i was lucky enough to have met the great man himself, in the early 80's i was working for Honda Australia and he visited, the first thing he wanted was the Australian flag off the flag pole which he draped himself in and he wanted to meet everybody in the entire office and warehouse and personally thank them for their work, it was an absolute pleasure to have shook his hand and he was so humble and very funny, great memory.
This man is probably one of, if not the most influential person in modern automotive and motorcycle history. I own a classic Honda Valkyrie, and it's one of the best motorcycles I've ever ridden. I would have loved to have met this man.
He started Honda in 1948 and here in 2022 I'm still riding my 1984 honda gold wing. Amazing story and makes me wanting to keep that old bike even more.
I used to work for a Honda Motorcycle manufacturing plant here in the Philippines and that's where I also met my now husband. Proud to be part of this globally known Company.
He is on a whole other level isn't he for determination and drive never to quit! The closest person I know of to this guy is Thomas Edison who its said made around 1,000 prototype failure attempts for the electric light bulb before he finally got it right, massive debts and everyone saying it was impossible to do and he should quit, but he carried on because he believed in his idea and himself..just like Soichiro Honda. Thomas Edison took the same atitude towards failures and setbacks as Soichiro, he said he didn't look at it as 1,000 failures, but instead a necessary process to doing it right, and that he 1,000 learned ways of how not to create a light bulb..I bet he learned a lot of other stuff during that process too. Mistakes, setbacks and obstacles are learning experiences and challenges..if you quit at the first major obstacle or setback, you could miss greatness. One great ape figured out that banging hard shell nuts with a lump of rock opens the nuts and now all the other generations do it as a learned behaviour ;-)
@@paullangton-rogers2390 Shame that another set of 'Great Apes' learned how to bang one Atom into another to reveal the unlocked potential there also...... Now All the 'Great Apes.' Have cottoned on and use this method to become the ultimate threat to humanity........ Lesson here: 'From great ideas comes great responsibility.' A genius can only be a genius if the amazing idea is in the right mind......
I definitely won't be able to take another step if I lost everything like he did. This guy really makes me so humble down to earth. Until today I am still cannot understand how this type of people have so much willingness, huge effort and not giving up for what they believe. For me, they are not human. They are superman.
I have been a mechanic for 37 years for different auto manufacturers, and by far my time at a Honda dealership was my favorite. Always impressed with the factory training and the quality. Fantastic auto company
I owned a 2010 Honda Civic and currently own a 2014 Honda City. The only defect i´ve ever had on the latest was a light bulb that burnt, and my regular mechanic once told me about the first one that he wasn´t exagerating when he said that my Civic engine could run my car for about 400,000 km (around 250,000 miles) before I even had to make a half adjustment to the engine. A boss of mine had a really old Accord and the only thing he ever complained about was that the cassette player no longer worked (picture how old his car was) and he didn´t want to install a new stereo out of nostalgia. Jezz, I even knew about a guy in a place I used to work whose Civic got caught in a flooding and spent a couple of days underwater and other than have the interiors washed and the stereo replaced, his car just kept running like nothing had happened.
So in your opinion mate, who produces the most reliable and mechanically solid cars, Japanese German Korean usa British etc which cars do u think are the best quality. ?
What an inspiring person...I have always respected Honda as well as Toyota because they built cars to last and to be trustworthy. Like a friend said, " one of the few things you can trust in this world,is an engine made by a Japanese person"
Successful people don't become successful that way overnight. What most people see at a glance- wealth, a great career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life..
Absolutely inspiring to see that no matter how many times he failed, He got back up. I'm sure he's proud of how big and reliable Honda still is among the competition.
Plsss i warn you plss join plsss our fellowship is just 2 hours we are using messenger plsss join i warn you if you regret this you will go to hell. This fellowship its not just fellowship this fellowship will saved you plssss join i warn you
Plsss i warn you plss join plsss our fellowship is just 2 hours we are using messenger plsss join i warn you if you regret this you will go to hell. This fellowship its not just fellowship this fellowship will saved you plssss join i warn you
@@99_problems_band Plsss i warn you plss join plsss our fellowship is just 2 hours we are using messenger plsss join i warn you if you regret this you will go to hell. This fellowship its not just fellowship this fellowship will saved you plssss join i warn you
As a family that owns an accord and civic. I can confirm those cars are best in cost of repairs, maintenance, and reliability. Not to mention fuel economy. I’ve always wanted a fast car but as I grow older reliability is the main factor I look in a car. What an inspiring story.
I had an Accord and Prelude here in New Zealand. The Prelude had been in a flood and I got it pretty cheap. Owned for 3-4 years it never let me down. Great cars.
@@KnockoutInvestingWell, I wouldnt call an Si "fast" per se. Fun to drive and excellent handling, but like the MX-5, won't cause your insurance to go up because the horsepower number isn't big.
I couldn't agree more as evidenced by the best expression of ... "Those who live for others never die" ... delineated in the following prayer using caps as emphasis to communicate the greatest story ever told about the greatest sacrifice ever made by the greatest person to ever lived. On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE. YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors, their families and friends. 🥰 YOU SAW them as sinners (missing the mark resulting in their weaknesses prevailing causing guilt of wrong doing) because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow. If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰 They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh. They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seek to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take. Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movies, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES. LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain. LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned in order for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌🏻🙌🏾 LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰 LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their door until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌🏻🙌🏾 If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee. Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again (repentance manifesting itself in a changed life), I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh. O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰
A brilliant man, but more than that, he was a persistent one who didn't give up. That's what it takes. My husband and I both love cars, submarines, ships and planes, and we watch these videos all the time. This was one of the most well made I can think of. Very enjoyable as well as informative. Thank you!
When I got my first Honda and it was 5 years old all the leaks and problems stopped that I’d had with US and German cars. I was so delighted that I still have that Accord 25 years later.
@@petitebears You don't understand the video. Those came from different things like movies and shows to fill up the length of the video. Sure, they weren't of Honda, but they did relate to the story.
@@GlaringVehicle983 Dude ... He's just a mere RUclips channel. Not an established Hollywood movie studio. Who knows that me might couldn't afford a random Japanese stock videos?
My family 1st motorbike is a Honda super cub, my dad use all his money to buy that bike so that my mom could go to work (that money was enough to buy a new house at that time in Vietnam back then). It worked flawlessly for more than 15 years. Now all of my family vehicles are Honda
As much as a new house, that's crazy I'd take a house over a motorbike anytime, my first honda was a 80cc and you certainly couldn't even pave your driveway for what I paid for it new, peace out love to Vietnam met many vietnamese friends over the years
Plsss i warn you plss join plsss our fellowship is just 2 hours we are using messenger plsss join i warn you if you regret this you will go to hell. This fellowship its not just fellowship this fellowship will saved you plssss join i warn you
I am an owner of a Honda motorcycle. Very reliable engine. Using it as a service for my work. Never disappointed me. Engine is all stock from the day I released it from their showroom. Thank you Mr. Honda for your great creation.
I also own a Honda motorcyle and when I'm assblasting down the street and people can hear me from 1 mile away, I imagine Mr. Honda is giggling down from above
I also own a Honda motorcycle. The engine never skips a beat and is super reliable, service intervals are longer which means less maintainance , I will always buy Honda
I love a good rags to riches story. Soichiro had a dream since he was 8 and never stopped until he achieved it, despite what ppl were telling him. This makes me even more proud to be a Honda girl
Bro walked in achieved greatness then left. Most of us are just there and do nothing. And we tend to be blinded by greed instead of trying improving people's lives. This guy is the type of person I can only dream to be.
What a remarkable person. He was driven to make a quality vehicle. He didn't pay attention to the experts and blazed his own path. Failure was not considered final. He learned from his failures and competition. Great video.
Plsss i warn you plss join plsss our fellowship is just 2 hours we are using messenger plsss join i warn you if you regret this you will go to hell. This fellowship its not just fellowship this fellowship will saved you plssss join i warn you
Few valuable lessons learnt from this video 1) endure the process even if you are making mistakes. 2) be consistent with the goal/vision, even when it seems impossible or rejected by others. 3) money will only support the vision/goal and if there's none, we become slave to money. 4) honor the people/institution who have done what you are trying to do in a unique way. 5) if we fail in the mind, we fail in every other thing. 6) the way up is down, nobody suddenly arrived at the top. I hope you learnt something too 😊😊
I've always loved Honda motorcycles since a child. My father bought me and my brothers a Honda 55, we rode the wheels off that bike. My next bike was a Honda 70. It was 1973 and I was 13 years old. I still have it to this day and it has over 6000 miles on it, I use it as my tranpertation around the airport now. I have owned many Honda bikes throughout the years, 90s, 250 Elsinore, 350 twin, 350 four, 900, but my all time favorite was the 750 four, what a great touring bike and had such a unique sound. Thank you Mr Honda, you gave us so many vehicles to enjoy in our lives.
_“What we learn through failure becomes a precious part of us, strengthening us in everything we do. So let the tough things make you tougher.”_ - *Soichiro Honda*
Inspirational Quote "Looking back on my work. I feel that I was doing nothing more than mistakes, blunders, and serious omissions. But I am proud of the achievements. Although I did one mistake after another my mistakes and failures never occurred for the same reasons" Soichiro Honda
I've owned 3 Honda Accords so far in my lifetime. Of all the cars I've had, the Hondas were THE MOST reliable. I tell my kids that they can't go wrong buying a Honda. It's 2022 and my son has a 2002 Accord that still runs great and shows no sing of quitting.
I have a 2008 Accord 3.5 V6. I drove this for 10 years and have passed it on to my daughter who got her licence this year, it has 130,000 kms (81k miles) & It still runs beautifully. I actually looked for a later model Honda Accord to replace it, but wayyy too expensive..so I ended up with a 50k mile 2012 Lexus IS 350. Of course I love my Lexus, but still have the highest respect for Honda and recommend, esp as first cars. A shame we don't get the awesome new Acura TLX in Australia (or any Acura for that matter!)
@@Stuygym I hope so! I’d like my daughter to drive it for the next 3-5 years. It will be a sad day when it finally does go. Even though I have my Lexus, still have a very soft spot for the Accord. It’s Nighthawk black with window tint, looks really sleek when she’s cleaned up😉
I'm not a Honda person but after watching this I have so much respect for Honda vehicles! Just seeing the H symbol on a car makes me think of his struggle and success to how that H winded up on a car
@Norbërt just to make my point of having even more appreciation for Honda. It's like someone that's not onto art but went to a art museum and had so much more appreciation for art. What I said was a huge compliment for Honda
@@NinoKraft I do, I don't know skyline models but I know a skyline when I see one. But if it was a different car brand I probably could tell you more about those models. I like some Hondas I'm just not a fan of Hondas.
Surprisingly, Art Shokai still exists in the city of Hamamatsu where I was born and raised(I'm back and live in Hamamatsu now). Mr. Honda once came to my high school in 1975 and gave a lecture. I still remember him telling jokes and puns, not much about his company.
Such an inspirational story. Honda not only produces one of the finest cars, but also the creativity and innovation of Honda leads to auto industry. A salute to Honda from US.
And the CUB design was still used today and I own two of its iterations, the XRM and Wave 100 models, one is already 18 and the other is 15 years old, engines are still stock and was not opened since the day it walked out of the showroom. Quality indeed.
The Honda Cub engine in its various capacities is the most prolific engine ever made in the history of engine manufacturing. That is a claim for Honda to be very proud of.
What an inspirational story.. Soichiro honda's resurrection from war made crisis was unbelievable..Japan always astonishing with their resurrection from many crisis.. Proud to be an owner of Honda motocycle.. love from India
Your videos have an INSANELY high quality of story-telling. As someone who’s actually worked at Honda in Canada, I can tell you that safety and quality are truly the top priorities of the company, it’s not just a marketing strategy.
I work at the Honda Engine Plant in Anna, Ohio. I've been there for 7 months now. It's awesome to see how Honda's products are loved by our customers and that the company I work for and the hard work of my fellow workers and myself make a difference not only in our own communities near Anna, Ohio but also the rest of the world.
The fact this isn't a car based channels is just unbelievable your research and knowledge is just spot on from a car nerd point this is amazing I have adhd and a car nerd mabey bit to much sometimes people get fed up of it after a while lol but learning about cars is what I love and this is just amazing
I am also a school dropout and have also forged my mark sheets and have lots of love and passion for automobiles but couldn't become an automobile engineer. But time rolled and one of my sons made it to become an automobile engineer in Honda's R&D Japan all the way from India. I also visited Honda's museum in Japan and felt fulfilled. When ever I think of Mr. Honda my eyes automatically becomes wet. I love you soo much Mr. Honda.
Takeo Fujisawa is more than just investor for Soichiro. He’s the true captain of Honda Motor Company. He brilliantly navigating Honda through ordeals, securing big deals, and Honda fairy tales like growth won’t happen if not because of his efforts.
Man the things we take for granted in life it’s so easy to not know what some people in this world have done to get the things we have today. Very interesting and inspirational story
People don't have this type of determination today. They were born in an easy life, and giving that up won't happen. Besides, people build cheap junk today, last a few years, then buy another. A disposable world. People used to take care of things, because if you did, it would last a lifetime.
Sochiro Honda’s love and motivation for mechanics and engineering is something that should be glorified. He had such a brilliant mind and was so in tune with his surroundings and pursued his dreams. What an inspiration. May you Rest In Peace sir. My favorite creations are The cub motorcycle s500 and the mini truck.
I love watching this type of content very inspiring, whenever I felt quitting on my small business, it uplifts my spirit..it makes me think of the thousands of reasons why I started, and a hundred of reasons why I should not give up.
I have owned Nissan and Cheys and they gave me trouble and switched to Hondas ten years ago and I have to say this, No one can match the quality of Honda vehicles. Now, I drive Honda CR-V 2017 and I have put 256000 km and it drives like like new. Honda resale value is also amazing. Honda's story inspired me to follow my dream and open my own company.
@@jerettgilbert3947 lmao butthurt that some forign car brand is beter? also i prefer fords over chevrolets merc was first, ford was second but also more like first cause assembly line and its the first motorized transport that looks even remotely like a modern car and idk where chevrolet fits in this ik theres general motors, cadilac, pontiac, plymouth i actually have a plymoutth key ring thing was originally owned by a man named warren mitch apparently but as for how much luck ive had with vehicles? well 2 nissans, 2 fords, a dodge and recently a chevy.. only one that hasnt been murdered yet is 1 nissan and ofc the chevy, but to be fair, the chevy is 13 years newer than the "newest" vehicle my family ownes with 1 of the fords being oldest.. depending on how you want to look at it, its either from 86 or 48.... like i said, depending on how one looks at it anyhoo, i heard that chevy ran CVT's in the early 00's and now they just started using them again in 19' so uhhh how reliable is a chevy?
A takes a visionary's amplitude to transform a way of life. Knowing where change is needed, and filling that void through perseverance and hard work is the pinnacle of Honda. As a young mechanic I was impressed by his intro of the 3barrel carb on the CVCC platform. Genius! What a great man.
my first motorcycle was a 77 Honda XR75. The provincial championship i won was on a 83 Honda CR125. An 86 Honda VFR750 was the best street bike I have ever owned! am currently restoring a 2015 XR650. Thank you Mr Honda for all you did! 0
@@remowilliams7029 just trying to help make you sound like you know what you are talking about.But you shown your true colors,lol!No Renault no revolutionary Honda.
I remember Dr. Eugene DeLoatch, Dean of the School of Engineering at Morgan State, used to drive an old Honda to work for so many years. After watching this video I have a sneaking suspicion that it was because of the innovative engineering involved in its history. It wasn’t just a vehicle, it was the achievement-he has always been an avid historian...I’m sure he probably drove it as reminder of why he was there, graduating engineers. All of this is just a momentary thought, but innovative people really do change the world and solve problems that the rest of us benefit from. This was epic-excellent video 👊
That whole story made me love and appreciate my Honda bike a lot more.... It's a result of one man's love, focus and commitment... God bless you Soichiro wherever you are...❤
What a wonderful story. I Love how he never gave up - especially on the failures. I had a 1995 and 2003 Honda Accord and absolutely loved them. Excellent cars - well built - reliable. I now have a 2012 Honda Accord and still running strong with no issues at all. Honda makes excellent cars. I stand by their products.
As a auto salesman in the late 70s and early 80s I sold Hondas out the order book we could not keep up with the demand for them this is a great success story and should be put on the big screen as a biopic.
Yeah that's true! How are you doing today? I'm kim from Texas, a sergeant in the American army. Where are you from and how is the weather condition over there?
I have a Honda generator, the most reliable brand in Botswana, and the small Honda fit car has erased Toyota Corollas out of market permanently, they are everywhere in people's homes as personal cars, taxis and are known as notorius crime cars too, police are always alert about Honda fit, they are very tough and reliable and uses less fuel to travel long distances, such a beautiful story of very high determination
As a brazilian, I thank God for this man's life! Seeing SENNA ride a McLaren MP4/4 with a HONDA ENGINE, A TRUE MASTERPIECE, was one of most incredible sigths one could have or ask! What an inspiring and resilient person! I'm even more proud to be a honda owner now!
it's exceptional human beings like Soichiro Honda that have pushed our civilization forward so we may have the best comforts in the present day. I'm left inspired by his passion for perfection and intricately articulate problem solving skills. Great Video!
I realized that all successful people are not afraid to move away from their comfort zone the first being the comforts of home. Thank you for the documentary!
I never knew anything about Honda but have always purchased lawn equipment and other products of theirs because of their dependability. What an amazing and inspirational man.
In 2020 my 1990 Honda Civic Si was flooded and sat in the driveway for 2 years, before I had the time to work on it. I change out all the fluids and replace alternator and starter. The car start and run without any problems. Honda engines are one of the best. Great vid on Mr. Honda
Thanks for the beautiful story. Mr. Honda is so inspiring. He had dreams and worked hard to pursue them and bring them to fruition. What an amazing and outstanding man. We did buy a Honda Civic. Other people who owned expensive cars including Porsches wondered about the spaciousness of its trunk. It is 10 years old now and still runs well. We have added another car to it but it is still the old reliable, comfortable car.
Great documentary. My first Honda was small car Honda N600, had 6 Honda motorbikes, 2 other Honda cars and now I’m proud owner of new Honda Monkey 125cc. Lesson to learn: Newer underestimate anyone, small or big, poor or rich. And treat others you like them treat you.
@@clarksonoceallachain8536 Hi clarkson, Honda N600 was small car with 2 cylinder air cooled motorcycle type engine. It was zippy untill diaphragm inside the carburettor broke. Couldn’t get part and sold it as is. Don’t know about RS?
I have been a body painel repair technician last 25 years for different auto manufacturers, and by 17 my time at a Honda dealership till date was my favorite. Always impressed with the factory training and the quality. Fantastic
I own a Honda Civic and am thankful every day for the inspiration, hard work and genius mind of Soichiro Honda! To his family; thank you for the multitude of sacrifices you must have made!! I LOVE my car!!💕💕💗💗💖💖
You should have mentioned that the Honda Super Cub is the most-produced motor vehicle in history, with 120 million sold since 1958 -- and still in production today. The Super Cub not only saved Honda, but it saved the entire motorcycle industry, which was in a death spiral in the 1960s . . .until the "Nicest People" ad campaign turned motorcycles from vehicles for the "Rebel Without A Cause" crowd into "acceptable" transportation for normal people.
I owned a Honda. It was my first car. It got me to where I needed to be and was value for money. I am happy to have supported this man's legacy. The gist of his legacy I think is... making mistakes doesn't end the journey to success its actually part of the journey, only giving up ends the journey so never give up and be happy with your mistakes and learn from them
When I was young I had a CB 100 Honda motorcycle amazing machine. My dad said if they ever make a car it will be great. Like to have the CB 100 back. Fast forward, worked for a import repair shop learned so much about Honda. Own a 04 accord 255k on the clock, don’t plan on selling it. Runs and drives great. Thank you for this amazing story.❤️❤️❤️😇🙏
Truly the power of dreams ... The Honda F1 engine has also won 6 x constructors championship and 6x drivers championship. The absolute pinnacle of motor racing.
I was also a boy in poverty that is why I always admire the talents of Japan like Honda, Oshin, learn from them to develop myself in life. They are my inspiration!
My first car was an '81 Subaru hatchback. My friend had a '81 Honda Accord hatchback. When I rode with her, I noticed that her car didn't rattle like mine. She said "I honestly think Hondas are made better. I wrecked the Subaru in 1988 and then bought an '83 Accord LX 5 sp hatchback. I drove it til 2000, and it had 269,000 miles on it. In 2000, I bought a '99 Civic LX. I sold it in 2015, and it had 234,000 miles on it. I bought a 2013 Accord EX, which now has 197,994 miles. I have had issues with the sensors, but it is still a great car. I am ready for a newer Accord, but the 2025s look like a Kia, and Honda did away with the camera in the passenger side mirror. I hope the 2026 Accords are better.
I know I will be out of all my problems, 'failures' and be well successful today by 11am. All the same, thanks to this channel for sharing such and inspirational story.
i was lucky enough to have met the great man himself, in the early 80's i was working for Honda Australia and he visited, the first thing he wanted was the Australian flag off the flag pole which he draped himself in and he wanted to meet everybody in the entire office and warehouse and personally thank them for their work, it was an absolute pleasure to have shook his hand and he was so humble and very funny, great memory.
That’s insane!
Do you know who took over Honda
Awsome story
That’s awesome!!
No I don’t sorry
This man is probably one of, if not the most influential person in modern automotive and motorcycle history. I own a classic Honda Valkyrie, and it's one of the best motorcycles I've ever ridden. I would have loved to have met this man.
"Do not fear failure, fear not trying anything." Soichiro Honda
He is my hero.
That's Roy Bennett's quote
@@robitete3838 lmao
Gave me the chills but at the same time my eyes a lil teary
Yeah tell that to his Son when he given a role in the Company and founded Mugen
Lies again? Nashville Dallas Never Defeated
He started Honda in 1948 and here in 2022 I'm still riding my 1984 honda gold wing. Amazing story and makes me wanting to keep that old bike even more.
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
❤same here with my 96 Civic, wish I had kept my 84, also Civic.
Gold Wings are great bikes, I nearly bought one! I had the VTR 1000F and CBR1100 XX good build quality.
I’m getting my second gold wing tomorrow, I have a 78 and this one is an 83
I work for honda. Seeing the vision of this man, the power of his dream, everyday. This video hit different. I wish he were here today to see it.
I work for Honda too, I feel the same way brother! I'm so grateful for this man.
I work at Honda too. He would’ve been so proud of how far this company has come
He would be so fucking proud of the Grom! I love that bike and even though I have a 1400r I feel like I’ll ride the grom forever
You can tell there’s passion there!
same bro same
I used to work for a Honda Motorcycle manufacturing plant here in the Philippines and that's where I also met my now husband. Proud to be part of this globally known Company.
I don't think I've ever been more proud to own a Honda after watching this. This man's determination and willpower is unfathomable.
love you
He is on a whole other level isn't he for determination and drive never to quit! The closest person I know of to this guy is Thomas Edison who its said made around 1,000 prototype failure attempts for the electric light bulb before he finally got it right, massive debts and everyone saying it was impossible to do and he should quit, but he carried on because he believed in his idea and himself..just like Soichiro Honda. Thomas Edison took the same atitude towards failures and setbacks as Soichiro, he said he didn't look at it as 1,000 failures, but instead a necessary process to doing it right, and that he 1,000 learned ways of how not to create a light bulb..I bet he learned a lot of other stuff during that process too. Mistakes, setbacks and obstacles are learning experiences and challenges..if you quit at the first major obstacle or setback, you could miss greatness. One great ape figured out that banging hard shell nuts with a lump of rock opens the nuts and now all the other generations do it as a learned behaviour ;-)
@@paullangton-rogers2390 Shame that another set of 'Great Apes' learned how to bang one Atom into another to reveal the unlocked potential there also...... Now All the 'Great Apes.' Have cottoned on and use this method to become the ultimate threat to humanity........ Lesson here: 'From great ideas comes great responsibility.'
A genius can only be a genius if the amazing idea is in the right mind......
I definitely won't be able to take another step if I lost everything like he did. This guy really makes me so humble down to earth. Until today I am still cannot understand how this type of people have so much willingness, huge effort and not giving up for what they believe. For me, they are not human. They are superman.
I know for sure I would have given up
Because we have no option but fight
that is the power of Desire
@@respectjungle5119 yes
You don't know that, until it happens to you.
I have been a mechanic for 37 years for different auto manufacturers, and by far my time at a Honda dealership was my favorite. Always impressed with the factory training and the quality. Fantastic auto company
I owned a 2010 Honda Civic and currently own a 2014 Honda City. The only defect i´ve ever had on the latest was a light bulb that burnt, and my regular mechanic once told me about the first one that he wasn´t exagerating when he said that my Civic engine could run my car for about 400,000 km (around 250,000 miles) before I even had to make a half adjustment to the engine. A boss of mine had a really old Accord and the only thing he ever complained about was that the cassette player no longer worked (picture how old his car was) and he didn´t want to install a new stereo out of nostalgia. Jezz, I even knew about a guy in a place I used to work whose Civic got caught in a flooding and spent a couple of days underwater and other than have the interiors washed and the stereo replaced, his car just kept running like nothing had happened.
So in your opinion mate, who produces the most reliable and mechanically solid cars, Japanese German Korean usa British etc which cars do u think are the best quality. ?
@@celtickshatriya4306 that’s basically asking Honda vs Toyota
I own a second motorcycle,it was very good .
What an inspiring person...I have always respected Honda as well as Toyota because they built cars to last and to be trustworthy. Like a friend said, " one of the few things you can trust in this world,is an engine made by a Japanese person"
A Ford will last longer
So True!!!!
@@elchurro7540 hahahahahahaha
@@elchurro7540 good luck with that lol. American cars are garbage
Found On Road Dead😂😂😂
Successful people don't become successful that way overnight. What most people see at a glance- wealth, a great career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life..
What s app 👇
Absolutely inspiring to see that no matter how many times he failed, He got back up. I'm sure he's proud of how big and reliable Honda still is among the competition.
Still is? Honda is one of the biggest companies out there!!
Everyone learns from a mistake.
Bible says 7 times you fall 7 times you get back up
Hello you want to join online fellowship plss join plss give time to Jesus so he will give you a time plss join PLSSS
Plsss i warn you plss join plsss our fellowship is just 2 hours we are using messenger plsss join i warn you if you regret this you will go to hell. This fellowship its not just fellowship this fellowship will saved you plssss join i warn you
I am inspired by the part..." my mistakes and failures never occurred for the same reasons". Thank you, Mr Honda.
Hello you want to join online fellowship plss join plss give time to Jesus so he will give you a time plss join PLSSS
Plsss i warn you plss join plsss our fellowship is just 2 hours we are using messenger plsss join i warn you if you regret this you will go to hell. This fellowship its not just fellowship this fellowship will saved you plssss join i warn you
Pleas list en my mus ic
@@99_problems_band Hello you want to join online fellowship plss join plss give time to Jesus so he will give you a time plss join PLSSS
@@99_problems_band Plsss i warn you plss join plsss our fellowship is just 2 hours we are using messenger plsss join i warn you if you regret this you will go to hell. This fellowship its not just fellowship this fellowship will saved you plssss join i warn you
As a family that owns an accord and civic. I can confirm those cars are best in cost of repairs, maintenance, and reliability. Not to mention fuel economy. I’ve always wanted a fast car but as I grow older reliability is the main factor I look in a car. What an inspiring story.
Hard to beat Toyota or Honda
I had an Accord and Prelude here in New Zealand. The Prelude had been in a flood and I got it pretty cheap. Owned for 3-4 years it never let me down. Great cars.
You haven't driven a Honda Civic SI, Type R, S2000, or NSX. Those are fast and fun to drive.
@@KnockoutInvestingWell, I wouldnt call an Si "fast" per se. Fun to drive and excellent handling, but like the MX-5, won't cause your insurance to go up because the horsepower number isn't big.
I'm reading this story 31 years after Sochiro Honda passed on but the story is still very inspiring. Those who live for others never die.
I couldn't agree more as evidenced by the best expression of ... "Those who live for others never die" ... delineated in the following prayer using caps as emphasis to communicate the greatest story ever told about the greatest sacrifice ever made by the greatest person to ever lived.
On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE.
YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors, their families and friends. 🥰
YOU SAW them as sinners (missing the mark resulting in their weaknesses prevailing causing guilt of wrong doing) because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow.
If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰
They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh.
They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seek to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take.
Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movies, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES.
LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain.
LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏🏾 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned in order for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌🏻🙌🏾
LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰
LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their door until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌🏻🙌🏾
If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee.
Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again (repentance manifesting itself in a changed life), I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh.
O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰
@@MD-hg9dq what the flying fuck
2022, He has a good reason to be happy with his accomplishments. If he only were still here today to see.
I can't agree more💕
A brilliant man, but more than that, he was a persistent one who didn't give up. That's what it takes.
My husband and I both love cars, submarines, ships and planes, and we watch these videos all the time. This was one of the most well made I can think of. Very enjoyable as well as informative. Thank you!
When I got my first Honda and it was 5 years old all the leaks and problems stopped that I’d had with US and German cars. I was so delighted that I still have that Accord 25 years later.
Time for a update
Hey Richard did you by chance go to school in bangcock? I went to school with a Richard Morse in 1955?
@@Jake-zu8fv no I didn’t I’ve lived in Canada all my life
HOW DOES THIS MAN NOT HAVE A MOVIE OF HIS LIFE? if there is one, I'd love to watch it
True. There should be a biopic on him
@LC Ooi I agree. He used his face 20 times as fillers, and just used random pictures off of Google.
@@petitebears You don't understand the video. Those came from different things like movies and shows to fill up the length of the video. Sure, they weren't of Honda, but they did relate to the story.
You just did.
Dude ...
He's just a mere RUclips channel. Not an established Hollywood movie studio. Who knows that me might couldn't afford a random Japanese stock videos?
My family 1st motorbike is a Honda super cub, my dad use all his money to buy that bike so that my mom could go to work (that money was enough to buy a new house at that time in Vietnam back then). It worked flawlessly for more than 15 years. Now all of my family vehicles are Honda
This is fucking inspiring. Can I hear more of the story? Why buy the motor? Is it too hard to commute back then?
We buy Honda and Toyota exclusively. New mdx will be here in two months.
As much as a new house, that's crazy I'd take a house over a motorbike anytime, my first honda was a 80cc and you certainly couldn't even pave your driveway for what I paid for it new, peace out love to Vietnam met many vietnamese friends over the years
I have had the same honda durtbike for 10 plus years they are nice
This guy malaysia
What a great inspirational story.
So proud to own a Honda.
The quality and reliability is top notch!
Sochiru Honda was a man on a mission 🙌
Mad respect
*Soichiro Honda
The world needs more men like him!
I'm a happy owner of a Honda, I got to say Soichiro's story really moved me by how he was on the grind and never stopped no matter what.
@Padre Boaz R E V U P Y O U R E N G I N E S
Hello you want to join online fellowship plss join plss give time to Jesus so he will give you a time plss join PLSSS
Plsss i warn you plss join plsss our fellowship is just 2 hours we are using messenger plsss join i warn you if you regret this you will go to hell. This fellowship its not just fellowship this fellowship will saved you plssss join i warn you
@Padre Boaz Honda are very reliable
Exactly like his cars, they keep going, no matter what. Hondas are some of the best cars ever made.
This documentary serves as motivation. Never give up in your dreams and what people have to say about you.
I am an owner of a Honda motorcycle. Very reliable engine. Using it as a service for my work. Never disappointed me. Engine is all stock from the day I released it from their showroom. Thank you Mr. Honda for your great creation.
Love this comment
I also own a Honda motorcyle and when I'm assblasting down the street and people can hear me from 1 mile away, I imagine Mr. Honda is giggling down from above
I also own a Honda motorcycle. The engine never skips a beat and is super reliable, service intervals are longer which means less maintainance , I will always buy Honda
Had a Honda motor bike years ago never let me down once
I love a good rags to riches story. Soichiro had a dream since he was 8 and never stopped until he achieved it, despite what ppl were telling him. This makes me even more proud to be a Honda girl
Which Honda vehicle do you own?
I think I am like him.
Same here ! My first ride is stream 2007. I am replacing it with another Honda ❤
Nothing to something story’s always motivating 😌
Bro walked in achieved greatness then left. Most of us are just there and do nothing. And we tend to be blinded by greed instead of trying improving people's lives. This guy is the type of person I can only dream to be.
What a remarkable person. He was driven to make a quality vehicle. He didn't pay attention to the experts and blazed his own path. Failure was not considered final. He learned from his failures and competition. Great video.
Truly a genuis mechanical engineer
@@knrz2562 ⁰ok
Hello you want to join online fellowship plss join plss give time to Jesus so he will give you a time plss join PLSSS
Plsss i warn you plss join plsss our fellowship is just 2 hours we are using messenger plsss join i warn you if you regret this you will go to hell. This fellowship its not just fellowship this fellowship will saved you plssss join i warn you
Few valuable lessons learnt from this video
1) endure the process even if you are making mistakes.
2) be consistent with the goal/vision, even when it seems impossible or rejected by others.
3) money will only support the vision/goal and if there's none, we become slave to money.
4) honor the people/institution who have done what you are trying to do in a unique way.
5) if we fail in the mind, we fail in every other thing.
6) the way up is down, nobody suddenly arrived at the top.
I hope you learnt something too 😊😊
I thank you so much for writing these words .
Don’t write these stupid things, we r educated OK
I've always loved Honda motorcycles since a child. My father bought me and my brothers a Honda 55, we rode the wheels off that bike. My next bike was a Honda 70. It was 1973 and I was 13 years old. I still have it to this day and it has over 6000 miles on it, I use it as my tranpertation around the airport now. I have owned many Honda bikes throughout the years, 90s, 250 Elsinore, 350 twin, 350 four, 900, but my all time favorite was the 750 four, what a great touring bike and had such a unique sound. Thank you Mr Honda, you gave us so many vehicles to enjoy in our lives.
_“What we learn through failure becomes a precious part of us, strengthening us in everything we do. So let the tough things make you tougher.”_ - *Soichiro Honda*
Pleas list en my mus ic
@@99_problems_band no bozo L ratio
That's what I say to myself after coming out of the exam hall
That's an example of their philosophy.... *_Kintsugi Philosophy_*
Inspirational Quote
"Looking back on my work. I feel that I was doing nothing more than mistakes, blunders, and serious omissions. But I am proud of the achievements. Although I did one mistake after another my mistakes and failures never occurred for the same reasons"
Soichiro Honda
Noticed this quotes too. Learning from the best person in the world 🙏
What a great story of trials and success. Never give up. Failure is not an option.
I've owned 3 Honda Accords so far in my lifetime. Of all the cars I've had, the Hondas were THE MOST reliable. I tell my kids that they can't go wrong buying a Honda. It's 2022 and my son has a 2002 Accord that still runs great and shows no sing of quitting.
I have a 2008 Accord 3.5 V6. I drove this for 10 years and have passed it on to my daughter who got her licence this year, it has 130,000 kms (81k miles) & It still runs beautifully. I actually looked for a later model Honda Accord to replace it, but wayyy too expensive..so I ended up with a 50k mile 2012 Lexus IS 350. Of course I love my Lexus, but still have the highest respect for Honda and recommend, esp as first cars. A shame we don't get the awesome new Acura TLX in Australia (or any Acura for that matter!)
@@KnightIndustries572 with 81k she's just breaking in.
@@Stuygym I hope so! I’d like my daughter to drive it for the next 3-5 years. It will be a sad day when it finally does go. Even though I have my Lexus, still have a very soft spot for the Accord. It’s Nighthawk black with window tint, looks really sleek when she’s cleaned up😉
@@m.f7979 They just DON'T STOP!
Not only are they good cars but they make good smooth power . Hence all the kids with souped up Honda’s . More fun to drive than other cars .
I'm not a Honda person but after watching this I have so much respect for Honda vehicles! Just seeing the H symbol on a car makes me think of his struggle and success to how that H winded up on a car
You don’t like skyline? R34? 350z? Etc etc? Dang Aight
@Norbërt just to make my point of having even more appreciation for Honda. It's like someone that's not onto art but went to a art museum and had so much more appreciation for art. What I said was a huge compliment for Honda
@@NinoKraft I do, I don't know skyline models but I know a skyline when I see one. But if it was a different car brand I probably could tell you more about those models. I like some Hondas I'm just not a fan of Hondas.
@@NinoKraft Those are Nissans, not Honda…Type R or Nsx though 🙃
@@izetbalagic3358 I know bro.. but if someone’s doesn’t like Toyota never mind Honda
Fantastic story about determination. I always loved a Honda and owned 3 as an adult. The story makes me feel even more proud to be a Honda owner
I only own a second motorcycle,but it was very good .
He was an incredible man.He never gave up.He certainly gives us a lesson in perserverance.Great story
never ever give up .
Surprisingly, Art Shokai still exists in the city of Hamamatsu where I was born and raised(I'm back and live in Hamamatsu now).
Mr. Honda once came to my high school in 1975 and gave a lecture. I still remember him telling jokes and puns, not much about his company.
Hey I have a cousin there who has an American Dad. Help me find him. He should be 6’5” tall. Looks like Shaq ! We lost connection. 30 years old !
wow! what an honour to see him face to 😃
you are too lucky .
Such an inspirational story. Honda not only produces one of the finest cars, but also the creativity and innovation of Honda leads to auto industry. A salute to Honda from US.
And the CUB design was still used today and I own two of its iterations, the XRM and Wave 100 models, one is already 18 and the other is 15 years old, engines are still stock and was not opened since the day it walked out of the showroom. Quality indeed.
My trail 90 from 1968 is the same way...such a genius man
our xrm is 20yo already and still working great
Pleas list en my mus ic
The Honda Cub engine in its various capacities is the most prolific engine ever made in the history of engine manufacturing. That is a claim for Honda to be very proud of.
The fascinating story of sheer determination, ambition, and an impossible dream accomplished by Honda through the rough and tumbling years.
What an inspirational story..
Soichiro honda's resurrection from war made crisis was unbelievable..Japan always astonishing with their resurrection from many crisis.. Proud to be an owner of Honda motocycle.. love from India
As a owner of 2 legendary Honda’s this man will inspire me to keep on buying old Honda’s and restore them
This was incredible, I've heard bits and pieces of the story but nothing as in-depth as this. Thank you for your effort
That's a big effort.
My eyes filled with tears while watching this video. As an Asian I am proud of Japanese cars specially HONDA.
Dude, you're indian..
Your videos have an INSANELY high quality of story-telling. As someone who’s actually worked at Honda in Canada, I can tell you that safety and quality are truly the top priorities of the company, it’s not just a marketing strategy.
I work at the Honda Engine Plant in Anna, Ohio. I've been there for 7 months now. It's awesome to see how Honda's products are loved by our customers and that the company I work for and the hard work of my fellow workers and myself make a difference not only in our own communities near Anna, Ohio but also the rest of the world.
wydm Ohio 💀
@@karaizala Engine assembly
The fact this isn't a car based channels is just unbelievable your research and knowledge is just spot on from a car nerd point this is amazing I have adhd and a car nerd mabey bit to much sometimes people get fed up of it after a while lol but learning about cars is what I love and this is just amazing
I am also a school dropout and have also forged my mark sheets and have lots of love and passion for automobiles but couldn't become an automobile engineer.
But time rolled and one of my sons made it to become an automobile engineer in Honda's R&D Japan all the way from India.
I also visited Honda's museum in Japan and felt fulfilled.
When ever I think of Mr. Honda my eyes automatically becomes wet.
I love you soo much Mr. Honda.
South Indian?
We have an eleven-year old Honda Accord. Never gave us a headache. Their engines are truly reliable and fun.
yoo macoy dubs haha
Japanese reliability
Takeo Fujisawa is more than just investor for Soichiro. He’s the true captain of Honda Motor Company. He brilliantly navigating Honda through ordeals, securing big deals, and Honda fairy tales like growth won’t happen if not because of his efforts.
Man the things we take for granted in life it’s so easy to not know what some people in this world have done to get the things we have today. Very interesting and inspirational story
People don't have this type of determination today. They were born in an easy life, and giving that up won't happen.
Besides, people build cheap junk today, last a few years, then buy another. A disposable world. People used to take care of things, because if you did, it would last a lifetime.
@@jeffcampbell2710 they do it’s just that nobody will give them a chance and you’re definition of disposable is kinda backwards
Pleas list en my mus ic
Michael 'sounds great 👍 👌 😀 😄 Work Michael
Sochiro Honda’s love and motivation for mechanics and engineering is something that should be glorified. He had such a brilliant mind and was so in tune with his surroundings and pursued his dreams. What an inspiration. May you Rest In Peace sir.
My favorite creations are The cub motorcycle s500 and the mini truck.
I love watching this type of content very inspiring, whenever I felt quitting on my small business, it uplifts my spirit..it makes me think of the thousands of reasons why I started, and a hundred of reasons why I should not give up.
true. ,I agree .
I have owned Nissan and Cheys and they gave me trouble and switched to Hondas ten years ago and I have to say this, No one can match the quality of Honda vehicles. Now, I drive Honda CR-V 2017 and I have put 256000 km and it drives like like new. Honda resale value is also amazing. Honda's story inspired me to follow my dream and open my own company.
I love stories like these. They show us that anything is possible with enough effort, the right people, and consistency. (:
A bit of luck and never give up
@@andyc9902 Luck 🍀 is always on the side of the person that doesn't give up. (:
Pleas list en my mus ic
What a legend! What a roller coaster life! Seemed like he lived for 200 years. So much to go through in one life. Phew!
A story of sheer brut determination, the results speak for themselves.
That's a huge determination of annoying everyone at 3 am.
Interesting story!
This boy inspired the world and I’m proud owner of a Honda car.
Me too, wouldn't buy anything else.
Chevy better screw your foreign car
@@jerettgilbert3947 If American cars were as reliable as Honda, then we could speak, as for your money you get better with Honda.
@@jerettgilbert3947 lmao butthurt that some forign car brand is beter?
also i prefer fords over chevrolets
merc was first, ford was second but also more like first cause assembly line and its the first motorized transport that looks even remotely like a modern car
and idk where chevrolet fits in this
ik theres general motors, cadilac, pontiac, plymouth
i actually have a plymoutth key ring thing
was originally owned by a man named warren mitch apparently
but as for how much luck ive had with vehicles?
well 2 nissans, 2 fords, a dodge and recently a chevy..
only one that hasnt been murdered yet is 1 nissan and ofc the chevy, but to be fair, the chevy is 13 years newer than the "newest" vehicle my family ownes with 1 of the fords being oldest.. depending on how you want to look at it, its either from 86 or 48.... like i said, depending on how one looks at it
anyhoo, i heard that chevy ran CVT's in the early 00's and now they just started using them again in 19' so uhhh how reliable is a chevy?
Naaaaaaaaaa toyota is better 🤣
The best 22 minutes spent learning history. And a proud Honda owner for 8 years now.
What a wonderful piece of history, thank you for sharing! Proud to be an owner of a Honda motorcycle!
A takes a visionary's amplitude to transform a way of life. Knowing where change is needed, and filling that void through perseverance and hard work is the pinnacle of Honda. As a young mechanic I was impressed by his intro of the 3barrel carb on the CVCC platform. Genius! What a great man.
my first motorcycle was a 77 Honda XR75. The provincial championship i won was on a 83 Honda CR125. An 86 Honda VFR750 was the best street bike I have ever owned! am currently restoring a 2015 XR650. Thank you Mr Honda for all you did!
Wow I understand now why racing is so important to Honda. They don't just think about the economics, they try to honor the spirit of their founder.
The man, the myth, the legend! Type R is his legacy thank you Mr. Honda your vision revolutionized car and race culture forever.
I believe it was Renault's vision,if you are talking about VTEC.But they could make it work financially,but Honda did!.
@@760sky9 Fuq Renault!
@@remowilliams7029 just trying to help make you sound like you know what you are talking about.But you shown your true colors,lol!No Renault no revolutionary Honda.
@@760sky9 Who asked you for anything? I don't recall asking you 💩.
I remember Dr. Eugene DeLoatch, Dean of the School of Engineering at Morgan State, used to drive an old Honda to work for so many years. After watching this video I have a sneaking suspicion that it was because of the innovative engineering involved in its history. It wasn’t just a vehicle, it was the achievement-he has always been an avid historian...I’m sure he probably drove it as reminder of why he was there, graduating engineers.
All of this is just a momentary thought, but innovative people really do change the world and solve problems that the rest of us benefit from.
This was epic-excellent video 👊
This man is the reason I had my best first car (1991 EF2 CIVIC hatchback)
That whole story made me love and appreciate my Honda bike a lot more.... It's a result of one man's love, focus and commitment... God bless you Soichiro wherever you are...❤
What a wonderful story. I Love how he never gave up - especially on the failures. I had a 1995 and 2003 Honda Accord and absolutely loved them. Excellent cars - well built - reliable. I now have a 2012 Honda Accord and still running strong with no issues at all. Honda makes excellent cars. I stand by their products.
@Padre Boaz Jajaja. But Toyota makes excellent cars too. I never had one, but I know from friends and family, they are reliable well made cars.
My first car was a 1981 Honda Accord Hatchback. Great car for an 18 year old starting out into the world. I've been a fan ever since...
As a auto salesman in the late 70s and early 80s I sold Hondas out the order book we could not keep up with the demand for them this is a great success story and should be put on the big screen as a biopic.
The story is very encouraging and motivating to everyone who reads it. What a great person he is!
Yeah that's true! How are you doing today? I'm kim from Texas, a sergeant in the American army. Where are you from and how is the weather condition over there?
I have a Honda generator, the most reliable brand in Botswana, and the small Honda fit car has erased Toyota Corollas out of market permanently, they are everywhere in people's homes as personal cars, taxis and are known as notorius crime cars too, police are always alert about Honda fit, they are very tough and reliable and uses less fuel to travel long distances, such a beautiful story of very high determination
As a brazilian, I thank God for this man's life! Seeing SENNA ride a McLaren MP4/4 with a HONDA ENGINE, A TRUE MASTERPIECE, was one of most incredible sigths one could have or ask!
What an inspiring and resilient person! I'm even more proud to be a honda owner now!
it's exceptional human beings like Soichiro Honda that have pushed our civilization forward so we may have the best comforts in the present day. I'm left inspired by his passion for perfection and intricately articulate problem solving skills. Great Video!
I realized that all successful people are not afraid to move away from their comfort zone the first being the comforts of home. Thank you for the documentary!
Soichiro Honda had so much clarity of vision. He definitely knew where he was heading. So inspiring
He would be pleased to know that his legacy continues with cars like the Civic and CR-V. Great cars.
and City ❤️
Btw in 2021 honda won the F1 grand prix. So it's not only civic or crv that's popular.
More like the S660
I never knew anything about Honda but have always purchased lawn equipment and other products of theirs because of their dependability. What an amazing and inspirational man.
Awesome, Honda vehicles are some of our favorite cars. Respect to him and his hard work. 🙏
In 2020 my 1990 Honda Civic Si was flooded and sat in the driveway for 2 years, before I had the time to work on it. I change out all the fluids and replace alternator and starter. The car start and run without any problems. Honda engines are one of the best. Great vid on Mr. Honda
Thanks for the beautiful story. Mr. Honda is so inspiring. He had dreams and worked hard to pursue them and bring them to fruition. What an amazing and outstanding man. We did buy a Honda Civic. Other people who owned expensive cars including Porsches wondered about the spaciousness of its trunk. It is 10 years old now and still runs well. We have added another car to it but it is still the old reliable, comfortable car.
Wow. This made me teary-eyed. Rest in Power, Mr. Honda
same here .
Great documentary. My first Honda was small car Honda N600, had 6 Honda motorbikes, 2 other Honda cars and now I’m proud owner of new Honda Monkey 125cc. Lesson to learn: Newer underestimate anyone, small or big, poor or rich. And treat others you like them treat you.
I have had the same Honda dirtbike for 10 years
Hey alex
Whats your thoughts on the honda N one RS?
@@clarksonoceallachain8536 Hi clarkson, Honda N600 was small car with 2 cylinder air cooled motorcycle type engine. It was zippy untill diaphragm inside the carburettor broke. Couldn’t get part and sold it as is. Don’t know about RS?
I have been a body painel repair technician last 25 years for different auto manufacturers, and by 17 my time at a Honda dealership till date was my favorite. Always impressed with the factory training and the quality. Fantastic
I own a Honda Civic and am thankful every day for the inspiration, hard work and genius mind of Soichiro Honda! To his family; thank you for the multitude of sacrifices you must have made!! I LOVE my car!!💕💕💗💗💖💖
You should have mentioned that the Honda Super Cub is the most-produced motor vehicle in history, with 120 million sold since 1958 -- and still in production today. The Super Cub not only saved Honda, but it saved the entire motorcycle industry, which was in a death spiral in the 1960s . . .until the "Nicest People" ad campaign turned motorcycles from vehicles for the "Rebel Without A Cause" crowd into "acceptable" transportation for normal people.
People like Honda are the ones i like to set as role models. Thanks for the GREAT biography video @Big Company
There’s always a story to learn behind great inventions. Great content.
I owned a Honda. It was my first car. It got me to where I needed to be and was value for money. I am happy to have supported this man's legacy. The gist of his legacy I think is... making mistakes doesn't end the journey to success its actually part of the journey, only giving up ends the journey so never give up and be happy with your mistakes and learn from them
never give up. , I don't have a car yet ,but I got a second motorcycle of Honda ,and it is very good .
When I was young I had a CB 100 Honda motorcycle amazing machine. My dad said if they ever make a car it will be great. Like to have the CB 100 back. Fast forward, worked for a import repair shop learned so much about Honda. Own a 04 accord 255k on the clock, don’t plan on selling it. Runs and drives great. Thank you for this amazing story.❤️❤️❤️😇🙏
Truly the power of dreams ... The Honda F1 engine has also won 6 x constructors championship and 6x drivers championship. The absolute pinnacle of motor racing.
I was also a boy in poverty that is why I always admire the talents of Japan like Honda, Oshin, learn from them to develop myself in life. They are my inspiration!
Poor Blacksmith?
His feet is already on forex, just old schools.
My first car was an '81 Subaru hatchback. My friend had a '81 Honda Accord hatchback. When I rode with her, I noticed that her car didn't rattle like mine. She said "I honestly think Hondas are made better. I wrecked the Subaru in 1988 and then bought an '83 Accord LX 5 sp hatchback. I drove it til 2000, and it had 269,000 miles on it. In 2000, I bought a '99 Civic LX. I sold it in 2015, and it had 234,000 miles on it. I bought a 2013 Accord EX, which now has 197,994 miles. I have had issues with the sensors, but it is still a great car. I am ready for a newer Accord, but the 2025s look like a Kia, and Honda did away with the camera in the passenger side mirror. I hope the 2026 Accords are better.
Definitely, the most inspiring success story I have ever heard.
What a great and inspiring man Mr.Soichiro Honda who never gave up. Once told, the secret of my success is 99% failure.
I know I will be out of all my problems, 'failures' and be well successful today by 11am. All the same, thanks to this channel for sharing such and inspirational story.
I have been extremely fortunate to work for Hondas F1 Engine program on 2 occasions with the V8 & V6.
Great to know where it all began
I love Hondas & I think that a backstory like this makes me appreciate the motorcycles & cars I own even more.