Yes by the ultra legendary reciter Sh. Mustafa Mohammad El Mursi Ismail -- sultwaan ul qurah & maqaamat, qari Misrul awwal(second to none} and the greatest qari of the last century. These nomenclatures are nothing short of the transparent crystal of truth -- "la vérité vraie, claire, nette et sans équivoque SAUF INDICATION CONTRAIRE.
Allah'ım sen bize dünyada iyilikler ver şifa ver amin amin amin amin amin amin
When you feel sad , listen to sura yusuf
Qur'an 12 Surah Yusuf ayat 1 - 34, halaman 235 - 239, juz 12
الله الله الله
إتقان وإبداع يفوق الوصف
كنت ابحث عن هالتلاوة وسبحان الله حصلتها عندك
الله يجزاك ألف خير
Masya Allah Allahu Akbar
الله الله الله
Subhan Allah
Yes by the ultra legendary reciter Sh. Mustafa Mohammad El Mursi Ismail -- sultwaan ul qurah & maqaamat, qari Misrul awwal(second to none} and the greatest qari of the last century. These nomenclatures are nothing short of the transparent crystal of truth -- "la vérité vraie, claire, nette et sans équivoque SAUF INDICATION CONTRAIRE.