The Project Manager (The Liver) - Barbara O'Neill

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 190

  • @lyoncristiano8783
    @lyoncristiano8783 6 лет назад +51

    Lately I have been accompanying videos and more videos of DRA Barbara O Neill and I am loving all the information she gives about how to take care of health, I am learning a lot about nutrition with these videos. Thank you very much for posting these videos, a big hug from BRAZIL, RECIFE a Dr BARBARA and everyone involved.

    • @winsomecohall2250
      @winsomecohall2250 4 года назад +4

      You are very welcome..Each one teach one. Do your own research be your own advocate I just did a long post just above yours can read it ...

    • @winsomecohall2250
      @winsomecohall2250 4 года назад +2

      I just reply to John Knowles...its long but detail how I came off bipolar and anti depression meds kind of a cold turkey (meaning I wean myself off in 1 wk) BUT I AM NOT ADVOCATING FOR ANYONE TO DO THIS WITHOUT THEIR DR ADVICE... You see I have to be my own Dr and Detective..

    • @sarahmaikarfi5557
      @sarahmaikarfi5557 Год назад

      @@winsomecohall2250 aa@@@@à@@@

    • @gtelfer1494
      @gtelfer1494 Год назад +1

      Pp p pp⁰⁰pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp p 0ppppppppppppppppppppppppp ppl p lp p ppl pppppppppppppppppppppp poll pppppppp 0p ppp pp pppppppppppp

  • @websterdoris3014
    @websterdoris3014 2 года назад +8

    I love Ms Barbara ♥️🙏So powerful

  • @xorosho2013
    @xorosho2013 5 лет назад +49

    Thank you for Raw truth!! If only All doctors were this HEALING & Encouraging !!!! God Bless you more!

  • @Savannah-ed4rv
    @Savannah-ed4rv 11 месяцев назад +5

    I was a vegan for a long number of years but I became sick early on and it continually progressed until I began to eat meat. Now a lot of these foods that she's speaking of cause a lot of problems for me so I wish she would address things like a histamine intolerance or leaky gut syndrome because these kinds of foods legumes and a lot of vegetables are very irritating to your intestines if you have issues like that.

  • @alenac2837
    @alenac2837 3 года назад +4

    Love these videos! I've tried following the food recommendations but seed and nuts trigger my IBS makes it so hard to eat healthy

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  3 года назад +12

      Perhaps this will help you:
      Dr Kellogg was the Health director of the Battle Creek sanitarium in the mid-1800s and wrote many books on health.
      He is on record as stating that 3 intakes of food a day, should equal 3 evacuations. Once a day being constipation.
      Even when the following lifestyle and dietary principles are implemented, some colons still remain sluggish, or overactive. The cells lining the colon can develop these habits and need help to develop habits of regularity.
      The Colon has a mind of its own, and will not follow your commands! Gentle stimulation can encourage regular movement and reestablish habits of daily evacuations.
      We will now discuss what stimulates and what inhibits.

      High chest breathing can contribute to constipation.
      Abdominal breathing uses the diaphragm and gently massages the colon. The habit of high chest breathing robs the muscles covering the colon of this necessary stimulation
      The abdominal muscles were designed to aid in the breathing process.
      Weak diaphragm, abdominal and pelvic floor muscles; poor posture; tight belts and clothing around the waist all inhibit abdominal breathing. This means less oxygen delivery to the cells, thus less energy.
      Stand tall, and breathe from below the belt to help your colon. These muscles are like all muscles in that the more they are used, the stronger the become.
      Lack of stimulation can contribute to constipation.
      The sun stimulates blood supply wherever it touches.
      Allowing the sun to touch the abdomen and thus penetrate deep into the colon, stimulates blood supply to the whole colon.
      Expose the abdomen to the sun for at least 15 minutes as often as possible.
      Caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, refined sugar, chemicals, and drugs all have a dehydrating effect on the colon thus slowing down and inhibiting transit time through the colon. These substances also can inhibit the action of the healthy bacteria. In some cases, even kill it off, like glyphosate, antibiotics, pain killing medication, statin drugs, the contraceptive pill, and refined sugar.
      Meat, dairy and refined foods lack the fiber which is necessary for stimulating peristalsis, and so are contributing to constipation.
      In the process of hybridizing wheat in the 1950’s, the gluten or protein structure was changed. The result was a very complex structure making it very difficult to breakdown in the gut. Constipation or diarrhea can be the result.
      An integral part of conquering any bowel problem, is to cease wheat.
      All organs of the body work in cycles. They love regularity, and the colon is no exception. It is affected by what is happening further back in the gut, especially the stomach. As we have one stomach which averages 3,1/2 to 4 hours at digesting the food we eat, leaving 5 hours between meals gives the stomach and colon rest times.
      Eating lightly, or not at night allows the stomach to sleep when we sleep. This also effects colon rest, and helps to restore regularity. To do this we need to eat breakfast like a king (insulin sensitivity is at its height in the am)
      Lunch like a queen and tea or supper like a pauper.
      Between the hours of 9pm and 2am, hormones are released from the Pineal gland in the brain. These hormones are responsible for rest and healing every cell in the body. The colon included.
      The Circadian rhythm is the rhythm that our brain runs effectively on. It is set by early morning light and sleeping between 9pm and 2am. Artificial light, especially from screen, in the hours we should be sleeping, disrupt Circadian rhythm.
      The gut is Circadian, Evening bugs are different to morning bugs and they all have different functions.
      Lack of exercise contributes to constipation.
      Exercise causes movement in the colon, as well as increasing blood flow to the colon. The most effective exercises are rebounding, Pilates, swimming and brisk walking as all these movements involve the core or abdominal muscles.
      The seeping breathing that results from high Intensity exercises also strengthens the diaphragm.
      This in turn directly effects the colon as it is situated behind these muscles.
      Daily exercise is essential for effective colon function.
      High Intensity Interval Training takes all the exercises to a higher level and has a more profound effect on the colon.
      The Wrong position when evacuating can cause constipation
      Throughout Asia and Africa, for thousands of years, squatting was the position commonly used when passing a bowel motion. Still today in many areas in these countries the toilets are a hole in the floor.
      Science now shows why this is a superior position. In the last section of the colon, the rectum, the colon has a slight kink. This kink is the result of the muscle, puborectalis, holding this part of the colon up. There is still some space for the contents to pass through. The design is to prevent accidents.
      Sitting for the daily evacuation can contribute to constipation.
      When sitting on the “throne”, puborectalis remains firm, but in the squatting position, this muscle relaxes which causes the colon to open wider allowing the full evacuation of the rectum with great ease.
      As this position prevents great pressure on the anus, it not only aides in the healing of all colon problems, but also prevents and helps to heal hemorrhoids.
      As previously mentioned, meat and refined carbohydrates contain no fiber.
      Lack of fiber can cause constipation.
      Fiber is required to not only stimulate peristalsis but also to sweep the many little grooves and folds that make up the structure of the colon.
      The highest fiber foods are vegetables and fruit. All plant foods contain fiber, so this includes whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Fiber also encourages the growth of the “healthy bacteria” in the gut. Called Probiotics.
      Legumes need a 12-hour soak, thorough rinse, brought to the boil and rinsed again. Then long slow cooking. This process increases the body’s ability to digest them effectively.
      Nuts and seeds need to be chewed to a cream state.
      Whole gains are best cooked in a slow cooker to ensure a thorough breakdown of the starch granules, or ground to a flour and cultured with the sourdough method of making bread. This predigests the starch and protein in the grain.
      Cultured foods ensure a proper balance of microbes in the gut as well. An imbalance dramatically effects colon function.
      Refined sugars, including alcohol and refined grains feed pathogens and can inhibit the function of the healthy bacteria living in the gut.
      Constant eating wipes out many healthy microbes in the colon.
      All drugs, vaccines and chemicals disrupt the fine balance of microbes in the gut. Cortisone, statin drugs, antibiotics, contraceptive pill, pain killing medications and glyphosate can kill off the healthy or beneficial bacteria in the gut.
      Miso, Kefir, sour kraut, yoghurt are some of the cultured foods that can help to restore and maintain the healthy bacteria.
      In the 1950’s wheat was put through intensive cross breeding to produce a plant with a higher yield of grain. The aim was to help resolve the starvation crisis in Mexico, India and Africa. This higher yield was achieved, but what was never addressed was the effect of this grain on the gut. In the hybridization process a very complex gluten or protein structure was created that is very difficult for the gut to process. One of the effects of this altered structure is that it can contribute to constipation and all bowel problems.
      Dehydration can be a large contributing factor in constipation.
      One of the main functions of the colon is to take water out so that stools are formed and the contents can be passed with ease.
      On an average, the body loses 2 ½ liters of water a day, 2 liters must be replaced, the other 500ml can be supplied by our fruits and vegetables and herb teas.
      In a state of dehydration, the body takes more water from the colon in an attempt to maintain full blood volume in the arteries. As a result the contents of the colon loses its much needed moisture and the contents can become dry and hard, making it difficult to pass the stools, thus contributing to constipation.
      Caffeine, as a dehydrating agent, is a major contributing factor today to constipation.

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  3 года назад +6

      *THE MIND
      “Tight mind; tight colon” said Margaret Wright, she was one of Australia’s leading experts in Colonic irrigation.
      Stress, anxiety and worry can all have their effect on the colon. For some It results in constipation, others may react with diarrhea.
      “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones” (and the colon!) Proverbs 17:22
      Laughter, love, joy and peace relax the colon.
      “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, he whose mind is stayed upon Thee, because he trusteth in Thee” Isiah 26:3. Peace of mind, relaxes the colon.
      Stress in the life needs to be addressed when conquering all bowel problems.
      The human body has been designed to heal itself and it will heal, if given the right conditions. We have discussed what not to do and what to do regarding diet and lifestyle. Now we will discuss some treatments specific for encouraging healing in the colon.
      Castor oil compresses over the abdominal area for at least 5 hours a day, for at least 5 days a week. This oil penetrates deeper than any other oil and has the ability to break up lumps, bumps and congestion.
      This treatment can be used for constipation or diarrhea.
      Moisten a few layers of cloth with the oil. This oil is so thick it can take about 20 minutes to soak through. When applied to the area, cover with a sheet of plastic to protect clothing. As a compress, this can be reused maybe a dozen times before discarding. Each day a little more castor oil may need to be added.
      Often a result of pressure overload on the last part of the colon resulting in “a bubble” of the colon wall coming out the anus. Sometimes there can be several. Constipation and pregnancy are the 2 main causes. This is a very uncomfortable condition and can be quite painful.
      Drinking more water and eating more fiber in the diet to soften the stools can help prevent and heal from hemorrhoids.
      We will now discuss a few natural remedies that can bring relief and help to heal.
      1)Castor oil suppositories can be made to bring relief and heal hemorrhoids.
      A cotton ball is soaked with castor oil and molded into the shape of the little finger. It is then frozen, this may take 2-3 days. The suppository is then inserted into the anus as far as able just before retiring at night
      2)Aloe Vera suppositories can also be made for the above condition.
      The Aloe Vera leaf is peeled and strips are cut approximately the size of the little finger. These are frozen; when solid they can be inserted. as the castor oil suppositories, just before retiring at night.
      These 2 suppositories can be alternated each night.
      Sitz baths, described in the hydrotherapy chapter, not also speed the healing of hemorrhoids, but can bring a lot of relief.
      Unfortunately, constipation is often a result of the fast food age and too common today. Usually a result of lack of fiber and dehydration. In the Temperance section, the main dehydrators were quoted.
      As Quoted earlier, Dr Kellogg stated, “3 meals a day should equal 3 evacuations a day. 2 meals a day should equal 2 evacuations a day”
      We will now look at how the colon can be encouraged to reset the regularity pattern.
      lll/ P.A.N.I.C.
      Promptly, Answer, Nature’s, Immediate, Call.
      An important part of returning regularity is to listen to the body and resist the temptation to delay answering the body’s call to evacuate.
      |||/ COLON TEA .
      This tea is a combination of herbs that gently restore and revive colon function and contains =
      1 part Cascara Sagrada
      2 part Licorice
      3 part Buckthorn
      These roots and barks are mixed in a jar. 1 teaspoon of these herbs is gently simmered in a cup of water for 10 minutes.
      The dose changes from person to person. Some need 1/2 cup a day and a severely constipated person may even need 3 cups a day. If 3 cups are required, they are best taken morning, noon and evening. Most people find that a cup taken before retiring at night will help to encourage morning evacuation.
      Taking this tea regularly, combined with the lifestyle and dietary principles discussed, can cause a turn around with constipation.
      As these points are implemented the person will find they need less and less of the tea. This may take 4-6 months, depending on the severity of the situation.
      These can be worn overnight. Castor oil penetrates deeper than any other oil and has the ability to help breakup old matter and cleanse the colon.
      Colonic Irrigation is a bowel treatment using warm water. The treatment takes 45-50 minutes and warm water is gently running in and out for this time through a network of tubes. This has the effect to soften old buildup on the walls of the colon and to clean out any pockets of accumulated waste. The colonic can also loosen the hard covering on diverticulitis.
      This treatment requires a trained therapist with the required equipment to be administered.
      The Colic irrigation can aid in the healing of all colon problems.
      At home a person can give themselves a warm water enema. 1,1/2 cups of water at a time. This
      can quickly relieve constipation initially.
      Also, 4 enemas in a row at 10-minute Intervals can have a similar effect to a colonic irrigation.
      Ill/ SITZ BATHS
      This treatment is explained in detail in the Hydrotherapy section and entails sitting in alternating hot and cold baths.
      All these conditions are an indication that there is inflammation in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, and the same conditions as previously discussed, apply to encourage healing.
      Implementing these lifestyle and dietary principles will contribute to healing the gut.
      An important exclusion is to eliminate anything that may irritate the colon wall in its inflamed state. The most common foods to do this are wheat, oats, dairy and refined sugar. It can take at least 2 months to see the effect once these foods are ceased.
      lll/ HERBS
      Slippery Elm is the powdered bark of the Slippery Elm Tree. It is slightly glutenous in structure when mixed with water. This is one of the reasons that it soothes and heals as it lines the gut. Slippery Elm also contains a growth stimulant which stimulates rapid healing in the lining of the gut.
      In a crisis, if the person has chronic diarrhea, Slippery Elm can be taken every 1/2 hour. As the frequency of bowel movements eases, so can the dose.
      Taken before breakfast, and before retiring at night is the usual maintenance dose.
      1 teaspoon is stirred into 1/3 cup of boiling water, then 1/2 cup of cold water is stirred in. This ensures no lumps in the mix.
      Aloe Vera is another “slippery” herb that also coats and soothes the lining of the gut. It also contains a growth stimulant.
      Aloe Vera juice can be bought, or the leaf can be peeled and blended with a little water or juice.
      Ginger and peppermint tea both contain anti-inflammatory properties and can be drunk freely to help relieve the inflammation.
      lll/ PROBIOTICS
      Often there is an imbalance in gut flora.
      Initially probiotic supplement may be needed. Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidus Bacterium are the 2 permanent bacteria’s in the gastrointestinal tract. All others develop from these 2. A supplement containing at least 5 billion of each should be taken 3/4 hour at least before breakfast.
      Including cultured foods in the diet can also help much in maintaining the necessary microbial balance.
      Sour Kraut, Miso, Kumbucha, Kefir and Yoghurt (the last 2 can be effectively made on organic soy milk and coconut milk).
      Castor oil penetrates deeper than any other oil and has a cleansing and soothing effect as it penetrates deep into the colon through the abdominal wall.
      The compress was explained earlier and can be worn overnight, or for at least 5 hours a day.
      lll/ SITZ BATHS.
      This treatment is explained in detail in The Hydrotherapy section in this book.
      It includes sitting in a hot tub for 3 minutes and a cold tub for 30 seconds and is continued until 3 hot and 3 cold have been completed.
      The reason it plays an important part in healing the gut is found in its ability to increase the blood supply to the area.
      Ideally Sitz baths should be done twice daily, at least once, if this is not possible.
      As these principles are introduced into the life, the colon will begin to revive and restore its function. Remember we are creatures of habit, and the colon can develop habits.
      “Nature’s process of healing and upbuilding is gradual and to the impatient it seems slow. The surrender of hurtful indulgences requires sacrifice: but in the end it will be found that nature, untrammeled does her work wisely and well.” Page 127 Ministry of Healing by Ellen White.

    • @alenac2837
      @alenac2837 3 года назад +5

      @@LivingSpringsRetreat Thank you so much for this amazing reply! I have been dealing with many health issues that have gotten worse over the years and I've been watching so many videos and try to learn how to heal my body. Again thank you so much beyond thankful!

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  3 года назад +4

      @@alenac2837 You are very welcome. God bless you. :-)

  • @noracoyle4988
    @noracoyle4988 2 года назад +1

    I wonder what Barbara thinks of the Keto diet? It's very popular with the likes of Dr Berg, Dr Ekberg and Dr Berry.

    • @JustHereToHear
      @JustHereToHear Год назад

      She is okay with atkins, which was the source of all these diets

  • @carriefoscatodesign
    @carriefoscatodesign 6 лет назад +3

    I would love to know how to eat beans safely. any tips? like for lentils, what would the basic cooking instructions be?

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  6 лет назад +5

      Carrie Foscato
      Dear Carrie,
      Beans should be soaked overnight, rinsed, brought to the boil and rinsed again,
      then cooked until soft.
      Barbara O’Neill
      Misty Mountain health director

    • @Mizzfm1
      @Mizzfm1 6 лет назад

      Barbara, will this way of cooking beans prevent the bad smelly fart?

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  6 лет назад +7

      Dear Mizzfm1,
      Beans should be soaked overnight, rinsed well, brought to the boil and let simmer until 1/2 cooked. Then rinsed again, and put with a sauce and simmered until soft.
      Barbara O’Neill
      Misty Mountain health director

    • @suzettefusin6900
      @suzettefusin6900 5 лет назад +3

      Hi Barbara I'm from abudhabi.I learn a lot from you.thank you for educating us about our body.God bless you.more .

  • @shevystuhl312
    @shevystuhl312 9 месяцев назад

    Do you peel your potatoes when you cook them?

  • @carljp775
    @carljp775 6 лет назад

    Would you please address Nut allergies. Two boys, 9 years apart, both came down with nut allergies. What do you think please, Dr O'Neill? Thank you.

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  6 лет назад +2

      Dear Carl,
      Allergies can arise after a child is vaccinated. Peanuts, wheat and dairy can also be
      the source of allergies, even in other foods.
      Keep them away from all nuts, they possibly will grow out of it. They can eat seeds which
      will provide all the nutrients that nuts do.
      Barbara O’Neill
      Misty Mountain health director

  • @amandacolberg9120
    @amandacolberg9120 4 года назад +1

    Hi Barbara
    Is it safe to do a liver detox if you are sick? My liver is toxic and the easiest detox I came across was 3 days only apple juice and the 3rd night you have 1 cup olive oil and 1 cup lemon juice.
    Please help. I am in extreme pain and desperate

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  4 года назад +7

      Dear Amanda,
      The simplest Liver detox is described in the Liver chapter in my book, “Self Heal by Design”. Unfortunately the apples of today are almost totally deficient in Malic acid, which is the acid that breaks up stones.
      If you are sick, the Liver detox will help, especially if used in conjunction with the liver herbs listed in my book.
      Barbara O’Neill

    • @amandacolberg4907
      @amandacolberg4907 4 года назад +5

      Many thanks, appreciate your reply. Blessings

    • @conniefisher5369
      @conniefisher5369 6 месяцев назад

      Hi Amanda. Did you recover? I'm asking because I experiencing pain

    • @amandacolberg9120
      @amandacolberg9120 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@conniefisher5369 Yes I did recover within the 3 days I did the flush. I was back at work on the 4th day.
      I was actually misdiagnosed because I had in fact gallstones, and the liver detox I describe above flushed and cleaned the gallbladder.
      I also did the castor oil compress for about 6 months to make sure that the gallbladder is clear. I followed the instructions for the compress as Barbara explains in her video.
      Regards and best health wishes to you on your journey

    • @conniefisher5369
      @conniefisher5369 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@amandacolberg9120 thank you so much. I will follow your example. 🙏Thanks again 💐

  • @georgelee1181
    @georgelee1181 8 месяцев назад +2

    Atkins died overweight his Diet good for 6 months you need good carbs potatoes rice corn beans

  • @sjacobs310
    @sjacobs310 6 лет назад +34

    Thank you so so much your videos have helped me tremendously I've been living this life all wrong. Barbara O'Neill you've changed my Life ❤️😘

  • @satyaprakashtucker3065
    @satyaprakashtucker3065 3 года назад +25

    One of the greatest explanations!
    Congrats! for such an elucid presentations.I have been following nature cure for the last 30 years but the explanation is brilliant.Many more of these please.Highest Regards.

  • @ladyhawk6709
    @ladyhawk6709 11 месяцев назад +6

    Barbara, Yeshua's angels around you are pouring out His favor, protection, blessing and grace on you & through you.
    My minds-eye/pineal/God receptor also sees the fallen angels assigned to you trying their best to stop God's will & what he has ordained to be at such a time as this. It's like trying to hold back Victoria Falls!
    Peace & love, you wonderful woman!!

  • @vivb6067
    @vivb6067 Год назад +12

    I cried during the explanation of the phases, hearing the explanation of phase 2 was what i need to move forward in my knowledge of liver healing! Protein!!! So simple yet so complex! Thank Dr. Many blessing!

    • @JeraldJamesCapao
      @JeraldJamesCapao 9 месяцев назад

      I became emotional too while listening to these infos.

  • @thankful222
    @thankful222 2 года назад +65

    Mrs. O’Neill, May God bless you and your team in continuing to disseminate this knowledge and with the gift of articulating so clearly. Thank you so much.

  • @anthonyshaw8698
    @anthonyshaw8698 5 лет назад +14

    Excellent presentation!!!!!!
    God bless sister

  • @et-uo7mp
    @et-uo7mp 3 года назад +11

    Knowledge is power. So true

  • @yotagerlie
    @yotagerlie 3 года назад +13

    For 2 months i was living in a off grid situation and wanted to cut back on refrigerated items etc. and YOUR AVOCADO toast,,, is my absolute favorite, i am addicted, i ate mostly this for my main meals lunch and dinner and i have lost 2 pant sizes! in 2 months and ive not once been hungry!! yes ive eaten more than just the avocado toast but really been focused on what goes in. thank you barbara for all you do

  • @renebeason4534
    @renebeason4534 Год назад +9

    I wished you had books on all your teachings. It would be good for those who are not able to come to your place.

    • @JustHereToHear
      @JustHereToHear Год назад +2

      These videos are mighty helpful! I think the only thing we are missing is actually being fed by them, and learning what they eat

    • @marianaotalvaro5358
      @marianaotalvaro5358 2 месяца назад +1

      She does have a book

  • @poppylove3673
    @poppylove3673 5 лет назад +16

    Liver: Carbohydrates overload (cereal, bread, bagels, cakes, pie, cookies, pasta, rice, potatoes, rice, and sugar). Carbs foods break down and make glucose and gets sent into the cells. Liver first sends the glucose to cells. Then second to glycogen to pyruvate, oxygen anaerobic as muscles start working. Glycogen, then the excess so that isn’t used for energy, it’s stored in fat cells. On high carb diet, body stores excess in fat cells. Another name for carbs is starch. Fiber, protein and fat William Benty in1850, then Atkins diet- if stop the carbs, body will loose the fat. A lot of energy, uweight just fell off! So, Now we have a lot more Palio, Keto, etc. Body needs these essentials- 50%protein 50%fat. Carbs are ok if they are the right kind and not in excess. Drop carbs to heal diabetes! If you do the formula, you’ll get the results. Cancer cells can’t survive in presence of oxygen! Cancer loves sugar if you deprive cancer cells glucose they don’t survive! 12 weeks no fruit even at first, to heal from cancer.
    Food- Protein- Carbs
    Grain- high- high
    Legume(beans)- high- med. to low
    Seeds- high- low
    Nuts- high- low
    Get you Protein from Legumes(beans), instead of meat.
    It’s not the butter on bread, it’s the bread.
    Cholesterol: HDL Carries away the bad
    LDL Repairer and Rebuilder LDL delivers fat to the brain, which it needs! Can plug up hole to keep from bleeding to death, it’s repairing but the original problems are caused from smoking, alcohol, sugar, mold, other harmful things, that your body tries 5o use the LDL cholesterol to repair, it shows as build up and is blamed.
    What causes heart disease? Damage to the arterial wall! The Great Cholesterol Lie
    Breast milk is very important for brain development and immune system for newborn children and animals.
    Vegetarians can get heart disease. LDL plugs up the holes, it’s just trying to repair what’s wrong, because LDL repairs. It’s not cholesterol that’s a problem!
    Mercury poisoning from fish and mercury fillings, causes memory loss
    Ancel Keys found 11 countries that appeared to support his claims, it’s not the fat, it’s the carbs.
    Cholesterol level use to be normal 300 now they are saying keep cholesterol under 200! The liver needs the protection of good fats in diet for neurological, brain. Without essential fats, these fat soluble foods to prevent and heal these brain/neuro things, like Parkinson’s, MS, Depression, Schizophrenia, and other illnesses that are caused by not enough good fats, such as coconut oil, olive oil, etc.(?)
    2 Day fast better than longer fast. Why???
    Protein- vegetarians, use pea proteins.

    • @tb0580
      @tb0580 Год назад

      Thank you!!!!!

    • @juliamanning2658
      @juliamanning2658 3 месяца назад

      Thanks for this summary. I still eat grass fed meat though. I don't tolerate legumes.

  • @ragpickerc1139
    @ragpickerc1139 Год назад +4

    Good, clear teaching. The drawings are cool too. Thank you.

  • @vinnettepope8255
    @vinnettepope8255 2 года назад +6

    Wonderful teaching on health 😊 😀 👏

  • @GavertzJones
    @GavertzJones 2 года назад +5

    So helpful and graciously presented... You are a treasure. Thank you!

  • @marshadrane8778
    @marshadrane8778 2 года назад +4

    Thank you for all that good information..
    May God Bless you..

  • @ArgoBeats
    @ArgoBeats Год назад +5

    This Woman is magic.

  • @vickijones9896
    @vickijones9896 3 года назад +14

    Thank you for enabling informed choices on nutrition, putting health control back into our own hands..

  • @SOSPainting
    @SOSPainting Год назад +4

    I thank God for putting His wisdom in you to be spread for the healing of men and sin 🤗🤗🤗

  • @hiyamzumot9303
    @hiyamzumot9303 5 лет назад +7

    Love you Barbara 🌹🤗

  • @jimclayton7375
    @jimclayton7375 2 года назад +4

    Barbara your the smartest lady i have ever heard on health, Love listening to you!

  • @Livseb
    @Livseb 2 года назад +15

    Hi Barbara, what a blessing it has been to watch these videos. I have been trained very briefly on Medical Missionary work and have had my own health issues. There is so much misinformation on the internet and it can sometimes be so confusing. When I got terribly sick 4 years ago I turned to that wonderful book called Counsels on Diet and foods. God truly has given us so much insight as a people and I am praying that the more SDAs may start to appreciate this light. God bless your ministry and would love to meet you... Maybe not in this Life but in heaven. God bless and press on till Jesus Comes. Lots of love from South Africa.

    • @vickeluslweendo1074
      @vickeluslweendo1074 Год назад +2

      Great complements. We as a people need to encourage each other to get back to the true source of knowledge, which is the law and the testimonies. We all that have made a choice to be in good health needs to have a direct communication with this woman as a consultant and health lecturer or advisor. Be in good health there in south Africa

  • @MelissaOHarra
    @MelissaOHarra Год назад +2

    O'Neill says it here: 37.5 The TRUTH shall set us free! Love YOU, Barbara O'Neill ❤❤❤❤❤❤ Thank you for the wit and wisdom and wonderful way to have of telling us this ESSENTIAL information. Thank You very much!

  • @ariellioness9384
    @ariellioness9384 4 месяца назад

    We need some unprocessed complex carbs. All real food work together for our good.
    People are fat because of processed nutritionally depleted "food", puffs, artifical colors and flavors, processed sugars, etc. Hormones are jacked and insulin resistance.
    I got sick on keto and my hormones crashed. Once I started adding in some more healthy carbs, my body stopped thinking it was in famine and started letting go of fat. Hormones started to balance out again.

  • @pekesrepose7363
    @pekesrepose7363 5 лет назад +7

    why aren't chick peas, avocados and coconut oil even referenced regarding getting high clean fat?

    • @winsomecohall2250
      @winsomecohall2250 4 года назад +2

      Aah it's the ALKALINE WAY OF EATING..this is my foods you are asking about..i follow Dr Sebi Alkaline foods and my life and philology has changed for the better ..i love Dr Sebi ..Barbara Oneil..dr Morse ..Dr Arikana ..i was able to kick and dump my depression pills and bipolar pills to the curb in one week..

    • @winsomecohall2250
      @winsomecohall2250 4 года назад

      My oils are COCONUT ..Grapeseed..Olive oil..Sesame oil..oils that I cook with.....Hempseed oil..and BLACK seed oil oils I intake..i use only chickpeas ..quinoa..wild black rice..kamut..spelt berries..nuts are walnuts..almond..brazil.. Seeds are chia..flax..sesame..hemp..I do not use Hybrids GMO PROCESS FOODS...check out Dr Sebi Alkaline food list

    • @relentlessfew-johnypossibi8153
      @relentlessfew-johnypossibi8153 4 года назад

      Since you are not using your medication what is the longest you’ve been stable for without them?

    • @winsomecohall2250
      @winsomecohall2250 4 года назад +1

      @@relentlessfew-johnypossibi8153 I'm stable don't have no problem can you imagine my fears of being on medication all my life plus the way of living and eating have kept me very stable and happy ..i listen to Dr Sebi first my son in law came off his CHOLESTEROL meds which he was on for years he eat the ALKALINE and use herbs and only eat fish as his meat he introduced me to Dr Sebi and I follow it to a T then I came upon Dr Morse who I subscribe to then I came upon Barbara Oneil who further change my life and the value of providing the body with the right and good things to it...she is an amazing teacher who don't pushes her beliefs on you but show you how your body given the right foods (I don't eat like her ..i don't use HYBRIDIZE FOODS or GMO NO PROCESS FOODS.) and the right circumstances your body can heal itself ..I AM NOT ADVOCATING ANYONE TO DO WHAT I DID ...( I wean myself without my phycologist and without my children knowing I had a terrible break my children almost institutionalized me if I didn't get help and all that save me was my 10 year old son so I went to the psychologist.) I am looking into ashwagandah as a possible herb to use..but at this point I don't need the am I take a teaspoon of black seed oil ..i tall glass of spring water with Celtic sea Salt .. I drink a hot cup water 3 key lime juice ..table spoon Irish moss gel..teaspoon Cayene pepper powder..all a bowl of ripe papaya ..then a slice of spelt bread with virgin cold press coconut oil and one small avacado mash with chia , flax,hemp, sesame seeds then I spread it on my I do all my drinking before I eat and give myself 20 mins then I eat..i wait 2hrs then I began to drink my water..i will have a green vegetable drinks kale,romaine kettuce,watercress,arugula, 3 whole key lime , ginger, Irish moss gel, burdock root powder, bladderack powder ,cayenne powder .. tahini butter .. cucumber..and 3 dates...i blend the veggies then add the rest in their .. then I drink and wait 1HR before drinking water..i eat my dinner at 3: 30 sometime 4. which is quinoa. raw salad. chick peas.. mushroom (bake)...wait 2hrs then all the way to bedtime I drink only water. No food ...i eat 3dates 3 prunes . so there is a Alkaline food list and that is what I eat only what is on that list...i had to use laxative to go to the bathroom when I was on the meds I go 3 to 4 times a day and it feels like my colon empty it itself inside out ..and that is EVERYDAY...YOU have to do your OWN research and be your own ADVOCATE...the teachers teach but we have to implement ..I will say in 2014 I did my blood work and I was short on Vitamin D I take vitamin D I drink hemp .coconut..almond milk .i do veggie and fruit smoothies I try to use all the fruits different fruits I use a lot of watermelons seeded mangoes grapes NASEBERRY ..the rest go into smoothies...MY nuts are almond walnut Brazil nuts ..a handful as snack... I work now 7days of the week ..go to bed at 10:30 pm. wake up at 6:30 ...i wean myself off coffee which I thought I HAVE TO HAD...i drink green tea without sweetener is organic blue agave syrup....all my foods and fruits ORGANIC ...NO MEAT ..NO DAIRY..NO WHEAT BREAD..NO FISH..ONLY GRAINS I USE Quinoa.spelt berries..kamut..amararanth.etc old grains that are no HYBRIDIZE..GIVE THE BODY THE RIGHT SET OF CICUMSTANCES AND IT WILL HEAL ITSELF...I DONT HAVE ANY ACHES OR PAIN...NO HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE...NO DIABETES...NO MUSCUS...I use 2 SALTS Grey CELTIC and Himalayan sea salt...anything else please respond...but please check out Barbara Oneil videos on U TUBE ...blessings...Love what you do and do only that which you love which mean no STRESS ON THE BODY...

    • @pekesrepose7363
      @pekesrepose7363 4 года назад

      Winsome Cohall who are you talking to ?

  • @2711marcus
    @2711marcus 12 дней назад

    I eat potatoes, sweet potatoes fruit including lots of bananas and I keep the fats low. I'm not overweight at all. Too much fat in the blood prevents the glucose from getting into the cells which is the cause of diabetes. Too much fat causes a fatty liver, too much fat thickens the blood and lowers the oxygen in the blood. A fatty liver and thicker blood puts a strain on the heart as it has to work a lot harder to pump the blood through the fatty liver. We run on glucose not fat! Eat enough carbs to maintain your weight and keep the fats low!

  • @Veronica-xt2ke
    @Veronica-xt2ke 2 месяца назад

    I beg to differ with regard to carbs. Abraham made a meal of bread, milk, and meat for the 3 visitors that came to his tent, one of which turned out to be God. Its the Glysophate they spray on the wheat in the US that everyone is allergic to.

  • @anniemadden-zi2be
    @anniemadden-zi2be 2 месяца назад

    Yes, peel the pineapple BUT don't throw the pineapple rinds away - the yeast on the pineapple rind starts off a fermentation party to make Tepaché out of! It's good - tastes like pineapple beer.

  • @luciamanoukian-qd8pk
    @luciamanoukian-qd8pk Год назад +2

    Great info! Thank you! 🙏🏾❤️

  • @michellescholtz3229
    @michellescholtz3229 Год назад +7

    Absolutely LOVE listening to you.. since I’ve discovered you, I’ve changed to plant based meals.. everything you say & the way you explain it makes so much sense. Thank you Barbara for sharing your knowledge. ❤

  • @florencehendrick4781
    @florencehendrick4781 Год назад +2

    Another brilliant and informative video. Thank you so much Barbara for your devotion to this ministry as well as honoring our Lord with His scriptures, I call His Promises...

  • @Babett_B
    @Babett_B 2 года назад +2

    Love the Fawlty Towers-esk intro music. What a fantastic presentation again, thank you for posting it!

  • @thankuthanku6388
    @thankuthanku6388 Год назад +2

    One of the most best and thorough explanation. I wish you would do a retreat in the UK

  • @michellelaughter5510
    @michellelaughter5510 5 лет назад +7


  • @samanthacnk
    @samanthacnk 2 года назад +4

    God bless you is all I can say. ❤️

  • @bryonsnyder2727
    @bryonsnyder2727 Месяц назад

    Im curious what she thinks of coffee? (caffeine)

  • @vickeluslweendo1074
    @vickeluslweendo1074 Год назад +1

    Knowledge is never old, listen to this amazing undiluted truth, many lives would have been or saved from going down to the grave. The surface money making ventures of today's practitioners have contributed to the unprecedented deaths of many whose lives would have been preserved had they been told the courses of sickness and how to get rid of many complications invading the human race. God bless the woman

  • @zarahofshiloh7537
    @zarahofshiloh7537 Год назад +3

    Amen! No fear!

  • @mariacuria2317
    @mariacuria2317 5 лет назад +2

    Cara sorella, ti chiedo cortesemente se è possibile fare traduzioni in italiano dei tuoi link. Dio ti benedica tantissimo. Grazie mille

  • @gardenlover9663
    @gardenlover9663 3 месяца назад

    There are videos that show how to cook and eat banana peels. 🍌

  • @bethlehemnegussie8547
    @bethlehemnegussie8547 4 года назад +3

    🙏💜💜💜thank you my dear Barbara💜💜💜

  • @ediehassan213
    @ediehassan213 5 лет назад +4

    Hi Barbara, I'm so grateful that we stumbled upon your videos. My husband has prostrate cancer and we've been working hard at beating it through diet and lifestyle changes. For about 8 months we did the Gerson Therapy and had a slight decrease in his PSA. We flipped to the Keto diet in Sept. 2018 and had a huge drop and we were so elated, but since then ( he has a PSA test every 6 weeks or so) he's had a huge jump. A big part of the Gerson Therapy is coffee enemas. How do you feel about this? or how would you recommend detoxing his project manager? God Bless you and the work that you are doing!

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  5 лет назад +4

      Hello Edie,
      Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, Barbara O'Neill will not be available to respond in this forum for several weeks.
      To get in touch with her, please contact her Retreat in Australia by using this link:

    • @perthgirl1012
      @perthgirl1012 2 года назад

      80/10/10 diet is the only thing that has healed me.

    • @yuppers1
      @yuppers1 2 года назад +1

      Please look into methionine. It's an amino acid cancer must have to grow. Its most abundantly found in animal products, especially chicken. I hope you found a solution that worked for you.

    • @MM-yj8vh
      @MM-yj8vh Год назад +1

      @@perthgirl1012 ...what is 80 /10 / 10 diet..? Pls....tell us. So that we can also follow...

  • @gtdadof10
    @gtdadof10 Год назад +3

    Just fantastic!

  • @Mizzfm1
    @Mizzfm1 6 лет назад +3

    Hello Barbara, I am breastfeeding I stop sugar I only used 100% honey, I limit my carb in take. I had chronic constipations for years. I listen to your lectures, now I don’t drink water/tea with meal and I chew my food. Now I have BM twice a day. Thank you. I also take probiotics 10 billion mornings. I take Omega pills. The other night I got gallstone attack very painful. I don’t know what’s causing the gallstones it’s because my organs start function now and it’s confused? Please help. I don’t want have surgery to remove it. Thank you

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  6 лет назад +11

      Dear Mizzim1,
      That is good news that you are seeing improvements in your bowel movements.
      The years that you were not eating right are the cause of your gall attack. Castor oil compresses can help to break up the stones. Liver herbs like St Mary’s Thistle And Dandelion can help as well.
      Barbara O’Neill
      Misty Mountain health director

    • @Mizzfm1
      @Mizzfm1 6 лет назад +1

      Thank you for responding. It’s same to take these while breastfeeding? I heard castor oil not safe while breastfeeding is that true? I really appreciated your time.

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  6 лет назад +6

      Dear Mizzfm1,
      It is not safe to ingest castor oil, but it is very safe to apply to the skin over the liver area,
      as you would to help Recover from gall stones.
      Even though your body is functioning well now, the stones can be the result of many years of constipation. Liver herbs can help. St Mary’s Thistle and Dandelion are 2 of the best. They can be bought in a tabletform.
      Barbara O’Neill
      Misty Mountain health director

  • @Pandora47180
    @Pandora47180 6 месяцев назад

    I am from USA. Is there a guide that l can follow to do that cleaning of my liver. ?
    Thank you so much. May the lord keep blessing you!!🎶🎼

  • @justin66446
    @justin66446 Год назад +1

    Mrs. Barbara Neil, is the best health inspector, and I believe in her all lectures. I am self health science and studies on dietary supplements

  • @jdovly
    @jdovly 6 лет назад +3

    If I ask, will you help me. I need your help, Barbara?

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  6 лет назад +1

      jdovly Hello, please refer to the Natural Remedies vídeo to see Barbara O’Neills response to your question.

  • @joanslate3432
    @joanslate3432 2 года назад +2

    Finish cooking beans out of the water! Brilliant!

    • @sandeepteerth
      @sandeepteerth 21 день назад

      Sorry, can u please explain what's the best way to cook beans

  • @sabbath4879
    @sabbath4879 7 месяцев назад

    can i get citations

  • @phillaw4146
    @phillaw4146 5 лет назад +4


  • @sjacobs310
    @sjacobs310 6 лет назад +2

    Please help don't know what to do without my gallbladder I have heartburn daily apple cider vinegar digestive enzymes low fat no caffeine no citrus oxbile dgl. Ugh ! Suggestions pls.

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  6 лет назад +1

      We will forward your questions to Barbara O'Neill and get back to you as soon as we can.

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  6 лет назад +3

      Heartburn can be lack of magnesium or low hydrochloric acid, or eating too much or too late at night. It is a matter of trying different things and seeing what makes a difference, which is the benefit of attending a health retreat. In order to evaluate your case more thoroughly a 1:1 consultation would be best.

  • @MP-li2ho
    @MP-li2ho 10 месяцев назад

    I’m confused how do you throw away the brown water away but keep the water you cooked your beans in . What sauce are you talking about ? Thanks are you saying just to wipe away the sticky brown stuff that accumulates on the pot away,you call that pot liquor but then you say after cooking with three quarters full of water you’ll have your pot liquor

  • @jasonblack6142
    @jasonblack6142 8 месяцев назад

    I'm very pleased in that, I've found so many connections from her dedication in knowledge hunting in which I am .
    I pissed to be quiet honest with you all ,
    Just having problems with the free choice source has integrated into his imagination for us .
    To see earth the way it is,
    human behavior is dug in.
    You have awakened.
    You have the un awakened.
    God is playing every role , but doesn't know it ,
    Thank you Barbara,

  • @JeraldJamesCapao
    @JeraldJamesCapao 9 месяцев назад

    During my abdomen ultrasound, we have found out that I have a Fatty Liver. We should take care of our internal project manager. Thank you, Barbara. ❤

  • @zarahofshiloh7537
    @zarahofshiloh7537 Год назад

    I am thankful she is teaching what will get us by for now, but wheat should be an essential, but it is no good because as she teaches also as others, it is hybrid and not digestible. People should be asking, why? Then they should look to God who is in all authority. Deuteronomy 28:15 "If, however, you do not obey the LORD your God by carefully following all His commandments and statutes I am giving you today, all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:16 You will be cursed in the city and cursed in the country. 17 Your basket and kneading bowl will be cursed.18 The fruit of your womb will be cursed, as well as the produce of your land, the calves of your herds, and the lambs of your flocks.19 You will be cursed when you come in and cursed when you go out........." It just takes a truly repentant, obedient remnant of His to turn it all around and He will relent and bring forth His son again to wipe out the wicked and have a greater deliverance come upon the whole face of the earth that is a greater deliverance than the one from Egypt. It is our tolerance for sin that has brought us to this.

  • @zarahofshiloh7537
    @zarahofshiloh7537 Год назад

    Then what is going on with me if when I eat well cooked protein that you have suggested and every time I have tried it, the tumors get worse and I nearly die. Most natural protocols for cancer suggests that you should be able to tolerate the lentils, nuts, beans and seeds, but I get worse and very sick. The tumors get so big I nearly die each time with my organs getting crushed. So what is wrong with me? I feel myself craving them, but they want to kill me. This is confusion to me. Don't get it for me. So glad it is working for so many that have been victimized by Babylon and our sins of our forefathers and ours that gave it the power to raise it's ugly head as it has. Praise Jesus in the Highest that He will pay vengeance. His promises He keeps and because of His saving blood our sins are pardon, but most to these sins are done without knowledge and I pray for His mercy everyday that He promises.

  • @etyyu2841
    @etyyu2841 7 месяцев назад

    ❤❤❤❤ GOD BLESS YOU BARBARA 🙏😇. I love yours lecture..

  • @antevenio8303
    @antevenio8303 3 года назад +1

    fat is turned to ketones and burned

  • @danijelajovanic8739
    @danijelajovanic8739 Год назад

    Greetings from Serbia. I felt a kidney tumor under my fingers from the front. They removed the tumor, thank God, but the kidney remained. Tell me, Barbara, what should I eat and drink? Thank you.

  • @aKm057
    @aKm057 Год назад

    My dad used to, many a times, use to ask me to watch her videos… I’m glad I gave into his nagging.. lol
    Jk jk .. thanks dad. She is a genius

  • @timkruger7365
    @timkruger7365 2 года назад +1

    thanks, that seems important.

  • @danijelajovanic8739
    @danijelajovanic8739 Год назад

    My doctor said that my liver looks like 80 years old. But I'm 40. Why?

  • @siviwemadinga5432
    @siviwemadinga5432 7 месяцев назад

    THE most Important and Significant Video I've come across in MY life ❤

  • @jamileemcquivey9507
    @jamileemcquivey9507 2 года назад

    Do you know anything about hyper PARA thyroid…not the thyroid but the 4 parathyroids? I was diagnosed but the docs have no reason WHY or HoW it happens let alone how to heal.

  • @bkgill9085
    @bkgill9085 2 года назад

    Please don’t get me wrong here and I’m not denying your truth about fats and cholesterol but I am really wondered on Atkin’s death reason by heart attack. Not sure how true it is itself.

  • @annaliberated6137
    @annaliberated6137 2 года назад +1

    You are amazing… thank you for you are an angel xx

  • @lady.J3962
    @lady.J3962 5 лет назад +1

    Hi Mrs O’Neill’s what natural remedy should I use for Grandson coughing with little mucus. He his feelings ok but he have that cough

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  5 лет назад

      Dear Judy,
      On my poultice lecture there are a few things described that you can do for a cold.
      Eliminating wheat, dairy and refined sugar helps reduce mucous.видео.html
      Barbara O’Neill
      Misty Mountain health director

    • @winsomecohall2250
      @winsomecohall2250 4 года назад

      I eat only HIGH ALKALINE FOODS..NO HYBRIDS..NO GMO..NO PROCESS..NO MEAT NO FISH NO DAIRY NO SUGAR..I WILL SAY I AM HEALTHY ..but I have a dry cough in the middle of the night I use honey...

  • @debbiestott3651
    @debbiestott3651 2 года назад +1

    Loved the lesson. My bowel has always been slow no matter what I do. Changing my diet with all the advice and it is the same. Do you have any suggestions. I have a low carb high fibre diet with water and salt. Any advice would be appreciated.

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  2 года назад +5

      Dr Kellog was the Health director of the Battle Creek sanitarium in the mid 1800s and wrote many books on health.
      He is on record as stating that 3 intakes of food a day, should equal 3 evacuations. Once a day being constipation.
      Even when the following lifestyle and dietary principles are implemented, some colons still remain sluggish, or overactive. The cells lining the colon 3can develop these habits and need help to develop habits of regularity.
      The Colon has a mind of its own, and will not follow your commands! Gentle stimulation can encourage regular movement and reestablish habits of daily evacuations.
      We will now discuss what can stimulate and what inhibits proper colon function.
      High chest breathing can contribute to colon problems.
      Abdominal breathing uses the diaphragm and gently massages the colon. The habit of high chest breathing robs the muscles covering the colon of this necessary stimulation
      The abdominal muscles were designed to aid in the breathing process.
      Weak diaphragm, abdominal and pelvic floor muscles; poor posture; tight belts and clothing around the waist all inhibit abdominal breathing. This means less oxygen delivery to the cells, thus less energy.
      Stand tall, and breathe from below the belt to help massage your colon.These muscles are like all muscles in that the more they are used, the stronger the become.
      Lack of stimulation can contribute to a compromised colon.
      The sun stimulates blood supply wherever it touches.
      Allowing the sun to touch the abdomen and thus penetrate deep into the colon, stimulates blood supply to the whole colon.
      Expose the abdomen to the sun for at least 15 minutes as often as possible.
      Caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, refined sugar , chemicals, and drugs all have a dehydrating effect on the colon thus slowing down and inhibiting transit time through the colon. These substances also inhibit the action of the healthy bacteria. In some cases even kill it off.
      Chemicals can enter our body in many ways and greatly compromise and disrupt the delicate balance of our gut flora.
      Roundup or glyphosate is used as a herbicide. Unless your vegetables are organically grown, they probably contain this toxic chemical. Beware of the chemicals in washing detergents, cleaning solutions, soaps, toothpaste, personal care products, perfumes.
      Little by little they are coming into the body and interfering with the precision balance in our gut microbes.
      Most drugs kill the friendly flora, antibiotics, pain killing medication, statin drugs, the contraceptive pill, to name a few.
      The Microbes role-
      When our intestines have a nice thick mucosa lining, populated with healthy microbes, they are able to-
      -release the B vitamins from our food,
      -guarantee absorption of the nutrients from our food into the blood,
      -protect the blood from harmful pathogens and partially digested foods( including lectins),
      --nourish the cells that line our gut.
      Meat, dairy and refined foods lack the fibre which is necessary for stimulating peristalsis, and so are contributing to diseases of the colon.
      In the process of hybridising wheat in the 1950’s, the gluten or protein structure was changed. The result was a very complex structure making it very difficult to breakdown in the gut. Constipation or diarrhoea can be the result.
      All organs of the body work in cycles. They love regularity, and the colon is no exception. It is effected by what is happening further back in the gut, especially the stomach. As we have one stomach which averages 3,1/2 to 4 hours at digesting the food we eat, leaving 5 hours between meals gives the stomach and colon rest times.
      Eating lightly, or not at night allows the stomach to sleep when we sleep. This also effects colon rest, and helps to restore regularity. To do this we need to eat breakfast like a king ( insulin sensitivity is at its height in the am)
      Lunch like a queen and tea or supper like a pauper.
      Between the hours of 9pm and 2am, hormones are released from the Pineal gland in the brain.. These hormones are responsible for rest and healing every cell in the body. The colon included.
      The Circadian rhythm is the rhythm that our brain runs effectively on. It is set by early morning light and sleeping between 9pm and 2am. Artificial light, especially from short range screens, in the hours we should be sleeping, disrupt Circadian rhythm.
      The gut is Circadian, Evening bugs are different to morning bugs and they all have different functions.
      Exercise causes movement in the colon, as well as increasing blood flow to the colon. The most effective exercises are rebounding, Pilates, swimming and brisk walking as all these movements involve the core or abdominal muscles, which cover the colon.
      The deep breathing that results from high Intensity exercises also strengthens the diaphragm.
      This in turn directly effects the colon as the diaphragm is situated at the top of the core muscles.
      Daily exercise is essential for effective colon function.
      High Intensity Interval Training takes all the exercises to a higher level and has a more profound effect on the colon.
      Position makes a difference.
      Throughout Asia and Africa, for thousands of years, squatting was the position commonly used when passing a bowel motion. Still today in many areas in these countries the toilets are tiled and flush, but a hole in the floor.
      Science now shows why this is a superior position. In the last section of the colon, there is a slight kink. This kink is the result of the muscle, puborectalis, holding the final part of the colon up. There is still some space for the contents to pass through. Puborectalis serves an important role is preventing “accidents”.
      When sitting on the “throne”, puborectalis remains firm, but in the squatting position, this muscle relaxes which causes the colon to open wider allowing the full evacuation of the rectum with greater ease.
      As this position prevents unnecessary pressure on the anus, it not only aides in the healing of all colon problems, but also prevents and helps to heal haemorrhoids.
      In Genesis 1: 29 we find God’s design for food for humans.
      “ And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed: to you it shall be for meat.”
      This covers grains, legumes and seeds. The fruit of a tree yielding seed is the nuts.
      It is true that these seeds and nuts contain lectins. Lectins are a plant protein, put there by God as a defence mechanism, integral to the plants survival.
      Lectins only really pose a problem to the human gut if-
      -the gut mucosal lining and flora are compromised,
      -and the “seeds”are not properly prepared as food.
      We have already covered the various chemical and foods that can destroy the gut flora.
      Unripe fruit is much higher in lectins. We should always be sure that fruit and vegetables are eaten when ripe.
      Soaking, rinsing well and pressure cooking grains and legumes kills the lectins.
      The Sour Dough method of making bread kills the lectins in the grains.
      The nightshade group of vegetables are particularly high in lectins, this includes potatoes, capsicum, eggplant and tomatoes.
      Europeans traditionally, skinned and deseeded tomatoes when cooking them. The skins and seeds of the tomato and capsicum are where the highest lectin content is found.
      Fibre is required to not only stimulate peristalsis but also to sweep the many little grooves and folds that make up the structure of the colon.
      The highest fibre foods are vegetables and fruit. All plant foods contain fibre, so this includes whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Fibre, especially vegetable and leafy green fibre, encourages the growth of the “healthy bacteria” in the gut. Called Prebiotics.
      Legumes need a 12 hour soak, thorough rinse, brought to the boil and rinsed again. Then long slow cooking or pressure cooking. This process increases the body’s ability to digest them effectively as well as killing the lectins.
      Nuts and seeds need to be chewed to a cream state.
      Whole gains are best cooked in a slow cooker to ensure a thorough breakdown of the starch granules, or pressure cooked. Grains can also be ground to a flour and cultured with the sourdough method of making bread. This predigests the starch and protein in the grain. The sour dough culture kills lectins.
      The grains containing no lectins are sorghum and millet.
      Cultured foods ensure a proper balance of microbes in the gut as well. An imbalance dramatically effects colon function. Sauerkraut, yoghurt, kefir and miso, are some well known cultured foods
      In the 1950’s wheat was put through intensive cross breeding to produce a plant with a higher yield of grain. The aim was to help resolve the starvation crisis in Mexico, India and Africa. This higher yield was achieved, but what was never addressed was the effect of this grain on the gut. In the hybridisation process a very complex gluten or protein structure was created that is very difficult for the gut to process. Gluten is probably the most famous lectin.
      Spelt, Kumut, Einkenhorn are all variations of the original wheat and have not been hybridised.

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  2 года назад +4

      Dehydration can be a large contributing factor in a compromised colon.
      One of the main functions of the colon is to take water out so that stools are formed and the contents can be passed with ease.
      On an average, the body loses 2,1/2 litres of water a day, 2 litres must be replaced, the other 500ml can be supplied by our fruits and vegetables and herb teas.
      In a state of dehydration the body takes more water from the colon in an attempt to maintain full blood volume in the arteries. As a result the contents of the colon loses its much needed moisture and the contents can become dry and hard, making it difficult to pass the stools, thus contributing to constipation.
      *THE MIND
      “Tight mind; tight colon” said Margaret Wright, who was one of Australia’s leading experts in Colonic irrigation therapy.
      Stress, anxiety and worry can all have their effect on the colon. For some It results in constipation, others may react with diarrhoea.
      “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones” (and the colon!) Proverbs 17:22
      Laughter, love ,joy and peace relax the colon.
      “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, he whose mind is stayed upon Thee, because he trusteth in Thee” Isiah 26:3. Peace of mind, relaxes the colon.
      Stress in the life needs to be addressed when conquering all bowel problems.
      The human body has been designed to heal itself and it will heal, if given the right conditions. We have discussed the conditions that the colon requires for healing, regarding diet and lifestyle .
      Now we will explain some treatments for specific diseases in the colon.
      This compress is a common denominator to aid in the healing of the conditions about to be discussed.
      Castor oil compresses can be applied to the abdominal area for at least 5 hours a day, for at least 5 days a week. This oil penetrates deeper than any other oil and has the ability to break up lumps, bumps and congestion and also adhesions and scar tissue. Wherever castor oil penetrates it cleanses and stimulates healing.
      This treatment can be used for constipation or diarrhoea also diverticulitis.
      Moisten a few layers of cloth with the oil. This oil is so thick it can take about 20 minutes to soak through. This cloth pad is then applied to the abdominal area ( hip bone to hip bone, belly button to pubic bone). When in place, cover with a sheet of plastic to protect clothing. Often the clothing, in the form of underpants, can hold the compress in place.
      As a compress, this can be reused maybe a dozen times before discarding because it is not absorbing anything from the body, but rather, acting as a vehicle to hold the castor oil enabling the skin to take it up.
      Castor oil penetrates through the skin, then moves deep into the body.
      Each day a little more castor oil may need to be added.
      Often a result of pressure overload on the last part of the colon resulting in swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus. Constipation, obesity, and pregnancy are the main causes. This is a very uncomfortable condition and can be quite painful , and sometimes accompanied with bleeding.
      Drinking more water and eating more fibre in the diet to soften the stools can help prevent constipation.
      We will now discuss a few natural remedies that can bring relief and help to heal.
      1)Castor oil oil suppositories can be made to bring relief and heal haemorrhoids.
      A cotton ball is soaked with castor oil and moulded into the shape of the little finger. It is then frozen, this may take 2-3 days. The suppository is then inserted into the anus as far as able just before retiring at night
      2)Aloe Vera suppositories can also be made for haemorrhoids.
      The Aloe Vera leaf is peeled and strips of the clear gel are cut into the size of the little finger. These are frozen; when solid they can be inserted into the anus just before retiring at night.
      These 2 suppositories can be alternated each night.
      Sitz baths have been used for centuries, especially across Europe are an effective way to increase healing in the pelvic floor area. Two tubs, big enough to sit in are needed, one for hot water and one for cold, with ice cubes.
      The hot is sat in for 3 minutes, then the cold for 30 seconds. This whole procedure is repeated 2 more times. Ensure that the hot is kept hot.
      Sitz baths are described in more detail in the hydrotherapy chapter . They not only speed the healing of haemorrhoids, but can bring a lot of relief.
      These can be done at least once a day, twice if possible.
      Unfortunately constipation is often a result of the fast food age and too common today. Usually caused by a lack of fibre and exercise, also dehydration.
      Irregularities in lifestyle and also inability to deal with stress can be contributing factors.
      In the Temperance section, the main dehydrators were listed which also play a part in constipation.
      As Quoted earlier, Dr Kellogg stated, “ 3 meals a day should equal 3 evacuations a day. 2 meals a day should equal 2 evacuations a day”
      We will now look at how the colon can be encouraged to reset the regularity pattern.
      lll/ P.A.N.I.C.
      Promptly, Answer, Nature’s, Immeadiate, Call.
      An important part of returning regularity in the colon, is to listen to the body and resist the temptation to delay answering the body’s call to evacuate. When the body says go! We must go!
      |||/ COLON TEA .
      This tea is a combination of herbs that gently restore and revive colon function and contains =
      1 part Cascara Segrada
      2 part Licorace
      3 part Buckthorn
      These roots and barks are mixed in a jar. 1 teaspoon of these herbs is gently simmered in a cup of water for 10 minutes.
      The dose changes from person to person. Some need 1/2 cup a day and a severely constipated person may even need 3 cups a day. If 3 cups are required, they are best taken morning, noon and evening. Most people find that a cup taken before retiring at night will help to encourage morning evacuation.
      Taking this tea regularly, Combined with the lifestyle and dietary principles discussed, can cause a turn around with constipation.
      As these points are implemented the person will find they need less and less of the tea. This may take 4-6 months, depending on the severity of the situation.
      These can be worn overnight, or for at least five hours a day for five days a week. Castor oil penetrates deeper than any other oil and has the ability to help breakup old matter and cleanse the colon.
      Colonic Irrigation Therapy is a bowel treatment using warm water. This technique takes 45-50 minutes and warm water is gently running in and out of the colon for this time, through a net work of tubes. This has the effect to soften old buildup on the walls of the colon and to clean out any pockets of accumulated waste. The colonic can also loosen the hard covering on diverticulitis.
      This treatment requires a trained therapist with the required equipment, to be administered.
      The Colic irrigation can aid in the healing of all colon problems.
      3 treatment are often advised over a 2 week period.
      At home a person can give themselves a warm water enema. 1,1/2 cups of water at a time. After the water is taken in to the colon, the person can lie on their back and massage their abdomen, endeavouring to hold the water for approximately 10 minutes. They can then sit on the toilet to evacuate.This can quickly relieve constipation initially.
      4 enemas in a row at 15 minute Intervals can have a similar effect to a colonic irrigation. Called a high enema, by the fourth enema, the whole of the colon can be reached.
      Ill/ SITZ BATHS
      This treatment is explained in the Haemorrhoids section, and is described in more detail in the Hydrotherapy chapter.
      Sue came to the retreat to improve her health. She had worked as a psychologist for 40 years, but had been plagued with constipation most of that time. To help manage her condition she would take a medication once a week to cause an evacuation.
      Every day at the retreat, for 5 days, Sue had a Colonic Irrigation treatment. Each night she applied a castor oil compress to her abdomen. To produce 2 evacuations a day, Sue found she needed to take 3 cups of Colon tea over the day. By the third day, the whites in Sue’s eye became white instead of a dull “off”white. The skin on her face lost the “grey”look and became pink. Sue testified that she felt better than she had felt for years. Even her mind was clearer. To the extent that she wondered how many of her depressed patients might be constipated!
      Sue left our retreat a very satisfied customer, looking forward to the future instead of considering retirement. The effect of diet and lifestyle was an eye opener, and Sue was keen to implement what she had learned as she returned home.

    • @thehealerwithinyou
      @thehealerwithinyou 2 года назад +3

      @@LivingSpringsRetreat This is an entire naturopathic lesson. Brilliant! Only natural healers can be this generous with knowledge. I've never seen such a response to a question on any RUclips channel. Ever!

  • @gurvinderkaur5239
    @gurvinderkaur5239 10 месяцев назад

    Dear Barbara o Neil which protein and fats are good for us

  • @michelleadams1212
    @michelleadams1212 6 месяцев назад

    As a Sicilian, I grew up on pasta.

  • @LoLa-qz8wh
    @LoLa-qz8wh 5 лет назад +1

    Barbara, can you talk more about fruit please. Thank you

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  5 лет назад +3

      Dear Lola,
      The amount and type of fruit each person consumes is largely dependent on their health status.
      Barbara O’Neill
      Misty Mountain health director

  • @laurierodriguez9787
    @laurierodriguez9787 Год назад

    I was told no Keto diet because of gout and a gallstone. What can I do?

  • @sjacobs310
    @sjacobs310 6 лет назад +2

    Please address meals without your gallbladder how to keep your liver healthy. Please help

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  6 лет назад +3

      It is the liver that makes bile. The gallbladder just stores it. This is why you can function without a gallbladder.

  • @vj563
    @vj563 Год назад

    How do you cook the beans so they don't make you sick?

  • @mariettestabel275
    @mariettestabel275 3 месяца назад

    Thank you so Much 💫

  • @sheilabright5278
    @sheilabright5278 Год назад

    GM, Sister Barbara, do you have Lectures on Thyroid issues for a Family member, I'm implementing all you have for Diabetes and all it entails now! 2 meals a day Intermittent Fasting w/a bit of Ketogenic Nutrition. 🌈

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  Год назад +1

      Hi Sheila,
      You may find this helpful:

    • @sheilabright5278
      @sheilabright5278 Год назад +1

      @@LivingSpringsRetreat Thank you, I wil like and share w/Family member!

  • @leah6801
    @leah6801 3 месяца назад


  • @susannec659
    @susannec659 6 лет назад +2

    There are a lot of contradictions here

    • @fountainpen44
      @fountainpen44 6 лет назад

      Susanne C I cannot identify any, please explain which contradictions you have found.

    • @susannec659
      @susannec659 6 лет назад

      Well, let me listen again our Barbara is so interesting and knowledgeable and I listen to these again and again. I think this is the one where she was hailing Atkins and we know he was a proponent of eating animal fat all animal fat and high protein along with no carbs and then adding some at some point. And then Barbara keeps saying she eats low carb meaning low starch and low processed food.. she doesn't emphasize how the vegetables are carbohydrates as well. Then she doesn't eat yeast products she said but then she does eat sourdough processed breads which yeast is used. She's the one who said so so I don't know I'm just confused.

    • @edwards1148
      @edwards1148 5 лет назад +1

      Susanne C there is no yeast in sourdough bread

  • @erssre1
    @erssre1 2 года назад

    What herbs do you give for pooping my son has soft poops but only golf size amounts at a time

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  2 года назад

      Dear Eric,
      Much depends on the age of your son and his history and diet and water drinking habits.

  • @hasudungansimanjuntak6122
    @hasudungansimanjuntak6122 Год назад

    Wonderful liver for detoxification

  • @lindsayrobinson59
    @lindsayrobinson59 3 года назад

    Is this protocol detailed in your book? I dont have access to your health center..

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  3 года назад +1

      She does have a portion in her book that discusses the liver. If you are in the United States or are able to travel here, you can come to our Health Retreat. Check out the following link for more information:

  • @valerieescabi6104
    @valerieescabi6104 9 месяцев назад


  • @nathanzuborev2834
    @nathanzuborev2834 2 года назад

    Hi Barbara , what can you say about Charlotte Gerson therapy for cancer?

  • @MariaGarcia-gj5zh
    @MariaGarcia-gj5zh 3 года назад

    Can we drink smoothies or juices with out food or should we drink it between meals?

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  2 года назад +2

      Dear Maria,
      As the juices have no fibre, they are best between meals. But smoothies can take the place of a meal as they have fibre.

  • @verapalackovic4584
    @verapalackovic4584 Год назад


  • @cinthiaortiz3029
    @cinthiaortiz3029 2 года назад

    Any suggestions on how to naturally get rid of H pylori I’ve been diagnosed with it and not being able to get rid of it. Thank you God bless

    • @LivingSpringsRetreat
      @LivingSpringsRetreat  2 года назад +1

      Hi Cynthia,
      You may find this helpful:
      This green vegetable was listed as one of the most effective natural remedies of h-pylori bacteria
      in a medical study conducted in Japan. Broccoli sprouts contain compounds known as
      sulforaphane and ellagic acid that have antibacterial properties. These compounds dissolve in the
      bloodstream and kill the harmful bacteria gradually.
      Raspberry, strawberry and blueberry contain phytochemicals that fight against all types of
      bacteria in the human body.
      Ellagic acid in raspberry has been identified as a disease fighting compound. This compound
      in berries is so strong that its effects can be utilized by the human blood no matter how the fruits
      are cooked or refrigerated. The antimutagen substances in berries fight against the offending
      bacteria in the stomach and help cure stomach problems caused by h pylori bacteria.
      The extracts of cinnamon release urease enzymes in the bloodstream. These enzymes stop the
      catalyzing functions of the h pylori bacteria and prevent them from causing inflammatory
      reactions inside the stomach.
      In fact, if a patient of ulcers is administered with a small dose of cinnamon extract, it is said that
      the functioning of the h pylori bacteria in his/her stomach will immediately stop. If you cannot
      take raw cinnamon for its pungent flavor, add its extracts in tea or hot water and drink the solution.
      Goldenseal is known to work wonders against a Helicobacter pylori infection, due to its high
      content in volatile oils and alkaloids.
      Ginger and garlic pastes have been identified as good antiseptics that heal the harm already
      caused by h pylori bacteria in the stomach. Coconut is the most popularly used fruit to cure
      infection caused by h pylori bacteria. This fruit has antiseptic properties. You can also
      use coconut oil as an alternative. It not only kills h pylori bacteria, it also reduces pain and
      inflammation caused by the helicobacter pylori.
      Clove & Tea Tree Oil Remedy
      Clove oil has shown inhibitory action on the development of Helicobacter pylori infections,
      keeping them at bay. It also has the effect of reducing the feeling of discomfort in the gastric
      mucosa. You can also try sea buckthorn oil which is also amazing in protecting the stomach linen.
      Clove oil is a powerful natural antibiotic, which is why it’s one of the most effective herbal remedies for Helicobacter pylori.

    • @cinthiaortiz3029
      @cinthiaortiz3029 2 года назад

      @@LivingSpringsRetreat thank you so much I will be trying these God bless you so much 🤍🙏🏽

  • @hasudungansimanjuntak6122
    @hasudungansimanjuntak6122 Год назад

    How about high ldl?

  • @mphil8433
    @mphil8433 10 месяцев назад

    Praise the Lord!

  • @myrtareyes8371
    @myrtareyes8371 Год назад


  • @Lakshmi235Lakshmi
    @Lakshmi235Lakshmi Год назад

    Thank yoh so much 🙏🤗🌹

  • @tonilucey3425
    @tonilucey3425 2 года назад

    h no