Whenever someone says So What is fanservice, I always make sure to show them Taejin DNA moments. They always do their flirting in the back. Where they are not visible in the main camera. So they can never say it's for the fans.
Anything that the members do in front of the camera is considered as fan service. All BTS ships have done their fair share of fan service during concerts but what sets Taejin apart is that they have UNDENIABLE CHEMISTRY on stage. I saw a video where the main camera's focus was Jikook being flirty but what caught my attention was Taejin at the back. They were standing one foot apart, breathing heavily while holding each other's gaze. They weren't flirting but I can already feel some intense sexual tension. 8:34 Damn, Taehyung was ready to risk it all. I won't be surprised if there comes a time when they will (accidentally) kiss on stage.
@UC628kHX8ygswbZ8Xoh8_ugg Yes! I agree. Their chemistry is really undeniable. And once you notice them, they will always catch your attention even in the background. There's all these little things that shows us their dynamics. The push and pull they do with each other. Like even if they're not looking at each other, they always seem to keep each other in their peripheral vision. This So What moment is something else huh? He really did look ready to kiss him. I also wouldn't put it past them to actually do it. How do you think the fandom would react to it though? I have seen Tae being flirty with other members. But unlike with others, he never laughs or looks away by the end of the moment with Jin. But I could be overthinking it. He is always seem so into it. That's what throws me off. I guess that's one reason, even non shippers (jokingly, I believe) call Taejin as one of the ships with high sexual tension. Could you tell me which jikook moment it was? Is it a recent one?
@@annek8506 That moment gave me butterflies seriously but Jin managed himself and looked in to the camera. Tae was ready to give it all.. My heaaaaaaaaaaaart.
Se conseguiram vê uma vlive de tae falando que ele é companheiro dele resolveram não esconder mas que estavam juntos por isso essa tensão toda entre tae jin começou em 2018 DnaFoi a mais prova de que eles são real antes e kkk e eles eram muito discretos porque eles eram muito novinhos acho que a empresa dominava eles mas agora eles colocam fogo mesmo as vlive são momentos únicos e onde eles deixam escapar muitas cousas que só eles vivem por isso muitas vezes os membros nem sabe o que falam kkk😊
I don't care the other ships,I'm sorry guys I don't want to offend the other ships, you can ship of all Members, but TAEJIN is real💜💜💜 #stan TAEJIN Forever💜😍
I really love taejin a lot and I am so so happy to see a lot of taejinnies here. I'm also glad because there are some taejin videos here. I was just suck because almost everybody ship jin to namjoon as well as taehyung is ship to jungkook. This video just says taejin is the real life couple hahaha! No offense to other ships.
How can others say that Taejin is the most fan service ship when most of Taejin moments are off cam or behind the scenes? Lol, Taejin is the only ship that gives me a rollercoaster ride kind of feeling whenever they interact. No matter what other people say I'll always believe in Taejin's love. I love them so much. Stay strong Tae and Jin. We Taejinnies are always here for you two 💜
That’s what I wanted to say. Most of their-looks, touchings, and other stuff are off cam when they are alone with the other members, shooting their things doing their missions.
Most of taejiners are mature...i'm 5 years older than jin and married women... if someone say that taejin just fan service,maybe they never fall in deep love 😊. Thanks Sam for the beautiful video...i always waiting your upload....😉 Oh and keep healthy Sam... Borahae 💜💜💜 Sorry for my bad english,since this is my third language 😅
Most of the popular ships has new fans and since ship compilators manipulates their vids to favor their ship and overanalyze the moments just so they can keep their delusions the shippers don't notice taejin anymore, but for if your observant enough you will see a lot in common on those vids and that's taejin and jikook 🤣
Yeah unlike taekook shippers or namjiin shippers who are really young or have a childlike personalities I found that taejinnies are more elder and mature people than them. And we don't create much of morphed photos of taejin like them cause we get a lot of moments even when they are trying to cover it because that's real. We are even satisfied when they look at each other. I started to ship them even before I knew of the shipping thing in this fandom and about popular ships like taekook or namjin. I really felt something special there.😍
I'm 17 and I love Taejin. Less ship wars, no need to over analyze moments and there's an explanation of why they love each other and support each other and not just because they look good together. Most people ship taekook because they look good together or both are their biases and because they're the most popular ship
imagine saying someone can force the KIM SEOKJIN into fan service lmao, the most laughable thing I heard, srsly we are talking about kim seokjin here no one can force him to do something, he do all this things with tae but when the MC told him to kiss tae he said he didnt, that actually shows its not fan service at all, jin doesnt do what he doesnt want to do or things others tell him to do.
2016- Taehyung's message (Jin's Bday) Taehyung's love. 2018- Taehyung's message (Jin's Bday) Please accept my love. 2020- Taehyung's message to Jin (Bts festa) Jin I love you so much.
Почему же никто не зафиксировал пребывание Джина в квартире Тэхена,никогда.Постоянно там голос Чонгука.То кашляет,то поет.На концерты вместе,на премьеры вместе,в отпуск вместе,да ещё с друзьями из семейки Вуга.Парная одежда,парные кольца,присутствие обоих друг у друга дома.И не только днём.Когда Тэхен на выступлениях взаимодействовал очень тесно и близко с Чонгуком, не видно было,чтобы Джин ревновал.Он скорее всего ревновал Чонгука.То за плечо остановит,то за костюм потянет.Он старше всех,поэтому ему подставлять себя и свою карьеру ни к чему.Подурачиться,посмеяться- это да.А какие-то отношения,тем более на сцене,на камеру,при тысячах фанатов,это невозможно.Тем более он приверженец традиционных отношений,т.к. выходец из достаточно известной семьи.
I think people degrading this pure and precious ship should focus on their own. I have known taejin for quite a long time. Just as u say they are just extremes at both levels. Either they are damn quite or louder than the bombs. Just to share my experience I have watched many other shipping videos to analyse but I've not seen any ship that shares moments like taejin. The thing that confirms that our ship is real is the members reaction. Lastly our taejin fandom may be small but we are all happy and that's what matters, it's just a few of us whom know these precious and loving moments.... Look after your self and be safe from the virus. Love U......
Most of the time I see this kind of comment with JinKook shippers and I just really find that odd and probably just girls, I knew 70% of this fandom likes JK the most so probably thats one of the reasons why they ship JInkook. To tell you honestly I was firstly introduced to BTS with a picture of JK on Twitter and started to dig in the members 1 by 1 then started my bias to Jin. I never thought there will be ships on this band but it also introduces me to the infamous TaeJin fight. I always wonder why Tae is always moody when it comes to Jin until I discovered there is really something going on between them more than I see with the other Jin ships. As a gay guy I can really confirm that they are in mutual kind of stage of relationship which I believe can be more than friends. I always say this kind of reasoning when someone insist other Jin ships because I just really can’t relate my past relationships I had with other ships other than TaeJin. With TaeJin I can sense the deep love, deep connection, deep relationship between the two. It’s easy for me to say because me and my ex was just like them, how they act and how they behave with each other (as a couple). I will still be team TaeJin all the way because it’s real.
OMG you are a Taejin shipper guy. I thought only my boyfriend is😂. Thank you so much. Please do comment more often. We need more people Like you in our small Taejin fandom 😊
Yup! I totally agree that’s what I always say too but unbelievably no one takes it seriously. I was so happy to see! You know, I started with taejin and I didn’t know their relationship very well back then but since I was so obsessed I started looking into it carefully and saw all of the Jinkook interactions. They are sweet yeah, but has anyone seen Taehyung there? I’ve seen so called jealous Jungkook and I watched more and guess what, I found lots of scenes that taejin were together and Jungkook was smiling. I dunno but Taejin is not to take as a joke.
Taejin is not a popular ship, and appeals to a small demographic of Armys. So, why would they do fan service to appease a few people, when it would make more sense to fulfill the fantasies of shippers of popular twosomes in the group?
Shobalatha Venkatasubramanian my thoughts exactly!! If this is fanservice, more people (since many are from other ships) will be more mad than happy. It doesnt make sense to do fanservice to get fans angry. Which leads me to believe what theyre doing is real, and for their own personal happiness.
I love how the whole video was filled with sarcasm😉 honestly i love all of your videos but THIS IS THE BEST. I dont get how people have the audacity to say taejin is just fanservice under a taejin video. One thing i m sure and it hurts the most that many armies will never acknowledge taejin no matter what. They deliberately turn taejin moment into any other ship moment be it with any member. On 14 feb, when we got taejin pic many people only focused on the jacket jin was wearing and hyped jinmin, they totally went blind for taejin!! Like why cant you atleast appreciate their bond. Jin did "so what" moments due to fanservice and he didnt actually like it?? Please, he ran at his top speed from one end of the stage to another just to get to his boyfriend. He knows that they wont get any other chance like that to make moments together on stage. They both were the happiest during so what moments. So they wait for eo at the end of every performance and at airport because they want to do fanservice? Most dna moments happened when they were at the end so noone was able to see them, then for whom exactly were they doing fanservice? They constantly check cameras to make sure that they arent filming them. They have to think a lot before going for eachother. At 17:21 jin was telling tae that its okay, you can be with me. They are eo remedy, eo healers and eachothers happiness. So even if you dont ship them romantically atleast dont say that they are pretending to like eo. They love and cherish eachother the most. And Samu.... what should i tell you, you have once again proved why you are the best. This video is a masterpiece as your other videos. Thank you for sharing this with us even when you are on your break. Love you, take care of you and your family.😄 Purple you💜💜💜💜 Also your watermark is beautiful 😍😍
Ким тэхён и ким джин 2 красивых человека в группе природна природная красота у этих двух человек какие глаза у них красивые рост у них какой красивый у Ким тэхёна ноги Какие высокие красивые у Ким Джона плечи Какие и сами они на лицо естественная красота природы Дана
I can feel in my senses that are true and real.. when I show them to army. They are like but JIn and Tae are always cold to each other. And I’m like that’s what confuses people sometimes they act cold and sometimes they are way too clingy to each other. But your video help me to make them realize that TAEJIN is real. And they also say now I can see it.
You are indeed a loyal and savage taejinnie!!! You have wit and humor and I love how you show and defend your love for both of them. As a taejin supporter , I Thank you! 💜 Cheers to this another great compilation! I am not young, I have children Taejin’s age, both a very fierce army thus making me an army mom. I started watching BTS videos with my children but I was drawn to taejin when I saw the famous “fight” in burn the stage documentary. The angst between them felt real to me , that was the “beginning” of my taejin obsession. For months I have binge watching all videos, contents about BTS as a group and about Shipping, (I didn’t know that word till bts). Nevertheless, I go back to taejin... I don’t ship them. I support them because I see genuine affection, love,friendship and happiness when they are together. I spent so much time watching all videos of them since their debut days, ( they should watch your past videos ), they have unfailingly been consistent in their behaviours and reactions in the 7-8 years that they are together. From ON camera interactions ( bts run, bon voyage, summer and winter packages, award shows) to behind the scenes footage ( always together), fan cam and airport, most importantly, their “staring”, ( Eyes are window of the soul)... Can acting and fan service be that perfect, be that consistent, be that continuous and harmonious in and after 7 years??? What I know for sure that is real is the feeling that they have given us taejinnies. I am happy when they interact with each other because I see that they have found genuine happiness from each other despite the chaos and challenges being an idol and from the world that they live in. they share that happiness with us regardless of backlashes. Therefore, we also need to be like them. Find our own happiness, find what makes you happy. Find that “something” that makes you get out of bed with a smile. That was what I learn from both of them. They have found each other and they made it work after all this years. In our world today, there are a lot of negativity and catastrophe that is happening. Let’s find happiness where we can, as being happy is a rare commodity now a days. I find joy and happiness when I see both of them interact and being soft and sweet to each other, and that is what matters to me! Continue to do what makes you happy Sam, with making taejin videos, you also make a lot of people happy! 🙏🙏🙏I am one of them! Good karma your way...😘😘😘 Stay happy, healthy and safe! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you so much for making this video! I have always hated when people call Taejin as fanservice. It always feels like they don't take Taejin's bond seriously. No matter if it's romantic or platonic. All we ask of other shippers is to respect our choices. But they can't even do that. I feel like people who come under a ship video and comment that their ship is real, they are simply pressed and salty. There is no other explanation. They felt annoyed by the moments in the video and wanted to convince themselves that their ship is real. These kind of people take one look at So What and immediately decided that they are doing it for the fans. Or forced to. And then the same people go lose their minds over their ship breathing next to each other. Sexualise everything their ship does. Twist their words. Tae is such a sweetheart. How can anyone think he is forcing any member to do things with him unwillingly? It's really sad that some people form such an opinion of him just for the sake of their ship.
This is just my opinion but I think the reason why we don't see jin get jealous when tae is close to others unlike tae is because he understands that it's part of his job and he knows that theres not only jin but 5 other members and they are really close but tae is really possessive of jin and whenever jin is close to others he can't help but Express it even if he doesn't want to coz he always ends up stretching his head ,playing with his hair and hands and smiles but it's really evident that the smile is fake
But seriously though, Taejin is not even the top 3 most popular Jin ship. How did they get branded as the fanservice ship? Because Jin only gets intimately close with Tae? That alone should be a clue though right? I remember back in 2016-17 when I came to fandom, people wouldn't even consider the thought of them as a ship. Said they are not close at all. And from 2018-19 people started calling it fanservice. 😑
Oh the irony that saying taejin is only fanservice to hide that taejin are awkward and not close with each-other. They use taejin fight in Burn The Stage as proof. When Taejin is the og ship of bts. Any army that has been there since 2013 knew how close taejin is.
Я смотрю всё, как у них всех ещё спины не сломались,они друг друга все пересадками,а ещё тренировки и репетиции.Сильные духом и телом парни.Здоровья вам всем.А самым любимым всё вдвойне
9:30 Jin came running from 100 miles away just to do a fan service.😂😂 Oh Taejin shippers get a lot of moments cause they are the only one to give us this much "fan service".
4:58 my crazy Taejin mind can’t help but imagine things like what jin meant by staring a new life was that maybe he wants to start again to zero and when he meets tae for the first time, he doesn’t deny his feelings and accept them as soon as he feel them and doesn’t take too much time and start his relationship with tae earlier. Also the difficult year they had, start again well so this year would never be this hard. That’s just what I’m imagining. I’m not saying that Jin is really thinking that. In short if he could start again, he would confess to tae right away instead of wasting time and making them both suffer.
Ha! I knew exactly what you meant from the title of the vid and couldn't wait to watch it! 😄😍 Seriously, I find folks who deny Taejin just disappointing. They're blind! And they're usually irrate and young Taekookers or dismissive Jinkookers...and somehow, folks still entertain Namjin 😂. (I know he's handsome and adorable but c'mon he doesn't have to be paired with a member, we know he's loved by all) They're all close, for sure, but there's nothing like Taejin. Despite keeping a low profile, there are too many things that Jin does only with Tae. And he's getting bolder 😍. And we all know Tae wears his heart and feelings on his sleeve. His intense and loving stares and full attention is usually reserved for Jin. Thanfully, I found out that a lot of Army who are Jin biased are Taejinnies!! After I fell in love with Taejin, I reluctantly checked out vids on all the other ships to make sure I wasn't blindly dismissing other possible ships....and there's really no comparison to Taejin, except Jikook (according to some). And most Jikookers believe in Taejin as well. We may be a small community, but its probably better that way. I just hope we don't get anymore Anti-Taejin commenters in the comment section. Thanks again for the amazing video, Sam!! Quality content and sharp analysis as usual. We really appreciate your hard work and continued faith in Taejin. ♥ I recommend your channel to others whenever I can. I don't know the reasons behind your break but please take your time, stay healthy and enjoy life. We'll be waiting for you! (I think this will be a great Taejin year).
OMGGGG i want to scream right now but i cant theres a lot of people around me!!! My Taejin heart cant contain this video for the first time. Thank you Couple Taejin for this wonderful video. 💜💜💜💜
Ha this is the most savage title I have ever seen in my lifeu😂🤪🤪💜💜 How r you dear? Take care of urself alright And I will watch it later but as i was using and when I read the title I was like no way...I want to comment 😂😂💜💜 This year we got so much and will get so much I cannot wait for tour 2020 is taejinnies year samu 😢😢
My new favorite video, I love it 😭😍. They are so cute together. Tae's eyes are always on Jin and Jin's eyes on Tae, always. I love that. They have a connection and chemistry so strong that it cannot be hidden, it is visible 💕. So yes, Taejin is real 😏🥰. I love them!! Thank you for this beautiful video. #Borahae💜
Omo. This is freaking 19 minutes. Haha i already seen many taejin videos but i didn't see that one on 16:10. Jin frowned, obviously because he is jealous. Haha if they are told to do fan services then how will they explain those things. And all fan service must be seen by FANS. It is for them. And if they think that Jin is forced to do the "so what" moments, then why did he run across the stage just to be with tae? There is also one "so what" moment when jin pushed jimin aside to be with tae. If these are all fan service, why did the members panicked everytime? But above all, we can see clearly that Tae makes Jin happy, and Jin is the reason why Tae smiles brightly. Sorry for the long comment, I just want to share what I feel. Thanks for this amazing video sam, and take your vitamins. Borahae. 💜💜
Fan service? Lol. Some people are so blind that they can't see what love looks like. They are extremely subtle but they can't keep their eyes off each other. I became a Taejinnie by watching Jin and from there I noticed Tae and how different Jin was with him than he was with other members. Thank you so much for the video. Feel better soon 💜
This made my day dear. TaeJin is life and it's the realist ship. No one can ever change this. Keep making such heartwarming videos dear. Your channel is my favourite TaeJin channel.😭😭❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜
Taejin are such a safe ship, that it's actually so easy for them to have these moments without armys getting too suspicious. Sometimes to me it seems that unless their moments are like VERY loud, no one notices them. And isn't it funny, really? Because whenever there's a third member with them, even if taejin's moments are cuter or more romantic, people are bound to see the other ships better, that they each form with that third member. And it can only be a blessing for us taejinnies and for taejin themselves. I don't really care at this point if people see them or not or even scream fanservice, it really doesn't matter anymore. I just hope they don't disrespect their bond, because no matter the type of relationship, it's visible taejin are very close. The other ships can come up with theories, while we sit back and enjoy what taejin show us directly.
yees !! your said everything I think, for me it no longer matters what kind of relationship they have, it is visible how close they are and how much they love each other, that is all that matters to me, I will always support them not matter what💜💜
I actually prefer it this way. fans are way too loud when it comes to popular ships, sometimes harassing them while shipping. it makes them uncomfortable and it's annoying. taejin shippers just like to quietly observe. 😊
8:16 The last sentence abt trending on twitter,i remember when all of us were so shocked abt their new moment in Sprind Day on 'Class of 2020'...like we didn't hv anything for a long time & they just being loud unexpectedly...& the fact is,we've trended that... And i really agree with you...they'll always being silent for a while but then,...BOOM!...They being loud again without we expected😂 Even it hurts to wait for their moment but once we get it,all the time we spend waiting for that was really worth it💜
I am a multyshipper but i personally feel TaeJin real because everytime I watch them they are very true and there is no fan serving no fake attire nothing they are real each and every single moment can be noticed very clearly there is no need for any explanation to the mature person this Ship and there towards behavior is Cristal clear like water Army is watching them since a very long time and we can feel the vibes.. Thanks to channel holder for sharing this. I purple you Army 💜
whatever the other ship says I don't care, I will only always love taejin, my belove ..., and I really really love your video edits and the analysis thanks for always loving taejin 😭😭💜💜💜💜💜
It seems like Tae makes Jin feel a certain way that you don't constantly see any other member making him shy, possessive, or any other feeling. It's like Jin has a soft spot for Tae. It doesn't even feel like fan service because either if they're in a concert or just in general, they're always together somehow. Wherever they go, Jin/Tae will be close. It seems so true that they're something behind all the cameras. It's probably all fan service but for me, it seems pretty legit that somethings real behind those cameras. I honestly really love Taejin because of their bond with each other. They care and love for each other even in the most subtle ways. Thank you for making this video Samu, hope you get better sooner. 😊💜 ily take care and stay safe! -Emily
First I should say I've never commented about any ships but this time I should say: I've seen all of them, I'm not going to deny them but to be honest my friendship with my friends is closer and deeper,they're just cute, and sometimes I feel so bad that people for satisfying themselves ,even by see an sudden eye contact getting wild like omg they're couples ... I had no idea about this ship till I suddenly realized something, and yeah ,not in these kinds of clips,,, in interviews and concerts! And now I'm telling you it's not a cute relationship it's everything.. And also "namjin" is a fan made ship made by vkook and vmin shippers to make jin stay away from tae Both of them confessed that they like each other or closer to each than other members, so what are u fighting for ha? CAN YOU MAKE BLIND PEOPLE SEE? No cuz their mind is BLIND and don't wanna accept what they're seeing,,,,, so haters if u can't just shut your mouth,,, stay blind and leave them alone, thanks...
14:46 se alguém olhar pra mim do mesmo jeito que o Tae olhou pro Jin , eu me apaixono . Como isso não vai acontecer . Vou continuar livre . Amo os Taejin.
For me as a taejin fans i can say it easy to do fan service in front of the camera but if u have real and pure feelings for a person u can't hide it .V is open for what feelings his have for jin in simple or very clinging things like all vedios of them. JIN is shy sometimes he control himself in being clingy to v but we know how caring he is and kind and appriative to V for what V's doing to him we know how strong this ship ...
Sam..like I always mention it's more than ship and fan service..I agree with you if it's just fan service for stage then why the members are arkward,panic or interrupt when Taejin on stage just doing their "So What"?? Coz you know,right?
O god!! Again a awesome video.. gonna watch this again & again.. soo much love,so much tension, jealousy 💕 just let someone mention Jin and tae gets shy 😄 why ha? Fan service 😂? Jin ran from 100mile just to do a fan service 😂😂Jin kept staring at tae's eyes even after lights off 😣..
Oh my god Sam... Daebaakk. Tae always happier when he's around jin. I just wondering to my self, why this year they r so loud to showed us their love, is it because tae's promised on BTS Festa 2019? Tae said, "i'd showed to you guys what i felf. I'd more open about my feelings" and while he said it, tae's eyes looked at jin. Ver? Lover? Oh of course Jin 😍💜😂 I think people who stan taejin are smarter than other, sam LMAO. This vids will slapped them all who hate thier ship / something. Im so grateful that taejin is not quite popular than another. Bcz something real doesn't mean always showed on (official) cam, but fancam always caught it LoL. Taejinnist are everywhere now, c'mon.. 😂😂 Last, 'I like Jin hyung the most' 'allabyu, taejunpyoo' Nice words but it can kill me, LOL.
im afraid that i might fall in love with this lovely couple..😍😍😍..stay safe sam..dont go anywhere if u dont have important things to do..just stay at home..😘😘😘
Everyone being affected by Corona, you are in my thoughts, be safe! This video is amazing, I am #teamJinkook, there is way to much video evidence to ever think that something doesnt exists between them. BUT.. when I watch TAEJIN together I see real love, the way that they look at each other, and find ways to be near each other that’s not made up, that’s not fan service. You fan service on stage, not everyday life. I support TAEJIN cuz not everyone finds someone in their life time to make them smile like these two do. Jin must be an amazing person, cuz he makes JK smile too that melts my heart. You can see love between them too. We may have a Tae/JK brawl.. lol who will win Jins heart.
Yeah i love taejin, but i also like jinkook, it's because i love seeing jk's smile whenever jin is around. But his gaze to jin is more like to brother, it's different from tae's gaze to jin. That what makes love taejin
4:58 Tae: what are you gonna do if you wake up one day and you are 14 again? Jin: May be a new life ? I would get into the same bus get scouted by BH and fall in love with you ever again. I would go through the same struggles again and again just to have you in my life. I do not want a new life where you aren't a part of it.. Why I feel Jin had this in his mind when he looked at Tae and answered his question? Tae is a #1 seokjnnie. He can't bare anyone letting down Jin provided if it's Jin himself. He never leaves any chance to voice his support to him, express his feelings , tell him how hardworking he is. They are each others back bone. Each others happiness. And people who calls then fanservice are indeed blind. I have never seen any taejinnies bashing other ships. We cannot change how people think. I only wish taejin to do something that would shut their mouths permanently ( may be announce their wedding ?😉😉 Jk😉😉) Thanks for this wonderful video. Whenever I watch your videos I always end up into tears. It makes me so happy. Our ship might be underated but it will forever be the first and the most real ship of bts ever. I dont care what other people call them (fanservice/ 1 sided blah blah) but I am proud to say I am a taejinnie and our taejinnies are the sweetest compared to other shippers. We don't need loud moments we feel happy even if they just make an eye contact. We are happy with whatever crumbs we get. We will forever love taejin. Taejin married Taejin husband's Taejin is real
Love yourself so beautiful comment. I am also crying by watching this video again and again. The first part of your comment was so beautiful that it made me cry even more. 😭
Awe...love your comment. Same here don't care what they called taejin but just don't disrespect them. Be true, you can't argue with people since the beginning they already made their decisions with closed minds. All i can say to them let time says it all but at the moment please respect all the members in one. Being a taejinie so long, dang if it's a fan service, then I am a one lucky girl to see so many sweetness, love and lust in taejin. Be safe and healthy #taejin #BTS 💜
I was thinking this way too, that jin will become bts member again to meet v again and start everything early and in better way. Haha i think it's good story for kdrama
i was a taekook shipper before...but day by day i'm realizing that taejin ship is more real...just look at their eyes,,eye is the mirror of heart,,,it can't tell lie..the way they look at each other isn't acting....it seems like they are struggling for hiding their attraction towards each other in front of people....
In my opinion, this is how I see their interactions Jimin likes JK JK likes Tae and also Jin Tae likes Jin Jin likes Jin😂 Kidding aside, he does have a special relationship with Tae tae.💜
I actually think it is a good thing that taejin is regarded as “a fan service ship” by the BTS fandom because it actually protects them from too much attention. Just imagine if Taejin is just as popular a ship as Taekook or Kook Min, it would bring a lot of pressure to their relationship. Also the internet is very mean, I heard Jin was attacked by V’s fans who recognize Taejin because they think Jin is not good enough for V.
Yes I thought the same even if we love to have bigger fandom it's not good for them to be recognized by alot of people. and Yes it's true I saw some taekookers commenting stuff like "if you want to ship taehyung with someone at least chose a handsome talented man like jungkook not jin"
Tks for the video. regarding the cinema part, I felt the same. And that day was like the first time Tae appeared with his new black hair in public. So by then, I told another Army that, I think Taejin went to the movie tat but since Tae had dye his hair black so JH didn't recongise him but recognise only Jin. I remember all of this because Tae's black hair was like an imprint in my mind. So everything happened around on that day also imprinted into my mind. I love Taejin so so much!
Oh come on, jin may have blank face but his actions towards tae is definitely not blank 🤣 he always looks for tae, he always ask tae questions,he always check on tae first before any other members and lately he's just too attentive on tae 🥰 i actually used to watch taekook and jinkook cuz they always drag taejin down but since they always show taejin moments it makes me so happy watching and reading their stupid analysis 🤣 not anymore these days tho, I've grown tired of their crap 🙄😁
Jin: "dOn'T BE aNGrY!"
V: okay babe, I'm not XD
Me: * silently passes out *
Whenever someone says So What is fanservice, I always make sure to show them Taejin DNA moments. They always do their flirting in the back. Where they are not visible in the main camera. So they can never say it's for the fans.
Anything that the members do in front of the camera is considered as fan service. All BTS ships have done their fair share of fan service during concerts but what sets Taejin apart is that they have UNDENIABLE CHEMISTRY on stage. I saw a video where the main camera's focus was Jikook being flirty but what caught my attention was Taejin at the back. They were standing one foot apart, breathing heavily while holding each other's gaze. They weren't flirting but I can already feel some intense sexual tension.
8:34 Damn, Taehyung was ready to risk it all. I won't be surprised if there comes a time when they will (accidentally) kiss on stage.
@UC628kHX8ygswbZ8Xoh8_ugg Yes! I agree. Their chemistry is really undeniable. And once you notice them, they will always catch your attention even in the background. There's all these little things that shows us their dynamics. The push and pull they do with each other. Like even if they're not looking at each other, they always seem to keep each other in their peripheral vision.
This So What moment is something else huh? He really did look ready to kiss him. I also wouldn't put it past them to actually do it. How do you think the fandom would react to it though? I have seen Tae being flirty with other members. But unlike with others, he never laughs or looks away by the end of the moment with Jin. But I could be overthinking it. He is always seem so into it. That's what throws me off. I guess that's one reason, even non shippers (jokingly, I believe) call Taejin as one of the ships with high sexual tension.
Could you tell me which jikook moment it was? Is it a recent one?
@@annek8506 That moment gave me butterflies seriously but Jin managed himself and looked in to the camera. Tae was ready to give it all.. My heaaaaaaaaaaaart.
Se conseguiram vê uma vlive de tae falando que ele é companheiro dele resolveram não esconder mas que estavam juntos por isso essa tensão toda entre tae jin começou em 2018 DnaFoi a mais prova de que eles são real antes e kkk e eles eram muito discretos porque eles eram muito novinhos acho que a empresa dominava eles mas agora eles colocam fogo mesmo as vlive são momentos únicos e onde eles deixam escapar muitas cousas que só eles vivem por isso muitas vezes os membros nem sabe o que falam kkk😊
And I even feel they are not doing this just for fan service.
*They are real payt me*
Yes their doing not fan service😚because taejin is real💜💜
I don't care the other ships,I'm sorry guys I don't want to offend the other ships, you can ship of all Members, but TAEJIN is real💜💜💜
#stan TAEJIN Forever💜😍
@@kathkath541 Yup!taejin is real💜
I really love taejin a lot and I am so so happy to see a lot of taejinnies here. I'm also glad because there are some taejin videos here. I was just suck because almost everybody ship jin to namjoon as well as taehyung is ship to jungkook. This video just says taejin is the real life couple hahaha! No offense to other ships.
You are right. There's nothing REAL more than TAEJIN. 💜💜💜💜💜
How can others say that Taejin is the most fan service ship when most of Taejin moments are off cam or behind the scenes? Lol, Taejin is the only ship that gives me a rollercoaster ride kind of feeling whenever they interact. No matter what other people say I'll always believe in Taejin's love. I love them so much. Stay strong Tae and Jin. We Taejinnies are always here for you two 💜
That’s what I wanted to say. Most of their-looks, touchings, and other stuff are off cam when they are alone with the other members, shooting their things doing their missions.
Most of taejiners are mature...i'm 5 years older than jin and married women... if someone say that taejin just fan service,maybe they never fall in deep love 😊. Thanks Sam for the beautiful video...i always waiting your upload....😉 Oh and keep healthy Sam...
Borahae 💜💜💜
Sorry for my bad english,since this is my third language 😅
Most of the popular ships has new fans and since ship compilators manipulates their vids to favor their ship and overanalyze the moments just so they can keep their delusions the shippers don't notice taejin anymore, but for if your observant enough you will see a lot in common on those vids and that's taejin and jikook 🤣
Yeah unlike taekook shippers or namjiin shippers who are really young or have a childlike personalities I found that taejinnies are more elder and mature people than them. And we don't create much of morphed photos of taejin like them cause we get a lot of moments even when they are trying to cover it because that's real. We are even satisfied when they look at each other. I started to ship them even before I knew of the shipping thing in this fandom and about popular ships like taekook or namjin. I really felt something special there.😍
I'm 17 and I love Taejin. Less ship wars, no need to over analyze moments and there's an explanation of why they love each other and support each other and not just because they look good together. Most people ship taekook because they look good together or both are their biases and because they're the most popular ship
Same, I am 26, mature and a working woman. And I have the biggest faith in Taejin, I don't ship any other from anywhere. 🌹
Oh I really have to agree Cox I am 26 and tajin is ultimate ship from day one ... 🥺
imagine saying someone can force the KIM SEOKJIN into fan service lmao, the most laughable thing I heard, srsly we are talking about kim seokjin here no one can force him to do something, he do all this things with tae but when the MC told him to kiss tae he said he didnt, that actually shows its not fan service at all, jin doesnt do what he doesnt want to do or things others tell him to do.
yeah he always listen to him,,he don't like forcing at all
Ikr? It's really hard to control jin, now imagine forcing him LOL
What about v?
Поцелует, коль надо.
It broke my heart when jin said "I keep on lacking" when it's far from the truth
Tae and Jin: * lovey dovey in their own planet *
2016- Taehyung's message (Jin's Bday)
Taehyung's love.
2018- Taehyung's message (Jin's Bday)
Please accept my love.
2020- Taehyung's message to Jin (Bts festa) Jin I love you so much.
Mira, в 21 году один парень из Пусана написал, что вы все чигуки, вигуки... Ви уже год живёт с Джином. То есть на сегодня уже два года.
Красивая игра.
@@ИринаШехт no wreszcie ktos logiczny,oczywiście, że tak.
Почему же никто не зафиксировал пребывание Джина в квартире Тэхена,никогда.Постоянно там голос Чонгука.То кашляет,то поет.На концерты вместе,на премьеры вместе,в отпуск вместе,да ещё с друзьями из семейки Вуга.Парная одежда,парные кольца,присутствие обоих друг у друга дома.И не только днём.Когда Тэхен на выступлениях взаимодействовал очень тесно и близко с Чонгуком, не видно было,чтобы Джин ревновал.Он скорее всего ревновал Чонгука.То за плечо остановит,то за костюм потянет.Он старше всех,поэтому ему подставлять себя и свою карьеру ни к чему.Подурачиться,посмеяться- это да.А какие-то отношения,тем более на сцене,на камеру,при тысячах фанатов,это невозможно.Тем более он приверженец традиционных отношений,т.к. выходец из достаточно известной семьи.
I think people degrading this pure and precious ship should focus on their own. I have known taejin for quite a long time. Just as u say they are just extremes at both levels. Either they are damn quite or louder than the bombs. Just to share my experience I have watched many other shipping videos to analyse but I've not seen any ship that shares moments like taejin. The thing that confirms that our ship is real is the members reaction. Lastly our taejin fandom may be small but we are all happy and that's what matters, it's just a few of us whom know these precious and loving moments....
Look after your self and be safe from the virus. Love U......
Yeah...you too.. It's getting ugly here.😫
Take care of your self Sam. Hope everything gets under control soon 💜💜
Phew thank God.i thought I was the only one😌🥰
Most of the time I see this kind of comment with JinKook shippers and I just really find that odd and probably just girls, I knew 70% of this fandom likes JK the most so probably thats one of the reasons why they ship JInkook. To tell you honestly I was firstly introduced to BTS with a picture of JK on Twitter and started to dig in the members 1 by 1 then started my bias to Jin. I never thought there will be ships on this band but it also introduces me to the infamous TaeJin fight. I always wonder why Tae is always moody when it comes to Jin until I discovered there is really something going on between them more than I see with the other Jin ships. As a gay guy I can really confirm that they are in mutual kind of stage of relationship which I believe can be more than friends. I always say this kind of reasoning when someone insist other Jin ships because I just really can’t relate my past relationships I had with other ships other than TaeJin. With TaeJin I can sense the deep love, deep connection, deep relationship between the two. It’s easy for me to say because me and my ex was just like them, how they act and how they behave with each other (as a couple). I will still be team TaeJin all the way because it’s real.
OMG you are a Taejin shipper guy. I thought only my boyfriend is😂. Thank you so much. Please do comment more often. We need more people Like you in our small Taejin fandom 😊
@@JinV_is_realthat was sweet thank you! I sure will.
Yup! I totally agree that’s what I always say too but unbelievably no one takes it seriously. I was so happy to see! You know, I started with taejin and I didn’t know their relationship very well back then but since I was so obsessed I started looking into it carefully and saw all of the Jinkook interactions. They are sweet yeah, but has anyone seen Taehyung there? I’ve seen so called jealous Jungkook and I watched more and guess what, I found lots of scenes that taejin were together and Jungkook was smiling. I dunno but Taejin is not to take as a joke.
Boombox Ninja right? So I really don’t get JinKook ship or Vkook ship. With Tae and Jin there’s always tension that other ships don’t have.
Afterglow can’t agree more
Taejin is not a popular ship, and appeals to a small demographic of Armys. So, why would they do fan service to appease a few people, when it would make more sense to fulfill the fantasies of shippers of popular twosomes in the group?
Shobalatha Venkatasubramanian my thoughts exactly!! If this is fanservice, more people (since many are from other ships) will be more mad than happy. It doesnt make sense to do fanservice to get fans angry. Which leads me to believe what theyre doing is real, and for their own personal happiness.
I love how the whole video was filled with sarcasm😉 honestly i love all of your videos but THIS IS THE BEST. I dont get how people have the audacity to say taejin is just fanservice under a taejin video. One thing i m sure and it hurts the most that many armies will never acknowledge taejin no matter what. They deliberately turn taejin moment into any other ship moment be it with any member. On 14 feb, when we got taejin pic many people only focused on the jacket jin was wearing and hyped jinmin, they totally went blind for taejin!! Like why cant you atleast appreciate their bond.
Jin did "so what" moments due to fanservice and he didnt actually like it?? Please, he ran at his top speed from one end of the stage to another just to get to his boyfriend. He knows that they wont get any other chance like that to make moments together on stage. They both were the happiest during so what moments.
So they wait for eo at the end of every performance and at airport because they want to do fanservice? Most dna moments happened when they were at the end so noone was able to see them, then for whom exactly were they doing fanservice? They constantly check cameras to make sure that they arent filming them. They have to think a lot before going for eachother.
At 17:21 jin was telling tae that its okay, you can be with me.
They are eo remedy, eo healers and eachothers happiness. So even if you dont ship them romantically atleast dont say that they are pretending to like eo. They love and cherish eachother the most.
And Samu.... what should i tell you, you have once again proved why you are the best. This video is a masterpiece as your other videos. Thank you for sharing this with us even when you are on your break.
Love you, take care of you and your family.😄 Purple you💜💜💜💜
Also your watermark is beautiful 😍😍
Ким тэхён и ким джин 2 красивых человека в группе природна природная красота у этих двух человек какие глаза у них красивые рост у них какой красивый у Ким тэхёна ноги Какие высокие красивые у Ким Джона плечи Какие и сами они на лицо естественная красота природы Дана
@@dragicamilojevic4190 пишите по русски.
I can feel in my senses that are true and real.. when I show them to army. They are like but JIn and Tae are always cold to each other. And I’m like that’s what confuses people sometimes they act cold and sometimes they are way too clingy to each other. But your video help me to make them realize that TAEJIN is real. And they also say now I can see it.
You are indeed a loyal and savage taejinnie!!!
You have wit and humor and I love how you show and defend your love for both of them.
As a taejin supporter , I Thank you! 💜
Cheers to this another great compilation!
I am not young, I have children Taejin’s age, both a very fierce army thus making me an army mom. I started watching BTS videos with my children but I was drawn to taejin when I saw the famous “fight” in burn the stage documentary. The angst between them felt real to me , that was the “beginning” of my taejin obsession. For months I have binge watching all videos, contents about BTS as a group and about Shipping, (I didn’t know that word till bts). Nevertheless, I go back to taejin... I don’t ship them. I support them because I see genuine affection, love,friendship and happiness when they are together.
I spent so much time watching all videos of them since their debut days, ( they should watch your past videos ), they have unfailingly been consistent in their behaviours and reactions in the 7-8 years that they are together. From ON camera interactions ( bts run, bon voyage, summer and winter packages, award shows) to behind the scenes footage ( always together), fan cam and airport, most importantly, their “staring”, ( Eyes are window of the soul)...
Can acting and fan service be that perfect, be that consistent, be that continuous and harmonious in and after 7 years???
What I know for sure that is real is the feeling that they have given us taejinnies. I am happy when they interact with each other because I see that they have found genuine happiness from each other despite the chaos and challenges being an idol and from the world that they live in. they share that happiness with us regardless of backlashes.
Therefore, we also need to be like them. Find our own happiness, find what makes you happy. Find that “something” that makes you get out of bed with a smile. That was what I learn from both of them. They have found each other and they made it work after all this years.
In our world today, there are a lot of negativity and catastrophe that is happening.
Let’s find happiness where we can, as being happy is a rare commodity now a days.
I find joy and happiness when I see both of them interact and being soft and sweet to each other, and that is what matters to me!
Continue to do what makes you happy Sam, with making taejin videos, you also make a lot of people happy! 🙏🙏🙏I am one of them! Good karma your way...😘😘😘
Stay happy, healthy and safe! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you so much for making this video! I have always hated when people call Taejin as fanservice. It always feels like they don't take Taejin's bond seriously. No matter if it's romantic or platonic. All we ask of other shippers is to respect our choices. But they can't even do that.
I feel like people who come under a ship video and comment that their ship is real, they are simply pressed and salty. There is no other explanation. They felt annoyed by the moments in the video and wanted to convince themselves that their ship is real.
These kind of people take one look at So What and immediately decided that they are doing it for the fans. Or forced to. And then the same people go lose their minds over their ship breathing next to each other. Sexualise everything their ship does. Twist their words.
Tae is such a sweetheart. How can anyone think he is forcing any member to do things with him unwillingly? It's really sad that some people form such an opinion of him just for the sake of their ship.
Yeah to respect someone doesn't cost you. 🙄
army: taejin fanservice
taejin: what is fanservice?
This is just my opinion but I think the reason why we don't see jin get jealous when tae is close to others unlike tae is because he understands that it's part of his job and he knows that theres not only jin but 5 other members and they are really close but tae is really possessive of jin and whenever jin is close to others he can't help but Express it even if he doesn't want to coz he always ends up stretching his head ,playing with his hair and hands and smiles but it's really evident that the smile is fake
Jin loves Tae, Tae loves Jin Taejin is real🥺
10:08 They are always lost in their own world. Notice how the other members were acting awkward and panicked.
But seriously though, Taejin is not even the top 3 most popular Jin ship. How did they get branded as the fanservice ship? Because Jin only gets intimately close with Tae? That alone should be a clue though right?
I remember back in 2016-17 when I came to fandom, people wouldn't even consider the thought of them as a ship. Said they are not close at all.
And from 2018-19 people started calling it fanservice.
Oh the irony that saying taejin is only fanservice to hide that taejin are awkward and not close with each-other. They use taejin fight in Burn The Stage as proof. When Taejin is the og ship of bts. Any army that has been there since 2013 knew how close taejin is.
Я смотрю всё, как у них всех ещё спины не сломались,они друг друга все пересадками,а ещё тренировки и репетиции.Сильные духом и телом парни.Здоровья вам всем.А самым любимым всё вдвойне
9:30 Jin came running from 100 miles away just to do a fan service.😂😂
Oh Taejin shippers get a lot of moments cause they are the only one to give us this much "fan service".
O god! This thing happened few times Jin ran from 100km at full speed just to do a fan service 😂😂
@@sanchita5441 And once he came running and put Jimin away from tae when that moment came, just for a "fan service"😂😂
@@samyukthas8186 I know right 😂😂 and jin's ears turn extremely red due to too much fan service 😂😂
@@sanchita5441 🤣🤣That's right. I mean no one does a fan service this much naturally. When he gets shy it's so natural that his ears turns red 😂😂
@@samyukthas8186 born actor 😝😝
Taejin is the only couple in bts that i can ship romantically 💜 they make me so happy and i love their relationship so much
let pray for korea and Daegu, I saw a news it seem so bad. Take care guy
Bout Corona virus?
What happened
Isma MYoongi939 yes, it is. There are more than 600 people now who have infected.
Dynasty Montaldo outbreak coronarirus in Korea is so bad now, there are more than 600 people have infected and 6 people have died.
@@kaaajaaa3036 gosh, i hope everything is gonna be okay, pray for them.
You snapped soooo hard
"What an accidental bump"🤣
I don't care what people say about TaeJin it can be real or fake but I know that I will always support them forever and love there ship forever!! 💜
This is such a good video! I saw my favorite moments once again and you even showed some more subtle glances. I really love Taejin 💜
Taejin's unbreakable and beautiful chemistry is something that other ppl are jelly and envious.
I don't know it's just a fan service or friendship or love but I love both of them their eyes is full of love respect care like a family 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I'm Agree
*"Namjoon chill.. it's just fan service" LMAO😂😂😂*
The fact that tae wears the bracelet interlock rings) jin gave to him until this very day just proves their real.
4:58 my crazy Taejin mind can’t help but imagine things like what jin meant by staring a new life was that maybe he wants to start again to zero and when he meets tae for the first time, he doesn’t deny his feelings and accept them as soon as he feel them and doesn’t take too much time and start his relationship with tae earlier. Also the difficult year they had, start again well so this year would never be this hard. That’s just what I’m imagining. I’m not saying that Jin is really thinking that. In short if he could start again, he would confess to tae right away instead of wasting time and making them both suffer.
Ha! I knew exactly what you meant from the title of the vid and couldn't wait to watch it! 😄😍
Seriously, I find folks who deny Taejin just disappointing. They're blind! And they're usually irrate and young Taekookers or dismissive Jinkookers...and somehow, folks still entertain Namjin 😂. (I know he's handsome and adorable but c'mon he doesn't have to be paired with a member, we know he's loved by all)
They're all close, for sure, but there's nothing like Taejin. Despite keeping a low profile, there are too many things that Jin does only with Tae. And he's getting bolder 😍. And we all know Tae wears his heart and feelings on his sleeve. His intense and loving stares and full attention is usually reserved for Jin.
Thanfully, I found out that a lot of Army who are Jin biased are Taejinnies!! After I fell in love with Taejin, I reluctantly checked out vids on all the other ships to make sure I wasn't blindly dismissing other possible ships....and there's really no comparison to Taejin, except Jikook (according to some). And most Jikookers believe in Taejin as well. We may be a small community, but its probably better that way. I just hope we don't get anymore Anti-Taejin commenters in the comment section.
Thanks again for the amazing video, Sam!! Quality content and sharp analysis as usual. We really appreciate your hard work and continued faith in Taejin. ♥ I recommend your channel to others whenever I can. I don't know the reasons behind your break but please take your time, stay healthy and enjoy life. We'll be waiting for you! (I think this will be a great Taejin year).
OMGGGG i want to scream right now but i cant theres a lot of people around me!!! My Taejin heart cant contain this video for the first time. Thank you Couple Taejin for this wonderful video. 💜💜💜💜
Ha this is the most savage title I have ever seen in my lifeu😂🤪🤪💜💜
How r you dear?
Take care of urself alright
And I will watch it later but as i was using and when I read the title I was like no way...I want to comment 😂😂💜💜
This year we got so much and will get so much I cannot wait for tour
2020 is taejinnies year samu 😢😢
Take care you too. I'm good.💜💜
Their Bond is truly special, I love how happy they make each other. This is in my top favorites videos. Thank you 😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
My new favorite video, I love it 😭😍. They are so cute together. Tae's eyes are always on Jin and Jin's eyes on Tae, always. I love that. They have a connection and chemistry so strong that it cannot be hidden, it is visible 💕. So yes, Taejin is real 😏🥰. I love them!!
Thank you for this beautiful video. #Borahae💜
Omo. This is freaking 19 minutes. Haha i already seen many taejin videos but i didn't see that one on 16:10. Jin frowned, obviously because he is jealous. Haha if they are told to do fan services then how will they explain those things. And all fan service must be seen by FANS. It is for them. And if they think that Jin is forced to do the "so what" moments, then why did he run across the stage just to be with tae? There is also one "so what" moment when jin pushed jimin aside to be with tae. If these are all fan service, why did the members panicked everytime? But above all, we can see clearly that Tae makes Jin happy, and Jin is the reason why Tae smiles brightly. Sorry for the long comment, I just want to share what I feel. Thanks for this amazing video sam, and take your vitamins. Borahae. 💜💜
Update: they are together on Incheon airport. Hehe my taejin heart is so well fed. 🥰🥰🥰💜💜💜
Fan service? Lol. Some people are so blind that they can't see what love looks like. They are extremely subtle but they can't keep their eyes off each other. I became a Taejinnie by watching Jin and from there I noticed Tae and how different Jin was with him than he was with other members. Thank you so much for the video. Feel better soon 💜
TaeJin = Perfection 💜😌
This made my day dear. TaeJin is life and it's the realist ship. No one can ever change this. Keep making such heartwarming videos dear. Your channel is my favourite TaeJin channel.😭😭❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜
Taejin are such a safe ship, that it's actually so easy for them to have these moments without armys getting too suspicious. Sometimes to me it seems that unless their moments are like VERY loud, no one notices them. And isn't it funny, really? Because whenever there's a third member with them, even if taejin's moments are cuter or more romantic, people are bound to see the other ships better, that they each form with that third member. And it can only be a blessing for us taejinnies and for taejin themselves. I don't really care at this point if people see them or not or even scream fanservice, it really doesn't matter anymore. I just hope they don't disrespect their bond, because no matter the type of relationship, it's visible taejin are very close. The other ships can come up with theories, while we sit back and enjoy what taejin show us directly.
yees !! your said everything I think, for me it no longer matters what kind of relationship they have, it is visible how close they are and how much they love each other, that is all that matters to me, I will always support them not matter what💜💜
I actually prefer it this way. fans are way too loud when it comes to popular ships, sometimes harassing them while shipping. it makes them uncomfortable and it's annoying. taejin shippers just like to quietly observe. 😊
Such a super video!! Thank you :)
We are Army before everything else... and taejinnies at the core
Lmao Jimin be like "PEEKABOO, I SEE YOU" XD
6:46 Rm's face cracked me up.seems like there really is something.
Finally someone said it.
Надо спросить хоби, тот все знает как друг джина и тэ.
@@acerpc7957Hope sicher nicht sagen weil alle miteinander Freunde 😂😂😂
05:42 They look too surreal to be true. 😲✨I crying 😢 😭 The most special and beautiful couple in the world, TaeJin, I love you very much💕🥺
everyone: taekook
me: taejin 😭❤️ . editing this but taejin will remain superior and will always be my forever ship, no hate to taekook ☺️
asian blob im with you!
I love both🙃
Me Taejin alone
taejin seems more real
The last sentence abt trending on twitter,i remember when all of us were so shocked abt their new moment in Sprind Day on 'Class of 2020'...like we didn't hv anything for a long time & they just being loud unexpectedly...& the fact is,we've trended that...
And i really agree with you...they'll always being silent for a while but then,...BOOM!...They being loud again without we expected😂
Even it hurts to wait for their moment but once we get it,all the time we spend waiting for that was really worth it💜
I am a multyshipper but i personally feel TaeJin real because everytime I watch them they are very true and there is no fan serving no fake attire nothing they are real each and every single moment can be noticed very clearly there is no need for any explanation to the mature person this Ship and there towards behavior is Cristal clear like water Army is watching them since a very long time and we can feel the vibes.. Thanks to channel holder for sharing this. I purple you Army 💜
whatever the other ship says I don't care, I will only always love taejin, my belove ..., and I really really love your video edits and the analysis thanks for always loving taejin 😭😭💜💜💜💜💜
It seems like Tae makes Jin feel a certain way that you don't constantly see any other member making him shy, possessive, or any other feeling. It's like Jin has a soft spot for Tae. It doesn't even feel like fan service because either if they're in a concert or just in general, they're always together somehow. Wherever they go, Jin/Tae will be close. It seems so true that they're something behind all the cameras. It's probably all fan service but for me, it seems pretty legit that somethings real behind those cameras. I honestly really love Taejin because of their bond with each other. They care and love for each other even in the most subtle ways. Thank you for making this video Samu, hope you get better sooner. 😊💜 ily take care and stay safe!
6:45 look how namjoon widen his eyes 😂😂😂😂😂
Taejin is real 💜💜
First I should say I've never commented about any ships but this time I should say:
I've seen all of them, I'm not going to deny them but to be honest my friendship with my friends is closer and deeper,they're just cute, and sometimes I feel so bad that people for satisfying themselves ,even by see an sudden eye contact getting wild like omg they're couples ...
I had no idea about this ship till I suddenly realized something, and yeah ,not in these kinds of clips,,, in interviews and concerts!
And now I'm telling you it's not a cute relationship it's everything..
And also "namjin" is a fan made ship made by vkook and vmin shippers to make jin stay away from tae
Both of them confessed that they like each other or closer to each than other members, so what are u fighting for ha?
No cuz their mind is BLIND and don't wanna accept what they're seeing,,,,, so haters if u can't just shut your mouth,,, stay blind and leave them alone, thanks...
14:46 se alguém olhar pra mim do mesmo jeito que o Tae olhou pro Jin , eu me apaixono . Como isso não vai acontecer . Vou continuar livre . Amo os Taejin.
Taejin is real!!!!😍❤💜💜💜
For me as a taejin fans i can say it easy to do fan service in front of the camera but if u have real and pure feelings for a person u can't hide it .V is open for what feelings his have for jin in simple or very clinging things like all vedios of them. JIN is shy sometimes he control himself in being clingy to v but we know how caring he is and kind and appriative to V for what V's doing to him we know how strong this ship ...
На три года старше тэ и стесняется!? Да ладно.
I just want them to come out in public... 😭♥️🤩🤩😍
Sam..like I always mention it's more than ship and fan service..I agree with you if it's just fan service for stage then why the members are arkward,panic or interrupt when Taejin on stage just doing their "So What"?? Coz you know,right?
O god!! Again a awesome video.. gonna watch this again & again.. soo much love,so much tension, jealousy 💕 just let someone mention Jin and tae gets shy 😄 why ha? Fan service 😂? Jin ran from 100mile just to do a fan service 😂😂Jin kept staring at tae's eyes even after lights off 😣..
Look at RM's facial expression upon hearing Jiminnie's WHY 😁😁😁
Taejin ❤
Oh my god Sam... Daebaakk.
Tae always happier when he's around jin.
I just wondering to my self, why this year they r so loud to showed us their love, is it because tae's promised on BTS Festa 2019? Tae said, "i'd showed to you guys what i felf. I'd more open about my feelings" and while he said it, tae's eyes looked at jin.
Ver? Lover? Oh of course Jin 😍💜😂
I think people who stan taejin are smarter than other, sam LMAO.
This vids will slapped them all who hate thier ship / something. Im so grateful that taejin is not quite popular than another. Bcz something real doesn't mean always showed on (official) cam, but fancam always caught it LoL. Taejinnist are everywhere now, c'mon.. 😂😂
'I like Jin hyung the most'
'allabyu, taejunpyoo'
Nice words but it can kill me, LOL.
It's true. If it's real, It doesn't have to be shown in public..
Novie Chandra love your comment💜💜💜
@@selenophile37 thanks guys 💜💜
I swear these two are dating. 😍
im afraid that i might fall in love with this lovely couple..😍😍😍..stay safe sam..dont go anywhere if u dont have important things to do..just stay at home..😘😘😘
Everyone being affected by Corona, you are in my thoughts, be safe! This video is amazing, I am #teamJinkook, there is way to much video evidence to ever think that something doesnt exists between them. BUT.. when I watch TAEJIN together I see real love, the way that they look at each other, and find ways to be near each other that’s not made up, that’s not fan service. You fan service on stage, not everyday life. I support TAEJIN cuz not everyone finds someone in their life time to make them smile like these two do. Jin must be an amazing person, cuz he makes JK smile too that melts my heart. You can see love between them too. We may have a Tae/JK brawl.. lol who will win Jins heart.
Yeah i love taejin, but i also like jinkook, it's because i love seeing jk's smile whenever jin is around. But his gaze to jin is more like to brother, it's different from tae's gaze to jin. That what makes love taejin
*Tae’s smirks are the best* 😩🥵
Thank you for your vids and for ur unending support to Taejin ...
0:15 "oh and one more thing Jin is the master of fan service. Maybe he told you personally"-😂😂😂
Oh my god, this video is actually what i want to say to them all but i don't know how to, thank you for helping me 🙏💜✨
I think it's kinda unhealthy how much I ship these two together but yk whatever...#taejin 😼
You're back I'm so happy for you hats off to your spy eye u noticed everything
4:58 Tae: what are you gonna do if you wake up one day and you are 14 again?
Jin: May be a new life ? I would get into the same bus get scouted by BH and fall in love with you ever again. I would go through the same struggles again and again just to have you in my life. I do not want a new life where you aren't a part of it..
Why I feel Jin had this in his mind when he looked at Tae and answered his question?
Tae is a #1 seokjnnie. He can't bare anyone letting down Jin provided if it's Jin himself. He never leaves any chance to voice his support to him, express his feelings , tell him how hardworking he is. They are each others back bone. Each others happiness.
And people who calls then fanservice are indeed blind. I have never seen any taejinnies bashing other ships. We cannot change how people think. I only wish taejin to do something that would shut their mouths permanently ( may be announce their wedding ?😉😉 Jk😉😉)
Thanks for this wonderful video. Whenever I watch your videos I always end up into tears. It makes me so happy. Our ship might be underated but it will forever be the first and the most real ship of bts ever. I dont care what other people call them (fanservice/ 1 sided blah blah) but I am proud to say I am a taejinnie and our taejinnies are the sweetest compared to other shippers. We don't need loud moments we feel happy even if they just make an eye contact. We are happy with whatever crumbs we get. We will forever love taejin.
Taejin married
Taejin husband's
Taejin is real
Love yourself so beautiful comment. I am also crying by watching this video again and again. The first part of your comment was so beautiful that it made me cry even more. 😭
@@adriennx-i6q let's cry together 😭 I miss them already
@@lifegoesonlikethisagain5033 you make me cry 😭😭
Awe...love your comment. Same here don't care what they called taejin but just don't disrespect them. Be true, you can't argue with people since the beginning they already made their decisions with closed minds. All i can say to them let time says it all but at the moment please respect all the members in one. Being a taejinie so long, dang if it's a fan service, then I am a one lucky girl to see so many sweetness, love and lust in taejin. Be safe and healthy #taejin #BTS 💜
I was thinking this way too, that jin will become bts member again to meet v again and start everything early and in better way. Haha i think it's good story for kdrama
They both are such moooods -_- XD
taejin is real ☺☺🙂
ГОСПОДИ, ТЭХ,без слез на тебя не посмотришь😭😭😭😢😢😢💜💜💜
This video is such a passive aggressive response to all those naysayers and I love it🤣
i was a taekook shipper before...but day by day i'm realizing that taejin ship is more real...just look at their eyes,,eye is the mirror of heart,,,it can't tell lie..the way they look at each other isn't acting....it seems like they are struggling for hiding their attraction towards each other in front of people....
In my opinion, this is how I see their interactions
Jimin likes JK
JK likes Tae and also Jin
Tae likes Jin
Jin likes Jin😂
Kidding aside, he does have a special relationship with Tae tae.💜
LmAO bEST ever interpretation 😂 I think that too
Totally agree.
А шуга кого любит? Вот тэ точно шугу любит. А джин себя любимого. Кстати у тэ кольцо с синим глазком в подарок от шуги.
@@acerpc7957👌richtig so Suga Geschenk Ring 💍für hübsche Tae 😂😂😂😂😂
Jin ist biznis Mann keine Zeit für liebe 😂😂😂😂
Love the video and the savage mode. Keep giving us great videos like this.
Thank TaeJin and u for making my day 💜
Jin really like it when so what taejin moment you can see it in his eyes and tae's eyes
I actually think it is a good thing that taejin is regarded as “a fan service ship” by the BTS fandom because it actually protects them from too much attention. Just imagine if Taejin is just as popular a ship as Taekook or Kook Min, it would bring a lot of pressure to their relationship. Also the internet is very mean, I heard Jin was attacked by V’s fans who recognize Taejin because they think Jin is not good enough for V.
Yes I thought the same even if we love to have bigger fandom it's not good for them to be recognized by alot of people.
and Yes it's true I saw some taekookers commenting stuff like "if you want to ship taehyung with someone at least chose a handsome talented man like jungkook not jin"
@@joudyalan1863 so the rice kookers say Jin isn't HANDSOME and TALENTED. You know, jokes if the century 😂😂😂
the other members’ reactions is main point of this video😆❤️Taejin is real than my passion😩huhu❤️
Tae be like "CASH ME OUSSIDE HOW BOU DAH" on a whole different level...if you know what I mean * uhwink *
Haters gonna hate.. but we will support our taejin nyways 💜
YASS!! taejin is the best and this video proved it all❤❤❤❤
Taejin is real. Periodt...!!!!
진과태형 너무 사랑스럽네요~ 친형제 맘좋은형 귀여움과 애교가많은 이쁜동생 보기가좋아요
Taejin is a subtle pair . They're not vulgar..taejin is forever
Tks for the video. regarding the cinema part, I felt the same. And that day was like the first time Tae appeared with his new black hair in public. So by then, I told another Army that, I think Taejin went to the movie tat but since Tae had dye his hair black so JH didn't recongise him but recognise only Jin. I remember all of this because Tae's black hair was like an imprint in my mind. So everything happened around on that day also imprinted into my mind. I love Taejin so so much!
Oh come on, jin may have blank face but his actions towards tae is definitely not blank 🤣 he always looks for tae, he always ask tae questions,he always check on tae first before any other members and lately he's just too attentive on tae 🥰 i actually used to watch taekook and jinkook cuz they always drag taejin down but since they always show taejin moments it makes me so happy watching and reading their stupid analysis 🤣 not anymore these days tho, I've grown tired of their crap 🙄😁
Kook, I know very damn well you taught my Jin that move, didn't you?
Why they are so cute together 😍
Why it makes me so happy while they are together 💕