if you want to be descandant from a monkey it is up to you but i prefer to be more valuable than that and descend from another human being!@@TheDizzleHawke
Wolves two dogs is de evolution. Example - isle dog, coyotes, foxes and Jack coals de send from prehistoric wolves,but witch breed has buy de part ore features Prehistoric wolves are Ms. Sing? De an sir is none bee cause de changes comes from losing genetic information 👇 Foxes (preserved) prehistoric wolves large fluff fee tell,But day (lost) de large size. Great dames (preserved) prehistoric wolves large size (most Lee) but day (lost) de large fluff fee tell. Pugs lost every thing. Pugs lost de long snout, Long ears, long legs, and large fluff fee tell. Diss is de causes of de varieties,knot evolution. Losing features is slow Lee dissolving knot evolving. A Evolutionist wood say," look at de pug indie fox. De fox evolved a large fluff fee tell,but de pug did ant. Environment pressures caused dim two evolve different Lee." Foxes did ant evolve that tell,it's a preserved feature from prehistoric wolves. Pugs and foxes De-evolved different Lee from prehistoric wolves. De monk key question is much deeper. Hue men's are here,monk keys are here,but none of de thousands of transactional half bipedal apes did ant survive until modern times.isle so, if any moles branch off inn two moe tea bowl creature,why dew it stop during de in-between stages? Should ant half bipedal apes have branches two? Why is their a dye reck line from none bipedal apes two hue men's width out branches? De half bipedal apes should have branched off inn two other bipedal any moles like yeti's. Erika said, a mutate width that gives a any moles a advantage takes over de population,but that's knot true. Example - if a deer was born width 30 purr cent speed increase,that gives it a higher chance of taking over de population,but theirs a problem width diss bee leaf. 90 purr cent of any moles dye during childhood,So de mutate is ant beneficial until it reaches adult hood. Meaning isle other deer wheel reach adult at de same time,So it does ant give dim a reproduction advantage. A lot Moore problems width diss bee leaf, but it wood take a lot of typing.
The problem with a statement like, "young earth Creationism is ok so long as it isn't taught in public schools," is that this is only part of the problem. Politicians with creationist notions rise to power, and propose and implement policies based on unstated ideological perspectives, which can be concealed in political or pseudoscientific prattle. It's dangerous from any perspective.
Exactly, a large chunk of climate change deniers seem to believe that 'only God can influence/change the climate', or 'who cares if the earth's warming, Jesus is coming to fetch us' etc.
@@qzh00k Agreed, still it's more than creationism, that's just the spearhead. It's anti-abortion and generally anti-women's rights policies, it's about criminalising or even executing gay folk, and controlling the religious liberties of non-Christian believers as well. The fundies are at war with everyone, including fellow Christians who aren't as primitive in their beliefs.
You call this lady an ape, and mean it as a complement. Would you say this to the lady of your dreams, on the third date, trying to steal a kiss from her at the porch of her parent's house? Go wash your mouth young man!
She's awesome. It's a real pleasure (as a 75-year-old science-loving atheist) to see a younger generation stepping up and hosing down Creationist nonsense. This was my first time watching Gutsick Gibbon and it was just great!
Erica's a marvel and just too direct and knowledgeable for any creationist (or flat earther) silliness and dishonesty. Awesome stuff; everybody should help promote her and core science values. Thanks VERY much, Seth.
Absolutely love Erica, such a wonderful passionate fun person to listen to. No wonder the old boys club of pastors and preachers get all up in a tizzy.
@@sandorrabe5745 as we do for you and those other gullible people who believe there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches you every moment of every day who has a list of ten rules, ten things he does not want you to do and if you do any of these ten things he has a special place where he will send you to BURN and scream and cry for ALL eternity..... But he loves you, and needs money. Religion takes in billions of dollars and always needs a little more... Bullshit.
@@sandorrabe5745 Sorry for what? For learning something new? I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't enjoy learning more about the world. Of course if you think her explanations are inaccurate, please do describe exactly how and be sure to cite your evidence clearly.
Massive congratulations on Erika getting her doctorate. I look forward to reading her paper with relish. It will be really interesting. Great work Dr. Gibbon!
Just putting out there into the universe, I don’t think I’ll ever NOT watch an Erika/Gutsick video. I’ll never get sick of how easily she explains stuff.
I totally agree. This kind of presentation lights me up, and it's not even my field. The thing is though, that a lot of people around us seem to struggle to keep up with such a lovely dance of ideas and information. (And in fairness, if you ever put me at the barre to demonstrate a few ballet moves, you'd either die laughing or be concerned that I'm about to injure myself. It takes all kinds.) It's true that intelligent people can hold beliefs which defy intelligent inquiry. I know of very few exceptions. It seems easier, somehow, to apply rationalization than critical analysis to a favored proposition. I guess, at heart, we all tend to believe what we want to believe. I know several very bright people who had convinced themselves that Y2K would bring about a global famine. They ended up with very large stockpiles of freeze dried beans and whatnot to work through. They're probably still searching for recipes to make this stuff palatable. But somehow religious conceits still manage to take the prize for stupidity. The prospect of global famine might be essentially unfalsifiable, but such events have happened and presumably could happen under certain conditions. So I can see how an intelligent person might be captured by the idea. But when it comes to religious claims such as creationism, I think that a very deliberate, albeit unconscious, effort has to be made to dumb down the inner conversation. These are simply not plausible ideas. Conversely, to reject evolution out of hand is to obstinately refuse to follow the data. It's enforced incuriosity and intellectual dishonesty, therefore it too ends up not looking very bright. The very best of the religious apologists still don't look very bright. And yet such apologists have a following. I can understand that fairly average people might prefer a simple but flawed narrative over a brilliant one, only because it's easier to follow. I agree with you that Erica easily explains stuff. It's easy for us, and genuinely hard to imagine that it isn't easy for everyone. But as George Carlin put it, you have to think about how dumb the average person is, and then consider that half of the population is less smart than that. Ow.
@@ucanliv4ever Um, wrong again. Scientism WOULD be a religion if a religious institution had formed around believing science on faith. Then there would be scientism churches and rituals and funny hats and tax deductions and all the rest of it. But that hasn't happened, so it's just an idea in your head.
I spit out my drink laughing while I was watching a video of Aron Ra explaining that since Noah's Ark only had one window, the 8 people on it would have almost immediately died from methane gas poisoning from the animals farting and pooping!
Apparently, This is a known and serious problem industrial farming for pigs. That's why ken ham had to put in industrial-strength Air conditioning into his fake ark park.
I could not disagree more with Aron Ra. Methane gas poisoning is ridiculous. A boat that size made of wood? As soon as it was floating seams would start to open up letting in plenty of fresh air. Unfortunately, would also let in water. They would die of exposure (assuming none of the surviving animals ate them I am thinking crocodiles) while breathing God’s good fresh air.
its like when you are in a way too packed bus and some dude who is rotten from the inside lets out a nasty wet fart. how everyone scrambles to the door in pure panic😂
Maybe Buddy Bolden was on board the ark and wrote "Funky Butt" in response to the lack of ventilation. If so, his presence proves that jazz is really thousands of years older than what we have documented. It also suggests that Bolden traveled from Mt. Ararat to New Orleans! These are truly amazing connections, and we'll obviously need to bring Biblical accounts into the history of the origin of jazz.
Fun Fakt about the flood story: Another youtuber used math to calculate the strength of rain necessary to flood the entire planet in 40 days. The result was rain with the power of firetruck pressure that would have literally melted the ark and noahs family on the surface of the water.
Ah! But there the 'fountains of the deep' come into play. Obviously it wasn't just raining, no! Water was welling up from below as well! Conveniently, all those fountains of the deep are probably now hidden in places like the mariana trench or covered with silt and stuff This is an argument I actually heard somewhere. It's as if they think millions of cubic meters of water explosively erupting from somewhere won't leave a very recognizable mar on an area because it's already underwater.
This person is at least 10x more knowledgeable on this than I am and 100x more willing to risk headaches and deal with that strain of creationists. Great video! Respect for your sacrifice.
Good job, you two! Erika always has the facts and show they fit together. Seth has come up with a framing mechanism to take Erika's verbose style of explanations, and pare them down to precise answers to the most common ceeationist hypothese. Erika will be the first to admit that she's a fast talker and she tends to go quickly from one subject to the next related subject. Sometimes when she is giving an explanation, she rapidly presents all of her facts with very few breaks and it can get overwhelming for some listeners. Seth's way of presenting Erika's lessons, slimmed them down and sorted them in such a way that they could be easily understood, even by people working at a less than collegiate level. The quirky music and pictures used in the framing also helped clear the palate, so to speak, to make moving on to the next section easier and more fun. As I said already, good job!
Yep! She is a fast talker alright! I'm 16 minutes in and decided 10 minutes ago I was probably going to want to rewatch this video at least 2-3 more times.
Thank you Seth for putting that together. Erica is one of the best science communicators but you produced a tight and informative presentation of her knowledge base.
This video is like a unicorn, only 21 min of Gutsick Gibbon! Gee Seth how much did you have to cut? Even GG's "low quality" videos are nothing less than 40 min.
I'm a Christian theistic evolutionist. One of the things that upsets and frustrates me the most is when I get into debates with YECs and when they realize they have no legs to stand on when it comes to actually winning their arguments, because their arguments are silly and lack evidence, is that they sometimes go into a rage. Imagine them suddenly shifting into a were-ape or something... then come the threats of eternal damnation. That's not what we were talking about. We weren't even debating theology... we were debating science. One person went as far as to say they'd laugh at me from above as I was thrown into the lake of fire. One person told me not to let anyone ever convince me that I have any redeeming qualities and that I am completely worthless. I remember Richard Dawkins saying someone told him they hoped he got hit by a bus. I've also had people say misogynistic things to me about getting back into the kitchen, etc. This is not ok. That's certainly not the kind of behavior a Christian should be exhibiting. It makes me feel sad and ashamed and angry that they would behave that way and portray us so poorly. Then again there have been times of debating that made me laugh as well. There was someone who claimed to be a theistic Satanist (they actually believed that Satan created the world, apparently. They could have been making that up, but they were arguing for it, a literal devil's advocate). When this person lost the debate, they started typing some weird chant in the chat and said that he was cursing us. That was hilarious.
It's horrible that those people say these things, that's obviously not a mature way to handle disagreements. I am quite intrigued about how you're a very reasonable and capable thinker on one hand, and on the other hand _still_ believe in a supernatural deity. If you know how us humans evolved from little blobs of cells, why insert a god there? Is it the vastness of the universe that you're requiring some supernatural explanation for?
@@stickyrubb Fear of death? Although I have no idea why ceasing to exist is so scary when billions of years passed before we existed. They never worry about the latter.
I am the personality type that probably would have been an atheist to be honest with you. What kept me from it was having supernatural experiences. I don't believe this is self-delusion or mental illness because I've had them confirmed by other people. For example I would see an apparition in one location in the house. I didn't mention this to anyone and someone else asked me if I knew there was something in that same location. That was confirmation to me that there was something actually there. Whether it was a ghost or not you could argue but we had seen something there for some reason in the same place. I used to work an overnight shift at a sports store (i still work at the store, but a day shift). I was seeing a "ghost" shadow person running around but didn't say anything because I didn't want to be seen as weird and get laughed at. Then someone else started talking about it and everyone else on the crew finally felt safe to open up about what they'd been experiencing too. Apparently everyone had seen it but like me had been too afraid to open up to others about it until one person broke the ice. One night as we were putting up freight in the footwear department, there was a quite obvious ghost walking around the department that I could clearly see. I ignored it and kept on working as these things had never hurt anyone and well, I had work to do. A brand new worker on the night shift who had never experienced anything like this before came up to me terrified saying she saw a ghost and pointing right at it. She was shaking and shocked because this was all new to her. I had to calm her down, admitting that I saw it too, and that many people on the crew had, but that it had never hurt anybody, and the best thing she could do was to ignore it. Thankfully she did calm down but you could tell how shaken up she was. Another time a neighbor of ours had me and my mom go over to feed her pet cat while they were on vacation. When we opened the front door and walked in, a big ghost that looked like swirling clouds came toward us. We both saw it at the same time and it had this really heavy evil presence to it. We kind of stopped shocked and looked up at it but my mom said "come on" and we continued into the house anyway because the cat needed to be fed and we couldn't just not feed it. We had left the front door unlocked when we came in because were going to leave again soon anyway as soon as we gave the kitty its food. I looked behind me and saw the door lock itself. When we went back to it, to leave, it was actually locked. My mom was surprised by that because she had left it unlocked and I told her how I had seen it lock itself. Anyway if I hadn't had these types of experiences I wouldn't believe in the supernatural either because it's so easy to wave away things like that if you haven't seen them yourself. @@stickyrubb
I wish I knew what the silly song is during the intro and outro 😁 I'm loving seeing Erika making the rounds through all the great channels! She does amazing work, explains everything so well, and makes me look back on my own YEC schooling and chuckle, it's very therapeutic
There _are_ a handful of creationists with actual scientific doctorates from accredited universities. That said, (with maybe one exception mentioned in a creationist tier list Erika helped make) they either are demonstrable frauds making claims on creationist sites which are antithetical to their peer-reviewed publications, or speak well outside of their field in ways that are contradicted by actual experts in that subject. And then, of course, there's Kent Hovind, who maybe received a fake degree from a fake university and literally cannot explain what a dinosaur is, yet calls himself Dr. Dino.
What an absolutely awesome young lady. She actually gives me a sliver of hope for America, and the world. She has such talent and skill as an educator and opponent of woo-woo pseudoscience.
"it's so boring" I think. I've known all that basic stuff forever. Literally, I knew all of this by age ten, because I've read books and have been to school. I knew more about evolution than about French grammar. But then I remember that the USA exists. It's so sad.
if it’s so boring, you don’t need to watch, my dear. If you’ve known everything for oh so long and you don’t want to see anything interesting, then go watch something else. Go back to your MMA or whatever it is you watch.
The USA IS sad! Unfortunately for you, for historical reasons, it also serves as the foundation of freedom and Western democracy because it is still disproportionately wealthy and militarily powerful. Its wealth depends on its economic and political empire, the Pax Americana. Its military depends on the willingness of the population to pay a high level of taxes to maintain the world’s most modern armed forces, and its military bases in overseas allied nations and its fleets. . If the religious MAGA right succeeds in re-electing Donald Trump and the MAGA loyalists you could see them decline into authoritarianism pretty quick. Certainly the uberwealthy who have pursued anti-democratic policy since Nixon have positioned themselves for success. They have co-opted christians and nationalists. Working class and middle class people have been convinced to vote against their own economic and social interests. So, yes, it is easy to be an intellectual snob in secular France and sneer at the christian fundamentalists in Kentucky. But if America decides to abandon NATO & Europe, good luck with the EU and la Force de Frappe.
17:33 It always reminds me of Paulogia when I see "The Bible tells me so". For the Bible tells me so (music). He uses this little jingle when pointing out that something is sourced from only one book in the Bible and can't be found anywhere else.
Lately, whenever I hear creationists claim that we were designed, I bring up how we all can, have, and do choke on our own spit, how all it takes is just a tiny bit of it to go into the wrong pipe - completely without any real reason or cause - and, to borrow from Emeril, BAM! They certainly do not appreciate my point that if this is indeed a design, it is not something a supposedly all-knowing all-powerful being would want to take credit for. They appreciate it even less when I add that an office temp with a bad attitude can come up with a better design than this.
Indeed. And a very heavy part of the skeleton, housing the most delicate a crucial organ (the brain: for most people anyway) which is supported in a fairly fragile extension of the backbone, and prone to fatal injuries from relatively minor traumas. If it is indeed design by an ‘omniscient being’, it’s shoddy work in the extreme.
We have a ticking bomb that could explode at any moment, killing us if we dont happen to be close to a specific, artifitially and many times defunded man made buildings.
My Sunday school teacher explained that God put fossils into the earth to test our faith. This helped turn a good little Christian into a Atheist. That and the bad habit of reading.
Thank you Erica for a very compact and lucid rebuttal of the "problems" with YEC. You are my go to RUclipsr for all thing Hominin, the real tragedy of this is that the people that most need to see it - the people under the sway of the Ken Hammities will probably never watch it.
At 11:29 you say "...give it a hundred thousand years..." . Creationists give only 6,000 years. Basically I think there is no point in arguing with a creationist apart from telling them to go back to school to study and learn the basic principles of science.
I love GG's shirt. I first read about Jane Goodall (in Childcraft books) back in the 1975/6 time frame, and loved her from the start. I'm really glad she's still with us & folks know her work - and can continue her work with primates.
I am a Catholic but believe in women's rights, evolution, science, etc. I do not take the story-telling parts of the Bible literally. Anyway, it seems to me that teaching evolution along side creationism would backfire. Even as a child, I viewed stories like Noah's Ark to be filled with plot holes. If one insists that I have to deny evolution to follow a religion, then I am afraid the religion loses out.
There's not much left of the bible once you disregard the mythology of the ancient Hebrews. It also kind of spoils whatever remains which was based on it. Going to church then becomes a social club. My parents used to send me to Catholic church when I was at school. I asked them to let me quit because I loathed the hypocrites in the front pews. My Dad loathed them too so he said OK.
I attended 12 years of Catholic School and thank goodness they were up on all the science of the time, including evolution. It was taught in our science classes, the fantastical biblical stories were called parables, ie morality stories that are not real but teach a lesson. So when I first heard of people who believed the Bible as true facts n occurances, I about lost it. Are their really people in the 20th century that really believe these "stories" in the bible. Wow.
Once you include the Jesus myths in what you call the « story telling » , you are close to a rational understanding of it. There may have been a rabbi from Galilee preaching the end-of-the-world is nigh. (The Life of Brian suggests there were lots of them.) If there was, he may have been executed by crucifixion: the Romans enjoyed a good crucifixion. But the miracles, the resurrection you can’t have. Those didn’t happen. So now you are left with sieving out of the remaining narrative the bits you like for moral guidance. And that process seems wasteful when you can try to construct a rational ethical philosophy that is self critical.
You are roman catholic *but* you believe in women rights? Okay i get where you come from but look be honest and renounce roman catholicism. If you really love Jesus don't let them dictate how you get into a good relationship with Him; read the word of God. That is what Jesus tells us to do; study the scriptures and spread the gospel. 💟🙏
I wish the the creationist claims were also spoken aloud instead of just written, this is it the kind of content I like to listen to while doing things that preclude watching the video.
I'm waiting for Erika's first scholarly book on homo and pre homo evolution citing, of course, all the current knowledge, research, theories, hypotheses and speculations. Erika is one of the best public faces of this academic discipline. She is an excellent communicator.
There’s people who radiate a comfy vibe. She does. I just imagine hanging out and picking her brain about cool stuff. She seems like a really nice and smart person.
You came up with the answer that explains it all; god is tricky! It all fell into place for me! I just finished watching Godless Granny on the dangerousness of creationist house speaker Mike Johnson (which featured some of your actual scientific explanations, rather than “For the Bible tells me so”; thanks to Paulogia for the jingle now stuck in my mind!), and then turned to this one. Perfect morning!
If many English words came from French, why do people still speak French? If most Americans are descended from Europeans, why are there still Europeans?
One of the great jokes - Milton Jones: "Australians don't understand evolution. I met one who thought he came from Darwin." (Technically that's Tasmania, but it was an off-the-cuff quip.)
What an astonishingly articulate and intelligent speaker. Creationists shouldn’t be worried about being descended from apes, but rather being overtaken by them!
Love how they point to scientific principles to disprove scientific principles. Science good when work with creationists lies but not when hindering the collection plate.
@PintoSixty - ' Gutsick Gibbon ' has her own channel where she debunks YEC (young earth creationists) videos and printed articles. She does so in great detail (be prepared for extended videos) and with good humor.
I'm having trouble finding words to adequately describe your intellectually beautiful takedown of creationism. Thanks. And a small point to add. When you spoke of the "impenetrable barrier" hypothesized by creationists, over 30 years ago this was the exact term I applied when I first read of the attempt by some creationists to distinguish between micro and macro evolution. Might I suggest that you roll this into future talks?
... simply brilliant ! ... watched it twice, passed it to my three druthers and downloaded for my future viewing ... thanks Seth and Erika ... long ago, my rabbi was furious when he could not give me a reason why I and he and all the men have nipples ...
@@Albinojackrussel , So were many scientists before they broke away from the cult. AronRa was brought up Mormon. He’s now an atheist. Erica, I believe is agnostic. Some are now atheist, some still Christian but saw how silly it is to take the OT stories literally.
Having studied anthropology, I can follow your rational arguments and fully agree. Beliefs tend to have a much stronger emotional response (attachment) than facts, and serve to reduce existential angst.
@@undrwatropium3724 Exactly. They have invested so much time, energy and resources to it over the years that they cannot even contemplate the sunk cost involved in accepting they are factually mistaken. No. Better to laager up, double down and dig in. Attack is their only form of defense.
With regards to radiometric dating, how do young earth creationists explain the age of the moon? Apollo moon rocks have recently been dated a bit more precisely and it looks like the moon was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. Asteroid samples from Bennu are about the same age. What's up with that? Did the flood reach the moon and asteroids? Is another miracle required?
Looking forward to the telemetry & data from the OSIRIS-Rx's rendezvous with asteroid Apophis (99942) for establishing a further metric . Next stop afterwards - asteroid Hovind (06452) Unique for it's resemblance to a horse's arse ...
As someone else commented Seth, you dropped the ball with only a 20 minute Erika video, her videos can run to hours 😁😂 Also where was Forrest?. but seriously an enjoyable video. cheers
I spent several years at a Seventh-Day Adventist school. I still remember the day our teacher told us to go through our science book and, wherever it mentioned "millions" of years, to cross out that word and write in "thousands." I didn't object; I just didn't do it.
“No beneficial mutations?” How about the relatively recent mutation(s) that allowed certain cow-owning populations of humans to digest lactose into adulthood?
Can we have Ericka please school our new Speaker of the House because he is a YEC and thinks the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter are facts and truth. Please?
I admire the way Erika explains what`s wrong with creationists claims so easily and with so much fun that everyone can understand.
i can easily beat her on any arguments she just claim face to face...atheist are so easily to impress....
Yet creationists won’t understand it.
if you want to be descandant from a monkey it is up to you but i prefer to be more valuable than that and descend from another human being!@@TheDizzleHawke
The biggest creationist claim is that they are right and EVERYONE ELSE is wrong.
Wolves two dogs is de evolution.
Example - isle dog, coyotes, foxes and Jack coals de send from prehistoric wolves,but witch breed has buy de part ore features Prehistoric wolves are Ms. Sing?
De an sir is none bee cause de changes comes from losing genetic information 👇
Foxes (preserved) prehistoric wolves large fluff fee tell,But day (lost) de large size.
Great dames (preserved) prehistoric wolves large size (most Lee) but day (lost) de large fluff fee tell.
Pugs lost every thing. Pugs lost de long snout, Long ears, long legs, and large fluff fee tell.
Diss is de causes of de varieties,knot evolution. Losing features is slow Lee dissolving knot evolving.
A Evolutionist wood say," look at de pug indie fox. De fox evolved a large fluff fee tell,but de pug did ant. Environment pressures caused dim two evolve different Lee." Foxes did ant evolve that tell,it's a preserved feature from prehistoric wolves. Pugs and foxes De-evolved different Lee from prehistoric wolves.
De monk key question is much deeper. Hue men's are here,monk keys are here,but none of de thousands of transactional half bipedal apes did ant survive until modern times.isle so, if any moles branch off inn two moe tea bowl creature,why dew it stop during de in-between stages? Should ant half bipedal apes have branches two? Why is their a dye reck line from none bipedal apes two hue men's width out branches? De half bipedal apes should have branched off inn two other bipedal any moles like yeti's.
Erika said, a mutate width that gives a any moles a advantage takes over de population,but that's knot true.
Example - if a deer was born width 30 purr cent speed increase,that gives it a higher chance of taking over de population,but theirs a problem width diss bee leaf. 90 purr cent of any moles dye during childhood,So de mutate is ant beneficial until it reaches adult hood. Meaning isle other deer wheel reach adult at de same time,So it does ant give dim a reproduction advantage. A lot Moore problems width diss bee leaf, but it wood take a lot of typing.
The problem with a statement like, "young earth Creationism is ok so long as it isn't taught in public schools," is that this is only part of the problem. Politicians with creationist notions rise to power, and propose and implement policies based on unstated ideological perspectives, which can be concealed in political or pseudoscientific prattle. It's dangerous from any perspective.
Well said.
When they bring that tripe into a class room or school boards, or politics. That noise can slow the world down and has.
Exactly, a large chunk of climate change deniers seem to believe that 'only God can influence/change the climate', or 'who cares if the earth's warming, Jesus is coming to fetch us' etc.
@@qzh00k Agreed, still it's more than creationism, that's just the spearhead. It's anti-abortion and generally anti-women's rights policies, it's about criminalising or even executing gay folk, and controlling the religious liberties of non-Christian believers as well. The fundies are at war with everyone, including fellow Christians who aren't as primitive in their beliefs.
The two topics that are taboo in ordinary conversation - religion and politics - are the two topics where stupidity rises unchecked
Thank you for this. Erika is a phenomenal young modern ape... we are lucky to have her.
You call this lady an ape, and mean it as a complement. Would you say this to the lady of your dreams, on the third date, trying to steal a kiss from her at the porch of her parent's house? Go wash your mouth young man!
One might even say sh'e a Great Ape!
@@FinckelsteinNope, she's a human being.....honest.
Getting kicked out of sunday school at 6 years old for continuesly questioning Noahs flood story plot holes is a badge of honor for me.. 😂😂
Yeah, they really don`t like questions in faith. Wonder why...
@@raya.p.l5919not in my experience
@@raya.p.l5919 Not You again.. why do you keep trolling atheists? You only make us more annoyed and angry..
@@sarahchristine2345 😄
She's awesome. It's a real pleasure (as a 75-year-old science-loving atheist) to see a younger generation stepping up and hosing down Creationist nonsense. This was my first time watching Gutsick Gibbon and it was just great!
Erica's a marvel and just too direct and knowledgeable for
any creationist (or flat earther) silliness and dishonesty.
Awesome stuff; everybody should help promote her and
core science values. Thanks VERY much, Seth.
...that's if the creationist debates fairly. Lots of times, they only squawk a Bible verse and run away.
Absolutely love Erica, such a wonderful passionate fun person to listen to. No wonder the old boys club of pastors and preachers get all up in a tizzy.
I always feel smarter after listening to a Gutsick Gibbon presentation. Thanks.
I feel so sorry for you
@sandorrabe5745 save your faux sympathy ya cheap internet troll
@@sandorrabe5745 as we do for you and those other gullible people who believe there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches you every moment of every day who has a list of ten rules, ten things he does not want you to do and if you do any of these ten things he has a special place where he will send you to BURN and scream and cry for ALL eternity..... But he loves you, and needs money. Religion takes in billions of dollars and always needs a little more... Bullshit.
@@sandorrabe5745 Sorry for what? For learning something new? I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't enjoy learning more about the world.
Of course if you think her explanations are inaccurate, please do describe exactly how and be sure to cite your evidence clearly.
Rich wood, for one thing wolves can mate with dogs and produce offspring...duh
Massive congratulations on Erika getting her doctorate. I look forward to reading her paper with relish. It will be really interesting.
Great work Dr. Gibbon!
OMG, I didn't know that! Congratulations Erika!
Just putting out there into the universe, I don’t think I’ll ever NOT watch an Erika/Gutsick video. I’ll never get sick of how easily she explains stuff.
Indeed that’s a gift from god. ;)
@@pansepot1490 God said “ugh I’m sick and tired of these YECs, what to do, what to do… Oh! I’ll finally use my secret weapon: Erika Gutsick Gibbon!!!”
She's awesome, one of my favorite people on youtube
I totally agree. This kind of presentation lights me up, and it's not even my field.
The thing is though, that a lot of people around us seem to struggle to keep up with such a lovely dance of ideas and information. (And in fairness, if you ever put me at the barre to demonstrate a few ballet moves, you'd either die laughing or be concerned that I'm about to injure myself. It takes all kinds.)
It's true that intelligent people can hold beliefs which defy intelligent inquiry. I know of very few exceptions. It seems easier, somehow, to apply rationalization than critical analysis to a favored proposition. I guess, at heart, we all tend to believe what we want to believe. I know several very bright people who had convinced themselves that Y2K would bring about a global famine. They ended up with very large stockpiles of freeze dried beans and whatnot to work through. They're probably still searching for recipes to make this stuff palatable.
But somehow religious conceits still manage to take the prize for stupidity. The prospect of global famine might be essentially unfalsifiable, but such events have happened and presumably could happen under certain conditions. So I can see how an intelligent person might be captured by the idea.
But when it comes to religious claims such as creationism, I think that a very deliberate, albeit unconscious, effort has to be made to dumb down the inner conversation. These are simply not plausible ideas. Conversely, to reject evolution out of hand is to obstinately refuse to follow the data. It's enforced incuriosity and intellectual dishonesty, therefore it too ends up not looking very bright. The very best of the religious apologists still don't look very bright.
And yet such apologists have a following. I can understand that fairly average people might prefer a simple but flawed narrative over a brilliant one, only because it's easier to follow. I agree with you that Erica easily explains stuff. It's easy for us, and genuinely hard to imagine that it isn't easy for everyone. But as George Carlin put it, you have to think about how dumb the average person is, and then consider that half of the population is less smart than that. Ow.
Yeeee! Whenever she and Forrest are hosting SkepTalk together, I make damn sure I catch it. They're the best
The second someone calls you an evolutionist you should immediately called them a magicist.
Not related, but i noticed calling them Paulists make them livid.
Or, just say, "Thank you."
Scientism is a religion
@@ucanliv4ever that no one believes in
Um, wrong again. Scientism WOULD be a religion if a religious institution had formed around believing science on faith. Then there would be scientism churches and rituals and funny hats and tax deductions and all the rest of it.
But that hasn't happened, so it's just an idea in your head.
I spit out my drink laughing while I was watching a video of Aron Ra explaining that since Noah's Ark only had one window, the 8 people on it would have almost immediately died from methane gas poisoning from the animals farting and pooping!
Apparently, This is a known and serious problem industrial farming for pigs. That's why ken ham had to put in industrial-strength Air conditioning into his fake ark park.
Lol, but when did logic, physics, laws of the natural world EVER matter to one of these bloviating liars.
I could not disagree more with Aron Ra. Methane gas poisoning is ridiculous. A boat that size made of wood? As soon as it was floating seams would start to open up letting in plenty of fresh air. Unfortunately, would also let in water. They would die of exposure (assuming none of the surviving animals ate them I am thinking crocodiles) while breathing God’s good fresh air.
its like when you are in a way too packed bus and some dude who is rotten from the inside lets out a nasty wet fart. how everyone scrambles to the door in pure panic😂
Maybe Buddy Bolden was on board the ark and wrote "Funky Butt" in response to the lack of ventilation. If so, his presence proves that jazz is really thousands of years older than what we have documented. It also suggests that Bolden traveled from Mt. Ararat to New Orleans! These are truly amazing connections, and we'll obviously need to bring Biblical accounts into the history of the origin of jazz.
If furniture is made of wood, why there are still forests around?
Two of my favourite creators. Thank you so much 😁
Wow, Erica in her element, awesome video.
Fun Fakt about the flood story:
Another youtuber used math to calculate the strength of rain necessary to flood the entire planet in 40 days. The result was rain with the power of firetruck pressure that would have literally melted the ark and noahs family on the surface of the water.
Ah! But there the 'fountains of the deep' come into play. Obviously it wasn't just raining, no! Water was welling up from below as well! Conveniently, all those fountains of the deep are probably now hidden in places like the mariana trench or covered with silt and stuff
This is an argument I actually heard somewhere. It's as if they think millions of cubic meters of water explosively erupting from somewhere won't leave a very recognizable mar on an area because it's already underwater.
@@gerritvalkering1068They literally don't know how anything actually works, so when backed into a corner their only answer is "becuz magic?"
@@raya.p.l5919 Get help.
And then where would the _billions_ of cubic kilometers of water come from ... or go to?
But the Bible says. . .
She’s so great at presenting - full of energy and clarity.
This person is at least 10x more knowledgeable on this than I am and 100x more willing to risk headaches and deal with that strain of creationists.
Great video! Respect for your sacrifice.
Terrific episode! Love seeing Erika, of course, but you both have made actual science learning accessible and even FUN. Great job!
And there is a Speaker of the House of Representatives in the US Congress that is a young earth creationist. Oh dear.
Nothing new there. Any previous republican speaker either believed the same or behaved indistinguishably
He's no mere YEC. He's a frickin' board member of Ray "Bananaman" Comfort's publishing house, Living Waters.
@@preflex3502 AND apparently heavily involved with Ken Hams AiG
God help us.
Good job, you two! Erika always has the facts and show they fit together. Seth has come up with a framing mechanism to take Erika's verbose style of explanations, and pare them down to precise answers to the most common ceeationist hypothese.
Erika will be the first to admit that she's a fast talker and she tends to go quickly from one subject to the next related subject. Sometimes when she is giving an explanation, she rapidly presents all of her facts with very few breaks and it can get overwhelming for some listeners. Seth's way of presenting Erika's lessons, slimmed them down and sorted them in such a way that they could be easily understood, even by people working at a less than collegiate level.
The quirky music and pictures used in the framing also helped clear the palate, so to speak, to make moving on to the next section easier and more fun.
As I said already, good job!
Yep! She is a fast talker alright! I'm 16 minutes in and decided 10 minutes ago I was probably going to want to rewatch this video at least 2-3 more times.
Of course that's why RUclips evolved a 0.75% playback speed button.
I use it all the time.
@@tw9535 😲 never thought of that. I just use it to speed up slow talkers, like Dr. Sledge from Esoterica. Thanks 😊
Thank you Seth for putting that together. Erica is one of the best science communicators but you produced a tight and informative presentation of her knowledge base.
This video is like a unicorn, only 21 min of Gutsick Gibbon! Gee Seth how much did you have to cut? Even GG's "low quality" videos are nothing less than 40 min.
Anything including Erika is surely worth watching. Thanks.
I'm a Christian theistic evolutionist. One of the things that upsets and frustrates me the most is when I get into debates with YECs and when they realize they have no legs to stand on when it comes to actually winning their arguments, because their arguments are silly and lack evidence, is that they sometimes go into a rage.
Imagine them suddenly shifting into a were-ape or something... then come the threats of eternal damnation. That's not what we were talking about. We weren't even debating theology... we were debating science. One person went as far as to say they'd laugh at me from above as I was thrown into the lake of fire. One person told me not to let anyone ever convince me that I have any redeeming qualities and that I am completely worthless.
I remember Richard Dawkins saying someone told him they hoped he got hit by a bus.
I've also had people say misogynistic things to me about getting back into the kitchen, etc.
This is not ok. That's certainly not the kind of behavior a Christian should be exhibiting.
It makes me feel sad and ashamed and angry that they would behave that way and portray us so poorly.
Then again there have been times of debating that made me laugh as well. There was someone who claimed to be a theistic Satanist (they actually believed that Satan created the world, apparently. They could have been making that up, but they were arguing for it, a literal devil's advocate). When this person lost the debate, they started typing some weird chant in the chat and said that he was cursing us.
That was hilarious.
The two simply don't align.
@@rimbusjift7575 agreed
I think it’s a matter of time before one has to cherry pick beliefs in order to stay Christian
It's horrible that those people say these things, that's obviously not a mature way to handle disagreements.
I am quite intrigued about how you're a very reasonable and capable thinker on one hand, and on the other hand _still_ believe in a supernatural deity. If you know how us humans evolved from little blobs of cells, why insert a god there? Is it the vastness of the universe that you're requiring some supernatural explanation for?
@@stickyrubb Fear of death? Although I have no idea why ceasing to exist is so scary when billions of years passed before we existed. They never worry about the latter.
I am the personality type that probably would have been an atheist to be honest with you. What kept me from it was having supernatural experiences.
I don't believe this is self-delusion or mental illness because I've had them confirmed by other people.
For example I would see an apparition in one location in the house. I didn't mention this to anyone and someone else asked me if I knew there was something in that same location. That was confirmation to me that there was something actually there. Whether it was a ghost or not you could argue but we had seen something there for some reason in the same place.
I used to work an overnight shift at a sports store (i still work at the store, but a day shift). I was seeing a "ghost" shadow person running around but didn't say anything because I didn't want to be seen as weird and get laughed at.
Then someone else started talking about it and everyone else on the crew finally felt safe to open up about what they'd been experiencing too. Apparently everyone had seen it but like me had been too afraid to open up to others about it until one person broke the ice.
One night as we were putting up freight in the footwear department, there was a quite obvious ghost walking around the department that I could clearly see. I ignored it and kept on working as these things had never hurt anyone and well, I had work to do.
A brand new worker on the night shift who had never experienced anything like this before came up to me terrified saying she saw a ghost and pointing right at it. She was shaking and shocked because this was all new to her.
I had to calm her down, admitting that I saw it too, and that many people on the crew had, but that it had never hurt anybody, and the best thing she could do was to ignore it. Thankfully she did calm down but you could tell how shaken up she was.
Another time a neighbor of ours had me and my mom go over to feed her pet cat while they were on vacation.
When we opened the front door and walked in, a big ghost that looked like swirling clouds came toward us. We both saw it at the same time and it had this really heavy evil presence to it. We kind of stopped shocked and looked up at it but my mom said "come on" and we continued into the house anyway because the cat needed to be fed and we couldn't just not feed it.
We had left the front door unlocked when we came in because were going to leave again soon anyway as soon as we gave the kitty its food. I looked behind me and saw the door lock itself. When we went back to it, to leave, it was actually locked. My mom was surprised by that because she had left it unlocked and I told her how I had seen it lock itself.
Anyway if I hadn't had these types of experiences I wouldn't believe in the supernatural either because it's so easy to wave away things like that if you haven't seen them yourself.
GG, you are brilliant and make things very easy to understand. Thank you.
Greetings to my favorite member of the Hylobatidae! Hope your gastric issues clear up! Yet another incredible video, Erika!
Brilliant as usual and expected lady Gibbon. Love all your videos.
This is probably one of the succinct and informative video i have seen on the subject.
Her wisdom and the way she communicates it to others is awesome! I love listening to her!
I wish I knew what the silly song is during the intro and outro 😁 I'm loving seeing Erika making the rounds through all the great channels! She does amazing work, explains everything so well, and makes me look back on my own YEC schooling and chuckle, it's very therapeutic
Excellent video. Make more in this style. It's exactly what my non-scientific ADHD brain needs.
This is one of the best episodes I've seen of you...or any evolutionary scientist. Fantastic. Learned a ton.
Ericka's example of thicker furred wolves made me think. If the thicker hair is curly, do they become wool-ves? 😀
Wolves in sheep's clothing.
😐 you can see yourself out now
😐 you can see yourself out now
If we came from Dirt, Why is there still Dirt? Just asking.
😂 exactly
dirt is fake
And if we came from a 6,000 year old Earth, then why is there still a 6,000 year old Earth?
If I came from Mom, why is there still Mom?
Because Alice and Chains made it peak at number 6 on the billboard charts so there are a lot of copies.
Weird how people as educated as Erica are never creationists.
There _are_ a handful of creationists with actual scientific doctorates from accredited universities.
That said, (with maybe one exception mentioned in a creationist tier list Erika helped make) they either are demonstrable frauds making claims on creationist sites which are antithetical to their peer-reviewed publications, or speak well outside of their field in ways that are contradicted by actual experts in that subject.
And then, of course, there's Kent Hovind, who maybe received a fake degree from a fake university and literally cannot explain what a dinosaur is, yet calls himself Dr. Dino.
Education doesn't mean a lot. Understanding is what matters.
What an absolutely awesome young lady. She actually gives me a sliver of hope for America, and the world. She has such talent and skill as an educator and opponent of woo-woo pseudoscience.
"it's so boring" I think. I've known all that basic stuff forever. Literally, I knew all of this by age ten, because I've read books and have been to school. I knew more about evolution than about French grammar. But then I remember that the USA exists. It's so sad.
In the USA, we have the best of the best, and the worst of the worst.
Unfortunately, in America, the worst of the worst is winning. I give it 18 years.
if it’s so boring, you don’t need to watch, my dear. If you’ve known everything for oh so long and you don’t want to see anything interesting, then go watch something else. Go back to your MMA or whatever it is you watch.
@@thunderousapplause > You literally missed the entire point.
The USA IS sad! Unfortunately for you, for historical reasons, it also serves as the foundation of freedom and Western democracy because it is still disproportionately wealthy and militarily powerful. Its wealth depends on its economic and political empire, the Pax Americana. Its military depends on the willingness of the population to pay a high level of taxes to maintain the world’s most modern armed forces, and its military bases in overseas allied nations and its fleets. . If the religious MAGA right succeeds in re-electing Donald Trump and the MAGA loyalists you could see them decline into authoritarianism pretty quick. Certainly the uberwealthy who have pursued anti-democratic policy since Nixon have positioned themselves for success. They have co-opted christians and nationalists. Working class and middle class people have been convinced to vote against their own economic and social interests.
So, yes, it is easy to be an intellectual snob in secular France and sneer at the christian fundamentalists in Kentucky. But if America decides to abandon NATO & Europe, good luck with the EU and la Force de Frappe.
17:33 It always reminds me of Paulogia when I see "The Bible tells me so". For the Bible tells me so (music). He uses this little jingle when pointing out that something is sourced from only one book in the Bible and can't be found anywhere else.
Lately, whenever I hear creationists claim that we were designed, I bring up how we all can, have, and do choke on our own spit, how all it takes is just a tiny bit of it to go into the wrong pipe - completely without any real reason or cause - and, to borrow from Emeril, BAM!
They certainly do not appreciate my point that if this is indeed a design, it is not something a supposedly all-knowing all-powerful being would want to take credit for. They appreciate it even less when I add that an office temp with a bad attitude can come up with a better design than this.
Indeed. And a very heavy part of the skeleton, housing the most delicate a crucial organ (the brain: for most people anyway) which is supported in a fairly fragile extension of the backbone, and prone to fatal injuries from relatively minor traumas. If it is indeed design by an ‘omniscient being’, it’s shoddy work in the extreme.
Sewage plant running through the middle of an amusement park.
We have a ticking bomb that could explode at any moment, killing us if we dont happen to be close to a specific, artifitially and many times defunded man made buildings.
Well He could have designed us so that our mouths were immediately next to our anuses; that would have been so much more convenient
@@sandorrabe5745 It would certainly show how creationists can only talk sh^t.
Thanks GG for your good-natured beatdown of the creationist silliness.
My Sunday school teacher explained that God put fossils into the earth to test our faith. This helped turn a good little Christian into a Atheist. That and the bad habit of reading.
Thank you Erica for a very compact and lucid rebuttal of the "problems" with YEC. You are my go to RUclipsr for all thing Hominin, the real tragedy of this is that the people that most need to see it - the people under the sway of the Ken Hammities will probably never watch it.
Ah, the Hammites! That sounds very biblical. We can but hope they end up like the Amalekites.
At 11:29 you say "...give it a hundred thousand years..." . Creationists give only 6,000 years. Basically I think there is no point in arguing with a creationist apart from telling them to go back to school to study and learn the basic principles of science.
Erika is very proficient at debunking Creationist claims.
Love her to bits.
Also really liked the way this was shot and edited.
Good job, all.
if we came from clay why is there still clay?
Write that on a T-Shirt, NOW.
Always a pleasure to see Erika (Gutsick Gibbon) on here, she is one of the best scientific communicators around!
I love GG's shirt. I first read about Jane Goodall (in Childcraft books) back in the 1975/6 time frame, and loved her from the start. I'm really glad she's still with us & folks know her work - and can continue her work with primates.
I am a Catholic but believe in women's rights, evolution, science, etc. I do not take the story-telling parts of the Bible literally. Anyway, it seems to me that teaching evolution along side creationism would backfire. Even as a child, I viewed stories like Noah's Ark to be filled with plot holes. If one insists that I have to deny evolution to follow a religion, then I am afraid the religion loses out.
There's not much left of the bible once you disregard the mythology of the ancient Hebrews. It also kind of spoils whatever remains which was based on it. Going to church then becomes a social club. My parents used to send me to Catholic church when I was at school. I asked them to let me quit because I loathed the hypocrites in the front pews. My Dad loathed them too so he said OK.
I attended 12 years of Catholic School and thank goodness they were up on all the science of the time, including evolution. It was taught in our science classes, the fantastical biblical stories were called parables, ie morality stories that are not real but teach a lesson.
So when I first heard of people who believed the Bible as true facts n occurances, I about lost it. Are their really people in the 20th century that really believe these "stories" in the bible. Wow.
Once you include the Jesus myths in what you call the « story telling » , you are close to a rational understanding of it. There may have been a rabbi from Galilee preaching the end-of-the-world is nigh. (The Life of Brian suggests there were lots of them.) If there was, he may have been executed by crucifixion: the Romans enjoyed a good crucifixion. But the miracles, the resurrection you can’t have. Those didn’t happen. So now you are left with sieving out of the remaining narrative the bits you like for moral guidance. And that process seems wasteful when you can try to construct a rational ethical philosophy that is self critical.
You are roman catholic *but* you believe in women rights? Okay i get where you come from but look be honest and renounce roman catholicism. If you really love Jesus don't let them dictate how you get into a good relationship with Him; read the word of God. That is what Jesus tells us to do; study the scriptures and spread the gospel. 💟🙏
@@Simon.the.Likeable Simon don't you believe anymore? How was your relationship with Jesus before you became disillusioned?
Great video! What an entertaining and insanely educational Q & A session. Erika is brilliant. ❤
I will never get tired of this collaboration
I wish the the creationist claims were also spoken aloud instead of just written, this is it the kind of content I like to listen to while doing things that preclude watching the video.
Glad you passed the comps, and love the new designs! [Although I do sort of miss the galluphing gibbon ;)]
Best of luck with everything!!
Erika's breadth of knowledge astounds me. Glad my background allows me to follow her (mostly). "Yeah, duh!" 😊
I'm waiting for Erika's first scholarly book on homo and pre homo evolution citing, of course, all the current knowledge, research, theories, hypotheses and speculations. Erika is one of the best public faces of this academic discipline. She is an excellent communicator.
If women came from a man's rib, why do men still have ribs?
When I was a kid someone actually told me that men have one less rib than women...
@@simonkoster Is it worse when you just assumed that unskeptically by yourself?
(I took Genesis as a 'just so' fable.)
@@Vadjong Hadn't given it any thought until then (being 6-ish) but I remember some vague sense of "Doesn't feel right".
That's because we have spare ribs.
They're delicious,btw.
We don't, nobody's ever seen a man's rib, it's a conspiracy
There’s people who radiate a comfy vibe. She does. I just imagine hanging out and picking her brain about cool stuff. She seems like a really nice and smart person.
You came up with the answer that explains it all; god is tricky! It all fell into place for me! I just finished watching Godless Granny on the dangerousness of creationist house speaker Mike Johnson (which featured some of your actual scientific explanations, rather than “For the Bible tells me so”; thanks to Paulogia for the jingle now stuck in my mind!), and then turned to this one. Perfect morning!
Every time I hear or read "the Bible tells me so," the Paulogia music starts in my head. It makes me smile every time.
Which of your gods is tricky, exactly? Do you know what god you are talking about? Do you claim to know God?
@@sandorrabe5745 That's an excellent question to ask the creationists who are proposing it.
@@kelliepatrick519 i am asking jeanne marie. Shall we deal with the questions in the order they come in?
@@sandorrabe5745I think you need to re-read the post and actually read it this time, because you seem to have severely misunderstood the comment.
This woman is amazing!!! Super intelligent with a great sense of humor!!!! Puts religion in the category of fiction where it belongs.
I think she said more words, intelligently so, in this one video then I have said in the past year.
If you're a descendant of your grandfather, why do you have cousins? Same argument.
Yes, and just imagine if she has a cousin that is 6'4" tall and a redhead.
If many English words came from French, why do people still speak French?
If most Americans are descended from Europeans, why are there still Europeans?
I'm a PhD physicist, you nailed the physics. Nice clean explanations.
One of the great jokes - Milton Jones: "Australians don't understand evolution. I met one who thought he came from Darwin." (Technically that's Tasmania, but it was an off-the-cuff quip.)
I love listening to Erika! I’d love to have a friend like her. Thanks for having her on!
The great tragedy is that these “arguments” are going to continue to be used by creationists no matter how many times they are debunked.
Yep. It's called "Preaching to the Choir".
What an astonishingly articulate and intelligent speaker. Creationists shouldn’t be worried about being descended from apes, but rather being overtaken by them!
Beautifully done Seth.
Thankyou Seth and Erika!👍💙💖💙🥰✌
Love how they point to scientific principles to disprove scientific principles. Science good when work with creationists lies but not when hindering the collection plate.
That sweet sweet tax free money
Post comp Erica is looking very calm and relaxed!
Have her on more often, please!
@PintoSixty - ' Gutsick Gibbon ' has her own channel where she debunks YEC (young earth creationists) videos and printed articles. She does so in great detail (be prepared for extended videos) and with good humor.
I'm having trouble finding words to adequately describe your intellectually beautiful takedown of creationism. Thanks. And a small point to add. When you spoke of the "impenetrable barrier" hypothesized by creationists, over 30 years ago this was the exact term I applied when I first read of the attempt by some creationists to distinguish between micro and macro evolution. Might I suggest that you roll this into future talks?
I think she's discussed this in some of the videos on her channel.
We could thank the creation crowd for helping create more atheists but the irony would escape them.
It's good they keep talking
That's a bit like the irony of so many people becoming secular after reading the Bible.
... simply brilliant ! ... watched it twice, passed it to my three druthers and downloaded for my future viewing ... thanks Seth and Erika ... long ago, my rabbi was furious when he could not give me a reason why I and he and all the men have nipples ...
The problem here is that creationists don’t have a clue of what she’s talking about.
You know that Erica once was a young earth creationist right?
@@Albinojackrussel , So were many scientists before they broke away from the cult. AronRa was brought up Mormon. He’s now an atheist. Erica, I believe is agnostic. Some are now atheist, some still Christian but saw how silly it is to take the OT stories literally.
@@davidgardner863 so you can see how content like this can be very useful for young earth creationists then?
@@Albinojackrussel , If they can understand it.
Well that perked my friday up...Two of my fav creators.
If the earth is only 6-10k years old...
Why can we see the Andromeda galaxy?
So succinct and sincere, and easy to understand.
How is Christian Science an actual term that exist?
What could Christian Science possibly be about?
The study of Miracles and Curses???
Having studied anthropology, I can follow your rational arguments and fully agree. Beliefs tend to have a much stronger emotional response (attachment) than facts, and serve to reduce existential angst.
Is that why religious people tend to get angry when you question their religion? Because they make it their entire personality
@@undrwatropium3724 Exactly. They have invested so much time, energy and resources to it over the years that they cannot even contemplate the sunk cost involved in accepting they are factually mistaken. No. Better to laager up, double down and dig in. Attack is their only form of defense.
Science is hard with so much to learn, faith not so much.
Consider adding audio to "claims" in future videos like this for those of us who prefer to listen and not watch.
With regards to radiometric dating, how do young earth creationists explain the age of the moon? Apollo moon rocks have recently been dated a bit more precisely and it looks like the moon was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. Asteroid samples from Bennu are about the same age. What's up with that? Did the flood reach the moon and asteroids? Is another miracle required?
Looking forward to the telemetry & data from the OSIRIS-Rx's rendezvous with asteroid Apophis (99942) for establishing a further metric
Next stop afterwards - asteroid Hovind (06452) Unique for it's resemblance to a horse's arse ...
You are very good at explaining. Thank you.
Creationists' brains are smoother.
I love how the way Erika is shot and talks feels like it’s from a professional documentary.
As someone else commented Seth, you dropped the ball with only a 20 minute Erika video, her videos can run to hours 😁😂 Also where was Forrest?. but seriously an enjoyable video. cheers
4:00 Discussion of what I'll call "The gene that makes us human" is fascinating!
She’s pretty awesome! A plethora of information!
This was such a great video! Thank you Seth!
Thank you. I aiways enjoy your logic.
I spent several years at a Seventh-Day Adventist school. I still remember the day our teacher told us to go through our science book and, wherever it mentioned "millions" of years, to cross out that word and write in "thousands." I didn't object; I just didn't do it.
Congratulations on passing your comprehensive exams, Dr. Erika!
“No beneficial mutations?”
How about the relatively recent mutation(s) that allowed certain cow-owning populations of humans to digest lactose into adulthood?
She's quoting that sentence as a creationist argument.
❤ 🔥 I could watch her explain things all day 🔥 ❤
Can we have Ericka please school our new Speaker of the House because he is a YEC and thinks the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter are facts and truth. Please?
Thanks for posting this. We need more and more of this.
Until we're talking about the last representative of an extinct species, isn't everyone a "transitional form?"
Good point.
Wow this is amazing so great love love love this!!👍👍👍👍👍👍
Science wins every time