Glad you like my mod!! Sutekh94 made a video taking a closer look at Betabound (though they covered nowhere near all that it adds, as such a video would be hours long). It adds a ton of stuff throughout the entire game rather than just in a single crafting station (ie you'll only find Knightfall stuff in KF stations, so you know right away if what you have is from it), such as ship stat upgrades (ie bigger fuel tank, ship speed, less fuel usage), bosses, a new tech slot, new weapon types, new dungeons (beta dungeons but rebuilt with new blocks and redecorated, so no lazy copy-pasting like FU or PR)! Nothing in Betabound outright states "This is Betabound" like other mods do, so it can be easy to find something from it and assume it's from another mod! The theme is more 'if beta was completed and met vanilla standards' rather than 'just beta'. If you've ever used ladders or noticed that food rots differently (ie a jar of jam lasts very long, whereas all but 3 food items in vanilla all rot in 3h), that's Betabound!
@@NorthernMaple_ That's okay!! Either way, I'm glad you enjoy it! Thank you for the kind words in the review, too! I wouldn't say it's the point of the mod, but I don't see much of a reason to break the fourth wall or make a dedicated crafting station when there's a vanilla one that works just as well!
Frackin' is like GregTech. It takes a bunch of wiki visits, your blood, sweat, tears, soul probably, an entire month worth of gametime, but holy shit is it (kind of) worth it
im one of the 12 people who loved the bee breeding. i legit went through and collected every single bee species and had an outpost dedicated to my expansive collection. eventually i had so many that i was able to make an absolutely absurd amount of pixels on them and their products. great use of 100 hours i would say xD
Man the balance section on Frackin really resonated with me. The penultimate weapons of the game, the Eldritch weapons, take some of the most grind to get. You have to get lucky to find an atropus planet that has an Eldritch Biome(you can get it other ways, but it's SIGNIFICANTLY rarer, I have played around 8 playthroughs of Frackin and have only found the secret minibiomes with the chest about 2 or 3 times). Then, when you find said biome, you have to wait until nightfall to see if a star-spawn of Cthulhu spawns; biomes only have 3 or 4 types of mobs that spawn on the planet and will never change, so if you don't get the star spawn you have to go find another atropus planet with an Eldritch Biome. The weapon crafting for Eldritch Weapons requires specific combinations of items to be put into an Eldritch Altar, the only reliably way to get these resources is with the mentioned Star-Spawn of Cthulhu enemy, and you have to think of crafting the Eldritch gear as the crafting table in have to just know the recipe or look it up, or find one of the most vague codex entries ever to give a very indirect hint on what might be able to be crammed into the Altar. So cool right? You have a super-mega awesome god-tier weapon...that does Darkness damage, which the end-game enemies of the mod...namely Eldritch beings, resist. By the time you are able to comfortably farm Star-Spawn and not get one-shot by them, you've already done everything the mod has to offer, and the Pyrite gear far outclasses Eldritch, and in most cases Aetherium tier gear because a lot of Eldritch enemies are weak to fire damage, and the 2h sword has a special attack where it creates a constant AOE sun zone that shoots fireballs out continuously and summons a fucking fire drone that seeks out enemies for you. I seriously played this mod for 8 playthroughs and my love for it has dwindled each and every time, because I have a good idea of how most gear works, invested in it, and found out how insanely garbage it all is, so now that I know exactly what to ignore and what works for each stage of progression in the mod there is no variety at all unless I purposely want to weaken myself, which is a super dumb way to introduce variety to a player in a mod that brags about adding back intense weather systems and challenging gameplay. And don't even get me started on the Madness mechanic, the dumbest resource to grind locking some of the funnest side-grade alternatives to natural progression away. By the time you get the night-time solar panel from the madness tree, you would have already gotten an easily renewable top-tier power plant with little-to-no maintenence required and outperforming every other generator in the game. I've seen Sayter in the past defend the madness mechanic, but it is by far the worst thing in this mod. It's not beneficial at all, it's boring in that it drops your energy to 0 so you can't mine with a laser, your defense goes down to nothing so you die in one hit, strong anti-afk measures are taken to prevent you from safe-boxing yourself to passively farm it, the books you can use as consumable items to safely farm it are expensive and have a MASSIVE cooldown on repeat-usage (like 5 seconds) so you'll have to farm hundreds of these books, then wait 5 seconds per use each time. Holy shit the madness system is a joke.
Maybe popular opinion: The fact that Frackin Universe is almost mandatory in a playthrough just shows how incomplete and lack-luster vanilla Starbound is.
My thoughts exactly. If Starbound was a better base game FU wouldn't be well received at all. It doesn't help that there isn't really anything like it.
Amen to that, I like vanilla (mainly because there's less risk of crashes, but even then, I use QOL mods to make it a bit better), but they could've done better
When it comes to research, early game I find the most effective strategy is to grind the Dark Cavern/Poptop Cavern. Not only does this net me a good amount of resources, it also nets you a good amount of research sticks which you can pop for a lot of research.
about fu: lunari (and later, crystal weapons) is mostly for eld'uukhar race that benefits a lot from this type of weapons, otherwise its skipable. its not forced, many parts of the research tree are purely optional or race specific. mod has 'lab directory' that can be used to find any currently available recipe to produce anything (any sub-component or resource) by simple search, so using wiki is not necessary at all. it also encourages experimentation. player can make plasmic fluid from water without any power, for example. or that almost half of the resources can actually be obtained on starting planet (I class one) through extraction and experiments, like protocite, irridium, titanium.... and so on (anyway people can just admin whole research tree out by spawning research lol). the rest of critique is on point, though. (i dont see however, how drama surrounding the mod affects the quality of it in the slightest)
@@NorthernMaple_ Then you missed out on one of the most powerful items in the mod. The jumprifle in question puts Solarium-tier weapons to shame with how potent it is. I'd know; I went through the questline to make it.
My fav weapon in frackin is the DEUS SMASHER (if you wanna get it, goto the science outpost all the way to the left when you have the microsphere tech, you'll know what to do), yeah, I upgraded my Atom smasher to a beam weapon, and it's description says and I quote: "The most powerful beam cannon in existence. Why kill mortals when you can kill gods?" That's literally the description in the wiki
Just know it WILL destroy any destructible block, so if you're only trying to fight, it's best to use on bosses, so yea, it's more or less just good for ending boss fights quickly, or just doing a speedrun of the story bosses and fights, either that or committing genocide in dungeons so you don't have to deal with the enemies for any longer than .5 seconds
I'm only reviewing the bigger more popular mods.I'm not going to talk about a mod that just adds 1 or 2 items/races because there isnt even much to say about them. Part 2 will cover Starforge, Feast of Fire and Smoke, Galaxy in Conflict, Extended Story and Return to Earth.
I think the biggest problem is that fracking universe isn’t the calamity mod of starbound. Instead it is more like the feed the beast of starbound but from what I see is that the majority of starbound players dont know how to utilize wiring for the life of them and so they suffer. Research and all the crafting recipes are absolutely no problems once you get an automated system set up. But thats the problem, you need to have a functioning brain to actually base build in the sandbox game (which unfortunately a lot of people dont like to do). Sorry if I sound annoyed by it and thats because I am. So many times have I played frackin with other people only for me to do about 90% of the building and they only play for the combat (which is subpar at best).
If it's still anyone concern, i've been playing some of Frackin to like give it a try, with Open Starbound which, onto the main things it does, fixes some of the optimizations and it runs smooth like butter with ocasional small FPS drops and my PC isn't really all that powerful even so... Yeah, it's mostly base game's fault
I played with frackin once, realized I hated it and I instead just got a bunch of standalone mods. You can have millions of variety in every direction with enough mods without having to deal with frackin. I can deal with vanilla's and others mods progression more than with everything about frackin
I think your point on lunari equipment indirectly brings up a major problem I brought up with Sayter who then just dismissed it, and I bring it up multiple times; Research system does NOT encourage people to explore what the weapons/gear on lower tiers do. It discourages players from exploring the technologies. Some techs are overpowered, one laser gun for example does energy and fire damage at the same time in full splash damage and DoT patches on the ground and shreds armies in seconds, but most players will never discover it because they have to dip all the way into tritanium gear to unlock it which is a LOT of research for tier 4. AND upgrading that weapon makes it into a more advanced super version of itself that probably outclasses everything in the elemental damage lines, especially against robots. While its certainly worth it now, likewise, I worry Sayter would nerf it eventually, making the research points spent worthless. Its a huge problem the mod has. Sayter and FU devs claimed that the research system was designed to slow people down to experiment with lower tier weapons and uprades, but it achieves the opposite. It also indirectly achieves the opposite by the fact that upgrade modules are still rare and a pain in the ass to acquire, even if you can craft them, you still need to have researched means of processing some rare materials that are honestly a complete pain to find and very luck based, and ultimately optional for progressing the main technology tier. If I had two cents for every FU run I had where I didn't research mechs due to wanting other technologies and then never needing them.....
I found a mod which let you craft a free bag which gives you more than enough research points to complete the entire research tree. This basically makes it so the only thing you need to research an item is the items needed to research them and you'll never have to worry about research points...the only grind you will have to do is with madness.
I am extremely late, but my guns are balanced only if you have a lot of mods that add new enemies to fight, since the more mods add monsters, the more of them spawn overall, up to the point where with vanilla weapons you are practically defenseless.
I don't even know if some mods even add enemies' that scale with your mod, but then again its not like Starbound combat is super tight. Id rather one shot then shoot at things for an hour. Like I said though the sprite work and animations are all really fantastic though.
I'm not a huge hater of the research system but it would be so much better if researching each new tier of gear in the tree also unlocked the recipes for the side grades, and if scanning stuff in the world gave you research with the amount depending on what it is.
This is part 1 of 2. Part 2 will include Feast of Fire and Smoke, Galaxy in Conflict, Starforge, Extended Story and Return to Earth. Obviously I cant review every mod on the workshop so I only do the big and notable ones.
Elithan races: fk ton of extra pointless crafting materials FOR EACH OF 4 races. My 120 slot/16tab inventory is somehow getting full [might be frackin but atleast most of the stuff there has uses[> Also elithan races "unique" guns are really strong once you do the quests to obtain them. 16:11 Doing FU quests, some enemies, Fossils, random bags. When I need a lot of research, usually i just build a base. but i agree, its far from perfect & wont change. // some resources grind to research too irrc. 16:38 Furniture recipes are really cheap comparred to other researches so a bad choice for example madness is much worse 18:14 CANT HEAL THROUGH NORMAL MEANS, have you played this race? It has pentalies to fire/cold so you need extra epps or higher tier protection to get by on some planets. Extra radiation is really good since radiation == power. 18:25 Contant healing effect, both whips & bioweapons and you ignored that other category 23:20 Always make excess, and stuff like carbon is easy to figue out without wiki 28:00 you can also gift research to one player & turn him into a nerd that wont leave the base for 3/4 of playthrough xD
I have argued against the creator for having the ability to disable the research system, I remember the game before that was added, and the mod was soo much better, I don't think there is even a command to do that, that whole system makes me want to play without fracken sometimes
@@NorthernMaple_ I honestly need to see if anyone has made an addon for fracken universe that tries to fix issues with that system or at least disable it
@@TaytheTimeTraveler There is one that sets all research required to 1 and removes the materials needed to unlock the techs. And another that buffs research rates that feels less cheaty. Just look up on steam workshop "research", first mods to come up. Under-utilized mods, I wish more would use them to send a message to sayter how badly he messed up with the research system. Research Tweaks effectively triples research rates by reducing the "research bonus timer" from 1 hour to half an hour, and also removing the planet-specific research rate gain window that forces you to wait around 5 minutes on a planet to gain research faster. Instant S tier. Yet only 1-2k downloads. FU Easy Research Tree is the one that sets all research required to 1 and removes the materials to unlock the techs. Also S tier mod that somehow only has a few thousand downloads.
o k I played Starbound 7 yearsa ago. now im tempted to replay it: im torn to rather use or not frakin universe. with all the "the vanilal experiences is lame". recomendations? im not someone with a too much time to burn in a game that will timegate me for no reason. Can I skipp or tweak up the Research points so i can play the fraking universe progresion but not that harsh? also im GOG. not Steam :3
I don't know if FU has a non steam release or not, almost the entirety of the modding community is on steam. If I'm wrong though I do recommend FU, just use console commands to give yourself 100,000 research points to avoid the grind and you'll be fine.
also a good mod to mention is openbound, a source code based mod for starbound that aim's to fix a lot of shit spaghetti code, isn't available on steam workshop but on github so it isn't very well known sadly
I know about Openbound and very loosely follow it. I hope it succeeds in what it's doing. Back on the multi-player server some people had it, and had in game VOIP working.
If there was anything I'd want from FU, it'd for them to fucking update their mishmashed potato mash of sprites to be fucking consistent, cause you can NOT tell me the same team made the science outpost sprites AND the eldritch shit... I'd also like a fucking mod to remove all the complicated bullshit quantum hoolahoops this mod seems to crave like a delicious glass of tea... which is actually a piss jar. (why the fuck ARE THERE EXTRACTORS!?!)
@@NorthernMaple_ I chose to install the Shellguard mod. Is it a good choice for the first mod to play in co-op with a 10 year old child? We've cleaned up the original version - need new content. Can we continue with the old characters? Thanks for the reply.
@rmonak9175 yeah Shellguard is fine for a child, it keeps the tone of the vanilla game. Another good PG mod to check out is Elithian races, I talk about it in this same video.
@@NorthernMaple_ Tell me the mod for the inventory. So that he remembers the location and can accommodate more things. Surely there is some kind of popular mod for this. Thank you.
@@NorthernMaple_ TTPP adds depth and meaning to the Ruin, making them even more terrifying and hellish. At the same time, it strokes the player's ego by allowing him to save random NPCs - victims of the Ruin - here and there.
you missed unique weapons in elithian races. Yes the regular weapons sucks ass and the spritework is mediocre at best (since its probably the earliest items added in the mod) but unique weapons are actually unique weapons that have their own unique mechanic, some examples are cannon that can be transformed into a hammer, or a bow that can be transformed into a spear, some unique weapons are obscenely overpowered as well (especially centensian ones) and you can even view which unique weapons you've collected in the collections
You should add negative numbers to your reviews. Just because the mod is bad, it doesn't mean the mod is boring. It can be entertaining in the wrong ways. 🙃
I would also like shellguard to touch up on their sprites, cause its kinda starting to show its age. (seriously that red color is weird... also why the hell do the gunracks need it?)
"Sayter got pissy someone made something better so he sent a DMCA takedown." Totally not a mischaracterization of the situation, speculating on his intentions, in a segment engaging in character assassination of the creator, in what is supposed to be a review of the mod. I know you don't write off FU based on these details, however: I now know why Sayter is so pissy all day in the discord, because he's got people jumping down his throat about this shit that happened years ago. Shinigami Apples was the one who sent the takedown, not Sayter. The reason wasn't anyone getting "pissy" but that they were concerned that their art assets were blatantly stolen. Parody is a shitty excuse and I'm guessing the reason the ThisImageSoRaw/ave didn't challenge the DMCA (something I've been informed is possible on Steam) was because they knew they'd lose on that point. Seems like a small thing to get wrong, but I know- you have the possibility of knowing these details because you showed a screenshot of a Reddit post (that I assume you read) that ends with an addendum that corrects these records. Let me know if I'm out of line here, I'm just confused as to how those events (even if as described by you are true) have any bearing on the mods quality. I definitely understand the principle of why the research system is flawed and I've personally bypassed the research system before. "/admin, /spawnitem researchvoxellarge 1000" goes a long way. Great music choice, particularly Space Pirates. Waterflame is GOAT.
I included the points about FU's drama because it is hard to talk about the mod when there has been so much drama and justified negativity of the mod, when so much of the mod has other peoples work stolen over and over it has to be mentioned. That incident with Frackin Unicrest is just ironic because its FU being on the other side of "stolen" assets for once. You are right though and it wasn't Sayter who sent it, but another FU dev. Like I said though I don't care about the drama at all, if we start arguing about ethics in development then Starbound as a whole should be ignored for being made from unpaid child labor, but a lot of people care about it controversy's and refuse to use the mod to this day, which is why I thought it was worth mentioning. Also if you take issue with character assassination then part 2 is going to blow for you lol
@@NorthernMaple_ Gotcha. I love FU but am willing to admit Sayter has had his troubles past and is super grumpy pretty much all the time. I don't care so much about the drama talk and character assassination as long as it isn't misinformed. So if this is the status quo for these reviews than I probably won't like part 2, yeah. Thanks for the reply.
@@rettungsanker6157 Well its because the mods for GIC have insulted me amongst other things, so I disclose that I might be biased due to their comments for the sake of transparency.
@@NorthernMaple_ I remember someone on the Reddit post for this video was really looking forward to GIC coverage. Hope it doesn't disappoint them too much.
I don't use frackin universe for a couple reasons. The research system is one of them, I don't like arbitrary time-gating. The other reason is that the mod is 95% stolen content and the creator is a terrible person who refuses to change his ways. Consider Project Ancient Cosmos, Voided, Arcana (without FU), and Maple32 if you're looking for something to replace it. Every modding community has its Arthmoor. Sayter is Starbound's.
@@NorthernMaple_ I don’t know about that game, but Minecraft is notable for having its Arthmoor be the guy who made the most-prevalent *modloader* (this is why neoforged exists now)
If it's your first playthrough then no, play vanilla for a bit first. FU expands on a lot of stuff, and sometimes it can be very overwhelming at first.
Join the Discord, Share your bad opinions with the rest of us!
Glad you like my mod!! Sutekh94 made a video taking a closer look at Betabound (though they covered nowhere near all that it adds, as such a video would be hours long). It adds a ton of stuff throughout the entire game rather than just in a single crafting station (ie you'll only find Knightfall stuff in KF stations, so you know right away if what you have is from it), such as ship stat upgrades (ie bigger fuel tank, ship speed, less fuel usage), bosses, a new tech slot, new weapon types, new dungeons (beta dungeons but rebuilt with new blocks and redecorated, so no lazy copy-pasting like FU or PR)!
Nothing in Betabound outright states "This is Betabound" like other mods do, so it can be easy to find something from it and assume it's from another mod! The theme is more 'if beta was completed and met vanilla standards' rather than 'just beta'. If you've ever used ladders or noticed that food rots differently (ie a jar of jam lasts very long, whereas all but 3 food items in vanilla all rot in 3h), that's Betabound!
Ahhh I see, like I said in the video it was hard to tell what was from the mod or not (which I guess is the point). It is a very cool mod though.
@@NorthernMaple_ That's okay!! Either way, I'm glad you enjoy it! Thank you for the kind words in the review, too! I wouldn't say it's the point of the mod, but I don't see much of a reason to break the fourth wall or make a dedicated crafting station when there's a vanilla one that works just as well!
Frackin' is like GregTech.
It takes a bunch of wiki visits, your blood, sweat, tears, soul probably, an entire month worth of gametime,
but holy shit is it (kind of) worth it
im one of the 12 people who loved the bee breeding. i legit went through and collected every single bee species and had an outpost dedicated to my expansive collection. eventually i had so many that i was able to make an absolutely absurd amount of pixels on them and their products. great use of 100 hours i would say xD
Damn I didn't think one of the 12 would watch this
i think you needed more frackin slander in this video
I wanted too, but at the end of the day I do kinda like it, despite its many flaws and its past drama.
Man the balance section on Frackin really resonated with me.
The penultimate weapons of the game, the Eldritch weapons, take some of the most grind to get. You have to get lucky to find an atropus planet that has an Eldritch Biome(you can get it other ways, but it's SIGNIFICANTLY rarer, I have played around 8 playthroughs of Frackin and have only found the secret minibiomes with the chest about 2 or 3 times). Then, when you find said biome, you have to wait until nightfall to see if a star-spawn of Cthulhu spawns; biomes only have 3 or 4 types of mobs that spawn on the planet and will never change, so if you don't get the star spawn you have to go find another atropus planet with an Eldritch Biome.
The weapon crafting for Eldritch Weapons requires specific combinations of items to be put into an Eldritch Altar, the only reliably way to get these resources is with the mentioned Star-Spawn of Cthulhu enemy, and you have to think of crafting the Eldritch gear as the crafting table in have to just know the recipe or look it up, or find one of the most vague codex entries ever to give a very indirect hint on what might be able to be crammed into the Altar.
So cool right? You have a super-mega awesome god-tier weapon...that does Darkness damage, which the end-game enemies of the mod...namely Eldritch beings, resist. By the time you are able to comfortably farm Star-Spawn and not get one-shot by them, you've already done everything the mod has to offer, and the Pyrite gear far outclasses Eldritch, and in most cases Aetherium tier gear because a lot of Eldritch enemies are weak to fire damage, and the 2h sword has a special attack where it creates a constant AOE sun zone that shoots fireballs out continuously and summons a fucking fire drone that seeks out enemies for you.
I seriously played this mod for 8 playthroughs and my love for it has dwindled each and every time, because I have a good idea of how most gear works, invested in it, and found out how insanely garbage it all is, so now that I know exactly what to ignore and what works for each stage of progression in the mod there is no variety at all unless I purposely want to weaken myself, which is a super dumb way to introduce variety to a player in a mod that brags about adding back intense weather systems and challenging gameplay.
And don't even get me started on the Madness mechanic, the dumbest resource to grind locking some of the funnest side-grade alternatives to natural progression away. By the time you get the night-time solar panel from the madness tree, you would have already gotten an easily renewable top-tier power plant with little-to-no maintenence required and outperforming every other generator in the game. I've seen Sayter in the past defend the madness mechanic, but it is by far the worst thing in this mod. It's not beneficial at all, it's boring in that it drops your energy to 0 so you can't mine with a laser, your defense goes down to nothing so you die in one hit, strong anti-afk measures are taken to prevent you from safe-boxing yourself to passively farm it, the books you can use as consumable items to safely farm it are expensive and have a MASSIVE cooldown on repeat-usage (like 5 seconds) so you'll have to farm hundreds of these books, then wait 5 seconds per use each time. Holy shit the madness system is a joke.
Maybe popular opinion: The fact that Frackin Universe is almost mandatory in a playthrough just shows how incomplete and lack-luster vanilla Starbound is.
My thoughts exactly. If Starbound was a better base game FU wouldn't be well received at all. It doesn't help that there isn't really anything like it.
@@NorthernMaple_ If only FU didn't have that horrible, depth-less research system.
Amen to that, I like vanilla (mainly because there's less risk of crashes, but even then, I use QOL mods to make it a bit better), but they could've done better
When it comes to research, early game I find the most effective strategy is to grind the Dark Cavern/Poptop Cavern. Not only does this net me a good amount of resources, it also nets you a good amount of research sticks which you can pop for a lot of research.
@@DrunkFluxi actually don’t mind the research part, it’s pretty easy to work with. What I don’t like is that reload mechanic.
It's funny that a game created using unpaid labor has a mod with stolen content as the most downloaded
Its like poetry
Ominous Yoda Voice: There is... Another...
(That would be pyocynical's favorite)
Oh no
about fu: lunari (and later, crystal weapons) is mostly for eld'uukhar race that benefits a lot from this type of weapons, otherwise its skipable. its not forced, many parts of the research tree are purely optional or race specific. mod has 'lab directory' that can be used to find any currently available recipe to produce anything (any sub-component or resource) by simple search, so using wiki is not necessary at all. it also encourages experimentation. player can make plasmic fluid from water without any power, for example. or that almost half of the resources can actually be obtained on starting planet (I class one) through extraction and experiments, like protocite, irridium, titanium.... and so on (anyway people can just admin whole research tree out by spawning research lol). the rest of critique is on point, though. (i dont see however, how drama surrounding the mod affects the quality of it in the slightest)
Thanks for the warning on cosmic expanse 😥
its my duty to warn the community
About the Elithian Races mod... there's a fifth, lost race. One that left its' toys lying around. If you've ever seen a blue swirl, look to there.
Whack, didn't actually know or bother to check them out
@@NorthernMaple_ Then you missed out on one of the most powerful items in the mod. The jumprifle in question puts Solarium-tier weapons to shame with how potent it is. I'd know; I went through the questline to make it.
Dude, I have a endgame character and cant find it, then found it on my shit tier new character and got my ass kicked, I was mad lol
Btw: Carbon weapons are overpowered upgraded and bleed actually stacks.
My fav weapon in frackin is the DEUS SMASHER (if you wanna get it, goto the science outpost all the way to the left when you have the microsphere tech, you'll know what to do), yeah, I upgraded my Atom smasher to a beam weapon, and it's description says and I quote:
"The most powerful beam cannon in existence.
Why kill mortals when you can kill gods?"
That's literally the description in the wiki
Just know it WILL destroy any destructible block, so if you're only trying to fight, it's best to use on bosses, so yea, it's more or less just good for ending boss fights quickly, or just doing a speedrun of the story bosses and fights, either that or committing genocide in dungeons so you don't have to deal with the enemies for any longer than .5 seconds
The best mining laser
i havent modded starbound for like 8 years i should get back into it and recreate my 40k mod
There is a big lack of 40k themed mods for Starbound
Only ever played with Frackin Universe till now frantically trying to automate production. Nice Video imma subscribe
Thank you
What other race mods are you planning to review in part 2?
I'm only reviewing the bigger more popular mods.I'm not going to talk about a mod that just adds 1 or 2 items/races because there isnt even much to say about them.
Part 2 will cover Starforge, Feast of Fire and Smoke, Galaxy in Conflict, Extended Story and Return to Earth.
@@NorthernMaple_ k, I can't wait for your thoughts on Extended story.
6:17 what name of mod that sword come from?
If I remember correctly Feast of Fire and Smoke, pre dev break up
I think the biggest problem is that fracking universe isn’t the calamity mod of starbound. Instead it is more like the feed the beast of starbound but from what I see is that the majority of starbound players dont know how to utilize wiring for the life of them and so they suffer. Research and all the crafting recipes are absolutely no problems once you get an automated system set up. But thats the problem, you need to have a functioning brain to actually base build in the sandbox game (which unfortunately a lot of people dont like to do). Sorry if I sound annoyed by it and thats because I am. So many times have I played frackin with other people only for me to do about 90% of the building and they only play for the combat (which is subpar at best).
honestly i like frackin universe even with the skill prograssion thing, just kinda wish it isnt poorly optimize
I like it because it's better than vanilla. Its also hard to tell if the optimization issues are from Frackin Universe, Starbound or a combo of both.
@@NorthernMaple_ i am placing my bets on starbound it self tbh
@@DevaDragon911I definitely think it was starbound itself. It runs like a butter though in Linux than on Window for some reason.
If it's still anyone concern, i've been playing some of Frackin to like give it a try, with Open Starbound which, onto the main things it does, fixes some of the optimizations and it runs smooth like butter with ocasional small FPS drops and my PC isn't really all that powerful even so... Yeah, it's mostly base game's fault
I played with frackin once, realized I hated it and I instead just got a bunch of standalone mods. You can have millions of variety in every direction with enough mods without having to deal with frackin. I can deal with vanilla's and others mods progression more than with everything about frackin
@bird9188 Just grab all the mods that Frackin stole from orginally lol
"That worship the monolith"
Missed S.T.A.L.K.E.R. joke there.
I think your point on lunari equipment indirectly brings up a major problem I brought up with Sayter who then just dismissed it, and I bring it up multiple times;
Research system does NOT encourage people to explore what the weapons/gear on lower tiers do. It discourages players from exploring the technologies. Some techs are overpowered, one laser gun for example does energy and fire damage at the same time in full splash damage and DoT patches on the ground and shreds armies in seconds, but most players will never discover it because they have to dip all the way into tritanium gear to unlock it which is a LOT of research for tier 4. AND upgrading that weapon makes it into a more advanced super version of itself that probably outclasses everything in the elemental damage lines, especially against robots.
While its certainly worth it now, likewise, I worry Sayter would nerf it eventually, making the research points spent worthless. Its a huge problem the mod has. Sayter and FU devs claimed that the research system was designed to slow people down to experiment with lower tier weapons and uprades, but it achieves the opposite. It also indirectly achieves the opposite by the fact that upgrade modules are still rare and a pain in the ass to acquire, even if you can craft them, you still need to have researched means of processing some rare materials that are honestly a complete pain to find and very luck based, and ultimately optional for progressing the main technology tier.
If I had two cents for every FU run I had where I didn't research mechs due to wanting other technologies and then never needing them.....
It also discourages trying out lower tiers of stuff because theres a chance its a sidegrade at best, and now you getting to the next tier is delayed.
I found a mod which let you craft a free bag which gives you more than enough research points to complete the entire research tree. This basically makes it so the only thing you need to research an item is the items needed to research them and you'll never have to worry about research points...the only grind you will have to do is with madness.
Fallout music in the background? Thats rad
very punny
I am extremely late, but my guns are balanced only if you have a lot of mods that add new enemies to fight, since the more mods add monsters, the more of them spawn overall, up to the point where with vanilla weapons you are practically defenseless.
I don't even know if some mods even add enemies' that scale with your mod, but then again its not like Starbound combat is super tight. Id rather one shot then shoot at things for an hour. Like I said though the sprite work and animations are all really fantastic though.
I'm not a huge hater of the research system but it would be so much better if researching each new tier of gear in the tree also unlocked the recipes for the side grades, and if scanning stuff in the world gave you research with the amount depending on what it is.
Starbound has a lot less mods than I remember.
This is part 1 of 2. Part 2 will include Feast of Fire and Smoke, Galaxy in Conflict, Starforge, Extended Story and Return to Earth. Obviously I cant review every mod on the workshop so I only do the big and notable ones.
If only crab mod allowed you unlock crabs just a bit earlier and not after basically completing the storyline, they are just too good.
They are awesome, while I wish you got them earlier they feel like a nice reward for beating the mod.
I have never watched one of your videos before but you are funny as fuck. i love the dry ass humor goood shit
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy
Elithan races: fk ton of extra pointless crafting materials FOR EACH OF 4 races. My 120 slot/16tab inventory is somehow getting full [might be frackin but atleast most of the stuff there has uses[>
Also elithan races "unique" guns are really strong once you do the quests to obtain them.
16:11 Doing FU quests, some enemies, Fossils, random bags. When I need a lot of research, usually i just build a base. but i agree, its far from perfect & wont change.
// some resources grind to research too irrc.
16:38 Furniture recipes are really cheap comparred to other researches so a bad choice for example
madness is much worse
18:14 CANT HEAL THROUGH NORMAL MEANS, have you played this race? It has pentalies to fire/cold so you need extra epps or higher tier protection to get by on some planets. Extra radiation is really good since radiation == power.
18:25 Contant healing effect, both whips & bioweapons and you ignored that other category
23:20 Always make excess, and stuff like carbon is easy to figue out without wiki
28:00 you can also gift research to one player & turn him into a nerd that wont leave the base for 3/4 of playthrough xD
Welp this is an unpopular opinion, but I actually like the beefiness of the fracking universe. Just feels like it adds way more depth to the game.
I have argued against the creator for having the ability to disable the research system, I remember the game before that was added, and the mod was soo much better, I don't think there is even a command to do that, that whole system makes me want to play without fracken sometimes
It is a bad way to try and slow progression. It makes repeat playthroughs very tedious.
@@NorthernMaple_ I honestly need to see if anyone has made an addon for fracken universe that tries to fix issues with that system or at least disable it
@@TaytheTimeTraveler There is one that sets all research required to 1 and removes the materials needed to unlock the techs. And another that buffs research rates that feels less cheaty. Just look up on steam workshop "research", first mods to come up. Under-utilized mods, I wish more would use them to send a message to sayter how badly he messed up with the research system.
Research Tweaks effectively triples research rates by reducing the "research bonus timer" from 1 hour to half an hour, and also removing the planet-specific research rate gain window that forces you to wait around 5 minutes on a planet to gain research faster. Instant S tier. Yet only 1-2k downloads.
FU Easy Research Tree is the one that sets all research required to 1 and removes the materials to unlock the techs. Also S tier mod that somehow only has a few thousand downloads.
@@TaytheTimeTraveler there is a mod which reduces research costs to just 1 research.
I liked Arcana, but you got to get close to end game armor and weapons if you want a chance to survive on the planets
Galaxy in abusive relationship, les' gooooo!
Hell yeah brother!
Th Left Lunari Nut of Jesus! *Wheeeeeze* I love that!
How can you DMCA a mod built on top of a game you don't own?
Something about the code being a protected work
o k I played Starbound 7 yearsa ago. now im tempted to replay it: im torn to rather use or not frakin universe. with all the "the vanilal experiences is lame". recomendations? im not someone with a too much time to burn in a game that will timegate me for no reason. Can I skipp or tweak up the Research points so i can play the fraking universe progresion but not that harsh?
also im GOG. not Steam :3
I don't know if FU has a non steam release or not, almost the entirety of the modding community is on steam.
If I'm wrong though I do recommend FU, just use console commands to give yourself 100,000 research points to avoid the grind and you'll be fine.
also a good mod to mention is openbound, a source code based mod for starbound that aim's to fix a lot of shit spaghetti code, isn't available on steam workshop but on github so it isn't very well known sadly
I know about Openbound and very loosely follow it. I hope it succeeds in what it's doing. Back on the multi-player server some people had it, and had in game VOIP working.
kinda suprised you didnt talk about how galaxy in conflict made you angry or whatever it did to you lol
Galaxy in Conflict (and more) will be in part 2. This video was already close to 40mins long so I thought it would be better to break into 2 parts
@@NorthernMaple_ ooooh gotcha
Bit sad that you didn't use the USCM alt progression mod because it would entirely fit the racism part lol
That mod came out during the tail end of my run of Starbound.
@@NorthernMaple_ oof. Still, glad you enjoyed the game up to some point and I hope to see more content from you
I have yet to mod this game😂
If there was anything I'd want from FU, it'd for them to fucking update their mishmashed potato mash of sprites to be fucking consistent, cause you can NOT tell me the same team made the science outpost sprites AND the eldritch shit... I'd also like a fucking mod to remove all the complicated bullshit quantum hoolahoops this mod seems to crave like a delicious glass of tea... which is actually a piss jar. (why the fuck ARE THERE EXTRACTORS!?!)
-100000000000000 social credits no cosmic expanse
I'll install it right away sir
What about Arcana mod?
@rmonak9175 Had it installed, forgot I did and never interacted with it sorry
@@NorthernMaple_ I chose to install the Shellguard mod. Is it a good choice for the first mod to play in co-op with a 10 year old child? We've cleaned up the original version - need new content. Can we continue with the old characters? Thanks for the reply.
@rmonak9175 yeah Shellguard is fine for a child, it keeps the tone of the vanilla game. Another good PG mod to check out is Elithian races, I talk about it in this same video.
@@NorthernMaple_ Tell me the mod for the inventory. So that he remembers the location and can accommodate more things. Surely there is some kind of popular mod for this. Thank you.
@@rmonak9175 I would recommend this one
what abt the mods in..... L O V E R S L A B?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Part 3 will be Sexbound and Bigfatties
@@NorthernMaple_ TTPP adds depth and meaning to the Ruin, making them even more terrifying and hellish. At the same time, it strokes the player's ego by allowing him to save random NPCs - victims of the Ruin - here and there.
@NorthernMaple_ great, now I remember the starbound vore images I found.
@@cyrusmann5443 UwU the good stuff
@@jktech2117 wtf is wrong with you 💀
No HLD Hud review :'(
It's cool I guess
you missed unique weapons in elithian races. Yes the regular weapons sucks ass and the spritework is mediocre at best (since its probably the earliest items added in the mod) but unique weapons are actually unique weapons that have their own unique mechanic, some examples are cannon that can be transformed into a hammer, or a bow that can be transformed into a spear, some unique weapons are obscenely overpowered as well (especially centensian ones) and you can even view which unique weapons you've collected in the collections
Where's SXB?
Its in part 3
Tax evasion
Copying another comment smh
You should add negative numbers to your reviews. Just because the mod is bad, it doesn't mean the mod is boring. It can be entertaining in the wrong ways.
Well part 2 wilp have a lot of negative numbers then
I would also like shellguard to touch up on their sprites, cause its kinda starting to show its age. (seriously that red color is weird... also why the hell do the gunracks need it?)
But then they would also have to update their redbubble page
what the fock is a redbubble?
Tax evasions
Hell yeah brother
You sound like you're from Colorado
As my username suggests I'm Canadian
@@NorthernMaple_ You, know, that makes sense
Would be a good thing if I figured out how to read lmao
Tax Avoidance.
Thanks I needed to hear this today
"Sayter got pissy someone made something better so he sent a DMCA takedown."
Totally not a mischaracterization of the situation, speculating on his intentions, in a segment engaging in character assassination of the creator, in what is supposed to be a review of the mod. I know you don't write off FU based on these details, however:
I now know why Sayter is so pissy all day in the discord, because he's got people jumping down his throat about this shit that happened years ago. Shinigami Apples was the one who sent the takedown, not Sayter. The reason wasn't anyone getting "pissy" but that they were concerned that their art assets were blatantly stolen. Parody is a shitty excuse and I'm guessing the reason the ThisImageSoRaw/ave didn't challenge the DMCA (something I've been informed is possible on Steam) was because they knew they'd lose on that point.
Seems like a small thing to get wrong, but I know- you have the possibility of knowing these details because you showed a screenshot of a Reddit post (that I assume you read) that ends with an addendum that corrects these records. Let me know if I'm out of line here, I'm just confused as to how those events (even if as described by you are true) have any bearing on the mods quality.
I definitely understand the principle of why the research system is flawed and I've personally bypassed the research system before. "/admin, /spawnitem researchvoxellarge 1000" goes a long way.
Great music choice, particularly Space Pirates. Waterflame is GOAT.
I included the points about FU's drama because it is hard to talk about the mod when there has been so much drama and justified negativity of the mod, when so much of the mod has other peoples work stolen over and over it has to be mentioned. That incident with Frackin Unicrest is just ironic because its FU being on the other side of "stolen" assets for once. You are right though and it wasn't Sayter who sent it, but another FU dev.
Like I said though I don't care about the drama at all, if we start arguing about ethics in development then Starbound as a whole should be ignored for being made from unpaid child labor, but a lot of people care about it controversy's and refuse to use the mod to this day, which is why I thought it was worth mentioning.
Also if you take issue with character assassination then part 2 is going to blow for you lol
@@NorthernMaple_ Gotcha. I love FU but am willing to admit Sayter has had his troubles past and is super grumpy pretty much all the time.
I don't care so much about the drama talk and character assassination as long as it isn't misinformed.
So if this is the status quo for these reviews than I probably won't like part 2, yeah. Thanks for the reply.
@@rettungsanker6157 Well its because the mods for GIC have insulted me amongst other things, so I disclose that I might be biased due to their comments for the sake of transparency.
@@NorthernMaple_ I remember someone on the Reddit post for this video was really looking forward to GIC coverage.
Hope it doesn't disappoint them too much.
late reply, but couldnt you just directly spawn the research currency instead of the voxels? iirc the id is 'fuscienceresource'
I don't use frackin universe for a couple reasons. The research system is one of them, I don't like arbitrary time-gating. The other reason is that the mod is 95% stolen content and the creator is a terrible person who refuses to change his ways. Consider Project Ancient Cosmos, Voided, Arcana (without FU), and Maple32 if you're looking for something to replace it.
Every modding community has its Arthmoor. Sayter is Starbound's.
I cant wait to find the modding satan for Project Zomboid
@@NorthernMaple_ I don’t know about that game, but Minecraft is notable for having its Arthmoor be the guy who made the most-prevalent *modloader* (this is why neoforged exists now)
yknow, I never liked fu and now I know why. too much bs starbound is good enough with 300+ other mods I've not crashed in months of playing either
Do you recommend fracking universe if I’m a new player
If it's your first playthrough then no, play vanilla for a bit first. FU expands on a lot of stuff, and sometimes it can be very overwhelming at first.