Wordofa is very very educated and skillful man who written the very facts about the ethnic ideology politics in Ethiopia which brought by weakest mind Meles Zenewi (Wayne). He took this missions from forgin countries like the book explained the truth. So Wayne and ONGE used the hated propaganda On Amhara people since 1967 E.C . As Consequences, Wayne arrived in Addis Ababa in 1983. But many Ethiopian people did not understand this very well . During the 17 years the bloody civil war with Wayne and Shabia, many Ethiopian people did not understand and they couldn't helped Colonel Mangistu to fighting those evil ONGE Shanne And Wayne . So Wayne won finally and Ethiopian people scarfired with this horrific events still today with dividing our country and people.
Hayemanot ye gele new ager ye gara new zeregnenet haula kerenet new dr abey ena baleseletanochu ethiopian be andenet yemeralu be kebere ena be selam yenurulen del be anedenet le miamenu ethiopia hulu
The oures issues are all the understanding of what is the purpose of education to us !!! The Oromos long gone saying, the rule of law and justice are more loved than own child. The nonsense of understanding education !!! Most oromos say, nammaa tinno beyaa tinno, not the Oromo and/or Amharas way, others too. The majority in Ethiopia is the mixed, ( tetewahadu zerree), is the majority , not otherwise!!! Ethiopia Yesterday, Ethiopia Today and Ethiopia Tomorrow, Tomorrow !!!
What are you talking about about Ethiopia is a child baby made by white Europeans and protected, case and point why are you always cry on US Congress British parliament no other nation do that
What chesegna are you talking about? During the atse, Haile Selassie period ethiop 3/4 of the land was covered by forests, and the population was about 20 million million
ጌዜዉን ጠብቆ የቀረበ ነወ። ምስጌና ለደሬሴዉና ለአቅራቢዉ። ልብ ያለዉ ልብ ይበል።
"ልብ ያለው፣ ልብ ይበል" መልካምና ጠቃሚ ትምህርትና መልዕክት ነው። ህሊናና ሠው የሆነ ፍጡር ሊረዳው የሚገባነው።
ለምታደርጉት ዝግጅት ሁሉ ምስጋና ሊቸራችሁ ይገባል።
ችግራችን እኛው እራሳሽን ክፋታችን ነው ።
የሰው ልጅ የልብ ክፋት
እውነት ሕሊና የሚመራ በጎ ምክር ። የአባት ምክር !!!
በተለይም ለዛሬይቷ ኢትዮጵያ ትምህርት ሰጭ ትርክት ነው፣ የኢትዮጵያ ተራማጅ ኃይሎች ከዘረኛ የጥላቻ ፖለቲካ እንድንወጣ ለኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ አንድነት፣ አኩሪ የነጻነት ታሪክና አንጻባራቂ ውብ ጉራማሌ ባህላችን ግንባታ ሀቅ ይዘን እንታገል፣ ከህወሀት የከፋፍለህ አገዛዟዝ የፖለቲካ ፍልስፍና ነጻ እንውጣ
እውነቱ ይህ ነው ። በእውነት ለፀሀፊውም ለአቅራቢውም ትልቅ ምስጋና እና አድናቆት አለኝ ።That is why all the Westerners gave a deaf ear for the genocide against Amharas in Ethiopia .
ልብ ያለው ልብ ይበል ኢትዮጵያውያን ነን
Amen ❤
ይህ በሁሉም ክልሎች ከአንደኛ ደረጃ እስከ ሁለተኛ ደረጃ በየደረጃው በትምህርት መሠራጨት ያለበትና በተቋማትና ዩኒቨርስቲች መፍትሔው መጠናት አለበት!!!
Aydelenim wedefitm anhonim.
ለነፃነት ትግል ያልዘመተና በየአካባቢው ያልተዋጋ የለም
መልክቱ የሰላሜ የፍቅር የአንድነት ብሎም እድገትና እራስን መቻል መሆኑን በመገንዘብ ኢትዮጵያውያኖች ከአሉበት መቀመቅ መውጣት መሆኑን መገንዘብ አለብን። ከአጨራራሽ የባእድ የአረጀ ያፈጀ ተንኮል መውጣት የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ አላፊነት እንጂ የሚአጫርሱን በውጪ ተንኮል የአበዱ አለመሆኑን እቅጩን መረዳት ብልህነት ነው። ኢትዮጵያ ከመላው ክልል ሕዝቦቿ ጋር ለዘላለም ትኑር።
የኢትዮጵያ ልጆች በብሄር እየተከፋፈሉ መምራት ካቃታቸው ከውጭ ይምጡና ያስተዳድሩን ምን ይደረግ ያሳዝናል የትውልድ ተወቃሾች ነን
ከማዳጋስካር የመጣው እንዳልሆነ ታሪክ ምስክር ነው!
Wordofa is very very educated and skillful man who written the very facts about the ethnic ideology politics in Ethiopia which brought by weakest mind Meles Zenewi (Wayne). He took this missions from forgin countries like the book explained the truth. So Wayne and ONGE used the hated propaganda On Amhara people since 1967 E.C . As Consequences, Wayne arrived in Addis Ababa in 1983. But many Ethiopian people did not understand this very well . During the 17 years the bloody civil war with Wayne and Shabia, many Ethiopian people did not understand and they couldn't helped Colonel Mangistu to fighting those evil ONGE Shanne And Wayne . So Wayne won finally and Ethiopian people scarfired with this horrific events still today with dividing our country and people.
Great you are!!!many thanks!!
ስማ ስማ ጆሮ ያለህ ስማ!!መበላላትህን አቁም!! የጦርነትና የብሔር መናቆርን የሚረጬ መርዞችን አጥፉ!!
የመሬት ማዳበሪያን ከተገደበው ደለል አጥልሉ
Hayemanot ye gele new ager ye gara new zeregnenet haula kerenet new dr abey ena baleseletanochu ethiopian be andenet yemeralu be kebere ena be selam yenurulen del be anedenet le miamenu ethiopia hulu
የነ አብዲሳ አገር ኦረሞ እንዴት እንክዳዱን መንቀል አቃተው እንክርዳድ እልን እደሚጣፉ አለአወቁም ይገርማል
አንተ ዘገምተኛ የሰው እንክርዳድ የለውም የእህል እንጂ።
Min Tiyaqe alew
yekedmow Fano Newa ‼️⁉️
Meslohal, ahunim iske ahunim (neo-colonial) nech.
ልመሆኑ ንግስቷ $ቱክሲ ወገን ነበረች???
Sle Ye’tegna’wa Ethiopia’new Ye’mitinagerew Yaleh ??? Weregna inde Ethiopia Ke’Europa’na Ke’America Mogzinet. Ke Africa Hagerat anduwa’nat !!! Zimbileh Meleflef Asfelaghi Ay’delem ‘’’’ Megemeria Ke’mogzinet indet inditiweta Maseb Alebet !!! Ushetam ‘’’
አማራነው ነጩበሪ😢😢😢😢 ዛሪ አማራ በየቦታው እየረገፈነው ኦረሞና ትግሪ በሽተኛናቸው
there are many Oromos who are Orthodox .Therefore all oromos are not anti orthodos christans.There are only small oromos who are anti . ,.,.
ኢትዬፒያን ከቀኝ ግዛት ያዳነ አማራ እና አማራ ብቻ ሁልግዜ ለኢትዬፒያ የሚሞት አማራ ብቻ ነው አማራ አማራ አማራ❤❤❤❤
እንዲህ አይነት አስተሳስብ ያለው ከለዉ ችግሩ አየፈታም ማነው እንዱህ የተረተላችሁ ሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊያን ነው የተሳተፉት
Tarat tarat 😂😂😂
The oures issues are all the understanding of what is the purpose of education to us !!!
The Oromos long gone saying, the rule of law and justice are more loved than own child. The nonsense of understanding education !!! Most oromos say, nammaa tinno beyaa tinno, not the Oromo and/or Amharas way, others too. The majority in Ethiopia is the mixed, ( tetewahadu zerree), is the majority , not otherwise!!! Ethiopia Yesterday, Ethiopia Today and Ethiopia Tomorrow, Tomorrow !!!
ኦርማ ኦሮሞ ኦነግ ሻኔ
if so what happen
Argattee !!!
liar liar liar Ethiopia Build
What are you talking about about Ethiopia is a child baby made by white Europeans and protected, case and point why are you always cry on US Congress British parliament no other nation do that
ሁሉ የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ዋሽቶ ነው ታሪክ መጻፍ ኋላ ኣይልም ከትግራይ ኣደለም ካማራም ኦሮሞም የለበትም ኣንድና ብቸኛ አርትራዊ በስለላና ብስየፋ የፍጀው አርትራዊ ና አረትራዊ ነው
የአብይ አህመድ መልካም ሰውነት ያልኩም በስር ምርካብህ የሸጥቅ አቃጣሪ በዚህ ሰታይል አታቃጥር
አብይ ከዚህ ውስጥ ምን አገባብ የጎጥ በሽታ😂😂ደንቆሮ ነህ
የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ በጭሰኝነት ና ከጋዛ ቀዬ ስፈነቀል እንዲሁም በሕሉን የኦሮሞሕዝብበጭሰኝነትናከጋዛቀዬስፈነቀልእንዲሁም በሕሉን እንወደያ ሰድግ ስደራግ የነበራውን ታሪክ ለምን አተስታምርም ኦሮሞ ከሆንክ ።
What chesegna are you talking about? During the atse, Haile Selassie period ethiop 3/4 of the land was covered by forests, and the population was about 20 million million
Donkey naftenga, zero propaganda
ጋላ ውሻ ነው ምን ታርክ አለው 😂😂😂😂
All Amhara Orthodox are anti all Oromoos
ምንም እኮ ናችው እናንተ አራጆች የአማራንና የኦርቶዶክስን ጦስ ይዛችው ገደል ግቡ ከብቶች በ21ደኛው ክፍለዘመን የማትነቁ እበቶች
Deg arega yebetachent new yegedelachu
Min abah Amhara araji aydelm