My knowledge of the Bee Gees is not based on wikipedia. I have been a fan of them since 1979. The writing credits are pretty clear and the Maurice/Robin team up had been strong across Robin's solo albums (How Old Are You?, Secret Agent and Walls Have Eyes (although Barry was more involved in the writing of the latter)). Robin was on hand in the studio in the capacity of backing vocalist and also helping Carola with pronunciation but production was solely on Maurice's shoulder.
Maurice along with Rhett Lawrence did all the programming on top of playing keyboards and string synths. Pretty much a skeleton crew, probably due to how much Polydor wanted to pay for the project. Robin and Maurice would provide backing vocals alongside Efva Nyström. Ed Calle was brought in to add some horn but that was it. Since Barry was occupied at Middle Ear recording his solo followup to Now Voyager, the Carola album was recorded at Mo's home studio Panther House.
Read one interview she did for Swedish Filter magazine a few years ago and apparently she wasn't all that enthused about the project from the start but was convinced/pushed by her father and record company execs to do it. She mentioned being "suicidal" and taken to a doctor while in Miami and diagnosed with an iron deficiency. That was the first and only time that was brought up. The lack of promotion may have actually been due to a shake-up over at Polydor UK as the guy responsible was sacked.
That's what we call selling the product. She's been a superstar back home so why should she ever care? Have met her a few times an never seen her even doubt or regret anything.
Maurice reportedly was less than pleased about it, to put it mildly. Years later Carola said she wanted nothing more than to promote the album but who knows...? Which ever party was at fault Carola at least got another song from the Gibbs for the 2001 My Show album, just not with any of the Gibbs involved with the recording unfortunately.
That is *If* him leaving had anything to do with Carola and the lack of promotion actually falling on Polydor's inability to asign a new person to handle the project and it simply falling through the cracks or they couldn't be arsed at all.
Another tidbit that was mentioned on the interview with Carola and Robin Gibb on Skavlan a few years back was that when the album had been mastered and ready Carola asked to re-record a line of vocal in the song "Lost in the Crowd". The line went "It's hard to control the devil in me" and it didn't sit well with her so she approached Maurice and asked if they would let her do it over and change "devil" to "feelings" instead. She obviously cared enough about it to ask for a change in content.
@Elixir155 It's so painful listening to this, comparing her voice to back then when she recorded these songs. What happened to her voice? And her pronounciation... She used to be an amazing singer. And really, she should have stuck to rock with the occational softer song (but that's my personal opinion of course... :-p ) Her voice is so raspy! It's almost hard to believe it's the same singer who recorded "The Runaway" album... :-(
Sensational....Thanks from Brazil.
I really enjoy wacthing carola peform
carola du har varit min idol sen jag var nio. du är suverääääään.
She is the best in world ! My God ! She is !
så bra!
Carola rocks!!! :D
Close, Maurice Gibb was sole producer on "Runaway". He and Robin co-wrote the majority of the songs while Barry joined his brothers for three of them.
runaway best.
Carola du är bara bäst .
Så himla bra låt och melodi spännande toner 🐾🙏🐾💖🐾💖🙏💖🐾👍🐅
This was amazing!
My knowledge of the Bee Gees is not based on wikipedia. I have been a fan of them since 1979. The writing credits are pretty clear and the Maurice/Robin team up had been strong across Robin's solo albums (How Old Are You?, Secret Agent and Walls Have Eyes (although Barry was more involved in the writing of the latter)). Robin was on hand in the studio in the capacity of backing vocalist and also helping Carola with pronunciation but production was solely on Maurice's shoulder.
Maurice along with Rhett Lawrence did all the programming on top of playing keyboards and string synths. Pretty much a skeleton crew, probably due to how much Polydor wanted to pay for the project. Robin and Maurice would provide backing vocals alongside Efva Nyström. Ed Calle was brought in to add some horn but that was it. Since Barry was occupied at Middle Ear recording his solo followup to Now Voyager, the Carola album was recorded at Mo's home studio Panther House.
Shit va fantastisk vacker snygg kvinna, blir bara vackrare med å är kär.
Ruslana 04 Eurovision Winner style!
Best forever
Read one interview she did for Swedish Filter magazine a few years ago and apparently she wasn't all that enthused about the project from the start but was convinced/pushed by her father and record company execs to do it. She mentioned being "suicidal" and taken to a doctor while in Miami and diagnosed with an iron deficiency. That was the first and only time that was brought up. The lack of promotion may have actually been due to a shake-up over at Polydor UK as the guy responsible was sacked.
That's what we call selling the product. She's been a superstar back home so why should she ever care? Have met her a few times an never seen her even doubt or regret anything.
Maurice reportedly was less than pleased about it, to put it mildly. Years later Carola said she wanted nothing more than to promote the album but who knows...? Which ever party was at fault Carola at least got another song from the Gibbs for the 2001 My Show album, just not with any of the Gibbs involved with the recording unfortunately.
That is *If* him leaving had anything to do with Carola and the lack of promotion actually falling on Polydor's inability to asign a new person to handle the project and it simply falling through the cracks or they couldn't be arsed at all.
She0S CoSmic and so cute.
Another tidbit that was mentioned on the interview with Carola and Robin Gibb on Skavlan a few years back was that when the album had been mastered and ready Carola asked to re-record a line of vocal in the song "Lost in the Crowd". The line went "It's hard to control the devil in me" and it didn't sit well with her so she approached Maurice and asked if they would let her do it over and change "devil" to "feelings" instead. She obviously cared enough about it to ask for a change in content.
Säg vad man vill om shit vad snygg hon är för sin ålder. Inte för att hon är gammal på något sätt men hon har tagit vara på sig! =)
@Elixir155 It's so painful listening to this, comparing her voice to back then when she recorded these songs. What happened to her voice? And her pronounciation... She used to be an amazing singer.
And really, she should have stuck to rock with the occational softer song (but that's my personal opinion of course... :-p )
Her voice is so raspy! It's almost hard to believe it's the same singer who recorded "The Runaway" album... :-(
No way? :)