The Apostles Creed-The Catholic Catechism

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • It is interesting to note that the Catholic Catechism is written and based on the Apostles Creed, which
    has its roots in biblical traditions, the teachings of the Apostles.
    The Creed summarizes the history of Christianity and its foundation. As you can tell, they all
    believed in the "Communion of the Saints", as we do today. The belief that those in heaven can and do
    pray for us. And we can and do ask for their prayers. The Apostle's Creed is also known as the Rule of
    Faith. The Apostle's Creed was created to represent a uniform statement of Christian belief. To prevent God's
    word as getting lost as impostors interjected false teachings. Church leaders wanted one simple
    statement that would define Christianity and stay true to Christian traditions.Although it is a uniform
    belief of all Christians, the Apostle's Creed does vary slightly between religious denominations.
    Additions and changes were made to pertain to the different denominations. For example, "he descended
    into Hell" is not found in the Catholic version of the Apostle's Creed, but is found in the Lutheran
    faith version. Why a creed?
    Some Christians ask, "Why do we need creeds when we have the Bible?" If the Word of God comes down to
    us through the Bible, why do we need anything else? The answer is found in Scripture itself. In I Corinthians 15:1-4, Paul writes: "Now I make known to you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received, in which also you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, . . ."
    This quote is from one of the earliest epistles, written about AD 57, before many other New Testament books had been written and long before the New Testament canon was finally settled. If the New Testament as a whole did not exist when Paul wrote his letter, what "gospel" is he talking about?
    Apparently he had preached to them some standard summary of the Christian message, a message he had "received" just as they in turn "received it." Later, in Romans 6:17 he says,"I urge you, brothers and
    sisters, to keep an eye on those who cause dissensions and offenses, in opposition to the teaching that
    you have learned; avoid them." The word "teaching" can also be translated "doctrine." These first
    Christians had doctrine or teaching prior to having a complete New Testament. What was this teaching or
    doctrine? It was a summary of the basics of the Christian message-of the good news of Jesus Christ. And
    already at the time of Paul's writing there were some who were distorting the words of the Old Testament Scriptures and the words of the apostles, leading people astray. The purpose of a creed or
    doctrine is to summarize the meaning of the many words of Scripture and apostolic teaching. Whenever we try to explain Christianity to someone else we partake in this same summarizing action. This summary of
    faith was used by the early church to 1) evangelize, 2) teach new converts, and 3) protect the church from distorted teaching. Christians today have the same three needs for a concise statement of the Christian faith. How did the Creed arise?
    According to "the great commission" found in Matthew 28:18-20, an important part of being a Christian in the early church was teaching others and baptizing them in the name of the Triune God. A concise
    summary of the Christian faith would help in both these tasks. In the table below, compare the version
    of the Apostles' Creed we have from AD 336 with the baptismal formula Hippolytus of Rome used with new
    converts by the year AD 215. The key point is that Christians were doing this BEFORE the New Testament was finalized. So rather than the first creeds being tacked on AFTER the Bible was written, the
    evidence we have points toward basic creeds similar to the Apostles' Creed existing in the earliest churches. . We call it the Apostles' Creed not because the apostles themselves wrote it, but rather
    because the early churches viewed it as an accurate summary of the apostles' teaching.

Комментарии • 45

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад +2

    To all Christians reading this, become Catholic, the real bible believing Christians, who follow in the teachings of Christ and the Apostles, that Jesus started a "catholic" church, which means a universal church, not something a man created...we answer all questions.

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад +1

    Jesus didn’t tell the apostles to write down everything he had taught them. He simply commanded them to teach it. Much of this teaching later made its way into Sacred Scripture, but every bit of it was and still is considered Sacred Tradition.

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад +1

    John 21:25 says "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen"...Read your history books....

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад +1

    To all Christians who witnessed this small debate about the idea of "bible alone", the Christian faith existed and flourished for years before the first book of the New Testament was written.. The books of the New Testament were composed decades after Christ ascended into heaven, and it took centuries for there to be general agreement among Christians as to which books would comprise the New Testament. The bible ALONE church is a false god among the true believers...

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад +1

    The first and early Christians used this term, according to history...The Lutheran church also uses this in their worship service today. You should try reading history, and see the truth. And you should know that Catholic also are bible believing Christians. These truths prove your church has been keeping the truth from you...

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад +1

    Since you are afraid or cannot answer my other questions, answer me this new question...If you believe in the bible as bible do you know which books belong in the Bible in the first place?

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад +1

    The truth is, you do not know the truth, nor can you defend what you believe because everyone would see that the man made idea that the bible alone thinking can not be found in the bible, nor did the first christians believe in it...

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  13 лет назад

    Again, all i am saying is that the words "descended into hell" are not in every version...and perhaps the reason is worth talking about...but my point is that these principles came to us from the first Christians through oral tradition...

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад

    Just answer my question....You came here with the man made idea that if it is not in the bible, then we do not follow it.. Now answer my question and stop standing in the dark of rhetorical questions....Your answer will shed light on us, right?

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад

    Again you assume you know me... Just defend your beliefs...You came here to say so...

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад

    I'm a bit uneducated about this issue...The Nicene Creed is essentially the Apostles Creed further articulated. Yet, I have read that the Nicene Creed came first. Perhaps someone can help us out here?

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад

    So as I have proven, to all those who believe in the bible alone man made doctrine, it can not be defended, nor can it be found in the bible. As a Catholic, we believe in the bible, and in the oral teachings of the Apostles, and as the bible states, in the traditions that were given to us through the Apostles. The Catholic Church is the Church that Jesus created to teach us these truths. Thats why Jesus gave Peter the "Keys"...

  • @ryellicor
    @ryellicor 13 лет назад


  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  13 лет назад +1

    @YesToYeshua Oh I know why you didn't give Scripture to back up your statement....It's not in the bible.

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад +1

    The bible says "Only God knows the hearts of man"... If you can, answer my question, show us where in the bible it says "bible alone"....You like to avoid the question because it would reveal the truth, that the man made doctrine of bible alone is not in the bible....

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад

    Really? Then why did you come here in the first place if it is forbidden according to your interpretation?

  • @farsight001
    @farsight001 12 лет назад

    @opsvideo2008 Actually, to be precise, the apostles' creed says "I believe in the holy catholic church". Notice the lack of capitalization? This is because in this case, it means universal. It's not actually referring to THE Catholic Church. Many protestants validly take no issue with the prayer for this very reason.

  • @JB-xq6ok
    @JB-xq6ok 11 лет назад +1

    Are u saying that those people born before reformation will go to Hell because they are catholics? It is really hard to accept that catholic church was the tru body of christ that represents God here on earth and speaks to only truth. The church cannot teach evil practices because the Holy Spirit guided and it is the Bride of God. The science of logic is to be used in order to unveal some truth that Gods reveal to the early church fathers..

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад

    I'm not twisting words....If you cannot answer the question, just admit it to everyone here...The idea that we should ONLY believe what is written in the bible, and ignore history, the oral traditions of the Apostles, and the bible itself when it states "not everything is written in the bible, is a man made doctrine which is heretic...Answer my question now.

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  13 лет назад

    @YesToYeshua your condescending comments are uncalled for....We don't believe that Jesus was "dragged there by demons". please give Scripture which says so....

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад

    You like to think you know me....But everyone here is still waiting for you to answer my question....

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад

    Catholics are bible believers too...The word co-redemptrix comes from the word co-worker as the bible says 2 Corinthians 6 " As God’s co-workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain." But you didn't answer my question...Where is the word "bible believing Christian" in the bible????

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад +1

    Hey, it's funny how PROTESTANTS think the bible speaks only to them....The bible is universal (catholic) just like the Catholic Church... 2 Corinthians 13-15
    "...For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ...".

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад

    Different translations...still it says the same thing co workers = workers together...You still didn't answer my question....Are you afraid to answer it because you know it would end the "bible alone man made doctrine????

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад

    Again, you think you know me....Do not assume so...The bible says "Only God knows the hearts of man"... If you can, answer my question, show us where in the bible it says "bible alone"....You like to avoid the question because it would reveal the truth, that the man made doctrine of bible alone is not in the bible....

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад +1

    @opsvideo2008 more gossip from a protestant, who doesn't know his history, and the fact that the protestants did the same thing...If a sin makes a religion false, then they also have declared themselves a false religion...

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  13 лет назад

    @YesToYeshua, Like I said, I would rather listen to the bible than someone you have been getting your gossip from...I never said anything about how many books are in your bible or mine...You seem to jump from the topic to some other topic. Finding hard to defend yourself? True Christanity teaches love...Did you bother to look that up??

  • @drdst17
    @drdst17 12 лет назад +1

    @opsvideo2008 Protestants have killed many Catholics, too. Convenient that you overlook that in your hatred of Christ's Church.
    People are sinners, blame them.

  • @TrolleyDodger.
    @TrolleyDodger. 13 лет назад

    @etclamoradteveniat "He descended into hell"... I learned those words 9in the Catholic version.

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  13 лет назад

    @YesToYeshua if I want to hear real Gospel, I will read my bible....

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад

    @opsvideo2008 the Apostles Creed is just as it 's name says...Your facts are all wrong, mixed with gossip and lies that you heard somewhere. If you have a question, just ask. I only explain the truth, backed up with facts and bible.

  • @minamorkos5920
    @minamorkos5920 11 лет назад

    But The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father not from the Father and the Son. This is the true apostlic creed. Jesus bless you!

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  12 лет назад

    You are ignoring the fact that the first Christians had no bible...Also the words "sola scriptura" and "bible believing Christians" cannot be found in the bible...How sad that you ignore the truth. You also ignore the oral teachings of the Apostles...John 15:20, "Remember the Word that I have spoken to you".
    Bible alone IS NOT IN THE BIBLE....Amen!
    Show me the words, and I will apologize...

  • @TrolleyDodger.
    @TrolleyDodger. 13 лет назад

    I learned it in the Catholic version... so your video is wrong.

  • @farsight001
    @farsight001 12 лет назад

    @opsvideo2008 In what world are they lies? The world's foremost expert on the subject, recognized by pretty much all other historians as the foremost expert is a liar? Do you have any evidence of this? No? I didn't think so. No offense to you, but I'm siding with the world's leading expert over some random stranger on the internet. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and your claim that more than the entire population of Europe were killed by Catholics is quite extraordinary.