That idea putting a set of tweezers in the clamp and holding the LED, that's genius! Also good idea with the button cell for testing LEDs, I had previously used a 1 cell Lipo but unfortunately that is enough to actually fry the red LEDs, I found out after testing three of them, ha ha!
And some more learning for me as I managed to watch the video all the way through, nice advice on the paint job, too! The end product looks really good!
Thanks for the view buddy. I’m glad it’s helped someone else out. Cheers for the great comments fella 😎. More videos coming soon 😁. Just need more subscribers now lol
Amazing 🤩 thank yoy for sharing, all my questions were answered except this, which drill bit (s) you used for the holes please?👍 this should become a reference 😎
Mike- great build, I am starting mine this weekend with all of the same parts. Any chance you can share the schematic or how you did the wiring. I know it’s supposed to be parallel, but I’m still confused on how to do them. Cheers!
Say... do you think it would be possible to cast parts with that Q-bond stuff? My last comment disappeared, this time I won't mention the wing mirrors. Great vid sir.
I’m not sure if you could cast parts with Q-bond? Getting it out the cast would be tricky 🤔. But good thinking. Only reason I didn’t add the mirrors was fear of them falling off during shipping, and they wouldn’t last 5 seconds on his crawler course. He agreed don’t put them on lol
I’d say if your using plastic axles go weights all round. But if you have metal axles just go weight in the front 😉. But each build is different so experiment and see what difference it makes. Hope that helps buddy
I’ve never built a das, although I’ve just got hold of one, no joke I picked it up last night. If I can successfully build it I will by all means give your one a go😉.
@@JA-uz7se I’m gonna try the unimog!!!! So as least it’s the larger of them 😂. If I manage it, and don’t break it. I may well build you one buddy. Fingers crossed for it lol.
That’s a beautifully built truck! I’d love to be able to build one, I bet it’s a very therapeutic experience. Unfortunately I’m unable to work on such a small scale I can barely work on my 1/10 scale now due. Would you be willing to build the Pajero for me? If your able to please let me know
Hi buddy sorry for the delay. There’s a possibility I can help build you a Pajero. Are you from the uk? As I can’t post anything with lipo abroad. Can you let me know a way to private message you to discuss it further.
magnificent work
great build!
Great job, excellent video
Super old school paintwork, love it
That idea putting a set of tweezers in the clamp and holding the LED, that's genius! Also good idea with the button cell for testing LEDs, I had previously used a 1 cell Lipo but unfortunately that is enough to actually fry the red LEDs, I found out after testing three of them, ha ha!
And some more learning for me as I managed to watch the video all the way through, nice advice on the paint job, too!
The end product looks really good!
Thanks for the view buddy. I’m glad it’s helped someone else out. Cheers for the great comments fella 😎. More videos coming soon 😁. Just need more subscribers now lol
Great video
nice car 👍😊👍
Amazing 🤩 thank yoy for sharing, all my questions were answered except this, which drill bit (s) you used for the holes please?👍 this should become a reference 😎
It depends on the hole, but most I used a 0.85mm - 0.9mm. Thanks for watching buddy. 😉
Mike- great build, I am starting mine this weekend with all of the same parts. Any chance you can share the schematic or how you did the wiring. I know it’s supposed to be parallel, but I’m still confused on how to do them. Cheers!
Say... do you think it would be possible to cast parts with that Q-bond stuff? My last comment disappeared, this time I won't mention the wing mirrors. Great vid sir.
I’m not sure if you could cast parts with Q-bond? Getting it out the cast would be tricky 🤔. But good thinking. Only reason I didn’t add the mirrors was fear of them falling off during shipping, and they wouldn’t last 5 seconds on his crawler course. He agreed don’t put them on lol
Do I only put the wheel weight on the front? I’m trying to build a trophy version. Thanks alot
I’d say if your using plastic axles go weights all round. But if you have metal axles just go weight in the front 😉. But each build is different so experiment and see what difference it makes. Hope that helps buddy
@@mikesmancave5505 Thanks
@@amadorgonzales5466 don’t know if you have seen this build I made? It may inspire you 😉видео.html
Would you make me a das 1:87 if I sent you one ? Would pay you for your troubles
I’ve never built a das, although I’ve just got hold of one, no joke I picked it up last night. If I can successfully build it I will by all means give your one a go😉.
@@mikesmancave5505 haha no way!!!! What a coincidence. Which one did you get? Im looking at getting the buggy rock crawler one
@@JA-uz7se I’m gonna try the unimog!!!! So as least it’s the larger of them 😂. If I manage it, and don’t break it. I may well build you one buddy. Fingers crossed for it lol.
@@mikesmancave5505 ahh awesome! That was my next choice! Good luck! Hope it goes well for you fingers crossed!
@@mikesmancave5505 oh will you be making a video on the Unimog?
Kitty :)
That’s a beautifully built truck! I’d love to be able to build one, I bet it’s a very therapeutic experience. Unfortunately I’m unable to work on such a small scale I can barely work on my 1/10 scale now due. Would you be willing to build the Pajero for me? If your able to please let me know
Hi buddy sorry for the delay. There’s a possibility I can help build you a Pajero. Are you from the uk? As I can’t post anything with lipo abroad. Can you let me know a way to private message you to discuss it further.