Gotta love the reflective nature of 7. Jack and Tony are two sides of the same coin. He literally becomes Tony by the end of 8. Tony, in his quest to kill Alan, has become a mastermind himself, creating a series of threats to further his goals. Jack and Renee are the same, Jack just accepts the rules were too much and Renee comes to learn this too.
Oh my God! THIS IS SO AWESOME! You know, Im quite obsessed of 24, and this song is my favorite song! THANK U! This music video is sooo good, it's the best 24-fan-video ever made!! It deserves a million views at least! ...exept - I wanna see more Tony n.n
@sneaky98gt Thanks =) !! A used Sony Vegas pro 9 trial, but it ran out today, so am gona have to find a keygen or sumin cos am no payin like a million pounds for it! =P
Gotta love the reflective nature of 7.
Jack and Tony are two sides of the same coin. He literally becomes Tony by the end of 8.
Tony, in his quest to kill Alan, has become a mastermind himself, creating a series of threats to further his goals.
Jack and Renee are the same, Jack just accepts the rules were too much and Renee comes to learn this too.
Underrated comment
This is awesome great job. I felt that this would have been a better final season for 24.
The program is one thing, but the most important is that you're gifted at editing !!
Not only the image is very beautiful but the editing is awesomeI hope you'll keep doing 24 videos Thanks
Awesome vid. Watching this again in 2023!
I am
Wow, this was great.
Your videos always manage to impress me! You work really hard, and they're great!
I got chills man. Very effective, thank you for feeding my 24 obsession.
i really liked this season for some reason! great work too...
This video you made is awesome man! the music i great and 24 to!! Great job! :D
This video deserves more likes
Fantastic editing and timing. Season 7 is my favorite. Thanks for making this, it's great
freakigingtastic video totally love itttt thx for sharing 5*
great job !
luvd it...
You know, Im quite obsessed of 24, and this song is my favorite song! THANK U! This music video is sooo good, it's the best 24-fan-video ever made!! It deserves a million views at least! ...exept - I wanna see more Tony n.n
one of the best
2 thumbs up
:-) thanks........
I like it, thanks for sending it to me. :)
Great job, I love the pace and the close up that make your vid very intense. Thanks for posting !
B-e-y-o-n-d a-m-a-z-i-n-g!! THANK YOU!
i just found your video i like it what song is being played ?
24 is back!!!
@jambler15 Thankyou =) Season 7 is my favourite too !!
that was amazing! very inspiring! :)
@ThePandaTrain7 thanks :) Yeh this was a great season !!
Awesome, again.
Which Sony Vegas program did you use?
Thanks again, really appreciate it =) !!!!
verry nice
🇧🇷 👍👍👍 GOSTEI de ver e ouvir. Obrigada por COMPARTILHAR. 👏👏👏👏👏
Hey, I really like your vid but it was banned in my Country and I can't remember the title of the Song used in the video. Could you help me please.
Else1997 Song is "Already over" Red
Thanks =) !!
A used Sony Vegas pro 9 trial, but it ran out today, so am gona have to find a keygen or sumin cos am no payin like a million pounds for it! =P
Thankyou very much!!!!!! =)
Thankyou !! =)
@CG1524 Thankyou =) !!
Thankyou!! =)
Np, Thankyou very much =) !!!
Thankyou very much! =)
Thanks =)
Thankyou =)
Yeh its a great song !!
Thankyou =) !
@bornedcovenant Thanks ! =)
Thank you very much =) !!!
@8jenna8 Thanks very much :)
Thanks! =)
Thanks =)
Thanks =) !!
@simonbergkvist Thanks =) !
@topher187 Thankyou =D !!!!
Thanks a lot :D !!!!
Thankyou =) !!
@bxkxrxxxx Haha! Thankyou :) !!