Exposing Our Thoughts About Once Saved Always Saved (HE iS Ep. 3)

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • In this episode we discuss our disagreements about once saved always saved, christians turning their back on God, and much more!
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Комментарии • 206

  • @JordanReborn
    @JordanReborn Год назад +18

    Im literally watching the scripture that talks about
    “iron sharpen iron“ play out in front of me through these videos. ❤

  • @glenmoulon610
    @glenmoulon610 Год назад

    Nick, I told you that my comment will be in portions, so as not to make it to lengthy.
    And I left you with some questions you were to ask your friend.
    The front end of life, birth, as well as the back end, death.
    Do we have any say in those matters, and why not.
    Natural birth and death, just as there are spiritual birth and spiritual death also.
    But it's not only the front end and back end of our lives that we have no control over.
    Ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 8
    There is no man that hath power over the spirit ( breath of life ) to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the of death : and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it.
    Wickedness deliver those that are given to it. Given to it. That means those that do wickedly have not a choice in the matter, that's what GOD gave them over to do, and that's what they will be doing right up to the end.
    Then, we don't just have not a say in the front and back end of our lives, but we also do not any say in our walk under the sun.
    It is all controlled by GOD from start to finish.
    Ecclesiastes chapter 8 verses 6 & 7.
    Verse 6
    Because to every purpose there is time and judgment, therefore the misery of man is great upon upon him.
    Verse 7
    For he ( man ) knoweth not that which shall be: FOR WHO CAN TELL HIM WHEN IT SHALL BE ?
    Ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 12
    For who knoweth what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spendeth as a shadow? FOR WHO CAN TELL A MAN WHAT SHALL BE AFTER HIM UNDER THE SUN.
    And I am saying to your friend and all the others that are of the opinion that, they can work their way out in life, they can endure to the end, if it's not the will of GOD.
    Again, the whole thing is run by HIM and HIM alone.
    Last Saturday, there was a mass shootings in Texas, Allen town, some town outside of Dallas.
    8 people lost their life, that's excluding the shooter, about the same number was injured and those that were not killed nor hurt, had to run for their lives.
    Now, that Saturday morning when these folks got out off bed and prepared themselves, knowing that the mall was their destination or one of their destination.
    Did any of them get advanced warning, that some mad guy would be visiting and his sole purpose was to shoot up the place.
    The eight that lost their lives, did they get any advanced warning that, that blessed Saturday would be their last on planet earth.
    For I am most certain that, should anyone of them had gotten a heads up that the place would be shot up, they most certainly would not have been a shopper at that mall.
    And the reason why I am bringing that up it is because the word of GOD is telling us the exact same thing, just as some of the verses that I quoted earlier.
    So the word of GOD is not just telling us that, but we are seeing the action, the works playing put before our very eyes.
    And no, it's not our eyes playing games on us. It's playing out, in real time.
    Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 12
    Your friend quoted what YASHUA ( Jesus ) told the Scribes and Pharisees back in HIS time.
    If they do not want to believe what they are hearing, what HE is telling them, then believe on the works, what their eyes are seeing.
    So I would love to extend the same medication to your friend.
    If he has a hard time believing the words, believe the works, that which we are seeing playing out before our very eyes.
    And I am tell him that bcuz, again, salvation is GOD THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT.
    That's it..
    He cannot endure to any kind of end, if that is not the will of GOD.
    Should he be a chosen vessel, GOD saved him from the foundation of the world, listen up, HE has not a choice but to go all the way, and it will not be of his doing in any way shape or form, it will be of GOD'S doing.
    For in the 9th chapter of Romans it tell us that, the vessels of honor go unto glory with GOD. THEY HAVE NOT A CHOICE, IT IS BY GOD'S DESIGN.
    And the vessels of dishonor are to be destroyed.
    They likewise have not a choice in the matter, IT ALL IS BY GOD'S DESIGN.
    It's all in the 9th chapter.
    To cement the whole thing HE tells us that, HE IS THE POTTER, WE ARE THE CLAY.
    To help your friend out some more.In the very same chapter it references Pharaoh, and JAHOVAH, GOD, HARDENING HIS HEART.
    I would also recommend that he read the book of Exodus, where JAHOVAH, GOD, on multiple occasions send Moses to Pharaoh to tell Pharaoh, let HIS people go.
    And note the numerous amounts of times that JAHOVAH, GOD, said that, HE HARDENED PHARAOH HEART.
    I am saying all that again, to help
    him out, come to the realization that he cannot chart his course in life, people say that, but it's a lie from hell, GOD runs everything, everything.
    Give HIM his rightful.. And do not deny HIM of HIS glory..For HE will share HIS glory with no man..

  • @bookworm5191
    @bookworm5191 Год назад +5

    Once saved, always saved is a false doctrine. you most certainly can lose your salvation. Satan lost his, judas lost his, Saul lost his. God doesn't hold anyone hostage. He said choose ye this day whom he may serve, so you have a choice. once saved gives Christians a false sense of security.

  • @jeremytucker3106
    @jeremytucker3106 Год назад +15

    Legit can't get enough of this podcast, keep it going guys. I'm so encouraged by this!

  • @ebonylang2914
    @ebonylang2914 Год назад +5

    Elliot and Nick, you guys are touching on a lot of good thoughts. And I love that it’s with mutual love and respect! I would definitely like to hear about the trinity because there are a lot of misconceptions about it. In the meantime, stay blessed and keeping sharing the good news of Jehovah God! ❤

  • @Shayvette
    @Shayvette Год назад +14

    Only 3 episodes in and I’m hooked. Great topic and I agree with how you’re thinking about this Elliot. But, I also see Nicks point. Speaking for myself I got saved as a teen knowing of God but not having a personal relationship with Him. Nor did I have a community to help me along the way. I wasn’t really in my bible cause I couldn’t understand it. I prayed occasionally and tried not to sin because I know how Gods feels about it. I knew his standard! But I still loving God…I found myself slipping away and, being okay doing my own thing. Walking away from God can be a subtle thing. You don’t even know your doing it most times. Until you’re no longer being convicted, your not apologizing, your not trying to get an understanding of His word, not trying to have a relationship with Him. I started putting my plans,pleasures and ambitions before God. I would feel sorrowful but not enough! But I recommitted to God as adult and I have community, I’m getting vulnerable before God, trying to understand the word and learning about sancitifaction is helping me stay grounded. It’s easy to want to leave. When you think you have to be perfect. Or your scared to get in Gods presence after stumbling. This time around I’m committed to working my faith muscle, working out my salvation with fear and trembling, and asking God to help me with my unbelief/doubts.
    Kinda long sorry 🥴

  • @charfraser1916
    @charfraser1916 Год назад +5

    Ive been a ‘christian’ for more than 20years but I think I was deceiving myself. Now I understand what a Christian is and honestly speaking Ive only been one for like 5months now😊

  • @Easybelievist
    @Easybelievist Год назад +34

    I appreciate yall for processing Gods word and even in disagreement still accepting each others thoughts in love. At the end of the day none of us want to stop believing.

  • @rayellecarrington3915
    @rayellecarrington3915 Год назад +4

    You cannot unbelieve something that you know to be true. 1+1=2

  • @jennifers2017
    @jennifers2017 Год назад +9

    You def know your a child of God when you act like the world and you are chastised for it. If you can live however you want to and nothing happens then you may need to question if you really were a child of God in the first place. Even those who have accepted the free gift can stray away, but God will find a way to bring us back to Him.

  • @GK_Designs
    @GK_Designs Год назад +10

    We are saved by grace through faith. No faith no grace, that’s why in Romans it says “the righteous live by faith”. There are many more verses that show that one can walk away from the faith and thus walk away from salvation

    • @GK_Designs
      @GK_Designs Год назад

      Amazing podcast BTW ❤

    • @gabriellemcintyre7153
      @gabriellemcintyre7153 Год назад

      1John 2:19 states(I'm paraphrasing) They went out from us because they were never truly of us ( didn't truly believe/have faith in..) because if they did they would have remained. They went out from among the true believers making it clear that they weren't sincere in their belief in the first place. Therefore they hadn't received the gift of Salvation. So if you haven't receive something how can you give it back or lose what you never had in the 1st place? May the HolySpirit give you clarity on this subject matter. And if you have the Spirit of Christ in you He definitely will make this clear to you. God bless you brother.🙏🏾❤

    • @AJ-ff2os
      @AJ-ff2os Год назад +1

      ​@@gabriellemcintyre7153 Amen

  • @theadvocate697
    @theadvocate697 Год назад +12

    Authentic conversation seeking God’s TRUTH!! I Absolutely LOVE this!!! Great fruit Men of God ❤

  • @JordanReborn
    @JordanReborn Год назад +9

    “For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins”
    Hebrews 10:26

    • @StyleS_
      @StyleS_ Год назад +5

      All of our sins we’re future back then and it’s to the Hebrew people going back to animal sacrifices read the full context smh

    • @theodoreritola7641
      @theodoreritola7641 4 месяца назад

      Think abot it do you belive Jesus Christ will or can ,,UN ,,REDEEM HIS CHILDREN AND ABORT THEM ? OSAS IS VERY TRUE or Jesus Christ lies read John ch 3 vs .16 VERY CLOSE Jesus him selfsays he gives EVER LASTING LIFE TO THOSE WHO,,, BELIVE,,, HIM,

  • @kutlo_m
    @kutlo_m Год назад +7

    Man! I love the both of yall. I havent seen such a healthy relationship in a while. And yall both love the Lord! More grace you guys

  • @orangeandslinky
    @orangeandslinky Год назад +2

    If you could lose your salvation, you would every day in word, thought, or deed. Even the Jews had to have their sins covered every year by the Levite priests. None of the Jews could keep the Holy Law of God ever.

  • @Latebird24
    @Latebird24 Год назад +6

    Such a good conversation. In Pilgrim Progress, one of the last lines in the book is, "I saw there was a way to hell, even from the gates of Heaven." That whole book reminds me that the road is narrow.

  • @KushKrusader1988
    @KushKrusader1988 11 месяцев назад +3

    You can't "give the spirit back" God will always be faithful. But you can let sin harden your heart to the point that you can't hear God.

    • @theodoreritola7641
      @theodoreritola7641 4 месяца назад


  • @PrimoslavTaborex
    @PrimoslavTaborex 3 месяца назад +1

    It is possible to lose salvation:
    • Hbr 10:26-29,
    • Hbr 6:4-6,
    • Hbr 12:14,
    • 2 P 2:20-22,
    • 1 Cor 6:9-10,
    • Jude 1:4,
    • Gal 5:19-21,
    • 2 i 3 chapter of Revelation,
    • Romans 11:22,
    • parables of Jesus Christ
    • and much more...

  • @kutlo_m
    @kutlo_m Год назад +6

    Just discovered this Podcast. Love Nick so much. Thank you guys for the podcast, good stuff

  • @glenmoulon610
    @glenmoulon610 Год назад +2

    Where you get that nonsense, the chosen salvation is not complete.
    What does the word of GOD tell us when a child of HIS passes away.
    Is it not said, to be absent from the motal body is to present with the LORD.
    What did YASHUA ( Jesus ) told HIS apostles..
    HE go to prepare a place for them, in HIS FATHER'S house has many mansions, if it was not so, HE would have told them..
    When a child of GOD passes away, at death, that child get immediately into the presence of GOD..
    What more that's needed ..
    What YASHUA ( Jesus ) did at calvary, it was complete, nothing can be added to it nor subtracted to it..
    Why do you think HE said, IT IS FINISHED..
    So, if salvation is incomplete, then it's not finish..
    Your friend need to do some more studying with the inspiration of the HOLY SPIRIT, if he has it, since I do not know who is truly saved or not..

    • @elliotthreat
      @elliotthreat Год назад

      Hi brother, so I was citing a quote from a teaching by Derek Prince whom I believe was referencing this verse:
      “Not only this, but we ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we eagerly await our adoption, the redemption of our bodies.”
      ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭23‬.

    • @elliotthreat
      @elliotthreat Год назад

      I’m blessed and thankful to have the Holy Spirit and the assurance of my salvation only found in Him ❤

    • @christinapetree3269
      @christinapetree3269 Год назад

      Exactly well put I have been making multiple comments trying to make this point! They missed the Soils of the Heart which would have helped them work this point out!

  • @liliesofthefield777
    @liliesofthefield777 Год назад +6

    noooooooooo the Holy Spirit cannot leave us and we can’t give it back, God keeps us ♥️
    “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.”
    ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • @elliotthreat
      @elliotthreat Год назад +2

      The condition of our salvation is in that scripture. “When you believe” So I interpret if you no longer believe, which is the condition, then you no longer have the Holy Spirit. But I’m open to reproach. Definitely something to ponder.

    • @StyleS_
      @StyleS_ Год назад +1

      @@elliotthreat2 Timothy 2:13
      If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful:he cannot deny himself
      The Holy Spirit which is God abides forever in us no matter what that’s what love is, that’s what grace is, he’s to good to be true yet he is true

  • @Elijahwilliams-rl4ux
    @Elijahwilliams-rl4ux Год назад +22

    I don’t believe in losing your salvation, one verse it says you are sealed with the holy spirit. But……. I do believe in a false sense of salvation, especially in America

    • @Easybelievist
      @Easybelievist Год назад +5

      Ephesians 1:13 (KJV) In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

    • @Elijahwilliams-rl4ux
      @Elijahwilliams-rl4ux Год назад +2

      @@Easybelievist yes! Thank you brother

    • @Easybelievist
      @Easybelievist Год назад

      @@Elijahwilliams-rl4ux gotchu!!! 🎯

    • @jennifers2017
      @jennifers2017 Год назад +4

      Yes that happens a lot, it did happen to my moms pastor. He realized one day that he was not really saved and thought he was.

    • @tylerholmes6873
      @tylerholmes6873 Год назад +2

      Yes you can lose your salvation if you fall into unbelief after believing. The Holy Spirit leaves because if you don’t believe His testimony about Jesus Christ you make Him out to be a liar.
      “You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.” Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but tremble. For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either. Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off. And if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again.”
      ‭‭Romans‬ ‭11‬:‭19‬-‭23‬ ‭

  • @nellinawinston1903
    @nellinawinston1903 Год назад +7

    I love and respect the brotherhood. You both have really good energy. Love the episodes. Love the bond that ya’ll have❤

    • @theodoreritola7641
      @theodoreritola7641 4 месяца назад


  • @brandyj2684
    @brandyj2684 Год назад +1

    Satan believes that Jesus is the son of God and he trembles but he is not going to heaven! It takes more than believing. You have to turn from your wicked ways, from your sin and live according to the word of God. You can not continue in sin.

  • @taylore22
    @taylore22 Год назад +6

    Y’all should do an episode on Christian’s and conviction

  • @tristonlister4272
    @tristonlister4272 Год назад +8

    So this is a note I have in my Bible app on this subject. I personally came to this conclusion after personally wanting to know of my own salvation. I hope this helps understand this topic! ❤️
    Short answer? No, you cannot. If you could lose your salvation, what’s the point in going to church? What’s the point in doing good, if right before you die, there’s no guarantee on where you are going? The Bible makes it quite clear that once you are truly saved (baptized with the Holy Spirit/born of the Spirit), NOTHING, not sin, not Satan, not the world or a man, not even the flesh, can snatch your salvation away, nor take you from Himself. When you are the Lord’s, you are HIS ALONE. Your citizenship is in heaven! If you could “lose your salvation” how then can you truly consider yourself “saved”, knowing the next mistake you make could cause you to fall from His grace and back into the hands of Satan? We have no scripture on losing salvation nor a single example throughout the entire Bible. To claim that one can win and lose their salvation is almost to say that Jesus is weak and not a Savior, and that His death for our sins was not accounted for. But to be saved means exactly what it means…TO BE SAVED! ❤️ We find this in all the New Testament, especially in the Book of John. Once you’re truly saved, and have been born again, the Holy Spirit seals you, keeping you in Christ. Paul speaks quite heavily on this as well. Even when you fall, the Holy Spirit is there to sanctify you and pick you back up. The Holy Spirit doesn’t fly away and leave your side because you messed up. How then can we come back to Christ without the Helper? How can we know God and repent if every time we mess up, the Holy Spirit leaves us? It’s not necessarily in scripture. To know God is to be invited into His presence and sealed with His Spirit. You don’t work for your salvation. You don’t lose your salvation. It’s not a football game. There’s no winning and losing a gift. If you could lose your salvation, to whom are you giving it to? There’s nobody stronger than God to take it away, and no true believer can just stop believing in an instant. The Lord has said that nothing, none that are His, can be snatched from His hand. Now we are saved by His grace, but this doesn’t mean we keep on sinning willfully (Romans 6). A true Christian is convicted of sin. When we are saved, we stay saved, even when we fall short. That’s the whole point in asking for forgiveness and for turning from sin and being sanctified. Without the Spirit (which is given upon belief and faith in Christ), we couldn’t complete this task or ever grow in Christ. But know your standings. A Christian doesn’t go into the world to become like the world. A Christian doesn’t lose salvation to anything or anyone. A real Christian doesn’t “fall away”. If you are sealed with the Holy Spirit, the very power of God, who can possibly take you away from Him? Those who fall and don’t come back to Christ are none other than the unbelievers and false converts. Those who never truly knew God. These are also the very people that will be turned away from the Lord on judgement day when He says “depart from me evil doer, I never knew you”. This isn’t for someone losing salvation, but those who never had it to begin with. Those who never KNEW God to begin with. Those who never had a real relationship with the Lord. When the Lord makes a promise, He keeps it. He doesn’t play Hokey Pokey with your soul. It’s not a game of fetch with God. He’s not throwing you a bone and saying “go get it boy”! When He saves you, you are saved😂 He’s giving you what you don’t deserve. Grace, mercy, the gift of eternal life. You don’t lose your salvation when you sin or fall short, and then work to get it back. That’s not really grace or salvation. True salvation is coming to Christ in faith and repentance and being sealed with His Spirit, and upon this salvation, continuing to live for Him, not by commands alone, but by obedience and love and reverence for God. If you ask anyone “why do you follow Jesus”, I guarantee you will not hear “because I just lost my salvation” or “because I’m trying to get my eternal life back from Satan”. THAT IS NOT BIBLICAL! When you are saved, you stay in Christ! God will finish the good work He has started within you, and bring it to completion. It’s not based on our strength, but by the life we live THROUGH the Spirit, enabling us to be perfected in Christ. This is why the Bible tells us to make sure we are saved and to make our calling and election sure! Because there are many who think they are saved, but are not. And there are also those who truly are saved. But our salvation is not by works, therefore we can’t win and lose it. It’s given, and no gift that is ever given is taken and handed back and taken and handed back. How could this be a gift? Salvation is from Christ alone. My question to many is often this: If He gives you the Holy Spirit, if He claims you and gives you eternal life, do you really think He would pull the rug from under your feet and call Himself a Savior? NO🤦🏾‍♂️😂
    Do you really think your sin or your flesh can make you go from being a blood bought Christian to serving Satan? No. The Lord knows who are His, therefore He keeps them! Women, you know which children you bore, therefore you keep them! You don’t birth them, give them up for adoption when they mess up, and adopt them back, going back and forth between the two options. You keep them because they are yours! The same is for the Lord and His children! He doesn’t give them away and make them work for a gift He said was free. Our mistakes don’t void us from being sealed. Our mistakes may cause consequences, but when you’re saved, that’s a part of your journey and your growth. The Holy Spirit is the proof of salvation. He doesn’t leave you, He corrects you. There’s so many that are making a terrible mistake of believing that they must work to gain eternal life from the Lord, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Just like a gift given on a holiday, I don’t make you work for it and when you mess up I steal it back and sell it so you can work for it all over again. This wouldn’t be a gift at all! Same goes for Christ! All of our sins have been paid for on the cross, and when we believe and put our faith in Him, we are born again and saved by His grace through faith. The Holy Spirit seals us! We are given the mind of Christ and His desires and lifestyle and wholeness! We are sanctified, turning from carnality to holiness. Out with the old man and in with the new! There is no losing anything when you’re with God. If God says you’re His, then there’s nothing you can do to keep yourself from Him. The Book of Psalms says “if I ascend to the heavens you are there, if I make my bed in the depths you are there”. The Lord is always with you. He will never forsake you. He doesn’t make a promise He won’t keep. He doesn’t give you His Spirit and salvation just to leave you in your mess if you fall short and take it all back. God is good and Holy, and He is always there for His Children, and His hand is always stretched out for anyone to come to Him. He is merciful and gracious. And once you accept Christ, and you are born again, you are given the desires to live for Him and He gives you eternal life. There is no “losing your salvation”. Jesus is King and He is the Savior. He doesn’t give you the ball so you can dribble it and let it roll away. He doesn’t save you to let you go and die for the world. He died once, He isn’t going to die for sins again. He saved once and for all, He isn’t going to be crucified again. What He gives, no man can take away. Those who are His, no man can steal from His hand. When you are the Lord’s, you are His forever 💯✝️

    • @JtheIsraelite
      @JtheIsraelite Год назад +5

      You said we don’t have any scriptures for ““ losing your salvation“ but what about Luke chapter 7 verse 23 where is says blessed is the one that does not fall away on account of me it literally says those that stay with him are blessed those that do not stay essentially is the opposite, which is cursed. this is the parable of the sower in Luke. I love you brother or sister in Christ. I’m just trying to sharpen iron.💕

    • @tristonlister4272
      @tristonlister4272 Год назад +3

      @@JtheIsraelite it’s all love sis! And to my knowledge that Bible verse does say that, but in its context, especially in the Greek context, it’s meant as a warning to not allow who Jesus is cause you to stumble, and blessed are those who are willing to accept and believe. Many don’t accept who Christ is on an account of their unbelief. They hear the truth and have a hard time accepting Christ, therefore they fall away. Especially with Jesus being truth and light, and much of what He taught was quite offensive to our sinful nature, it was and still is today, easy to be offended by the Truth. This was also for His disciples as well. Many expected the Messiah, or Jesus, to be a military warrior who would set things right immediately. They were not expecting the humble servant approach of Jesus, therefore in response to their unbelief or doubt of “is Jesus actually the savior we’ve been waiting for”, Christ answered by telling His Disciples as well as all who would one day read the Bible, don’t fall away on account of me. Don’t let disbelief in who I am cause you to stumble and don’t let your doubt cause you to slip or fall away from the Truth. But to my knowledge this verse still doesn’t debate a loss of salvation in my opinion. I strongly believe if we could lose our salvation then there would be no way of making our calling and election sure. If we could lose our salvation, how could Christ know who are truly His children and have chosen them from the beginning of time? And if we are His children, why isn’t the Holy Spirit strong enough to save us from falling away? I believe these questions are answered. That we who are truly the Lord’s children are known from the beginning, and are set apart for good works in Christ, and that He who starts a good work in us will bring it to a finish. I don’t believe God would grant as a gift our salvation along with the Holy Spirit, only to stop the good work of sanctification in us. You also have to ask as well, “would someone who truly believes the Bible and who truly has been born again of the spirit, just suddenly stop believing?” I personally don’t think so. You have new life in Christ. Therefore if you could lose your salvation, you would have to keep dying in Christ and being born in Christ. And even then, how would we know when we’ve lost our salvation? Nobody would know because scripture never sets a threshold. The only way I see someone losing salvation is if they never had a grasp of the truth or they never truly believed in Christ alone, therefore though they knew of God, they were never saved, therefore they fall away. Just like with the parable of the farmer and the seeds. There were those seeds that were blown away, the birds picked some up, some seeds were on unfruitful ground and bad soil, and other seeds were choked out by weeds. These are those who have a grasp of the truth but they fall away due to unbelief. Like many in the world today, they have an understanding of some of the Bible, and some have tried to chase God, but the world of Satan or their own unbelief causes them to never repent or truly believe. Maybe it’s something they don’t understand or they stumble over the truth and how to accept it, until they eventually give up and forsake Christ altogether. It’s a process and a journey and these are those the Bible talks about who fall away on account of Christ. It’s not to His children, but to those who have never truly understood Christ, accepted truth, and found Jesus as their savior. But anyway that’s been my understanding of that for a while. I personally don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who has lost their salvation, but I have met many who fell away from truth because of their unbelief, but they were also never truly saved. Many were raised in church, many had Godly friends, and some had a Godly home and upbringing. They were surrounded by truth and probably identified as Christian and a believer, even though in their heart they still struggled with doubt, unbelief, and never actually accepted Christ, but maybe they accepted the traditions. And many, after they got older and separated from these Godly atmosphere’s, they fell away from truth and admitted to never having believed or being saved even though they tried to believe or understand or have faith, they never fully surrendered. And to my understanding, when someone fully surrenders and they have the Holy Spirit, they are guided then on throughout their lives by God. They are not abandoned or leaving God. After all, the Spirit never leaves you when you are born again, because you are born of the Spirit. There’s no separation that can really be made at that point, only sanctification. But because of this we are also told to be sure of our salvation so that we can make our way into heaven. Many believe they have the Holy Spirit because of invalid reasoning. Maybe they are nice to others, well received by many, are big philanthropic people, or maybe they were raised in church, go to church daily, know a lot about the Bible, etc., but were never Christ’s to begin with. So that is my view on once saved always saved and losing salvation. And I believe it because I live it every day! I have faith that Christ will continue to be with me in strength and weakness, and that when I do stumble, He is there to pick me up and keep going until I die or He comes back because that is His promise to keep, and His work to fulfill in me, not by my strength, but in His own. It’s all Him! 😊❤️

    • @JtheIsraelite
      @JtheIsraelite Год назад +1

      @@tristonlister4272 thank you sister💕, I of course still will search for the truth, to show Myself approved. I still believe we can turn our back on God but, I do appreciate your response, and I’m sure if you are true God will give me a revelation about it. Thank you for responding.
      I do have another question though.
      In Exodus 20:5 it states the commandment of not to make any idols of different Gods, but my question is does it go as far as to mean, we shouldn’t make NO images of God. Like the “Jesus” pictures we have in the world. Or when we have “plays” about Jesus’s life. Or even the ‘cross’ necklaces. My aunt(mentor) told me no, it’s ok to do these things. But I can’t stop thinking about verse 4 when it says, ““Thou shalt not make unto thee ANY graven image, or ANY likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:”
      ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭20‬:‭4‬ ‭KJV
      I would appreciate your answer on this. Plus I’m a babe in Christ so….😊

    • @tristonlister4272
      @tristonlister4272 Год назад +4

      @@JtheIsraelite my bad I forgot to specify I’m a brother in Christ lol 😂
      And I agree with what you said. I believe we can turn our faces from God at times, but it doesn’t necessarily mean a loss of salvation. To me that means one is weak in Spirit, or maybe in a season of discouragement, or something similar. Maybe they’ve fallen into sin again or are struggling in sin, turning from God and backsliding, but even in this case, the Spirit is still with us to convict us and turn us back to Christ. To lose the Spirit is to lose salvation, because the Holy Spirit is that evidence of salvation, and without the Spirit we are not justified. No Holy Spirit, no salvation. But we know the Spirit seals us, keeping us in Christ, therefore it’s not technically possible to relieve yourself of the Spirit. Our desires, our will, our life becomes Christ’s. And Christ can’t deny Himself, so us being one with Christ in Spirit, we cannot deny ourselves of His saving power either. It is credited to Him to keep us, therefore, He does so, even though we’re not perfect.
      And as for your other question! 😃
      I personally believe that this particular scripture in its context is meaning to never create something to worship in place of God. Not to create an image of God. And none of us can create an image of Him anyway because we don’t really know His likeness face to face. This scripture is talking about idol worship. We are not to draw, paint, create anything to be God and worship it. For instance, I’m actually an artist, and I create biblical art from the scriptures. Right now, I’m working on a piece for Jesus and the Crucifixion. However, I’m going from scripture. I’m using my gift to praise God and connect others to the Bible visually. And I’m not creating artwork to worship it, but to point others to the creator. And if we look around, God is all around us in creation! But to answer that, I would say it’s perfectly fine to create imagery of things in scripture, but I don’t think we should do them to the degree of worshiping any images. And the cross necklaces, statues of David, etc. all biblical art is fine in my opinion, even going off of scripture. The same could be said for songs too. If biblical imagery is wrong, then songs of Jesus could be under that same jurisdiction. But it’s not necessarily about a drawing of Jesus or the cross or anything similar, but it’s more so the intentions behind what is created. Was the golden calf sinful, or the worship of it? The golden calf itself is just a statue, but if we give it the place of God, then it becomes a graven image, aka, an idol. And at its root, it’s a heart issue, not an issue of creative freedom. I can draw sheep all day, and I can have a cool marble statue of Michael Jordan in the house. It’s just a statue and a piece of artwork, but when I start to worship it, it becomes an idol, and I have sinned. This is the context of that scripture in my opinion. We see this same context play out with the Israelites many times. They created God in an image, but not to please Him or to be creative, but to worship something in place of the One True God, Yahweh.

    • @tristonlister4272
      @tristonlister4272 Год назад +5

      @@JtheIsraelite think of it this way as well, we can use our gifts to bring eyes and ears to Christ, but never should our creations replace God. The Arc of the Covenant was a graven image of things above, but it wasn’t evil or condemned. Why? Not only because God commanded it be done, but also because it wasn’t worshiped, but God was. It was an artistic creation to hold His commandments and brought honor, glory, reverence, and significance to Him. And the same can and should be done today in all we create. Paul says whatever we do, do it unto the Lord. Therefore, anything created, whether a depiction of Christ, or a drawing of an angel, etc. should be done to honor God or to bring glory to Him, not to be worshiped. And I personally believe if it’s of anything in the heavens or if Christ, etc., it should be extremely accurate. But that’s just me. I’ve been doing biblical art since I’ve been saved, and I never really felt convicted, but I have felt a great want and need to be extremely accurate in order to lead people to the Bible, and to give clear and precise context to my work that God does through me artistically. I truly believe if it were sinful, God would give me a much lesser desire, but in fact, when I go long enough without using my gift for Christ, that’s when I feel convicted 😅

  • @christinapetree3269
    @christinapetree3269 Год назад +1

    You can’t go in and out of salvation think about it and then ask the Holy Spirit!

  • @Jenna-oj1jd
    @Jenna-oj1jd Год назад +3

    Loving this podcast. All glory to the Lord. ❤️

  • @PeterGaysue
    @PeterGaysue 3 месяца назад +1

    ☦️I beg the lord to have mercy on us all

  • @Stephanie-ft9pv
    @Stephanie-ft9pv Год назад +1

    You can lose it because if you live for God and endure and then one day you decide to start living in sin again knowing that its wrong, you lose it. There is a scripture that says it is worse for someone who believes and then goes against it and stops living for God. There judgement will be worse. So therfore you can lose it by your choice

  • @andresguillen9186
    @andresguillen9186 Год назад +4

    Keep making more videos.. keep doing y’all
    I say y’all should talk about revelation and talk about what’s coming into this world. People need to know what that book talk about and they have to get closer to god because we’re heading t9 bad times soon enough and people need to get closer to god.

  • @ladyjacquelineallen4942
    @ladyjacquelineallen4942 Год назад +2

    The key point that you keep skipping over is that God’s love is forever. Nothing will ever stop God from loving his creation. However, his creation can stop loving him by not keeping his commandments. God never stops!! Humankind does. That’s what causes the separation. It happened in the Garden of Eden. God didn’t leave Adam, Adam did and it’s happening today.

  • @christinapetree3269
    @christinapetree3269 Год назад +1

    That was a iPod Shuffle with no screen😂

  • @Easybelievist
    @Easybelievist Год назад +13

    Ephesians 4:30 (KJV) And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
    This verse to me says the Holy Spirit never leaves. Even in our sin he remains! Amen

    • @tylerholmes6873
      @tylerholmes6873 Год назад +1


    • @AJ-ff2os
      @AJ-ff2os Год назад


    • @kezr6379
      @kezr6379 Год назад +2

      Amen brother you're either eternally saved by believing in Jesus and him paying for all your sins or you are unsaved its that simple.

    • @Easybelievist
      @Easybelievist Год назад

      @@kezr6379 yep!!!

    • @theodoreritola7641
      @theodoreritola7641 4 месяца назад


  • @Dman03_
    @Dman03_ Год назад +1

    Nah if you truly believed and turn away that would be blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

  • @judygeorge2011
    @judygeorge2011 Год назад +1

    Oh my gosh! I have so much to say but I'm about to walk into work. But....What separates us from God....sin! Unrepentive sin. For a fact, I was legitimately saved at the age of 7. Now I am 61. 100%, thru out the years, "I" have walked away from Christ. I have ALWAYS still believed, but my life was not reflective of that. A house divided amongst itself, can not stand. If I had died with all that garbage in my life, theres NO WAY God would have welcomed me into heaven. But for now, I have to get into work. Arggg.

  • @glenmoulon610
    @glenmoulon610 Год назад +1

    Once save always save, the.HOLY SPIRIT has to enlighten a person on that..
    The HOLY SPIRIT does not enlighten the person, the person will never get it..

  • @mrriggleman8750
    @mrriggleman8750 Год назад +1

    Another great humble conversation about the lord. Much love fella’s

  • @Daniel-pu7le
    @Daniel-pu7le Год назад +1

    The question i have for Elliott is for OSAS he says you can lose it and im stuck on more on the eternal security side but. If we could lose our salvation, how could we get it back without constantly asking for forgiveness, then lose ur salvation again and again . Its almost like we really depends on ourselves to get right and not on Jesus, bc after all Jesus died for ALL of our sins. If we lose our salvation, Jesus's death is pointless.?

  • @ryanw7850
    @ryanw7850 Год назад +2

    So glad God pointed me to this podcast, this vid rlly clarified so much for me. It's rlly inspiring to see how great yall are at listening to each other. God bless✝️

  • @christinapetree3269
    @christinapetree3269 Год назад +1

    Nick you are correct! I experienced and No the Holy Spirt never left me!

  • @nellinawinston1903
    @nellinawinston1903 Год назад +6

    We need that unwavering faith to remain in Him

    • @nellinawinston1903
      @nellinawinston1903 Год назад

      I think Nick is explaining it like the book of Job.

    • @ad7287
      @ad7287 9 месяцев назад +1

      I agree, I think Elliot has got it right but I understand where nick is coming from

    • @theodoreritola7641
      @theodoreritola7641 4 месяца назад

      Do you belive Jesus Christ will... UN,,. redeem or ABORT his own Children ? OSAS IS VERY TRUE. READ JOHN Ch 3 Vs 16

  • @setapartdives
    @setapartdives Год назад +3

    I think there is no contradiction. I just think like in any relationship that is based on love it’s a two way street. God demonstrated His love for us through Jesus unconditionally and in same way He expects unconditional love from us. God gives you the gift of salvation (essentially a gift of love) and in return He desires obedience to His commands (our gift of love to Him).
    Jesus himself said that if you love me you will obey my commandments. And yet, God gives us free will. He doesn’t force us to love Him. We can become lukewarm - abandon our prayer closet and become influenced by our flesh or the world. Does God still love us ? - yes. Would he like us to repent and return to Him yes. I guess our willful sin is the only thing that can separate us from Him. God cannot negate His Holy nature to accommodate our sin. That was whole point why Jesus became the sacrificial lamb. Paul himself says there is no sacrifice left beyond that.

  • @AJ-ff2os
    @AJ-ff2os Год назад +1

    Once saved always saved - 1 John 5:13 - 13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may KNOW that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
    Ephesians 4:30 - And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed UNTO THE DAY OF REDEMPTION.

  • @jayman1338
    @jayman1338 Год назад

    Rev 1:8
    “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
    Who is, podcast…🤷‍♂️

  • @jovaniqueohare
    @jovaniqueohare Год назад +2

    Yooo this episode got so real at the end 😮this podcast is something special

  • @shonjackson9395
    @shonjackson9395 10 месяцев назад

    Elliott is right Nick. You can't commit apostasy and remain righteous. You are mocking Christ!

  • @shonjackson9395
    @shonjackson9395 10 месяцев назад

    You receive the Holy Spirit when you are baptized. Where does the scripture say, when you believe. Jesus was baptized.
    Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
    Acts 2:38

  • @gabriellemcintyre7153
    @gabriellemcintyre7153 Год назад +2

    You got it right Nick, you running well brother don't allow anyone to persuade you from the truth. Because that persuasion ain't from God bro. Those who cause you to become confused will have to deal with God and trust, they (whomever)don't want them problems. God bless and may He continue to grow you in His understanding. ❤

  • @shonjackson9395
    @shonjackson9395 10 месяцев назад

    God is love. Just using an old testament example. God proclaimed his love for Solomon... but Solomon did not die in good graces with God.

  • @srstanleythomas9952
    @srstanleythomas9952 Год назад

    Again Good Bless you brothers, while you brothers were sharing the scriptures the scripture about Jesus leaving the 99 sheep to find the 1, seems like another scripture to consider?

  • @nichellemandjila2146
    @nichellemandjila2146 9 месяцев назад

    Maybe a better way to phrase it is we are all a work of grace...to say "once saved, always saved" to me exudes a false sense of security, almost rooted in self-righteous. Yes we're sealed by the Holy Spirit, but how can His Holy Spirit dwell in a sin-full vessel. Like Elliott said, not practicing sin...maybe still having areas where we struggle, thank God his grace is sufficient for us🙌🏾 But we should not fustrate the grace of God...as the word says "shall we continue in sin that grace may abound, God forbid."

  • @shonjackson9395
    @shonjackson9395 10 месяцев назад

    The prophets were in the presence of God. We don't see the Holy Spirit or God the Holy Spirit until Jesus baptism and Acts 2

  • @shonjackson9395
    @shonjackson9395 10 месяцев назад

    Once saved always saved...no. If you fall from grace you can be redeemed through repentance. If you never repent, only God will judge. If that was such a thing, Paul would never preach and teach repentance. There would be no need. "So, shall we then continue in sin that grace may abound? Paul replies with a resounding “God forbid” (Romans 6:2)
    We have to remember, we are under the New Covenant with Christ. We have to stop applying the old law (Judaism) to Christians. They were not Christians. Paul constantly warns us we can loose salvation. Both the old and new testaments show examples...did King Saul or King Solomon maintain?

  • @elliotthreat
    @elliotthreat Год назад +2

    “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,”
    The condition I read is “when you believe”. You Then you have the Spirit. When you no longer believe..you no longer have the Spirit. We need the Spirit for salvation which only comes when we believe.
    This is just my interpretation I believe to be true but I’m open to clarification. None of us are without reproach and most certainly not I lol. Love you all tremendously ❤️

  • @SchaydeMoody
    @SchaydeMoody Год назад

    Mark 3: 28 Truly I tell you, the sons of men will be forgiven all sins and blasphemies, as many as they utter. 29 But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of eternal sin.”
    (Turning away from Jesus with the intent of rejecting him. Not the unintended sin or failure, but turning away, with intention and without repentance.)
    John 14:21
    Whoever has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me. The one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and reveal Myself to him."
    John 14:23
    Jesus replied, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.
    John 15:10
    If you keep My commandments, you will remain in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and remain in His love.
    1 John 2:3
    By this we can be sure that we have come to know Him: if we keep His commandments.
    1 John 5:3
    For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome,
    2 John 1:6
    And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments. This is the very commandment you have heard from the beginning, that you must walk in love.
    Turning away from Jesus with the intent of rejecting him. Not the unintended sin or failure, but turning away, with intention and without repentance.

  • @MO_91185c
    @MO_91185c 5 месяцев назад

    When i was saved i didn't know he would tell me to stay single. I couldn't cope. He told me i was lost again a few years ago. I am waiting for him to take me. Be prepared to stay single.

  • @ReincitedHD
    @ReincitedHD Год назад +2

    I like that analogy with the birthday because it’s like every day is your birthday and the gift is life from Jesus when you wake up

  • @Vernice428
    @Vernice428 Год назад

    I understand what you are saying Elliot, the Bible says in Luke 9: 62 And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. So if you accept Jesus Christ and you backslide and not repent, of course you can lose your salvation.

  • @islandgyal3730
    @islandgyal3730 Год назад

    @1:02:33 Like Enoch? 💕Genesis 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.💕

  • @danielbowes9734
    @danielbowes9734 Год назад

    Elliott my guy please watch Dr Andy woods same goes for you Nick , hes blessed in the Lord and can answer a lot of questions for you on this topic
    Again your boy from Dublin Ireland
    Stay blessed guys , keep preaching Gods word 💙🙏

  • @christinapetree3269
    @christinapetree3269 Год назад

    I think your missing the point on that because that would be your feelings, which are subject to change, as when you want to be a police officer when your a child are feelings not a belief or Not a fact! Believe is based on FACTS! Think of it that way🤷‍♀️ being a believer we know for facts God created the world, God sent his Son, he was crusified and raised from the dead in the third day for our sins! All FACTS!

  • @ljc1821
    @ljc1821 Год назад

    It the angels 1st state was holy, and lucifer was able to deceive 1/3 of them, then a person who is saved, can return to a dog or pig.
    Proverbs 26:11
    King James Version
    11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.

  • @velmataylor3190
    @velmataylor3190 10 месяцев назад

    The easiest way you can some this up is Saul and David story is a good example of losing the Holy Spirit, but salvation is believing that Jesus died on the cross and rose the third day and getting baptized. Most would disagree but you have to be baptized to receive the Holy Spirit. Then he will come, but he can be lost by not obeying God. You lose salvation by not believing in Jesus Christ. Saved people have fruit of the spirit. The thing is most people don’t want to do the work or understand what they said. They just don’t want to burn forever. Listen to Elliot he trying to save your soul. Love and salvation are two different words. He love us to die for us, but he did it for us to have the option to get saved, but he is saying that you have a choice. Even though he died for you he still is saying that I don’t want you to come to heaven if you don’t love me back and will to ask for salvation and stand on it until death. Also, the drink if you drink it remember what Jesus told the devil about not tempting God. Meaning if you know better do better, but if not pray over all you food including drinks.

  • @christinapetree3269
    @christinapetree3269 Год назад

    In the Old Testament God Spoke to the Prophets! Once God sent Jesus then God was not talking to the Prophets only through the Son

  • @jayman1338
    @jayman1338 Год назад

    Once saved always saved comes out of the five points of Calvinism and sorry but one verse isn’t going to debunk that whole theology.

  • @ashleywilson7983
    @ashleywilson7983 8 месяцев назад

    As far as once saved always save. People believe their saved cause they said so, but being saved is a way of life, living holy and righteous is a way of life not just cause you say your saved. And if you’re saved, what are you saved from if you continue to do the things that are unrighteous and sinful and say I’m save the an what are you saved from if you continue to live a sinful life. It’s more than just saying and believing it’s living it as well. It’s all of it at the same time. There are times when you believe but don’t live what you believe so that belief is irrelevant cause you don’t try to live what you believe in, you just believe it. I have so many thoughts and I know that you probably won’t see this but I would love to talk to you all myself.

  • @Nichole4Hope
    @Nichole4Hope Год назад

    The Bible talks about if you know something (specifically food in the scenario) is sacrificed to idols that you should not eat. But if you are not aware then it won’t affect you. The witch in that video was sacrificing to her false idols.

  • @professora1213
    @professora1213 Год назад

    If we had a choice to walk away from God after belief in him that means you were never saved. You must maintain belief in him until the end. This is false because we know the moment we believe we have enteral life in him. Remaining faithful is works, you do not need to remain faithful to be saved remember this is works. Belief is one time once you are persuaded the gospel is true you are saved. Us Christian’s should keep the faith because it’s good for us and God will not chastise us and we get rewards in heaven for remaining faithful.

  • @dsnintendo8932
    @dsnintendo8932 Год назад

    I believe we will see the three persons of God in heaven. Remember when Jesus was baptized, all three were present at the same time. And there have always been three persons in one since before all of creation. I seen the holy Spirit in a dream- well a view from behind. He will be totally visible in heaven.

  • @whysomanyy5
    @whysomanyy5 Год назад

    I mean in revelation it says whoever isn’t written in the Fathers book of life before the foundations of the world was even created, I mean it sounds like he already chose who he’s gonna save and who’s not gonna be saved, so I feel like unless you blasphemed the holy spirit continuously, then he will depart his spirit , but I feel like if you let yourself get down to that point it took some digging , and there’s no return from then honestly , the devil got you then fr fr in my opinion

  • @christinapetree3269
    @christinapetree3269 Год назад

    But Old Testament is before Jesus paid for out sins and once you are saved you are saved!

  • @jeremytucker3106
    @jeremytucker3106 Год назад +3

    Would love an episode on your opinion on the public school system. Are you sending your kids to public school or not? Something i'm back and forth on constantly.

    • @jennifers2017
      @jennifers2017 Год назад

      Yes that’s a good idea

    • @JtheIsraelite
      @JtheIsraelite Год назад

      I personally don’t have any kids, but when I’m older, I plan on homeschooling because nowadays, even at this moment, it’s terrible. The public school system

  • @kezr6379
    @kezr6379 Год назад +1

    Ephesians 1:13
    “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,” KJV

  • @KBEAMON08
    @KBEAMON08 10 месяцев назад

    1 John 2:19 says they left because they were never one of us. I love y'alls discussions 👏🏾 👏🏾

  • @ayishatorres1317
    @ayishatorres1317 Год назад

    Yoo I’m screaming. Not the pigeons😂😂

  • @gabriellemcintyre7153
    @gabriellemcintyre7153 Год назад +1

    Quenching or grieving the Holy Spirit is to make Him sad, or sorrowful due to us expressing bitterness, anger,wrath,fussing and slandering one another being malicious. So He tells us not to do those things but to walk in love. When we walk in love we won't carry on in such a way that grieves the HolySpirit.

  • @H2OAP22
    @H2OAP22 Год назад

    If you believe your a human, that is true, if you start to believe your a animal and "act" as an animal, you loss your belief in being human
    You believe in Jesus,"going to church, praying and keeping sin to a minimum by not trying to sin. If you convert to anything else and stay in that belief, you reject God and commit the unforgivable sin and are no longer one of God's children under his love as in to be saved

  • @christinapetree3269
    @christinapetree3269 Год назад

    No way and your born in the flesh, so no matter how many years you life you could never not stumble

  • @nellinawinston1903
    @nellinawinston1903 Год назад +1

    I think Nick is explaining it like the book of Job. Job was OSAS… because he kept his faith.

  • @christinapetree3269
    @christinapetree3269 Год назад

    Nick in my opinion that would help to make your point!

  • @orangeandslinky
    @orangeandslinky Год назад

    James says he is only talking to the Jews in the first verse.

  • @christinapetree3269
    @christinapetree3269 Год назад

    I think it goes bsck to the Four Soils in the Heart!

  • @christinapetree3269
    @christinapetree3269 Год назад

    Your missing the soils 🤷‍♀️

  • @christinapetree3269
    @christinapetree3269 Год назад

    Your both missing the Soils!

  • @robertabells3388
    @robertabells3388 Год назад +2

    Great podcast. 1 John 2:19

    • @kimwilliams4800
      @kimwilliams4800 Год назад +1

      Yes ma’am!!
      “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.”

  • @lilshonnie17
    @lilshonnie17 Год назад +1

    I love the podcast can’t wait for season 2. This is good stuff

  • @ChiefCedricJohnson
    @ChiefCedricJohnson Год назад +1

    Matthew 5:4
    Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

  • @AMadRuss1an
    @AMadRuss1an Год назад +1

    Very good conversation. And you were right about the Liquid death and it entering a covenant. If you are not aware of a spell being cast on it then you are most likely safe. But the evils of witchcraft work in the way of if you do know what they did to it you are aware and now can possibly let demons enter. But God is more powerful and if you pray over it he will remove that curse. But I wouldn’t want to drink that

  • @velmataylor3190
    @velmataylor3190 10 месяцев назад

    Very good topic. Love it!

  • @christinapetree3269
    @christinapetree3269 Год назад

    Our Bodies are a shell!

  • @ItsaBurd
    @ItsaBurd Год назад +1

    I see where you both are coming from. I believe a true Christian can’t lose their salvation. 1 John looks into the differences between a true christian and a false one. If someone stops believing or turns away then they were never really saved and never received the Holy Spirit to begin with.
    “They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be evident that they all are not of us.”
    ‭‭1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭19‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬
    Only a true Christian has the Holy Spirit and we are told that we are sealed and that He will keep us.
    “In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation-having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of the promise, who is a first installment of our inheritance, in regard to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory.”
    ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬
    “Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge.”
    ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭21‬-‭22‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬

  • @whysomanyy5
    @whysomanyy5 Год назад

    Elliot speaking

  • @ashleywilson7983
    @ashleywilson7983 8 месяцев назад

    Hebrews 10:26

  • @jazzefromphille1788
    @jazzefromphille1788 Год назад +1

    Love this conversation

  • @youngsavageransom6474
    @youngsavageransom6474 2 месяца назад

    Love these two together

  • @johnbest1262
    @johnbest1262 Год назад +1

    Love the name and this podcast!

  • @daequonbulger3986
    @daequonbulger3986 Год назад +1

    THATS HARD “I AM THE I AM” , “Heis” 😭

  • @jenniferneff1244
    @jenniferneff1244 Год назад

    “Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that departs from the living God. But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. For we have become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end, while it is said, “Today if you hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts, as when they provoked Me.” For who provoked Him when they had heard? Indeed, did not all those who came out of Egypt led by Moses? And with whom was He angry for forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose bodies fell in the wilderness? And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who were ***disobedient?*** So we see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief.”
    ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭3‬:‭12‬-‭19‬ ‭~
    believe means obey. Remember James says even the demons believe, and they tremble. John 15. Abide in the vine. This is a command. And there is a condition if you do abide you will bear fruit. If you don’t abide, you will be cut off & thrown into the fire. Faith actually also means faithfulness. It is not a simple word. If we have faith then that doesn’t only mean trusting in JESUS, it also means choosing to be faithful to HIM. Scriptures state that we Have been saved in the past (justification) currently we are being saved (sanctification) & in the end we will be saved if we endure (glorification). It is not one & done. It is learning to be led. Abide means obey. These words are not the same as they were in The past. There is a depth there that we oversimplify to our own detriment. *GOD honors free will.* and don’t over estimate yourself. ‘How could you turn away if you truly believe’ we are not any better than Peter. We definitely could turn away which is why we should pray that we don’t. I appreciate the honesty & genuineness & vulnerability in this conversation. I love you brothers. Thank you for doing this. Praying for you. For all of us to endure with KING JESUS. HEis WORTHY🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 bow down

  • @strengthofgod.
    @strengthofgod. 8 месяцев назад +1

    I really enjoyed this conversation and discussion bros, love y’all man, you guys are very inspiring to me!!🙏🏽🤍💪🏽