What does a successful life look like to Jairek Robbins, President of SUCCESS?

  • Опубликовано: 5 дек 2022
  • When considering what a successful life looks like, think of what's your ideal day. Your morning should begin with mindful meditation and gratitude-being thankful for the many blessings you have in your life. After that exercise to get yourself energized for the day ahead. Then, it's time to enjoy a wonderful breakfast while connecting with people you love most such as my family and closest friends. Your afternoon should consist of activities that bring you joy-learning new things or connecting with nature either through a hike or spending time in your garden. When evening approaches it's time for winding down and reflecting on the many blessings you've experienced throughout your day - end it off with reading one more chapter from a favorite book before snuggling up into bed, grateful and content with the journey that you are on.
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