The fee is area dependent so in that already developed area the fee is likely higher? And in a greenfield site it likely lower. Now if you're selling a $600k house, it just became a 675K house, but that fee is mortgaged over 20+ years so is effectively more BUT the amount initially required (deposit) is lower as it is a % of the fee. A developer can factor the fee into the land cost of development meaning it is easier for them
@@abzzeus I think that we can begin to see how it starts. We rationalise it by passing the cost on to "others". And we don't care about the victims. Until one day, the cost comes to us, and nobody cares about us either. We all become victims. If we buy into this idiocy, then maybe we deserve it?
This is what happens when any one party gains too much control in an area. Both repubs and democrats. The repubs are waaay worse but anywhere that such a high over concentration of democrats also becomes unbearable. Basically everyone sucks
A certain political party loves to misname things just to get support from the minorities they’re screwing over. We live in the age of virtue signaling, hopefully the hallucinating “woke” crowd will actually wake up to the lies sometime soon…
Voting does not matter - left wing,right wing =same bird. All that is occurring to stop progress has been planned out by both parties. Coke,Pepsi = same thing,both harm the body.
I have family in Seattle who are well educated and very much aware of these issues. However, they will not consider changing their voting behavior because they become caught up in emotional issues that frankly don't apply to them and vote a straight party line. Even within those constraints they typically pick the more radical candidate because they want "change" and don't really have any other way to get it without crossing party lines. Then the lunatic they voted for goes and does this exact thing... And they vow to vote for some other lunatic the next time...
it doesn't matter who you vote for, anyone who wants those positions is corrupt. we need to live in anarchy without a monetary system under love. That is the only answer for a utopia. As long as you have money and government, you will always be a slave to tyranny and corruption.
@@M167A1 Every big city in the USA is the same. We are actually lucky they self limit their housing. It keeps the population under control. Just think how many states are blue due to one or two large cities, when the rest of the state is red. As Americans we need to keep these cities population as low as possible to have a chance at equal representation.
Some years ago I was sued by the Seattle Housing Authoritie for converting a single home with a mother-in-law into two separate units. I ended up winning the suit but not before spending over 200 grand and years court.
I love how the democrats call these money grabs names that sound the opposite of what they do😂 “affordable housing” Actually made things unaffordable 🤣
Those are exorbitant fees no matter who you are. Developers shouldn't have to pay those fees either. Just because they can afford them doesn't make it right.
If you need someone else's permission build or renovate something on "your" property, YOU DO NOT ACTUALLY OWN IT. "Building permits" are nothing short of legalized extortion.
You never own "your" property. Try not paying property taxes (otherwise known as rent) and find out who the real owner is. Any property owner who doesn't realize they are merely paying the government rent, isn't thinking clearly. Do away with property taxes and then I'll agree we actually own property.
Naw there are definitely safety reasons for why its important to get a permit and hire an engineer. Unless you plan to be the only one in your house. Working on utilities without the proper consent or procedure can cause problems for neighbors.
I'm a supporter of building codes. And you need inspections to make sure it's up to code. Inspectors need paid. But $75k for just one permit, is the inspector going to be on the scene 40 hours a week for a full year???
"You will own nothing and you'll be happy." - WEF They don't just want you renting your home, they want you renting everything, even the clothes on your back.
No, they have an ideology that literally states no one should own private property. Theyve been trying to turn seattle into one big commune. And ruining everything in the process.
They do, but never in my life have I seen a group of government officials that have been punished. At least in the Soviet Union if the people got pissed off enough they would jail or execute the offending bureaucrats.
This is the America that breaks my heart, the people who come up with these ideas are not supportive of America. Someone needs to investigate them for malfeasance, and coercion!!!!!!!
Either they need a restraining order against Seattle banning them from telling the family what they need to build a house, or they need to toss the city council in the insane wing of a hospital.
Unfortunately you Comifornians don't leave the ludicrous policies that failed you and selfishly, arrogantly and ignorantly bring them with you to the rest of the states. Governors should enact executive orders to intentionally impede your opportunity of spreading your nonsense elsewhere!
@@a.r.8987 "Governors should enact executive orders to intentionally impede" And therein lies the problem. You always want to give government more control over you and me. Also, I'm not from komipfornia. In fact, I advocate against their political system. But eh, what do we care right? I'm just the dolt in the comment section that ppl like you wish to make claims against, and give zero evidence to back it up.
the institute for justice should also do something to get rid of home owners associations. they operate like governments, but are private entities, they make you sign contracts saying they can do so even though they dont own the land or the house. someone selling a house should not be able to compel others into a contract that gives up vast amounts of autonomy and power and i believe there are constitutional violations related to all HOAs operating under the model of forced membership.
At least one thing that's getting better in San Diego and other places in CA is that the barriers to entry for ADUs are coming down, and with pressure they will continue to drop, so that's one bright spot in these matters here. *KEEP FIGHTING THE EVIL OF LOCAL GOVT aka GANGSTERISM IFJ!!!* We need you so thank you for never giving up.
As opposed to what, we're here from ExxonMobil and we're here to help? You really think the government is just a bunch of thugs? If the private sector is run by people, and the government is run by people, how could one strictly be worse than the other? Isn't it fair to say, that private interests can go against the interests of others, whether that is through private sector or government?
@@grantmccoy6739 yeah, I sure do. I worked for them for 17 years. Corporations now are becoming one, move as one, with the government as well, and pushing the same evil agendas and destructive ideologies.
@@grantmccoy6739 “We’re here from ExxonMobil, and if you give us money we will give you gas for your car” A corporation is surprisingly honest. Of course if they are destroying the environment to make your gas they won’t be honest about that, but that’s what decentralization is for- so no one entity is at the top controlling everything. The government however, IS the top entity.
@@grantmccoy6739 "You really think the government is just a bunch of thugs?" Yes. The private sector tend to be instantly responsible to their counterparties. Government actions disassociate the victims from the beneficiaries - until we're all victims and they (and their mates) are the beneficiaries. Of course there are crimes and negative externalities. That causes tough questions. But in the example of the video, we're seeing how State coercion hurts the little guy again and again and again and again and....
The government caused the housing crisis and it is not going to get any better any time soon, especially when you have giant investment firms buying up homes to rent out at exorbitant rates and laws in place that don't allow the building of homes smaller that 1000-1500 square feet. regular people just can't afford it. there's a reason half of an entire generation of adults still lives at home with their parents
I hope she gets to build that house extension for her family. I like the idea of families coming together. It’s what we need to do nowadays. Power to the people!
I grew up in the Seattle area and after 47 yrs I packed it up and moved to the Midwest. Western WA is over crowded and badly run. I don't miss it. I do miss my people. That young man, if he couldn't afford rent and a car payment, sell it and move to where you can afford it. I had to do that.
Great question, isn't it? Where are all the progressives in the government when the people need a solid positive action..??? Better yet, where are all the progressive citizens on this issue...???....probably busy changing the dictionary words to less aggressive... 🤔🤐🤨
I grew up in Burien, it's strange the same dumpy house with the same dumpy yard, my mom brought for $12,000 is there 50+ years later and is going for $450,000. I went to Minneapolis when I was 17. I hate everything about Seattle place too. Hope you all get black mold!
Not only is it exorbitant to the individual homeowner, but the likely beneficiary of people having to leave are the big developers they mentioned several times.
How exactly is this price calculated? It sounds incredibly high, in my town in MA the permit cost for addition involves a is $12 per every $1,000 of project cost. That would only amount to a few thousand dollars for residential projects that cost a few hundred thousand.
Oh I understand now this is not actual permit costs. This is a fee they must pay to help with affordable housing because their house is in MHA zone. Also, this doesny sound like an addition, but a completely new house. Would this apply if it's an addition? Regardless, not sure why this legislation includes average individuals who are building houses to live in themselves... this should only apply to development companies that have large number of projects with the city.
Very sad. It is also sad that We The People have lost focus on the fact that our government is instituted by us and it is supposed to be “of the people, by the people and for the people.” We have a disengaged voter pool that ignorantly votes for people and laws that are counter to their best interests.
That's not true at all, All politicians of liars and corrupt scum. It doesn't matter who you vote for in the end you will get screwed by whoever in control
We all know that’s not true, stop pretending democracy works. I promise you the candidate I vote for never gets elected. You don’t get what you vote for, you get what idiots vote for
Haven't we learned yet that turning to the government for solutions to our problems is futile? I guess collectively we're just dumb. Reminds me of a Ronald Regan sarcastic quote "I'm from the government and I'm here to help"
Exactly. The “gov” is taking our money- illegally at that (no law on books say we HAVE to pay that mafia district tax/ there’s just not one, we’ve been conned). I would post the site for proof, but yt removes it instantly- so that’s one way to know it’s a fact. I think we need NO govt- they only take our $$ and take care of themselves. WE RID THE GOV, WE PUT THE MONEY BACK INTO THE COUNTRY, NOT OTHER COUNTRIES! We should not be paying everyone’s way. We can be 100% self sustainable & not need to buy from other countries. We could have zero homelessness, hunger, & there could be enough jobs for all. But the powers that be & those in the shadows thunk they’re here to tell us how to live, as if we owe them just for them being here. They’ll take it all if we let them. It’s BOTH sides choosing these laws that are self serving only… it’s fully intentional they do this.
@@jillellis62 I think this is part of the larger effort by the globalists to destroy western civilization. Maybe they will buy the ashes of our cities for a penny on the dollar and start enforcing laws again.
Tbf, the government caused the housing crisis, what needs to be done is get the government to back away from housing and stop causing the problem to be worse.
Yes same problems in Canada with zoning and building permits and expenses reportedly there are students living in homeless shelters now they can't afford a room food and tuition etc. with their student loans. There is a city in Ontario where I used to live called Kitchener too that built tiny homes to resolve their homeless issues but it was actually illegal for them to do so. People in the suburbs with large yards should be able to put a liveable small structure there to rent if they want to or have for family or guests imo. I wonder if my Dad would even have been allowed to build me a fort on our own property now like in the 80s when I was a child why even own property if it's not yours to develop really. Pay property taxes get a dog can't even build a dog house next?
I disagree with her last point. She states that she is fine with the cost…if it affects larger groups. Charging a $75,000 fee for anyone to build is insanity.
It's actually not quite like that. If you build against the zoning code, you can pay a fee so that the affordable housing can be built elsewhere. Otherwise, you must include some amount of affordable housing, which is defined by being within a median income bracket, 60%, from what I saw.
Big money doesn't want competition. I suspect that running the numbers would show that a fee for the top level is less costly than competition from just below. The individuals are like calfs while two Bull Walruses fight.
I suspect there is some sort of bulk rate. Building an entire neighborhood might cost the same as building a single house, if you permit it all at once. Like buying a gun, the BGC costs the same for 1 gun as it does for 10. If it's really $75k per home, a teepee would cost you a minimum of $75k plus land plus materials plus labor.
She already have a home, she just want an extension. They also said that they had this plan for a long time but did not do anything until Covid or before the Ordinance was passed. So how long had they have this plan? Also they didn't mention they can build affordable dwellings to rent to people and have that fee waived. Misleading also. No one is taking their home. I hope they lose this case.
It's so only greedy contractors can build their unaffordable houses. They need to stop giving permits to the contractors that are destroying the existing neighborhoods they buy up every house that becomes available and tearing them down and replacing with a huge unaffordable monstrosity.
Let them build their slums... then when the tenants complain about the quality and upkeep... just let them know that's what they voted, picketed, and rioted for!!!
Remember we our able to beat them at the ballot box. Put on the ballot to make permits optional in your city then you can just build if you want to. It would be cheaper and quicker then fighting them in their crooked courts. Remember the city is paying the Judges wages he works for them not you.
If there is slaughter-housing of any sort at all in the mix instead of agriculture solely as is proper......fees being waved is a given & not due to it being at all in the mix either. PRESS CHARGES INDEED.
If it's $75k per home, and you defined a home as a dozen sticks leaned into each other and tied together at top, then covered with animal skin (a teepee), the cheapest home would cost $75k + materials + labor + the land. Call it $100,000 for 10 square feet, with no insulation, no heat or cooling, no running water, and no floor. Affordable housing???
I wish them good luck, and add them to my prayers. 🙏. These situations makes it just a little harder to smile. I pray daily for a time when these situations are a rarity and not the norm..
Building permit fees should reflect the cost to the city to process and approve plans and cover inspections, that’s all. Any housing initiatives should be funded through property tax😢 As for large developers they are usually paying more in exchange for rezoning to allow for increased density and possibly include subsidized housing into the project.
Noticed a while back that small wheeled houses were ‘allowed’ since there are no foundational requirements. The overreach is classic city counsel just like mandating minimum wage which closed many small restaurant businesses
The problem with politics is that both sides believe reality and human nature can be changed by passing laws. More and more laws. Every problem needs a law. And that's a fault of both sides of politics. Too many people have tyranny in their hearts now and because of that liberty and prosperity are dying. Both sides of politics are the reason.
I recommend they build a nice tiny home on wheels and park it in the backyard. There are very cool tiny homes, not just trailers. The system cheats the people, cheat back. That's the only way to survive this nonsense.
I once had a neighbor who built on s single rail road track in their backyard. If the structure was mobile, they avoided a permit. That how they got around King County's bs and beat them with a technicality.
@@MilwaukeeF40C well yes, but that are other forms of tiny homes too. But actually I meant tiny homes as in wagons and not classic trailer homes as they are typical for the USA. Ambiguous choice of words. 😬
They’re not cool. They’re claustrophobic and cramped. If some want to live in a box, that is only their choice. As a homeless woman, I no longer wish to do so.
Who did you vote for in the last mayoral election? In the state representative election? In the U.S. representative and U.S. senate election? In the last presidential election? Maybe you are getting what you voted for.
Seattle is super expensive to do anything in?!?! Oh shock! Oh reel! Maybe move somewhere that hasn't..... progressed..... so much. Wait, don't. Most of the folks that would do that helped vote in what they would be fleeing.
How do you go about getting someone to help you write a complaint or find someone to help you? They should have a community page or an outreach page to help someone decide if they have a cause to file a complaint and what they should do about it. It is something to really have a case an absolute case and be denied representation or help......unreal experience....offensive, upsetting, hurtful, emotionally traumatizing-----makes you feel as if your more than discriminated against 100% or me for example.....
As long as there are NGOs and government departments to solve important problems, nothing will be solved because they'd be out of a job if they fixed those problems. SMH
I love that part of the country but know from first hand experience as a current land owner in king and Kitsap counties of the ludicrous and suspected unlawful laws which make building there impractical. The first fee the government will hit you with is an environmental study of 30-60 grand just to determine if you’re allowed to build on the land.
@@highlightsateleven5434 We sigh a lot shake our heads, slap our foreheads often and ... quietly despair... The little old lady and woke brainwashed vote hammers elections here.
@@spacetoast7783 I like electricity. It is VERY useful. But, natural gas is clean burning, abundant cheap, AND is used to MAKE electricity here.. Sooooo, ... ??
It’s called “barrier to entry”, it’s why large corporations like democrats that raise fees and taxes. They are the only ones that can afford to pay the fees and taxes, lowering their competition.
This is what we are fighting in the legal weed industry in CA right now. They are making war on small weed shops everywhere in this state. It's getting ugly. These people are ruthless but so are we. I don't own a weed shop but I work as an advocate for those who do. We will never stop fighting these animals for our rights in this industry. ABE, artificial barriers to entry WILL be made illegal in my lifetime. We'll fight it as long as it takes. It's CRIMINAL but everyone in the red-blue gang here is a sadist and a sociopath. Nothing new. We're used to it.
I hope it doesn't get lost in the story that around the country they kicked young healthy people out of dorms to go live with their older relatives to "stop the spread".
"In 2019, the city created the Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) Program, which places unique burdens on anyone building in certain zones throughout the city. In so doing, the city’s attempt to make housing more affordable has done just the opposite: it has made it more expensive to build affordable housing." Isn't MHA supposed to be for big builders with deep pockets, not the average homeowner? Someone over in city hall is incompetent or racist, or both. Maybe you can search for examples where did they not invoke this rule, especially those with deep pockets.
You have a right to life, but not the labor of someone else even if that labor would sustain your life. Such as the labor required to build a home for you.
@@orppranator5230 may I use my own labor to cut my own trees, mill my own wood, build my own house? Or do I have to pay you (the public) for the priviledge?
Even if a large developer paid those fees initially, some individual home owner would ultimately be the one paying.
Thank you for pointing out the truth. Actions have consequences. Maybe not within a political cycle. But there are victims nonetheless.
The fee is area dependent so in that already developed area the fee is likely higher? And in a greenfield site it likely lower. Now if you're selling a $600k house, it just became a 675K house, but that fee is mortgaged over 20+ years so is effectively more BUT the amount initially required (deposit) is lower as it is a % of the fee. A developer can factor the fee into the land cost of development meaning it is easier for them
@@abzzeus I think that we can begin to see how it starts. We rationalise it by passing the cost on to "others". And we don't care about the victims. Until one day, the cost comes to us, and nobody cares about us either. We all become victims. If we buy into this idiocy, then maybe we deserve it?
@@abzzeus this is not a good thing, very much the opposite.
This is what happens when any one party gains too much control in an area. Both repubs and democrats. The repubs are waaay worse but anywhere that such a high over concentration of democrats also becomes unbearable. Basically everyone sucks
a $75,000 permission slip to build onto your own house... and that's the idea to make housing more affordable??
They don't care about affordable housing. It's probably just a scam to create a pot of money to build government owned housing later.
A certain political party loves to misname things just to get support from the minorities they’re screwing over.
We live in the age of virtue signaling, hopefully the hallucinating “woke” crowd will actually wake up to the lies sometime soon…
AH is just a fancy slogan. such programs usually have nothing to do with the causes declared in their titles.
Very progressive.
People really need to understand who they are voting for has real consequences in their lives. Thank you to IJ for your work to correct these wrongs.
Voting does not matter - left wing,right wing =same bird. All that is occurring to stop progress has been planned out by both parties. Coke,Pepsi = same thing,both harm the body.
I have family in Seattle who are well educated and very much aware of these issues.
However, they will not consider changing their voting behavior because they become caught up in emotional issues that frankly don't apply to them and vote a straight party line. Even within those constraints they typically pick the more radical candidate because they want "change" and don't really have any other way to get it without crossing party lines. Then the lunatic they voted for goes and does this exact thing... And they vow to vote for some other lunatic the next time...
it doesn't matter who you vote for, anyone who wants those positions is corrupt. we need to live in anarchy without a monetary system under love. That is the only answer for a utopia. As long as you have money and government, you will always be a slave to tyranny and corruption.
Don't vote for any puppet. Bring down and redo the fraudulent systems in place.
@@M167A1 Every big city in the USA is the same. We are actually lucky they self limit their housing. It keeps the population under control. Just think how many states are blue due to one or two large cities, when the rest of the state is red. As Americans we need to keep these cities population as low as possible to have a chance at equal representation.
Some years ago I was sued by the Seattle Housing Authoritie for converting a single home with a mother-in-law into two separate units. I ended up winning the suit but not before spending over 200 grand and years court.
Even when you win, you still lose.
Thats how the system is setup.
Thanks for fighting
Seattle Housing Authority is evil.
Armed resistance is cheaper.
Now, thanks to Inslee, you can build a 6 Plex in your single family area.
The "names" of laws or bills is usually the opposite of what it really is
The Patriot Act, The Inflation Reduction Bill...etc.
Parental rights in education....oh, wait.
You picked up on that too, eh?
A political practice known as astroturfing
Government money grabs are completely out of control. Thanks for all you do IJ!
I love how the democrats call these money grabs names that sound the opposite of what they do😂
“affordable housing”
Actually made things unaffordable 🤣
@@mro4ts457 Absolutely. And every time the government declares "war" on something (poverty, drugs, terrorism) we get more of it
Those are exorbitant fees no matter who you are. Developers shouldn't have to pay those fees either. Just because they can afford them doesn't make it right.
Developers will pass the fee on to customers
If you need someone else's permission build or renovate something on "your" property, YOU DO NOT ACTUALLY OWN IT.
"Building permits" are nothing short of legalized extortion.
You never own "your" property. Try not paying property taxes (otherwise known as rent) and find out who the real owner is. Any property owner who doesn't realize they are merely paying the government rent, isn't thinking clearly. Do away with property taxes and then I'll agree we actually own property.
Naw there are definitely safety reasons for why its important to get a permit and hire an engineer. Unless you plan to be the only one in your house. Working on utilities without the proper consent or procedure can cause problems for neighbors.
I'm a supporter of building codes.
And you need inspections to make sure it's up to code. Inspectors need paid.
But $75k for just one permit, is the inspector going to be on the scene 40 hours a week for a full year???
They want a nation of renters.
"You will own nothing and you'll be happy." - WEF
They don't just want you renting your home, they want you renting everything, even the clothes on your back.
or to live in boxes under a bridge somewhere
@@Sky1 But you have to rent the box
@@neil_mchthey want to own your body and mind, too!
@@dangeary2134 Horrifyingly, you're probably right.
Someone should investigate the city Council, they might have investments with developers
Those are the seeds that grow to be the ill begotten fruits of the pandering career politician public self-servant influence peddler
No, they have an ideology that literally states no one should own private property. Theyve been trying to turn seattle into one big commune. And ruining everything in the process.
They do, but never in my life have I seen a group of government officials that have been punished. At least in the Soviet Union if the people got pissed off enough they would jail or execute the offending bureaucrats.
This is the America that breaks my heart, the people who come up with these ideas are not supportive of America. Someone needs to investigate them for malfeasance, and coercion!!!!!!!
Either they need a restraining order against Seattle banning them from telling the family what they need to build a house, or they need to toss the city council in the insane wing of a hospital.
I used to live in CA. My annual car registration was around $250. Moved to GA. Now I only pay $20 a year for car registration.
Socialist vs conservative states
You also vote to raise car registration fees in GA.
Bringing the problem of CA with you to GA.
Unfortunately you Comifornians don't leave the ludicrous policies that failed you and selfishly, arrogantly and ignorantly bring them with you to the rest of the states.
Governors should enact executive orders to intentionally impede your opportunity of spreading your nonsense elsewhere!
"Governors should enact executive orders to intentionally impede"
And therein lies the problem. You always want to give government more control over you and me.
Also, I'm not from komipfornia. In fact, I advocate against their political system. But eh, what do we care right? I'm just the dolt in the comment section that ppl like you wish to make claims against, and give zero evidence to back it up.
@@yoshisaidit7250You have yet to provide factual verified evidence to back up your false accusation.
Sorry for Anita's family, and even sorrier that Seattle isn't the only city kissing up to developers.
the institute for justice should also do something to get rid of home owners associations. they operate like governments, but are private entities, they make you sign contracts saying they can do so even though they dont own the land or the house. someone selling a house should not be able to compel others into a contract that gives up vast amounts of autonomy and power and i believe there are constitutional violations related to all HOAs operating under the model of forced membership.
Anytime you hear “sustainable” or “affordable housing”, just know that’s never good unless you are wealthy.
Or a socialist.
Or a privileged white liberal
Exactly, it means you will own nothing and be happy 😃.... 🤦🏼♀️
@@radicalttcBasically like being trapped under Hitler and Stalin which ultimately didn’t work out.
There is so much GREED in our country.
More like bigotry
So she needs to pay 75000 to build smt on her own land? Have I understood correctly? It's incredible!
$75K just to get permission to build.
That's standard practice in American towns.
@@spacetoast7783 American towns are retarded.
At least one thing that's getting better in San Diego and other places in CA is that the barriers to entry for ADUs are coming down, and with pressure they will continue to drop, so that's one bright spot in these matters here.
We need you so thank you for never giving up.
Big Developers are Spending Someone Else’s Money, They’re Not Paying Out , They’re Getting Paid.
“We’re from the government, and we’re here to help”. Less true words were never spoken.
As opposed to what, we're here from ExxonMobil and we're here to help?
You really think the government is just a bunch of thugs? If the private sector is run by people, and the government is run by people, how could one strictly be worse than the other? Isn't it fair to say, that private interests can go against the interests of others, whether that is through private sector or government?
@@grantmccoy6739 yeah, I sure do. I worked for them for 17 years. Corporations now are becoming one, move as one, with the government as well, and pushing the same evil agendas and destructive ideologies.
@@grantmccoy6739 “We’re here from ExxonMobil, and if you give us money we will give you gas for your car”
A corporation is surprisingly honest. Of course if they are destroying the environment to make your gas they won’t be honest about that, but that’s what decentralization is for- so no one entity is at the top controlling everything. The government however, IS the top entity.
@@grantmccoy6739 "You really think the government is just a bunch of thugs?" Yes. The private sector tend to be instantly responsible to their counterparties. Government actions disassociate the victims from the beneficiaries - until we're all victims and they (and their mates) are the beneficiaries.
Of course there are crimes and negative externalities. That causes tough questions. But in the example of the video, we're seeing how State coercion hurts the little guy again and again and again and again and....
Government taxes, Exxon pays dividends... which the government taxes.
Government making things worse. Remember people, if you really want a change worry about your local government.
The government caused the housing crisis and it is not going to get any better any time soon, especially when you have giant investment firms buying up homes to rent out at exorbitant rates and laws in place that don't allow the building of homes smaller that 1000-1500 square feet. regular people just can't afford it. there's a reason half of an entire generation of adults still lives at home with their parents
The reason is that 2/3 of Americans want to extract money from the remaining 1/3.
The best solution is less government, not more.
@@georgejones5019 In this particular case, yes.
@@spacetoast7783 across the board all my problems are government derived.
@@teemann8379 Because you're literally in middle school. Nearly every waking moment, you're in government care.
I hope she gets to build that house extension for her family. I like the idea of families coming together. It’s what we need to do nowadays. Power to the people!
I grew up in the Seattle area and after 47 yrs I packed it up and moved to the Midwest. Western WA is over crowded and badly run. I don't miss it. I do miss my people. That young man, if he couldn't afford rent and a car payment, sell it and move to where you can afford it. I had to do that.
I think we should amend the MHA to be called MHU (Making Housing more Unaffordable.)
but how can this happen when seattle is SOOOO progressive
Great question, isn't it? Where are all the progressives in the government when the people need a solid positive action..??? Better yet, where are all the progressive citizens on this issue...???....probably busy changing the dictionary words to less aggressive... 🤔🤐🤨
In Norwalk Connecticut the city is illegally seizing people's homes, some even after it's paid off and Taxes are current.
Can you look into this?
Write them an email or call them by phone.
I grew up in Burien, it's strange the same dumpy house with the same dumpy yard, my mom brought for $12,000 is there 50+ years later and is going for $450,000. I went to Minneapolis when I was 17. I hate everything about Seattle place too. Hope you all get black mold!
Not only is it exorbitant to the individual homeowner, but the likely beneficiary of people having to leave are the big developers they mentioned several times.
How exactly is this price calculated? It sounds incredibly high, in my town in MA the permit cost for addition involves a is $12 per every $1,000 of project cost. That would only amount to a few thousand dollars for residential projects that cost a few hundred thousand.
Oh I understand now this is not actual permit costs. This is a fee they must pay to help with affordable housing because their house is in MHA zone. Also, this doesny sound like an addition, but a completely new house. Would this apply if it's an addition? Regardless, not sure why this legislation includes average individuals who are building houses to live in themselves... this should only apply to development companies that have large number of projects with the city.
Very sad. It is also sad that We The People have lost focus on the fact that our government is instituted by us and it is supposed to be “of the people, by the people and for the people.” We have a disengaged voter pool that ignorantly votes for people and laws that are counter to their best interests.
An obvious case for a routine fee waiver process if ever there was one!
Seattle and Portland are starting to get really crappy. It’s a shame people didn’t warn them about this years ago…. Wait
You get what you vote for.
Want change make a change.
this has been said for 100s of years and yet here we are. "if voting changed anything they'd make it illegal"
That's not true at all, All politicians of liars and corrupt scum. It doesn't matter who you vote for in the end you will get screwed by whoever in control
We all know that’s not true, stop pretending democracy works. I promise you the candidate I vote for never gets elected. You don’t get what you vote for, you get what idiots vote for
Got any ethical suggestions to make a change?
Haven't we learned yet that turning to the government for solutions to our problems is futile? I guess collectively we're just dumb.
Reminds me of a Ronald Regan sarcastic quote "I'm from the government and I'm here to help"
Exactly. The “gov” is taking our money- illegally at that (no law on books say we HAVE to pay that mafia district tax/ there’s just not one, we’ve been conned). I would post the site for proof, but yt removes it instantly- so that’s one way to know it’s a fact. I think we need NO govt- they only take our $$ and take care of themselves. WE RID THE GOV, WE PUT THE MONEY BACK INTO THE COUNTRY, NOT OTHER COUNTRIES! We should not be paying everyone’s way. We can be 100% self sustainable & not need to buy from other countries. We could have zero homelessness, hunger, & there could be enough jobs for all. But the powers that be & those in the shadows thunk they’re here to tell us how to live, as if we owe them just for them being here. They’ll take it all if we let them. It’s BOTH sides choosing these laws that are self serving only… it’s fully intentional they do this.
@@jillellis62 I think this is part of the larger effort by the globalists to destroy western civilization. Maybe they will buy the ashes of our cities for a penny on the dollar and start enforcing laws again.
Tbf, the government caused the housing crisis, what needs to be done is get the government to back away from housing and stop causing the problem to be worse.
@@orppranator5230 You'll have to convince your fellow homeowning voters that the government shouldn't subsidize their investments.
Yes same problems in Canada with zoning and building permits and expenses reportedly there are students living in homeless shelters now they can't afford a room food and tuition etc. with their student loans. There is a city in Ontario where I used to live called Kitchener too that built tiny homes to resolve their homeless issues but it was actually illegal for them to do so. People in the suburbs with large yards should be able to put a liveable small structure there to rent if they want to or have for family or guests imo. I wonder if my Dad would even have been allowed to build me a fort on our own property now like in the 80s when I was a child why even own property if it's not yours to develop really. Pay property taxes get a dog can't even build a dog house next?
I disagree with her last point. She states that she is fine with the cost…if it affects larger groups. Charging a $75,000 fee for anyone to build is insanity.
It's actually not quite like that. If you build against the zoning code, you can pay a fee so that the affordable housing can be built elsewhere. Otherwise, you must include some amount of affordable housing, which is defined by being within a median income bracket, 60%, from what I saw.
That's totally gay.
This fee is to keep the neighborhood from becoming hawaii style
12 bedroom shack houses on tiny lots and 5 generations with 20 cars trying to park
Big money doesn't want competition. I suspect that running the numbers would show that a fee for the top level is less costly than competition from just below. The individuals are like calfs while two Bull Walruses fight.
I suspect there is some sort of bulk rate. Building an entire neighborhood might cost the same as building a single house, if you permit it all at once.
Like buying a gun, the BGC costs the same for 1 gun as it does for 10.
If it's really $75k per home, a teepee would cost you a minimum of $75k plus land plus materials plus labor.
A large developer could afford it if they pass it on to the buyer. If they don't, they wouldn't build homes
I watched this video when it was new. As I write this today 9 months have passed. Can IJ post updates or outcomes to these legal actions?
She already have a home, she just want an extension. They also said that they had this plan for a long time but did not do anything until Covid or before the Ordinance was passed.
So how long had they have this plan?
Also they didn't mention they can build affordable dwellings to rent to people and have that fee waived.
Misleading also.
No one is taking their home. I hope they lose this case.
Don't be an idiot, it's her property.
Lose for what. Reparations Now. Take back everything the devil has stolen. Periodt.
This is just a completely unreasonable fee.
This is what happens to good people when the officials or should I say the corrupt officials make deals with the devil
No its what happens when you give commies power. These people will bitch and moan about their taxes and then still vote for the same people.
There is no one good except God only.
This is why you don't vote for the same party year after year without thinking about what politics you're voting for.
It's so only greedy contractors can build their unaffordable houses. They need to stop giving permits to the contractors that are destroying the existing neighborhoods they buy up every house that becomes available and tearing them down and replacing with a huge unaffordable monstrosity.
Let them build their slums... then when the tenants complain about the quality and upkeep... just let them know that's what they voted, picketed, and rioted for!!!
What exactly does the MHA say? They didn’t explain very well. Completely ridiculous though.
Remember we our able to beat them at the ballot box. Put on the ballot to make permits optional in your city then you can just build if you want to. It would be cheaper and quicker then fighting them in their crooked courts. Remember the city is paying the Judges wages he works for them not you.
Who does the city work for then?
@@spacetoast7783 Not who but what and that all the money they can get from you.
@@carlmanis879 Who does the city work for? I was hoping you'd have an actual answer. How do city councillors and mayors get hired and fired?
Statist leftist jagoffs elect tyrannical city government, violating the constitution.
@@MilwaukeeF40C Everything I don't like is a violation of the constitution.
If there is slaughter-housing of any sort at all in the mix instead of agriculture solely as is proper......fees being waved is a given & not due to it being at all in the mix either.
A law for affordable housing that actually reduces the affordability of housing and caters to big business. Why am I not surprised?
$75k, lots of nice cars and trucks out there for that.
Probably can buy a small house in a red state.
Just a ridiculous amount.
How in the heck can they force a current homeowner to pay 75k?? Shouldn’t that only apply to new commercial builders? This is absolutely ridiculous.
How exactly was a $75,000 fee supposed to make housing cheap?
Just build 10 houses on your property. I’m sure they’ll give you a discount rate. 🤦🏼♂️
Government of the corrupt, by the corrupt and for the corrupt.
I hope she wins.
Thank you for uploading this.
If it's $75k per home, and you defined a home as a dozen sticks leaned into each other and tied together at top, then covered with animal skin (a teepee), the cheapest home would cost $75k + materials + labor + the land.
Call it $100,000 for 10 square feet, with no insulation, no heat or cooling, no running water, and no floor.
Affordable housing???
I wish them good luck, and add them to my prayers. 🙏. These situations makes it just a little harder to smile. I pray daily for a time when these situations are a rarity and not the norm..
Building permit fees should reflect the cost to the city to process and approve plans and cover inspections, that’s all. Any housing initiatives should be funded through property tax😢 As for large developers they are usually paying more in exchange for rezoning to allow for increased density and possibly include subsidized housing into the project.
Hope you guys get your issue resolved.
Noticed a while back that small wheeled houses were ‘allowed’ since there are no foundational requirements. The overreach is classic city counsel just like mandating minimum wage which closed many small restaurant businesses
If the restaurant owner cannot afford to pay his employees $7.25 an hour, then he doesn't deserve a business in the first place.
The problem with politics is that both sides believe reality and human nature can be changed by passing laws. More and more laws. Every problem needs a law. And that's a fault of both sides of politics. Too many people have tyranny in their hearts now and because of that liberty and prosperity are dying. Both sides of politics are the reason.
Thank you for all that you do.
This isnt about race. I'm not black and I couldn't afford this. Even if I could swing it, I wouldn't succumb to the extortion.
Modern age redlining
What on earth is the city supposed to be providing for that fee?
I thought Ksharma is on the council. Did she oppose this?
I recommend they build a nice tiny home on wheels and park it in the backyard. There are very cool tiny homes, not just trailers. The system cheats the people, cheat back. That's the only way to survive this nonsense.
I once had a neighbor who built on s single rail road track in their backyard. If the structure was mobile, they avoided a permit. That how they got around King County's bs and beat them with a technicality.
plus you can hitch it and travel
They are all trailers.
@@MilwaukeeF40C well yes, but that are other forms of tiny homes too. But actually I meant tiny homes as in wagons and not classic trailer homes as they are typical for the USA. Ambiguous choice of words. 😬
They’re not cool. They’re claustrophobic and cramped. If some want to live in a box, that is only their choice. As a homeless woman, I no longer wish to do so.
That lot looked a bit small to support 2 houses. That being said whatever it takes to get more homes built is what it should take, this is ridiculous.
Stop electing these politicians
Get'm IJ and Anita!!
Cities have very restrictive and stupid codes/laws…..
Americans love capitalism until it comes to the resale value of things they already own.
Who did you vote for in the last mayoral election? In the state representative election? In the U.S. representative and U.S. senate election? In the last presidential election? Maybe you are getting what you voted for.
Seattle is super expensive to do anything in?!?! Oh shock! Oh reel!
Maybe move somewhere that hasn't..... progressed..... so much. Wait, don't. Most of the folks that would do that helped vote in what they would be fleeing.
I think that Seattle will say that the Government takes priority over the Citizen in this case though.
With them knowing to impact to affprdable housing I'm surprised FHA does not get involved, as discrimatory.
How do you go about getting someone to help you write a complaint or find someone to help you? They should have a community page or an outreach page to help someone decide if they have a cause to file a complaint and what they should do about it. It is something to really have a case an absolute case and be denied representation or help......unreal experience....offensive, upsetting, hurtful, emotionally traumatizing-----makes you feel as if your more than discriminated against 100% or me for example.....
Mandatory Housing Affordability. The names of these laws have the opposite effect. Orwellian.
As a seattle resident I can say it's out of control. I make 120k a year and I will never be able to afford a home here.
Toronto Ontario is the exact same Way.
As long as there are NGOs and government departments to solve important problems, nothing will be solved because they'd be out of a job if they fixed those problems. SMH
That's also why they create *more* problems.
This is by design. Destroy the ability of small builders to build.
I love that part of the country but know from first hand experience as a current land owner in king and Kitsap counties of the ludicrous and suspected unlawful laws which make building there impractical. The first fee the government will hit you with is an environmental study of 30-60 grand just to determine if you’re allowed to build on the land.
same here in Kommiefornia.... oh, and NO natural gas hookups allowed... all electric ONLY..
WA hasn't found a CA law or program it doesn't like...we love adopting them...CARB was a big one...I'm just waiting for Prop 65 to show up soon...
@@highlightsateleven5434 We sigh a lot shake our heads, slap our foreheads often and ... quietly despair... The little old lady and woke brainwashed vote hammers elections here.
Electricity is communism!
@@spacetoast7783 I like electricity. It is VERY useful. But, natural gas is clean burning, abundant cheap, AND is used to MAKE electricity here.. Sooooo, ... ??
@@thegadphly3275 It's neither clean nor the only way to create electricity.
It’s called “barrier to entry”, it’s why large corporations like democrats that raise fees and taxes. They are the only ones that can afford to pay the fees and taxes, lowering their competition.
This is what we are fighting in the legal weed industry in CA right now. They are making war on small weed shops everywhere in this state. It's getting ugly.
These people are ruthless but so are we. I don't own a weed shop but I work as an advocate for those who do. We will never stop fighting these animals for our rights in this industry.
ABE, artificial barriers to entry WILL be made illegal in my lifetime. We'll fight it as long as it takes. It's CRIMINAL but everyone in the red-blue gang here is a sadist and a sociopath. Nothing new. We're used to it.
That is insane policy. There should be no fees to build on their own land
I am shocked. That makes it impossible for a family to build their own house.
$75K for what?
A bureaucrat's salary for a year or less.
no such thing as affordable housing for so many people. Lot rent for mh is 550.00 here in 72204.
Those fees are more than what Amazon pays in tax in a year.
That fee is immoral.
I hope it doesn't get lost in the story that around the country they kicked young healthy people out of dorms to go live with their older relatives to "stop the spread".
IJ = always fighting the good fight.
"In 2019, the city created the Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) Program, which places unique burdens on anyone building in certain zones throughout the city. In so doing, the city’s attempt to make housing more affordable has done just the opposite: it has made it more expensive to build affordable housing."
Isn't MHA supposed to be for big builders with deep pockets, not the average homeowner? Someone over in city hall is incompetent or racist, or both. Maybe you can search for examples where did they not invoke this rule, especially those with deep pockets.
I admire your courage. Nobel Prize winner.
Blame Amazon
For what?
You have a right to life, but not the homes that sustain that life.
You have a right to life, but not the labor of someone else even if that labor would sustain your life.
Such as the labor required to build a home for you.
@@orppranator5230 may I use my own labor to cut my own trees, mill my own wood, build my own house? Or do I have to pay you (the public) for the priviledge?
Nobody is entitled to transaction but they are entitled to agree to transaction. To override voluntary transaction is to take away one's own labor.
Making it harder to build housing INCREASES housing costs for everybody.
That's the goal for the 2/3 of Americans who own their home.