The reason all of the luxury items disappear quickly is because technically they're not allowed to sell designer brands on AliExpress so the sellers will list them for a short time So they don't get flagged. So usually when you see them available you need to purchase them right away or know what store usually sells them so you can catch when they do post new items. 😊
@micahwilliams4147 so one reason I didn't link them is because when I went back to link them they were not there anymore. It's weird, they move around so much. I just type in things like, designer nail foils, luxury nail foils, brand name nail foils, things like that and u have to look through the foils to find them.
@@Kissmypolish It’s so weird, I search all those things and have never been able to catch one. It makes sense what another commenter said in that they’re not supposed to sell them so they do a quick run and they’re gone. But I have never once been able to purchase the luxury stuff. You lucked out with some really nice items, the foils look great!
@kellidusselier7817 thank u and yes the other comment was correct. I have to keep searching but maybe because I've found them before is why I'm able to find them again. If I find it again I'll try to paste the link here for you
The reason all of the luxury items disappear quickly is because technically they're not allowed to sell designer brands on AliExpress so the sellers will list them for a short time So they don't get flagged. So usually when you see them available you need to purchase them right away or know what store usually sells them so you can catch when they do post new items. 😊
@qhylei yes that's 100% correct.
I wish u would link those designer foils. I need some and don't know how to find them on there.
@micahwilliams4147 so one reason I didn't link them is because when I went back to link them they were not there anymore. It's weird, they move around so much. I just type in things like, designer nail foils, luxury nail foils, brand name nail foils, things like that and u have to look through the foils to find them.
And also sometimes they will look a little blurry so that's why I said that u have to look through them closely
@@Kissmypolish It’s so weird, I search all those things and have never been able to catch one. It makes sense what another commenter said in that they’re not supposed to sell them so they do a quick run and they’re gone. But I have never once been able to purchase the luxury stuff. You lucked out with some really nice items, the foils look great!
@kellidusselier7817 thank u and yes the other comment was correct. I have to keep searching but maybe because I've found them before is why I'm able to find them again. If I find it again I'll try to paste the link here for you