Mommy Moments: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024

Комментарии • 49

  • @reeyaottalwar4570
    @reeyaottalwar4570 5 лет назад +7

    "No perfect, you can't steal my self confidence" really helped me a lot. Thank you so much mam

  • @odwaposwayo9327
    @odwaposwayo9327 3 года назад +1

    I enjoyed this video, God bless you and your family Rolene ❤

  • @ahviwe
    @ahviwe 5 лет назад +4

    OK, I'm crying. You just made me want to be a mom.

  • @nonhlanhlasangweni481
    @nonhlanhlasangweni481 5 лет назад +6

    I'm not a mom yet but this is so cute... I thoroughly enjoyed this ❤️

  • @homie4357
    @homie4357 5 лет назад +12

    Highlight of my week is watching you 😍

  • @haanimely981
    @haanimely981 5 лет назад +5

    Hi Rolene...these are books I came across:
    - positive parenting
    - Happy mom

  • @amyhagen94
    @amyhagen94 5 лет назад +12

    I love the sound of afrikaans but I don’t understand and I’d like to learn, so can you please put subtitles when you say a word or a phrase? Thank you 😊

  • @dubbingduniya442
    @dubbingduniya442 5 лет назад +6

    i just cant believe the best miss world have this amazing channel ,TREASURE

  • @ingridvig
    @ingridvig 5 лет назад +1

    I love your video! Stories are everywhere, for example I wasn't a bad child, but one day when I had five or six years-old and on the television were some little toys for decoration, I wanted to take down the toys, but they were too high from me, that's why I wanted to climb somehow up to reach them...and what happened...I kept my hands too strongly on the two sides of television and the television fell down! Big lucky that it didn't hit me at all and didn't happen something wrong!:) Don't feel guilty for different things, you are a good mother, I am sure!

  • @nadiavandenberg2915
    @nadiavandenberg2915 5 лет назад +1

    Dear Rolene, I have been following you for several years and so admire you! One book I know really helped my Mom when raising me (a very strong willed child!) was James Dobson's Parenting the Strong Willed Child. He is the founder of the Christian organisation, Focus on the Family. I hope it may help you as it helped her.

  • @makeup123jasmine
    @makeup123jasmine 5 лет назад

    Thank you so much for making this video. My son is also two. I just watched your day in the life and your son seems so sweet and well behaved. My son is also two and also tends to smack me sometimes I thought I was alone in this. I can relayed to your mummy guilt as I am also a haematology doctor balancing mum life and alot of my family who are stay at home moms make me feel guilty. You are right we try our best, we do things with love and the biggest heart that's all we can do. And rest assured that our best is enough. Thank you for motivating me. With love Jasmine

  • @haanimely981
    @haanimely981 5 лет назад +1

    The gift of a happy mother Rebecca Eanes....

  • @reneecrotty6910
    @reneecrotty6910 5 лет назад +3

    I love it! Thanks Rolene. You are totally the type of channel I love. God bless you. Please do an HONEST how to detox your body or beauty/health type video! Id love to see a Miss World version kind of video haha. Love that you are a sister in Christ! Cherry on top! 🌻🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺

  • @talimonglaao6756
    @talimonglaao6756 5 лет назад +4

    I always wait for Wednesday, to watch your video 😊 very nice👌👌👌

  • @AmberMokgosi
    @AmberMokgosi 5 лет назад +3

    I just don't know how to disciple my kids anymore. 5 yrs old and 2 yrs old. I just sit and not say anything cause I just don't know anymore.

  • @melanyyoung7528
    @melanyyoung7528 5 лет назад +1

    I'm nowhere near having a child, but this is a video from Rolene.. so here I am!
    Ek dink jys n uitstekende mamma Rolene

  • @saranyanambiar4512
    @saranyanambiar4512 5 лет назад +3

    That was an awesome video, Rolene.

  • @moniquemalander2744
    @moniquemalander2744 5 лет назад

    Awwww natuurlik..... Jy is nie aleen nie, ek het ook die mommy guilt. My seuntjie is ook nou 2 en het weer n gewoonte om sy kop te kap of verstaan nie nee nie, en mens voel wat kan ek doen, gaan beslis time out probeer. Dit voel so moeilik en mamahood is beslis die moeilikste ding ooit. Love jou videos

  • @nicolewessels4186
    @nicolewessels4186 5 лет назад

    Ek kan so relate aan jou mommy guilt. Dankie dat jy so oop is met ons daaroor. Elke kind se persoonlikheid en temperament is anders. En as jy n kind dissiplineer sowel as lief hê volgens sy/haar temperament, maak dit n groot verskil en bou jy jou kind so op. Hettie Brittz het n wonderlike boek geskryf oor die onderwerp. 😊 Mommy to mommy advice

  • @monikasteli4504
    @monikasteli4504 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you it was so good to hear you experiences.You are not alone 😊🤗

  • @rijubhattarai4950
    @rijubhattarai4950 5 лет назад +4

    You are my role model
    I love you
    I want to be jst like you

  • @taniarobb5371
    @taniarobb5371 5 лет назад +1

    Keep going with the time out. It works. Watch the Super Nanny videos. She explains how to do time out very well

  • @elencronje1007
    @elencronje1007 5 лет назад +2

    So bly dat jy wel met jou seuntjie Afrikaans praat! Ons mammas sal altyd oor een of ander iets skuldig voel. Jy is nie alleen nie. Sterkte met die disipline. Dis maar 'n storie en mens moet doen wat vir jou werk. Sien uit na jou volgende videos

  • @marrietvisser6195
    @marrietvisser6195 5 лет назад +3

    Love it. So is mal oor jou.

  • @tanyasingh8935
    @tanyasingh8935 5 лет назад +3

    Rolene god bless you😍😍😍😍😍😍
    You should not have to guilty for anything dear

  • @ZimmieKG
    @ZimmieKG 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you for sharing Rolene❤👌

  • @RinaHendriks
    @RinaHendriks 5 лет назад +1

    Rolene, you are my favourite Miss South Africa 💕

  • @aldeciaandandrew6529
    @aldeciaandandrew6529 5 лет назад

    You are a breath fresh of air! I really love your channel! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @lejuans
    @lejuans 5 лет назад +1

    Have really enjoyed your videos, thank you. I know this may sound harsh to alot of people but nothing works better than a smack on the bum with incorrect behaviour. My daughter is 10 and still gets a smack on the bum(she also gets alot of love and attention) if she pushes the boundaries. She is the most loving, carefree and well behaved child. I feel that she will either get a smack from me, or later on, get a much worse smack from life when she's away from me. So it guards and protects her life.

  • @SharneKeizer
    @SharneKeizer 5 лет назад

    Ek is mal oor jou videos! En probeer nie so hard op jouself wees nie. Elke mamma doen hul bes🌻

  • @chaneandthezoo
    @chaneandthezoo 5 лет назад +2

    Hi Rolene. Vergewe my asseblief. Ek't in die live chats kommentaar gelos en perongeluk van Ronel gepraat... 😂🤓🙈🙈🙈 Ek sit en cram vir môre oggend se eksamen en dink aan die 1000de goed wat ek nog vir werk moet uitsorteer, maar MOES net eers jou video kyk toe ek 'n skelm youtube break vat. 😀 Jammer Rolene! Haha.

  • @haanimely981
    @haanimely981 5 лет назад +1

    The awakened family- Dr Shefali

  • @hanlivds
    @hanlivds 5 лет назад

    Dankie vir die deel Rolene! Sjoe, my seuntjie is nou 19 (going on 20)maande oud. En dissipline is vir my uiters moeilik! Ek soek ook ander of beter "tools" om te gebruik want ek twyfel oor baie van die maniere wat oorhoofs voorgestel word.
    Ek het letterlik nounet vir my 'n ebook gekoop deur Scott Turansky. Hy fokus op 'n heart-based approach. Ek het al sy boek "Parenting is heart work" gelees en was mal daaroor - steeds outoratiewe ouerskap maar op 'n ander (en bybel gemotiveerde) manier.
    Die boek wat ek nou gekoop het gaan spesifiek oor toddlers, so ek hou jou op hoogte ;)

  • @mashako4347
    @mashako4347 5 лет назад

    Thank you for sharing😊😊

  • @henriettesteyn6388
    @henriettesteyn6388 5 лет назад +2

    Volg jou ma se raad en alles sal reg wees. Jy en jou broer was ouilike kleintjies met goeie maniere. Een stukkie raad wat dalk kan help wees net altyd konsekwent met jou reëls en waar hy nou is, is maar 'n moeilike fase en gaan ook verby.

  • @jaconettebierman1857
    @jaconettebierman1857 5 лет назад

    Rolene, myne se 3rde woord was ook "Nieee".Ek het SO hard gelag met daardie stuk!Voel of ons deur PRESIES dieselfde dinge gaan met ons 2jarige seuntjies!

  • @charityluce5156
    @charityluce5156 5 лет назад

    Love this!

  • @siddhartharya4924
    @siddhartharya4924 5 лет назад +1

    Rolene 😍

  • @moslymaesela473
    @moslymaesela473 5 лет назад

    I have a question, how was it being pregnant through medschool was it difficult? How long did you have to take off all in all as in short leave of absence? And how did your time off during mrs world mrs sa add or influence the time?

  • @patiencenkomo8394
    @patiencenkomo8394 5 лет назад

    You're so precious ❤️

  • @vuyogqola
    @vuyogqola 5 лет назад

    🤣🤣🤣Naughty boy

  • @taniasnyman9602
    @taniasnyman9602 5 лет назад

    'n Baie goeie (God sentreerde) podcast oor ouerskap is "courageous parenting", met baie goeie praktiese "tips" ook.

  • @clorithalott9539
    @clorithalott9539 5 лет назад

    Sterkte daar.Ek. het jou video vreeslik geniet.

  • @krisztinaandras9120
    @krisztinaandras9120 5 лет назад +1

    Do you believe that children choose their parents?

  • @rikim1693
    @rikim1693 5 лет назад

    Do you immunize your child

  • @janinetheron6334
    @janinetheron6334 5 лет назад +1

    Die ding waaroor ek nog baie sleg voel is, toe my kind gebore is en ek uit die teater na die gewone saal weer geskuif is, wou ek hom nie by my gehad het nie. Ek het net nie kans gesien om hom by my te hê nie. Ek kan nie verduidelik hoekom ek so gevoel het nie. Ek weet nie of dit die feit is dat ek nie gekraam het soos ek wou nie. Ek wou normaal gekraam het en op die ou end toe kry ek n nood keiser nadat hulle my induksie gegee het. Hy word Junie 2 jaar oud en ek voel nog elke dag vreeslik sleg daaroor.

    • @michelenevandermerwe4881
      @michelenevandermerwe4881 5 лет назад +3

      Janine Theron
      Hi Janine, het jy nie dalk baby blues gehad of post partum depression nie? Dit gebeur so algemeen en mens praat te min daaroor. Jy moet jouself glad nie verkwalik nie. Dit is nie moontlik om so iets te keer nie. Dit gebeur net met party mammas. Ek het baie erge baby blues gekry in week 2. So erg dat ek konstant gehuil het vir ‘n paar dae oor alles.
      Baie sterkte. Mag God hierdie skuld gevoel wat jy ervaar kom vervang met Sy vrede en liefde.

    • @reinettbernardo2779
      @reinettbernardo2779 5 лет назад +2

      Met my 1ste seun het ek epiduraal gehad met keiser en nog voor hul my uit teater stoot het gevoel begin teruggekom, ek het so baie pyn gehad, gevoel soos vuur by keisersnit. Die pyn was so ondraaglik dat ek nie eens my seun kon vashou nie. Al het ek verpleegsters gesê het dit meer as 2 uur geneem voor ek sterk pyn inspuiting gegee is. Ek't fotos waar my baba in bedjie lê langs my bed en ek lyk of ek weer in kraam is van pyn. Ek het paar mnde gelede met my seun daaroor gepraat want gevoel ek moet vir hom sê ek wou hom so graag vashou, maar kon nie. Van daar voel ek soveel beter en hy het my verseker hy is heel ok, niks oorgekom dat ek hom nie onmiddelik kon vashou nie.
      Janine, jy het jou baba tog later vasgehou, vertroetel en liefde gegee. Ons kasty onsself so, maar vergeet ons is ook maar net mens met gevoelens. Sterkte!

  • @glynisr285
    @glynisr285 5 лет назад

    You need to be an actress....change your facial more serious even if you don't feel like it.