otp Kog'maw here. I loved your video and your take on kog´s position in the game. Let´s just hope this adorable void slug gets the love that he deserves
I LOVE kog i play him since season 3 when i started playing and i got my first, and most of my pentakills both AD and AP i think he is perfect at what he does, melt tanks is always satisfying but thats hard to do now days that every champ does everything he does but presing only the W key plus having a shit ton of movility or defendive tools that make anything you do go yo waste and can hit everyone athe the same time and dont even need to click the enemy they want to kill because their ultimate does It automatically and get rewarded for bad positioning like Samira does
@@VarsVerum ok but hear me out. He can only do one thing which is AA, and is extremely short lived. But deals a lot of damage. Also i would like to throw in Viktor's ult which continues to chase even when he dies.
Sad thing is, I went 15/1 with Kog and got an A+. Then I went 20/4 and got an S all because of CS. It's hard when you're a good Kog too. A fed Kog makes them surrender too damn fast before you can get cs up.
I hate his passive, it feels so useless dying to even have one in the first place To take it even further it isnt really impactful, fun or creates a real thread Like Sion does Atleast I can have some fun with AP Kog on the Howling Abyss :))
nah the passive is pretty fine, at least for me. If you use it well you can either use it to clear the wave or deal enough damage for the enemy to to either flash away or potentially get eaten by an ally nearby
Make his E so that Kog speeds up while running on the slime and make his passive have the option of doing a “dash” where he hurls himself in a direction and then explodes, that way you can use him as a rocket after he’s dead and have a better chance of actually landing.
he does gain move speed when his pasive is activated, maybe bumping that up a notch would do the trick, but I dont think landing his pasive is the problem with kog maw.
@@matthewrose8002 League is more team oriented than it ever has been though, I remember in the early days being able to completely 1v9 if you won your lane, and now only a few champs can do this like Vladimir
@@matthewrose8002 Did you think one random internet guy knows more than a multi billion dollar indie company over 14 years? if you're right and they're wrong, why aren't you a millionaire if not 6 digits?
As a Yuumi main who plays with Kindred and Kog'Maw mains as steady teammates... it's honestly sad how Riot thrived so much by turning League's solo queue into a former, individualistic shadow of itself.
It wasn't Riot's fault entirely. Perception of the game fell apart, "win lane lose game," "my teammates are always griefing me," etc. The game was heading in this direction for years. Every time they release a champion that isn't self-sufficient or a good skirmisher, Riot gets so much hate for it. So, almost every popular champion was either self-sufficient, or a very strong 2v2er. When you're Riot in this position, you can't just make a patch saying "bot lane will no longer feed," instead you just give people what they want: more ability to carry games with their preferred playstyle, so you make a carry-threat self-sufficient champion for all of them. This carry potential had to come out of the ADC.
this feels so odd but explains a lot. i main kog'maw, i started around 2013 and stopped the same year. i picked it up this year again. so its not as much of a team game anymore and more who can do their most on their own? idk it feels like the LoL game world has changed a lot from what i remember i guess
It feels like this kind of change is happening with a lot of games characters can do most things themselves, games lean more to being fast paced with shorter match times and more movement orientated as well.
Depends on how you define team game. CSGO is virtually everyone being an ADC but still work and cooperate together as a dun dun **TEAM** . The number of people who want to play support is the number of likes of this comment.
Thing about kog maw for me is that his passive literally makes 0 SENSE for a adc and should really in my opinion be completely changed to something else cause it doesn’t even feel like he has a passive
@@caol8075 a lot of the time, usually it will either burn a flash or net a kill leading to a good trade. His passive isn’t my favourite but it makes him iconic and it’s definitely not a bad passive.
This takes me back to the early days when lategame kog with runnans could melt multiple incoming tanks untouched without even having to kite. Those were the days
@@panadatm He could only do that 30 mins into the game. Essentially it was a counter to tanks and wasn't broken since you just had to win early to counter him.
@@MangaGamified Counterplay is the difference. Old school lategame kog was a hypercarry that could 1v5 at extreme range. Like Matthew Rose said the only way to stop it was simply to end the game before he got to that point. Nasus always has counterplay because he's a melee champ and will always be vulnerable to CC. No amount of q stacking or tankiness will change that.
I think Kog needs a visual update more than a rework, together with Cho'Gath, among several other champions. Both their models are so cartoonish and hilarious.
They would need more than that kog would need all his básic abilities mashed on his Q and a shit ton of movility or sustain or both for him yo be popular nowdays
Kog is my strongest adc for sure but you absolutely have to have complete awareness of your surroundings and positioning because of the immobility. So if you wanna work on your positioning you should definitely play you some kog
Really interesting stuff! I originally watched you for maple content and its nice to see you doing a variety of videos! I personally enjoy watching these videos doing discussions on champions and such, maybe you could even do more discussing previous season's meta and such. On a different note, Kog'Maw recently received a buff to his AP ratios so it definitely helps his case on being a niche counter-pick in pro play to champions like Azir that struggle with matching his long range of spells.
Miss my old protect Kogmaw games as Chogath with a friend. We'd both be Jurassic skins and I would just stand on him so people would have a hard time clicking on him while silencing/knockup/eat anyone that would go near him. lol
Love these videos! Last time I watched the Udyr one and then straight after played an Udyr game xD I have him as mastery 5 so I quite enjoy that champ. Now I feel like playing Kog! He got a buff this patch, apparently he's good as APC now
My second match with Kog Maw with a good friend of mine as my support I managed to get a penta and 2 quadra kills... It's an insanely fun champ if you have good teammates
what i dont get is why his in game model is so different to his lil art screen thing. The art thing hes grey and menacing looking but the actual model he looks like a fukn cartoon where hes white and blue and pink
If I could change Kog'Maw but keep his identity, I would create him as a void marksman who not only is a high DPS tank shredder, but his E can be a blinding acidic cone attack that reduces vision of enemies for 2s (like Graves or Quinn). Some kind of defense that doesnt affect damage directly, but more a counteroffensive ability. It doesnt have to be this, but something that gives him that feeling of a dangerous void creature. His passive could be the only thing that needs a change. Again, if we want to keep him as a high damage but vulnerable marksman, Kog'Maw passive can be an acid-empowered attack every 3 autos that scales with levels or items.
this is pretty accurate to why i have a hard time getting into kog maw. there was a point where i was really interested but playing just felt bad. its kinda sad in a way that a 5 v 5 team game isn't actually about winning as a 5 man team but rather just assuming the worst and trying to carry yourself but its also not really unjustified. so like ... whats a boi to do? want to play him, he's interesting, too much effort though.
Unless he'll be buffed with "Grounding" on his E, he'll be unplayed. He is just an XP/Gold source for the assasins. Picking him, you're basically inviting enemy to keep ganking you, and you have to hope your support will be defending you if he can at all.
I'm a Kog'Maw main and I really liked this video, i find it to be very accurate. I usually play on bot lane and whenever I play with a support player that I know and can communicate with, he's very powerful and can win team fights in seconds even when outnumbered in late-game, but when I play with randoms it's often much harder to do well, especially with the type of "support" that just charges in like they're playing a juggernaut trying to win the bot lane by themselves, getting both of us killed. I feel like many players think this is a single player game or sth.
Kogmaw need have bones mechanic for survival and duel in corrent meta of 200 years of game design. Like Ground effect on his E and more useful passive (or get shield or no extra mana cost on ult) Sadly Rito too stupid for this and Just nerfed him
Yall remember the first adc update where they made all the adcs different and Kog became this unstoppable god thanks to that w change? I miss that so much
Just like sona she fully embraces the enchanter role where she gives buffs to heals sheilds cc and movement speed for allies but in exchange your team needs to protect her to get that buffs i can say shes the perfect example for the enchanter role in terms of team fight and in leagye there are a lot if team fights
Give Kog CC so he can handle more on his own and work better with CC supports. My idea: Make his E root after standing in it too long like sorakas E and whenever Kog ults someone that stands in his E they are rooted as well. That would make him way better and would give his ult some utility as well. Also I'd change his passive to something he can use while he is alive or at the very least to something more active when he is dead
Really strange to hear you undersell Kow'Maw's rework this hard. He was so utterly broken beyond belief, IT WAS REVERTED. He was broken as hell on the botlane, nerfed into the ground, until people realized Bloodrazor made him a insane jungler. Even when nerfed out of the botlane, he found a way to be dominant. Rework Kog'Maw is one of the most broken things Riot ever released, and his power back in those days is HEAVILY understated in this video.
thinking back on that they could've tried to reduce the upfront raw attackspeed he got from the reworked W, you know it doesn't HAVE to be 200% attackspeed, even something like 130% attackspeed is fine, but they just gave up on it which is sad.
i've been main kogmaw for more than 1 year now and i agree with you, kog is one of the most utopian adc ( i've been 100th kogmaw eune/1k global at some point). Imo he is one of the best adc in the game, i absolutly love to play him ( i only miss 2 skins on him). But yeah, biggest problem playing kogmaw, is that your whole team has to play around you, as long everyone protects you and get the targets right, you melt the whole team in 5seconds with no problems. But again, a bad support WILL ruin your game, you can play with any supp, doesn't have to be lulu or an enchanter as long they know their role. Personally i like to play with tanks as some can stun and take the target away from me, and i can melt enemy bot. The biggest problem with kog is the items, he is absolutly depent on items, if the items are nerfed, kog is shit, if items are strong, so is kog.
I started playing in 2021, and I decided to try playing ADC after being bad with Naut and Moakai in the top lane. I picked up Kog'Maw as my first ever ADC, because he was adorable and I liked his ult. However, at this point in my time playing the game I realized it's very much not a team game unless you have 4 other people, and Kog'Maw does not do well in that environment, at least not as an ADC. Fast forward until recently and I found out about AP Kog'Maw. Now I get to play my favorite champ design wise and not feel like shit doing it. Kog'Maw is adorable, nobody can change my mind, and I will spit and barf on my enemies until they die, I die, or both.
Mr kog maw, what ypu really need is a passive to splash enemies with acid when you get hit, this way you melt down the enemies armor and health (more of the latter if it the target does not have too much of the first) and directly explode and bath the enemies on acid when you die, kog maw, you are too cute to be this unused. *pats lil slug boio*
yep, just make a 30% hp assassin die for killing him, maybe with some damage over time so a support can still save the bastard that killed him, that will make then actually think about how to engage, instead of just taking all the hits knowing he will not do anything once you reach him
@@devforfun5618 think two times before killing this slug, because if you have low health and try to burst him, you may hinder your team by dying and crippling your allies if they are close
Evelynn is in a similar spot: Shes hyperspeciallized as an assasin. She sucks in seiges, vs tanks/bruisers, and cant dps, but is insanely effective at getting in, oneshotting a target, and escaping. Shes extremely reliant on her teammates to take objectives, clear vision, and push waves but in return has an insanely strong oneshot combo from stealth.
Yo the comment about how it's always something else bringing Kog'Maw into the spotlight was so fucking based. I've been saying that for a while now, expecially when Muramana had it's time in the spotlight for adc's. Besides being a god at positioning and kiting (cough Any ADC cough) there's nothing to actually express your skills with Kog'Maw. Unless you count his ult i guess.
They could change his passive to becoming a torret instead of a bomb, just like the W rework, he could do the exactly opposite of what he is doing now, he charges into the enemy team and destroy all of them while dead
As a kog main i think kog was fine before the item changes , he had a good way to peel for himself with botrk and his ragelade second item rly made him a solid option even compaired to the newer champions (at least for me). Now every item just feels like it isnt enough for him, ofc you can go shieldbow for survivability but you lose the onhit effects of which is what kog wants since his ad ratios are rly low (so you compensate for it by going items thave onhits rageblade hurricane etc ), if you go galeforce you get the mobility but again you lose too much dmg cuz you do not have onhit effects, and if you go kraken you have no way to peel or survive burst. What i woulld suggest is that his passive gets a rework that actually helps him stay alive or give him some sort of dmg instead of dealing so little true dmg after you are dead contributing to nothing. I think that would be enough to make him at least a b tier adc.
@@andreigrecu8672 ap kog feels like a completely different champion. The reason I used to main kog was because he was an attackspeed adc and I like kitting so going ap kinda defeats the reason I originally picked him up. Sure he is fun when you play ap but I do not like the playstyle.
I wish more team oriented design was the goal. I remember learning how to ADC on Koggy and I still love him, even though I don't play anymore. And it's so sad that on hit damage design always falls behind to burst. Crits in general I think aren't good game design for pvp, especially in a game like LoL. All that said... KEEP COMING! NOT FULL!
Problem with kogmaw is He doesnt have a passive, He doesnt have an ult, He doesnt have built in sustain, He doesnt have a dash, He doesnt have waveclear, But he scales LUL😂 He is just a worse version of karthus
i love kog'maw and when he goes full ballistic ounce fed, but yeah it's all about the team when you are playing him. You still need to be good with him, but if your team doesn't support kog you will never get the chance to go full ballistic. I would change his ult thought i never or rarely use it and i think an ult that helps with his movement to get out of bad situations with a jump/dash or mouvement speed would help him better fit with this new lol. i would totally dig if his ult was him rolling in a ball gaining a speed boost and laying a trail behind him like his E.
That would also stray away from his ideal goal of just shooting really fast from really far at people. A kog'maw with mobility would be really sad in my opinion, instead it should be something to do with higher range or being more tanky.
@@pureinsanity3897 i agree with you that it would stray away from his core concept but nowadays most characters have some kind of mouvement boost, dash, jump or worst. he already has higher range with his W (that could be a bit boosted) and tanky IMO strays further away from his core concept :P that's why i just spitballed the idea of having his ult changed for him rolling in a ball gaining a small but effective mouvement boost and leaving a trail that slows with that it could be on a short to medium distance and be on a long cool down to keep his core mostly intact and give him a more useful tool than his current ult
@@carlgionet5414 and I'm telling you that an ability like that would look... weird and almost offputting on kog'maw... it just... doesn't sound like something he would do, he ain't rammus.
@@pureinsanity3897 it doesn't need to look like Rammus's ability XD like i said i'm spitballing ideas on how Kog could come back and be viable again or even competitive. Q,W and E don't need any change or minimal ones, but the ult would greatly improve his playability if it became something that gave him a mouvement bonus (dash,jump,boost or other) that would be more viable and would give him a more complete toolbox instead of the not so long range ult that doesn't deal that much damage and is easy to miss :P and the ball idea really just comes from his look and animation of battlecast Kog when he rolls XD it would fit Pug'maw too haha Kog's big draw back is that one wrong positionning from you or a teamate and you die because he has no escape and is squishy IMO the best way to modernize Kog for what lol has become would be Q (no change), W (a tiny bit more range), E (slows and reveals enemy for a short duration), R (some short range mobility increase with a long cooldown so it would't be spammed that would either be used to reach a position to better engage or to flee a situation) I'm not disagreeing with you i'm just saying that his toolbox needs to adapt to what lol is now
Aside from visual updates and splash updates he needs a new passive. I like two parters that 1) have something you dont need to think about but are still really good (sett healing jace passive) and 2) have something to think about weather that’s something you think about often (yummi passive) somthing you think about but build around (kaisa passive sett punch vayne w) or something that when it happens you think about and use actively (karthus leblank)
I think he needs an actual passive, as he is if you don't die he has no passive. And I've never killed anything with his passive not even minions die to it, instead of going out with a bang it feels as though he goes out with a whimper.
So I used to main Kog'maw prior to the Marksman reworks. He's honestly the reason I first started playing League. But since the rework I haven't been comfortable with him. He used to be an artillery mage and carry hybrid, but the ultimate damage is a lot weaker against full health targets and healing is so much easier than it used to be. For comparison, 4.14 Kog'maw vs current Kog'maw at level 6 with 73 bonus AD (Krakenslayer + Doran's Blade + 1 Adaptive Force Rune). Against a full health target Old Kog does ~33% more, while against a 40% health target new Kog does 225% more. The break point is at about 16% missing health. At level 18 with 200 bonus AD the comparison is 35% more for old Kog at full and 221% more for new Kog at 40%. With the break point shifting only slight to 16.25% missing health. Really this is just me trying to make mathematical sense of my feelings. I love Kog'maw's ultimate to soften up targets before a full engage and as a scouting tool. But this version has its power put into stealing kills, which isn't what I find fun.
i'm trying to figure out other champs to play since I'm currently a heimer main and struggling to branch out. the heavy damage but slowness and sensitivity reminds me of heimer, so I hope kog'ma will become a second champ for me
Honestly, Kog Maw is the best designed adc being the epitome of what the class should be. Conversely (and controversially) I think Jhin and Kai Sa are why the adc role will remain as the same 5-6 champs forever. They have all the damage with none of the downsides, modern champs are over designed to cater to a flashy way of playing even if it breaks the game. Assassins have too much for champs like Kog to play against. The class has literal infinity tools to just point and click our favorite void bug with little counter play. Fighters (Irelia and Camille) just cheese him with again too much mobility (why does a bruiser need a 2 screen dash and point and click inescapable Jarvin ult?) Kog just needs a passive more suited to his play style. His is the only adc rework to be reverted, the only time Kog maw is allowed to be good he is needed back into oblivion and yet Samir’s can be released as an instant 1v9 bot. It’s sad. Kog maw deserves better as the truest ADC of them all.
Former OTP I made Bloodrazor work very well in the jg with him and his former 5.0 attk speed cap. I never had so much fun with a champ before then switched off to Lethal Tempo Kayle before rework.
you showed a thumbnail for a "why noone plays neeko" video but said video does not exist on youtube, i was gonna say whattt i love neeko she seems super strong lmao
BoRK nerfs also hit kogmaw really hard. It was the perfect first item choice followed by guinsoo, but now he is basically forced to go mythical crit item
I think the disclaimer is kinda unnecessary cuz everytime i see one of these i wanna play the champion to see whether or not im good with them. Great vids, helping me understand league more
You will have Akali and Riven mains complaining everywhere that they couldnt oneshot the KogMaw that was slowly melting them away. The worst the ADC role is, the worst Kog'Maw gets.
I would find it pretty cool if he could actually eat people's remains after melting them. Also, if Riot ever finds a way to make artillery mages work in the current meta he would be better. Making inner towers stronger so seige and splitpush power is more appreciated, perhaps?
I am not gonna say you are wrong, but I play adc build kog'maw top. Kraken slayer. Kog dosen't rely on others. His kit does not have good disengagement. If a champ jumps on kog then it's weather or not you can kill them first. He is venerable but high damage. He never relies on others and he is quick in his damage. The issue stems from his inability to disengage or engage. If you wait for the enemy to mess up, just once, then you slow them and open fire. But when you are playing against a pantheon or a rengar then they just close the distance. 9 times out dps them. But you die faster cause of low resistance and health.
give him something like anivia's passive were he enters a cocoon that explodes after a certain time, so instead of him running after whoever killed him, the attacker must stay to kill the cocoon to prevent him from ressurecting and if the enemy is incapable he is punished by an explosion, as an adc he makes a better use of that because he has a support to finish the enemy, or hold the enemy in place, unlike anivia
My main complaint about Kog'Maw is that his entire lore is focused around eating everything, yet his gameplay revolves around vomiting, not eating. I think it would be neat if he could consume low-health (or recently-killed) minions and champions, which would give him temporary stacks that would buff his attack potency and power of his self-destruct. This would double down on his role as a walking siege weapon, allowing him to gather power while pushing a lane or engaging in a teamfight, encouraging his team to keep shoving and keep him protected while encouraging enemies to take him down, but also punishing them if they do so incautiously.
To add to that, Riot rarely buffs KogMaw because people didnt like the Ardent Censer meta and relate Kog Maw to that disaster, also, Kog Maw is the one that suffers the most when ADCs are trash because he is a pure ADC. I believe he is the most gold reliant ADC because of that, other champs have something in their kit, like stuns, dashes and even going lethality if ADC items are trash, Kog Maw just suffers.
I think a lot of the reasoning behind kogmas playrate is sort of applicable to Twitch. Twitch is more about stealth and whatnot, but He's extremely fragile with one of the lowest health and mana stats, yet has insane damage output and can 1v9 in their own. But they take time to get going.
i started playing kog maw just because i can't seem to survive regardless if i'm playing kai'sa, xayah, vayne or any adc at all, so if i'm dying regardless, i'd rather starting attacking first (better range) and do more damage before the inevitable death, and, unlike other carries, once you get strong on kog maw, ppl will actually be scared and sometimes avoid trying to get to you because they fear being melted before being able to actually get to you, and that's amazing for a adc. that being said, at s11, i do build him full crit like any other adc with kraken slayer, runnan and navori quickblades, just for the navori itself that allows me to keep my W on the whole fight instead of having peaks of power depending on when my W is on. If i were to change kog'maws kit, i would change only his passive to a completely different passive. When they reworked zyra, riot said 'we don't want a passive that ecourages players to die', and kog maws passive is exactly that, if you don't die, you wont ever use it. Idk what i would change, probably something to give him more damage or more range, something to complement his kit as it is right now, so he can excel on what he does best, instead of encouraging you to actually do what you shouldn't be doing: dying.
you say in other vid about split/duo dmg being a problem well kog has that as well. increase base range by 50 to 550, needs lower cd on Q,W to always keep effects active pass: 100% ms, ignore terrain, 100*lv true dmg(doesn't show size so 550 radius/ less dmg from center), on death leaks ooze around self & leaves trail that slows(=E), reduces enemy champ dmg(=E), lowers armor an mr(=Q) and deals %hp(=W) Q: add flat stacking resistance lowering amount to passive portion, act % resistance lower 20/25/30/35/40+1% per 100 ap, act have +100% ap instead of 70%. W: as it is could make it not interact like teemo, just take mana when need extra range, could allow +1/2/3/4/5* bonus range pass base bonus range at reducing 50% dmg for more mana. enemies within range = to bonus range from hit box gain 5/10/15/20/25%(+1per 100 ap) omni-vamp. act + 1/2/3/4/5%(+1 per 100 ap) range to aa an abilities, can hit multiple targets +1/2/3/4/5(+ 1 per 100 AP), multiple projectiles can hit same target E: after act is toggled on draining mana but giving him bonus ms an leaving trail (no dmg just slow)maybe also covers self w/ it so take reduced dmg also they deal reduced dmg. +100% AP instead of 50% R: xerath ult range(so just add range)
I remember a while ago, kogmaw was on free to play so I tried him out. I pretty much played him the entire week, and after I bought him to continue playing(even tho i don't play him much now). I was playing him top, and his poke early game was disgusting, the only problem being mana and bad trades. I was really bad when I played back then tho so, maybe its not as bad now.
Tbh coming from a kog main I don’t like kog adc without an enchanter and even then going mid, ap atk spd build will give you more up time on w and gives you the ability to get Zhonyas and seraphs mana shield and many ap items with health
otp Kog'maw here. I loved your video and your take on kog´s position in the game. Let´s just hope this adorable void slug gets the love that he deserves
"Adorable" O_O
I LOVE kog i play him since season 3 when i started playing and i got my first, and most of my pentakills both AD and AP i think he is perfect at what he does, melt tanks is always satisfying but thats hard to do now days that every champ does everything he does but presing only the W key plus having a shit ton of movility or defendive tools that make anything you do go yo waste and can hit everyone athe the same time and dont even need to click the enemy they want to kill because their ultimate does It automatically and get rewarded for bad positioning like Samira does
I played a lot of kog maw until post the w shit show where he was walking fountain bcs after that he has been in a very confusing place
@Johnathan Kylan I am also unsure if anyone cares, however I am curious to know if you found what you were looking for?
"only one to have a suicide passive"
Sion- "am i a joke to you"
Sion's passive is more like Karthus than Kog'maw XD
a suicide passive that sucks
Hahahaha, go outside
@@VarsVerum is it? It’s definitely a suicide passive. It’s damage after death. Honestly karthus is too. Not sure what distinction you’re drawing?
@@VarsVerum ok but hear me out. He can only do one thing which is AA, and is extremely short lived. But deals a lot of damage. Also i would like to throw in Viktor's ult which continues to chase even when he dies.
with so many dashes in the game his passive became much less useful
Much much. Also he gets oneshot from every single champ
Also, 500 true damage used to be a lot, but now you have tons of champions doing way more true damage without needing to die.
Depends with how obscure he is there may be the one poor moron whos kill became a trade but generally yeaj
His passive was always awful
Kog should have something else besides the explotion something like kharthus could be better
I main kog and can agree, but this why i play him also. Just the playstyle is so strong if ur good at it
Yeah same here but it’s definitely easy to dethrone a kog even if he’s 15/1 and that’s from personal experience
@@brycejones2756 laughing in ap kogmaw midl
Ap Kog is really strong, he powerspikes with pen boots and ludens, and if you can land ults you will do amazing
Sad thing is, I went 15/1 with Kog and got an A+. Then I went 20/4 and got an S all because of CS. It's hard when you're a good Kog too. A fed Kog makes them surrender too damn fast before you can get cs up.
@@Verundanir LITERALLY THIS JUST HAPPENNED TO ME OMG. I was in 21 4 6 and they surrendered without letting me farm and I got A
I will forever be a Kog’Maw main. This little slime monster is my favorite champ and there is nothing anyone can do to make me stop playing him.
Where do you play him? I play him top.
I’ve found that full ap kog is pretty good mid lane. But I normally play him top.
@@man_of_the_mist1118 cool
I’ll go top or bot but ima bot kog
If Kog E was a grounding effect like Singed/Cassio W, he would feel so much better in the face of League's recent mobility creep
why does no one play kog maw: he is distilled adc and adc is already frustrating enough
Kog maw is the cutest bug that ever existed
I hate his passive, it feels so useless dying to even have one in the first place
To take it even further it isnt really impactful, fun or creates a real thread Like Sion does
Atleast I can have some fun with AP Kog on the Howling Abyss :))
Feel like it should stun if you explode directly next to someone, would make it deadly late game in team fights
@@outdose9997 Wait, that’s genius.
@@GrandLufaine It actually is, it punishes the assasins for bursting you. If you die then your team is going to fuck them up
nah the passive is pretty fine, at least for me. If you use it well you can either use it to clear the wave or deal enough damage for the enemy to to either flash away or potentially get eaten by an ally nearby
Make his E so that Kog speeds up while running on the slime and make his passive have the option of doing a “dash” where he hurls himself in a direction and then explodes, that way you can use him as a rocket after he’s dead and have a better chance of actually landing.
he does gain move speed when his pasive is activated, maybe bumping that up a notch would do the trick, but I dont think landing his pasive is the problem with kog maw.
With this episode. You explained why I quit league.
same here, I want a team oriented game. Not a pick a broken champion game that will allow you to solo everyone else.
@@matthewrose8002 League is more team oriented than it ever has been though, I remember in the early days being able to completely 1v9 if you won your lane, and now only a few champs can do this like Vladimir
@@matthewrose8002 Did you think one random internet guy knows more than a multi billion dollar indie company over 14 years? if you're right and they're wrong, why aren't you a millionaire if not 6 digits?
playing as a dps champ in a game where everyone 1shots must feel bad, the power creep in s11 is hilarious
As a Yuumi main who plays with Kindred and Kog'Maw mains as steady teammates... it's honestly sad how Riot thrived so much by turning League's solo queue into a former, individualistic shadow of itself.
It wasn't Riot's fault entirely. Perception of the game fell apart, "win lane lose game," "my teammates are always griefing me," etc. The game was heading in this direction for years. Every time they release a champion that isn't self-sufficient or a good skirmisher, Riot gets so much hate for it.
So, almost every popular champion was either self-sufficient, or a very strong 2v2er. When you're Riot in this position, you can't just make a patch saying "bot lane will no longer feed," instead you just give people what they want: more ability to carry games with their preferred playstyle, so you make a carry-threat self-sufficient champion for all of them. This carry potential had to come out of the ADC.
this feels so odd but explains a lot. i main kog'maw, i started around 2013 and stopped the same year. i picked it up this year again. so its not as much of a team game anymore and more who can do their most on their own?
idk it feels like the LoL game world has changed a lot from what i remember i guess
It feels like this kind of change is happening with a lot of games characters can do most things themselves, games lean more to being fast paced with shorter match times and more movement orientated as well.
After all, people were complaining for years about being dependent on 4 other people not being tools.
Depends on how you define team game. CSGO is virtually everyone being an ADC but still work and cooperate together as a dun dun **TEAM** .
The number of people who want to play support is the number of likes of this comment.
Thing about kog maw for me is that his passive literally makes 0 SENSE for a adc and should really in my opinion be completely changed to something else cause it doesn’t even feel like he has a passive
It's there so that you can flash mastery 7 after you kill someone with it.
I meeaaan, it is quite fun to just kill ur enemy with ur pssive after they flash mastery and forget bout u.
@@Plueyz yeah but how often do u kill someone with kog passive and it just doesnt make any sense for a adc to have that as their passive
@@caol8075 Man, just let pog maw be a lil bomb of cuteness smh
@@caol8075 a lot of the time, usually it will either burn a flash or net a kill leading to a good trade. His passive isn’t my favourite but it makes him iconic and it’s definitely not a bad passive.
"it turns kog maw into a living time bomb upon death"
This takes me back to the early days when lategame kog with runnans could melt multiple incoming tanks untouched without even having to kite. Those were the days
That sounds aids
@@panadatm no that sounds great cause tanks/bruisers are a big problem rn
@@panadatm He could only do that 30 mins into the game. Essentially it was a counter to tanks and wasn't broken since you just had to win early to counter him.
What's the difference of this from saying Nasus one shots with 𝝅k stacks while also being tanky?
@@MangaGamified Counterplay is the difference. Old school lategame kog was a hypercarry that could 1v5 at extreme range. Like Matthew Rose said the only way to stop it was simply to end the game before he got to that point. Nasus always has counterplay because he's a melee champ and will always be vulnerable to CC. No amount of q stacking or tankiness will change that.
I’m watching this video because I am a level 40 and have never seen this champion...
Dont worry most people above 100 also havent
@@lolon7550 I'm lvl 245 and haven't seen him since the lvl 30 cap era
I play since map got revamped and saw this champ only 15 times when was ardent censer was meta. (And 5 times in urf )
seeing him nowadays in solo queue is a quick way of knowing that that bot lane is gonna feed pretty hard
level 307 i play him so thats how i see him
I think Kog needs a visual update more than a rework, together with Cho'Gath, among several other champions. Both their models are so cartoonish and hilarious.
They would need more than that kog would need all his básic abilities mashed on his Q and a shit ton of movility or sustain or both for him yo be popular nowdays
@@diegorodriguez-fl5kp it's called kai'sa, have fun
I want silly Caterpillar not sexy Girl Venom from Spiderman
have you seen the in game model for his lion dance skin? its VERY disappointing compared to the art
Cho Gath already got a visual rework a couple years ago
I'm addicted to this series but I've got homework. Please stop making good content my future depends on it
Kog is my strongest adc for sure but you absolutely have to have complete awareness of your surroundings and positioning because of the immobility. So if you wanna work on your positioning you should definitely play you some kog
If his E was also a speed for kog it would be a game changer
Like Nocturne.
i feel like kog can kinda help new adc players with things like kiting and positioning
Really interesting stuff! I originally watched you for maple content and its nice to see you doing a variety of videos! I personally enjoy watching these videos doing discussions on champions and such, maybe you could even do more discussing previous season's meta and such. On a different note, Kog'Maw recently received a buff to his AP ratios so it definitely helps his case on being a niche counter-pick in pro play to champions like Azir that struggle with matching his long range of spells.
Yep I saw it... AP artillery kog is back X.X
Miss my old protect Kogmaw games as Chogath with a friend. We'd both be Jurassic skins and I would just stand on him so people would have a hard time clicking on him while silencing/knockup/eat anyone that would go near him. lol
Love these videos! Last time I watched the Udyr one and then straight after played an Udyr game xD I have him as mastery 5 so I quite enjoy that champ. Now I feel like playing Kog! He got a buff this patch, apparently he's good as APC now
Glad you enjoy them! :3
My second match with Kog Maw with a good friend of mine as my support I managed to get a penta and 2 quadra kills... It's an insanely fun champ if you have good teammates
You’re an immobile machine gun, if your team keeps you alive, Jesus Christ you can fuck shit up
i love how you take step back set your point of view and state 'this is how adc should be ' 10/10 vid greate one i kog main so love to see this
I still prefer on hit than crit. Call me old
Well, I’m a Jhin main so I breathe crit
what i dont get is why his in game model is so different to his lil art screen thing. The art thing hes grey and menacing looking but the actual model he looks like a fukn cartoon where hes white and blue and pink
He's gross cute and I love him.
Really solid video, should definitely have more views
Best way you can do so is to share with your friends :3 Don't forget to leave a like too!
2 years have passed, and is the same... main kog here, everyone get mad with me for that, "why you don't use something more strong/better"
If I could change Kog'Maw but keep his identity, I would create him as a void marksman who not only is a high DPS tank shredder, but his E can be a blinding acidic cone attack that reduces vision of enemies for 2s (like Graves or Quinn). Some kind of defense that doesnt affect damage directly, but more a counteroffensive ability. It doesnt have to be this, but something that gives him that feeling of a dangerous void creature.
His passive could be the only thing that needs a change. Again, if we want to keep him as a high damage but vulnerable marksman, Kog'Maw passive can be an acid-empowered attack every 3 autos that scales with levels or items.
Got into League recently, Kog Maw was the first character I bought. He looks like my dog I love playing him
I could hardly believe it when I heard Danganronpa music in the intro.
Criminally underrated series :(
this is pretty accurate to why i have a hard time getting into kog maw. there was a point where i was really interested but playing just felt bad. its kinda sad in a way that a 5 v 5 team game isn't actually about winning as a 5 man team but rather just assuming the worst and trying to carry yourself but its also not really unjustified. so like ... whats a boi to do? want to play him, he's interesting, too much effort though.
Ap kog is just better. You can legit just be out of the fight and spam your ult and with good aim you delete anyone
that is why hots was interesting, the team wins or loses togheter
I completely forgot all about Zyra's old passive until you mentioned it!
Unless he'll be buffed with "Grounding" on his E, he'll be unplayed.
He is just an XP/Gold source for the assasins.
Picking him, you're basically inviting enemy to keep ganking you, and you have to hope your support will be defending you if he can at all.
I'm a Kog'Maw main and I really liked this video, i find it to be very accurate. I usually play on bot lane and whenever I play with a support player that I know and can communicate with, he's very powerful and can win team fights in seconds even when outnumbered in late-game, but when I play with randoms it's often much harder to do well, especially with the type of "support" that just charges in like they're playing a juggernaut trying to win the bot lane by themselves, getting both of us killed. I feel like many players think this is a single player game or sth.
This aged well
Kogmaw need have bones mechanic for survival and duel in corrent meta of 200 years of game design. Like Ground effect on his E and more useful passive (or get shield or no extra mana cost on ult)
Sadly Rito too stupid for this and Just nerfed him
It's pretty hilarious, zyra's old passive should be on cogma
7:43 I’ve been playing since beta and this is the truest thing I’ve heard ina decade
Yall remember the first adc update where they made all the adcs different and Kog became this unstoppable god thanks to that w change? I miss that so much
Just like sona she fully embraces the enchanter role where she gives buffs to heals sheilds cc and movement speed for allies but in exchange your team needs to protect her to get that buffs i can say shes the perfect example for the enchanter role in terms of team fight and in leagye there are a lot if team fights
Give Kog CC so he can handle more on his own and work better with CC supports. My idea:
Make his E root after standing in it too long like sorakas E and whenever Kog ults someone that stands in his E they are rooted as well. That would make him way better and would give his ult some utility as well.
Also I'd change his passive to something he can use while he is alive or at the very least to something more active when he is dead
as an average kog enjoyer im just checkin this video now that the 13.10 guinsoos is out
Kogmaw ooze ball should ground enemies id be willing to give up power somewhere in his kit to make that happen.
Maybe his ult would ground enemies in a large area the size of a Sona ult or something? With a large cooldown ofc
Sorry to revive an old comment
Good content. These videos deserve more attention
Really strange to hear you undersell Kow'Maw's rework this hard. He was so utterly broken beyond belief, IT WAS REVERTED. He was broken as hell on the botlane, nerfed into the ground, until people realized Bloodrazor made him a insane jungler. Even when nerfed out of the botlane, he found a way to be dominant. Rework Kog'Maw is one of the most broken things Riot ever released, and his power back in those days is HEAVILY understated in this video.
thinking back on that they could've tried to reduce the upfront raw attackspeed he got from the reworked W, you know it doesn't HAVE to be 200% attackspeed, even something like 130% attackspeed is fine, but they just gave up on it which is sad.
Oh. I almost forgot that the old Kog can spam it’s ult in every 3 sec.
i've been main kogmaw for more than 1 year now and i agree with you, kog is one of the most utopian adc ( i've been 100th kogmaw eune/1k global at some point). Imo he is one of the best adc in the game, i absolutly love to play him ( i only miss 2 skins on him). But yeah, biggest problem playing kogmaw, is that your whole team has to play around you, as long everyone protects you and get the targets right, you melt the whole team in 5seconds with no problems. But again, a bad support WILL ruin your game, you can play with any supp, doesn't have to be lulu or an enchanter as long they know their role. Personally i like to play with tanks as some can stun and take the target away from me, and i can melt enemy bot. The biggest problem with kog is the items, he is absolutly depent on items, if the items are nerfed, kog is shit, if items are strong, so is kog.
This is why I like aram, it forces me to play different champs that I do like but just don't think I can take into rank.
I started playing in 2021, and I decided to try playing ADC after being bad with Naut and Moakai in the top lane. I picked up Kog'Maw as my first ever ADC, because he was adorable and I liked his ult. However, at this point in my time playing the game I realized it's very much not a team game unless you have 4 other people, and Kog'Maw does not do well in that environment, at least not as an ADC. Fast forward until recently and I found out about AP Kog'Maw. Now I get to play my favorite champ design wise and not feel like shit doing it. Kog'Maw is adorable, nobody can change my mind, and I will spit and barf on my enemies until they die, I die, or both.
Mr kog maw, what ypu really need is a passive to splash enemies with acid when you get hit, this way you melt down the enemies armor and health (more of the latter if it the target does not have too much of the first) and directly explode and bath the enemies on acid when you die, kog maw, you are too cute to be this unused.
*pats lil slug boio*
yep, just make a 30% hp assassin die for killing him, maybe with some damage over time so a support can still save the bastard that killed him, that will make then actually think about how to engage, instead of just taking all the hits knowing he will not do anything once you reach him
@@devforfun5618 think two times before killing this slug, because if you have low health and try to burst him, you may hinder your team by dying and crippling your allies if they are close
Evelynn is in a similar spot: Shes hyperspeciallized as an assasin. She sucks in seiges, vs tanks/bruisers, and cant dps, but is insanely effective at getting in, oneshotting a target, and escaping. Shes extremely reliant on her teammates to take objectives, clear vision, and push waves but in return has an insanely strong oneshot combo from stealth.
Love your vids I hope your channel blows up
That danganronpa background music tho
kog was one of the first champs i played way back in season 3. good times
Yo the comment about how it's always something else bringing Kog'Maw into the spotlight was so fucking based. I've been saying that for a while now, expecially when Muramana had it's time in the spotlight for adc's. Besides being a god at positioning and kiting (cough Any ADC cough) there's nothing to actually express your skills with Kog'Maw. Unless you count his ult i guess.
They could change his passive to becoming a torret instead of a bomb, just like the W rework, he could do the exactly opposite of what he is doing now, he charges into the enemy team and destroy all of them while dead
As a kog main i think kog was fine before the item changes , he had a good way to peel for himself with botrk and his ragelade second item rly made him a solid option even compaired to the newer champions (at least for me). Now every item just feels like it isnt enough for him, ofc you can go shieldbow for survivability but you lose the onhit effects of which is what kog wants since his ad ratios are rly low (so you compensate for it by going items thave onhits rageblade hurricane etc ), if you go galeforce you get the mobility but again you lose too much dmg cuz you do not have onhit effects, and if you go kraken you have no way to peel or survive burst. What i woulld suggest is that his passive gets a rework that actually helps him stay alive or give him some sort of dmg instead of dealing so little true dmg after you are dead contributing to nothing. I think that would be enough to make him at least a b tier adc.
Try ap kog. I jumped in top 300 kogs worldwide with that.
@@andreigrecu8672 ap kog feels like a completely different champion. The reason I used to main kog was because he was an attackspeed adc and I like kitting so going ap kinda defeats the reason I originally picked him up. Sure he is fun when you play ap but I do not like the playstyle.
I wish more team oriented design was the goal. I remember learning how to ADC on Koggy and I still love him, even though I don't play anymore. And it's so sad that on hit damage design always falls behind to burst. Crits in general I think aren't good game design for pvp, especially in a game like LoL. All that said...
Problem with kogmaw is
He doesnt have a passive,
He doesnt have an ult,
He doesnt have built in sustain,
He doesnt have a dash,
He doesnt have waveclear,
But he scales LUL😂
He is just a worse version of karthus
i love kog'maw and when he goes full ballistic ounce fed, but yeah it's all about the team when you are playing him. You still need to be good with him, but if your team doesn't support kog you will never get the chance to go full ballistic. I would change his ult thought i never or rarely use it and i think an ult that helps with his movement to get out of bad situations with a jump/dash or mouvement speed would help him better fit with this new lol. i would totally dig if his ult was him rolling in a ball gaining a speed boost and laying a trail behind him like his E.
H e l l y e s
That would also stray away from his ideal goal of just shooting really fast from really far at people.
A kog'maw with mobility would be really sad in my opinion, instead it should be something to do with higher range or being more tanky.
@@pureinsanity3897 i agree with you that it would stray away from his core concept but nowadays most characters have some kind of mouvement boost, dash, jump or worst. he already has higher range with his W (that could be a bit boosted) and tanky IMO strays further away from his core concept :P that's why i just spitballed the idea of having his ult changed for him rolling in a ball gaining a small but effective mouvement boost and leaving a trail that slows with that it could be on a short to medium distance and be on a long cool down to keep his core mostly intact and give him a more useful tool than his current ult
@@carlgionet5414 and I'm telling you that an ability like that would look... weird and almost offputting on kog'maw... it just... doesn't sound like something he would do, he ain't rammus.
@@pureinsanity3897 it doesn't need to look like Rammus's ability XD like i said i'm spitballing ideas on how Kog could come back and be viable again or even competitive. Q,W and E don't need any change or minimal ones, but the ult would greatly improve his playability if it became something that gave him a mouvement bonus (dash,jump,boost or other) that would be more viable and would give him a more complete toolbox instead of the not so long range ult that doesn't deal that much damage and is easy to miss :P and the ball idea really just comes from his look and animation of battlecast Kog when he rolls XD it would fit Pug'maw too haha Kog's big draw back is that one wrong positionning from you or a teamate and you die because he has no escape and is squishy IMO the best way to modernize Kog for what lol has become would be Q (no change), W (a tiny bit more range), E (slows and reveals enemy for a short duration), R (some short range mobility increase with a long cooldown so it would't be spammed that would either be used to reach a position to better engage or to flee a situation) I'm not disagreeing with you i'm just saying that his toolbox needs to adapt to what lol is now
Aside from visual updates and splash updates he needs a new passive. I like two parters that 1) have something you dont need to think about but are still really good (sett healing jace passive) and 2) have something to think about weather that’s something you think about often (yummi passive) somthing you think about but build around (kaisa passive sett punch vayne w) or something that when it happens you think about and use actively (karthus leblank)
I think he needs an actual passive, as he is if you don't die he has no passive.
And I've never killed anything with his passive not even minions die to it, instead of going out with a bang it feels as though he goes out with a whimper.
Solution: go swifties and energized on kog for a quick little throw up bug
His passive need him to dead to actually use it but adc main job to avoid dead
5:57 OOF
When you main Kog/Skarner in 2012-14 and come back almost a decade later and the new champion you want to try is Neeko :'D.
Kog'Maw is the best champ to 1v9 imo.
i main kog'maw adc and have a 58% winrate. he is super-easy to play as long as you have good positioning.
So I used to main Kog'maw prior to the Marksman reworks. He's honestly the reason I first started playing League. But since the rework I haven't been comfortable with him. He used to be an artillery mage and carry hybrid, but the ultimate damage is a lot weaker against full health targets and healing is so much easier than it used to be.
For comparison, 4.14 Kog'maw vs current Kog'maw at level 6 with 73 bonus AD (Krakenslayer + Doran's Blade + 1 Adaptive Force Rune). Against a full health target Old Kog does ~33% more, while against a 40% health target new Kog does 225% more. The break point is at about 16% missing health.
At level 18 with 200 bonus AD the comparison is 35% more for old Kog at full and 221% more for new Kog at 40%. With the break point shifting only slight to 16.25% missing health.
Really this is just me trying to make mathematical sense of my feelings. I love Kog'maw's ultimate to soften up targets before a full engage and as a scouting tool. But this version has its power put into stealing kills, which isn't what I find fun.
i miss the brief kogmaw rework where his w would double his attack speed and allow for a 5.0 attack speed cap. i'd love for them to bring it back
I find it funny that lol has gone from you can carry alone to team game more but their champions gone to every champion for themselves xD
One of my favorite champions to play alongside Vel'Koz.
i'm trying to figure out other champs to play since I'm currently a heimer main and struggling to branch out. the heavy damage but slowness and sensitivity reminds me of heimer, so I hope kog'ma will become a second champ for me
Holy shit, I completely forgot about Zyra's old passive.
Honestly, Kog Maw is the best designed adc being the epitome of what the class should be. Conversely (and controversially) I think Jhin and Kai Sa are why the adc role will remain as the same 5-6 champs forever. They have all the damage with none of the downsides, modern champs are over designed to cater to a flashy way of playing even if it breaks the game. Assassins have too much for champs like Kog to play against. The class has literal infinity tools to just point and click our favorite void bug with little counter play. Fighters (Irelia and Camille) just cheese him with again too much mobility (why does a bruiser need a 2 screen dash and point and click inescapable Jarvin ult?) Kog just needs a passive more suited to his play style. His is the only adc rework to be reverted, the only time Kog maw is allowed to be good he is needed back into oblivion and yet Samir’s can be released as an instant 1v9 bot. It’s sad. Kog maw deserves better as the truest ADC of them all.
For some reason i feel encouraged to play kog maw now
That's the mission! :D
Former OTP I made Bloodrazor work very well in the jg with him and his former 5.0 attk speed cap. I never had so much fun with a champ before then switched off to Lethal Tempo Kayle before rework.
you showed a thumbnail for a "why noone plays neeko" video but said video does not exist on youtube, i was gonna say whattt i love neeko she seems super strong lmao
BoRK nerfs also hit kogmaw really hard. It was the perfect first item choice followed by guinsoo, but now he is basically forced to go mythical crit item
Kog'maw is the sweetest most adorable baby
Do you think they will ever do a full VGU&Gameplay on Kog'Maw?
3:16 that is the passive of gwen and he said it 10 months early xD
I was just thinking that
I think the disclaimer is kinda unnecessary cuz everytime i see one of these i wanna play the champion to see whether or not im good with them. Great vids, helping me understand league more
Tbh I think kog can be fixed just by adding the grounded effect like cass or singed to his slow
You will have Akali and Riven mains complaining everywhere that they couldnt oneshot the KogMaw that was slowly melting them away. The worst the ADC role is, the worst Kog'Maw gets.
@@yoshineitor the biggest problem I think is that people assume you have to carry with marksmen. No! You support with dmg.
I would find it pretty cool if he could actually eat people's remains after melting them. Also, if Riot ever finds a way to make artillery mages work in the current meta he would be better. Making inner towers stronger so seige and splitpush power is more appreciated, perhaps?
I am not gonna say you are wrong, but I play adc build kog'maw top. Kraken slayer. Kog dosen't rely on others. His kit does not have good disengagement. If a champ jumps on kog then it's weather or not you can kill them first. He is venerable but high damage. He never relies on others and he is quick in his damage. The issue stems from his inability to disengage or engage. If you wait for the enemy to mess up, just once, then you slow them and open fire. But when you are playing against a pantheon or a rengar then they just close the distance. 9 times out dps them. But you die faster cause of low resistance and health.
give him something like anivia's passive were he enters a cocoon that explodes after a certain time, so instead of him running after whoever killed him, the attacker must stay to kill the cocoon to prevent him from ressurecting and if the enemy is incapable he is punished by an explosion, as an adc he makes a better use of that because he has a support to finish the enemy, or hold the enemy in place, unlike anivia
My main complaint about Kog'Maw is that his entire lore is focused around eating everything, yet his gameplay revolves around vomiting, not eating. I think it would be neat if he could consume low-health (or recently-killed) minions and champions, which would give him temporary stacks that would buff his attack potency and power of his self-destruct.
This would double down on his role as a walking siege weapon, allowing him to gather power while pushing a lane or engaging in a teamfight, encouraging his team to keep shoving and keep him protected while encouraging enemies to take him down, but also punishing them if they do so incautiously.
To add to that, Riot rarely buffs KogMaw because people didnt like the Ardent Censer meta and relate Kog Maw to that disaster, also, Kog Maw is the one that suffers the most when ADCs are trash because he is a pure ADC. I believe he is the most gold reliant ADC because of that, other champs have something in their kit, like stuns, dashes and even going lethality if ADC items are trash, Kog Maw just suffers.
I think a lot of the reasoning behind kogmas playrate is sort of applicable to Twitch. Twitch is more about stealth and whatnot, but He's extremely fragile with one of the lowest health and mana stats, yet has insane damage output and can 1v9 in their own. But they take time to get going.
i started playing kog maw just because i can't seem to survive regardless if i'm playing kai'sa, xayah, vayne or any adc at all, so if i'm dying regardless, i'd rather starting attacking first (better range) and do more damage before the inevitable death, and, unlike other carries, once you get strong on kog maw, ppl will actually be scared and sometimes avoid trying to get to you because they fear being melted before being able to actually get to you, and that's amazing for a adc.
that being said, at s11, i do build him full crit like any other adc with kraken slayer, runnan and navori quickblades, just for the navori itself that allows me to keep my W on the whole fight instead of having peaks of power depending on when my W is on.
If i were to change kog'maws kit, i would change only his passive to a completely different passive. When they reworked zyra, riot said 'we don't want a passive that ecourages players to die', and kog maws passive is exactly that, if you don't die, you wont ever use it. Idk what i would change, probably something to give him more damage or more range, something to complement his kit as it is right now, so he can excel on what he does best, instead of encouraging you to actually do what you shouldn't be doing: dying.
you say in other vid about split/duo dmg being a problem well kog has that as well.
increase base range by 50 to 550, needs lower cd on Q,W to always keep effects active
pass: 100% ms, ignore terrain, 100*lv true dmg(doesn't show size so 550 radius/ less dmg from center), on death leaks ooze around self & leaves trail that slows(=E), reduces enemy champ dmg(=E), lowers armor an mr(=Q) and deals %hp(=W)
Q: add flat stacking resistance lowering amount to passive portion, act % resistance lower 20/25/30/35/40+1% per 100 ap, act have +100% ap instead of 70%.
W: as it is could make it not interact like teemo, just take mana when need extra range, could allow +1/2/3/4/5* bonus range pass base bonus range at reducing 50% dmg for more mana. enemies within range = to bonus range from hit box gain 5/10/15/20/25%(+1per 100 ap) omni-vamp. act + 1/2/3/4/5%(+1 per 100 ap) range to aa an abilities, can hit multiple targets +1/2/3/4/5(+ 1 per 100 AP), multiple projectiles can hit same target
E: after act is toggled on draining mana but giving him bonus ms an leaving trail (no dmg just slow)maybe also covers self w/ it so take reduced dmg also they deal reduced dmg. +100% AP instead of 50%
R: xerath ult range(so just add range)
I remember a while ago, kogmaw was on free to play so I tried him out. I pretty much played him the entire week, and after I bought him to continue playing(even tho i don't play him much now). I was playing him top, and his poke early game was disgusting, the only problem being mana and bad trades. I was really bad when I played back then tho so, maybe its not as bad now.
"Only champion with a suicide attack" *Sion has left the chat*
Tbh coming from a kog main I don’t like kog adc without an enchanter and even then going mid, ap atk spd build will give you more up time on w and gives you the ability to get Zhonyas and seraphs mana shield and many ap items with health