You weren't getting tears ups because rock bottom still keeps track of the stat downs you receive and forces you to compensate for them with stat increases before you can actually increase them again.
Was going to point it down, for example if you get rock bottom soy milk you still have the 3.5 dmg and get the 15 tear rate but since your real dmg would be like 0.8 If you get let's say meat or some small dmg up you'll still have 3.5 dmg because your real dmg would be like 1.1 or something like that so instead of saying that rock bottom prevents your stats from going down it makes it so each stats is the highest it has been at any point of the run. Sorry if I wrote something wrong
Oh, it's fascinating that as soon as he let go of Magic Skin, Modeling Clay started becoming Magic Skin almost every room, and then became other items again once he picked Magic Skin back up~
I didn't think modeling clay could become actives, must be magic skin exclusive. I guess magic skin replaced the item it was going to be? Very cool and interesting, thanks for pointing it out!
Fun Fact: Rock Bottom still calculates your stats on the background, like, imagine if you get soy milk with rock bottom, then polyphemus; you won't get all the damage it would give or simply it wouldn't give dmg at all Edit: Simple explanation, imagine you have WoB and Rock Bottom. WoB is activated, but you take a red heart and it deactivates. Rock Bottom is going to save the stats, but, if you want to get an item that gives stats up which upgrade is lower than WoB, you'd need WoB to activate to get the stat up from the item. So, yeah, Rock Bottom has a downside that makes it sometimes really not worth taking. Thats the reason why he didn't get stat ups when he grabbed Champion Belt btw, Red Patch and Bloody Gust stat ups weren't activated, and they both combined are bigger.
Exactly! Rock bottom locks your stats to their absolute all time maximum but continues their stat calculation. As such, getting soymilk before Polyphemus or another damage up will be far less useful than the other way around because all effects still apply
Pretty much, when you get a stat down, in order to increase that stat again you need to get enough stat ups to remove the effect of the stat down, so getting small rock would be .2 speed down, getting the belt after would only give .1 speed up to counteract that speed down. Still a great item with certain synergies tho
>Rock Bottom has a downside that makes it sometimes really not worth taking that never will make it not worth taking... its still a permanent stat up that you wouldnt get otherwise. its just not as good as it could be. why would you think it wouldnt be worth taking even with that downside? hell its not a downside, just a limit to the OP upside.
The reason why you didn't get stat ups sometimes, is because rock bottom still calculates the stat downs but always saves your highest stat. For example: you take soi milk, you keep your damage but internally you got a dmg down, now if you get a damage up, it calculates it with the soi milk dmg down multiplier. Only after you surpass that highest dmg stat *with* the dmg down it will you show you ( and give you) a damage up (sorry for my bad english)
rock bottom does not work like everyone wished, you still have stats going up and down, but you use the highest state they have been on. thats why when you got hemoclaria you didnt get tears afeterwards.
My first damocles fell during a trap room fight at some point when i used my chariot card to kill the waves and saw it stuck in the ground after. Then i contemplated how lucky i was considering i had no extra lives Also fun fact plan c is a free beast kill even during any of the horseman phases just make sure you wait till after dogma
Hey sin. Rock bottom ONLY increases your stats if the item increases it more than your “secret” base stats. So for example. If you have kidney stone which gives a huge temporary tears up you will keep the stats due to rock bottom. But because its technically a temporary tears up all future tears up will not do anything. So for example. If you go from 2.0 - 80.00 tears rate your “true” stats are 2.0 but rock bottom makes your stats 80.00. If you were to get a tears up +1 your true stats would be 3.0 but rock bottom would stay at 80.00 because it didn’t go ABOVE 80.00. Hope this makes sense.
Money=power is a great example. At 99 cents it would increase your damage by 6.5 roughly which increases your “true” stats by 6.5 but if you spend all 99 cents your “true” damage drops back down. So if you spend all of your money you won’t get any more damage up UNTIL you get more than the 6.5 damage you lost.
Another example is if you have 3 hearts and get a health down pill you will still have 3 hearts but you would need 2 health ups to get to 4 hearts. One to make up for the health down and one to add to your health pool.
So perfect example. Since you got haemolacria from lemegeton both squeezy and binky didn’t increase your tears rate at all. Because they weren’t enough of an increase to tears rate to counteract haemolacria’s tears rate down. 18:49 shows what I mean.
Simple and precise explanation on how Rock Bottom works: it saves every stat, except hidden stats, devil, angel and planetarium chances, to the highest value ever reached from when Rock Bottom was picked up, while still calculating stats modifications as normal.
Just for clarification, i believe rock bottom DOES make your stats go down but only in the back end. For example, if you took a luck down pill your luck would still look and act as if it was 1, but you would need 2 luck ups to get it above 1 eg: 25:00 he picks up money but his stats dont go up, because he was at 60 coins earlier. And it explains deaths list not giving out stat ups. And the stapler.
people have to understand that rock bottom is giving you a stat down, but in the background, so when your dmg is at 5 and you get somehow a stat down -1 dmg you still will be at 5 but if you take an item afterwards that gives you +2 dmg your dmg is going to be at 6 and not at 7.
Rock Bottom was the root cause behind your stats not increasing. It locks your stats at their maximum, yet you still calculate for stats. There's a really good mod for Rock Bottom that shows you your "True Stats", and is useful in any Rock Bottom run you may get.
Did anyone else catch modeling clay turning into eves mascara then soy milk right after each other at around 45 minutes. I’ve just been sitting here waiting for sin to notice.
my man rock bottom does make your stats not go down but the stat down are still calculated in the background, thats why sometiems yo uwerent getting stats like tears up from bloody gust or stats from lemegeton
Rock bottom remembers the stat downs, which is why you see him not get a damage up when he should or when you see he should have gotten a tears up, but didn't due to having the haemolacria wisp. While you don't get a damage down, you actually do. This means that the order you get things is important, as seen with him purposefully getting rid of haemolacria to up his tears, and then get it back on hush. The same also applies to ipekak. Rock bottom + ipecac + brimstone + soy milk would result in a brimstone that deals at least 40 base damage a tick, not including the explosions. The problem would be that you'd need quite a lot of damage ups to get anymore damage since your damage would have gone down to 4 or 5 when you picked up brimstone, and even lower when you account for soy milk. The reason it's like this is probably due to libra. While there are other items that are the reason for rock bottom being the way it is, libra is a big one. If your stats were unbalanced, like they usually are with rock bottom, then libra would lower some and increase others. If rock bottom didn't have the special mechanic it has, libra would completely break the game by trying to constantly make your stats equal, but can't since your stats can't go down. Despite this, the item is still busted as hell and I'm glad it seems like it gets to stay the way it is in the game. An item everyone loves despite being both broken and very balanced in a sense. The item is so intelligently made!
Day 8 of telling yall useless facts 1 - On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year. 2 - On average, people fear spiders more than they do death. 3 - In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world's nuclear weapons combined.
rock bottom keeps track of your actual stats (the ones without the rock bottom effect) and only updates your current stats (the ones with rock bottom) when your actual stat increases above your current stats.
30:00 its because of rock bottoms thing your hidden damage is still something lower though this damage is not being dealt of course, you are fueling your hidden damage, when that hidden damage hits your actual damage, then you can continue getting stat ups as usual it was probably because of book of belial
To put it simply, everything that changes your stats still applies to your base stats, as if you didn't have rock bottom. Rock bottom just locks your stats at the highest value they've ever had. So If you get a temporary +1 damage for a room, rock bottom will store you with that +1 damage, but your base stats haven't changed. If you were then to say pick up something that gives +2 damage, you'd only actually get a +1 increase to your damage, because that +2 is applied to your base stat, while rock bottom was keeping you at 1 above your base stats.
Oh wow. I didn't realise how powerful Rock Bottom could be until I saw a purchase being made in the shop after getting Money = Power... then there was no decrease in damage from losing the money :O So there's a potential there if you could get Restock, 2 of Diamonds, Blank Card a battery or two in the shop
There's two stay values with Rock Bottom; current rock bottom stats, ergo what your stat tab shows, and your true stats, which is what your stats actually are without rock bottom. The thing with rock bottom is, is that it will only give you more stats if the true stats and the rb stats are equalised. For example, if you get soy Milk whilst having 10 damage and then you get a damage up item like polyphemus, it won't give you a damage up because your true damage and rb damage aren't the same.
It's been quite a while since I've checked in, Sin. I gotta say, I was not expecting such an awesome intro! Aside from that, I hope your luck keeps up, dude!
Hey sin! I have a suggestion. Do a beast run on a different file to the eden streak, but visit every chapter. Basement, downpour, caves,mines,depths and mausoleum. And spend time on each floor just to listen to the music, as more things are added to the music depending on the floor you’re on. Visit all chapters and you get a wonderful track on basement. Please just try it out.
Another thing to note is that there are true stats. With rock bottom these true stats and regular stats might not stay the same. For example, if you had the book of belial or any temporary stat up item, while they do increase the stat, when they do wear off the true stats DO go back to normal, so your stat would only go up if your true stat were to be at the same amount as your regular stat. If you want to keep track of true stats there is a pack you can get for it, however just keep that in mind for when you get rock bottom. Not saying it isn’t broken, it’s just that on some occasions it can stop you from getting stat ups.
Here's my explanation for rock bottom in case anyone still has trouble understanding it, and somehow gets it this way (as it is often deceptively described): Rock bottom hides your real stats. The stats you see on screen and that your character uses, your "fake" stats, are actually high scores ! What do I mean by that ? Well in the background, your real stats actually behave as they always do: they go up, they go down, they do whatever they want. Your fake stats however will never go down. What that means in practice is that your fake stats only go up when your real stats go beyond them, when they set a new high score. Let's say your damage is 12 (lucky you) and you get soy milk: your real damage will go down but naturally, your fake damage will remember your glory days and pretend nothing happened. Now say you want to gain more fake damage: well you need to get your real damage to break new ground, to go beyond 12 and set a new high score ! But as you can guess it will take quite a few damage ups before your real damage can catch up to what it once was, so getting your fake damage to go up won't be easy . (a.k.a "stapler didn't give us a damage up for some reason") Another, maybe simpler, way to see it is: every stat down and un-stat up (like losing the bloody lust bonus from the previous floor) adds to your "stat debt" that you've got to repay before you can start increasing that stat again. I actually think this makes the item fairly balanced, it's just a bit tough to understand (also wish there was some kind of mod to display your real stats in addition to your fake, rock-bottom stats)
Day 378 of the logbook of evil Isaac-developers: "Someone at Rock Bottom is at it's worst. So if Isaac gets Rock Bottom he should only get stats down. And not able to gain anything"
Rock bottom doesn't allow your stats to go down but it can also prevent them from going up. The stat downs that you get will need to be compensated by the same value of stat up before being able to actually up your stats.
For anyone who also doesnt understand rock bottom it is really simple. You have your normal stats being tracked in the background, but rock bottom prevents your current stats from decreasing below the highest point they were at since picking it up. So when sin used money he "lost" damage from damage = power and despite keeping his damage he needed to regain the "lost" damage before being able to further increase his damage. It is still bad to lose stats if you want to continue gaining past your current highest point. Which is why you need to pickup damage items before big stat downs like soymilk.
Day 236 of counting how many times sinvicta is taking damage (Tainted Magdalene Melee, Black Heart Bombing, Enemies, Environment(Spikes, Pitfalls, Barrels etc.), Pills, Bombs and passive Items) Total(Yesterday): 36 Total(Today): 20 Total(All Days): 7201 Total(Repentance): 4911 Total(Last Month): 977 Most damage taken in Afterbirth+: 104 (Episode 1151) Most damage taken in Repentance: 134 (Episode 31) Most damage taken (Tainted Magdalene): 233 (Episode 22) Average Damage per Day (all Days): 30.513 Average Damage per Day (only Repentance): 33.408 Day 205 of counting how many times sinvicta is taking intentional damage (Sac. / Curse rooms, intentional before Transformations, Mom's Hand to get out of the Room, B. D. Machine, Devil Begger and active Items) Total(Yesterday): 14 Total(Today): 19 Total(All Days): 2628 Total(Repentance): 1661 Total(Last Month): 567 Most damage taken in Afterbirth+: 146 (Episode 1192) Most damage taken in Repentance: 128 (Episode 131) Average Damage per Day (all Days): 12.82 Average Damage per Day (only Repentance): 11.299 (I don't include Heart Container Trades like Devil Deals and Potato Peelers)
Day 60! Today I caught a Yveltal on our modded Minecraft server! Next up is Xerneas, and after that Zygarde! I will have to think up a way to sort out my team because I have so many pokemon that I want to use ;-;
Rock bottom and lemegeton is a bigger combo then you think because of the stat calculation of rock bottom. For example if you take poly and then soy milk, the tears up wouldn't be as big as taking poly away and then taking soy milk, so temporary items are better then permanent ones. Metronome would be another item that does this.
part way through so maybe he realizes later, you do get the stat ups from Lemington but your tear cap was lower cause hemolacryia however it's spelled. But you do get them, awesome combo!
Day 11 of sharing ideas for modded items. Today’s item is the crucifix Flavor text: the wrath of god is with you Passive tear effect which will mark enemies with a cross above their head. Marked enemies will eventually slow to a halt and explode into a salvation like cross attack which will deal additional damage to enemies. If the shot is the final blow on the enemy in the room they will drop an eternal heart. Only found in angel deals and stairway shops.
Damocles:"here have all these boss rush items."
Sin: "oh nice"
Also Damocles:"SYKE!"
he could have bombed himself to death to respawn in the previous room (boss rush room)
@@keagancantrell3756 I don’t think that’s possible, actually.
@@anwd8646 Not with that attitude.
You weren't getting tears ups because rock bottom still keeps track of the stat downs you receive and forces you to compensate for them with stat increases before you can actually increase them again.
The main reason I point this out is because it deeply hurt me to see the legend that is gusty blood take the blame
And haemolacria still caps his tears.
@@Badwarrior5 I believe deaths list breaks the cap
69st like
Was going to point it down, for example if you get rock bottom soy milk you still have the 3.5 dmg and get the 15 tear rate but since your real dmg would be like 0.8 If you get let's say meat or some small dmg up you'll still have 3.5 dmg because your real dmg would be like 1.1 or something like that so instead of saying that rock bottom prevents your stats from going down it makes it so each stats is the highest it has been at any point of the run. Sorry if I wrote something wrong
"Rock Bottom Start!" *Sees Echochamber* this will be fun
Its getting nerfed :(
I immediately ran to the video after seeing the thumbnail
I’m surprised that the electro archon is a fan of Sinvicta
kooozacki pisior bracie
@@teszin9066 ło kurna Polak impossible
Oh, it's fascinating that as soon as he let go of Magic Skin, Modeling Clay started becoming Magic Skin almost every room, and then became other items again once he picked Magic Skin back up~
I didn't think modeling clay could become actives, must be magic skin exclusive. I guess magic skin replaced the item it was going to be? Very cool and interesting, thanks for pointing it out!
Fun Fact: Rock Bottom still calculates your stats on the background, like, imagine if you get soy milk with rock bottom, then polyphemus; you won't get all the damage it would give or simply it wouldn't give dmg at all
Edit: Simple explanation, imagine you have WoB and Rock Bottom. WoB is activated, but you take a red heart and it deactivates. Rock Bottom is going to save the stats, but, if you want to get an item that gives stats up which upgrade is lower than WoB, you'd need WoB to activate to get the stat up from the item. So, yeah, Rock Bottom has a downside that makes it sometimes really not worth taking. Thats the reason why he didn't get stat ups when he grabbed Champion Belt btw, Red Patch and Bloody Gust stat ups weren't activated, and they both combined are bigger.
Exactly! Rock bottom locks your stats to their absolute all time maximum but continues their stat calculation. As such, getting soymilk before Polyphemus or another damage up will be far less useful than the other way around because all effects still apply
Pretty much, when you get a stat down, in order to increase that stat again you need to get enough stat ups to remove the effect of the stat down, so getting small rock would be .2 speed down, getting the belt after would only give .1 speed up to counteract that speed down. Still a great item with certain synergies tho
@@11epicnoob I was thinking the same thing it is pretty obvious it’s a abbreviation but what does it stand for.
>Rock Bottom has a downside that makes it sometimes really not worth taking
that never will make it not worth taking... its still a permanent stat up that you wouldnt get otherwise. its just not as good as it could be. why would you think it wouldnt be worth taking even with that downside? hell its not a downside, just a limit to the OP upside.
Either way it's still completely broken, just soy milk by itself without the DMG down is already incredibly OP
I'm still sober and telling everyone I'm here to support them!
Keep it up man ! Always good to see people working hard 👍
Sin: sees cone head item
Sin: "Hey everybody!"
it's just spread everywhere at this point
u know this one gonna be good when there are two thumbnail items
The reason why you didn't get stat ups sometimes, is because rock bottom still calculates the stat downs but always saves your highest stat. For example: you take soi milk, you keep your damage but internally you got a dmg down, now if you get a damage up, it calculates it with the soi milk dmg down multiplier. Only after you surpass that highest dmg stat *with* the dmg down it will you show you ( and give you) a damage up (sorry for my bad english)
he said this a few minutes into the run
44:53 just modeling clay turning into ipecac and giving a giant damage upgrade, nice
46:43 looks like he got soy milk shortly after also for the tears.
I absolutely lost it when he got cone head and said “ayyy everybody”
Sinvicta: Haha Magic Skin go bRrRrR
53:21 Sin forgets how to do basic math.
13:50 technically is your fault that you took dmg there, you threw your active item to a wall
rock bottom does not work like everyone wished, you still have stats going up and down, but you use the highest state they have been on. thats why when you got hemoclaria you didnt get tears afeterwards.
At 55:25 sin opens the portal to space hell.
My first damocles fell during a trap room fight at some point when i used my chariot card to kill the waves and saw it stuck in the ground after. Then i contemplated how lucky i was considering i had no extra lives
Also fun fact plan c is a free beast kill even during any of the horseman phases just make sure you wait till after dogma
Imagine that he got rerolled when modelling clay gave him Missing No. at 39:56.
37:53 it tuned into kidneystones and he did not use it
@Huran oh yeah.... I forget sometimes about the new repentace items.... And I didn't know their sprites was that similar
Hey sin. Rock bottom ONLY increases your stats if the item increases it more than your “secret” base stats. So for example. If you have kidney stone which gives a huge temporary tears up you will keep the stats due to rock bottom. But because its technically a temporary tears up all future tears up will not do anything. So for example. If you go from 2.0 - 80.00 tears rate your “true” stats are 2.0 but rock bottom makes your stats 80.00. If you were to get a tears up +1 your true stats would be 3.0 but rock bottom would stay at 80.00 because it didn’t go ABOVE 80.00. Hope this makes sense.
Money=power is a great example. At 99 cents it would increase your damage by 6.5 roughly which increases your “true” stats by 6.5 but if you spend all 99 cents your “true” damage drops back down. So if you spend all of your money you won’t get any more damage up UNTIL you get more than the 6.5 damage you lost.
Another example is if you have 3 hearts and get a health down pill you will still have 3 hearts but you would need 2 health ups to get to 4 hearts. One to make up for the health down and one to add to your health pool.
So perfect example. Since you got haemolacria from lemegeton both squeezy and binky didn’t increase your tears rate at all. Because they weren’t enough of an increase to tears rate to counteract haemolacria’s tears rate down. 18:49 shows what I mean.
Simple and precise explanation on how Rock Bottom works: it saves every stat, except hidden stats, devil, angel and planetarium chances, to the highest value ever reached from when Rock Bottom was picked up, while still calculating stats modifications as normal.
41:46 modelling clay turning into magic skin wtf
At 55:45 And so, Sinvicta said. "I am become death. Sprinkler of tears."
Just for clarification, i believe rock bottom DOES make your stats go down but only in the back end. For example, if you took a luck down pill your luck would still look and act as if it was 1, but you would need 2 luck ups to get it above 1
eg: 25:00 he picks up money but his stats dont go up, because he was at 60 coins earlier. And it explains deaths list not giving out stat ups. And the stapler.
people have to understand that rock bottom is giving you a stat down, but in the background, so when your dmg is at 5 and you get somehow a stat down -1 dmg you still will be at 5 but if you take an item afterwards that gives you +2 dmg your dmg is going to be at 6 and not at 7.
Rock Bottom was the root cause behind your stats not increasing. It locks your stats at their maximum, yet you still calculate for stats. There's a really good mod for Rock Bottom that shows you your "True Stats", and is useful in any Rock Bottom run you may get.
51:15 ocular rift was being very provocative
sinvicta is one of the only popular people who don't play that stupid funky game
You know it's a good run when Sinvicta barely responds to echo chamber
day thirty-two (32) of advocating for the homie lost soul
officially crossed the one month streak mark
also i've never clicked on a video faster
16:31 Ladies and gentlemen this was Devil Deal Room freestyle
Yall notice how Money = power just doesn't care abt the rock bottom downside (but only sometimes)
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Him not playing the sac room on floor one had me yelling at my pc lol
Thank you for making your videos so consistently, they help more than you know.
Eating lunch with sinvicta day 36! Still not feeling great so for lunch I'm trying to figure out if I can afford to leave work early
Hope u get well soon!
@@Kakapo_Kid thanks!!
Did anyone else catch modeling clay turning into eves mascara then soy milk right after each other at around 45 minutes. I’ve just been sitting here waiting for sin to notice.
my man rock bottom does make your stats not go down but the stat down are still calculated in the background, thats why sometiems yo uwerent getting stats like tears up from bloody gust or stats from lemegeton
Sinvicta: destroys hush in seconds
Also sinvicta :Neat..
Rock bottom remembers the stat downs, which is why you see him not get a damage up when he should or when you see he should have gotten a tears up, but didn't due to having the haemolacria wisp. While you don't get a damage down, you actually do. This means that the order you get things is important, as seen with him purposefully getting rid of haemolacria to up his tears, and then get it back on hush. The same also applies to ipekak. Rock bottom + ipecac + brimstone + soy milk would result in a brimstone that deals at least 40 base damage a tick, not including the explosions. The problem would be that you'd need quite a lot of damage ups to get anymore damage since your damage would have gone down to 4 or 5 when you picked up brimstone, and even lower when you account for soy milk. The reason it's like this is probably due to libra. While there are other items that are the reason for rock bottom being the way it is, libra is a big one. If your stats were unbalanced, like they usually are with rock bottom, then libra would lower some and increase others. If rock bottom didn't have the special mechanic it has, libra would completely break the game by trying to constantly make your stats equal, but can't since your stats can't go down.
Despite this, the item is still busted as hell and I'm glad it seems like it gets to stay the way it is in the game. An item everyone loves despite being both broken and very balanced in a sense. The item is so intelligently made!
I guess you can say Sinvicta was already at... *ROCK BOTTOM*
Everyone's talkin about the rockbottom start but no one is talking about how sin missed a 100% deal of the devil? 6:54
He took red heart damage just before clearing the room so his chance went from 100 to 1 percent
@@thijsboss1246 Oh yea, thanks :D
Rock Bottom start and hour long vid… this will be fun
16:59 sin why didn’t you take the dead prince’s crown
tim vibes
I don't know if anyone cares but today I completed the note for The Lost and his tainted version. I'm so happy!
I care, you did fantastic!!!
@@robinnyholm3647 Thanks! That means a lot
Day 8 of telling yall useless facts
1 - On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.
2 - On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.
3 - In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world's nuclear weapons combined.
Sinvicta beeing my favourite isaac player and i know hes very experienced.
Also Sinvicta not knowing how rock buttom really works.
rock bottom keeps track of your actual stats (the ones without the rock bottom effect) and only updates your current stats (the ones with rock bottom) when your actual stat increases above your current stats.
When you get a temporary multiplier, you have to use that muliplier again when your stat increases to increase the rock bottom stats
Came for Isaac, stayed for the Kanye reference.
Very glad i broughr my earbuds today to watch this one at lunch, boy the "sounds of isaac" wouldve gotten me looks
At some point I thought i hear bitrate screaming for help.
30:00 its because of rock bottoms thing
your hidden damage is still something lower though this damage is not being dealt of course, you are fueling your hidden damage, when that hidden damage hits your actual damage, then you can continue getting stat ups as usual
it was probably because of book of belial
1:02:03 I am become the void.
Edit: "Neat"
Rock bottom + plus number 2 Is insane. All the shot speed and the range you had before. It is perfect
1 hour in. That is the coolest isaac tear shot i have seen to date. I been watching him play isaac since the beginning
Watching your videos is the best part of my day ❤
To put it simply, everything that changes your stats still applies to your base stats, as if you didn't have rock bottom. Rock bottom just locks your stats at the highest value they've ever had.
So If you get a temporary +1 damage for a room, rock bottom will store you with that +1 damage, but your base stats haven't changed. If you were then to say pick up something that gives +2 damage, you'd only actually get a +1 increase to your damage, because that +2 is applied to your base stat, while rock bottom was keeping you at 1 above your base stats.
59 - What in the world is with these starts....
Have a great day everyone, and be kind to yourselves!
Oh wow. I didn't realise how powerful Rock Bottom could be until I saw a purchase being made in the shop after getting Money = Power... then there was no decrease in damage from losing the money :O So there's a potential there if you could get Restock, 2 of Diamonds, Blank Card a battery or two in the shop
There's two stay values with Rock Bottom; current rock bottom stats, ergo what your stat tab shows, and your true stats, which is what your stats actually are without rock bottom.
The thing with rock bottom is, is that it will only give you more stats if the true stats and the rb stats are equalised. For example, if you get soy Milk whilst having 10 damage and then you get a damage up item like polyphemus, it won't give you a damage up because your true damage and rb damage aren't the same.
It's been quite a while since I've checked in, Sin. I gotta say, I was not expecting such an awesome intro! Aside from that, I hope your luck keeps up, dude!
Oh those fart sounds in the Hush fight...
I really wanted you to take fire mind for once, as it's my favorite tear effect
Sinvicta: skips a soul heart
Gets hit and loses devel deal
me: hm if only you had something to protect you devel deal
Yo insane I love it. I Hope you had a great day MoshPit and Sinvicta
That boss rush really teaches you to prioritize item pick ups
Hey sin! I have a suggestion. Do a beast run on a different file to the eden streak, but visit every chapter. Basement, downpour, caves,mines,depths and mausoleum. And spend time on each floor just to listen to the music, as more things are added to the music depending on the floor you’re on. Visit all chapters and you get a wonderful track on basement. Please just try it out.
the title should have been ROCK BOTTOM+DAMOCLES?!?!
Another thing to note is that there are true stats. With rock bottom these true stats and regular stats might not stay the same. For example, if you had the book of belial or any temporary stat up item, while they do increase the stat, when they do wear off the true stats DO go back to normal, so your stat would only go up if your true stat were to be at the same amount as your regular stat. If you want to keep track of true stats there is a pack you can get for it, however just keep that in mind for when you get rock bottom. Not saying it isn’t broken, it’s just that on some occasions it can stop you from getting stat ups.
Sinvicta: im gonna get devil deal in second floor
Baby Plum: im about to ruin this man run
Day 136 of requesting a heavy metal "SISSAAAAYY!!!" scream
Here's my explanation for rock bottom in case anyone still has trouble understanding it, and somehow gets it this way (as it is often deceptively described):
Rock bottom hides your real stats. The stats you see on screen and that your character uses, your "fake" stats, are actually high scores ! What do I mean by that ? Well in the background, your real stats actually behave as they always do: they go up, they go down, they do whatever they want. Your fake stats however will never go down.
What that means in practice is that your fake stats only go up when your real stats go beyond them, when they set a new high score.
Let's say your damage is 12 (lucky you) and you get soy milk: your real damage will go down but naturally, your fake damage will remember your glory days and pretend nothing happened. Now say you want to gain more fake damage: well you need to get your real damage to break new ground, to go beyond 12 and set a new high score !
But as you can guess it will take quite a few damage ups before your real damage can catch up to what it once was, so getting your fake damage to go up won't be easy . (a.k.a "stapler didn't give us a damage up for some reason")
Another, maybe simpler, way to see it is: every stat down and un-stat up (like losing the bloody lust bonus from the previous floor) adds to your "stat debt" that you've got to repay before you can start increasing that stat again.
I actually think this makes the item fairly balanced, it's just a bit tough to understand (also wish there was some kind of mod to display your real stats in addition to your fake, rock-bottom stats)
6:48 and that’s why I always take soul hearts whenever I come across them.
35:24 egg
passed cracked key 3 times with echo chamber hurt my soul
Day 378 of the logbook of evil Isaac-developers: "Someone at Rock Bottom is at it's worst. So if Isaac gets Rock Bottom he should only get stats down. And not able to gain anything"
Sinvicta: casually becomes the walking embodiment of the Eye of Terror
Didn't get the second floor not picking up the soul heart play but it worked out with damocles in the end I guess?
Rock bottom doesn't allow your stats to go down but it can also prevent them from going up. The stat downs that you get will need to be compensated by the same value of stat up before being able to actually up your stats.
For anyone who also doesnt understand rock bottom it is really simple. You have your normal stats being tracked in the background, but rock bottom prevents your current stats from decreasing below the highest point they were at since picking it up. So when sin used money he "lost" damage from damage = power and despite keeping his damage he needed to regain the "lost" damage before being able to further increase his damage. It is still bad to lose stats if you want to continue gaining past your current highest point. Which is why you need to pickup damage items before big stat downs like soymilk.
Day 236 of counting how many times sinvicta is taking damage
(Tainted Magdalene Melee, Black Heart Bombing, Enemies, Environment(Spikes, Pitfalls, Barrels etc.), Pills, Bombs and passive Items)
Total(Yesterday): 36
Total(Today): 20
Total(All Days): 7201
Total(Repentance): 4911
Total(Last Month): 977
Most damage taken in Afterbirth+: 104 (Episode 1151)
Most damage taken in Repentance: 134 (Episode 31)
Most damage taken (Tainted Magdalene): 233 (Episode 22)
Average Damage per Day (all Days): 30.513
Average Damage per Day (only Repentance): 33.408
Day 205 of counting how many times sinvicta is taking intentional damage
(Sac. / Curse rooms, intentional before Transformations, Mom's Hand to get out of the Room, B. D. Machine, Devil Begger and active Items)
Total(Yesterday): 14
Total(Today): 19
Total(All Days): 2628
Total(Repentance): 1661
Total(Last Month): 567
Most damage taken in Afterbirth+: 146 (Episode 1192)
Most damage taken in Repentance: 128 (Episode 131)
Average Damage per Day (all Days): 12.82
Average Damage per Day (only Repentance): 11.299
(I don't include Heart Container Trades like Devil Deals and Potato Peelers)
I hate this guy. He saw friggen cracked key and didn't think " oh that's SUPER busted" like seriously dude why no red key action?
1 year +138 of thanking Sinvicta for the daily episode and commenting before I’ve watched the vid.
Damocles giveth, Damocles taketh away
Day 60! Today I caught a Yveltal on our modded Minecraft server! Next up is Xerneas, and after that Zygarde! I will have to think up a way to sort out my team because I have so many pokemon that I want to use ;-;
Rock bottom and lemegeton is a bigger combo then you think because of the stat calculation of rock bottom. For example if you take poly and then soy milk, the tears up wouldn't be as big as taking poly away and then taking soy milk, so temporary items are better then permanent ones. Metronome would be another item that does this.
Somehow I end up watching these episodes in there entirety without even realizing 1+ hours has passed
Damocles killed me as tainted lost cause I died on my first life and then it killed me on my second
part way through so maybe he realizes later, you do get the stat ups from Lemington but your tear cap was lower cause hemolacryia however it's spelled. But you do get them, awesome combo!
Doesn't Damocles have an animation where it's bloody and sways back and foward?
Can someone explain me how did he get rid of haemolacria?
Happy day streak: 0
Was at the hospital today so that sucked, nothing major but still sucked
sin: "lets not take the soul heart because I am just going to lose it"
also sin: "well there goes my devil deal"
Weird how Sinvicta doesn't take some risky items like scattered bombs or Dr fetus, but takes Damocles so often. Makes the runs super exciting!
55:42 the ocular rift sounds like the nether portal from minecraft
Oh no, Oh no. OH YEAH! KOOLAID!
Day 11 of sharing ideas for modded items.
Today’s item is the crucifix
Flavor text: the wrath of god is with you
Passive tear effect which will mark enemies with a cross above their head. Marked enemies will eventually slow to a halt and explode into a salvation like cross attack which will deal additional damage to enemies. If the shot is the final blow on the enemy in the room they will drop an eternal heart. Only found in angel deals and stairway shops.
“I’m afraid of losing this soul heart so I’m not going to pick up the one that just dropped” forehead
I think he was saving it for when if Damocles activates
a simple way to explain rock bottom is that it "keep the stats at the best value you reached since you have it"
This is how Edmund thought every AB+ run looked like
Why was sinvicta able to pick up both items from the item pools in the boss and item rooms?
Sword of Damocles
Isaac slamming into the wall was hilarious