RE-UPLOAD👋 I have set the subtitles that the viewer added before😉 [ENG/SPN/FRE/IND/VIE/TUR/ARA/JPN/KOR] 🎫 CONCERT:BTS WORLD TOUR 'LOVE YOURSELF' ~JAPAN EDITION~ (Fukuoka) 消されたの再掲です〜!日本語字幕つけております!(いつもコメントありがとうございます🙇🏻♀️)
I was alone and "LOST" in this cruel world, until 7 boys came and became my "SERENDIPITY". They taught me how to "LOVE MYSELF", And I became the the "BEST OF ME". I learned to love my own "PERSONA" And had a life changing "EPIPHANY". Its true that life is just like a "SEESAW" game the only "MOVE" is up and down but with these boys, I experienced my "EUPHORIA" these boys are my "HOME" I "PROMISE" at the end of this beautiful "SCENERY" I'll stay, as I count "TWO! THREE!" let's all live "FOREVER YOUNG".The 7 of u will forever be my "ANPANMAN", and my one and only "FIRST LOVE". 💜💜💜💜💜
to the person thinking they might never get to attend their concerts: i feel ya...but don't be sad, be positive! we have many more years with our boys and you might get a chance to meet or see them when you least expect it! Let's just keep supporting them! If you are a student, work hard and you might be able to see bts soon. if you are working, work hard do well in your job, you'll meet 'em soon! To everyone reading this, BTS showed us we have reasons we should love ourselves...let us all work hard and meet BTS and tell them YOU SHOWED ME I HAVE REASONS I SHOULD LOVE MYSELF! LET'S WORK HARD AND TELL THEM HOW THEY HELPED AND SAVED US! work hard, i believe in you *FIGHTING!*
Sometimes I panic, but I can’t tell that to anyone because I don’t want then to worry. Instead, I listen to the 7 boys who helped me so much. People think BTS are just people who look good and were lucky. However, we all know that’s not true(except that they are good looking). These boys have helped us go through so much, and we should love ourselves for them
Hey plz share your pain with someone it's necessary these boys r always for armies they love so much and we love so much I feel like melting listening them
진짜 오늘 처음 이 영상 보는데... 그동안 사람들이 왜 방탄보고 위로받고 삶의 용기를 얻었다고 하는지 알겠다 ㅠ 진짜 너무 감동이네.... 가사진짜 누가썼냐?ㅠㅠ 당장 등단해야하는거 아니야? ㅠㅠ 라임 다 맞으면서 ㅠ 가사가 넘나 시적이자냐 ㅠ 흉터까지 다 내별자린데..... ***
no matter how many artists I listen to....these boys are my home...I feel safe with their one can make me feel like bts does...I always get teary and they are tears of happiness....I love them more than anything in this world and it'll never change!
This song hits hard. I wish to have known this song a few years ago. The lyrics, the music, the artist's everything is perfect. 💜 Jimin's part amazes me more.
My mom passed away 2 weeks ago.. and I’ve been having a hard time and i also started hating myself for not being able to be there for her the last time.. bcs she suffered around 4 years due to her illness and I’m just impressed on how bts are able to change peoples live in a good way through music.. honestly they’re the most generous ppl I’ve ever seen my whole life💜
歌詞置いておきます🥴 ↓↓↓ ぬぬる っとぅんだ おどぅむ そく な 눈을 뜬다 어둠 속 나 目を覚ました 暗闇の中の僕 しむじゃんい っとぅぃぬん そり なっそる って 심장이 뛰는 소리 낯설 때 心臓が跳ねる音に違和感を感じながら まじゅ ぼんだ こうる そく の 마주 본다 거울 속 너 向き合った 鏡の中の君 こむもぐん ぬんぴっ へむぐん ちるむん 겁먹은 눈빛 해묵은 질문 怯えた眼差し 持ち続けていた疑問 おっちょみょん ぬぐんがるる さらんはぬん ごっぽだ 어쩌면 누군가를 사랑하는 것보다 多分"誰かを愛すること"よりも ど おりょうん げ な じゃしぬる さらんはぬん ごや 더 어려운 게 나 자신을 사랑하는 거야 難しいことは"自分自身を愛すること"だと思うんだ そるじき いんじょんはる こん いんじょんはじゃ 솔직히 인정할 건 인정하자 素直に認めるべきものは認めよう にが ねりん ちゃってどぅるん のえげ ど おむぎょかだん ごる 니가 내린 잣대들은 너에게 더 엄격하단 걸 君が設けた基準は 君に対してより一層厳しいものとなることを に さるむ そげ くるぐん ないて 니 삶 속의 굵은 나이테 君の人生の中の太い年輪 く っとはん のえ いるぶ のいぎえ 그 또한 너의 일부 너이기에 それもまた君の一部であり"君自身"だから いじぇぬん な じゃしぬる よんそはじゃ ぼりぎえん 이제는 나 자신을 용서하자 버리기엔 そろそろ自分自身を許してやろう 捨ててしまうには うり いんせんうん ぎろ みろ そげそん なる みど 우리 인생은 길어 미로 속에선 날 믿어 先の長い俺達の人生 迷路の中にいる時は俺だけを信じろ きょうり ちなみょん だし ぽむん おぬん ごや 겨울이 지나면 다시 봄은 오는 거야 冬が過ぎればきっとまた春が来るはずさ ちゃがうん ぱめ しそん 차가운 밤의 시선 冷たい夜の視線 ちょらはん なる がむちゅりょ 초라한 날 감추려 みすぼらしい僕を隠そうと もぷし どぅぃちょぎょっちまん 몹시 뒤척였지만 激しく寝返りをうったけれど ちょ すまぬん びょるる まっき うぃへ なん っとろじょっとんが 저 수많은 별을 맞기 위해 난 떨어졌던가 無数の星に出会うために僕は落ちたんだろうか ちょ すちょん げ ちゃんらなん ふぁされ くぁにょぐん な はな 저 수천 개 찬란한 화살의 과녁은 나 하나 数千もの煌めく矢の的は僕一人 You've shown me I have reasons I should love myself 君が教えてくれた 自分自身を愛すべき理由を ね すむ ね ころおん ぎる ちょんぶろ だぺ 내 숨 내 걸어온 길 전부로 답해 僕の息 僕が辿ってきた道 その全てで答えよう おじぇえ な おぬれ な ねいれ な 어제의 나 오늘의 나 내일의 나 昨日の僕 今日の僕 明日の僕 (I’m learning how to love myself) (学んでいる途中さ 自分自身の愛し方を) っぱじもぷし なむぎもぷし もどぅ だ な 빠짐없이 남김없이 모두 다 나 一つ残らず 余すところなく 全てが僕なんだ ちょんだぶん おぷするじど もるら 정답은 없을지도 몰라 正解はないのかもしれない おっちょむ いごっと だぶん あにん ごや 어쩜 이것도 답은 아닌 거야 きっとこれも答えじゃないんだろう くじょ なる さらんはぬん いるじょちゃ 그저 날 사랑하는 일조차 ただ自分自身を愛すことでさえ ぬぐんがえ ほらぎ ぴりょへっとん ごや 누구의 허락이 필요했던 거야 誰かの許しが必要だったんだ なん ちぐむど なるる っと ちゃっこ いっそ 난 지금도 나를 또 찾고 있어 僕は今も自分を探している But とぬん ちゅくこ しぷちが あぬん ごる 더는 죽고 싶지가 않은 걸 もう死にたくはないんだ するぷどん me 슬프던 me 悲しんだ自分 あぷどん me 아프던 me 苦しんだ自分 と あるむだうん み 더 아름다울 美 もっと美しい美(me) くれ く あるむだうみ 그래 그 아름다움이 そうさ その美しさが いったご, あぬん まうみ 있다고, 아는 마음이 あることを知っている心が なえ さらんうろ がぬん ぎる 나의 사랑으로 가는 길 自分の愛へと向かう道 かじゃん ぴりょはん なだうん いる 가장 필요한 나다운 일 一番必要な自分に合った仕事 ちぐむ なる うぃはん へんぼぬん 지금 날 위한 행보는 この自分のための歩行は ばろ なる うぃはん へんどん 바로 날 위한 행동 他ならぬ自分のための行動 なる うぃはん てど 날 위한 태도 自分のための姿勢 くげ なる うぃはん へんぼく 그게 날 위한 행복 それが自分のための幸せ I’ll show you what i got とぅりょぷちん あな くごん ね ちょんじぇにっか 두렵진 않아 그건 내 존재니까 怖くはないよ それは俺が存在するためのものだから Love myself しじゃげ ちょうむぶと 시작의 처음부터 始まりの最初から っくて まじまくっかじ 끝의 마지막까지 終わりの最後まで へだぶん おじく はな 해답은 오직 하나 答えはただ一つ うぇ ちゃっくまん かむちゅりょごまん へ に かみょん そぐろ 왜 자꾸만 감추려고만 해 니 가면 속으로 どうして隠そうとばかりするんだ その仮面の裏に ね しるすろ せんぎん ひゅんとっかじ た ね びょるじゃりんで 내 실수로 생긴 흉터까지 다 내 별자린데 自分の過ちでできた傷跡だろうと全部自分の星座なのに You've shown me I have reasons I should love myself 君が教えてくれた 自分自身を愛すべき理由を ね すむ ね ころおん ぎる ちょんぶろ だぺ 내 숨 내 걸어온 길 전부로 답해 僕の息 僕が辿ってきた道 その全てで答えよう ね あねぬん よじょに 내 안에는 여전히 僕の中には今でも そとぅん ねが いっちまん 서툰 내가 있지만 不器用な自分がいるけれど You've shown me I have reasons I should love myself 君が教えてくれた 自分自身を愛すべき理由を ね すむ ね ころおん ぎる ちょんぶろ だぺ 내 숨 내 걸어온 길 전부로 답해 僕の息 僕が辿ってきた道 その全てで答えよう おじぇえ な おぬれ な ねいれ な 어제의 나 오늘의 나 내일의 나 昨日の僕 今日の僕 明日の僕 (I’m learning how to love myself) (学んでいる途中さ 自分自身の愛し方を) っぱじもぷし なむぎもぷし もどぅ だ な 빠짐없이 남김없이 모두 다 나 一つ残らず 余すところなく 全てが僕なんだ ☁☁☁🌟☁☁🌟☁🌟 🌟☁💜💜☁💜💜🌟☁ ☁💜💖💜💜💜💜💜🌟 ☁💜💜💜💜💖💜💜☁ ☁💜💜💖💜💜💜💜☁ ☁🌟💜💜💜💜💜☁☁ 🌟☁🌟💜💜💜☁☁🌙 ☁🌟☁☁💜☁☁☁🐑 雨、やみませんね。
World have 7 continents, 7 seas, 7 wonder, rainbow of 7 colors, 7 billion peoples but I fell in love with 7 Angels of BTS 😇 I love you BTS more than me.... 💜💜
After almost 5 years of stanning BTS, and generally being into kpop, I'm proud to say that I finally love myself :") Sometimes it's hard and I still get sad and think I don't deserve to be here, but it's only the 10% of the time that happens, the 90% of the time I'm happy and I love myself!!! Dear person who is reading this that things they don't deserve to be here or that generally hate themselves, trust me, it really gets better, it can be difficult sometimes, and other times you could feel like giving up, but please keep trying bc it's worth it. It's worth it to love yourself, I'm sure you'll manage to find yourself
The magical feeling in my heart whenever I listen this song!!! No one will ever understand the amount of love I have for my seven angels I don't have a normal life as most other people due to my toxic family but BTS will always be my home 💜💜💜
When I was down and alone, no one knew what I was facing, that's when I accidentally found this song, I feel saved from all my thoughts that always control me. Even now, sometimes the feeling of guilt still controls me, but at least I got the antidote through this song. I am so very very grateful for the creation of this song, you guys saved my life🥺🥺
Look at Jimin and jhope at 1:07 they are so cute.AND look at V at 2:05 soo cute SARANGHAE BTS and ARMIESS stay safe and healthy+I was emotional but Jin !!
Whatever new groups i discover, whichever new artist i get into, i will always return to bts because they are home, they are comfort, and ultimately they're the ones who helped me get my life on track. I can never thank them enough. Bangtan sonyeondan, you are the ray of light and hope in my life.
It's sad that until now, i am not able to attned concerts, especially now that there is pandemic. I regret not knowing them back then. It's been 4 years since i became an army, they helped me a lot💜
Bts can't be replaced by anyone. Let's never forget them and this fandom that made us so close to bts. These 5 words are from my heart, love you bts and army
the amount of times i've listened to this song and cried and bawled in my room all alone with nobody to listen to me or help me, the lyrics of this song was the only thing that got me through to a certain point bts haters truly just dont understand :(( they just dont
I've realised why each of us enter to this fandom in different timeline... we enter at the right time when we need them... Even though i get into this fandom in dynamite era... still regret hit me hard that why didn't i join them from their beginning. Now i can't live without them
this song made me relax and feel that we can conquer the world. hayyyyy ❤❤ Loving BTS because of my daughter. watching BTS videos together is one of our BONDING as BESTFRIENDS .
Makasih udah bikin aku lepas dari self harm. Makasih udah bikin aku punya semangat hidup lagi. Makasih selalu ada pas aku lagi down dan depresi. Makasih atas semua motivasinya. Bangtan, aku ga akan pernah lupain para hero dihidupku walaupun kalian ga pernah tau siapa aku. Senang bisa tau dan mengenal kalian. Menjadi bagian dari banyak orang dengan berbagai latar. Dari lagu kalian, aku udah bisa bangkit dan belajar mencintai diri sendiri. Terima kasih, BTS. love u
눈을 뜬다 어둠 속 나 심장이 뛰는 소리 낯설 때 마주 본다 거울 속 너 겁먹은 눈빛 해묵은 질문 어쩌면 누군가를 사랑하는 것보다 더 어려운 게 나 자신을 사랑하는 거야 솔직히 인정할 건 인정하자 니가 내린 잣대들은 너에게 더 엄격하단 걸 니 삶 속의 굵은 나이테 그 또한 너의 일부, 너이기에 이제는 나 자신을 용서하자 버리기엔 우리 인생은 길어 미로 속에선 날 믿어 겨울이 지나면 다시 봄은 오는 거야 차가운 밤의 시선 초라한 날 감추려 몹시 뒤척였지만 저 수많은 별을 맞기 위해 난 떨어졌던가 저 수천 개 찬란한 화살의 과녁은 나 하나 You've shown me I have reasons I should love myself 내 숨 내 걸어온 길 전부로 답해 어제의 나 오늘의 나 내일의 나 (I'm learning how to love myself) 빠짐없이 남김없이 모두 다 나 정답은 없을지도 몰라 어쩜 이것도 답은 아닌 거야 그저 날 사랑하는 일조차 누구의 허락이 필요했던 거야 난 지금도 나를 또 찾고 있어 But 더는 죽고 싶지가 않은 걸 슬프던 me 아프던 me 더 아름다울 美 그래 그 아름다움이 있다고, 아는 마음이 나의 사랑으로 가는 길 가장 필요한 나다운 일 지금 날 위한 행보는 바로 날 위한 행동 날 위한 태도 그게 날 위한 행복 I'll show you what i got 두렵진 않아 그건 내 존재니까 Love myself 시작의 처음부터 끝의 마지막까지 해답은 오직 하나 왜 자꾸만 감추려고만 해 니 가면 속으로 내 실수로 생긴 흉터까지 다 내 별자린데 You've shown me I have reasons I should love myself 내 숨 내 걸어온 길 전부로 답해 내 안에는 여전히 서툰 내가 있지만 You've shown me I have reasons I should love myself 내 숨 내 걸어온 길 전부로 답해 어제의 나 오늘의 나 내일의 나 (I'm learning how to love myself) 빠짐없이 남김없이 모두 다 나
its really weird i know but trust me i miss their old eras very much ..i dunno why but i feel armys could feel their emotions during their old eras ..i am not telling like i dont like their new eras but their old eras specially love yourself eras are something i cant define adays i feel like people really hype them for their english songs only but people do need to hear their old songs too ..
My brother and sister always says what you understand the language they always says in Korean but I must say to them that just once read the lyrics then you know why I love them so much😭😭😭💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜they teach me how to love myself they care about us 🔥
RE-UPLOAD👋 I have set the subtitles that the viewer added before😉 [ENG/SPN/FRE/IND/VIE/TUR/ARA/JPN/KOR]
Oh tnx
Thanks for re-uploading!💜
Excellent! please could you upload best of me from bts? thank you for readingI
you work so hard 🥺
thankyou so mch~
I was alone and "LOST" in this cruel world, until 7 boys came and became my "SERENDIPITY". They taught me how to "LOVE MYSELF", And I became the the "BEST OF ME". I learned to love my own "PERSONA" And had a life changing "EPIPHANY". Its true that life is just like a "SEESAW" game the only "MOVE" is up and down but with these boys, I experienced my "EUPHORIA" these boys are my "HOME"
I "PROMISE" at the end of this beautiful "SCENERY" I'll stay, as I count "TWO! THREE!" let's all live "FOREVER YOUNG".The 7 of u will forever be my "ANPANMAN", and my one and only "FIRST LOVE". 💜💜💜💜💜
this is amaJIN:)
@@fathea3773 omg this is leJINdary!!
In luv with ur comment🥺💜
@@fathea3773 borahae💜🤗
Best compliment the one had ever given 🥺☺️☺️
why am i crying reading this .🙂🥺🥺😌✌✌💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
People need to understand that this is why we love these 7 men so much.
exactly 🙌
very true
My selfcare routine: Listening to this at least once a week.
Iam totally addicted to this and magic shop🙆
Me listen to this every hour
Almost like every minute 😩💜
@@soniakeishing7671 me too😄😄😍
its crazy when you realize that its like only yesterday when you didn't know who they were,who they are, and now they're your world and life,,
They are my strength. I hope I'll meet them some better days without any pandemic. And after I make a lots of money💜
@@soniakeishing7671 we all will have a chance to meet the people who made us happy and thats bangtan,you’ll be part of that ocean,we’ll be
Wow it’s so good 😊 and it’s heart touching me when I hear this song
Yeah! I walked in and I was home
The lyrics man, it hits hard 😭
Crying 😭😭
The more I listen to this song the more I feel that I’m stronger than what I think
can anyone please tell me which concert is this ?
@@pakturk4737 world tour love yourself in Japan
where i can watch this full ?
thats great!
to the person thinking they might never get to attend their concerts:
i feel ya...but don't be sad, be positive! we have many more years with our boys and you might get a chance to meet or see them when you least expect it! Let's just keep supporting them! If you are a student, work hard and you might be able to see bts soon.
if you are working, work hard do well in your job, you'll meet 'em soon! To everyone reading this, BTS showed us we have reasons we should love ourselves...let us all work hard and meet BTS and tell them YOU SHOWED ME I HAVE REASONS I SHOULD LOVE MYSELF! LET'S WORK HARD AND TELL THEM HOW THEY HELPED AND SAVED US!
work hard, i believe in you
Thank you so much for your you💜
Istg I'm not stalking you but I meet you everywhere 😂💜👍 And thank you so much for those words !! Really means a lot ☺️💜💜💜👍
Thank you 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
I'm glad💜💜💜
@@madhimalar8878 I'm almost everywhere where there is even the mentioning of Bangtan Sonyeondan😂💜
Hearing this in real life would literally erase all bad days and negative emotions for at least 7 years... but this works too ♡
Sometimes I panic, but I can’t tell that to anyone because I don’t want then to worry. Instead, I listen to the 7 boys who helped me so much. People think BTS are just people who look good and were lucky. However, we all know that’s not true(except that they are good looking). These boys have helped us go through so much, and we should love ourselves for them
Ur amazing by yourself unnie💜
Hey plz share your pain with someone it's necessary these boys r always for armies they love so much and we love so much I feel like melting listening them
진짜 오늘 처음 이 영상 보는데... 그동안 사람들이 왜 방탄보고 위로받고 삶의 용기를 얻었다고 하는지 알겠다 ㅠ 진짜 너무 감동이네.... 가사진짜 누가썼냐?ㅠㅠ 당장 등단해야하는거 아니야? ㅠㅠ 라임 다 맞으면서 ㅠ 가사가 넘나 시적이자냐 ㅠ 흉터까지 다 내별자린데..... ***
no matter how many artists I listen to....these boys are my home...I feel safe with their one can make me feel like bts does...I always get teary and they are tears of happiness....I love them more than anything in this world and it'll never change!
Yes 🙌
Ya you can
Jungkook's voice is so angelic and so beautiful to listen 😭💖
I was feeling emotional but jin - 2:24
@kim sooya 😅
@@gladysopenia5662 🤭
Yeah same.... Don't know whether to laugh or cry 😂😭
But were those army bombs in the lens of his spectacles?
@@megha7626 yes it was a mini army bomb hahahah Jin is so extra everyday hahaha 🤣
Jimin's vocals... It's different, unique, angelic.. Has the ability to make someone tear up 😭💜.. I want to hear these angels till my last breath 💜😢
The "Love Yourself Answer " is one of the best album in the History of music..
"The more difficult thing is to love yourself"
did i just cry for 20 minutes straight, lopping it ?
Same here
me 2
Don't know why I am in tears 😭💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
I always think this song was especially made for Jimin's vocals and voice. It fits so much. 3:27 😍💜
He sounds so beautiful
And again at 3:46 ish- those high notes are stunningly good
거의 못 가본 아미가 더 많아요 90프로 넘게 돈이 잇어도 못가요 코로나..또 표 못구하죠
Omo Jin's high notes are justttt and the hook line was justttttttt 😵😵😵😵😵😵🥺🤧🤧🤧🥺🥺🥺💙💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
This song hits hard. I wish to have known this song a few years ago. The lyrics, the music, the artist's everything is perfect. 💜 Jimin's part amazes me more.
I was only 7 until these boys came into my life and taught me how to accept who I am and love myself! Bangtan boys will always be in my heart 🥺:)
1:12 Jin’s vocals on this song are so fire it’s like this song was made for him because of his vocals and his cuteness 😌😊
💜💜💜💜 this part is my ringtone 💜💜💜💜
OMG..😍 Jin's voice is so angelic.. 💜 literally i was crying.. 😭
My mom passed away 2 weeks ago.. and I’ve been having a hard time and i also started hating myself for not being able to be there for her the last time.. bcs she suffered around 4 years due to her illness and I’m just impressed on how bts are able to change peoples live in a good way through music.. honestly they’re the most generous ppl I’ve ever seen my whole life💜
It's sooo sad too listen to this I hope u are good right now.I'm glad u came out out of your depression ... And you are alone BTS are there for u💜
“I am me of yesterday, i am me of today, i am me of tomorrow” all of that is me and you have shown me I have reasons i should LOVE MYSELF! 💜
ぬぬる っとぅんだ おどぅむ そく な
눈을 뜬다 어둠 속 나
目を覚ました 暗闇の中の僕
しむじゃんい っとぅぃぬん そり なっそる って
심장이 뛰는 소리 낯설 때
まじゅ ぼんだ こうる そく の
마주 본다 거울 속 너
向き合った 鏡の中の君
こむもぐん ぬんぴっ へむぐん ちるむん
겁먹은 눈빛 해묵은 질문
怯えた眼差し 持ち続けていた疑問
おっちょみょん ぬぐんがるる さらんはぬん ごっぽだ
어쩌면 누군가를 사랑하는 것보다
ど おりょうん げ な じゃしぬる さらんはぬん ごや
더 어려운 게 나 자신을 사랑하는 거야
そるじき いんじょんはる こん いんじょんはじゃ
솔직히 인정할 건 인정하자
にが ねりん ちゃってどぅるん のえげ ど おむぎょかだん ごる
니가 내린 잣대들은 너에게 더 엄격하단 걸
君が設けた基準は 君に対してより一層厳しいものとなることを
に さるむ そげ くるぐん ないて
니 삶 속의 굵은 나이테
く っとはん のえ いるぶ のいぎえ
그 또한 너의 일부 너이기에
いじぇぬん な じゃしぬる よんそはじゃ ぼりぎえん
이제는 나 자신을 용서하자 버리기엔
そろそろ自分自身を許してやろう 捨ててしまうには
うり いんせんうん ぎろ みろ そげそん なる みど
우리 인생은 길어 미로 속에선 날 믿어
先の長い俺達の人生 迷路の中にいる時は俺だけを信じろ
きょうり ちなみょん だし ぽむん おぬん ごや
겨울이 지나면 다시 봄은 오는 거야
ちゃがうん ぱめ しそん
차가운 밤의 시선
ちょらはん なる がむちゅりょ
초라한 날 감추려
もぷし どぅぃちょぎょっちまん
몹시 뒤척였지만
ちょ すまぬん びょるる まっき うぃへ なん っとろじょっとんが
저 수많은 별을 맞기 위해 난 떨어졌던가
ちょ すちょん げ ちゃんらなん ふぁされ くぁにょぐん な はな
저 수천 개 찬란한 화살의 과녁은 나 하나
You've shown me I have reasons I should love myself
君が教えてくれた 自分自身を愛すべき理由を
ね すむ ね ころおん ぎる ちょんぶろ だぺ
내 숨 내 걸어온 길 전부로 답해
僕の息 僕が辿ってきた道 その全てで答えよう
おじぇえ な おぬれ な ねいれ な
어제의 나 오늘의 나 내일의 나
昨日の僕 今日の僕 明日の僕
(I’m learning how to love myself)
(学んでいる途中さ 自分自身の愛し方を)
っぱじもぷし なむぎもぷし もどぅ だ な
빠짐없이 남김없이 모두 다 나
一つ残らず 余すところなく 全てが僕なんだ
ちょんだぶん おぷするじど もるら
정답은 없을지도 몰라
おっちょむ いごっと だぶん あにん ごや
어쩜 이것도 답은 아닌 거야
くじょ なる さらんはぬん いるじょちゃ
그저 날 사랑하는 일조차
ぬぐんがえ ほらぎ ぴりょへっとん ごや
누구의 허락이 필요했던 거야
なん ちぐむど なるる っと ちゃっこ いっそ
난 지금도 나를 또 찾고 있어
とぬん ちゅくこ しぷちが あぬん ごる
더는 죽고 싶지가 않은 걸
するぷどん me
슬프던 me
あぷどん me
아프던 me
と あるむだうん み
더 아름다울 美
くれ く あるむだうみ
그래 그 아름다움이
そうさ その美しさが
いったご, あぬん まうみ
있다고, 아는 마음이
なえ さらんうろ がぬん ぎる
나의 사랑으로 가는 길
かじゃん ぴりょはん なだうん いる
가장 필요한 나다운 일
ちぐむ なる うぃはん へんぼぬん
지금 날 위한 행보는
ばろ なる うぃはん へんどん
바로 날 위한 행동
なる うぃはん てど
날 위한 태도
くげ なる うぃはん へんぼく
그게 날 위한 행복
I’ll show you what i got
とぅりょぷちん あな くごん ね ちょんじぇにっか
두렵진 않아 그건 내 존재니까
怖くはないよ それは俺が存在するためのものだから
Love myself
しじゃげ ちょうむぶと
시작의 처음부터
っくて まじまくっかじ
끝의 마지막까지
へだぶん おじく はな
해답은 오직 하나
うぇ ちゃっくまん かむちゅりょごまん へ に かみょん そぐろ
왜 자꾸만 감추려고만 해 니 가면 속으로
どうして隠そうとばかりするんだ その仮面の裏に
ね しるすろ せんぎん ひゅんとっかじ た ね びょるじゃりんで
내 실수로 생긴 흉터까지 다 내 별자린데
You've shown me I have reasons I should love myself
君が教えてくれた 自分自身を愛すべき理由を
ね すむ ね ころおん ぎる ちょんぶろ だぺ
내 숨 내 걸어온 길 전부로 답해
僕の息 僕が辿ってきた道 その全てで答えよう
ね あねぬん よじょに
내 안에는 여전히
そとぅん ねが いっちまん
서툰 내가 있지만
You've shown me I have reasons I should love myself
君が教えてくれた 自分自身を愛すべき理由を
ね すむ ね ころおん ぎる ちょんぶろ だぺ
내 숨 내 걸어온 길 전부로 답해
僕の息 僕が辿ってきた道 その全てで答えよう
おじぇえ な おぬれ な ねいれ な
어제의 나 오늘의 나 내일의 나
昨日の僕 今日の僕 明日の僕
(I’m learning how to love myself)
(学んでいる途中さ 自分自身の愛し方を)
っぱじもぷし なむぎもぷし もどぅ だ な
빠짐없이 남김없이 모두 다 나
一つ残らず 余すところなく 全てが僕なんだ
It's high time to appreciate jin's vocals,i mean ive never heard someons voice like this before 😍
That lyrics+ their voice + our memories..
🥺🥺🥺... This is really beautiful life with bts 🥺
2024년도에도 듣고있으신분~??
나는 2024년에서 왔어
All these years later this is still one of my favorite BTS songs. It’s there anthem💜
Jin's high notes💜💜💜💜💜💜💜✨✨💜💜✨✨✨✨✨
2:07 omg hope part is soooo good
How many international army here 😭😭🤧🤧
Ph army 💜 😭😭
meeee!!! 🔥❤️
here from the US living in Japan
Algérie army
World have 7 continents, 7 seas, 7 wonder, rainbow of 7 colors, 7 billion peoples but I fell in love with 7 Angels of BTS 😇 I love you BTS more than me.... 💜💜
After almost 5 years of stanning BTS, and generally being into kpop, I'm proud to say that I finally love myself :")
Sometimes it's hard and I still get sad and think I don't deserve to be here, but it's only the 10% of the time that happens, the 90% of the time I'm happy and I love myself!!!
Dear person who is reading this that things they don't deserve to be here or that generally hate themselves, trust me, it really gets better, it can be difficult sometimes, and other times you could feel like giving up, but please keep trying bc it's worth it. It's worth it to love yourself, I'm sure you'll manage to find yourself
Jin's sunglasses are cool 😝😂
나도 죽기전까지 볼수있을까😢
Have hope army's, I know that one day we will be there seeing you💜💌
I never realised how desperately I needed someone to tell me that I wasn't loving myself enough.
Thank you.
Every time i can't hold my tear when i listen this song 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭..the music there's melody and words make me comfortable and emotional 🥺
この間のバンバンコン21でも最後に流れてたけどAnswer:Love Myself聴くと色々な感情が込み上げてきて涙が止まらなくなる…
The magical feeling in my heart whenever I listen this song!!!
No one will ever understand the amount of love I have for my seven angels
I don't have a normal life as most other people due to my toxic family but BTS will always be my home
0:56 got truly emotional with this voice 😭😭
It’s absolutely gorgeous
主さんのこのLove Myself毎日のように聴いていたので聴けなくなった時は結構ショックでしたがまた聴けるなんてとても嬉しいです!!!いつもありがとうございます!!
@@tatamint.m3215 著作権?かなんかで消されてしまったんです、、!
聞けて嬉しいです( *´꒳`* )
When I was down and alone, no one knew what I was facing, that's when I accidentally found this song, I feel saved from all my thoughts that always control me. Even now, sometimes the feeling of guilt still controls me, but at least I got the antidote through this song.
I am so very very grateful for the creation of this song, you guys saved my life🥺🥺
Wow I am feeling that I am in BTS concert 😊😊😭😭 I love this song so much that I listen this 200 time
I will listen this song until the end of my life
Look at Jimin and jhope at 1:07 they are so cute.AND look at V at 2:05 soo cute SARANGHAE BTS and ARMIESS stay safe and healthy+I was emotional but Jin !!
Listening to this particular song makes me want to cry because of how much I’m going to missed them 2 years is to long
Yeah 😢
Jiminiee sounds amazing in this song ❤️❤️❤️
Whatever new groups i discover, whichever new artist i get into, i will always return to bts because they are home, they are comfort, and ultimately they're the ones who helped me get my life on track. I can never thank them enough. Bangtan sonyeondan, you are the ray of light and hope in my life.
The real bangtan boys really have opened my eyes and mind that I should love myself. Thank youuu!! 💜💜💜
How does Jin look through those glasses of his... 2:25
Funny and cute 🥰🥰🥰😂😂😂
@@kenduong1133 Agreed and he still looks like our WWH but now its WorldWide Cutie guy
Can't remember how many times i listened in a day!!! Repeat again and again, Wow!!! This song is amazing!!!
들어도 들어도 좋은 노래
완전체. 무대에서 오프닝 곡으로 듣고 싶은 노래
my first beautiful
Jimin voice came from heaven
Wowww...JIN your amazing voice still amazes me
It's sad that until now, i am not able to attned concerts, especially now that there is pandemic. I regret not knowing them back then. It's been 4 years since i became an army, they helped me a lot💜
I love this song soo much 🥺💜
Omg Jin you are really angel
Bts can't be replaced by anyone. Let's never forget them and this fandom that made us so close to bts. These 5 words are from my heart, love you bts and army
the amount of times i've listened to this song and cried and bawled in my room all alone with nobody to listen to me or help me, the lyrics of this song was the only thing that got me through to a certain point
bts haters truly just dont understand :(( they just dont
Tearjerker. This song is soooo beautiful and one of my faves. I weep everytime I listen to it.
They song is really touching even though Im not korean, but... because BTS in english .. so you know the meaning of the song ☺🙂
I've realised why each of us enter to this fandom in different timeline... we enter at the right time when we need them...
Even though i get into this fandom in dynamite era... still regret hit me hard that why didn't i join them from their beginning.
Now i can't live without them
this song made me relax and feel that we can conquer the world. hayyyyy ❤❤ Loving BTS because of my daughter. watching BTS videos together is one of our BONDING as BESTFRIENDS .
fact: every BTS song make me to feel so special and happy. I am so proud to call myself an ARMY :)
Never not crying everytime I watch this song 😭😭😭
Makasih udah bikin aku lepas dari self harm. Makasih udah bikin aku punya semangat hidup lagi. Makasih selalu ada pas aku lagi down dan depresi. Makasih atas semua motivasinya. Bangtan, aku ga akan pernah lupain para hero dihidupku walaupun kalian ga pernah tau siapa aku. Senang bisa tau dan mengenal kalian. Menjadi bagian dari banyak orang dengan berbagai latar. Dari lagu kalian, aku udah bisa bangkit dan belajar mencintai diri sendiri. Terima kasih, BTS. love u
I do not know how to explain the feeling I feel when listening to this. New hope ...
revival of broken dreams ... ...
❤️I learn to love myself.❤️
Language no bar to understand the message our TANNIES delivered... 💜💜💜 BORAHAE TANNIES...APOBANGPO💜💜
눈을 뜬다 어둠 속 나
심장이 뛰는 소리 낯설 때
마주 본다 거울 속 너
겁먹은 눈빛 해묵은 질문
어쩌면 누군가를 사랑하는 것보다
더 어려운 게 나 자신을 사랑하는 거야
솔직히 인정할 건 인정하자
니가 내린 잣대들은 너에게 더 엄격하단 걸
니 삶 속의 굵은 나이테
그 또한 너의 일부, 너이기에
이제는 나 자신을 용서하자 버리기엔
우리 인생은 길어 미로 속에선 날 믿어
겨울이 지나면 다시 봄은 오는 거야
차가운 밤의 시선
초라한 날 감추려
몹시 뒤척였지만
저 수많은 별을 맞기 위해 난 떨어졌던가
저 수천 개 찬란한 화살의 과녁은 나 하나
You've shown me I have reasons
I should love myself
내 숨 내 걸어온 길 전부로 답해
어제의 나 오늘의 나 내일의 나
(I'm learning how to love myself)
빠짐없이 남김없이 모두 다 나
정답은 없을지도 몰라
어쩜 이것도 답은 아닌 거야
그저 날 사랑하는 일조차
누구의 허락이 필요했던 거야
난 지금도 나를 또 찾고 있어
But 더는 죽고 싶지가 않은 걸
슬프던 me
아프던 me
더 아름다울 美
그래 그 아름다움이
있다고, 아는 마음이
나의 사랑으로 가는 길
가장 필요한 나다운 일
지금 날 위한 행보는
바로 날 위한 행동
날 위한 태도
그게 날 위한 행복
I'll show you what i got
두렵진 않아 그건 내 존재니까
Love myself
시작의 처음부터
끝의 마지막까지
해답은 오직 하나
왜 자꾸만 감추려고만 해 니 가면 속으로
내 실수로 생긴 흉터까지 다 내 별자린데
You've shown me I have reasons
I should love myself
내 숨 내 걸어온 길 전부로 답해
내 안에는 여전히
서툰 내가 있지만
You've shown me I have reasons
I should love myself
내 숨 내 걸어온 길 전부로 답해
어제의 나 오늘의 나 내일의 나
(I'm learning how to love myself)
빠짐없이 남김없이 모두 다 나
Jin's voice 😭😭😭 it's sooo beautifulll ❤❤❤❤
its really weird i know but trust me i miss their old eras very much ..i dunno why but i feel armys could feel their emotions during their old eras ..i am not telling like i dont like their new eras but their old eras specially love yourself eras are something i cant define adays i feel like people really hype them for their english songs only but people do need to hear their old songs too ..
My brother and sister always says what you understand the language they always says in Korean but I must say to them that just once read the lyrics then you know why I love them so much😭😭😭💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜they teach me how to love myself they care about us 🔥
3:10 he scratch his tummy first before to sing. Cuteee
You guys give me a reason to wake up every day. Thanks for being there for us .I purple you
makes my tears flow😭😭😭😭😭
이 노래는 진짜 가사, 멜로디, 모든게 완벽한 곡임
This song always puts me in a good mood. It's amazing how music can have such a positive impact on our lives💜