I needed this. I always thought conversion was immediate and would get mad at myself that i wasnt automatically perfect. Its a process. I continue to seek God and he will continue to change me and one day i will be just like Jesus♥️
Always Blessed by Doug Batchelor and God's ministry through him, this is the Present Truth, everyone needs to hear God's Word!! Lord Help us to be like Jesus!! 🙏🏻
Thank you Pastor Doug for another amazing night of Prophecy Study! May God bless and keep you & all involved in this series. Our family is watching & lifting you all up in prayer.
As always I really like the new taste of the Gospel as presented by the servant of God, thank you pr Dough you made it so simple for the humble people.❤❤ from PNG
God bless you all for all the hard work you have put in to make this series a success God is good! I am following the series from Pretoria in South Africa.🙏🙏
AMEN!! Watching from Hawai’i ❤ God bless everyone who comes across this wonderful sermon. Thank you, Pastor Doug, for sharing the TRUTH with the world! 🙏🏼
Pastor Doug thank you for your clear biblical teaching always. I learn a lot from your teaching. Pray for me as I’m on the way to learn and follow the 7 day Adventist. Especially to abide by/ follow the 4th commandment of God.❤🙏
I agree. In the NT Michael is called Archangel (Head/Chief over all the angels). There is no indication that Michael, Himself, is actually a created angel. In the book of Daniel He is called the "Great Prince" (gāḏôl śar - Greatest Prince/Chief/Ruler/General). Dan 12:1 And Dan 10:13 the phrase "one of the chief princes" actually translates literally into "The first (as in chief over) all the first ones". The word used here is "ri'šôn" (the first of all, before all). It was Jesus that appeared to Joshua in Josh 5:13-15. The "Captain" of the Lord's host. It's that word "śar" again. Only the presence of God could make the ground holy. Like Moses at the burning bush, Joshua was commanded to take off his shoes on holy ground.
@@davidstarr6604 Thanks for sharing, Yes. Michael is a symbolic name for Jesus just like the dragon is a symbolic name for Satan, the devil who is really Lucifer.
Dear Amazing Facts team, on the AI generated translation into Indonesian Language, could you please convert the 4th series into youtube so the viewers from Indonesia can see the series same with the 1st until the 3rd series. Thank you.
I would very much like to download them (the videos from this channel) sometimes... We don't always get an internet connection everyday here... I am from Manipur, where due to the ethenic conflict, our internet gets banned God knows when... I really wish i could download every video at once while I get connectivity, and watch them later when our connection is banned/blocked.. please?
Last year, *5784,* was the _"year of consequences"_ on the Jewish calendar, while _this_ year, *5785* is a year of _"Divine Intervention"_ on *_"personal levels,"_* according to a Jewish rabbi. Maybe this year is the year the Ark of the Covenant is revealed being in Jeremiah's grotto. They were going to reveal it when the ESG laws became enforced (seems they were going to do *_that_* THIS year, but I don't know). Thanks for what you do, Pastor. Wonderful work. Be careful in _"The Big Apple"_ though :-)
The hiding place where Jeremiah had the ark taken will not be revealed until Jesus comes again. II Macc 2:4-8 shows it is somewhere in a sealed cave under Mt. Nebo but it will stay hidden until "...God gathers his people together again and shows them mercy. Then the Lord will disclose these things, and the glory of the Lord and the cloud will be seen..."
Yes, it will be a year of Devine intervention. That is a very true statement. Joel 2:25-26 indicates that the Jewish calculations of years got messed up , but God’s word gives us the information we need to see where we are in time . Only the day and hour is a secret for now, but we have prophecy and scripture to count years, anyone with a Bible can calculate them . 6000 here on Earth and 1000 in heaven before the third coming. See Exodus 20: 8-11 and Revelation 20: 2-14.
@@Heavensoon7 Did you know this world is already about 6,200 years old? Would you be interested (straight from scripture) of a continuous timeline from the day Adam was created? Your 6th millennium ended about 200 years ago
@@Heavensoon7 This might make it easier: From Gen 5:3-32 Adam - 130 years old when his son was born Seth - 105 Enos - 90 Cainan - 70 Mahalaleel - 65 Jared - 162 Enoch - 65 Methuselah - 187 Lamech - 182 Noah - 500 years old when his triplets were born (Shem, Ham and Japheth) --------------------------- Years 1,556 (The Great Flood was about 1,656 - Noah was 600 years old when the flood came) Frm Gen 11:10-26 Shem - 100 years old when his son was born two years after the Great Flood Arphaxad - 35 Salah - 30 Eber - 34 Peleg (Division) - 30 (approximate time of the Tower of Babel - Gen 10:25) Reu - 32 Serug - 30 Nahor - 29 Terah - 130 Birth of Abraham (Note Acts 7:4;Gen 12:4 and 11:32 - Abram left Haran at the age of 75 when his father died at the age of 205) -------------------------------- Years 450 Various scattered verses: Abraham - 100 years old when Isaac was born Gen 21:5 Isaac - 60 years old when Jacob was born Gen 25:26 Jacob - 130 years old when he moved to Egypt Gen 47:8-9 Israelites in Egypt - 430 years (30 years as freemen, 400 years of bondage) Ex 12:40 To Solomon's 4th year as king - 480 years I Kings 6:1 ------------------------------------ Years 1,200 Add those 3 totals up: 1,556 450 1,200 ----------- 3,206 years from creation to Solomon's 4th year as king Then I went with the lengths of the reigns of the Kings of Judah from I & II Kings and II Chronicles. Solomon reigned 37 more years AFTER his 3rd year as king for a total of 40 years (I Kings 11:42, II Chron. 9:30) - 37 years Rehoboam (I Kings 14:21, II Chron. 12:13) - 17 Abijam (I Kings 15:2, II Chron. 13:2) - 3 Asa (I Kings 15:9-10, II Chron. 16:13) - 41 Jehoshaphat (I Kings 22:42, II Chron. 20:31) - 25 Jehoram (II Kings 8:16-17, II Chron. 21:5&20) - 8 Ahaziah (II Kings 8:25-26, II Chron. 22:2) - 1 Athaliah mother of Ahaziah (II Kings 11:3, II Chron. 22:12) - 6 Joash (II Kings 12:1, II Chron. 24:1) - 40 Amaziah (II Kings 14:1-2, II Chron. 25:1) - 29 Azariah (Uzziah) (II Kings 15:1-2, II Chron. 26:3) - 52 Jotham (II Kings 15:32-33. II Chron. 27:1) - 16 Ahaz (II Kings 16:1-2, II Chron. 28:1) - 16 Hezekiah (II Kings 18:1-2, II Chron. 29:1)(Israel taken captive by the Assyrians during his reign - 721 BC) - 29 Manasseh (II Kings 21:1, II Chron. 33:1) - 55 Amon (II Kings 21:19, II Chron. 33:21) - 2 Josiah (II Kings 22:1, II Chron. 34:1) - 31 Jehoahaz (II Kings 23:31, II Chron. 36:2) - 3 months - 0 Eliakim (Jehoiakim) (II Kings 23:34-36, II Chron. 36:5) - 11 years Jehoiachin (II Kings 24:8, II Chron. 36:9) - 3 months, 10 days - 0 Mattaniah (Zedekiah) son of Josiah (II Kings 24:17-18, II Chron. 36:11) - 11 years ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reigns of the Kings of Judah 430 years 430 added to the above total of 3,206 = 3,636 from creation to the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar 586BC 586BC + 3,636 years = 4,222 years from creation to 1AD (there was no zero year between 1BC and 1AD) 1AD to 2,024AD = 2,023 years + 4,222 = 6,245 years from creation to now Now consider the fact that the above charts are NOT accurate. It assumes the reigns of the kings of Judah all started the same month/day as the previous king. And also all the patriarchs had the exact same birthdays as their fathers. Here's an example: John was born in the year 1900. His son Jim was born when John was 20 years old. Sam (Jim's son) was born when Jim was 20. One would assume Jim was born in the year 1920 and Sam in 1940 right? But what if John (dear ole grandpa) was born in December, Jim was born in November and Sam in October? The bible does not tell us the month/day of the births (or reigns of kings), only the age (or year of reign). How old would John be in November 1920? Only 19. His 20th birthday is another month away. So Jim had to be born in November 1921 and Sam in 1942. I'm already shy 2 years in just 3 generations. Another example from the bible shows this discrepancy: Gen 5:32, 7:6 and 11:10 So already my lists above could be up to 20 years shy of the actual count. To correct this I split the 20 possible years I could be off by 10. Added the 10 years to 6,245 for a date range of 6,255 +/- 10 years. So your "seventh millennium" started about 250 years ago. No matter how you want to look at it this is what the bible says. (Edited for content) And Thank You Heavensoon for pointing this out.
All 10 can be found in the New Testament: 1st commandment - Acts 14:11-15; I Cor 8:4-6 2nd commandment - I Cor 10:14; Acts 17:29; I John 5:21 3rd - James 5:12 4th - Luke 4:16; Acts 13:14, 42, 44, 16:13, 18:1 & 11; Heb 4:1-11 (especially verses 4, 10 & 11) 5th - Eph 6:2 6th and 7th - Rom 13:9 and James 2:11 8, 9 and 10 - Rom 13:9 All 10 - James 2:10
Use restroom or get something to eat if you don't want to hear the music but the question and answer and sermon is worth the wait very good you can learn a lot
Do you whine as much about watching your favorite sport with the commercials. What will you do when with the Lord, you won't tolerate worship. Be happy 😊.
Ok so to explain why my comment A lot of people often times start to loose interest after 20 minutes of worship service music and begin to wonder if that's what it's about. The evangelism series is already an hour and 40 minutes. Thanks for your disgruntled humble replies
***Rom. **3:31****** After the Adventist TRY TO CLAIM, ROM 3:31 TEACHES EVERYONE IS OBLIGATED TO KEEP THE WHOLE LAW (which they refuse to keep themselves) in direct conflict to every verse preceding it, they then want you to ignore the volumes of scriptures explicitly teaching Christians are NOT under the law by the *apostle Paul HIMSELF* . Did you know that the 10 Commandments are NOT the Royal law??? *Read James 2:8 It specifically defines what the Royal law is and it's *NOT* the 10 commandments, nor is it the "law of Liberty" ! James 2:8 If ye fulfil the *royal law* according to the scripture, *Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself* , ye do well" According to Adventists, the Sabbath commandment which says you *should be killed for breaking the Sabbath* it is *"The law of Liberty"* !! What gross ignorance! Then the Adventist church teaches that Sabbath breaking is not "WITNESS AGAINST THE BREAKER OF THE SABBATH OR ANY OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS!* (Eph. 2:15) Then they ignore the specific words of the Apostle Paul that the *"law written and engraved in stone is the ministration of DEATH AND CONDEMNATION!"* in 2Cor. 3:6-9 And again, Romans 4:14 *For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made VOID, and the promise made of none effect:* 15 *Because the law worketh WRATH!:* Moreover, it is James, being full of the Holy Spirit in Acts 15 that *"concludes that the Gentiles, who are coming to Christ should not be TROUBLED by the Judaizers with circumcision and the law"* (Acts 15:15-16:6) and put this in writing to the Churches to KEEP the commandment and decree of the Apostles! • 1Tim 1: 5 *Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:* So, tell me how after ONE time someone breaks the Sabbath, tell me how the breaking of the Sabbath is not *A LAW AND ORDINANCE (Decree) AND WITNESS HELD AGAINST THEM!* Because, Col. 2 says you were DEAD IN YOUR SINS, Sabbath keeper or NOT. • Romans 4:14 *For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:* • Romans 4:15 *Because the law worketh wrath:* • • Galatians 3:12 And *the law is NOT of faith* • • Romans 5:20 *Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound.* But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: • Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: *for ye are NOT under the law* , but under grace. • Romans 7:4 Wherefore, my brethren, *ye also are become DEAD to the law by the BODY of Christ* (Col. 2:16) ; that ye should be *married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God. • Romans 7:5 For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, *did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto DEATH* . • Romans 7:6 *But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held* ; that we should serve in *newness of spirit, and NOT in the oldness of the letter.* • Romans 7:10 And the commandment, which was *ordained to life, I found to be unto death.* • Rom. 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. • • Romans 8:2 *For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me FREE from the law of sin and death • Romans 10:4 For Christ is the *end of the law for righteousness* to every one that believeth • Again the Apostle speaks in Galatians 5: 18 *But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.* • And once more , 1 Corinthians 15:56 The sting of death is sin; and *the strength of sin is the law.* Col. 2:12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. • Col. 2:13 And you, *being DEAD in your sins* and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, *having forgiven you all trespasses;* • Again the Apostle speaks in Galatians 5: 18 *But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.* • 2 Corinthians 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; *NOT of the LETTER* , but of the spirit: for *the LETTER KILLETH* but the spirit giveth life. • Romans 2:29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, *in the spirit, and NOT in the LETTER;* whose praise is not of men, but of God. THERE IS NO CHANCE THAT SABBATH KEEPING IS THE SEAL OF GOD! READ IT WITH YOUR OWN EYES!
Pastor Doug, and dear Amazing facts. The presentations are fantastic, however is it not time to change the music. It is horribly boring and old fashioned. You can do better than that
@Lawrence-t8z I know that music can be subjective, however I think that a praise and worship team of young adults will be better suited. And also not all songs were somber and grave, but this one did feel that way.
Well the devil is way more smarter to played simple ....making devil horn sign is too simple compare to his schems..you need to pay more attentions to satans ultimate schems.
I'm your fan, my mom read me your book and I used Storacles to lead people to Christ and it led me to Christ well done.
Since day one..I'm watching from Paris France,To God be the glory 😊
❤ Praise God🎉🎉
It was a blessing to attend this evening…
It definitely was I wanted to greet pastor Doug but I had to leave 😢
Watching from Japan 😇I’m following amazing facts for many years now.
I’ve learned deeply about our doctrine is really God’s remnant chosen.
❤ Praise God 🎉🎉
I needed this. I always thought conversion was immediate and would get mad at myself that i wasnt automatically perfect. Its a process. I continue to seek God and he will continue to change me and one day i will be just like Jesus♥️
I have felt the same thing! I’m so very thankful that God is so patient and kind to us, and works on our hearts as work with Him.
@@bangbangboogie8671 Amen to that♥️
Amen 🙏🏿. Conversion comes when we walk with the Lord daily 🙏🏿🙏🏿😊. There are many convicted ppl at church but not all are converted.
@@blessed7645 this is such a good way to put it in perspective.. walk with him daily and he will change you with everystep.♥️
Always Blessed by Doug Batchelor and God's ministry through him, this is the Present Truth, everyone needs to hear God's Word!! Lord Help us to be like Jesus!! 🙏🏻
God bless all those who are changed in their hearts by this wonderful message of God's love and salvation! ❤
Amen! Watching from Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬
Watching from Jamaica in the Caribbean Islands.
So thankful for this series!! It's so well done--thank you to everyone for using their talents for Gor!
Whos Gor? :P
A mistake. Talents for God
@@gloriadominguez7237 i know. Just thought it was funny. God bless.
Why did God wired as so much to love our children?
It hurts! Thank you God for giving your son to save us from sin. Amen!
God bless you pastor Batchelor, pastor ross, pastor lomacang! Great Prophecy odyssey tonight, Thank-You!
Thank you Pastor Doug for another amazing night of Prophecy Study!
May God bless and keep you & all involved in this series.
Our family is watching & lifting you all up in prayer.
Thank you
Very informative
Watching from Limpopo in South Africa
Thank you so much for this presentation… I needed to here this. Please, God, help us!!!❤
Amen. Watching from republic of Benin 🇧🇯 west africa. I am blessed.
excellent series !
😇❤️🙏🏽God bless His people till He comes again 🙏🏽😇❤️
As always I really like the new taste of the Gospel as presented by the servant of God, thank you pr Dough you made it so simple for the humble people.❤❤ from PNG
I am blessed by these teachings.
God bless you all for all the hard work you have put in to make this series a success
God is good! I am following the series from Pretoria in South Africa.🙏🙏
This is Good. Thank you Jesus.
To God be the Glory, and may much come from this series and many take a stand for Christ.
AMEN!! Watching from Hawai’i ❤ God bless everyone who comes across this wonderful sermon. Thank you, Pastor Doug, for sharing the TRUTH with the world! 🙏🏼
Amen Pastor Doug!!! We are given the freedom of choice, so one's actions shouldn't determine your outcome.
I have to say, Pastor Doug is a proof text machine!!!!
Good evening thank you Pastor Doug honor to you❤
John always sings with the blessed ones .
Beautiful John , Just beautiful.
Pastor Doug thank you for your clear biblical teaching always. I learn a lot from your teaching. Pray for me as I’m on the way to learn and follow the 7 day Adventist. Especially to abide by/ follow the 4th commandment of God.❤🙏
amen, from qatar
Biblical. Clear. And concise. Love listening to this program
Praise the Lord. What a beautiful and important sermon.
Please 🙏 continue the great 👍 work pastor Doug I am praying for you and your family and your ministry.
Amen from the Philippines ! God bless you Pastor Doug.
I'm from British Columbia, Canada; but i grew up in Michigan.
Watching from Ireland. Many blessings. Thanks 🙏
It's very clear in the bible that God's commandments are still binding,and other preachers are telling their followers that God's laws are abolished
God is love. 🌎 🕊
Pastor Doug , I am SDA member from Ohio USA. Enjoying these meetings.
For ever and ever.
Amen and amen! Almighty God continue to shelter, keep and direct the entire Amazing Facts team and supporting persons/ ministries
Love the joke where you cried to keep officer from giving you a citation. God bless your fact giving ministry.❤
I'm following keenly the Prophesy Odyssey series from Nairobi Kenya here. Glory to God.
AMEN Pastor Doug thankyou 🙏🙏🙏
I like how you broke down the epoch times during q&a
Amen, watching this from Fiji 🇫🇯
Amen from Cape Town South Africa SDA ❤💥
Blessings watching from Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬
thank you for preaching about this Pastor Doug.
Amazing grace
Amen 🙏 thank you
Amen to Jesus Christ
I am blessed by your sermons. Also sharing the videos with family
Watching from Ontario Canada
Beautiful music !
Hallelujah and Amen 🙏🏽
Amazing ! I've been blessed.
To God be the glory.
Laws keep good neighbors
What good news!!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful message ❤️
Thank you for the beautiful song
And it's growing 😮
Don't know whether to laugh 😂 or cry..😢
thanks brother from Ethiopia
Please pray for me Pastor ..and my son as well😢
I will pray for you and your son too 🙏 May God bless you today and everyday. Stay strong in Him.
Amen 🙏
I just subscribed today. Thank you ❤
Amen 🙏🏿
Would welcome a variety of musicians. 😊
I’m from Florida
I'm curious to know about the topic "The Law and the Lamb" AMEN 🙏
Yes, Jesus bears many names [titles]. One of them is Michael...Michael the archangel ("arch" meaning the leader of the angels).
I agree. In the NT Michael is called Archangel (Head/Chief over all the angels). There is no indication that Michael, Himself, is actually a created angel.
In the book of Daniel He is called the "Great Prince" (gāḏôl śar - Greatest Prince/Chief/Ruler/General). Dan 12:1
And Dan 10:13 the phrase "one of the chief princes" actually translates literally into "The first (as in chief over) all the first ones". The word used here is "ri'šôn" (the first of all, before all).
It was Jesus that appeared to Joshua in Josh 5:13-15. The "Captain" of the Lord's host. It's that word "śar" again. Only the presence of God could make the ground holy. Like Moses at the burning bush, Joshua was commanded to take off his shoes on holy ground.
@@davidstarr6604 Thanks for sharing, Yes. Michael is a symbolic name for Jesus just like the dragon is a symbolic name for Satan, the devil who is really Lucifer.
May you please make these videos downloadable
Heb 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.
Dear Amazing Facts team, on the AI generated translation into Indonesian Language, could you please convert the 4th series into youtube so the viewers from Indonesia can see the series same with the 1st until the 3rd series. Thank you.
I would very much like to download them (the videos from this channel) sometimes... We don't always get an internet connection everyday here... I am from Manipur, where due to the ethenic conflict, our internet gets banned God knows when... I really wish i could download every video at once while I get connectivity, and watch them later when our connection is banned/blocked.. please?
Pastor Doug I thought you lived in New York City with your momma at one point in your childhood???
Elder Doug, the background image(s) isn't making any sense to me!! AM I SEEING THE ALL SEEING EYE?! Or am I overthinking?!
You are not alone on this one. I am also confused doesn't like it at all😢
I don't personally see anything bad in the background images
Last year, *5784,* was the _"year of consequences"_ on the Jewish calendar, while _this_ year, *5785* is a year of _"Divine Intervention"_ on *_"personal levels,"_* according to a Jewish rabbi. Maybe this year is the year the Ark of the Covenant is revealed being in Jeremiah's grotto. They were going to reveal it when the ESG laws became enforced (seems they were going to do *_that_* THIS year, but I don't know). Thanks for what you do, Pastor. Wonderful work. Be careful in _"The Big Apple"_ though :-)
The hiding place where Jeremiah had the ark taken will not be revealed until Jesus comes again. II Macc 2:4-8 shows it is somewhere in a sealed cave under Mt. Nebo but it will stay hidden until "...God gathers his people together again and shows them mercy. Then the Lord will disclose these things, and the glory of the Lord and the cloud will be seen..."
Yes, it will be a year of Devine intervention. That is a very true statement. Joel 2:25-26 indicates that the Jewish calculations of years got messed up , but God’s word gives us the information we need to see where we are in time . Only the day and hour is a secret for now, but we have prophecy and scripture to count years, anyone with a Bible can calculate them . 6000 here on Earth and 1000 in heaven before the third coming. See Exodus 20: 8-11 and Revelation 20: 2-14.
@@Heavensoon7 Did you know this world is already about 6,200 years old? Would you be interested (straight from scripture) of a continuous timeline from the day Adam was created?
Your 6th millennium ended about 200 years ago
@@davidstarr6604 Not Biblical Mr David .
@@Heavensoon7 This might make it easier:
From Gen 5:3-32
Adam - 130 years old when his son was born
Seth - 105
Enos - 90
Cainan - 70
Mahalaleel - 65
Jared - 162
Enoch - 65
Methuselah - 187
Lamech - 182
Noah - 500 years old when his triplets were born (Shem, Ham and Japheth)
Years 1,556 (The Great Flood was about 1,656 - Noah was 600 years old when the flood came)
Frm Gen 11:10-26
Shem - 100 years old when his son was born two years after the Great Flood
Arphaxad - 35
Salah - 30
Eber - 34
Peleg (Division) - 30 (approximate time of the Tower of Babel - Gen 10:25)
Reu - 32
Serug - 30
Nahor - 29
Terah - 130 Birth of Abraham (Note Acts 7:4;Gen 12:4 and 11:32 - Abram left Haran at the age of 75 when his father died at the age of 205)
Years 450
Various scattered verses:
Abraham - 100 years old when Isaac was born Gen 21:5
Isaac - 60 years old when Jacob was born Gen 25:26
Jacob - 130 years old when he moved to Egypt Gen 47:8-9
Israelites in Egypt - 430 years (30 years as freemen, 400 years of bondage) Ex 12:40
To Solomon's 4th year as king - 480 years I Kings 6:1
Years 1,200
Add those 3 totals up:
3,206 years from creation to Solomon's 4th year as king
Then I went with the lengths of the reigns of the Kings of Judah from I & II Kings and II Chronicles.
Solomon reigned 37 more years AFTER his 3rd year as king for a total of 40 years (I Kings 11:42, II Chron. 9:30) - 37 years
Rehoboam (I Kings 14:21, II Chron. 12:13) - 17
Abijam (I Kings 15:2, II Chron. 13:2) - 3
Asa (I Kings 15:9-10, II Chron. 16:13) - 41
Jehoshaphat (I Kings 22:42, II Chron. 20:31) - 25
Jehoram (II Kings 8:16-17, II Chron. 21:5&20) - 8
Ahaziah (II Kings 8:25-26, II Chron. 22:2) - 1
Athaliah mother of Ahaziah (II Kings 11:3, II Chron. 22:12) - 6
Joash (II Kings 12:1, II Chron. 24:1) - 40
Amaziah (II Kings 14:1-2, II Chron. 25:1) - 29
Azariah (Uzziah) (II Kings 15:1-2, II Chron. 26:3) - 52
Jotham (II Kings 15:32-33. II Chron. 27:1) - 16
Ahaz (II Kings 16:1-2, II Chron. 28:1) - 16
Hezekiah (II Kings 18:1-2, II Chron. 29:1)(Israel taken captive by the Assyrians during his reign - 721 BC) - 29
Manasseh (II Kings 21:1, II Chron. 33:1) - 55
Amon (II Kings 21:19, II Chron. 33:21) - 2
Josiah (II Kings 22:1, II Chron. 34:1) - 31
Jehoahaz (II Kings 23:31, II Chron. 36:2) - 3 months - 0
Eliakim (Jehoiakim) (II Kings 23:34-36, II Chron. 36:5) - 11 years
Jehoiachin (II Kings 24:8, II Chron. 36:9) - 3 months, 10 days - 0
Mattaniah (Zedekiah) son of Josiah (II Kings 24:17-18, II Chron. 36:11) - 11 years
Reigns of the Kings of Judah 430 years
430 added to the above total of 3,206 = 3,636 from creation to the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar 586BC
586BC + 3,636 years = 4,222 years from creation to 1AD (there was no zero year between 1BC and 1AD)
1AD to 2,024AD = 2,023 years + 4,222 = 6,245 years from creation to now
Now consider the fact that the above charts are NOT accurate. It assumes the reigns of the kings of Judah all started the same month/day as the previous king. And also all the patriarchs had the exact same birthdays as their fathers. Here's an example:
John was born in the year 1900. His son Jim was born when John was 20 years old. Sam (Jim's son) was born when Jim was 20.
One would assume Jim was born in the year 1920 and Sam in 1940 right?
But what if John (dear ole grandpa) was born in December, Jim was born in November and Sam in October? The bible does not tell us the month/day of the births (or reigns of kings), only the age (or year of reign).
How old would John be in November 1920? Only 19. His 20th birthday is another month away. So Jim had to be born in November 1921 and Sam in 1942.
I'm already shy 2 years in just 3 generations.
Another example from the bible shows this discrepancy: Gen 5:32, 7:6 and 11:10
So already my lists above could be up to 20 years shy of the actual count. To correct this I split the 20 possible years I could be off by 10. Added the 10 years to 6,245 for a date range of 6,255 +/- 10 years.
So your "seventh millennium" started about 250 years ago. No matter how you want to look at it this is what the bible says.
(Edited for content) And Thank You Heavensoon for pointing this out.
I can't convince my believer sister that the law the Commandments are still in effect.
Will keep her in prayer 🙏
It’s God’s spirit who will do the work. You just need to love her through it ❤
All 10 can be found in the New Testament:
1st commandment - Acts 14:11-15; I Cor 8:4-6
2nd commandment - I Cor 10:14; Acts 17:29; I John 5:21
3rd - James 5:12
4th - Luke 4:16; Acts 13:14, 42, 44, 16:13, 18:1 & 11; Heb 4:1-11 (especially verses 4, 10 & 11)
5th - Eph 6:2
6th and 7th - Rom 13:9 and James 2:11
8, 9 and 10 - Rom 13:9
All 10 - James 2:10
@@SandraTiscia thank you
@@SandraTiscia thank you
Who wrote the theme song. I don’t recall having heard it.
What is the seventh day adventist stand about self defense like taekwondo?
A whole 40 or 30 minutes of singing church service type music 🥵🫤
Use restroom or get something to eat if you don't want to hear the music but the question and answer and sermon is worth the wait very good you can learn a lot
Do you whine as much about watching your favorite sport with the commercials. What will you do when with the Lord, you won't tolerate worship. Be happy 😊.
And , your point is? We happen to enjoy “church type music”.
@@angelolivencia9358 I don't watch sports shows. I don't even own a TV like you
Ok so to explain why my comment
A lot of people often times start to loose interest after 20 minutes of worship service music and begin to wonder if that's what it's about. The evangelism series is already an hour and 40 minutes.
Thanks for your disgruntled humble replies
Where is it in the Bible that the devil can put in our mind?
Why do we have to wait for the video to start when it's a replay? Ridiculous.
You don’t have to wait. Just forward it 😊
@soozib67 my phone has issues, but thanks!
It's not God "the Spirit " its is God's the Father's Holy Spirit Himself
***Rom. **3:31****** After the Adventist TRY TO CLAIM, ROM 3:31 TEACHES EVERYONE IS OBLIGATED TO KEEP THE WHOLE LAW (which they refuse to keep themselves) in direct conflict to every verse preceding it, they then want you to ignore the volumes of scriptures explicitly teaching Christians are NOT under the law by the *apostle Paul HIMSELF* . Did you know that the 10 Commandments are NOT the Royal law??? *Read James 2:8 It specifically defines what the Royal law is and it's *NOT* the 10 commandments, nor is it the "law of Liberty" ! James 2:8 If ye fulfil the *royal law* according to the scripture, *Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself* , ye do well" According to Adventists, the Sabbath commandment which says you *should be killed for breaking the Sabbath* it is *"The law of Liberty"* !! What gross ignorance! Then the Adventist church teaches that Sabbath breaking is not "WITNESS AGAINST THE BREAKER OF THE SABBATH OR ANY OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS!* (Eph. 2:15) Then they ignore the specific words of the Apostle Paul that the *"law written and engraved in stone is the ministration of DEATH AND CONDEMNATION!"* in 2Cor. 3:6-9
And again, Romans 4:14 *For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made VOID, and the promise made of none effect:*
15 *Because the law worketh WRATH!:*
Moreover, it is James, being full of the Holy Spirit in Acts 15 that *"concludes that the Gentiles, who are coming to Christ should not be TROUBLED by the Judaizers with circumcision and the law"* (Acts 15:15-16:6) and put this in writing to the Churches to KEEP the commandment and decree of the Apostles!
• 1Tim 1: 5 *Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:* So, tell me how after ONE time someone breaks the Sabbath, tell me how the breaking of the Sabbath is not *A LAW AND ORDINANCE (Decree) AND WITNESS HELD AGAINST THEM!* Because, Col. 2 says you were DEAD IN YOUR SINS, Sabbath keeper or NOT.
• Romans 4:14 *For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:*
• Romans 4:15 *Because the law worketh wrath:* • • Galatians 3:12 And *the law is NOT of faith* • • Romans 5:20 *Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound.* But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:
• Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: *for ye are NOT under the law* , but under grace.
• Romans 7:4 Wherefore, my brethren, *ye also are become DEAD to the law by the BODY of Christ* (Col. 2:16) ; that ye should be *married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God. • Romans 7:5 For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, *did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto DEATH* .
• Romans 7:6 *But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held* ; that we should serve in *newness of spirit, and NOT in the oldness of the letter.*
• Romans 7:10 And the commandment, which was *ordained to life, I found to be unto death.*
• Rom. 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. •
• Romans 8:2 *For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me FREE from the law of sin and death
• Romans 10:4 For Christ is the *end of the law for righteousness* to every one that believeth
• Again the Apostle speaks in Galatians 5: 18 *But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.*
• And once more , 1 Corinthians 15:56 The sting of death is sin; and *the strength of sin is the law.* Col. 2:12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.
• Col. 2:13 And you, *being DEAD in your sins* and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, *having forgiven you all trespasses;* • Again the Apostle speaks in Galatians 5: 18 *But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.*
• 2 Corinthians 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; *NOT of the LETTER* , but of the spirit: for *the LETTER KILLETH* but the spirit giveth life.
• Romans 2:29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, *in the spirit, and NOT in the LETTER;* whose praise is not of men, but of God. THERE IS NO CHANCE THAT SABBATH KEEPING IS THE SEAL OF GOD! READ IT WITH YOUR OWN EYES!
Pastor Doug, and dear Amazing facts. The presentations are fantastic, however is it not time to change the music. It is horribly boring and old fashioned. You can do better than that
Would you please tell me what was wrong with the music
I know that music can be subjective, however I think that a praise and worship team of young adults will be better suited. And also not all songs were somber and grave, but this one did feel that way.
@adonijah8682 I personally don't have any problem with it. Nice time
Doug Batchelor the great heretic! The great master of division. The person who does not fear God!
at 24:30, pastor doug explains how the word is spread thru the catholic church
Why is he making the devil horns sign? I can't understand this. I thought he is smart. He should know that.
Well the devil is way more smarter to played simple ....making devil horn sign is too simple compare to his schems..you need to pay more attentions to satans ultimate schems.