Doctor Who YTP- Attack of the Jim Morrison


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  • @sarahglover3286
    @sarahglover3286 Год назад +2

    I played the Graske game far too many times! Its too easy when you know what's going to happen!

    • @MadmanWthABox
      @MadmanWthABox Год назад +1

      Do you know if you can still play in some places?
      And what was it, a website? A DVD? I think it was broadcasted on TV?

    • @sarahglover3286
      @sarahglover3286 Год назад +1

      @@MadmanWthABox I'm pretty sure it was only on the BBC website, it may still be archived somewhere, you've got me searching now!

    • @sarahglover3286
      @sarahglover3286 Год назад +1

      @@MadmanWthABox The reason you think it was on TV was it was on Red Button as well as the website and DVD so you were right on all counts, I didn't know it was on the DVD!

    • @MadmanWthABox
      @MadmanWthABox Год назад +1

      @@sarahglover3286 I didn't know it was on DVD either, I just wasn't sure if it was like a download thing, I tried going on Internet archive and trying to download stuff, but it didn't work too well
      Anyway, have you ever heard of the game Scene It? Like I live in America so this question I wouldn't know.
      They have a Doctor Who Scene It. Did you know about it? It was basically a DVD board game.

    • @sarahglover3286
      @sarahglover3286 Год назад +1

      @@MadmanWthABox Apparently my middle comment got deleted which is really helpful as it was really long! Basically said Surprisingly I can still remember the exact name of the game (reiterating my earlier point) it was still on the BBC website but no longer works as in 2021 Adobe Flash which ran it discontinued. Its avaliable on the series 2 boxset if you have that (which I didn't know as I always just played it online). There are a number of other pages that appear to have had it but it doesn't work (presumably also due to Adobe) and it still listed on the BBC Doctor Who Games page but the link says page not found. So the only place it now exists is the series 2 boxset and I will now be putting mine in my DVD player to find it!

  • @timeywimeybrony
    @timeywimeybrony Год назад

    0:00 Ahaaahaa
    0:07 more of a AH person are we
    0:38 *pulls lever aggressively*
    0:53 Abba
    1:23 "and it is"
    1:34 He's a haker
    1:55 Pov: a Whovian is explaining classic who to a modern who fan
    2:11 *mango*
    3:19 Jim Morrison??
    3:30 Jim Morrison, again
    3:49 bye bye earth
    4:10 best DW ending ever
    That spend me 10 minutes
    Also, what did you use to edit?