Personal preference really. Winrate wise ROA is doing well. I value early game more bc I think high elo the games end fast and snowball (take this game for example) but if you value late game and scaling more go roa.
@Trisend3 thanks king appreciate it 🙏 I've tried archangels rush w/o roa now and I think I get it. You're still kinda tanky w the shield alone and the damage feels wayyyyy better early basing for ap/mana/haste instead of mostly just hp/mana early on.
If the game going to late , which items will you prefer to buy ?
Cryptbloom and hourglass banshees
why no roa? takes too long to scale?
Personal preference really. Winrate wise ROA is doing well. I value early game more bc I think high elo the games end fast and snowball (take this game for example) but if you value late game and scaling more go roa.
@Trisend3 thanks king appreciate it 🙏 I've tried archangels rush w/o roa now and I think I get it. You're still kinda tanky w the shield alone and the damage feels wayyyyy better early basing for ap/mana/haste instead of mostly just hp/mana early on.