 🤣🤣
Smoking for forty years, and still learning new things.
Wow, thanks for sharing 🙏
Cannabis has been equally as healing for me as doing a micro-dose. I use cannabis intentionally and able to receive clarity and downloads I can immediately integrate into my daily life.
Just looking and listening to the two of you conjures all kinds of positivity in my soul that I haven't experienced for years. Thanx.
I love your honesty, Danny you are so authentic. Not everyone is brave enough to be honest. It reminds me what's happening in Palestine.
Ok what in the world does Palestine have to do with cannabis? You people find any way you can to get others to focus on your bs. WTH!
@@laurastewart9877He's talking about truth.your the one who didn't get it.they are not telling the truth about what is happening to the innocent people being bombed to death 🙏🌎
I’ve been an avid abuser of cannabis for years. Took some time away from it and all substances these last two years of my awakening. I watched this and it changed the game. I promised myself more FUN this year. Proclaimed 2025 was the fun year, where I would put that first.
In my marketing and social media I wasn’t having fun. I did exactly the ceremony here and I made my entire marketing plan. I planned my entire launch, I got incredible content ideas, and I really just allowed the answers to come to me and accept them and let them be FUN!
Incredible, life changing podcast!!
Wow, this is the best info I've heard about cannabis and addiction. Beautiful. Thank you.
This was an amazing episode. Thank you both so much for having this conversation! It spoke to me on so many levels.
This is the first time I watch this channel. I salute you Danny, for naming the deep Energetics. of colonizing and killing the first people on the land that we call the United States, and I speak from a Dutch perspective. The Dutch have to face this too. From experience, I also consider the cannabis plant an amazing alley and healer. Thanks for what you both are doing and voicing.
An answered prayer!!! Just stumbled upon this and this is exactly what has been happening to my 17 year old son as well. This is so inspirational. This is where I'm at in life and what I absolutely believe. Thank you for all you are doing.
The problem is weed is being sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids which is causing many problems including addiction.
Wow man I’ve seen him speak before and it had a significant impact on me. Now hearing his origin story I identify in a major way. The parent part, father being a “don’t like to lose control” guy.
Really appreciate this.
I need to add that 52:00 he speaks about getting to know yourself through growing. Even if it’s not cannabis, buy a tent kit from AC Infinity or Gambit Growing Solutions. They both sell amazing all in one kits you can purchase and set up anywhere in your home and grow. Just grow. I have been for one year and it has changed my whole life. Right when I needed it at 38. I’m not a regular viewer of this channel, although I’m sure I am now. Maybe someone gets what they need from this comment and that’s why I watched this today.
What an amazing conversation this was.
Now you’re talking that plant has so many healing benefits to it. It’s so sad that it’s been held down like it is. I’m trying to pull it out through.Art I’m so happy that you’re pulling it out Danny thank you if people only knew the benefits of this plants they be throwing everything else in the garbage
Like liquor and beer! ❤
This is so informative! Thank you both! Dad + his truth being silenced resonated with me as well (mine was born during “The Silent Age” where children were seen + not heard + spoke only when spoken to - I appreciate this video more than I can say! ✨ 💖
Cannabis tea is amazing too. Made with the leaf( not the flower), simmered with your choice of fat…it’s a beautiful thing.