Thanks! Did the Sprockids climb. I was there with my family after visiting earlier in the summer and figured my 8 year old would like the Sprockids climb best. I left them after a Doug's lap and went for a solo ride. Is the new climb trail good?
@trailgnome the new black licorice climb is about the same length as the sprockids climb, 1.5 km but it is significantly more strenuous. With an average grade of about 20% it was built with electric mountain bikes in mind but it is built like a national park hiking trail. Superb alignment and quality
good video ... did you climb up on the Sprockids climb trail or on the new Black Licorice climb trail?
Thanks! Did the Sprockids climb. I was there with my family after visiting earlier in the summer and figured my 8 year old would like the Sprockids climb best. I left them after a Doug's lap and went for a solo ride. Is the new climb trail good?
@trailgnome the new black licorice climb is about the same length as the sprockids climb, 1.5 km but it is significantly more strenuous. With an average grade of about 20% it was built with electric mountain bikes in mind but it is built like a national park hiking trail. Superb alignment and quality